Textbook: Organization of production and management. Organization of production and management - Karpov E.A. Types of flow forms of work

  • 22.05.2021

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation



by discipline:

"Organization of production and management"


Organization of production- a discipline that reveals and explains the patterns of rational construction and maintenance of production systems in the production of material 6 lags, methods that ensure the most appropriate combination and use of labor and material resources in time and space in order to effectively conduct production processes and business activities in general (i.e. e. with the aim of producing products of the required quantity and quality at the minimum production costs in a timely manner).

The term "organization" is derived from the French word "organization" and means a device, a combination of someone or something into a single whole. The organization involves the internal ordering of the parts of the whole as a means of achieving the desired result.

Relations of production- relations between people in the process of production and distribution of material goods. They develop under the influence of productive forces, but they themselves exert their influence; active influence on them, accelerating or slowing down the growth of production, technical progress.

Industrial and technical relations act as relations about the joint there participants in the production process. The basis of these relations is the division of labor cooperation, which leads to the isolation of individual works, teams, sections, workshops and necessitates the establishment of production relations between them.

The next function of the organization of production is the establishment of various links between individual performers and production units that ensure the joint activities of people participating in a single production process.

Socio-economic relations express relations between people, determined by the nature and form of social appropriation of the means of production by property relations. Socio-economic relations are an important element in creating the unity of the economic interests of society, the collective and individual workers in achieving the highest production efficiency.

The organization of production realizes at the same time its third function - the creation of organizational conditions that ensure the interaction on an economic basis of all production links as a single production and technical system.

Finally, we can single out the fourth function, which is designed to solve the problems of creating conditions for raising the level of working life of workers, professional permanent and socio-cultural self-development and self-improvement labor resources enterprises.

Thus, the essence of the organization of production is to combine and ensure the interaction of personal and material elements of production, establish the necessary connections and coordinated actions of the participants in the production process, create organizational conditions for the realization of economic interests and social needs of workers at a manufacturing enterprise.

1. The choice of the organizational form of the production site

To justify the choice of the organizational form of the production site, the following calculations are required.

The planning of the launch program for each part name is calculated by the formula


where is the release program of the jth item name, pcs.;

J is the number of item names assigned to the site;

is the percentage of technologically inevitable losses (we accept 2%).

In our case it will be:

; ;


The effective fund of the operating time of a piece of equipment is determined by the formula


where is the nominal fund of equipment operation time;

- the number of shifts in the work of the site;

- the percentage of time lost for scheduled equipment repairs (5%).

The standard processing time for a part of the ith name is determined by the formula

where - the rate of piece-calculation time for the i-th operation of the part of the j-th name, min;

I is the total number of technological process operations.

TN \u003d (2.8 + 0.8 + 1.0 + 3.0 + 3.2 + 2.1) / 60 \u003d 0.22 min.

TK=(4.3+3.7+5.7+12.0+16.0+5.5)/60=0.79 min.

TL=(1.2+1.7+2.5+1.5+2.3+0.9)/60=0.17 min.

TO=(9.6+3.7+6.1+5.9+2.3+2.8)/60=0.51 min.

The complexity of the program task of the jth part is calculated by the formula


tnN=11168 0.22=2457 min.

tnK=11168 0.79=8823 min.

tnL=8123 0.17=1381 min.

tnO=10152 0.51=5178 min

Then, according to formula (5), it is necessary to determine the total duration of processing of parts assigned to the site

. (5)


The calculation of the above program is carried out according to the formula

, (6)

where is the coefficient of reduction of the jth part to the labor intensity of the leading part, which has the maximum labor intensity of the program task, for which , for the remaining parts is determined by the formula

where is the processing time of the leading part.

11168 0.28=3127

11168 1=11168

8123 0.22=1787.

The next step in justifying the choice of the organizational form of the production site is to determine the lower limit of the required number of equipment

Conclusion: since the lower limit of the required number of equipment turned out to be less than ten, therefore, we make a decision to organize a subject-closed area.

2. Organization of ROM processing parts

Determining the type of production

The number of pieces of equipment is determined by groups of equipment of the same type (machine models) according to the formula

where tNK is the standard duration of work on the k-th group of equipment, standard hours.

The standard duration of work is calculated by the formula

where tSHT.k is the total labor intensity by type of processing to the th group of equipment, standard hours,

Dp-z - allowable share of preparatory - final time,

KV - the average coefficient of compliance with the norms (1.1 ... 1.2).

Planning a startup program for each type of machine:

The total labor intensity of each type of machine:









10. T3451B=5.9

Normative duration of work:

The number of pieces of equipment.

The type of production on the site is determined by the value of the coefficient of fixing operations (Kz), which shows the average number of detail operations performed at one workplace:


where KZ.SR is the average load factor of the workplace with one detail operation.

Table 1 - Calculation of the average load factor of the workplace of one

Machine name Machine model Number of units equipment


Number of detailsoperators.

load 1 part

Estimated Accepted

Turning 1A425 1,51 2 0,76 4 0,19

165 0,33 1 0,33 1 0,33

16K20 0,86 1 0,86 2 0,43
Grinding 3M151 0,42 1 0,42 2 0,21

3451B 0,2 1 0,2 1 0,2

3Н125 0,47 1 0,47 2 0,235
drilling 5B833 1,49 2 0,75 3 0,25

5K301P 2,02 2 1,01 3 0,337
Milling 692 0,92 1 0,92 3 0,31
planer 7B55 0,54 1 0,54 3 0,18


The fixing coefficient is more than two, which means the type of production is large-scale.

Calculation of the duration of the processing cycle of parts

The cycle time of a simple process is the time it takes to produce individual parts.

Its main part is the technological cycle, which consists of the duration of the operating cycles of maintenance and the duration of interoperational breaks of TMT.

Table 2 - Initial data for calculation

n p Labor intensity of operations, min TMO, min TE, h.

1 2 3 4 5 6

368 46 7 2 1 5 4 2,5 600 4

The operating cycle is the time for processing batches of parts in one operation. He is equal

where n is the batch size of parts;

- the norm of piece-calculation time for the i-th operation, min;

- the number of jobs on the i th operation, =1.

In a multi-operational process, the total duration of operating cycles (TC) depends on the type of movement of batches of parts.

With a sequential type of movement of batches and parts from operation to operation, it is transferred after the complete completion of its processing at the previous operation.

The total duration of operating cycles for a sequential type of movement is determined by the formula:


With a series-parallel type of movement, batches of parts are transferred from operation to operation in parts - transfer batches (p), while the operations must proceed without interruptions.

The total duration of operating cycles for a series-parallel type of movement is determined by the formula:


where - the sum of the smallest operating cycles from each pair of adjacent operations.

With a parallel type of movement, batches of parts are transferred in parts, which are launched for subsequent operations immediately after their processing in previous operations, regardless of the entire batch.

The total duration of operating cycles for a parallel type of movement is determined by the formula:


where is the maximum operating cycle.

TSP \u003d 368 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 7912.

TSPP \u003d 7912 - (368-46) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 4531.

TSPAR \u003d (368–46) 7 + 46 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 3243.

The duration of the cycle (TC), in addition to the technological one, includes the duration of natural processes (Te) and is measured in calendar days.

The duration of the cycle for a sequential type of movement is determined by the formula:


where is the duration of the work shift (480 min);

S is the number of work shifts per day (2).

- coefficient of conversion of working days into calendar days (0.7).

The duration of the cycle for a series-parallel type of movement is determined by the formula:

Cycle time for parallel movement:




Let us determine the total duration of operating cycles and the duration of the cycle when the batch of parts is halved.

TSP \u003d 184 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 3956.

TSPP \u003d 3956 - (184-46) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 2507.

TSPAR \u003d (184–46) 7 + 46 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 1955.




Let us determine the total duration of operating cycles and the duration of the cycle when the transfer batch is halved.

TSP \u003d 368 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 7912.

TSPP \u003d 7912 - (368–23) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 4289.5.

TSPAR \u003d (368–23) 7 + 23 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 2909.5.




Let us determine the total duration of operating cycles and the duration of the cycle at p=1.

TSP \u003d 368 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 7912.

TSPP \u003d 7912 - (368-1) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 4058.5.

TSPAR \u003d (368–1) 7 + 1 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 2590.5.




Let us determine the total duration of operating cycles and the duration of the cycle when the longest operation is halved.

TSP \u003d 368 (3.5 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 6624.

TSPP \u003d 6624 - (368-46) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 3243.

TSPAR \u003d (368–46) 7 + 46 (3.5 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 2438.




The smallest Tc of processing a batch of parts is provided with a parallel type of movement. But at the same time, there is a drawback that is significant for practice - all operations, except for the most laborious, are performed intermittently, which leads to underloading of equipment.

A decrease in n contributes to the reduction of Tc most significantly with a sequential type of movement. It leads to a reduction in the degree of parallelism in the processing of a batch of parts in adjacent operations with serial-parallel and parallel types of movement.

Halving p reduces TSPP by about 5.3% and TSPAR by 10.3%. With piece-by-piece transfer of parts, this reduction is respectively 10.4% and 20.1%, i.e. significantly affects the parallel type of movement.

Reducing the duration of the most labor-intensive operation by half reduces TSP by 16.3%, TSPP by 28.4% and TSPAR by 24.8%.

Thus, in this situation, it is advisable to choose a series-parallel type of movement and provide for measures to reduce the most labor-intensive operation.

Optimization of cycle time and the order in which parts are launched into processing

Table 3 - Initial data for an example of determining the order of launching batches of parts

Details Duration of operating cycles, h T1 T2 T2 - T1 Launch Options

1 2 3 4 5 6

N 4 7 11 2 5 8 22 15 -7 L L
K 6 14 15 2 3 7 35 12 -23 N N
L 2 6 10 7 5 8 18 20 2 K O
O 13 7 6 4 2 3 26 9 -17 O K

The following algorithms are used to determine the total cycle time for a batch of parts:

where is the operating cycle of processing the j th part at the i th operation.

Table 4 - Matrix of labor input for a sequential type of movement

Details I option Details II option

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
L 2/2 6/8 10/18 7/25 5/30 8/38 L 2/2 6/8 10/18 7/25 5/30 8/38
N 4/6 7/15 11/29 2/31 5/36 8/46 N 4/6 7/15 11/29 2/31 5/36 8/46
K 6/12 14/29 15/44 2/46 3/49 7/56 O 13/19 7/26 6/35 4/39 2/41 3/49
O 13/25 7/36 6/50 4/54 2/56 3/59 K 6/25 14/40 15/55 2/57 3/60 7/67

Table 5 - Matrix of labor inputs for a series-parallel type of movement

Details I option Details II option

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
L 2/2 6/6 10/10 7/10 5/10 8/13 L 2/2 6/6 10/10 7/10 5/10 8/13
N 4/6 7/13 11/21 2/21 5/24 8/27 N 4/6 7/13 11/21 2/21 5/24 8/27
K 6/12 14/27 15/36 2/36 3/37 7/41 O 13/19 7/20 6/27 4/27 2/27 3/30
O 13/25 7/34 6/42 4/42 2/42 3/44 K 6/25 14/34 15/42 2/42 3/43 7/47

With a series-parallel type of movement, the smallest total cycle time is achieved.

Drawing up a schedule for loading equipment in a subject-closed area

When building schedule models, the following conditions are taken into account:

batches of parts are launched into processing at the same time, according to a predetermined optimal sequence;

the complexity of processing one part compared to the total duration of the operating cycles of manufacturing the entire batch.

Initial data for loading equipment with a sequential type of movement.

The total duration of manufacturing batches of parts assigned to the site, in the absence of equipment downtime, is determined by the formulas:

– for a sequential type of movement



– for serial-parallel Vdia movement with piece-by-piece transfer of parts.

Table 6 - Initial data for loading equipment with a sequential type of movement

Details I option

1 2 3 4 5 6
L 2 6 10 7 5 8
N 4 7 11 2 5 8
K 6 14 15 2 3 7
O 13 7 6 4 2 3

Table 7 - Initial data for loading equipment in a series-parallel type of movement

Details I option

1 2 3 4 5 6
L 2 6 10 7 5 8
N 4 7 11 2 5 8
K 6 14 15 2 3 7
O 13 7 6 4 2 3

The use of various criteria in the construction of schedule models contributes to the solution of various production tasks. The choice of the optimal variant of the plan is possible only in the presence of other indicators. For example, such as, at a minimum, tracking batches of parts in anticipation of launch and equipment, minimal losses from tying working capital in work in progress.

In this situation, in the absence of additional information, it is advisable to recommend a criterion for minimizing the total cycle duration while imposing restrictions on other indicators. From this point of view, the scheduling model for the sequential-parallel type of movement with the launch option L, N, K, O will be rational.

3. Selection of the optimal layout of equipment on the site

The minimum freight turnover is taken as the criterion of optimality. The optimal layout of the equipment П*, which provides a minimum of the total cargo turnover Go, corresponds to

The site is assigned the processing of parts of several names (1,2,3,4). Details are made on machines: turning (T), drilling (C), milling (F), boring (P), grinding (W). Processing routes are different. The average distance between the sites where the machines should be placed is 3 meters.

