Robotics companies. Industrial robots. How to tell if your child has a penchant for robotics

  • 13.11.2019

But also one of the most important means for profound socio-economic changes in the world of work. The development and implementation of industrial robots have already made it possible to move to a new, higher scientific and technical level of solving problems in integrated automation on the industrial enterprises, redistribute functions between man and machine, and significantly increase labor productivity.

This happened thanks to companies that have been producing industrial machines for various fields of activity for many years. Robohunter will tell you about the 10 most successful of them and introduce you to their products.

1. (Japan)

FANUC is one of the leaders in the global market for industrial automation, machine tools, numerical program control and robotics. The manufacturer appeared in 1956, and already in 1972 introduced its first industrial robot. FANUC has its own laboratories and research centers, production facilities, as well as test sites located at the foot of Japan's Mount Fuji.

FANUC Robotics is the robotics division of the company, with its own wide network of representative offices. In total, over 200,000 FANUC robots can be counted in the world, 30,000 of which are located in Europe and Russia.

FANUC products are of high quality, they are characterized by intelligence, ultra-precision and high functionality.

The FANUC robot line includes:

  • FANUC M-1iA - one of the fastest delta robots in the world;
  • The FANUC M-2000iA is the world's strongest mass-produced industrial robot, with a maximum payload of 1350 kg.
  • FANUC ArcMate - high-precision and high-speed welding robots.
  • FANUC M-410iB is a series of lifting robots with the ability to palletize and pack finished products.

(according to 2014 data)

2. (Germany)

The activities of the leading German manufacturer of industrial robots are focused on the production of robots applicable in various industries: from automotive and metallurgy to food.

The German company KUKA (Keller und Knappich Augsburg) was founded in 1898 in Augsburg. The first industrial robot FAMULUS appeared in 1973. He had six axles with electromechanical control. Today, the company's product range includes many types of robots that perform various tasks. KUKA robots are used all over the world in factories: for welding, loading, palletizing, packaging, handling, assembly, etc.

KUKA machines are classified according to their load capacity: small (5-16 kg), medium (30-60 kg) and large (90-300 kg). And they can be used not only in enterprises. In this video, you can see how the device plays a game with tennis champion Tim Ball.

(according to 2014 data)

3. (Sweden, Switzerland)

ABB (Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.) specializes in electrical engineering, power engineering, robotics, and information technology. ABB appeared in 1988 as a result of the merger of two companies: the Swedish ASEA and the Swiss Brown, Boveri & Cie and today occupies a leading position in the production of industrial robots (the total number exceeds 20,000).

The company produces industrial robots, special equipment and tools, software for simulation of robotic complexes, special software for welding and plastic processing, production cells, complete systems for the automotive industry.

4. (Japan)

The Japanese Corporation was established in 1896 and today is known as one of the world's largest industrial concerns. Initially, Kawasaki specialized in shipbuilding. Today, the product line consists of industrial robots, jet skis, tractors, trains, motorcycles, engines, weapons, light aircraft and helicopters, and aircraft parts.

Robots from Kawasaki are designed to perform various production tasks. The range includes universal industrial machines (capacity up to 1500 kg), specialized robots (for example, K-series painting machines, N- and T-series clean room machines, etc.)

The Kawasaki robotics line includes manipulators of a special explosion-proof design, robots working in aggressive environments, structures for metallurgical industries, which are characterized by high temperature of billets, as well as palletizers.

5. (Yaskawa) (Japan, USA)

Motoman Robotics, a division of the Japanese company Yaskawa, occupies one of the leading positions among manufacturers of robotics in North and South America. Motoman Robotics was founded in August 1989, today the number of manufactured products exceeds 30 thousand units.

The Motoman product line consists of 175 robotic models and 40 fully integrated turnkey solutions applicable to specific tasks (including safety equipment).

6.OTC Daihen ()

The company specializes in arc welding and cutting machines, components for automation of welding technology and material processing.

Initially, OTC supplied welding equipment to other companies, but in a short period of time it became the leader in the Japanese automotive market for gas and metal components for arc welding machines. Daihen's first generation of OTC robots were developed in the late 1970s for arc welding. Since then, he has been actively improving the automation of welding on his own line of robots. OTC DAIHEN, Inc. includes a number of subsidiaries operating in the areas welding automation and robotics.

