Improving the organizational culture in mbdou. "the formation of an organizational culture of dow is a step towards an effective one. Thus, for us, organizational culture

  • 11.05.2020

The transformations taking place in all spheres of Russian society - economic, social, political, cultural, could not but affect the education system, which determines the intellectual potential of the country in the future and is a condition for its prosperity and development. Modern requirements States and the educational needs of parents force the preschool educational institution to quickly rebuild and adapt to changing external and internal requirements.

education managers. and these are the head and senior educator (deputy head for educational and methodological work), they no longer rely 100% on some ideal theory described in the right textbook and capable of changing any situation in the only right direction. We clearly understand that in order for our institution to survive and develop effectively, it is necessary to find our own way.

Today, no one has to be convinced that the staff plays a huge role in the success of an organization. It is the people and the atmosphere they create that can cause the defeat, or the brilliant victory of the institution. Namely people, with their habits, characters, skills, values, with their desire (or unwillingness) to work to achieve not only personal, but also the goals of the institution.

The ability to change is currently a decisive development factor that ensures the competitiveness of one or another educational institution.

Sufficient information has not yet been accumulated on the content and specifics of the corporate culture of Russian enterprises, and even more so, the corporate culture in educational institutions. So what is corporate culture? And how does it manifest itself in DOW?

Many practitioners and theorists, speaking about organizational culture, focus on its external side - on orders, traditions, organizational symbols. This underestimates the fact that the carriers organizational culture are the people who work in the organization. It is in their heads that the order of things, those systems of relations and those patterns of behavior that develop in the organization due to certain circumstances are reflected.

It would be naive, considering the entire branch of preschool education in the city, to talk about some kind of a single organizational culture that permeates all of its institutions. The content of the work, the personality of the leader and the leadership style that he adheres to in his work, the characteristics of the psychological climate in the workforce - these and other factors have an impact on the organizational culture of a particular preschool educational institution.

Organizational (corporate culture) is a set of the most important assumptions accepted by the members of the organization and expressed in the values ​​declared by the organization, setting the staff guidelines for their behavior and actions.

Organizational culture performs very important features in the activities of the organization:

  • 1. reproduction function: the presence of a corporate culture ensures the continuity of the existence of the organization and its constant reproduction, even if all employees without exception are replaced by other people.
  • 2. Estimated-normative function: the value system of the organization allows you to determine how it should act, and what ways to achieve goals are undesirable or unacceptable for it;
  • 3. socialization function: a developed corporate culture helps a new employee to better integrate into the organization and meet the requirements for him.
  • 4. communicative function Values ​​of the organization guide employees how to communicate with each other and to communicate with other organizations and customers.
  • 5. "Public memory" function": corporate culture cannot be developed through administrative output, it is created in the process of interaction between people inside and outside the organization, and therefore helps to preserve those standards and principles that all employees without exception should implement in their actions.
  • 6. Meaningful function: corporate culture determines that special picture of the world that every employee must share, and which is closely related to the principles and requirements for his activities; corporate culture allows the employee to make their activities more conscious and reasonable.

By organizational culture we mean sustainable, established in the process of life of an educational institution, the style of work of its employees, the principles of organizing the internal processes of the institution and the strategy of activity. As a result, the external and internal image of the institution and the rules of interaction both within the educational institution and with external consumers of the provided educational services.

Thus, for us, organizational culture:

  • This is what the organization has (rules of conduct, symbols, traditions, values ​​understood and shared by members of the organization);
  • This is what the organization is (what is the mission of the organization and how it is implemented by the organization inside and outside of itself);
  • These are ideas, views, fundamental values ​​that are shared by all educators and which are hallmark one organization from another.

The stronger and more active the corporate culture of an educational institution, the more efficient and effective the educational process.

A corporate culture focused primarily on readiness for change must be adopted by all employees of the preschool educational institution.

It is possible to highlight some components of organizational culture typical for preschool institutions in general: philosophy of the organization, mission of the organization, history, myths and legends of the organization, rituals and traditions. These are the so-called artifacts, and also conditions and values ​​of the organization. Of course, there are elements of a corporate culture in every preschool institution, but only the presence of a coherent structure allows you to achieve a high result. Therefore, we will consider each element and try to determine its place in preschool educational institutions.

Philosophy of the organization. This is a certain set of intra-company principles and rules for the relationship of team members, a kind of system of values ​​and beliefs of the institution. Compliance with these principles leads the organization to improve and successful work, since the internal relationships of employees play an important role in the development of the institution and in the formation of a positive attitude towards it from the outside community. The philosophy of the organization does not have concreteness, but is Starting point to define them. The DOW highlights the main philosophical principles:

  • conscientiousness in work;
  • openness and honesty of relationships within the team;
  • Providing quality educational services;
  • use at work innovative technologies learning;
  • Creation of comfortable living conditions in kindergarten and a high level of service;
  • Pedagogically expedient attitude of staff towards pupils;
  • · stimulating and establishing good human relations with parents, suppliers, the population of the area where the kindergarten is located.

Mission (purpose) of the organization there is its purpose, that is, for the sake of which it exists, what are its main differences from the organizations surrounding it. Types of missions: universal purpose, main strategic goal, self-improvement mission, national idea, provision of quality educational services. That is, this is the goal or several main goals of the existence of the organization, developing a collective consciousness, setting guidelines for the relationship between employees, patterns of behavior in relation to the objects of interest of the organization, mobilizing to achieve corporate goals and setting the significance of the organization's activities in the social aspect.