Table 8 - Initial data on the complexity of processing

Table 9 - Initial data for calculating the turnover

Table 10 - Calculation of the number of machines

Part type Release program Machine type and processing time, norm-hour


N 11000 - - 0,12 1320 0,09 990 0,15 1650 - -
K 11000 0,08 880 0,09 990 0,02 220 0,11 1210 - -
L 8000 0,12 960 0,08 640 - - 0,09 720 0,15 1200
O 10000 0,22 2200 - - - - 0,085 850 0,12 1200
H 4040 H 2950 H 1210 H 4430 H 2400
H 4050 H 4050 H 4050 H 4050 H 4050
Number of calculated machines accepted 0,99 0,73 0,3 1,09 0,59

1 1 1 2 1

Table 11 - Matrix of transferred goods

Feeding machines Consuming machines

F T R W C1 C2
F - 61600 27500 9500 12000 12000
T 24000 - 61600 - 13750 13750
R - - - 61600 - -
W - - - - - -
C1 18500 - - 12000 - -
C2 18500 - - 12000 - -

Table 12 - Distance Matrix

3 6 9 12 15
II 3
3 6 9 12
III 6 3
3 6 9
IV 9 6 3
3 6
V 12 9 6 3
VI 15 12 9 6 3

The turnover is equal to:

24000*3+18500*12+18500*15+61600*3+27500*6+61600*3+9500*9+61600*3+12000*3+12000*6+12000*12+13750*9+12000* 15+13750*12=2097150 kg m

Table 13 - Matrix of transferred goods

Feeding machines Consuming machines

T C1 C2 F R W
T - 13750 13750 24000 61600 -
C1 - - - 18500 - 12000
C2 - - - 18500 - 12000
F 61600 12000 12000 - 27500 9500
R - - - - - 61600

The turnover is equal.

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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Priazovsky State Technical University

Department of Enterprise Economics

Parlyuk I.P.

Lecture notes

in the discipline "Fundamentals of the organization of production and management" for students of the specialties "Heat power engineering" and "Industrial heat engineering"


at a meeting of the department

business economics

Minutes No. 4 dated 7.12.2006

Mariupol, 2006

Abstract of lectures on the discipline "Fundamentals of the organization of production and management" for students of the specialties "Heat power engineering" and "Industrial heat engineering" full-time education / I.P. Parlyuk - Mariupol: PSTU, 2006 - With.

The teaching aid contains the texts of lectures on the main topics provided for by the program of the course "Fundamentals of the organization of production and management" for students enrolled in these specialties.

Compiled by: I.P. Parluk, st. teacher

Responsible for the release: A.A. Melikhov, head Department of Enterprise Economics


Increasing the efficiency of production is the main task that must be solved at the present stage of economic development. In increasing the efficiency of production, 80% are factors for improving equipment and technology, 20% are factors for improving the organization of production.

Under organization should be understood, firstly, a system that has at least partial self-government. In this case, the characteristics of the organization are the composition of divisions, material and informational links between them, technical and economic indicators of the enterprise and its divisions.

Under organization , secondly, one should understand the totality of methods, techniques, a set of measures aimed at harmonizing, improving the relationship of individual components of the system. Enterprises belong to the class of large systems. The composition of the enterprise includes material elements (means of labor and objects of labor) and personal elements. The tasks of the organization include, first of all, the most effective combination of material and personal elements.

The main tasks of the organization of production are :

1) determination of the composition of production capacities and specialization of workshops;

2) determination of the quantity and composition of workshop equipment, throughput capacity of sections, workshops;

3) determination of the professional and qualification composition of shop workers, taking into account the division and cooperation of labor, the placement of workers in workplaces;

4) determination of the enterprise's need for material resources (raw materials, materials, fuel, various types of energy resources, etc.).

Thus, the organization of production is designed to connect, link together, set in motion all its elements.

The discipline includes such sections as organization production process, organization and regulation of labor, personnel management, etc.

Subject, the essence and main content of the course "Fundamentals of the organization of production and management" is the study of economic patterns of development and functioning of industrial enterprises.

The discipline "Fundamentals of the organization of production and management" is a logical continuation of the previously studied course "Economics of the enterprise", is closely related to the course "Fundamentals of economic theory» and technical disciplines (iron and steel metallurgy, rolling production, etc.).

The formation of market relations is impossible without the commercialization of all economic activities, as well as without preparation management personnel capable of working effectively in the new environment. Management plays a key role in this process.

Term management is used not in one sense, but alternatively: management, the area of ​​human knowledge, the social stratum of those who carry out management work.

Any organization, regardless of legal form, must have a leadership. At the same time, enterprise management differs from its other types. Here his task is to produce goods (services) to meet various needs and achieve the goals of the organization on this basis. As a branch of knowledge, management is an interdisciplinary field that combines the achievements of economic, sociological, psychological, legal, technical and other disciplines, as well as using the experience of managerial art. Management also includes the theory and practice of management, the flexible and active application of which ensures its success in many countries.


1. The production structure of the enterprise and its determining factors

2. Types and types of production structures

3. Indicators characterizing the structure of the enterprise

1. Production structure of the enterprisetia and the factors that determine it

Production structure - this is the composition of the managed links of the production system (sections, workshops, etc.) that have technological and (or) cooperative relationships. The production structure reflects the composition of production units as an object of management.

In accordance with the division of production processes into main, auxiliary and service enterprises, it is customary to distinguish between main, auxiliary and service production and, accordingly, main, auxiliary and service shops and facilities.

The production structure of industrial enterprises is characterized by considerable diversity, depending on the predominance of factors under the influence of which it develops.

The most important factors determining the production structure of the enterprise:

1) structural and technological features of products. The type of product determines the nature of production processes and thus directly affects the composition of the main workshops;

2) volume output, which is understood as the number of products of a certain name, size and design, manufactured or repaired by the enterprise or its division during the planned time interval;

3) specialization and cooperation with other enterprises;

4) level of mechanization and automation;

5) influence the area where the enterprise is located is that enterprises located in industrialized centers do not need such a developed production structure as enterprises in remote and developed areas are forced to have.

The factors under consideration are closely interrelated, and it is often impossible to clearly separate the influence of one particular factor from others.

Along with production, it is necessary to distinguish between the general structure of the enterprise, which covers the production links, services and departments of the enterprise management.

Features of energy production and the main factors determining the structure of energy enterprises

Energy production has a number of features that arise from the specific properties of energy (electricity and heat) as products of production and consumption. Features of the technological process also determine the following features of energy production:

1. continuity and proportionality in time of the processes of production and consumption of energy;

2. the determining influence of the amount and mode of energy consumption on the amount and mode of its production;

3. the impossibility of warehousing products at all phases and stages of its production;

4. impossibility to reject products. A product defect that has arisen at one or another phase or stage (energy with deviating parameters) is inevitably consumed in the following phases or stages of production.

The most characteristic factors that determine the production structure of energy enterprises are:

Quantity, type of main equipment and its installed capacity;

· schemes of technological connections;

the type of energy resources used;

fuel quality;

For network enterprises - the length of energy networks, the parameters of the transmitted energy, etc.

2. Types andtypes of production structures

The primary link in the organization of the production process is the workplace.

Workplace is part of the production area equipped with necessary equipment, tools and devices with the help of which a worker or a group of workers (team) performs individual operations for the manufacture of products or maintenance of the production process.

The nature and characteristics of the workplace largely determine the type of production structure. The workplace can be simple (the worker serves one machine), multi-machine (the worker serves several machines) or collective (several workers work at one workplace).

The set of geographically isolated workplaces where technologically homogeneous work is performed or various operations for the manufacture of homogeneous products are carried out, forms production area.

At large and medium-sized enterprises, production sites are combined into workshops. Shop is a production, territorial and administrative separate subdivision enterprises where a certain set of works is performed in accordance with in-plant specialization.

Shops of industrial enterprises, depending on their purpose and type of products (works, services), are usually divided into main (directly processing raw materials or semi-finished products into finished products corresponding to the specialization of the enterprise), auxiliary (ensuring the normal operation of all shops and services of the enterprise) and serving (creating conditions for the normal operation of the main and auxiliary shops).

The number of workshops depends on the type of manufactured products and the level of specialization of the enterprise.

Sometimes on large enterprises homogeneous workshops are combined into buildings. In small enterprises with a relatively simple production process, it is used shopless structure, when the largest production unit is the production site.

There are shop, shopless and hull production structures.

Types of production structure:

1) shopless: enterprise - sites - jobs;

2) workshop: enterprise - workshops - sites - jobs;

3) cabinet: enterprise - building (production - workshops - sections - jobs.

At enterprises with multi-stage production, where raw materials are processed sequentially (metallurgy), subdivisions (processing units) are created that combine a certain part of the production process. The result is a finished part of the finished product (cast iron, steel, rolled products). In such enterprises, the production structure is called combine.

Types of production structures.

Depending on the form of specialization of the main workshops, three types of production structures are distinguished: 1) technological; 2) subject; 3) mixed.

At technological structure the workshops of the enterprise specialize in the implementation of a certain part of the technological process, i.e. created according to the principle of technological homogeneity . So, the workshops of technological specialization include:

· at metallurgical enterprises - blast-furnace, steel-smelting, rolling productions or workshops;

at machine-building enterprises - foundry, forging, mechanical, thermal, etc.

This structure has certain advantages:

· provides more complete loading of the equipment;

promotes a more complete use of materials;

simplifies management;

promotes the use of the most progressive technological processes.

Disadvantages of the technological structure:

· due to the large range of products, there are large losses of time for equipment changeover;

Each workshop or section performs certain operations and is not responsible for the quality of products in general, as well as for compliance with the deadlines for the release of finished products;

· the arrangement of equipment in the same type of groups leads to irrational movements, oncoming traffic, an increase in the duration of the cycle;

· Intershop operational planning and production scheduling becomes more complicated.

The technological form of specialization of workshops and the technological production structure are typical for enterprises of single and small-scale production, producing products of a diverse and unstable range of products.

At subject specialization the shops of the enterprise specialize in the manufacture of any product, a group of homogeneous products, assemblies, parts using a variety of technological processes and operations. In the shops of subject specialization, if possible, a closed production cycle is carried out, therefore they are often called subject-closed (for example, a gear shop, an engine shop, etc.).

Advantages of a workshop or site with a subject structure:

Each workshop or section is fully responsible for the release of the products assigned to it on time and of a certain quality;

equipment is located along the technological process, which creates the prerequisites for the organization of mass production, helps to reduce the duration production cycle;

simplifies intershop operative-calendar planning and dispatching;

Disadvantages of subject structure:

Each workshop must have a complete set of equipment for the manufacture of products, which leads to an increase in the total number of equipment in the enterprise;

part of the equipment is underloaded due to small the volume of certain types of work in the shop;

working conditions in the workshop may deteriorate;

Complicated intrashop management.

The subject form of specialization of workshops and the subject production structure are typical for large-scale and mass production enterprises that produce a limited range of products in large quantities.

At mixed structure part of the workshops is built according to the technological principle, and part - according to subject specialization. Such a structure is especially typical for machine-building enterprises with mass and serial production.

3. Indicators, charactererizing the structure of the enterprise

For a quantitative analysis of the structure of an enterprise as a production system, a large number of indicators characterizing its various aspects are used. Consider their main groups.

Production links characterized by the following main indicators:

· output volume;

· capital-labor ratio, which is determined by the ratio of the average annual cost of production assets to the average number of industrial and production personnel;

· electric power of labor, which is characterized by the amount of energy consumed per worker;

· technical equipment of labor, which is determined by the ratio of the average annual book value of the main production equipment, tools, fixtures, equipment to the average number of workers;

· production labor intensity, which is defined as the sum of technological labor intensity and labor intensity of production maintenance and includes the labor costs of all main and auxiliary workers.

Relations between the main, auxiliary and service units are characterized by the following main indicators: average headcount workers, the cost of fixed production assets, the size of production areas.

Level of specialization and cooperation production is characterized by the following main indicators:

· share of specialized production, which is determined by the ratio of the volume of output (in value or in kind), manufactured by specialized shops and sections, to the total volume of production;

· stability coefficient of specialization, which characterizes the level of organization of production and the degree of compliance with the specialization established for workplaces during working hours;

· the level of job specialization, which, in turn, is characterized by several indicators:

1. the number of items of various operations performed at one workplace (serialization coefficient);

2. the average level of specialization of jobs, which is determined by dividing the total number of detail operations performed per month (day) at the site (in the workshop) by the number of jobs necessary to complete the production program;

3. the specific weight of the labor intensity of the main (core) products manufactured at one workplace.

The efficiency of the spatial location of the enterprise characterized building coefficients, area use industrial premises or territory. This coefficient is determined by the ratio of the area occupied by buildings, structures and equipment to the area of ​​the entire enterprise. In domestic practice, the coefficient of use of the territory of industrial enterprises built over the past 20-30 years is 0.45-0.55, in the practice of American engineering enterprises it reaches 0.8-0.9, and sometimes 0.95.

The nature of the relationship of units determined using the following indicators:

· number of redistributions through which the object of labor passes before turning it into a finished product;

The length of transport routes for the movement of semi-finished products;

· cargo turnover between redistributions.

Analysis of the above and other indicators allows you to outline ways to create a rational production structure of the enterprise, which should provide:

· the maximum possibility of specialization of shops and sections, the proportionality of their construction;

· the absence of duplicating and excessively fragmented production units;

Continuity and directness of production;

Possibility of expansion and re-profiling of production without stopping it.

The main ways to improve the production structure:

1) enlargement of enterprises and workshops;

2) search and implementation of the most perfect principle of building workshops and industrial enterprises;

3) observance of a rational ratio between the main, auxiliary and service shops;

4) permanent job to improve the planning of enterprises ( master plan enterprises);

5) integration of individual enterprises, creation of industrial and research and production associations based on the concentration of production, etc.