OTC Daihen robots are used for different types welding and plasma cutting (particularly mild and stainless steel, aluminium, titanium, other exotic metals).

7. (Japan)

Panasonic is not only a world-famous Japanese engineering corporation that produces household appliances and electronic products, but also one of the market leaders in industrial robotics and welding equipment. In particular, Panasonic's welding robot is an all-in-one technology, with no additional interface between the robot and the welding source. The robot does not need to set up welding functions, and programming is done from a single control panel. It is fitting that sales of Panasonic welding robots today have reached the 40,000 mark. The company also produces universal manipulators for many types of production tasks.

8. KC Robotics (USA)

KC Robotics, Inc. is an innovative robotics solutions company that has been a one-stop shop for a wide range of industrial robots, products and services since 1990.

Many brands use KC Robotics services, including Yaskawa Motoman, Kuka, Fanuc, Mitsubishi, OTC, Panasonic. The company serves all sectors of the use of industrial robots, and is also engaged in the production and processing of materials, including packaging and welding.

9. Triton Manufacturing (USA)

The American company specializes in flexible power systems, as well as custom machined busbars and soldered electrical components, which are used in a variety of electrical and thermal applications. Triton devices provide power transmission for computers, power distribution for the transportation, switchgear, telecommunications and aerospace industries.

10. Kaman Corporation (USA)

The American holding company, which has been on the market for more than 40 years, includes three enterprises founded by aircraft designer Charles Kaman:

  • Kaman Aircraft (helicopter industry, 1945);
  • Kaman Aerospace (aviation components, ammunition, military-technical research);
  • Kaman Industrial Distribution (supply and warehouse logistics).

Currently, Kaman Corporation has more than 200 branches and distribution centers, and is one of the largest industrial distributors in North America. The company manufactures bearings, mechanical and electrical devices for power transmission and motion control, material and fluid processing, and other devices used in industrial and military robotics.

(according to 2014 data)

During the year, 860 industrial robots were introduced in Russia. In total in the world - 384 thousand

In Russia, the ratio of the number of robots per 10,000 workers was 4 robots, with the world average: 106 robots for Europe, 91 for America and 75 for Asia.

The automotive industry is the leader in terms of robotization: 378 robots are employed at the enterprises of auto concerns in Russia (an increase of 44% compared to 2017). 602 robots work in other industries, of which 19% are involved in the metallurgical industry.

The total volume of the market for industrial robots in Russia is estimated by NAURR at 2.5 billion rubles, the market for robotic systems at 7.5 billion rubles.

With regard to global statistics on robotics, it was announced by Andreas Bauer, vice president of corporate marketing at KUKA and concurrently chairman of the Robot Suppliers Committee of the International Federation of Robotics (IFR). He presented the federation's annual official report on the state of the industrial robotics market worldwide.

So, according to the report, in 2018 more than 384,000 industrial robots were installed on manufacturing enterprises worldwide, up 1% from 2017, and a new record for robotic production. To the 5 largest markets for industrial robotics (China, Japan, South Korea, Germany) accounts for 15% of the global number of installed robots.

In the global robotization market, the automotive industry remains the leading industry: in 2018, about 116,000 robots were installed in enterprises (which is 6% less than in 2017). In second place is the electronics industry, with the number of installed robots up 8% in 2018 to around 113,000 robots. Both of these industries have taken over almost 60% of industrial robotics around the world. Metallurgy and mechanical engineering are gradually increasing the number of robots; in 2018, 48,000 of them were installed.

Countries with the highest penetration of industrial robots

At the beginning of April 2019, the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) published a study on the penetration rate of industrial robots in different countries.

The first place in the ranking was taken by South Korea, in which there are 710 robots per 10 thousand workers. The top three included Singapore (658 robots) and Germany (322). Russia is not on this list.

Experts draw attention to the seventh place in the United States, where there are 200 robots per 10 thousand workers in factories and enterprises. This is twice as much as in China.

In 2018, a record number of robots were sold on the American market - almost 38 thousand pieces. This was largely facilitated by companies involved in the food and chemical industries (including plastic processing), which increased the cost of robotics by 64% and 30%, respectively.