History, myths and legends of the organization. This is the whole history of the creation and development of the organization from the day of its foundation to the present moment of work. Here it is necessary to find out what exactly employees know about its development, what stories have become the most common. Through this, it is determined which values ​​are supported by these stories and why these particular values ​​dominate. If the DOW appears new employee, he is not only introduced to the team, but also given a tour of the kindergarten. The newcomer learns that the staff of the institution is very close-knit, creative and friendly; he is told about important achievements and events that took place in the kindergarten before his arrival.

Organization traditions. Traditions are usually understood as a system of repetitive symbolic events designed to satisfy the need for recognition and consolidate values ​​in the organization. With the help of various traditional forms of interaction, it is possible to form a corporate spirit and unity of all employees. Traditions provide continuity between generations of the staff of the institution and allow the transmission of traditions through symbols in an informal setting that is different from everyday life. Important aspect traditions lies in filling people's lives with the meaning of joining the whole - the working group, the profession, the whole society. A corporate holiday (like all labor holidays) introduces people to cultural values ​​and achievements (of working life), and therefore becomes an effective means of influencing a person. In the preschool educational institution, it becomes a tradition not only to get acquainted with the team of a new employee, but also to collectively discuss the results of work after an important event, respect for experienced teachers, and celebrate various events (public holidays, birthdays).

Conditions and values. It is legitimate to talk about corporate culture only when several conditions for the work of personnel are met, in particular, when employees are satisfied with their work as a whole, they are satisfied with working conditions, relationships in the team, the provision of social benefits, when the situation in the team is non-conflict. Only after satisfying their basic material needs, employees can turn to the values ​​of corporate culture. The moral principles of employees should be so close to the organization's value system so as not to cause conflicts. Otherwise, the employee will be disappointed, and he will not be able to work effectively. As the values ​​on which the "ideal" corporate culture can be based, the advantages of working in this institution are offered - a good team, trust in management, the ability to work in a team and faith in mutual assistance, a sense of belonging to a common cause.

What can be exemplary structure of organizational culture?

First level (artifacts). It:

  • 1) Appearance buildings, group and other premises, the territory of a preschool institution.
  • 2) The appearance of employees (if there is a uniform adopted by the organization).
  • 3) The presence of a special style of the organization: logo, symbols, their use in the design of workplaces and in the preparation of documents. Presence of a logo kindergarten, hymns determine recognition in narrow circles of the public, and also show the main goals of a preschool institution, its philosophy. The logo is displayed in the premises of the kindergarten, is depicted on the badges of each employee, and is also located on the website of the kindergarten.
  • 4) Characteristics of the communication system: type of communication used within the organization (oral, written, electronic); the technical means used.
  • 5) Special documents that describe the values ​​of the organization.

The first level embodies the spiritual values ​​of corporate culture and allows you to create the identity of a particular organization that distinguishes it from others.

Elena Nekrasova
Pedagogical conditions of organizational culture in the aspect of the activities of the preschool educational institution

Pedagogical conditions- this is a purposefully created environment (an environment in which a set of psychological and pedagogical factors(relationships, means, etc.) allowing teacher effectively carry out educational or educational work.

For its formation and development organizational culture need to decide two very important Problems:

1. External adaptation (what should be done organization for that to survive in conditions fierce external competition).

2. Internal integration (as intraorganizational processes and relationships contribute to its external adaptation).

The process of external adaptation and survival is associated with the search and finding organization its niche and its adaptation to the ever-changing external environment. This is the process of reaching organizations their goals and interaction with representatives of the external environment. The problems of external adaptation and survival include the following:

Mission and strategy (defining the mission organization and its main tasks; choice of strategy for fulfilling this mission).

Goals (setting specific goals and internal acceptance of them by employees).

Means (resources used to achieve goals, adaptation organizational structure , optimization of incentive systems and reporting).

Control (establishment of individual and group criteria for effective activities, creation of information infrastructure).

Behavior Adjustment (creation of a reward and punishment system).

Members organizations must know the real mission of their organizations, and not what is often declared from the high tribunes of the public. This will help them develop an understanding of their own contribution to the implementation organizing your mission. The mission is a necessary step in the strategy development process activities and product quality assurance. In our understanding, the mission is considered as a formulated statement about why this or that enterprise exists, in our case, a preschool educational institution. Properties missions 1) it must be feasible, i.e. formulated taking into account the potential and capabilities of the university; 2) the mission must be distinctive, reflect the features activities of the institution; 3) the mission must be motivated, i.e. understood by those who work in organizations and topics with whom she collaborates; 4) the mission should be directed to the future.

The mission of the preschool education system consists of a set of structures and institutions that perform important, socially significant functions:

education of a comprehensive personality of a preschool child;

education, successful preparation of children for school and life in society;

preservation and strengthening of children's health;

social protection of preschool children.

These essential, meaningful functions activity system is not limited. Purely managerial functions systems preschool systems are:

quality management of education and upbringing;

promotion economic efficiency systems;

regulation of civilized relations within the system of preschool education - between the leaders and employees of the preschool educational institution, between the preschool educational institution and parents, between managers and managed different levels systems, etc.

At any organizations employees must participate in the following processes:

1. distinguish from the external environment what is important and unimportant for organizations;

2. develop ways and means to measure the results achieved;

3. find an explanation for success and failure in achieving goals.

The process of external adaptation is inextricably linked with internal integration, establishing and maintaining effective work relations between members organizations. It is the process of finding the most effective ways joint work in organizations. Among the problems of internal integration, we note following:

Choosing communication methods, determining the meaning of the language and concept used;

Establish criteria for membership in organization and its groups;

Power and status;

Establishing formal and informal rules about character organizational relations between employees, taking into account their age, gender, education, experience;

Rewards and punishments;

Determining the meaning and role of these phenomena in organizational life.

