How not to run into unscrupulous employers. Encyclopedia of Marketing. Didn't pay salaries on time

  • 25.11.2019

1. He vaguely defined the position

– Any typical position (accountant, economist, sales manager) implies a certain functionality. But if the wording is vague, then you can expect anything from the vacancy, including an unlimited number of duties. What, for example, should a nurse with administrative functions do? It turns out that administrative and economic functions are to open an office, cook workplace, answer all calls, fill out documents, monitor the sending of analyzes to the laboratory, etc. That is, in addition to their functionality, they also fulfill the duties of other specialists. Why be surprised if this nurse is asked to clean the floors and bring coffee?

2. He has everything “by agreement”

- Salary - by agreement, schedule - by agreement, bonus program- by agreement, etc. Such “agreements” may mean that for each potential employee the conditions will be formulated in their own way: whoever agreed as he will work. As a result, several people with different salaries and motivational conditions will meet in the same position with the same functionality.

3. He's noncommittal but too positive

– The answers of the employer during the interview are positive and friendly, but not specific. How are weekend jobs paid? “We don’t have much of her, we won’t hurt her with money.” “What is the amount of travel allowance?” - "No one complains, there is enough for food." But he talks a lot about the goals and objectives, about the development of the project, about the history of work on some product or about the business in general. The goal of this charismatic and energetic leader is to captivate you with an idea! After the interview, we can ask a potential employee: “How was the interview?” – “Excellent!”, “When is your first day, what is the schedule?” “We weren’t talking about such nonsense, we were talking about an idea!” And then it turns out that his workplace is in the corner behind the closet, he constantly has to go on business trips, and his team is weak and unprofessional.

4. He doesn’t draw from day one (if at all)

- At the interview stage, it is important to find out whether the employment relationship between the employer and the employee is formalized from the first day of employment. Many companies draw up according to the Labor Code only after the end of the probationary period - until this moment, a person works either under a fixed-term contract, or under a work contract, or just like that. Imagine: a young employee ends her probationary period, but the employer still does not understand whether she is suitable, and appoints her another probationary period. And then it becomes necessary for the girl to go on maternity leave - no doubt, the employer puts her out the door, indicating that these are not his problems. And most importantly, the poor fellow has nowhere to go for support: documents confirming that she works in this company have not been opened.

5. He doesn't pay twice a month

- It is also important to clarify the format of salary payments at the interview stage. By law, wages must be paid twice a month: in the form of an advance payment and a final calculation. However, such a system is not installed in all companies. The “easiest” type of violations is when they pay once a month, explaining this by the unwillingness to overburden the accountant. Another type of violation is systemic payment delays. And not because the company has no money, but because they want to make a “motivational anchor” out of the salary. The company, as it were, always owes a person - he receives earnings for January in March, for February - in April, etc., and the employee is always in a state of dependence and cannot even quit: it is not known when he will be paid and whether he will be paid at all. Often such a scheme is found at construction sites, in manufacturing companies or in vacancies for students.

“It is naive to think that an unscrupulous employer is an evil pirate with a bandaged left eye and furrowed eyebrows, who walks around and shouts: “What? Salary? Never get it!" - sums up Natalia Storozheva. - A dishonest employer looks just peaceful, positive, inspiring. If necessary, he can begin to put pressure on a sense of professional pride, self-esteem, a sense of duty, compassion - these people are excellent psychologists. You need to remember this and not allow yourself to be manipulated.

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On the one hand, summer is a good time to look for work.

On the other hand, along with good vacancies, “lures” are growing like mushrooms: job advertisements, the purpose of which is to make money on unlucky job seekers. How not to stay with the nose?

Today "RG" together with the experts of the portal "HedHunter" will try to answer this question.

Trick Ad

So, let's start with ads that are not even worth calling, writing and going to an interview.

Type one: "Work in the office, you can work at home with free schedule, you can remotely, salary from 60,000. Education and experience - any. Age - from 16 to 70 ". Just a dream: you don’t need to know or be able to do anything, the schedule is free, and the salary is high. But this does not happen. Not a single employer in of sound mind will not engage in charity and just like that to pay big money to just anyone.