1. Essence and structure of the production process

2. Principles of organization of the production process

3. Organization of the production process in time (production cycle)

4. Types and methods of organizing production (organization of the production process in space)

1. Essence and structtour of the production process

Manufacturing process is a set of interrelated labor processes and natural processes, as a result of which raw materials and materials are converted into finished products.

In each production process, two sides are distinguished: technological and labor.

The technological side is associated with the transformation of objects of labor into finished products or semi-finished products and leads to a change physical properties, geometric shapes and sizes, structure and chemical composition products.

The technological side finds expression in a pre-designed technological process.

Technological process - this is the totality of all changes in the object of labor necessary for the manufacture of a particular product and carried out with or without the participation of living labor.

labor side is a set of actions of people to implement the technological process.

Distinguish between main, auxiliary and service processes.

Under main processes are understood as a result of which the shape, dimensions, internal properties of objects of labor, the state of its surface, and the relative position of its parts change.

To auxiliary include processes that do not directly affect the objects of labor, but are designed to ensure the normal flow of basic processes (for example, repairs).

Serving processes are designed to create conditions for the successful implementation of the main and auxiliary processes (transport, storage, etc.).

The main production processes play a decisive role in the enterprise, but their normal course is impossible without a clear organization of auxiliary and service processes.

Organization of the production process is a combination and interaction in space and time of elementary processes in accordance with the purpose of the enterprise.

The organization of the production process in space is reflected in the development of the production structure of the enterprise and the structure of personnel.

Organization of the production process in time consists in establishing the procedure and standards for the time of movement of objects of labor, the modes of operation of equipment, the modes of work and rest of workers, etc. and is reflected in the rules, regulations, instructions, schedules.

Each stage of the production process consists of partial (shop) processes, characterized by a certain completeness of the stage of production.

Partial processes, in turn, are divided into technological operations.

Operation - a partial production process performed at one workplace by one or more workers on the same object of labor.

Basic (technological) operations consist in a direct change in geometric shapes, chemical composition, properties of objects of labor.

To support operations include transport, control, repair, and other operations.

According to the method of impact on the objects of labor, operations are divided into manual, machine-manual, machine, automatic and hardware.

According to the nature of the object of production, they distinguish simple and complex production processes.

Simple production process is a sequence of operations that results in a product.

Complex manufacturing process involves a combination of several simple processes.

2. Organization principlesproduction process

Practice has developed rational principles for organizing the production process, the main of which are specialization, parallelism, proportionality, continuity, directness and rhythm.

Specialization - this is the division of the production process into components and the assignment to each production unit (workshop, section, workplace) of manufacturing a certain product (subject specialization) or performing a certain technological operation (technological specialization). Specialization allows the use of high-performance equipment and advanced forms of production organization.

Parallelism - simultaneous execution of parts (stages, operations) of the production process, i.e. implementation of overlapping processes.

The implementation of this principle is associated with a number of conditions, the main of which is a sufficient volume of production, which ensures a full load of equipment. The implementation of this principle makes it possible to significantly reduce the duration of the production cycle and, as a result, reduce the need for working capital Oh.

Principle proportionality requires compliance with the productivity per unit of time of all production units (main, auxiliary and service shops), and within them - sections and lines, groups of equipment and jobs.

The productivity of the equipment at all technological operations should be proportional to the labor intensity of processing products at these operations and should ensure the uninterrupted production process, the most complete use of production capacity, and the elimination of bottlenecks.

Continuity involves reducing or minimizing interruptions in the production process.

Continuity is one of the most important conditions for reducing product manufacturing time, increasing the level of use of production resources, and ensuring uniform operation of equipment.

The principle of continuity is fully implemented in continuous production at the enterprises of metallurgical, chemical, Food Industry, in mechanical engineering - on continuous production lines and in automatic production.

Direct flow - the principle of rational organization of the production process, which consists in providing the shortest path for the passage of objects of labor through all stages and operations.

Straightness requires the exclusion of return movements of objects of labor in the production process, the reduction of transport routes. This is achieved primarily rational arrangement production units on the territory of the enterprise, technological equipment in workshops and areas in accordance with the technological process.

Principle rhythm production involves ensuring the release at regular intervals of the same or evenly increasing quantity of products at all stages and operations.

3. Organization of the production process in time (production qiclass)

One of the most important requirements for the organization of production is to ensure the shortest duration of product manufacturing, i.e. production cycle.

The production cycle - this is the calendar period from the moment of launching raw materials, materials into production until the complete manufacture of finished products.

Depending on the nature of the product and other conditions, the production cycle can be measured in minutes, hours, days, etc.

Consider the content of the individual components of the production cycle.

The working period for the manufacture of products consists of the time of technological, transport, storage and control operations. In turn, time technological operations consists of preparatory-final and piece time. The preparatory and final time is spent at the beginning of the work shift on preparing the workplace, debugging equipment, fixtures, etc. and at the end of the work shift for removal, fixtures, tools.

Breaks during working hours are divided into organizational (waiting for the vacancy of the workplace, delay in the supply of raw materials, materials, etc.) and regulated (breaks for lunch, rest).

Separately, the time is set for natural processes that occur without human intervention (drying, normalization after heat treatment, etc.).

Enlarged, you can imagine that the production cycle consists of the duration of the working period and breaks.

It should be noted that another element of production takes part in the production process - equipment (as well as production areas, etc.), which in this process can only be in two states: either working or idle.

The duration of the production cycle is of great economic importance, because. affects the turnover rate of working capital, the rate of output, the use of equipment, production space, and other fixed assets.

The main factors in reducing the duration of the production cycle include:

1) simplification of the product design;

2) improvement of technological processes for manufacturing a product;

3) unification and standardization of the components of the product, elements of technological processes, equipment, tooling, organization of production;

4) analysis and observance of the basic principles of the rational organization of production processes;

5) mechanization and automation of time tracking, control and transport and storage operations;

6) reduction of interoperational breaks;

7) increase in the share of technically justified norms of time, service, resource consumption, etc.

4. Types and methods of organizing production (organization of productionprocess in space)

Industrial enterprises differ in many indicators - the structure and volume of products, the breadth and stability of the nomenclature, etc. Depending on these indicators, jobs, sites, workshops and enterprises are divided into several organizational types of production.

The type of production determines the structure of enterprises and workshops, the nature of the loading of jobs and the movement of objects of labor in the production process. Each type of production has certain features of the organization of production and labor, the equipment and technological processes used, the composition and qualifications of personnel. Each type of production has a specific system of planning and accounting.

Type of production - this is a complex characteristic of the organizational and technological level of production, i.e. the totality of the product range, production volume, product repeatability, the nature of the loading of jobs, the type of equipment used, the qualifications of workers, the cost of production, etc.

There are three main types of production: single, serial and mass.

Single production type characterized by a wide range of manufactured products and a small volume of production of identical products. Equipment, tools and fixtures, as a rule, are universal, highly qualified workers.

Serial type of production characterized by the manufacture of a limited range of products, which is periodically repeated. Products are launched into production in batches, parts are processed in batches. Along with universal equipment, specialized equipment is widely used, jobs are largely specialized. Fast-changing automatic machines are used. All this contributes to increasing labor productivity, reducing the duration of the production cycle. A detailed technological process allows increasing the metal utilization factor (up to 0.8).

Serial production is divided into three subtypes: small-batch, medium-batch and large-batch. In terms of technical and economic features, small-scale production approaches a single one, and large-scale production approaches mass production.

For mass production characterized by a narrow range of products with a large scale of its production. In this case, special equipment, tools, equipment, automatic machines, automatic lines are used.

The technological process is developed in great detail and carefully for each operation. The equipment is located along the technological process, a parallel method of combining operations is used. This contributes to a significant reduction in the duration of the production cycle, reducing production costs.

Each type of production corresponds to certain methods of its organization.

Method of organizing production is a set of techniques and methods for implementing the production process. Its main characteristics include:

Interrelation of the sequence of operations of the technological process with the order of placement of equipment;

the degree of continuity of the production process.

There are three fundamental methods of organizing production: non-flow (operational), flow and automated.

Non-linear (per-operational) method organization of production is used mainly in single and small-scale production. It is characterized by the following features:

· production equipment grouped according to the work (process) being performed;

· technological equipment basically universal. At the same time, special equipment is used to process highly precise parts;

between groups of technological equipment, as a rule, intermediate warehouses and workplaces are located QCD controllers;

Parts in the manufacturing process are moved from one operation to another in complex routes, so there are long breaks in the technological process.

Stream method organization of production is used for mass, large-scale and medium-scale production. It is characterized by the fact that the object of labor in the process of processing follows the established shortest route without waiting at intermediate warehouses and workplaces of QCD controllers. This is the most perfect method of organizing production in terms of clarity and completeness.

The characteristics of the flow method of organizing production include:

division of the production process into separate operations and their long-term assignment to a specific workplace;

specialization of each worker in the performance of a particular operation;

coordination and rhythmic execution of all operations at all workplaces on the basis of a single calculated cycle (rhythm) of the production line;

placement of workplaces in strict accordance with the sequence of the technological process;

· movement of objects of labor from one workplace to another with a minimum interruption and with the help of special vehicles.

This method is based on the principles of rational organization of production - direct flow, continuity and rhythm.

The main organizing element of in-line production is flow line. It is a set of specialized jobs located in accordance with the technological process.

Production lines are classified according to certain criteria.

According to the nomenclature of processed products, there are:

· one-subject production lines (typical for mass production, they are assigned for a long time processing or assembly of one product name);

Multi-subject (typical for serial production, they can process several items of products that are similar in design and technology).

According to the degree of continuity of production, the following lines are distinguished:

· continuous flow (provides strict rhythm and the shortest duration of the production cycle);

Discontinuous flow (they do not provide for a clear synchronization of operations at the workplace.

Automated production - a production process in which all or the vast majority of operations requiring physical effort are performed by machines without the direct participation of a person. At the same time, workers perform only the functions of adjustment and control.

Automation of the production process is achieved through the use of automatic machine systems, which are a combination of a variety of equipment and other technical devices located in a technological sequence and united by means of transportation, control and management to perform partial processes for the production of products.

There are four main areas of automation:

introduction of automatic and semi-automatic equipment (CNC machines);

creation of complex equipment with automation of all parts of the production process;

design and production industrial robots;

· development of computerization and flexibility of productions and technologies (flexible production systems).


1. Organization of labor at the enterprise: content, main directions and tasks

2. Division and cooperation of labor in the enterprise

3. Organization and maintenance of workplaces

3.1 Jobs, their types and requirements for the organization

3.2 Equipment, layout and maintenance of workplaces

5. Working conditions and factors of their formation

A rationally built organization of labor at all levels of management is one of the most important areas for ensuring the social orientation of a market economy. Labor organized on a scientific basis is the leading factor in its productivity and in the reduction of production costs.

1. Labour Organization at the enterprise: content, main directions and a dachas

Under the organization of labor in enterprises and organizations I understand t Xia specific forms and methods of connecting people and technology in the labor process.

The labor of people in the process of production is organized under the influence of the development of productive forces and production relations. Therefore, the organization of labor always has two sides: natural-technical and social and al-economic. These two sides are closely interconnected and are in constant interaction, determining the content of the organization of labor.

In the content of the organization of labor, based on the characteristics of the problems being solved a dachas, allocate a number of directions (elements). The main ones are:

1. The division and cooperation of labor, which implies a scientifically substantiated distribution of workers according to labor functions, machines, mechanisms and jobs combined into a certain system, as well as an appropriate grouping and combination of workers into production teams.

2. Rationing of labor, which involves a careful calculation of the norms of labor costs for the production of products and services as the basis for organizing labor and determining the efficiency of production.

3. Organization and maintenance of workplaces, covering: their rational layout and equipment, an effective system for servicing workplaces, certification and rationalization of workplaces.

4. Organization of personnel selection and its development, including:

personnel planning, career guidance and selection, recruitment, development of the personnel development concept and its implementation.

5. Improving working conditions, providing for the elimination of the harmfulness of production, heavy physical, psychological and emotional stress, the introduction of aesthetics into the production sphere, the formation of a system of labor protection and safety.

6. Efficient use of working time, optimization of work and rest regimes.

7. Rationalization of labor processes, introduction of optimal methods and methods of work.

8. Strengthening labor discipline.

A special role in the organization of labor is played by remuneration for work ~ its payment. The fact is that a person is included in the production process for economic reasons, in order to earn a living. Therefore, wages (labor income) are both a link that connects a person with the means of production and a factor (element) effective organization labor.

Labor is organized in industry and other branches of the national economy in various forms. This variety of forms of labor organization is predetermined, first of all, by the difference in qualitative division and quantitative proportionality in technological and production processes, and, as a result, in the social labor process.

Of the many other reasons that cause a variety of specific forms of labor organization in enterprises, in industries, a number of main ones can be distinguished. These include: firstly, the main factor is scientific and technological progress, the systematic improvement of engineering and technology; secondly, the system of organization of production; thirdly, psychophysiological factors and features ecological environment; fourthly, factors related to the nature of the tasks solved in different parts of the production management system.

All these reasons for the diversity of forms in the organization of labor operate in combination.

The organization of labor must be considered from two sides: firstly, as a state of a system that has the above-mentioned quite specific relationships n nye elements and meeting the goals of production; secondly, as a systematic activity of people to implement innovations e into the already existing organization of labor to bring it in line with t action with the achieved level of engineering and technology.