On formation organizational culture, its content and individual parameters are influenced by a number of factors of the external and internal environment, but at all stages of development organizations personal culture its leader largely determines organization culture. This effect is especially strong when organization is in its infancy, and its leader has outstanding personal professional abilities.

Formation in cultural organizations related to the specifics of the industry in which it operates

Organization grows by attracting new members coming from organizations with a different culture. New members organizations bring with them a load of past experience, in which they often hide "viruses" others cultures. Immunity organizations from such infections depends on the strength of its culture, which is determined by three moments:

1. depth;

2. the extent to which it is shared by members organizations;

3. clarity of priorities.

"Depth" organizational culture is determined by the number and stability of the most important beliefs shared by employees. In some cultures shared beliefs, beliefs and values ​​are clearly ranked. Their relative possibility and interrelation does not diminish the role of each of them. In others cultures relative priorities and links between shared values ​​are blurred. A clear priority of beliefs has a great effect on people's behavior, since they know for sure which value should prevail in the event of a value conflict.

So strong culture has deeper roots in people's minds, it is shared by a larger number of workers and it has more clearly defined priorities. Accordingly, such culture has a profound effect on the behavior of employees in organizations.

Among the methods of maintaining organizational culture It should be noted following:

1. declared slogans, including the mission, goals, rules and principles organizations defining its relationship to its members and society.

2. role modeling expressed in the daily behavior of leaders, and their attitude and communication with subordinates. Personally demonstrating behavioral norms to subordinates and focusing their attention on this behavior.

3. external symbols, including the reward system, status symbols, criteria underlying personnel decisions. Culture in the organization can be manifested through a system of rewards and privileges.

4. stories, legends, myths and rituals associated with the emergence organizations, its founders or distinguished members. The many beliefs and values ​​that underlie organizational culture, are expressed not only through legends and myths that become part of organizational folklore but also through rituals, rituals, traditions, ceremonies.

5. what tasks, functions, indicators, etc., the manager pays attention to, and what he comments on, is very important for the formation organizational culture. This is one of the most powerful maintenance methods. culture in the organization.

6. behavior of top management in crisis situations. In these situations, managers and their subordinates reveal to themselves organizational culture to such an extent in which they did not imagine it. The depth and scope of the crisis may require organizations or strengthening existing culture, or the introduction of new values ​​and norms that change it to a certain extent.

7. personnel policy organizations. On what basis does management govern the entire personnel process, immediately becomes evident from the movement of employees inside organizations. Personnel decision criteria can help or hinder the strengthening of existing cultural organizations. An important role is played by the criteria for promotion and promotion. Constant demonstration of organization Consistently linking employees' rewards and promotions to their diligence and performance can go a long way in shaping employee behavior. It is the system of rewards and punishments that is the most important in shaping organizational culture.

Influence culture acceptance through shared beliefs and values ​​that shape members' organizations a stable set of underlying assumptions and preferences. Because organizational culture can contribute to minimizing disagreement, the decision-making process becomes more efficient.

The essence of the control process is to stimulate actions in the direction of achieving the goals. In the nature of control, there are three mechanisms control: market, administration and clan system. Usually in organizations all three mechanisms are present at once, but to varying degrees. Under the market mechanism of control, they rely mainly on prices. The underlying assumption is that changing prices and charges should stimulate the necessary changes in organizations.

Culture helps people in the organization act meaningfully, providing justification for their behavior. In companies where risk is valued, a person takes it, knowing that in case of failure he will not be punished and that lessons will be learned from the failure for the future. Actions thus justified reinforce existing behavior, especially when it fits into the situation. This process is a source of funds for changing the very culture. However, for this process to be successful, it must be ensured that people cannot justify their new behavior. "old" culture.

Peters-Waterman model

Authors of the famous bestseller "In Search of Successful Management" T. Peters and R. Waterman found a connection between culture and organizational success. Taking successful American firms as a model and describing management practices, they "brought out" a set of beliefs and values organizational culture that led these companies to success:

Faith in action;

Communication with the consumer;

Encouraging autonomy and entrepreneurship;

Considering people as the main source of productivity and efficiency:

Knowing what you are managing

Do not do what you do not know;

Simple structure and few management staff;

Simultaneous combination of flexibility and rigidity in organizations.

Faith in action. According to this value, decisions are made even in conditions lack of information. Postponing decisions is tantamount to rejecting them.

Communication with the consumer. For successful companies, the consumer represents the focus in their work, since it is from him that the main information for organizations. Customer satisfaction is at the core of their organizational culture.

Autonomy and entrepreneurship. Companies struggling with lack of innovation and bureaucracy "share" into smaller, managerial parts and give them, as well as individuals, a certain degree of autonomy necessary for the manifestation of creativity and risk. This cultural the norm is maintained in organizations through the spread of legends and stories about their own "Edison" and Fords.

Human performance. This value proclaims a person the most important asset organizations. At the same time, the efficiency organizations measured by the satisfaction of its members. The belief that treating people with respect and dignity leads to success is at the heart of cultures of similar organizations.

Know what you are in control of. In accordance with this deeply rooted norm successful companies are expected to be managed not from behind the closed doors of managers' offices, but through visits by managers to the facilities they manage and through direct contact with subordinates at their places of work.

Simple structures and few managers. Typical for successful companies is the presence of a small number of levels of management and a relatively small staff. managerial workers especially in the upper echelon. The position of a manager in such companies is determined not by the number of his subordinates, but by his influence on business. organizations and, most importantly, on its results. According to this cultural value, managers are more focused on the level of performance of subordinates of their work. And not building up their states.

