Download the monthly worksheet sample. Rules for maintaining a simplified time sheet. Rules for filling out the T12 form

  • 19.10.2020

Templates are located here time sheet in excel. The templates are automatic calculation of working hours and minutes.
The days of the week are automatically set depending on the month . For example: in the month of February, the first day falls on Saturday. You put in the cell, under the number "1" the designation "Sat", press "Enter" and all the days of the week will change to the correct days of the week in this month.
You need to put hours and minutes of work in the report card through a colon. This is how the cells are configured to correctly calculate the time. For example: 8:15 .
For more information, see the article "How to calculate time in Excel".
For the speed of filling the time sheet, you can fill out the first line, then copy down the time sheet, make amendments to sick leave, vacation, etc.

We are pleased that our forms - programs help your work. Our reader Vera supplemented our form "Time Sheet" with such a formula.
This formula can be set in cells C10:AG54. First, in these cells and in the column H10:H54 (total hours, minutes), you need to set the general format of the cells. This formula will automatically set the hours of work from Monday to Thursday - 8 hours, on Friday - 6 hours. You can change the number of hours in the formula.
This form with formulas can be saved as a template. If necessary, you can manually change the number of hours worked for a specific person.
The time sheet is configured so that it is printed on one page of an A4 sheet. If, for someone it's small, you can change the settings.
How to set up a table for printing, see the article "Printing in Excel".
In the report card, you can make changes, adjustments to the template. You can set a formula in a new column that will multiply time by money. See "How to multiply time by a number in Excel".
Excel timesheet template download (rar).
The following table has two lines per person, so that calculate day and night hours separately.
Download template (rar).
How to make a time sheet, a time sheet, vacations, etc., see the article "Time sheet in Excel".
Such an automatic change schedule can be downloaded.

You can make several different forms in one Excel workbook, combine them with formulas, you get program in excel . See a sample of such a program in the article "Timesheet, statement, payslip in Excel" .
How to set the automatic change of days of the week yourself, depending on the month, see the article "Day of the week by Excel date".
It is possible to set links in such a form, by which it will be possible to go to another table on another sheet with the full data of a particular employee. For ways to make such links, see the article "Hyperlink in Excel to another sheet".
You can make any program yourself. What features of Excel can be used for this, see the article "How to create a program in Excel" .
How to calculate commissions and bonuses for employees, read the article "Comparison Function in Excel" .
How to copy the finished form from Word to Excel, see the article "

On November 24, 2018, the timesheet was updated to version 2.0, taking into account all your wishes and comments. Download, use, leave your comments under the article.

Hello dear friends!

Today I will present to your attention my version of the implementation of one of the pressing problems - time sheet in excel. In this article you will find a description of the basic concepts of building a time sheet, instructions for maintaining it, and you can also download the program using the links at the beginning and at the end of the article. Download, use, automate your manual labor =).

Building a timesheet in excel

After downloading and opening the timesheet, you will be taken to home page building "Settings" (Figure 1).

Starting from the second line, you must fill in the list of employees for whom you will keep the time sheet. Specify the unique employee number, full name, position (optional), working hours in hours (optional). The norm of the working day is used when calculating the overtime and shortcomings of employees during the month, if you did not fill out this field at the beginning, it can be edited in the built time sheet. In cells "F2" and "F3", use the drop-down list to select the year and month to plot. The dropdown list appears when a cell is selected.

After all the data is entered, click the "Create time sheet" button and the program will generate a time sheet for the specified month and year (Figure 2).

The time sheet in excel consists of the following areas:

  1. Table legend - line 1, which indicates the month and year of construction, as well as the legend of the time sheet.
  2. List of employees (column "A"), filled in by us on the "Settings" sheet.
  3. The heading of the table with affixed dates and days of the week, weekends (Sat and Sun) are highlighted in light green for clarity.
  4. The control area in which the legend is affixed.
  5. Calculated columns - columns of formulas for accounting for key indicators.