Signs of a scam:

  • the promise of high wages for easy work;
  • any schedule option, including free, remote work;
  • low education and qualification requirements:
  • an offer to buy any materials allegedly necessary for work;
  • haste in closing the vacancy ("last vacant position, only until the end of this week");
  • lack of specific information about the job, and they promise to reveal all the details at the interview.

How can scammers use these ads?

With the help of an attractive ad, scammers force job seekers to get in touch, and then the "victim" becomes part of some unpleasant scheme - from trying to get money at an interview to leaving a "hired" person without a salary.

A few words about prepayment. The ad offers a simple job at home, which gives a progressive income (how much you did, you earned so much). Gluing envelopes, typing, growing mushrooms, sorting beads - the fantasy of scammers is limitless. Combines these unusual vacancies one thing: you will have to make an advance payment for the source materials (a disk with scanned texts, plant seeds, beads). The amounts most often required are small - 100-150 rubles, so that it would not be a pity to take risks in the hope of a miracle business. Of course, after sending money, no disks or seeds are sent to you.

Experts recommend carefully filtering job postings. Check on the Internet the name of the company indicated in the ad: whether it exists at all, what they write about it. Reviews very often turn out to be useful: those who fell for the bait of scammers try to warn others. In no case do not answer dubious letters from "interested employers" - this will not lead to employment, and scammers will receive your contacts, which they can later use to send spam.

Phone probe

If the ad passed the "filter", everything looks decent, you decide to call. But scammers can lure you into their networks even at a distance. How to recognize the catch and not waste time on a trip to the "office"?

Signs of a scam:

  • they don’t want to go into details over the phone: they promise to tell everything at the interview;
  • to statements that you cannot find the name of such a company on the Internet, they say that it is new, has recently changed its name, or something like that;
  • after questions about officials, details, legal address and other things that demonstrate your awareness, they hang up.

A few tips: during the first call, find out as much as possible: what the company does, its legal address, whether an employment contract is drawn up, what are the names of the first persons. If the interlocutor voiced the answers, check if such a company exists and what they say about it on the Internet. Someone's bad experience can save you time. For example, a company may actually exist, but engage in not entirely legal activities. Olga got a job in a company that called itself "the official distributor of a well-known German cosmetic brand." After checking, it turned out that there was no official website for such a brand, the page of the company itself (very unprofessionally made) did not contain any useful information- no certificates, no details of the manufacturer. And judging by the reviews on the Web, company representatives were supposed to impose on people in shopping malls cosmetics that do not have any documents. And no one, of course, was going to pay consultants.

The personnel departments of companies involved in network marketing are ready to invite applicants by all means. They promise high wages, a social package, a good team, a conveniently located office: they will say anything over the phone, except for what the company really does. You can find out the truth only by pulling out the name of the company from the interlocutor, and then independently search for information.

First date trap

If the announcement and telephone conversations did not arouse suspicion and you came for an interview at the company, look around: the fraudulent company is immediately visible.

1 With an honest employment, you will never be asked to pay for anything, including for consideration of your candidacy, resume photo, club card, insurance, a set of documents, work uniform and so on. Any attempt to take money at the stage of employment is illegal.

2 If there are a lot of people in the waiting room who came for an interview, this should alert you. Mass recruitment in a small firm - something is wrong here.

3 If there are no office equipment in the room, only telephones are on the desktops, this is a clear sign of a one-day company.

4 If the interview is conducted by a talkative person who, after briefly listening to a few words about you, begins to talk about the company, then his goal is not to hire a specialist, but to deceive him.

5 The employer walks away from talking about paperwork. Emphasis is placed on a probationary period, on a "gray" salary in an envelope, an irregular schedule ... If you are offered to work without any guarantees provided for by law, it is better to leave immediately.

6 At the interview, the candidate discovers that the employer is just an agent who offers "the best jobs in the market" for a certain fee. It is clear that this is also a scam.

How to play it safe? If in doubt, ask to see the charter of the company, job descriptions, a sample employment contract that you will sign. If the requirements confused the interlocutor, there is something unclean.

Is the job related to sales? Ask to present certificates of origin of the goods and the official distributor. Those who work according to dubious schemes, with dubious products, do not have official documentation.

Has it come down to hiring? Specify the terms of paperwork, do not agree to work without signing an employment contract. Offers to get comfortable in a new place while personnel department prepares an employment contract (about two weeks) will end with the fact that after working for a month or even more, you will understand that they are not going to pay you, for example, because you "did not pass the probationary period."