Simultaneous flexibility and rigidity organizations. Paradox is an attribute organizational culture successful companies are allowed as follows. High organization in them is achieved due to the fact that all employees understand and believe in the values ​​of the company. This tightly connects and integrates them. Flexibility is ensured by minimizing "guiding" interventions and minimizing the number of regulations and procedures. This encourages innovation and the desire to take risks. As a result, a rigid structure of shared cultural values ​​makes possible a flexible structure of administrative control.

Quinn–Rohrbach model

In accordance with this concept, people constantly experience various needs that can be combined into groups that are in a hierarchical relationship to each other. He managed to systematize them in a hierarchical sequence - one layer after another, from the lowest layers to the highest. Maslow singled out five such groups and arranged them graphically in the form of a structure, in the form of a pyramid. The higher the position of the needs in the hierarchy, the fewer people they become real motivators of behavior. The order of needs is called hierarchical, since they are located in a certain okay: from the lowest (material, to the highest (spiritual).

According to Maslow, unmet needs motivate people to take action, while satisfied needs stop motivating them and other unmet needs take their place. A person simultaneously experiences the needs of different levels, but always the needs of some one level will dominate. The manager must determine the dominant need of each employee and motivate the effectiveness of his work, satisfying his need. Since needs change over time, one cannot expect that motivation that worked once will work effectively all the time. At the same time, the needs that are closer to the base of the pyramid require primary satisfaction, and only after it has been basically achieved, the needs of the next one begin to act. level:

The need for self-realization;

The need for respect;

social need;

The need for security;

physiological need.

This is the hierarchy of needs. Maslow divided these needs into basic and derivative ones. According to Maslow, basic needs are constant, while production needs change.

Most normal people want to stay alive first and foremost. Maslow called this a physiological need. They include human needs for food, sleep, warmth, shelter.

The next need, if you are sure that death is for you this moment not threatening - the need for security. It implies the need of a person to ensure his protection from physical and psychological dangers from environment and the person's confidence that these needs will be met in the future. This is usually achieved by a person's belonging either to a family, or to a group of like-minded people, or to a working group, or to society, that is, by belonging to that set of people who provide him with the required security.

Physiological and security needs are confidence in the future, a certain constancy.

The next level, if the needs of the first two levels are satisfied, is the need for communication in relationships with people, for love, for support from others, recognition of a person’s merits, his belonging to a particular community. In other words, it is called a social need. It is necessary for a person in order to have warm ties with people, allowing to exclude feelings of loneliness, alienation, detachment. Man is a social being.

If for a person this need is leading, then he looks at work as belonging to a team and as an opportunity to establish good friendly relations with team members. The management of such workers should be in the form of a friendly partnership and opportunities for communication at work should be created for such people.

The next level needs are called recognition and respect needs or ego needs, i.e. we want to be respected by others and have self-confidence. These needs are higher human needs than previous needs, providing him with self-confidence and a sense of self-esteem. This need conditioned also the desire to obtain a more prestigious status recognized by the collective or society of which he is a member, and providing him with influence, fame, recognition, self-esteem, high appreciation.

System change culture entails a change in people's behavior and can lead to organization to a new quality level.

The factor of leadership effectiveness is the team, namely, the level organizational culture. In view of the importance of this factor, we will dwell on it in more detail. There are four stages in the development of a team.

1. Stage of sole control. At this stage of team development, control over activities each member is carried out by one person - the head of the team. This is because the connections between individual workers either poorly developed or impossible due to the specifics activities. All communications between employees are carried out through the manager, who is in the center of all events. Accordingly, the leader participates in all decision-making.

2. Control involving an asset. At this stage, a core is formed within the team, consisting of competent, authoritative, mutually respecting employees - the so-called asset. These are people who are able not only to evaluate and challenge the decision, adopted by the leader but also develop your own version. At the same time, these are people who, due to their influence on other people, are able to take control of a part of the life of the team. Thus, the emergence of an asset allows the leader to delegate part of his powers and functions to members of the team. At the same time, the emergence of an asset makes it impossible for a single decision to be made.

3. The stage of mutual control is characterized by the inclusion of all members of the team in the asset. This means that the whole team is highly qualified, everyone knows what he should do and what his partner should do. There is a possibility of control exercised not only by the leader and authoritative member, but by each participant in the common cause.

4. Stage of self-control. At this stage of development of the team, the need for even mutual control disappears. High competence of employees and a sense of conscience provide complete self-control. Each of the participants works independently, with full confidence in the decisions made by his partners. There is complete or significant interchangeability in the team. The function of leadership as the regulation of the inner life of the collective becomes completely unnecessary. This stage can be called the ideal to which any leadership should strive.

Most organized those are considered as a team organizations in which the team spirit is developed. A team is a group of like-minded people who work not only for a reward, but also for an idea. This is a form of interaction between creative individuals, providing motivational orientations that underlie unity and mutual trust between team members. Team spirit is "spiritual bonds", fastening the active organizational life. The team gives its members a sense of community, security, pride, recognition, individuality.

decisive influence on organizational culture the actions of senior leaders. Their behavior, the slogans and norms proclaimed by them, and most importantly - organizational resources aimed at their implementation and approval in the minds of members organizations, become the most important guidelines for the behavior of workers, which often serve more an important factor organization of behavior than formal rules and requirements. The true role of every leader is to manage the attitudes and values ​​of those he leads. For example, the head of the preschool educational institution must have the ability to assemble a team and work with each of its members, the ability to build interpersonal relationships and organize the efforts of educators. Leadership style contributes to the solution of such problems.

To form an effective organizational culture, in our opinion, the most favorable is the democratic style of leadership, which is characterized by high trust, democracy, inclusion teachers in management, high motivation, lack of groupings, attention to employees, favorable climate in the team.