Maintain time sheet in excel

The time sheet must be maintained using standard conventions:

  • Working day marked with a number from 1 to 24, which indicates the number of hours worked by the employee per day. The marked day is automatically tinted light blue using conditional formatting rules.
  • Vacation day marked by a reduction op. Automatically tinted light pink.
  • Holiday marked by a reduction etc. Automatically tinted with light green color.
  • Absenteeism marked with the designation pg. Automatically tinted gray.
  • time off abbreviated og. Automatically tinted with pale orange.
  • Leave without pay abbreviated obs. Automatically tinted lilac.
  • study leave denoted by the letter at. The designation is tinted yellow.
  • Business trip denoted by the letter to. Tinted green.
  • sick leave marked with a small letter b. Automatically tinted light yellow.

An example of a completed time sheet in excel can be seen in Figure 3 below:

A formula block of calculated indicators (columns "AG:AJ") has been added for the convenience of summing up monthly results. This block consists of four columns:

  1. Working days - the number of days worked by the employee for the reporting month (the number of blue cells).
  2. Working hours - the number of hours worked by an employee in the reporting month (the sum of the values ​​of the blue cells).
  3. Holiday days - the number of vacation days used by the employee for the reporting month (the number of cells with the designation op).
  4. Sick days - the number of days that the employee spent on sick leave (the number of cells with the designation b).
  5. Revised hours — number of processing hours. Counts the hours that exceed the daily production rate specified in the column "slave. day (h)"
  6. Inadequate hours - the number of hours that do not reach the norm of daily output. Calculation example: the norm is 8 hours, it costs 6 hours, the defect is 2 hours; norm 8 hours, costs 12 hours, processing - 4 hours; the norm is 8h, it costs 1st day 6h, 2nd day 10h, processing - 0h, defect - 0h.
  7. time off - number of days in which the employee took time off (the number of cells og).
  8. Holiday days - the number of holidays in the month. Holidays marked by a reduction etc.
  9. Absenteeism days - the number of absenteeism, marked by a reduction pg.
  10. Rep. without contents. - the number of days that the employee spent on vacation without pay. Designation - obs.
  11. Study leave - number of days study leave, notation at.
  12. Days commander. - the number of days that the employee spent on a business trip. Designation to.


Thank you for reading this article =). Looking forward to your feedback and comments below. Downloading the program is absolutely free. I will be glad if this program is useful for you, I will be happy to answer your questions in the comments.

The timesheet is a modest demonstration of my programming and Excel skills. For more than 10 years I have been professionally engaged in programming in the field of automation both in Excel and in the web sphere (writing websites, parsing websites, writing bots, simulating user actions, etc.). I am ready to take on any task, you can contact me through the website or write to the mail: [email protected]

On November 24, 2018, the time sheet in excel was updated to version 2.0, taking into account all your wishes and comments. Download, use, leave your comments under the article.

Instructional video

Time tracking - very important task. The employee does not want to lose his hard-earned money, and the organization, in turn, does not seek to pay for absenteeism.

To avoid such misunderstandings, the timely and correct maintenance of reporting documentation on recording working time will help.

What is it for

The time sheet is an established document that contains information about the observance of the working hours by each of the employees. In other words, this is a table where data is entered on the appearance or absence of each of the employees of the organization.

Based on this document, the accrual wages and bonuses or penalties for lateness, absenteeism and other deviations from the work schedule.

Such a time sheet must exist in a single copy and be kept by the employee who was appointed responsible for its execution. Most often, this work is entrusted to the personnel and accounting department, sometimes to the head of the department or senior manager. Appointment to the position of "timekeeper", or rather the imputation of the relevant duties, should be reflected in employment contract.

Shape Options

You can keep track of how many days and hours an employee has worked various methods, but Roskomstat prepared special forms. They are simple and clear to use, with their help you can visually track the working "attendance" and subsequently effectively use the data obtained.

For budgetary organizations, a special form of timesheet No. 0504421 was introduced.

For all other organizations and enterprises, forms T-12 and T-13 were approved. The latter differ from each other in that the T-13 is used where appearances and absences are controlled not by people, but with the help of automated systems(turnstiles). I came to work, checked in at the checkpoint with a pass, and went on. In this way, it is easy to control lateness, absenteeism and other deviations from the work schedule.