Mechanization, the use of new types of energy and materials for the manufacture of more and more new goods, change the qualitative content of labor processes and, consequently, the need for the number of workers, their new professional and qualification composition. All this ultimately leads to changes in the organization of work.

It is very important to emphasize the point that the organization of labor has h changing content. Each achieved level of technology and production technology has its own forms of labor organization. This is not only a theoretical position. It is of great importance for practical activities in the field of improving the organization of labor.

The organization of labor is closely interconnected with the organization of production.

As an integral part of the organization of production, the organization of labor includes the implementation of measures related to the rational use of labor. At the same time, the organization of production, covering the entire process of production, requires that these measures be linked with the best use of all other resources - tools of production, raw materials, materials, etc. Specifically, the relationship between the organization of labor and the organization of production is manifested in the fact that the problems of organizing labor must be solved taking into account the type of production (single, serial, mass).

When designing labor processes, a situation of an alternative choice between various forms of labor organization, techniques and methods of performing work is typical. To make a decision, economic, psychophysiological and social criteria are used.

Economic expediency of one or another variant of labor organization is determined by the extent to which the increase in production efficiency, growth in labor productivity, effective employment of personnel, equal labor intensity, better use of equipment, other material resources, etc. is ensured.

From the position of social criterion the attractiveness for the employee of this form of labor organization is assessed, namely the degree of content of labor, its diversity, responsibility, conditions for development, etc.

Important when choosing forms of labor organization are psychophysiologist and cal factors. The combination of labor functions should be optimal in terms of physical and nervous stress, and should not cause negative consequences.

With all the variety of factors and tasks of improving the organization of labor, the main thing is the rational use of human resources. In the ways and methods of solving this general problem, there are features that depend on whether this happens on a global scale. National economy or a branch of the economy, an individual enterprise or its division, in a team or at an individual workplace.

On the scale of the national economy the tasks are set to eliminate economic and social losses, to ensure the possibility of a more complete use of the labor resources of society, to regulate the ratio of the number of people employed in the sectors of material production and in the non-productive sphere, to redistribute the number of employees between sectors and to rationally allocate labor resources between regions of the country, etc. Direct and indirect regulators are used for this.

Within the enterprise the main issues are the correct placement of workers in production on the basis of a rational division of labor and the combination of professions, specialization and expansion of service areas. Another task here is to achieve coordinated activity - cooperation with strict quantitative proportionality of labor costs in interconnected areas of production. An important role in this is given to technological and production planning, regulation of labor.

At a separate workplace such tasks of labor organization as the introduction of the most progressive working methods, the correct arrangement and layout of workplaces, the uniform and uninterrupted provision of them with tools, materials, etc. are solved.

2. Division and cooperation of labor in the enterprise

Division of labor. Considering the division of labor within the enterprise, the following should be distinguished: its main types: 1) functional division of labor between different categories of employees of the enterprise; 2) professional division of labor - the division of labor between groups of workers on the basis of the technological homogeneity of the work they perform; 3) qualifying division of labor - the division of labor between groups of workers depending on the complexity of the work they perform.

The division of labor plays an important role in the development of the organization of production and labor: firstly, it is a necessary prerequisite for the production process and a condition for increasing labor productivity; secondly, it allows organizing sequential and simultaneous processing of the object of labor in all phases of production; thirdly, it contributes to the specialization of production processes and the improvement of the labor skills of the workers participating in them.

There are boundaries expediency in the process of separating tr at Yes. In this regard, the following requirements are of particular importance:

a) The division of labor should not lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the use of working time and equipment;

b) It should not be accompanied by depersonalization and irresponsibility in the organization of production;

c) The division of labor should not be excessively fragmented so as not to complicate the design and organization of production processes and labor rationing, and also not to reduce the qualifications of workers, not to deprive labor of content, not to make it monotonous and tedious.

These types of division of labor have distinctive features. Thus, the functional division of labor manifests itself in two directions: between the categories of workers that are part of the personnel of the enterprise, and between the main and auxiliary workers. The first means the allocation in the personnel of the enterprise of such categories of workers as workers, managers, specialists and employees. A characteristic trend in the development of this type of division of labor is an increase in the proportion of specialists in the production staff.

Another direction of the functional division of labor is ra h division of workers into main and auxiliary. The first of them are directly involved in changing the form and condition of the processed objects of labor. The latter do not directly implement the technological process, but create the necessary conditions for the uninterrupted and efficient operation of the main workers.

The importance of separating auxiliary work from the main one is as follows. This, firstly, improves the use of working time; secondly, it increases the efficiency of equipment use, allows better organization of its maintenance, repair and maintenance; thirdly, it ensures the continuity of work and, finally, reduces the total labor costs per unit of output.

Technological progress has a significant impact on the dynamics of the number of auxiliary workers, on the change in their specific gravity in total strength workers and the cost of their labor in the labor intensity of production. In industry, for example, there is a growing proportion of workers in the adjustment and repair of machines and mechanisms, as well as those engaged in the manufacture of tools and industrial equipment. But the same cannot be said about the growth in the number and proportion of workers engaged in loading and unloading, warehouse operations, etc., in which a lot of hard, unproductive labor is used.

A special kind of division of labor is its professional section e nie, which develops depending on the tools used, objects of labor, production technology. Changes in the professional division of labor are characterized by an increase in the absolute number and proportion of mechanized labor professions, a reduction in the number of narrow professions and specialties, and an increase in the number of general professions.

There is a close connection between the professional division of labor and the transition from one stage of the technical and technological development of production to another, higher one. Thus, partial mechanization is accompanied by an operational division of labor, a narrow specialization of workers.

At the stage of complex mechanization, the narrow specialties of workers are united, their professional profile is expanded, and the process of merging the functions of a worker-operator with a relatively limited qualification and a worker-adjuster with high professional training is becoming more and more distinct.

Finally, an important division of labor is qualifying section e labor depending on the complexity of the work. It has the closest connection with raising the cultural and technical level of workers, leading to a reduction in the share of low-skilled labor in the national economy.

Qualification differences between groups of workers are objectively due to the varying complexity of the work performed. Employees of the same profession or specialty may have different knowledge, ability to work, production experience. All this is expressed in qualification - the quality of work (labor) and underlies the distribution of workers by qualification groups - categories, categories, classes, etc.

There is a trend towards an increase in the proportion of highly skilled and skilled workers. If in the 20s this share averaged about one-fifth of the total number of industrial workers, then by the end of the 80s. it has already reached almost four-fifths. During this period, there have been significant changes qualification criteria: The knowledge and ability to manage complex machines and technical processes, independently adjust and adjust equipment, and produce high-quality products have acquired decisive importance.

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Togliatti State University

Department of Economics and Enterprise Management




for course work

for students of specialty 151002

"Metalworking machines and complexes"

all forms of education

Togliatti 2007


1. Brief theoretical information

1.1.1 Characteristics of in-line production

1.1.2 Types of flow forms of work

1.1.3 Organization of production lines

1.2 Production cost

1.2.2 Classification of production costs

1.3 Investment activity in the enterprise

1.3.1 Investments in production and their economic efficiency

1.3.2 Calculation economic efficiency capital investments

1.3.3 Feasibility study of the effectiveness of the use of new equipment

2. General provisions for the implementation and design of coursework

2.1 The purpose and objectives of the course work

2.4 Registration of course work

3. Calculation of the economic efficiency of measures to improve technological processes machining parts on production lines

3.1 Calculation of a one-piece production line for machining parts according to two compared options

3.1.1 Determination of takt, effective fund of running time and rhythm of the production line

3.1.2 Definition required amount units of equipment for each operation of the production line and their load factors

3.1.3 Determination of the type of production line and the required number of workers-operators on the production line

3.1.4 Calculation of reserves on the production line

3.1.5 Building a standard production line work plan

3.1.6 Designing the layout of equipment and workplaces on the production line

4. Economic justification for improving the technological process of machining parts

4.1 Calculation of capital investments in the equipment of the designed option

4.2 Calculation of the cost of machining a part according to the basic and design options

4.3 Calculation of the reduction in labor intensity and increase in labor productivity in the design version of the processing of the part

4.4 Calculation of indicators of economic efficiency of the designed technology for machining parts



The level of the economy of any country is determined by the level of development of its industry and, in particular, the engineering industry, since the development of productive forces in all sectors of the national economy depends on the growth rate and nature of the development of this industry. Mechanical engineering plays a leading role in creating the material and technical base of production, it is the key fund-forming sector of the entire national economy, which determines the level of development not only of all other industries, but of the entire economy as a whole.

The production of products at engineering enterprises is a complex and time-consuming process. Distinctive features production activities engineering enterprises are the complexity of products assembled from a large number of parts, a large range of products, a long production cycle for manufacturing products, the presence of a variety of diverse, simultaneously performed operations, a variety of materials and equipment used, the use of a large number of fixtures and tools.

The main directions in the development of the engineering and metalworking industry at present are: increasing the speed of machines and equipment, the widespread use of continuous cycles of work instead of periodic ones, reducing the size and reducing the weight of engineering products. Increasing the efficiency of metalworking production is associated with the solution of such issues as complex mechanization and automation of processes, saving metal in the processing of products, reducing their cost and improving quality. At the same time, the main goal of improving technological processes is to reduce the cost of production.

The cost of production is reduced as a result of increased labor productivity, increased equipment utilization, and reduced unit costs of materials, fuel, and electricity. Cost reduction requires accurate calculation, regulation and planning of all production costs.

The growth of labor productivity in mechanical engineering occurs, first of all, as a result of the continuous development of new equipment in production. The growth of labor productivity causes an increase in the volume of output, which, with unchanged material and labor costs, also leads to a decrease in the cost of production. Therefore, the creation of new designs of machine-building equipment should be combined with the continuous and comprehensive improvement of technological processes, with their mechanization and automation.

Reducing the cost of production, along with improving its quality, largely determines the competitiveness of the machine-building enterprise, its financial stability. Therefore, this methodological manual discusses the most important economic issues for modern machine-building production: determining the cost of production and ways to reduce it, investing in metalworking equipment and determining the economic efficiency associated with complex mechanization and automation of metalworking processes. Methods for calculating a single-subject production line for machining parts according to two compared options, an economic justification for improving the technological operations of machining parts, calculating a reduction in the labor intensity of the technological process and an increase in labor productivity associated with the introduction of more efficient metalworking equipment into production are outlined.

1. Brief theoretical information

1.1 Organization of mass production

1.1.1 Characteristics of in-line production

Flow forms of work are most widely used in mass production. If the same part is repeatedly used in one or several products, then it is convenient to organize the production of such a part according to the flow principle.

In-line production is a production in which all jobs are specialized and are located in accordance with the course of the technological process.

To ensure the continuity of in-line production, the execution time of each operation on the production line must be either equal to or a multiple of all other operations 2: 4; 4:8; 6:3; 3:9; etc.

In the conditions of mass production, a parallel method of processing parts is used, and the process is carried out continuously with their synchronous transfer from one workplace to another.

In the conditions of piece-by-piece transfer of parts from one workplace to another, the time interval between their two successive releases from the production line is called the exact line tact.

Tact ( r) is the main parameter of the production line. It directly depends on the annual product release program () and the effective working time fund of the production line ().

If the transfer of parts (products) on the production line is carried out in batches, then the concept of the cycle of production of transfer batches or the rhythm of the production line is introduced R = r ∙ p (p is the size of the transfer batch of parts, pieces).

1.1.2 Types of flow forms of work

Since enterprises develop different production conditions associated with changes in production volumes, the range of manufactured products and other factors, all production lines cannot be created according to one model and likeness. There is a need for various forms of in-line work.

There are two main forms of in-line production: continuous-line and discontinuous-line (direct-flow).

Continuous flow form is the most perfect and is characterized by the fact that the time norms for all operations of the production line are equal or multiples of each other and equal to the cycle of the production line (r). Objects of labor are moved from one workplace to another without lying, each operation is assigned to a specific workplace. All workplaces are located strictly in accordance with the course of the technological process. The passage of parts (products) from the first workplace to the last on the production line is not interrupted. Workplace downtime is excluded.

Discontinuous flow (direct-flow) form of in-line production is used in cases where, due to objective circumstances, it is not possible to completely equalize the time standards for all operations, or at least achieve their multiplicity.

In this case, periodic downtime of individual workplaces is possible. The rhythm of the work of a direct-flow line is achieved by the fact that for a certain period of time, the same number of products (parts) is produced at each operation. This is achieved by creating interoperational working capital between adjacent operations that have different durations. For the purpose of the most complete loading of jobs, multi-machine servicing of several, even non-adjacent operations, is allowed.

Maintaining the calculated cycle on production lines can be regulated (forced) and free. An example of a production line with forced (regulated) maintenance of the calculated cycle is a conveyor, the speed of which is consistent with the duration of operations at individual workplaces. Free maintenance of the calculated cycle is used on discontinuous production lines, where the speed of transferring parts (products) from one workplace to another is maintained by the workers themselves.

Production lines may span a number of sites (for example, a shop floor assembly line) or be limited to a site. Also, production lines can be in the nature of a general factory through flow, when all production operations from the receipt of materials for processing to the delivery of finished products to the warehouse are performed on production lines.

Depending on the number of items assigned to the production line, there are single-subject and multi-subject production lines.

One-subject production lines are created when the production program for a given product is labor-intensive enough to fully utilize the working time fund of the production line.