Most of all robots in the USA are involved in the production of cars - in 2017 there were 1200 of them in relation to 10 thousand workers against 790 in 2012. However, automakers are reducing purchases of robots: in 2016, a record 16,311 units were purchased, in 2017 - 15,400, in 2018 - 14,600. Sales are declining by about 7% per year, but the auto industry in 2018 accounted for 38% of all industrial robots in the US.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, total employment in the automotive industry increased by 22% - from 824,400 jobs in 2013 to 1,005,000 in 2018. These data show that, despite the automation of the production of cars and components for them, there is no problem of unemployment in this sector.

The second most purchased robot in the US was the electronics industry, with an 18 percent share of the total amount of equipment used. Electronics manufacturers are increasing the adoption of robots by about 15% per year.

Robot nearly killed a worker by impaling him with 10 steel pins

On December 11, 2018, it became known about an accident that happened to a 49-year-old Chinese man named Zhou. It was pierced by 10 steel pins as a result of the fall of the manipulator, which flew off the industrial robot. Fortunately, the worker managed to be saved, despite severe injuries.

The incident occurred on December 4, 2018 at a porcelain factory in the city of Zhuzhou (Hunan Province in southeast China) during a night shift. Spikes 30 cm long and 1.5 cm in diameter flew out from the fallen part of the robot, which stuck into Zhou's back, shoulder and arm. Some of them went through, and one metal pin stopped just 1 mm from an important nerve node in the thoracic region - in the area between the collarbone and the first rib. Even a little bit and the victim could begin a severe hemorrhage, which would greatly reduce the chances of survival.

With severe injuries, the man was taken to a local hospital, from where he was sent to a clinic in the provincial capital. Because of the pins, he could not lie on his back or on his stomach. More than ten nurses and doctors from various departments treated his wounds. In the early morning, the worker was operated on and all the pins were successfully removed, the Daily Mail reports, citing People's Daily Online.

Surgeon Wu Panfeng, who operated on Zhou, said that due to the length of the metal pins, the patient could not undergo an X-ray scan. After the operation, which was successful, the man's condition stabilized. Nothing threatens his life.

In August 2018, it was reported that a worker in China survived after being stabbed in the head with a 3m metal bar. The victim was operated on, the rod was removed, which entered the brain by 20 cm, and the skull was restored.

By 2020, 3 million robots will be involved in the industry worldwide

In addition, sales of robots to enterprises in the metallurgical, electronic and Food Industry- for these industries, the increase was 54%, 27% and 19%, respectively.

It follows from the IFR report that the top three buyers of industrial robots are China, South Korea and Japan: according to IFR estimates, in 2017 these countries installed 138, 40 and 39 thousand units of robotic equipment. In addition, China showed the highest growth rates - by 58% compared to 2016.

It is expected that in 2017 the turnover in the Chinese market of industrial robots will grow to $4.2 billion, and by 2020 the figure will reach $5.9 billion.

Robotics included in the list of key development areas state program Made in China 2025 aiming to upgrade manufacturing sector countries.

According to IFR estimates, in 2015, foreign manufacturers accounted for about two-thirds of the robots produced in China. By the end of 2017, the ratio had dropped significantly due to the efforts of Chinese companies such as Midea Group and Siasun Robot & Automation to strengthen their positions in the robot industry.

In 2016, Midea acquired the world's leading robotics developer, the German company Kuka AG, and in October 2017, China's largest robot manufacturer Siasun opened a new $300 million industrial park near its headquarters in Shenyang.

Suppliers' shares rise in price

Automation continues to gain momentum in the world: an army of robots captures more and more factories, plants and warehouse enterprises around the world. The trend affected not only developed but also developing economies. However, the former, of course, lead in the procurement of industrial robots. On November 20, 2017 The Financial Times reported about it.

Advanced machines that can not only weld car bodies and lift weights, but also perform more complex and delicate tasks - from the manufacture of electronic components to the laying of chocolates, are increasingly in demand in the world. In parallel with demand, stock quotes of leading industry representatives are also growing, including Japanese companies Fanuc and Yaskawa, Swiss concern ABB and German Kuka. According to the publication, Yaskawa and Kuka shares more than doubled in 2017, while the value of Fanuc and ABB securities has increased by 40% and almost 16% since the beginning of the year, respectively.

The emergence of cobots with AI elements

A characteristic trend is the expansion of the range of robots, among which now there are machines with artificial intelligence elements that can work side by side with people. These are the so-called collaborative robots, or cobots, specially designed to interact with humans. Among the advantages of such machines is the possibility of learning by imitation.