Forms in the T-13 form are most often filled out automatically, or with the partial use of technical means.

Timesheets in the T-12 form are also filled out for the purpose of calculating wages, so it is convenient to entrust the maintenance of such a schedule to an accountant.

How to fill out

Most important aspects keeping a time sheet:

  • the table exists in a single copy;
  • filled out daily on the basis of official documents (sick leaves, orders, instructions, etc.);
  • it is forbidden to remove any columns and fields from the generally accepted table.

However, you can still modify the table. Sometimes there are situations when you need to add additional fields to an existing form. For example, to take into account certain working hours for non-standard shifts. In this case, changes are possible, but only after signing the relevant order of the head.

Before the beginning of the reporting month (2-3 days before), the responsible employee opens the report card. This is the time to decide which method of conducting will be chosen. This can be continuous registration - daily attendance / non-attendance marks, or the introduction of exclusively deviations from the regime - lateness, night shifts, overtime, etc.

A sample of filling out a time sheet using the example of form T-12

First of all, the header and the first three columns are filled. This information, as a rule, remains constant -, structural unit, full name of employees, personnel numbers.

In columns 4 to 7, on a daily basis, marks are made on appearances, absences, days off and sick days. For this, special designations for each of the reasons are used. So, the sick leave is designated by code B, the working day off is RV, and annual leave- OT. A complete list of designations can be found in the most unified form on the first page.

It is important to remember that any marks are put down in the time sheet solely on the basis of any document. It could be sick leave internal order or an overtime order signed by a familiar employee.

Often there are situations when it is not entirely clear what code to put. For example, an employee is on paid leave, he is assigned an OT code. But at that time he had the imprudence to fall ill and did not go to work on the appointed date.

If the employee did not warn us, then it is advisable to put down the HH codes (absence for unknown reasons), and after receiving sick leave correct these designations to code "B". In the event that an employee has found a way to report his illness, you can immediately mark the code "B".

Perhaps in such a situation, it is better to first mark the codes “НН” and “Б” with a pencil so as not to spoil the appearance of a document that exists in a single copy. If the form is maintained in in electronic format, then there will be no such problem.

Part of the absenteeism is considered to be in "days", because the employee cannot only be on vacation for half a day, or go on sick leave for three hours. In this case, an empty column is left under the letter designation. If the employee was late for 30 minutes, or worked 4 hours overtime, then the time of deviation from the working regime is indicated under the letter designation.

Columns 5 and 7 summarize the intermediate and final results of the days worked, and columns 8 to 17 provide a complete report for each employee - how much he worked, how much he rested, how much he missed and why. From the name of the header above each column, it becomes clear which data to summarize.

Features of maintaining a time sheet in budgetary organizations

Form No. 0504421 is also used to monitor compliance with the working regime, but has a slightly different name “Accounting for the use of working time”, which reflects the specifics of the work of budgetary organizations. In this report card, you can find such designations as “school days off”, “replacement in the extended day group”, “study leave”.

The procedure for maintaining such a time sheet is no different from unified forms accounting for T-12 and T-13:

  • conducted in a single copy;
  • opens 2-3 days before the start of the billing period;
  • used without changing the standard form.

Two registration procedures have also been adopted - continuous (all appearances and non-attendances are noted) and with indication of deviations.

The table itself has several differences. In the header of the report card, in addition to the name of the organization, structural unit and the period of reference, its type should be indicated with a figure. If the time sheet is submitted "as is" without making changes, then it is called primary and is marked in this column as "0". With each subsequent adjustment, you must indicate the change number in order.

The first four columns are filled in immediately - these are the full names of employees, personnel numbers and positions. The following columns are filled in as the period progresses. In the upper part of the column, deviations from the operating mode in hours (if any) are indicated, in the lower part, the letter designation of the reason for the deviation. Columns 20 and 37 summarize the intermediate and monthly totals, respectively.

There are no additional calculations in this form. At the end of the billing period, this document is transferred to the accounting department, where, on its basis, wages for employees of a budgetary organization will be calculated.