Let's try to list some skills, the implementation of which, in our opinion, gives positive results in management. organizational culture.

1. Professional skills.

o Complies with professional ethics.

o Keeps one's word and keeps promises.

o Projects the desired professional image.

o Protects confidential information.

o Complies with district policy and pedagogical rules.

o Knowledgeable and up-to-date in their field.

o Receptive to new ideas and changes

o Shows fairness and objectivity.

o Constantly informed about developments pedagogical science and best practice.

2. Organizational skills.

o Helps others to develop successfully.

o Has a system of work.

o Works on priorities, not on crises.

o Uses time wisely.

o Effectively coordinates activity.

3. Skills in communication.

o Always available when needed.

o Communicates clearly and simply.

o Shares information in a timely manner.

o Sharing accurate and up-to-date information.

o Be open and honest with children.

o Practices two-way communication.

o Lets people know what to expect.

o Keeps people informed.

o Holds fruitful meetings.

o Speaks impressively.

o Written speech precise, clear, expressive.

o Listens effectively.

4. Human and social relations of the leader.

o Maintains good relationships with colleagues.

o Maintains good relations with the public organizations and the population of the neighborhood.

o Acts in accordance with their beliefs.

o Exhibits innovation and creativity.

o Provide support and assistance when needed.

o In his views, he is a supporter of active approach.

o Manages conflict effectively.

o Successfully copes with stressful workloads.

o Successfully adapts to new and unusual situations.

o Shows initiative.

o Reliable - gets things done.

o Manages the budget fairly and efficiently.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that constant and purposeful work with personnel predetermines the success of the formation organizational culture. Even the most modern structures, magnificent projects, competently executed job descriptions and positions - all this will remain on paper if it does not become a way of thinking and the basis of professional organizational activities enterprise employees. Requirements for professional knowledge, skills and qualities of managers and specialists, as well as other employees, should be formed on the basis of the ideology adopted at the enterprise organizational behavior . Thus formed organizational culture.

Mission, goals, values, functions, needs, etc. - everything is formed and implemented in the human environment, which forms organizational culture of the enterprise. culture is the product of the interaction of the philosophy of the enterprise with individual individuals, with individual social groups and the external environment, which imposes its own requirements on organizations.