In addition, compared to traditional robots, cobots are lighter, more compact and mobile, and cheaper, which is especially important for small and medium-sized businesses.

However, the proliferation of robots has raised fears that, over time, machines will take jobs away from humans. In September 2017, Deutsche Bank analyst John Cryan said that robots are already replacing people in jobs and that the trend will increase in the future.

The McKinsey consulting company is also fueling the concern: according to its estimates, in the future, from 30% to 60% of the operations performed by people can be automated.

However, the head of ABB Robotics does not share such fears. In his opinion, the shortage of employees to perform qualified tasks is partly to blame for the growth in demand for robots. self made. Companies often automate tasks that are too tedious, dirty, or dangerous that people simply don't want to do.

IOActive: Almost any industrial robot can attack a human

The researchers did not work directly with the robots themselves, but carefully studied the software components, including shells and mobile applications. The results were very disappointing.

The subject of the study was the development of SoftBank Robotics (NAO and Pepper robots), Ubtech Robotics (Alpha 1S and Alpha 2), Robotis (Robotis OP2 and Thormang3), Universal Robots (UR3, UR5 and UR10), Rethink Robotics (Baxter and Sawyer), as well as the Asratec Corp V-Sido robot control system.

In total, the researchers identified almost 50 software vulnerabilities related to various aspects of working with these machines: problems were found with communications, authorization itself and its mechanisms, encryption, storage of user personal data, preset settings and open source components.

It turned out, in particular, that the vulnerabilities provide attackers with at least a hypothetical opportunity to use the cameras and microphones of robots for espionage, while other bugs allow them to seize control of the device and use it to cause physical damage.


Implementation of robots in factories in Eastern Europe

In February 2018, Reuters published an article on how robots are being introduced in Eastern Europe to improve production and compensate for the shortage of personnel.

The countries of Eastern Europe are faced with a labor shortage. This situation has evolved slowly but surely - it began with the financial crisis of 2008, and in 2011 the last restrictions of legislation were lifted that prevented the outflow of labor to the richer countries of the European Union. Although politicians and economists in many countries around the world are sounding the alarm about the negative impact of robotization of production, which is displacing people from jobs, it is automation that has become a salvation for local enterprises trying to maintain their place in the market.

Companies in Eastern Europe are investing more and more in automation to cope with shortages. The pace of production robotization has grown by almost a third - in 2017 alone, 9900 units of robotics were installed at the enterprises of Central and Eastern Europe, that is, 28% more than in 2016. But this is still not enough to fill all the empty jobs. By 2020, shipments of robotics to this region will grow by another 21%, although the average growth rate for Europe is only 10%, according to a report by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), which tracks the main trends in robotics around the world.

The primary reason for the shortage of labor in the countries of Eastern Europe was the fall in the birth rate and migration outflow. The population of Eastern Europe is slowly aging, as demographic analyzes show. According to UN forecasts, by 2050 the total population of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary will decrease by 8 million and will reach 56 million people. All these changes have led to a change in the labor model of the former communist states. At first, companies tried to increase wages workers, but this was not enough to convince young people to stay in the country.

Most of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe suffered Hungary. Business owners are unable to recruit employees for production, and high staff turnover only exacerbates the situation. Under these conditions, forced automation becomes the only reasonable behavior strategy for enterprises.

The Hungarian manufacturer of tensioning seat belts Hirtenberger Automotive Safety spent €2.5 million on the installation of robotics in two production blocks. The current situation turned out to be the most beneficial for robotics manufacturers. Vesz-Mont 2000's revenue grew by 10% in 2017. In 2018, the company expects to double its sales of robotics. The company could produce and earn more, but, paradoxically, it also lacks workers.

The most automated country in Eastern Europe is Slovakia. There are 135 robots for every 100,000 workers. In the Czech Republic - 101, in Hungary - 57, and in Poland - only 32, which is associated with an influx of Ukrainian migrant workers. However, factory automation requires new skills from employees, and companies in Eastern Europe are already faced with the problem of training staff. Some manufacturers are already launching training programs for school graduates.