By way of exception

However, there are rare exceptions where a seemingly odd ad may offer a really good job.

Marina stumbled on an amazing vacancy on the Internet: "A Taurus is required for an office job in a small company. Age and education are not important. The salary is decent." Marina decided to call for a joke, she just turned out to be a Taurus. As it turned out, the ad was submitted by the real director of the company, but with a few quirks: he needed a personal assistant, he was sure that he could not work with anyone except Taurus. The girl passed the interview, she was assigned a good salary, the boss turned out to be an excellent boss.

Sometimes the reason for suspicious phone responses can be either the lack of knowledge of the employee, or the fact that you have already begun to check. Anna called on the ad to find out the details: the salary suited her, the location of the office, too. When asked about the functionality, she heard the mysterious: "You will find out at the interview." The rest of the questions on the other end of the line were also answered mysteriously. It seemed suspicious, but Anna went for an interview.

In fact, it turned out to be a good company, it’s just that the HR specialist had his own method of checking the motivation of candidates. Anna got a job. And the personnel officer with an extravagant methodology did not stay in the company.

Each of us strives to find a stable job with a good salary, not particularly burdensome duties and a whole bunch of all sorts of "amenities". This is well known to employers who do not always play fair and sometimes do not mind profiting at the expense of their future employees.

Golden mountains - almost for nothing

How many times have they told the world, but it is worth repeating once again that free cheese only happens in a mousetrap. If you are offered a flexible schedule with only a couple of hours a day and unlimited income to boot, feel free to leave the interview. Most likely, in the next act of submission, you will be asked to transfer a small amount to the company account. This will supposedly be necessary to open a personal virtual cabinet or account. In fact, all costs associated with the registration of an employee are usually borne by the employer. If you try to remember what the recruiter said in the interview, you will only get very fragmentary information about the intended functionality. The essence of your future duties is to recruit the same simpletons and sell them "patented miracle cures."

If you are offered a flexible schedule and unlimited income, then most likely you will be asked to transfer a small amount to the company account.

shirt guy

If a recruiter or a potential manager slaps you on the shoulder in a familiar manner, immediately switches to you and in every possible way strives to reduce the psychological distance, then this is either a test of stress tolerance or an attempt at manipulation. Such manifestations are good among people you have known for a long time, but are completely inappropriate in a business setting. It is about such people that they say: “softly spreads, but hard to sleep.” Most likely, demonstrative friendliness is intended to embarrass you and avoid answering specific and important questions. In fact, how can you selfishly ask about money from such a darling boss? Such behavior, as it were, cuts off the possibility of a rational analysis of the conversation, because the interview went just fine, leaving the applicant with good mood, which is accompanied by a list of unanswered questions.

"Your income depends on you"

In the job description, a quite decent salary was indicated - the average for the industry, but interesting details are revealed at the interview. The official amount that you will be entitled to is barely equal to the minimum and does not even reach the living wage. But the prospect is wonderful - income depends entirely on your activity. True, in the event of a fiasco or due to lack of experience, you will have to be content with an allowance barely exceeding a student scholarship, but will you definitely show your best results? If you are confident in your capabilities and experience, then ask how interest will be calculated and whether this is reflected in employment contract.

If it seems that the employer in a conversation with you is obscure in some way, either try to dispel doubts, or refuse a suspicious offer without regrets.

Gray salary

Sharing hard-earned money with the state is not the most pleasant experience, but it cannot be avoided. And the higher your salary, the more tax is collected from it, as well as the deductions that the employer pays. For some employees and companies, the option of a gray salary seems logical: officially you receive the minimum amount that does not arouse suspicion from the tax police, and the rest is in an envelope. However, be prepared for the fact that this envelope will almost always be with a "surprise", each time different from your expectations in a smaller direction. Seeking justice and claiming underpaid money from management in such a situation is quite problematic, since according to the law, the employer pays the salary due to you in full. When applying for a job, you should take into account the fact that gentleman's agreements are often violated.