An analysis of literary sources shows that, in general, researchers describe management through functions. In our opinion, more productive is the approach according to which the management of organizational culture is considered as a process that includes a number of stages: motivational-informational, diagnostic, design and guiding. Let us consider in more detail the content of activities for managing organizational culture at each of the stages. Let's start with a description of the motivational-informational stage, which includes the senior educator's awareness of the external and internal factors of organizational culture. The need for such an analysis is due to the fact that the lack of consideration of the strength and nature of the impact of the main factors can lead to the ineffectiveness of measures to manage organizational culture. The leader has a great influence on the organizational culture: his life values, ideas about the ideal organization; the image of an ideal (effective) organizational culture; managerial competence (knowledge of the essence management activities and implemented management style). It should be noted that the registration of this information presents significant difficulties for the manager. The fact is that these ideas are not always realized and are taken for granted. In addition, as K. M. Ushakov notes, in the managerial dictionary of leaders there are no words to denote phenomena associated with the culture of the organization. Let's consider the content of the next stage of management activity - diagnostic. It should be noted that there is a wide variety of opinions regarding diagnostic issues.
organizational culture. Among them, the most discussed are the issues of determining the criteria (measurements) that most fully characterize the organizational culture and the search for the best ways, tools for its assessment. Various organizational characteristics that researchers propose to use as criteria are reflected in the typologies of organizational culture (Cameron-Quinn, T. Yu. Bazarova, V. R. Vesnina, etc.). models that make it possible to understand the influence of culture on organizational performance (V. Sathe, T. Peter and R. Waterman, T. Parsons, R. Quinn and J. Rohrbach and others, indicators that are under the direct influence of organizational culture: the level of staff turnover, timing and success labor adaptation, socio-psychological climate, etc. A rich choice of dimensions of organizational culture and methods for diagnosing it, on the one hand, indicates the elaboration of the problem, and on the other hand, there are many situations of uncertainty. The researchers note that it is pointless to study all the many dimensions of organizational culture - you need to study only those aspects that are relevant to a certain problem, it is also advisable to simultaneously use several assessment tools. Among the possible difficulties for the senior educator, one can single out: the choice from a variety of criteria and indicators of the necessary ones, significant time costs for diagnosing, the complexity of diagnostic procedures, in some cases there are not always references to adaptation and the effectiveness of application in practice, methodological foundations are contradictory, there are no standardized techniques in specific approaches. The senior educator of the organization is well acquainted with the existing culture and some of its aspects are taken for granted by him, and therefore may go unnoticed in the analysis. An analysis of the current state of culture allows you to determine a strategy for managing it, to decide on those actions that will allow you to move
from the current state to the desired one, which corresponds to the design stage of management activities. Three strategies for managing culture are generally accepted: formation, maintenance (strengthening) and change. The literature also describes the stages of designing organizational culture: the construction of ideological constructs of the senior educator, in which the organizational culture is formed; creation in language and symbols of organizational ideology; designing ways to promote strong subcultures, reinforce existing significant aspects of the culture; designing ways to change a particular cultural representation in a broad cultural context over a significant time interval; designing the desired image of organizational culture (the idea of ​​the mission, goals, principles of activity, norms of behavior). For the design and successful implementation of changes in organizational culture, it is also important to understand what efforts of the senior educator and the resources of the organization will require their implementation, what are the main directions of changes. An analysis of literary sources suggests that the more significant the changes, the more aspects of the educational organization are affected and the more resources are required (including temporary ones) for their implementation. When implementing changes, difficulties can arise that are generated by resistance to change. T. Yu. Bazarov notes that it is important for a manager to understand the level of organization's orientation towards changes, the degree of its variability. O. S. Vikhansky notes the perception of changes, personal qualities, habits, the threat to power and influence, fear of the unknown, economic reasons, limited resources, etc. among the reasons for resistance to change. In this regard, the senior educator faces the task of designing measures to overcome resistance changes. Successful change is facilitated by: identifying the possibility of resistance, competent
leadership (you need to be not only a competent leader, but also have leadership skills), awareness of the need for change by employees of the organization, improved communications and a high level of employee involvement in the change process. Another “critical factor for the success of transformation” is that the transformation of the company's management must begin with itself. Particular attention should be paid to the psychological support for the implementation of changes: drawing attention to the need for changes; organization of the process of obtaining specific proposals from the employees of the organization and support for active employees submitting such proposals; creation of an informal information network for the dissemination of information about ongoing changes; taking into account when preparing information, ways of presenting materials, features and personal characteristics of teachers; taking into account productive objections that arise from teachers, adapting the program of changes, taking into account the difficulties that arise. As a result of the execution of the previous stages, the content of the guiding stage arises. This stage turned out to be the least common in the literature, but speculative ideas do not ensure the success of the activity. Of the few works, we can rely on the work of S. A. Belousova, in which the guiding plan includes: organization joint activities on designing organizational culture; organization of social interaction, taking into account the norms of subjectogenesis; organization of group training; consolidation of organizational norms by administrative measures. There are two ways to influence the development of organizational culture: "from above", i.e. when the manager determines what the philosophy of management practice should be, based on this, the company's managers outline specific methods for forming an effective organizational culture. Another strategy is to actively involve the participants in the organization in the analysis and design of organizational culture, which
contributes to the development of the most effective measures, forms a sense of belonging to what is happening and reduces the resistance of the staff, and also contributes not only to improving the skills of each teacher, but also stimulates the development of the entire team. Designing an organizational culture requires organizing collaborative activities. The most promising for the development of the organization is the use of a group resource, which is manifested in joint creative activity, which involves "co-creation" - a type of activity in which everyone is an equal creator of the new. Joint creative activity involves the creation of teams. Recently, teams are seen as an effective way to improve the efficiency of managerial work and the organization as a whole. Command forms of management are implemented in order to solve problems and prepare recommendations, direct production of something, as well as process control. Team management is based on the process of delegation of authority. The activity of the group members is high (the group develops and makes decisions), and the role of the administrator (leader) is reduced to creating necessary conditions, defining the boundaries of the solution space and advice in a difficult situation. With this approach, the resistance of the staff to changes is reduced, the decisions made by the participants themselves are more readily implemented. As can be seen from the analysis, the organization of joint activities through the creation of teams has a number of advantages. But it is also possible to identify some possible difficulties for the senior educator: firstly, difficulties in delegating authority (due to fear of poor performance); secondly, according to K. M. Ushakov, teams must be “correctly selected” and “correctly managed”, and this requires “extremely high and rather specific qualifications of the leader” . Another component of the guiding stage is the organization of group training - additional training, leadership training
children and teachers of an educational institution. The successful implementation of training activities involves the implementation of a number of preparatory stages: setting training goals in accordance with the plans of the organization for a certain period; determination of the personnel structure and policy in relation to each category (in accordance with the goals of the educational institution); analysis of training needs; choice of forms and methods of teaching; selection of a provider (leader) of training. You can train the whole team or individual employees. Training of the entire organization can meet with strong resistance and require significant resources from the organization (financial, temporary), therefore it is more expedient to train a group of teachers, then spreading the new throughout the organization, but if the training of this group is carried out outside the organization, then upon the "return" of teachers, it can be leveled the rest, so it is advisable to conduct training within the institution (on the job). The projected changes should be reflected in the normative documents of the preschool institution.
List of sources used:
1. the federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation". 2. Antonov Yu.E. Management of preschool organizations: Actual dynamics. M.: TC Sphere, 2013. 128 p. 3. Bazarov T.Yu., Eremin B.L. Personnel Management: tutorial. M.: UNITI, 2014, 324 p. 4. Bueva I.I. Shaping the corporate culture of pedagogical communities// The world of education - education in the world. 2007. No. 3. 5. Bukharina N.V. Management of the organizational culture of a preschool educational institution: problems, search for solutions. // Innovations in science: materials of the international correspondence scientific and practical conference. 2012. 212 p.
6. Esaulenko G.V., Govorina L.S. DOW codes are the first step in changing organizational culture. M.: TC Sphere, 2010. No. 4. 127 p. 7. Cameron K., Quinn R. Diagnostics and change in organizational culture. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2014. 214 p.