Economists warn that labor shortages could have Negative consequences for some countries in Eastern Europe, which will appear before the end of 2020. UniCredit analysts note that although a gradual shortage of personnel in the labor market has been developing for at least three recent years, it is 2018 that can become a turning point when the labor shortage will begin to directly affect the pace of economic growth these countries. Some companies will be more profitable to move production to other countries. Although they are not protected. Gradually, the problem will spread to Western Europe. Already, Germany, the Netherlands, France and are also complaining about the shortage of workers, reports Reuters.

Robotics is one of the most promising areas in the field of Internet technologies, and there is no need to explain that the IT sphere is the future in our time. Robotics is a fascinating thing: to design a robot is almost to create a new creature, albeit an electronic one.

Since the 60s of the last century, automated and self-managed devices that do some work for a person began to be used for research and in production, then in the service sector, and every year they take their place more firmly in people's lives. Of course, it cannot be said that in Russia everything is completely carried out by independent mechanisms, but a certain vector in this direction is definitely outlined. Sberbank is already planning to replace 3,000 lawyers with smart machines.

Together with experts, we will try to figure out why robotics is needed and how to approach it.

What is the difference between robotics for children and professional?

In short, robotics for children is aimed at studying the subject, while professional robotics is aimed at solving specific problems. If specialists create industrial manipulators that perform various technological tasks, or specialized wheeled platforms, then amateurs and children, of course, do simpler things.

Tatyana Volkova, an employee of the Center for Intelligent Robotics: “As a rule, where everyone starts: they figure out the motors and make the robot simply go forward, then make turns. When the robot executes movement commands, you can already connect the sensor and make the robot drive towards the light or, conversely, “run away” from it. And then comes the favorite task of all beginners: a robot that drives along the line. There are even various robot races.”

How to understand if a child has a penchant for robotics?

First you need to buy a designer and see if the child likes to collect it. And then you can give it to the circle. Classes will help him develop fine motor skills, imagination, spatial perception, logic, concentration and patience.

The sooner you can decide on the direction of robotics - design, electronics, programming - the better. All three areas are extensive and require separate study.

Alexander Kolotov, a leading specialist in STEM programs at Innopolis University: “If a child likes to assemble a construction kit, then construction will suit him. If he is interested in studying how a thing works, then he will like to do electronics. If a child has a craving for mathematics, then he will be interested in programming.

When to start learning robotics?

It is best to start studying and enrolling in circles from childhood, however, not too early - at 8-12 years old, experts say. Earlier, it is more difficult for a child to catch clear abstractions, and later, in adolescence, he may have other interests, and he will become distracted. Also, the child must be motivated to study mathematics, so that it would be interesting and easy for him to design mechanisms and schemes in the future, to compose algorithms.

From 8-9 years old children can already understand and remember what a resistor, LED, capacitor is, and later they can master the concepts from school physics ahead of time school curriculum. It does not matter whether they become experts in this field or not, the acquired knowledge and skills will definitely not be wasted.

At 14-15 years old you need to continue to do mathematics, push classes in a circle on robotics into the background and start studying programming more seriously - to understand not only complex algorithms, but also data storage structures. Next come the mathematical basis and knowledge in algorithmization, immersion in the theory of mechanisms and machines, the design of electromechanical equipment for a robotic device, the implementation of automatic navigation algorithms, computer vision algorithms and machine learning.

Alexander Kolotov: “If at this moment you introduce the future specialist to the basics of linear algebra, complex calculus, the theory of probability and statistics, then by entering the university he will already have a good idea why he should pay extra attention to these subjects when receiving higher education.”

Which constructors to choose?

For each age there are educational programs, constructors and platforms that differ in the degree of complexity. You can find both foreign and domestic products. There are expensive kits for robotics (around 30 thousand rubles and more), there are also cheaper, very simple ones (within 1-3 thousand rubles).

If the child 8-11 years old, you can buy Lego or Fischertechnik constructors (although, of course, manufacturers have offers for both younger and older ages). The Lego robotics kit has interesting details, bright figures, it is easy to assemble and comes with detailed instructions. The Fischertechnik robotics building kit series brings you closer to the real development process, with wires, plugs and a visual programming environment.

At 13-14 years old you can start working with TRIC or Arduino modules, which, according to Tatyana Volkova, is practically the standard in the field of educational robotics, as well as Raspberry. TRIK is harder than Lego, but lighter than Arduino and Raspberry Ri. The last two already require basic programming skills.