Multi-subject production lines are created when the labor intensity of one product does not provide the necessary load on the production line. An indispensable condition for the creation of a multi-subject production line is the uniformity of technological processes for processing the products assigned to the line.

Multi-subject production lines, in turn, are divided into group and variable production lines.

Group lines - here different parts or assemblies are processed or assembled according to the same technological process on the same equipment.

Variable production lines - on such lines, products of various names and sizes are processed or assembled with the same or similar technological processes, sequentially alternating batches. The batches are launched with the alternation necessary for production.

1.1.3 Organization of production lines

At engineering enterprises, there are the following types of organization of production lines:

a) continuous flow with working conveyors;

b) continuous flow with distribution conveyors;

c) continuous flow with a free rhythm;

d) continuous-flow with a fixed object;

e) discontinuous flow lines.

a) On such production lines, work conveyors are the place of work and are lines for the continuous movement of manufactured products at a given speed. Such lines are created for the assembly of medium and large products in mass and large-scale production. To perform each operation along such a pipeline, a work zone to give the assembler some maneuverability.

b) The distribution conveyor differs from the work conveyor in that it serves as a means of moving parts to be processed or assembled products, and not as a place for performing work. To install products on such a conveyor, suspensions and stands are used. For processing, the product is removed from the conveyor, after processing it is returned to the conveyor for transfer to the next operation. Such production lines are created for the processing and assembly of small parts or products.

c) Continuous flow lines with a free rhythm are created on the basis of synchronization of operations. The condition for the synchronism of threaded work can be represented by the formula:


Operations are carried out at stationary workplaces interconnected by vehicles (platforms, trolleys), with the help of which finished products are transferred from one workplace to another.

d) Continuous production lines with a fixed object are used in the assembly of large and heavy products, the interoperational transportation of which is either impossible or not economically viable. Assembled products during the entire assembly time stand still, and assembler teams move from one product to another.

e) Discontinuous flow lines are based on incomplete synchronization of operations and have the following features:

1) for the smooth operation of the line between non-synchronous operations, the necessary backlogs of parts or products are created - inter-operational backlogs;

2) for a more complete use of working time, workers who are not sufficiently employed at their workplace are involved in multi-machine service

3) to streamline the work of the production line, a standard plan is drawn up, which regulates the mode of operation of the production line during a shift or a day. The standard plan allows you to find such a mode of operation of the production line, which minimizes inter-operational turnover reserves, and achieves full loading of jobs and equipment.

1.2 Production cost
1.2.1 Types of production costs

Production cost - these are the current costs (costs) of the enterprise for the production of products and its sale, expressed in monetary terms.

Depending on the costs taken into account, the following types of production costs are distinguished:

1) () - this is the sum of production costs for maintaining the technological process for the manufacture of products;

2) shop cost () is the total cost of the workshop for the production of products.

It includes:

a) technological cost

b) management and maintenance costs within the workshop i.e. workshop (general production) expenses (). If products are produced in several shops, then the shop cost is the sum of the costs of these shops for the production of products.

3) production (factory) cost () includes the shop cost () and the costs of management and maintenance within the enterprise, i.e. production (general) expenses ().

4) total cost contains the production cost and non-manufacturing expenses () associated with the sale of products.

In addition, the cost of production can be planned, standard and actual.

Planned cost - this is the maximum allowable cost of the enterprise for the production of products in the planned period (year, quarter).

Standard cost is developed on the basis of the norms for the costs of raw materials, materials, tools, etc., in force at the enterprise.

AT actual cost products include all costs, including deviations from the technological process. These are losses from marriage, the cost of materials in excess of consumption rates, losses from equipment downtime and other costs that are not provided for by either the planned or standard cost.

In the cost of production do not include :

1) Fines, penalties, forfeits paid by the enterprise for violation of contractual obligations and rules governing economic relations.

2) Payments for the use of bank loans.

3) The costs associated with consumer services for the personnel of the enterprise.

4) Expenses for liquidation of consequences of natural disasters and other losses and damages.

5) Expenditures of non-industrial farms whose products are not included in the marketable products enterprises.

Cost reduction products are solved at the enterprise in the following ways:

1) the introduction of more efficient technological processes;

2) increasing the level of automation and mechanization of production;

3) the use of new types of materials;

4) saving all types of material and fuel and energy resources of the enterprise;

5) improvement of the organization of production and logistics.

1.2.2 Classification of production costs

Depending on the purpose of calculating the cost price, the cost of production can be calculated:

1) by economic elements;

2) by calculation items of expenses.

The cost of production, calculated by economic elements, allows you to reflect in value terms the total amount of resources consumed for the entire volume of output.

Costs are grouped according to their economic content under the following five elements:

1) Material costs (minus the cost of returnable waste).

2) Labor costs.

3) Deductions for social needs (single social tax).

4) Depreciation of fixed assets.

5) Other costs.

In element « Material costs » reflects the cost of raw materials, components, semi-finished products and other elements purchased for the production revolving funds required for the production of products.

To element « Labor costs » includes labor costs for all industrial and production personnel of the enterprise, including bonuses and compensation payments.

In element « Deductions for social needs ”(single social tax) reflects mandatory contributions according to the established norms:

1) social insurance authorities

2) pension fund

3) the state fund for the employment of the population

4) health insurance fund

only 26.2% (percentage of the wage fund of employees).

In element « Depreciation of fixed assets » the amount of depreciation charges for the full restoration of fixed production assets is reflected, calculated on the basis of their book value and established depreciation rates.

To element « Other costs » include taxes, fees, deductions to special funds, loan payments, travel expenses, payment for communication services, etc.

The grouping of production costs by economic elements is necessary for the analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise and an organization in an accounting enterprise.

It is necessary to establish an estimate, that is, the total amount of production costs for an enterprise, which is compiled for a year, followed by a breakdown by quarters.

However, classification by economic elements, cannot be used to calculate the unit cost of a particular type of output. For this purpose, the classification is cost items.

The general list of articles is as follows:

1) Raw materials and materials minus returnable waste.

2) Transport and procurement costs.

3) Purchased semi-finished products and components.

4) Fuel and energy for technological purposes.

5) The basic wages of the main production workers.

6) Additional wages of the main production workers.

7) Deductions for social needs from the wages of the main production workers.

8) Expenses for the maintenance and operation of technological equipment.

9) Workshop (general production) expenses.

10) General factory (general) expenses.

11) Losses from marriage.

12) Non-manufacturing expenses.

The first 8 articles make up the technological cost of production.

Technological cost a plus overhead costs represents shop cost .

shop cost a plus general running costs and losses from marriage constitute production cost .

All 12 articles are full cost units of production.

The costs of the enterprise for the production of a unit of output depend on the volume of production and are one of the indicators used to justify the management decisions made, one of which is the determination of the price of products.

The unit cost of production is very important in business, it is the starting point for all enterprises.

According to the method of including costs in the cost of products, they are divided into direct and indirect.

Direct costs are directly related to the manufacture of specific types of products and are included in the cost of their manufacture.

Indirect costs - these are the costs of servicing production and managing production; they do not depend on the range of manufactured products. Indirect costs cannot be attributed to the release of a particular product, since they are associated with the operation of the workshop as a whole. They are distributed among various products in proportion to one or another conventional measure, most often in proportion to the wages of the main production workers.

1.3 Investment activity in the enterprise

1.3.1 Investments in production and their economic efficiency

Investments is a long-term investment Money both within the country and abroad in order to create new enterprises and modernize existing ones, for the development new technology and new technologies aimed at increasing production and making a profit.

Investor - an organization, a private entrepreneur or the state, carrying out a long-term investment of capital in any business or production for the purpose of making a profit.

That part of the investment that is directed to the reproduction of fixed production and non-production assets is called capital investments . Capital investments consist of the following main elements:

1) the cost of acquiring various types of machines, equipment, tools;

2) costs for design and survey activities;

3) the cost of construction and installation work.

In the system of indicators of the economic efficiency of investments, one should distinguish between the concepts Effect and production efficiency (capital investment efficiency) .

Effect - this is a certain result of the economic activity of the enterprise (an increase in production volumes, additional profit), obtained as a result of the development of capital investments in production. The effect can be expressed in in absolute terms(rubles, pieces, meters) and in relative indicators(percentage).

The effect can be economic, that is, having a specific monetary expression, it can be social or environmental, when, when investing in production, they receive not savings expressed in money, but improvement of working conditions, elimination occupational diseases and improving work safety. The environmental effect is manifested in the reduction of the negative impact of technology on the environment.

At the same time, it should be remembered that any social or environmental effect will necessarily develop into an economic one, since improving working conditions and improving work safety will necessarily lead to an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in production costs, and as a result, to additional profit.

But the same result can be achieved with different costs of materials, fixed assets and labor. Therefore, the concept is introduced production efficiency , which shows at what price the result was achieved and is calculated as the ratio of the result to the costs.

The greater the result per unit of cost, the higher the production efficiency and vice versa.

1.3.2 Calculation of the economic efficiency of capital investments

The economic efficiency of capital investments is calculated according to the indicators general economic efficiency and comparative economic efficiency.

indicators general

1) the increase in profits (ΔP) associated with these capital investments (K), for example, the cost of a new line consisting of machines with a numerical program management;

2) the coefficient of the overall economic efficiency of capital investments:


The coefficient of the overall economic efficiency of capital investments serves to assess the feasibility of specific capital investments.

3) the term for the return of capital investments. This is the period during which the amount of profit accumulated over a number of years, received as a result of capital investments made (introduction of new progressive technology or high-performance equipment into the production process), is compared with the amount of capital investments made.

But very often in production a situation arises when it is necessary to compare two or more options for manufacturing products with different capital investments. For this, indicators of the comparative economic efficiency of capital investments are used.

indicators comparative economic efficiency of capital investments are:

1) reduced (total) costs, which are the sum of the cost of production and the capital investments required for its manufacture:

2) the coefficient of comparative economic efficiency (), which characterizes the amount of reduction in the cost of production by 1 rub. capital investments (when comparing two options for the production of with the same volume and quality ):

where - the cost of annual output for the compared options for the production of products;

- capital investments for the compared options for the production of products.

3) the payback period of capital investments is the period of work for which capital investments of a more capital-intensive option will pay off by reducing the cost of products.


The calculated values ​​obtained and are compared with normative values that serve as criteria. Wherein normative coefficient comparative economic effectiveness () reflects the minimum possible profit from reducing the cost of products by 1 rub. capital investments. If the calculated value is greater than , then the cost reduction is greater than the standard value and the implemented measure is effective.

Regulatory term payback of capital investments () reflects the maximum allowable period for the return of capital investments due to the receipt of additional profit, which gives a reduction in the cost of products manufactured on new equipment or according to new technology. With a calculated value less than the capital investment, it will pay off ahead of the normative period.

1.3.3 Feasibility Study efficiency of use in the production of new equipment (new technology)

In the course of a feasibility study for the use of new equipment instead of the existing one, indicators of comparative economic efficiency are calculated. The costs of producing a given volume of products on existing and new equipment during the year are compared.

The main indicators of the comparative economic efficiency of using new equipment (new technology) are as follows: total (reduced) costs per unit of output, annual economic effect and payback period for capital investments in new equipment.

1) General (reduced) costs per unit of output are calculated according to specific indicators of cost and capital investments (specific indicators are indicators per unit of output).

where - the cost of a unit of output;

- specific capital investments (capital investments per unit of output).

– normative coefficient of comparative economic efficiency. For machine-building production = 0.33.

2) Annual economic effect. It represents the total savings of production resources (living labor, materials, energy), which the enterprise receives as a result of the use of new equipment in the production of products. The annual economic effect is found as the difference between the reduced costs for the compared options for output.

, (1.8)

where is the annual production program.

If the above costs are considered as the sum of the cost of production and the capital investments required for its manufacture, then the annual economic effect can be calculated by the formula:

3) Payback period for capital investments in new equipment (). Represents the period of time during which the cost of new equipment will pay off by obtaining additional profit due to a decrease in the cost of production. When evaluating the economic efficiency of using new equipment, the payback period for capital investments () and the coefficient of comparative economic efficiency () are calculated in the same way as when evaluating the effectiveness of capital investments, i.e., according to formulas 1.5. and 1.6.

where is the conditional annual savings or the expected profit from reducing the cost of production.

2. General provisions for the implementation and execution of course work

Coursework in the discipline "Organization of production and management" is carried out by students of the 5th year of full-time education and the 6th year of evening and correspondence courses of the specialty 150102 "Metalworking machines and complexes".

In the course of self-fulfillment of the course work, the student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary to solve specific practical production problems in the field of assessing the results of the production and economic activities of the enterprise and shows the level of knowledge acquired in the learning process.

2.1 The purpose and objectives of the course work

The purpose of the course work in the discipline "Organization of production and management" is to prepare students for independent work on the feasibility study of graduation projects.

The objectives of the course work are:

- consolidation of knowledge gained by students in lectures and practical classes;

– development of students' skills independent work with literary sources and information in the field of theory and practice of production and economic activity of the enterprise;

– students gaining practical experience in applying methods for calculating the parameters of a single-subject production line for machining parts and calculating the cost of machining a part, as well as choosing a more efficient variant of the technological process of machining and determining indicators of its economic efficiency.

– students acquire the skills to calculate the economic efficiency of introducing new technological equipment into the technological process.

1. Calculate the parameters of a single-subject production line for machining parts.

4. Make a choice of a more economical option and determine the indicators of its economic efficiency.

The source material for the course work is the variant of the technological process given to the students, indicating the norms of time for operations.