Culture has a significant influence on the individual and group behavior of any person or group of people.
In a broad sense, the concept of "culture" can be interpreted as a specific feature of groups of people, which consists in explicit or implicit standards of behavior. The system of culture can be considered as a product of the joint activity of people, on the one hand, and as formed conditions for the implementation of future actions, on the other. Based on this, the main characteristics of culture are:
- sharing of cultural values ​​and norms by all or almost all members of a particular social group;
- transmission of culture and its norms between group members by senior members of the group to younger ones;
- formation of behavior and structure of perception by a certain group of vision of the world through the prism of a given culture.
The implementation of any labor activity of a person is also everywhere surrounded by culture and is dependent on it. Social environment that surrounds the organization, encompasses the entire process production activities: starting from the features of doing business and to the means of production used. Culture has a special influence on the activities of workers. On this basis, each organization has its own special organizational culture, which is an integral element of its activities.
Organizational culture is a set of values, norms, standards of behavior and relations that have developed in an organization, and acting as mechanisms for influencing, controlling and regulating the functioning of the organization and its individual systems.
Understanding the phenomenon of organizational culture and its influence on the success of managing an organization was studied back in the 50s and 60s. 20th century At the same time, in the 70-90s. the problems of culture as a management factor in management, management and a number of other scientific disciplines were actively developed. At this time, a position was formulated according to which organizational culture is a defining aspect of the functioning of any organization, acting as its key and permanent feature.
The studies of such scientists as T. Orlova, V. Sukhorukov, V. Spivak and others made a huge contribution to the development of the theory of organizational culture, in explaining the role of culture in managing an organization.
Organizational culture is always unique, concrete and specific, it includes a wide range of organizational relations and largely depends on both the specifics of the organization and its employees. At the same time, organizational culture interacts not only with the internal structural company, but also functions in external environment. This allows you to form the image of the company, its position in a competitive market, as well as to influence the minds of consumers.
Describing the essence of organizational culture, it is necessary to distinguish directly the organizational culture itself from the simple norms of behavior that have developed in the work collective. Despite the fact that the basis of organizational culture is action with certain rules and provides for compliance with norms, nevertheless, organizational culture is always based on the achievement of specific goals and acts as a result of the adoption management decisions, as opposed to spontaneously formed norms.
Organizational culture is the basis for the development and successful functioning of the organization only if it is the result of carefully designed management actions to create, form and maintain it. In the process of constructing the internal culture of the company, it is important to pay attention to the construction of fundamental values ​​and norms, which in the future will act as the basis for the organization's activities in everyday practices.
In particular, E.S. Yakhontova notes that the formation corporate values is carried out "spontaneously in the process of forming an organization through the gradual crystallization of the common values ​​of the members of the organization on the basis of the experience of interaction of its employees" .
At the same time, in the process of its development, the organization develops new standards and patterns of behavior and a certain system of relations to the implementation of labor activity is formed. This, in turn, is an inevitable process for any organization and requires control from managers and management. Otherwise, the corporate culture loses its significance and impact on the company's employees, and also reduces the value corporate norms and rules, which will ultimately lead to a decrease in the company's reputation both within it and among consumers and competitors.
Based on this, it is important to note that the formation of organizational culture values ​​should be based on a thoughtful leadership policy, which should include elements such as:
- development of a system of strategically important values ​​of organizational culture;
- promotion and transmission of the developed system of values ​​using actions and words that will not contradict the established cultural values ​​of the individual employee or group of employees;
- implementation of support for the carriers of organizational culture values;
- the impact on the motivation of employees to copy patterns of behavior that corresponds to the values ​​of the organizational culture and its replication for the entire group of the labor team.
Continuous improvement of corporate culture is an effective way to influence each member labor collective, is a necessary tool organizational management. The main role in this process is played by the management of the organization, primarily because it is his actions and decisions that largely determine the socio-psychological atmosphere among employees, which over time becomes dominant and crystallizes in the form of organizational values ​​and norms.
It is also important to note the fact that informal communication and informal interactions in the organization have a significant impact on the formation of organizational culture and the effectiveness of its influence on the management process. How the management organized the interaction between employees, how horizontal and vertical communications are carried out in the course of work, largely determines the success of the employees in accepting the values ​​of the organization and following them.
Thus, summing up, it should be noted that the management of the organization forms values, norms of behavior, which are one of the most important elements of the organizational culture that ensure the effectiveness of management. In this case, the organizational culture acts as a guarantor of the functioning of the organization, determines the success of its management and control. It also influences the behavior of all members of the workforce, determining the state of the moral and psychological climate and the motivation of employees to work.

For a short period of time addressing this phenomenon, sufficient information has not yet been accumulated about the content and specifics of the corporate culture of enterprises, and even more so the corporate culture in educational institutions. So what is corporate culture? And how does it manifest itself in DOW?

The term "corporate" originated from the Latin corporatio - association, community.

Corporate culture- a set of behavior patterns that are acquired by the organization in the process of adaptation to the external environment and internal integration, which have shown their effectiveness and are shared by the majority of members of the organization.

Corporate culture is a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations interacting with each other, inherent in a given company, reflecting its individuality and perception of itself and others in the social and material environment, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of oneself and the environment

Corporate culture - it is a unique general psychology of the organization (P. Weil).

Despite the obvious variety of definitions and interpretations of organizational culture, they have common points.

The term "corporate culture" appeared in the 19th century.

Over time, this concept has spread to all areas of activity, and at the moment no one doubts the importance of corporate culture for the successful functioning and prosperity of any organization.

The culture of a corporation is, as it were, two organizational levels. At the top level are such visible factors as clothing, symbols, organizational ceremonies, work environment. The top level represents elements of culture that have an external visible representation. At a deeper level, there are values ​​and norms that determine and regulate the behavior of employees in the company. Second level values ​​are closely related to visual patterns (slogans, ceremonies, style business clothes and etc.).

The values ​​of the organization are the core of the organizational culture, on the basis of which the norms and forms of behavior in the organization are developed.

Why do we need a corporate culture

The corporate culture includes a number of components:

  • understanding of the mission (purpose) of the organization, its role in society, the main goals and objectives of the activity;
  • value attitudes (concepts of acceptable and unacceptable), through the prism of which all actions of employees are evaluated;
  • behavior patterns (response options) in different situations(both ordinary and non-standard);
  • management style of the organization (delegation of authority, making important decisions, Feedback etc.);
  • functioning communication system (information exchange and interaction between structural divisions organizations and with the outside world, the accepted forms of address “chief-subordinate” and “subordinate-chief”);
  • norms business communication between team members and with clients (other institutions, government officials, the media, the general public, etc.);
  • ways to resolve conflicts (internal and external);
  • traditions and customs accepted in the organization (for example, congratulating employees on their birthday, joint field trips, etc.);
  • symbols of the organization (slogan, logo, clothing style of employees, etc.).