What else needs to be studied?

Programming. It is possible to avoid it only at the initial stage, then without it, nowhere. You can start with Lego Mindstorms, Python, ROS (Robot Operating System).

Basic mechanics. You can start with crafts made of paper, cardboard, bottles, which is important for both fine motor skills and general development. The simplest robot can be made in general from separate parts (motors, wires, a photo sensor and one simple microcircuit). To get acquainted with the basic mechanics will help "Making with Father Shperkh".

Fundamentals of electronics. To get started, learn how to assemble simple circuits. For children under eight years old, experts advise the designer "Znatok", then you can go to the set "Fundamentals of Electronics. Start".

Where to do robotics for children?

If you see a child's interest, you can send him to circles and courses, although you can study on your own. At the courses, the child will be under the guidance of specialists, will be able to find like-minded people, and will be engaged in robotics on a regular basis.

It is also desirable to immediately understand what you want from classes: participate in competitions and fight for prizes, participate in project activities or just do it for yourself.

Aleksey Kolotov: “For serious classes, projects, participation in competitions, you need to choose circles, with small groups of 6-8 people and a coach who leads students to prizes in competitions, who constantly develops himself and gives interesting tasks. For hobby activities, you can go to groups of up to 20 people.”

How to choose courses for robotics?

When registering for courses, pay attention to the teacher, recommends Commercial Director Promobot company Oleg Kivokurtsev. “There are precedents when a teacher simply gives the children equipment, and then do whatever they want,” Tatyana Volkova agrees with Oleg. There will be little sense from such activities.

When choosing courses, you should also pay attention to on the existing material and technical base. Are there construction kits (not only Lego), is it possible to write programs, study mechanics and electronics, and make projects yourself. Each pair of students should have their own robotic kit. Preferably with additional details(wheels, gears, frame elements), if you want to participate in competitions. If several teams work with one set at once, then, most likely, no serious competition is expected.

Find out what competitions the robotics club participates in. Do these competitions help to consolidate the acquired skills and provide an opportunity for further development.

Robocup Competition 2014

How to study robotics on your own?

Courses require money and time. If the first is not enough and you can’t go anywhere regularly, you can do independent study with your child. It is important that parents have the necessary competence in this area: without the help of a parent, it will be quite difficult for a child to master robotics, warns Oleg Kivokurtsev.

Find material to study. They can be taken on the Internet, from ordered books, at attended conferences, from the Entertaining Robotics magazine. For self-study, there are free online courses, for example, “Building robots and other devices with Arduino: from traffic lights to a 3D printer.”

Do adults need to learn robotics?

If you have already left your childhood, this does not mean that the doors of robotics are closed for you. You can also enroll in courses or study it yourself.

If a person decides to do this as a hobby, then his path will be the same as that of a child. However, it is clear that beyond the amateur level without vocational education(design engineer, programmer and electronics engineer) it is unlikely that you will be able to advance, although, of course, no one forbids you to get an internship at a company and stubbornly gnaw on the granite of a new direction for you.

Oleg Kivokurtsev: “It will be easier for an adult to master robotics, but an important factor is time."

For those who have a similar specialty, but want to retrain, there are also various courses to help. For example, for machine learning specialists, free online course in probabilistic robotics "Artificial intelligence in robotics". There are also educational program Intel, Lectorium educational project, ITMO distance courses. Do not forget about books, for example, there is a lot of literature for beginners (“Fundamentals of Robotics”, “Introduction to Robotics”, “Handbook of Robotics”). Pick the one that makes the most sense and suits you.

It should be remembered that serious work differs from amateur hobby at least by the cost of equipment costs and the list of tasks assigned to the employee. It is one thing to assemble the simplest robot with your own hands, it is quite another to engage in, for example, machine vision. Therefore, it is still better to study the basics of design, programming and hardware engineering from an early age and later, if you like it, enter a specialized university.

Which universities to go to study?

Directions related to robotics can be found in the following universities:

— Moscow Technological University (MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT);

— Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman;

— Moscow State Technological University "Stankin";

— National Research University MPEI (Moscow);

— Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Moscow);

— Moscow State University means of communication of Emperor Nicholas II;

— Moscow State University of Food Production;

— Moscow State Forest University;

— St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SGUAP);

— St. Petersburg National Research University information technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO);

— Magnitogorsk State Technical University;

— Omsk State Technical University;

— Saratov State Technical University;

— Innopolis University (Republic of Tatarstan);

— South Russian Federal University (Novocherkassk State Technical University).