The list of designations used in this time sheet (form No. 0504421) can be found in the table:

Name of indicator The code
Weekends and non-working holidays AT
Work at night H
Fulfillment of public duties G
Regular and additional holidays O
Temporary disability, disability due to pregnancy and childbirth B
Holiday to care for the child OR
Watch overtime FROM
absenteeism P
Absences for unexplained reasons (until the circumstances are clarified) HH
Absences with the permission of the administration BUT
Study days off WU
Educational additional leave OU
Substitution in 1 - 3 classes ZN
Substitution in extended day groups RFP
Substitution in grades 4 - 11 AP
Work on weekends and non-working holidays RP
Actual hours worked F
Business trips To

How is vacation defined?

The word vacation in personnel matters combines a lot of concepts. Starting from and ending with the decree. Many young mothers will not agree, but this is also a vacation, although it is provided to care for a small child.

Each of these holidays is noted in its own way in the time sheet and it is worth paying special attention to the most common types of holidays and their registration.

On schedule

On the basis of the vacation order, which must also contain the signature of the vacationer himself, the “OT” code is affixed to the time sheet if this is the main vacation, or the “OD” code if additional.

At your own expense

There are times when an employee needs to receive several vacation days outside of your main schedule. The reasons may be different, but the solution is the same - leave without pay.

The legislation provides for several reasons for such a vacation - a wedding, the birth of a baby, or more sad events, such as the death of a close relative. In these cases, the code "OZ" should be affixed.

If the employee has a different reason, and he receives a similar leave in agreement with the manager, then the code "TO" is used. In both cases, the mark is made on the basis of the relevant order signed by the employee.


The combination of work and study in our time is the norm rather than the exception, and the legislation in this matter supports such workers, giving a guarantee for study leave. After accepting the relevant application from the employee and receiving an order signed by the student, you can safely mark the code “U” in the report card for the entire period of study leave.

It is worth noting that if an employee falls ill during the next session, then such leave is not extended for the sick leave period and the “B” code can only be entered on the days after the end of the study leave, in the event that the employee did not have time to recover before the end of the vacation and provided a sick leave certificate confirming his failure to appear after the end of the session.

For pregnancy and childbirth

Such a blessed period for female employees, of course, should not be overshadowed by red tape with documents; therefore, maternity leave is provided on the basis of a sick leave, the code in the report card is “P”. The same code is used in the case of adoption of a newborn baby.

For child care

And after that, an order is issued for parental leave until the age of three. Such a vacation is marked with the code "OZH".

Working with documents is always a responsible task, but knowing the basics of filling out a time sheet will save you from payroll disputes and other small annoyances of this kind.

Video - compiling a time sheet and payroll in 1C:

A single labor contract is not enough for an economic entity to pay its employees remuneration for their work. In boo. accounting, there is a primary document - a time sheet. Its maintenance involves the constant recording of the time of work or absence of each employee by a responsible employee at the enterprise.

Why you need a timesheet

The norms of the legislation establish the obligation of each subject that is an employer to mark the time of work, and this can be done in two ways - summarized and direct fixation on each day of arrival and departure.

This duty is entrusted certain employees, for example, heads of structural divisions.

Or a special automated recording system using employee attendance cards can be used.

In the latter case, it is necessary to designate anyway executive, which will process the data and put down codes for the type of absence of employees.

Absences from work are divided into two types:

  • By good reason with the consent of the employer.
  • absenteeism.

Important! For failure to keep records of working hours, administrative measures may be applied to the administration of the company.

Based on the data drawn up in the form of a time sheet, the entire enterprise pays salaries to employees. This document must be maintained even with a piece-rate system in order to take into account exits and absences of employees.

The functions of the time sheet include, in addition to monitoring labor discipline, checking compliance with the norms for the length of the working day, week, month, etc., as well as fixing the time the employee performs overtime work, on days of rest and holidays.

Attention! The Labor Code of the Russian Federation fixes two types of working weeks - six-day (36 hours) and five-day (40 hours).