Competition entries

No one will take a pig in a poke, and therefore the desire to better understand professional experience the applicant looks quite logical and reasonable. But what about the whole heap test items that you have been assigned to complete within a few days, especially if there is work for a whole month. Of course, you should not see a potential crook in every employer, but you are not at all obliged to waste time without any guarantees that your work will be protected. Writing a short text or making a simple logo is a perfectly adequate task, especially when combined with portfolio analysis. Based on these data, it can be concluded whether the candidate meets the requirements of the open vacancy. Often, experienced applicants give their own examples of how the employer refused, but still used the ones sent during competitive selection work. One of the signs of the impending stunt is the voluminous tasks given by a little-known fly-by-night company.

Take by storm

Good results are obtained by a manipulative technique, during which a whole stream of information about the company is reported to the applicant at a fast pace. The recruiter mainly speaks, but his speech is delivered in such a way that you cannot even wedge in a word and ask your questions. At a certain point, the ability to critically perceive the information received simply turns off, and you passively listen to your interlocutor. In fact, it turns out that you were given very little practically useful data. The very possibility of working in international company”should be taken as a big success. The calculation is that at the end of the conversation you will be so tired that you simply forget to ask most of the pre-prepared questions.


During interviews, pay special attention to the conditions and duration of the probationary period. In theory, it is beneficial to both parties: if something does not suit you or the employer in each other, then within a certain time you can part with minimal time and financial losses. However, this is only possible if labor laws are observed. If during the probationary period they refuse to register you in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, feel free to leave these scammers. During the trial period, you are also entitled to a salary, although less than at the end of it. This fact should also be reflected in the employment contract in order to avoid further ambiguities. Do not settle for a penny sum with a promise to increase it many times later. If for little money an employee will show his maximum diligence and give good results, why pay more? This is a common ploy by employers who fire an employee right before the probationary period ends.

In Russia, the relationship between workers and employers is by no means always characterized by equality of the parties.
Increasingly, various employers are committing violations of labor legislation, expressed in informal registration and delay or even in refusal to pay salaries.
I have repeatedly had the opportunity to advise and sometimes represent the interests of deceived workers at the pre-trial stage and in courts of general jurisdiction. This prompted me to write this note.
Some employers, not wanting to pay taxes and various deductions for their employees, take them for the so-called "trial" period (from one month and more), promising official employment in the future. Most people agree to such conditions due to the difficult situation in the labor market. As a result, the employer commits the following violations:
- does not conclude an employment contract;
- does not issue a job order;
- does not make an entry in the work book.
If the employer decides to get rid of such an employee, he will do it without complications, but the employee risks not receiving wages and other mandatory payments.
At the same time, deceived workers feel that they are unable to change anything. However, do not despair, even with informal employment, protect your labor rights possible and necessary.
There are effective ways to hold the employer accountable and oblige to eliminate the violations:
- apply to the prosecutor's office with a statement about the fact of violation of labor legislation;
- apply to the court with a claim to establish the fact labor relations and collection of wage arrears.
Samples of these documents can be found on the Internet.
Ways to collect evidence of the fact of labor relations:
- you need to get any possible documents, with your signature, related to this work;
- you need to find witnesses who can confirm the fact of your employment relationship with a particular organization, be sure to take their data to indicate them in a complaint or in statement of claim.
Normative acts regulating labor relations:
In accordance with Art. 16 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: "Labor relations between the employee and the employer also arise on the basis of the actual admission of the employee to work with the knowledge or on behalf of the employer or his authorized representative in the case when the employment contract was not properly executed."
Article 56 Labor Code The Russian Federation states that an employment contract is an agreement between the parties in which they undertake:
- the employer - to provide the employee with work according to the stipulated labor function, working conditions in accordance with the law, local regulations and pay his salary on time and in full;
- worker - perform labor function personally, while observing the requirements of the rules of the internal work schedule employer.
When you get a job, the employer, by virtue of Art. 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is obliged to conclude an employment contract with you, which contains all essential conditions relating to your work function.