2.3 Registration of course work

Coursework in the discipline "Organization of production and management" is drawn up on sheets of A 4 format on one side of the sheet in compliance with the margins (left. 30 mm; pr. 10 mm; top, bottom 20 mm).

3. Calculation of the economic efficiency of measures to improve the technological processes of machining parts on production lines

3.1 Calculation of a single-subject discontinuous flow line

3.1.1 Determination of takt, effective fund of running time and rhythm of the production line

On production lines, the release (launch) of each object of labor is carried out at the same time interval, called the line cycle, which is calculated by the following formula:

where r is the cycle of the production line, min;

- effective fund of the line operation time in the planned period, min;

- production program for launching parts into production in the planned period, pcs.

The effective fund of the production line operation time is calculated by the formula:

= () ∙∙ S () (3.2)

where - the number of calendar days in a year, (see Appendix 1);

- the number of days off in a year;

- amount public holidays per year;

Duration of the work shift, hour;

S is the number of work shifts;

Loss of equipment operation time for repair and readjustment.

We calculate the annual program for launching parts into production using the formula:

()∙() (3.3)

where - annual production program for the production of parts, pieces;

- technological losses during equipment setup, and in connection with the manufacture of trial parts, etc.

- the planned size of spare parts, in% of the main production program (see Appendix 1).

The rhythm of the production line is calculated for the base and design options according to the formula:

where p is the size of the transport lot (see Annex 3).

The determination of the size of the transport lot is made on the basis of the average labor intensity of processing the part and its rough weight.

3.1.2 Determination of the required number of pieces of equipment for each operation of the production line and their load factors

(for basic and design options)

where is the estimated number of pieces of equipment for the i-th operation, pcs.;

– piece time for the i-th operation, min.

The accepted (integer) number of pieces of equipment for the i-th operation is determined by rounding off the fractional number of pieces of equipment to the nearest more whole number. A small overload of jobs is allowed, but not more than 10%.

For example, \u003d 3.2 "4 (pcs.); \u003d 3.02 "3 (pcs.).

The equipment load factor for each operation is determined by the formula:

The average load factor is determined by:


where m is the number of operations on the production line.

Rice. 1. Equipment loading schedule for operations (built for the base and design options)

Based on the results of the calculations, summary tables are compiled for the base and design options:

Table 3.1 - Basic version of part processing

3.1.3 Determination of the type of production line and the required number of workers-operators on the production line

Depending on the obtained results of loading jobs, synchronization of operations and other production conditions, the type of production line is determined (continuous - flow or discontinuous - flow).

Synchronization - this is the process of coordinating the duration of operations with the cycle of the production line. Synchronization is determined by the formula:

If the synchronism condition is met, then the line is continuous-flow.

If this equality does not exist, then the line refers to a discontinuous flow line, i.e., due to the different complexity of operations and the use of different types of equipment, in order to ensure the rhythmic operation of the line, it is necessary to create interoperational backlogs.

The determination of the required number of workers-operators on the production line is carried out on the basis of the loading of jobs for operations, taking into account the possible multi-machine maintenance and combination of operations.

The norm of possible multi-machine service is determined on operations where the number of jobs is more than one according to the formula:

where - machine-automatic operating time on any of the serviced machines, min. (see annex 2);

- auxiliary service time of the machine, min;

– time to move from machine to machine = 0.03 min.

– time to fix attention = 0.25 min.

– early arrival time = 0.5 min.

Provided when< 0,4 мин, от многостаночного обслуживания отказываются.

Fractional number of machines designed to be serviced by one worker, i.e. rounded up to nearest larger integer numbers.

To check the correctness of the possible multi-machine maintenance, a graph of working time loading is constructed.

To determine the required number of workers on the line, taking into account multi-machine maintenance, we draw up a schedule - equipment operation regulations.

operation number

Worker-operator number

01 02 03 04 05 0,58 06 0,67 07 08 09 1


Rice. 2. Schedule - equipment operation schedule (built for the base and design options)

This graph also determines the possibility of combining operations on the production line by worker operators. If the workers are not fully loaded with work, then for a more rational use of working time, it is necessary to combine operations.

From this graph, it can be seen that 11 pieces of equipment on the line will serve 6 person in one shift.

The total number of workers, taking into account work in two shifts and holidays, will be equal to:

, (3.11)

where - the planned percentage of loss of time for the vacation of workers = 12%.

S is the number of work shifts.

3.1.4 Calculation of reserves on the production line

A) Calculation of t transport backlog on the production line:

M × p (3.12)

where p is the size of the transport party, pieces;

m is the number of operations on the line.

B) Calculation technological backlog on the production line:


B) Calculation insurance reserve on the production line:

where is the program for launching parts in a shift;

– coefficient characterizing the magnitude of the temporary decrease in line performance is 0.1.


, (3.16)

where is the number of working days in a year;

S is the number of shifts in the production line.

D) Calculation interoperational working capital

Interoperational backlog arises due to the different complexity of related operations. Turnover between operations is the amount of parts accumulated between adjacent operations that have different durations.

Before calculating inter-operational turnover reserves, it is necessary to build a schedule for the operation of equipment for each adjacent pair of operations, dividing the time of operations into phases during which there are no changes in the simultaneous operation of machines in adjacent operations.

Calculation of reserves between the 1st and 2nd operations

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 1

The duration of each phase (F) is calculated using the formula:

where j is the serial number of the phase;

- the period of stock picking on the line (in our example = 210).

F I \u003d 210 × 0.58 \u003d 121.8 "122 min.

F II \u003d 210 × (0.96 - 0.58) \u003d 210 × 0.38 \u003d 79.8 "80 min.

F III \u003d 210 - (122 + 80) \u003d 8 min.

On the first phase 1st operations are operated by 2 machines, 2nd Operations are operated by 2 machines.

In phase II 1st operations, the machines are idle, 2nd Operations are operated by 2 machines.

In phase III, 1st and 2nd machines are idle during operations.

The calculation of the change in the value of the interoperational backlog during any phase is made according to the formula:


where - the number of working machines at the previous operation during this phase;

is the number of working machines in the subsequent operation during this phase.

For this example:

If the result is obtained with a “+” sign, this means that in this phase, due to less labor intensity or a larger number of machines, a positive reserve arises at the first operation. The backlog diagram on the graph increases from 0 to the maximum value (Fig. 3).

4. Economic justification for improving the technological operations of machining parts

4.1 Calculation of capital investments in the equipment of the designed option

4.1.1 The total capital investment in equipment is calculated by the formula:

, (4.1)

where - direct capital investments in equipment, rubles;

– related capital investments in purchased equipment, rub.

We calculate direct capital investments two comparable options basic and design:


Associated capital investments are calculated for project version only:

where - installation costs new equipment, rub.

= (4.4)

where - coefficient of installation of new equipment = 0.2;

- dismantling costs old equipment, rub.


where - coefficient of dismantling of old equipment = 0.2;

- the cost of production space under new equipment, rub.

The cost of the area additionally occupied by new equipment is calculated by the formula:

= () · (4.6)

g - coefficient taking into account passages and passages = 3.

4.1.2 Specific capital investments in equipment (capital investments for the manufacture of one part) are calculated for two compared options for welding the product:

4.1.3 Additional capital investment in equipment is calculated to determine the more capital intensive option.


4.2 Calculation of the cost of machining a part according to the basic and design options

4.2.1 Cost of materials less waste

ZM = ∙ ∙ – ∙ (4.9)

- material consumption rate for the manufacture of one part (weight of the workpiece), kg;

- the price of one kg of material, rub.;

Coefficient of transport and procurement costs = 1.05;

The rate of waste material in the manufacture of parts, kg;

The price of one kg of material waste, rub.

4.2.2 Process energy costs

The cost of electricity required to perform the technological process of machining a part is calculated based on the power of the equipment:

where is the number of machines at the i‑th operation, pcs.;

– machine power at the i-th operation, kW (see Appendix 4) ;

– machine operating time of the machine when processing one product at the i-th operation, min. (see annex 2);

ή - coefficient useful action machine tool = 0.8;

- the load factor of the electric motors of the machine in terms of power = 0.75;

The load factor of the electric motors of the machine in time = 0.7;

– coefficient of simultaneous operation of machine motors = 1;

Electricity loss factor in the plant network = 1.05;

C el.en. – price of 1 kWh of electricity, rub.

4.2.3 Maintenance and operation costs of process equipment

= + + + + + + (4.11)

where - depreciation deductions for equipment, rubles;

Costs for Maintenance equipment, rub.

Costs for the maintenance and operation of devices, rub.

The cost of a working tool, rub.

a) depreciation deductions for equipment:

, (4.12)

where - the price of a unit of technological equipment, (see Appendix 4) rubles;

Depreciation rate for technological equipment = 24%

t pc i is the time of manufacturing one product at the i-th operation;

Feff is the effective fund of equipment operation time (formula 3.2),

b) the cost of current repairs of equipment is calculated by the formula:

, (4.13)

where - the rate of deductions for the current repair of equipment, ≈ 35%;

Equipment load factor for the i-th operation (formula 3.6).

c) the cost of maintaining and operating devices:

, (4.14)

where is the adaptation cost factor (see Appendix 5).

Annual production program for the production of parts (see Appendix 1)

d) the cost of the working tool:

, (4.15)

where - the cost of operating the tool per machine per year, rub.

e) the cost of lubricants, cleaning materials and coolants:

, (4.16)

where is the average equipment load factor;

Consumption rate for lubricants and coolants per machine per year (see Appendix 6, Table 3).

f) technological water costs:

, (4.17)

where - specific consumption of technical water for one hour of machine operation, m 3;

- the price of 1 m 3 technical water, rub. (see Appendix 6, Table 3).

g) compressed air costs:

, (4.18)

where is the specific consumption of compressed air per hour of machine operation, m 3;

- the price of 1m 3 compressed air, rub.

4.2.4 Maintenance and operation costs of production facilities

, (4.19)

where - the area occupied by the equipment at the i-th operation, m 2;

- the price of 1 m 2 of the occupied production area;

- depreciation rate for industrial buildings = 2%.

4.2.5 Wage costs of key production workers with social contributions

The wage fund of the main production workers consists of basic and additional wages.

a) the basic salary is determined by the formula:

where is hourly tariff rate worker on the i-th operation, rub./hour;

- the coefficient of additional payments and allowances to the basic salary, is determined by regulatory documents enterprises (see Annex 6).

b) additional wages of the main production workers are determined by the formula:

, (4.22)

where is the coefficient of the ratio between the basic and additional wages.

c) Social contributions are calculated according to the formula:

, (4.23)

where is the rate of deductions for social needs.

4.2.6 Technological cost of machining a part

The calculation of the technological cost is carried out according to two processing options: basic and project :

ZM + + + + + (4.24)

4.2.7 Shop cost of machining a part

It is calculated according to two processing options: basic and project .

The workshop cost is the sum of the technological cost and overhead (shop) costs for processing the part:

where - overhead costs associated with the processing of the part, rub.

General production (shop) costs relate to indirect costs for the manufacture of products, these are overhead costs for managing the shop and its maintenance.

Indirect costs cannot be attributed to the release of a particular product, since they are associated with the operation of the workshop as a whole. They are distributed among various products in proportion to one or another conventional measure, most often in proportion to the wages of the main production workers.

where is the coefficient of overhead costs (see Appendix 6).

4.2.8 Production (general) cost of machining parts

It is calculated according to two processing options.

The general business (production) cost is the sum of the shop cost and general business (production) expenses.

where - general business expenses associated with the processing of the part, rub.

General business (production) costs refer to indirect costs for the manufacture of products, these are overhead costs for managing the production of products at the enterprise and servicing the enterprise.

Indirect costs cannot be attributed to the release of a particular product, since they are associated with the operation of the enterprise as a whole. They are distributed among various products in proportion to the wages of the main production workers.

= (4.28)

4.2.9 Total cost of machining a part

The total cost is the sum of the general business (production) cost and non-production costs. Non-manufacturing costs are the costs associated with the sale of manufactured products.

where - the amount of non-production costs, rub.

where is the coefficient of non-production costs.

4.2.10 Compiling a cost estimate for processing a part for compared process options

The calculation of the unit cost of production is called costing. In the process of costing, all production costs are grouped into costing items.

Calculation aims to ensure the determination of the cost of the product and create a basis for determining its price, as well as to facilitate the implementation of the savings regime, that is, the opening and use of reserves for saving material and labor resources. Calculating the cost of specific types of products is the basis for organizing commercial calculation.

The object of calculation can be a product, assembly, detail, amount of work. In mechanical engineering, the normative method of calculation is used, i.e., the cost of a product is calculated on the basis of technically sound norms and standards for the consumption of material and labor resources adopted at the enterprise.

The document in which the calculation of the cost of a unit of production is drawn up is called a cost estimate. Costing expresses the current costs of the enterprise in monetary form for the production and sale of the unit specific type products.

Based on the above calculations, we make a calculation of the cost of processing the part (table 4.1).

Reducing the cost of machining a part calculated by the formula:

100 %; (4.31)

Table 4.1 - Calculation of the cost of processing a part for compared process options

Name of cost items




Cost of materials less waste

Process energy costs

Equipment maintenance and operation costs

Maintenance and operation costs of production facilities

Wage costs of key production workers (FZP)

Deductions for social needs

Technological cost

General production (shop) expenses

shop cost

General business (production) expenses

Production cost

non-manufacturing expenses

Full cost

4.3 Calculation of the reduction in labor intensity and increase in labor productivity in the design version of the processing of the part

A change in the technological process of processing a part leads to a decrease in the complexity of the work. To determine the effectiveness of using a more productive processing process, it is necessary to calculate the magnitude of the reduction in labor intensity ().