Also employment contracts and regulations firms, it is possible to use the summarized accounting of work time or the establishment of an irregular day. In this case, non-compliance with the standards for the duration of the month is allowed, however, it is not recommended to violate the standards for a longer period.

The report card is an important supporting document for various kinds of checks.

Most reports on personnel records and remuneration in statistics are generated on the basis of time sheet data.

The procedure for using the timesheet

Rosstat has developed and approved two types of standard time sheet forms - the t-12 form and the t-13 form. The firm can use them or develop their own forms based on them in accordance with their own needs.

Each enterprise has the opportunity to choose one of them to fill in and record this in the accounting policy. The time sheet form t-12 is used simultaneously to record time and determine wages for this time.

The T-13 form is more common among companies, as it allows you to automatically fill out a document and reflects only time tracking. For the calculation of remuneration, settlement or payroll statements are used.

The responsible person makes notes about the appearance or non-appearance every day. In this case, alphabetic or numeric encryption is used, and it is also possible to put down the duration of the employee's stay at the place of work.

For these purposes, you can use programs on your computer or print a template and fill it out manually. In the first case, the time sheet is printed after it is completely filled out at the end of the month.

Attention! Entries can be made in the timesheet either daily about the presence or absence of employees, or as deviations from the established norms. Those. in the latter case, an entry is made, for example, if an employee is absent for any reason. But it is better to enter the data daily.

At the end of the period, the closed time sheet is checked by the head of the department, after which he endorses it. Further, the document is transferred to the personnel department, which checks it with its data. After checking in the personnel service, the time sheet is sent to the accounting department for salary calculation.

Important! The sheet should be kept for five years. However, if they reflect work during harmful conditions, then this period increases to 75 years.

Time sheet sample filling

It is necessary to start entering data into the document from its header. It indicates the full name of the company and its code according to the OKPO directory. Then it is indicated for which structural unit this time sheet was compiled.

Important! If the company has a small number of employees, then you can draw up one time sheet for all. With many employees and departments, it is best to draw up your own time sheet in each department. Personnel service based on them can then fill out a single document.

The next step is to record the serial number of the form, its date of compilation and the period recorded in it.
The main document is built in the form of a large table.

AT column 1 the serial number of the line in the document is entered.

Columns 2 and 3 must contain the personal data of the employee, the name of his position and the number according to the time sheet.

Column 4 necessary to mark the attendance of the employee and the number of hours. There are two cells for each day, top and bottom. A special code is written at the top, and the number of hours corresponding to it is written at the bottom. For some codes, it may remain empty. The month is also divided into two intervals of 15 days.

AT column 5 for each part of the month, the number of days of work is indicated - in the upper part, and hours - in the lower part.

AT column 6 the same data are recorded and in the same sequence, but for the whole month.

AT columns 7-9 information is recorded, which is then used in payroll. If a single payment code and a single corresponding account are used for all timesheet employees, then they can be recorded in the table header. At the same time, in the table itself columns 7 and 8 then remain empty, and the data is entered only in column 9.

If the payment and accounts for employees differ, then for each of them in column 7 you need to write down the payment code, and in column 8 - the accounting account code corresponding to it. In column 9 the sum of the days or hours that correspond to this billing code is recorded.

AT columns 10-13 the data on non-attendance for the month are summarized. Absence codes are indicated here, as well as the corresponding number of hours for the entire month.

After registration, the time sheet is signed by the responsible person, indicating his personal data and signature. Then he is endorsed by the head of the department for which the document was made and the personnel specialist.

The main codes required to fill out the time sheet

When filling out the document, you must use special designations in the report card. As a rule, a numerical and alphabetic code is set for each appearance or non-appearance of an employee. Any of them can be used, at the request of a personnel officer. You can’t just put down the data in the report card - for each cipher there must be a document confirming this.