Responsibility of the employer for violation of labor law.
In accordance with applicable law, an employer who violates labor law, simultaneously bears the responsibility provided for by: the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Code of administrative offenses and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Article 236 of the Labor Code Russian Federation provides for the liability of the employer for the delay in payment wages and other payments due to the employee. If the employer violates the established deadline for the payment of wages, vacation pay, dismissal payments, other payments due to the employee, the employer is obliged to pay them with the payment of interest (cash compensation) in the amount of not less than one three hundredth of the current refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation from unpaid amounts for each day of delay from the next day after the due date of payment up to and including the day of actual settlement. At the same time, the obligation to pay the specified monetary compensation arises regardless of the fault of the employer.
Administrative Code of the Russian Federation separately highlights in paragraph 4 of Art. 5.27 Violations related to the absence of an employment contract with an employee:
- evasion of registration;
- improper execution of the employment contract;
- the conclusion of a civil law contract that actually regulates labor relations between the employee and the employer.
For the absence of an employment contract with an employee, an employer who has committed this offense for the first time is subject to an administrative fine, the amount of which varies.
If the violation is committed repeatedly, then the punishment is more severe - up to the disqualification of the head of the organization (clause 5, article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).
In accordance with the provisions of Art. 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for non-payment of wages, pensions, scholarships, allowances and other payments, the following liability is provided:
- Partial non-payment of more than three months of wages, pensions, scholarships, allowances and other payments established by law, committed out of selfish or other personal interest: the head of the organization, the employer - individual, the head of a branch, representative office or other separate structural unit organization, shall be punished by a fine in the amount of: up to one hundred and twenty thousand roubles; or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one year; or deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to one year; or forced labor for up to two years, or imprisonment for up to one year.
- Complete non-payment for more than two months: wages, pensions, scholarships, allowances, other payments established by law or payment of wages for more than two months in the amount below the established federal law minimum size payment of labor made out of mercenary or other personal interest: by the head of an organization, by an employer - an individual, the head of a branch, representative office or other separate structural unit of an organization, is punishable by a fine in the amount of: from one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three years, or by forced labor for a period of up to three years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions, or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years or without it.
- If the above acts entailed grave consequences, they are punishable by: a fine in the amount of two hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles; or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to three years; or imprisonment for a term of two to five years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to five years.

Summarizing this material, I would like to emphasize that it is certainly necessary to try to prove the fact of labor relations and wage arrears, at present there is an established positive extrajudicial and arbitrage practice settlement of these disputes, some employees even managed to achieve this without the help of lawyers.

HeadHunter strives to make the job search process enjoyable and safe. But in the labor market, job seekers face both unscrupulous employers and scammers. We decided to analyze a few situations when you should be especially vigilant.

1. Lots of money and few demands

Often unscrupulous employers can be recognized even at the stage of viewing a vacancy. Attention should be paid to the description: if they offer a highly paid position, and no experience is required in the profile (and sometimes experience is not needed at all), then most likely you are dealing with scammers. Honest vacancies always have detailed description responsibilities and requirements for the applicant.

2. You have to pay to be hired

Imagine you are invited to an interview and told about the conditions of employment and responsibilities, asking standard questions. At the end of the interview, they say that you have been accepted, but there is very little left: before starting work, you need to take paid courses.

If the employer imposes on the applicant paid services to get a job is most likely a scam. A conscientious employer will never ask for a job placement fee, Additional services(work uniform, educational literature) or offer to offer to transfer money to a “private pension fund” account. You get a job to earn money, not spend it.

3. Filling out the questionnaire and transferring personal data

Do not disclose your personal data before official employment. At the interview, you may be asked to complete an additional questionnaire with detailed information- from passport data to the level of your income and the income of relatives. Be careful - these data can be used by scammers!

4. Employment after the probationary period

A trial period is a normal practice for most companies. But the very fact of the probationary period and the conditions for its passage, including payment, must be recorded in the employment contract. If you are offered official employment only after a probationary period, then this is a violation of the Labor Code.

5. Network Marketing

In fact network marketing- this is a way to distribute products through intermediaries, and not fraud. But the fact that you are forced to purchase the company's products as an "initial investment" and thereby lured into a financial pyramid, while not guaranteeing the minimum salary, vacation, sick leave and transfers to a pension fund, is a fraud.

With this type of activity, as a rule, they offer a quiet job “with people” and high earnings. As an example, they can cite existing employees who earned money for an expensive car in a month. But in fact, your job will be to find new employees in order to “recapture” the initial investment. Think about whether you are ready to spend your time on offers from such organizations.

And do not forget the main thing - always carefully read the documents that you sign. Make sure that all the conditions agreed with the employer are clearly spelled out in the employment contract.

We wish you successful employment!

If, nevertheless, some employers or vacancies on our website make you suspicious, then let us know at the address, we will definitely check everything!