We calculate according to the formula:

%, (4.32)

where - piece time for manufacturing the product according to the basic version, min;

- piece time for manufacturing the product according to the design option, min.

With a decrease in the labor intensity of manufacturing a product by a certain amount, there is necessarily an increase in the level of labor productivity by a slightly larger amount, since the labor intensity of manufacturing products and the level of labor productivity are inverse, but not proportional.

Based on the value of the reduction in the labor intensity of processing the part, we calculate the increase in labor productivity (DPT):

DPT = (%) (4.33)

4.4. Calculation of economic efficiency indicators of the designed technology for machining a part

4.4.1 Expected profit(conditionally-annual savings) from reducing the cost of manufacturing a product:

When designing new technological processes for processing parts, increasing their durability, the expected profit from cost reduction is determined by the formula:

= (4.35)

where is the durability (service life) of products, respectively, according to the basic and design options, we take 3 and 5 years.

If, as a result of the implementation of the designed version of the technology or equipment, the percentage of defective products decreases, the expected profit is determined by the formulas:

a) if the marriage is final (irreparable), then

= , (4.36)

where - the percentage of defective parts for the basic and design options, we accept 10% and 3%;

- mass of the workpiece, kg.

b) if the marriage is reparable

= , (4.37)

where - the cost of correcting a defect according to the basic and design options is 250 rubles. and 120 rubles.

If the product using this technology is fully manufactured and ready for sale to the consumer, then it is necessary to calculate the income tax using the formula:


where is the profit tax coefficient (we accept = 0.32)

Net profit , expected from the reduction in the cost of production, is calculated by the formula:

4.4.2 Annual economic effect from the introduction of more productive equipment into the technological process is calculated by formula 1.9:

where is the normative coefficient of comparative economic efficiency = 0.33.

4.4.3 Payback period of capital investments is calculated if the following inequality is true:

that is, if the project option is more capital intensive.

The payback period of capital investments is calculated by formula 1.6.

= (years)

To determine the calculation horizon, the resulting value is rounded up to the nearest whole number. In mechanical engineering, it should not exceed 4 years, otherwise the measure to introduce new equipment is considered ineffective.

4.4.4 Determination of the calculated coefficient of comparative economic efficiency of capital investments

The effectiveness of the funds spent on the implemented event can be determined by calculating the coefficient of comparative economic efficiency using formula 1.5.

If the calculated value is greater than , then the cost reduction is greater than the standard value and the implemented measure is effective.


1. Velikanov, K.M. Determination of the comparative economic efficiency of engineering solutions / K.M. Velikanov, E.G. Vasiliev. - L .: Mashinostroenie, Leningrad. department, 1991. - 79 p. - ISBN 5-279-01766-8.

2. Methods and practice for determining the effectiveness of capital investments and new technology: Sat. scientific inform. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Economics / A.A. Beschinsky, B.S. Vanshtein and others; ed. T.S. Khachaturov. – M.: Nauka, 1990. – 144 p. - ISBN 5-7038-2053-6.

3. Novitsky, N.M. Organization, planning and production management: textbook.-method. allowance / ed. N.I. Novitsky. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2006. - 575 p. - ISBN 5-2790-02691-3.

4. Organization and planning of engineering production: textbook. for machine building specialist. universities / M.I. Ipatov [i dr.]; ed. M.I. Ipatova, V.I. Postnikov. - M .: Higher. school, 1988. - 367 p. - ISBN 5-222-00044-7.

5. Organization, planning and management of a machine-building enterprise: textbook. allowance for universities / N.S. Sachko [and others]; ed. N.S. Sachko, I.M. Babuka. - Mn.: Vysh.shk., 2002. - 272 p. - ISBN 5-87902-061-2.

6. Farkhutdinov, R.A. Organization of production: textbook. for universities: Short course. - Vulture MO. – M.: INFRA-M, 2005. – 304 p. - ISBN 5-16-000832-2.

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation



by discipline:

"Organization of production and management"


Organization of production discipline that reveals and explains the patterns of rational construction and management production systems in the field of production of material 6 logs, methods that ensure the most appropriate connection and use in time and space of labor and material resources for the purpose of efficient management of production processes and, in general, entrepreneurial activity (i.e., with the aim of producing products of the required quantity and quality in a timely manner at minimum production costs).

The term "organization" is derived from the French word "organization" and means a device, a combination of someone or something into a single whole. The organization involves the internal ordering of the parts of the whole as a means of achieving the desired result.

Relations of production- relations between people in the process of production and distribution of material goods. They develop under the influence of productive forces, but they themselves exert their influence; active influence on them, accelerating or slowing down the growth of production, technical progress.

Industrial and technical relations act as relations about the joint there participants in the production process. The basis of these relations is the division of labor cooperation, which lead to the separation of individual works, brigades, sections, workshops and necessitate the establishment between them industrial relations.

The next function of the organization of production is the establishment of various links between individual performers and production units that ensure the joint activities of people participating in a single production process.

Socio-economic relations express relations between people, determined by the nature and form of social appropriation of the means of production by property relations. Socio-economic relations are an important element in creating the unity of the economic interests of society, the collective and individual workers in achieving the highest production efficiency.

At the same time, the organization of production implements its third function - the creation of organizational conditions that ensure interaction on economic basis all production links as a single production and technical system.

Finally, we can single out the fourth function, which is designed to solve the problems of creating conditions for improving the working life of workers, professional permanent and socio-cultural self-development and self-improvement of the labor resources of the enterprise.

Thus, the essence of the organization of production is to combine and ensure the interaction of personal and material elements of production, establish the necessary connections and coordinated actions of the participants in the production process, create organizational conditions for the realization of economic interests and social needs of workers at a manufacturing enterprise.

To justify the choice of the organizational form of the production site, the following calculations are required.

The planning of the launch program for each part name is calculated by the formula

where is the release program of the j-th item name, pcs.;

J- the number of names of parts assigned to the site;

is the percentage of technologically inevitable losses (we accept 2%).

In our case it will be:

The effective fund of the operating time of a piece of equipment is determined by the formula

where is the nominal fund of equipment operation time;

- the number of shifts in the work of the site;

- the percentage of time lost for scheduled equipment repairs (5%).

Standard processing time of a part i‑th name is determined by the formula

where - the rate of piece-calculation time for the i-th operation of the part of the j-th name, min;

I- the total number of operations of the technological process.

T N=(2.8+0.8+1.0+3.0+3.2+2.1)/60=0.22 min.

T K=(4.3+3.7+5.7+12.0+16.0+5.5)/60=0.79 min.

T L=(1.2+1.7+2.5+1.5+2.3+0.9)/60=0.17 min.

T O=(9.6+3.7+6.1+5.9+2.3+2.8)/60=0.51 min.

The complexity of the program task of the j-th part is calculated by the formula

tnN\u003d 11168 0.22 \u003d 2457 min.

tnK\u003d 11168 0.79 \u003d 8823 min.

t nL\u003d 8123 0.17 \u003d 1381 min.

tnO\u003d 10152 0.51 \u003d 5178 min

Then, according to formula (5), it is necessary to determine the total duration of processing of parts assigned to the site

t total=2457+8823+1381+5178=17839.

The calculation of the above program is carried out according to the formula

where is the coefficient of reduction of the j-th part to the labor intensity of the leading part, which has the maximum labor intensity of the program task, for which, for the remaining parts, it is determined by the formula

where is the processing time of the leading part.

11168 0.28=3127

11168 1=11168

8123 0.22=1787.

The next step in justifying the choice of the organizational form of the production site is to determine the lower limit of the required number of equipment

Conclusion: since the lower limit of the required number of equipment turned out to be less than ten, therefore, we make a decision to organize a subject-closed area.

The number of pieces of equipment is determined by groups of equipment of the same type (machine models) according to the formula

where t NC is the standard duration of work on the k-th group of equipment, standard hours.

The standard duration of work is calculated by the formula

where t pcs.– total labor intensity by type of processing of the k-th group of equipment, standard hours,

D p-z- allowable share of preparatory - final time,

D p-z=0,05,

K B- the average coefficient of compliance with the norms (1.1 ... 1.2).

Planning a startup program for each type of machine:

The total labor intensity of each type of machine:

1. T 5K301P=2,8+16,0+0,9=19,7

2. T 1A425=0,8+5,5+2,5+2,3=11,1

3. T 7B55=1,0+1,7+2,8=5,5

4. T 692=3,0+3,7+2,3=9,0

5. T 5V833=3,2+4,3+5,7=13,2

6. T 3M151=2,1+3,7=5,8

7. T 16K20=12,0+1,2=13,2

8. T 3H125=1,5+6,1=7,6

9. T 165=9,6

10. T 3451B=5,9

Normative duration of work:

The number of pieces of equipment.

The determination of the type of production at the site is carried out by the value of the coefficient of consolidation of operations ( K s), which shows the average number of part-operations performed at one workplace:

K Z \u003d 1 / K Z.SR,

where K Z.SR- the average load factor of the workplace by one detail operation.

Table 1 - Calculation of the average load factor of the workplace of one

Machine name

Machine model

Number of units equipment


Number of detailsoperators.

load 1 part








K Z=1/0,268=3,7

The fixing coefficient is more than two, which means the type of production is large-scale.

The cycle time of a simple process is the time it takes to produce individual parts.

Its main part is the technological cycle, consisting of the duration operating cycles THEN and duration of interoperative breaks T MO.

Table 2 - Initial data for calculation

Labor intensity of operations, min

The operating cycle is the time for processing batches of parts in one operation. He is equal

where n- lot size of parts;

- the norm of piece-calculation time for i‑th operation, min;

- the number of jobs on the i-th operation, =1.

In a multi-operational process, the total duration of operating cycles ( T S) depends on the type of movement of batches of parts.

With a sequential type of movement of batches and parts from operation to operation, it is transferred after the complete completion of its processing at the previous operation.

The total duration of operating cycles for a sequential type of movement is determined by the formula:

With a series-parallel type of movement, batches of parts are transferred from operation to operation in parts - transfer batches ( R) while the operations should proceed without interruptions.

The total duration of operating cycles for a series-parallel type of movement is determined by the formula:

where is the sum of the smallest operating cycles from each pair of adjacent operations.

With a parallel type of movement, batches of parts are transferred in parts, which are launched for subsequent operations immediately after their processing in previous operations, regardless of the entire batch.

The total duration of operating cycles for a parallel type of movement is determined by the formula:

where is the maximum operating cycle.

T SP\u003d 368 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 7912.

T SPP\u003d 7912 - (368-46) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 4531.

T SPAR= (368–46) 7+46 (7+2+1+5+4+2.5)=3243.

Cycle duration ( T C), in addition to technological, includes the duration of natural processes ( T e) and is measured in calendar days.

The duration of the cycle for a sequential type of movement is determined by the formula:


where is the duration of the work shift (480 min);

S- number of working shifts per day (2).

- coefficient of conversion of working days into calendar days (0.7).

The duration of the cycle for a series-parallel type of movement is determined by the formula:


Cycle time for parallel movement:





Let us determine the total duration of operating cycles and the duration of the cycle when the batch of parts is halved.

T SP\u003d 184 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 3956.

T SPP\u003d 3956 - (184-46) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 2507.

T SPAR= (184–46) 7+46 (7+2+1+5+4+2.5)=1955.




Let us determine the total duration of operating cycles and the duration of the cycle when the transfer batch is halved.

T SP\u003d 368 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 7912.

T SPP\u003d 7912 - (368-23) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 4289.5.

T SPAR= (368–23) 7+23 (7+2+1+5+4+2.5)=2909.5.




Let us determine the total duration of operating cycles and the duration of the cycle at p=1.

T SP\u003d 368 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 7912.

T SPP\u003d 7912 - (368-1) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 4058.5.

T SPAR\u003d (368–1) 7 + 1 (7 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 2590.5.




Let us determine the total duration of operating cycles and the duration of the cycle when the longest operation is halved.

T SP\u003d 368 (3.5 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 6624.

T SPP\u003d 6624 - (368-46) (2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2.5) \u003d 3243.

T SPAR= (368–46) 7+46 (3.5+2+1+5+4+2.5)=2438.




Least T c processing of a batch of parts is provided with a parallel type of movement. But at the same time, there is a drawback that is significant for practice - all operations, except for the most laborious, are performed intermittently, which leads to underloading of equipment.

Decrease P contributes to the reduction T s most significant in the sequential type of movement. It leads to a reduction in the degree of parallelism in the processing of a batch of parts in adjacent operations with serial-parallel and parallel types of movement.

Decrease R cuts in half T SPP by about 5.3%, and T SPAR- by 10.3%. With piece-by-piece transfer of parts, this reduction is respectively 10.4% and 20.1%, i.e. significantly affects the parallel type of movement.

Reducing the duration of the most time-consuming operation by half reduces T SP by 16.3%, T SPP by 28.4% and T SPAR by 24.8%.

Thus, in this situation, it is advisable to choose a series-parallel type of movement and provide for measures to reduce the most labor-intensive operation.

Table 3 - Initial data for an example of determining the order of launching batches of parts

Duration of operating cycles, h

Launch Options

The following algorithms are used to determine the total cycle time for a batch of parts:

where is the operating cycle of processing j‑th detail on i oh opera tions.