Employee attendance codes

Most commonly used codes:

  • Me or 01 - going to work during business hours;
  • H or 02 - going to work at night;
  • RP or 03 - going to work on weekends or holidays;
  • K or 06 - business trip;
  • OT or 09 - being on paid leave;
  • P or 14 - maternity leave;
  • DO or 16 - leave without pay;
  • B or 19 - sick leave;
  • PR or 24 - absenteeism;
  • HH or 30 - failure to appear until the reasons are clarified;

Unified form T-13 is a document that can be used as one of the options for maintaining a time sheet. Consider what are its features and where to find this form.

When Form T-13 Applies

Every employer is obliged to keep records of the working time of his employees (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). He can use for this any form suitable for the peculiarities of his mode of work, including those developed by himself.

There are 2 forms approved by one resolution of the State Statistics Committee, which can be used for the purposes of accounting for hours worked, either unchanged or in a modified form:

  • Form T-12, the 1st section of which is built as a time sheet.
  • Form T-13, which, in fact, is called the time sheet.

Form T-13 was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 No. 1. You can download it on our website.

The tables of the 1st section of the T-12 form and the T-13 form are very similar, but there are differences:

  • Data on the days of the month relating to a particular employee in the T-12 form are arranged in a horizontal direction sequentially from the first to the last day. In the T-13 form, they are divided into 2 parts (half of the month), which are located one under the other.
  • Taking into account the fact that for each day, in addition to the number of hours worked, the reason for the presence or absence of an employee at work is indicated, due to the peculiarities of constructing tables in the T-12 form, each person is assigned 2 lines, and in the T-13 form - 4 lines.
  • In the final part of the table of form T-13 there are columns that are absent in the form T-12. They reflect the codes of wage types and the corresponding account accounting, which will take into account the accrued wages.

You can use any of these forms. The determining factor is the very fact of its existence. Without a reliable time sheet, the correct calculation of wages is impossible.

Approval of the procedure for maintaining form T-13

The procedure for filling out the T-13 form may have its own nuances for each specific employer, so it is advisable to fix it in the appropriate document (instructions or manual). Reflections in it will require the following points:

  • Appointment of a person (or persons) responsible for maintaining the time sheet.
  • The need to maintain separate time sheets for departments.
  • Approval of additional codes for exits or absenteeism.
  • Approval of the order in which data is reflected in the time sheet: all facts of presence / absence or only absenteeism.
  • Determination of the order of reflection of data on exits / absenteeism in complex or non-standard situations.

Filling out the T-13 form

The heading of the T-13 form contains information about the employer (name, OKPO code, name of the unit), the number and date of the document, the period for which it was drawn up.

The basis for entering an employee in the time sheet is an order for his employment, and for exclusion - an order for dismissal. Full name data for each employee is indicated in full. All reasons for absence must be documented.

When filling in data for a specific person, in the 1st upper and 3rd from the top lines, the reason for presence / absence is indicated with an alphabetic or numeric code, and in the lines below them (2nd and 4th) - the number of hours worked. For absentee data, the rows for the number of hours are either zero or nothing. Extra days for a particular month are crossed out with an "X". Weekends are marked with the letter "B". The length of a normal working day indicated in the time sheet must correspond to the number of hours established in the employee's employment contract or determined by law (for example, for shortened pre-holiday days). The duration of overtime work is determined by the order of the employer.

For types of absence, taken into account in calendar days (vacation, sick leave), the mark is put down in a continuous way, i.e. including weekends. Departure/arrival on a day off associated with a business trip is marked as the day of the business trip.

You can download a sample of filling out the T-13 form for an 8-hour working day with a 40-hour working week on our website.

In this example, work takes place on a weekend. It is carried out by order of the head with the consent of the employee. The order must indicate how this day will be paid: either in double the amount (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), or by providing time off on a working day.

Where to get codes for the T-13 form

The most commonly used presence / absence codes at work (alphabetic and numeric) are placed on the 1st sheet of the T-12 form. If necessary, you can develop additions to them or your own table of such codes.

As codes for the type of payment affixed when filling out the final part of the table of the T-13 form, which is not in the T-12 form, for the sake of data comparability, it is more reasonable to use the codes given in Appendix 1 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 10.09.2015 No. ММВ-7- eleven/ [email protected] The codes from this application are used when filling out the 2-NDFL form.