At the same time, these components must be accepted and supported by all members of the team (or by the vast majority of them).

Some leaders view corporate culture as a powerful strategic tool to orient all parts of the organization and individuals towards common goals, mobilize employee initiative, build loyalty, and facilitate communication.

In pedagogical, sociological studies, corporate culture is defined as a component common culture person and depends on the ability of the leader to manage the process of its development (N.A. Kapitonov, N.N. Pusenkova, A.L. Chernenko).

To what extent does an educational institution need a corporate culture as a competitive organization?

A rapidly changing society requires constant improvement of the education system, starting with its very first stage - preschool institutions. In order to respond to increasing demands, changing conditions, the kindergarten team must be sufficiently cohesive and represent a single organism.

It is possible to improve the quality of the work of an institution only if it has a positive corporate culture, which requires special formation over a long period of time.

Management Research preschool education allow us to conclude that the collective interaction of teachers ensures maximum creativity in professional activity, if there is mutual understanding, unity of goals, trust in each other in the team, while the goals of each member of the team related to his labor activity, coincide with the goals of the preschool educational institution as a whole (K.Yu. Belaya, M.D. Makhaneva, L.V. Pozdnyak, L.I. Falyushina, R.M. Chumicheva, etc.). A team of like-minded people who are ready to integrate their efforts towards achieving the goals of the DOW has a common vision of the future, an understanding of the present, an awareness of the need for change and the presence of a formed corporate culture.

Can you outline the approximate structure of corporate culture?

First level (artifacts).

1) The appearance of the building and other premises in which the organization is located.

2) The appearance of employees (if there is a uniform adopted by the organization).

3) The presence of a special style of the organization: logo, symbols, their use in the design of workplaces and in the preparation of documents. The presence of a kindergarten logo, an anthem determines recognition in narrow circles of the public, and also shows the main goals of a preschool institution, its philosophy. The logo is displayed in the premises of the kindergarten, is depicted on the badges of each employee, and is also located on the website of the kindergarten.

4) Characteristics of the communication system: type of communication used within the organization (oral, written, electronic); the technical means used.

5) Special documents that describe the values ​​of the organization.

The first level embodies the spiritual values ​​of corporate culture and allows you to create the identity of a particular organization that distinguishes it from others.

The second level (values).

Each of the components of this level is a key category that determines the success, job satisfaction and professional prestige of the organization. Knowledge of the value system and the ability to determine their place and role in the institution allow the manager to combine the ideas of the creators and staff in line with the activities of the organization. In a preschool institution, first of all, these are moral values ​​- humanity, justice, humanity, empathy, mutual assistance. The high level of self-control of teachers allows the leader to delegate authority and be completely confident in the quality and timely execution of instructions. Mutual assistance unites and unites kindergarten staff and evokes a sense of belonging to a common cause. organization of jobs, modern equipment kindergarten, the availability of working with it and providing employees with the necessary materials make the work of the teacher comfortable, facilitates it. Knowledge business ethics defines respectful, tactful relationships within the team. An important value has become a real account of the merits of each member of the team in a common cause. This fact encourages kindergarten employees to high-quality, responsible work.

There are many channels through which you can broadcast and develop the corporate culture of an educational institution. Because the preschool- this is a group of people who coordinate their actions to achieve common goals, then one of the important areas in the formation of corporate culture is working with parents, that is, pedagogical education and development of parents of kindergarten students.

In this regard, as part of the formation of the corporate culture of the kindergarten, various activities are carried out:

  1. The formation of the information field of a preschool institution facilitates access to the activities of the kindergarten and determines the place, role and functions of parents as participants in the educational process. To this end, activities are being developed, delimited by blocks and aimed at the timely inclusion of parents in the educational process.
  2. Parents are constantly informed about activities within the institution. The exchange of information between parents and teachers is constantly e-mail, in local documents.
  3. Building a clear and well-functioning communicative side of communication, including virtual and non-verbal channels. This communication is carried out with the help of various kinds of communications. In the process of communication, all participants in the educational process (teachers, children, parents) of a preschool institution exchange knowledge, experience, scientific, methodological, pedagogical information. Interacting, they reach an agreement on joint activities, establish the unity of ideas, moods, views; achieve a commonality of thoughts, experiences, attitudes in relation to various events, other people, themselves. During communication, manners, customs, styles of behavior are transmitted, cohesion and solidarity are manifested, which distinguish group and collective activities. An established communication system is a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between all participants in the educational process, generated by the need for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy.
  4. Celebrations of traditional events: Kindergarten birthday, New Year, March 8, where parents are actively involved.

All of the above is the result of purposeful, systematic work of the head of the preschool educational institution. As a result of the established leadership style, these specific values ​​are firmly established among the team and transferred to new employees. The creation of an ethical code and the right choice of leadership style create a sense of belonging to the kindergarten in employees, a sense of pride in it. From disparate people, employees turn into a single team - a team.

Thus, the presence of a corporate culture in a preschool educational institution is necessary, since it creates the image of the organization, makes a single team out of the team. The interaction of all elements of the corporate culture improves the quality of the kindergarten, makes the preschool institution competitive in the educational services market.


  1. Abramova S.G., Kostenchuk I.A. On the concept of "corporate culture". - M., 1999.
  2. Website