Table 4 - Matrix of labor input for a sequential type of movement

I option

II option

I option

II option

With a series-parallel type of movement, the smallest total cycle time is achieved.

When building schedule models, the following conditions are taken into account:

1. batches of parts are launched into processing at the same time, according to a predetermined optimal sequence;

2. the complexity of processing one part compared to the total duration of the operating cycles of manufacturing the entire batch.

Initial data for loading equipment with a sequential type of movement.

The total duration of manufacturing batches of parts assigned to the site, in the absence of equipment downtime, is determined by the formulas:

– for a sequential type of movement

– for serial-parallel Vdia movement with piece-by-piece transfer of parts.

Table 6 - Initial data for loading equipment with a sequential type of movement

I option

Table 7 - Initial data for loading equipment in a series-parallel type of movement

I option

Using different criteria when building models calendar plan-graphics contributes to the solution of various production tasks. Choice the best option plan is possible only in the presence of other indicators. For example, such as, at a minimum, tracking batches of parts in anticipation of launch and equipment, minimal losses from tying working capital in work in progress.

In this situation, in the absence additional information it is advisable to recommend a criterion for minimizing the total cycle duration when imposing restrictions on other indicators. From this point of view, the scheduling model for the sequential-parallel type of movement with the launch option will be rational L, N, K, O.

3. Selection of the optimal layout of equipment on the site

The minimum freight turnover is taken as the criterion of optimality. The optimal layout of the equipment П*, which provides a minimum of the total cargo turnover Go, corresponds to

The site is assigned the processing of parts of several names (1,2,3,4). Details are made on machines: turning (T), drilling (C), milling (F), boring (P), grinding (W). Processing routes are different. The average distance between the sites where the machines should be placed is 3 meters.

Table 8 - Initial data on the complexity of processing

the name of detail

Table 9 - Initial data for calculating the turnover

the name of detail

Release program, pcs.

Weight, kg

Route of processing (code of machines)

one piece

Release program

Table 10 - Calculation of the number of machines

Part type

Release program

Machine type and processing time, norm-hour

Number of calculated machines accepted

Table 11 - Matrix of transferred goods

Feeding machines

Consuming machines

Table 12 - Distance Matrix

The turnover is equal to:

24000*3+18500*12+18500*15+61600*3+27500*6+61600*3+9500*9+61600*3+12000*3+12000*6+12000*12+13750*9+12000* 15+13750*12=2097150 kg m

Table 13 - Matrix of transferred goods

Feeding machines

Consuming machines

The turnover is equal to:

61600*9+13750*3+12000*6+13750*6+12000*3+24000*9+18500*6+18500*3+61600*12+27500*3+12000*12+12000*9+9500* 6+61600*3=2484150 kg m

Table 15 - Matrix of transferred goods

Feeding machines

Consuming machines

The turnover is equal to:

61600*3+24000*3+18500*3+18500*6+13750*6+12000*3+13750*9+12000*6+9500*9+12000*6+12000*3+61600*3+61600* 15+27500*12=2369850 kg m

Table 17 - Matrix of transferred goods

The turnover is equal to:

12000*6+13750*12+12000*3+13750*9+18500*6+18500*3+24000*6+12000*9+12000*6+9500*3+61600*6+61600*6+27500* 9+61600*3=2087250 kg m

Conclusion: as a result of calculations, it was revealed that the optimal cargo turnover equal to 2087250 kg m is provided with option 4, corresponding to the processing route N-F-Sh.

The cost of buildings is determined on an aggregate basis by their area and unit costs for the construction of one meter of area, taking into account the construction of a water supply system, sewerage, heating, ventilation, a foundation for equipment and an industrial wiring network.

The total area is divided into production, auxiliary and service premises.

Production - the area occupied by technological equipment, production inventory, passages and driveways between equipment, places for storing blanks and waste. The average market value of production space is 20,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

Auxiliary - the area occupied by warehouses, railways, main passages and auxiliary sections (shop control bureau, instrumental - distributing pantry, repair and sharpening sections). Calculated at a rate of 25% of the cost of production space.

The area of ​​service premises - the office of the workshop (1.0 m 2 per worker), household premises: wardrobe, showers, etc. (1.8m 2 per worker). The average market value of non-production space is 15,000 rubles. per 1 sq.m.

Name of premises

Area of ​​premises, m 2

The cost of 1 m 2 in the building, thousand rubles.

The cost of the building, thousand rubles

Production and auxiliary


Table 19 - Calculation of the cost of equipment



Engine power, kW

The cost of a unit of equipment, thousand rubles

Total amount, thousand rubles

per unit

per quantity

Machine mod. 1A425

Machine mod. 165

Machine mod. 16K20

Machine mod. 3Н125

Machine mod. 3M151

Machine mod. 3451B

Machine mod. 5V833

Machine mod. 5K301P

Machine mod. 692

Machine mod. 7B55

Transportation and installation of technological equipment, 5%

Total initial cost of technological equipment of the workshop

3.3 Determination of the cost of valuable tools, fixtures, instrumentation, inventory

Valuable tools, fixtures and instrumentation include the means of labor that are part of fixed assets.

The initial cost of stocks of valuable tools, devices of control and measuring devices can be determined, consolidated in the amount of 15% of the initial cost of technological equipment, i.e. 21849.98 thousand rubles

The cost of production and household equipment can be calculated, enlarged at a rate of 3% of the initial cost of technological equipment and equal to 4370 thousand rubles.

4.1 Calculation of the payroll of auxiliary workers

The number of auxiliary workers is equal to 25% of the total number of main workers. The number of auxiliary workers employed in the maintenance of equipment is equal to 60% of the total number of auxiliary workers. The number of auxiliary workers employed in servicing the workshop is 40% of the total number of auxiliary workers.

A time bonus system is used to pay auxiliary workers. Since the salary of auxiliary workers in the cost of production refers to indirect costs and is taken into account in three items, the calculation of the annual wage fund is carried out separately, for each category of auxiliary workers in accordance with staffing. The annual fund of time of one worker is taken equal to 1860 hours (table 20).

Table 20 - Calculation of the annual wage fund of auxiliary workers

Name of professions

Number of workers, pers.

Rank of work

Hourly tariff rate, rub.

Time payable per year. watch

Auxiliary workers engaged in maintenance of equipment

Auxiliary workers engaged in maintenance of the shop

Total annual tariff payroll

Fund of bonuses and additional payments, 30% of the tariff wage fund

Annual Basic Payroll

Annual additional salary fund, 14% of the basic salary

Planned annual payroll

Number of support workers per project

average salary one project support worker per month

4.2 Calculation of the annual payroll fund for managers, specialists, employees

The number of managers is 5% of the total number of main and auxiliary workers; the number of specialists - 10% of the total number of main and auxiliary workers. The number of employees is 2% of the total number of main and auxiliary workers.

The calculation of the annual wage fund for these categories of employees is carried out in accordance with the regular salary (table 16).

Table 21 - Calculation of the annual payroll of managers, specialists, employees

Number of employees, people

Salary per month

Annual payroll




Workshop foreman

The calculation of the costs associated with the remuneration of workers begins with the determination of the required number of basic workers for each profession and category separately.

The estimated number of main workers (table 10) is determined by the formula:

where T 3- the total total time required to complete the shift task, min; T SM– shift duration, 480 min.


Hourly tariff rate, rub.

Annual volume of work by unit time, standard hours

The value of calculated indicators for the wage fund, rub.

milling machine





Total annual direct payroll

Fund of planned bonuses, in % of the direct salary fund (50%)

Annual Basic Wage Fund for Basic Workers

Annual additional wage fund for key workers, as % of base wage (14%)

Annual wage bill for key workers

Number of key project workers

Average salary of one main project worker per month

The production cost of a product is determined according to the costing items, using the exact method based on the norms of the material and labor costs used, associated with the cost process, according to the following formula:

where - the cost of basic materials, rub.;

- the cost of auxiliary materials, rub.;

TZR- transportation and procurement costs, rub.;

- costs for the wage fund of production workers, rub.;

– general production expenses, rub.;

– general business expenses, rub.

The cost of basic materials, taking into account return costs, is determined by the formula:

where - the cost of basic materials for each group, kg;

- mass of waste sold for each group of materials, kg;

, - the corresponding wholesale price of materials and waste for each group, rub./kg;

is the number of homogeneous groups of materials.

The cost and consumption rates of the basic materials used and the waste sold are shown in tables 23 and 24.

Annual production of parts, pcs.

Material price per ton, thousand rubles

Planned material consumption rate per 1 part, kg

Material requirement for annual output, t

Transport and procurement costs

The planned price of the material per ton, thousand rubles.

Material costs for the annual production of parts, thousand rubles.

Annual production of parts, pcs.

Realized waste

Weight of waste per part, kg

Mass of waste for the annual production of parts, t

Cost of waste per ton, thousand rubles

The cost of waste for the annual production of parts, thousand rubles.

Z OM \u003d 13087.62–25.45 \u003d 13062.17 thousand rubles.

The current costs associated with the operation of shop equipment are calculated based on the electricity consumed.

Power consumed electricity:

where M– total installed power of electric motors, kW;

- annual fund of effective working time of a piece of equipment (h);

F EF \u003d n T CM D m, where

n- number of shifts per day, 2;

T SM - shift duration, 480 min.;

D- the number of working days in a year, 260 days;

m- planned downtime standard, 3…6%

F EF\u003d 2 480 260 5 \u003d 1248000 min. \u003d 20800 hours.

K C - demand coefficient (equal to 1.2);

K Z - average equipment load factor (assumed to be 0.85).

M EP = 93.8 20800 1.2 0.85 = 1990060.8 kW

The cost of workshop electricity, taking into account the lighting of the workshop, non-production losses are determined by the formula:

where is the cost of one kWh of power electricity.

Z EL =(1.3 1990060.8) / 1000 \u003d 3363.2 rubles.

Name of expense items

Value of indicators, thousand rubles

Equipment operation

Energy for production needs:

power electric power, kW

payments in rubles per kW of installed capacity per year, thousand rubles

Annual wage bill for support workers involved in equipment maintenance

Social security contributions -26% of the annual payroll of support workers involved in equipment maintenance

Capital and current repairs of equipment and vehicles - 6% of their cost

Depreciation deductions, as a percentage of the original cost:

technological equipment - 10% of the cost

tools, fixtures, devices - 12.5% ​​of the cost

production inventory - 14.3% of the cost

Expenses for the maintenance of the shop management apparatus (except for foremen)

Annual payroll for managers, specialists, employees

Deductions for social needs - 26% of the annual payroll of managers, specialists, employees

Costs for the maintenance of masters:

masters annual payroll

deductions for social needs - 26% of the annual salary fund of masters

Annual wage bill for auxiliary workers serving the shop

Social contributions -26% of the annual payroll of auxiliary workers serving the shop

Expenses for the maintenance of buildings, structures:

Depreciation deductions (workshop building) - 5% of the initial cost

Capital and current repairs of buildings, structures - 3% of the initial cost

Annual general operating expenses

Other expenses - 25%

Total overhead (indirect) expenses

5.3 Determination of the shop cost of annual output

Products should be understood as all finished parts included in the annual task of the workshop when determining the workshop cost of annual output (table 26).

Table 26 - Determination of the shop cost of annual output

The wholesale price of a part (factory price) is determined by the formula

where S P- full cost of the part, rub.;

– standard profit (constituting 20% ​​of S P).

The free selling price of the part is determined by the formula

where VAT is value added tax (18% of the enterprise price).

Price calculations are summarized in Table 27.


Amount, thousand rubles

The cost of purchasing raw materials and basic materials per year

Cost of returnable waste per year

Total material cost less returnable waste

Basic and additional wages with deductions for social needs of the main production workers

overhead costs

General business expenses - 25% of the basic wages of production workers

Total production cost

Selling expenses - 2% of the production cost

Total total cost per batch

Total cost of one part

Standard profit

Intra-factory wholesale price details

Free detail selling price

The purpose of this calculation is to determine the size of the annual projected profit and return on investment invested in fixed assets and inventories.

The predicted profit for the annual output is determined by the formula

where P N - standard profit per j-th part, thousand rubles;

AT - planned annual program for the production of parts, pcs.

thousand roubles.;

The main indicator that determines the efficiency of the designed workshop is the estimated payback period for capital investments in production assets in comparison with the normative ones. This indicator is determined by the formula:

where estimated payback period, number of years;

OF - the cost of fixed production assets and inventories (the cost of buildings, equipment, tools, etc.);

- annual projected profit.

The total profitability of production is determined by the formula

In our case, the total profitability of production will be

The efficiency of the use of enterprise funds is determined by the return on assets (Fo)

where is the price of the j-th part, rub.

Annual output of the j-th part, pcs.

FSG - the average annual cost of fixed production assets, rub.


1. Organization of production. Guidelines for the implementation of the course project. Penza, 2004

2. Zaitsev N.Ya. Economy industrial enterprise[Text]: textbook / N.Ya. Zaitsev. - M., 2002. -384 p.

3. Novitsky I.I. Organization of production at enterprises [Text]: teaching aid / I.I. Novitsky. M.: Finance and statistics, 2001. - 392 p.

4. Organization of production and enterprise management: textbook / Ed. O.G. Turovets. - M.: INFRA - M, 2002. -528 p.

5. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production [Text]: a textbook for universities / R.A. Fatkhundinov. - M .: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 2003.


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