The most important

Knowing the basics of robotics may soon be useful for ordinary people, and the opportunity to become a specialist in this field looks very promising, so it’s definitely worth at least trying yourself in “robot building”.

the most promising companies and projects.

3.The largest and most famous robot manufacturers in the world:

6. Promising companies and projects in robotics for 2015 and further:

7.Robots / Robotics - Types of Robots, Best Robots:

List of existing and used robots in the world.

Humanoid robots.


Industrial robots.

Underwater robots.

household robots.

Military, combat robots.

Trading robots in trading.

1.Global robotics market:

Market size from 15 to 30 billion dollars (the difference in estimates from what various experts consider robotics) taking into account the main segments - industrial and service robotics (military robots, domestic, for educational purposes, to help the disabled and toy robots (world market volume service robotics is estimated at 5.3 billion dollars)).

Sales of industrial robots from 2013 to 2014 increased from 160 thousand pieces. up to 178 thousand pieces, sales of service robots from 2013 to 2016 according to experts, they should reach the level of 15.5 million units. household robots, 3.5 mln. robotic toys, 3 mln. for educational purposes, and 6.4 thousand pieces. to help the disabled.

Major Buyers industrial robots - Japan, South Korea, China, USA, Germany, countries major robot manufacturers - Japan and Germany(more than 50% and about 22%, respectively, of the global production of industrial robots).

Most high demand and production growth expected in production - personal, educational, household robot assistants, industrial(assembly, welding, painting, etc.), rehabilitation, various types of mobile, medical, surgical, agricultural, construction and military robots.

Boston Consulting Group predicts an increase in investment in industrial robotics until 2025 (further in more detail) among the 25 largest economies in the world - up to 10% per year, compared with 2 - 3% at present. The investment will pay off in cost savings and efficiency gains. Robots are getting cheaper. The cost of a spot welding robot, for example, has dropped from $182,000 in 2005 to $182,000. to $133,000 last year and will drop to $103,000 by 2025. Accelerated automation will allow to revise the criteria for choosing places for opening and expanding production, as a result of which the availability of cheap labor may become a less significant factor, this will allow part of the production to return to the US and EU from countries with lower wages.

October 2014 Oxford University published a study on the prospects for the use of robotics, which suggests that over the next two decades, up to 47% of today's jobs in the US could be replaced by robots.

President of China Robotics Association (CRIA) Song Xiaogang reported that the number of robots sold in China in 2014 will reach 50,000, up from 36,860. in 2013. “…The robotics industry will maintain an annual growth rate of 40% for an extended period of time,” he said. "China has already overtaken Japan as the world's largest consumer of robots, purchasing more than one-fifth of all robots produced globally."

2. Russian market of robotics:

Russia's share of modern market robotics is only about 0.17%. According to the company Neurobotics the volume of the domestic market of finished robots and components in the next year or two should be about 30 thousand pieces, or about 3 billion rubles.

The average cost of an anthropomorphic robot (with human resemblance) is now $450,000. According to the chief roboticist Skolkovo Foundation Albert Efimova, now about 300 robots are sold in Russia a year: This is 500 times less than in developed countries. In addition to major foreign automotive brands almost no one is engaged in the introduction of robotic technologies in our country.

In Russia, there are about 2 robots per 10 thousand employees of enterprises in the manufacturing industry, in China and South Africa - about 24, in Brazil 5, in India, about the same as in Russia.

The peculiarities of the robotics market include long, labor-intensive and capital-intensive stages of research and development, as well as the creation of prototypes of developed products, so participation and assistance from the state is of great importance in this area.

The Russian robotics market is represented mainly by space and special robots- sappers, scouts. These devices are produced as part of a defense order, and the details of government contracts were not disclosed. In addition, centers at institutes that do not involve commercial activities are often engaged in robots. Therefore, it is difficult to judge the production volumes of robotics enterprises in the Russian Federation.

Therefore, how the figure of 0.17% was obtained in 2013 (Russia's share in the market of industrial robots) is a big question.

Nevertheless, with all the possible conventionality of assessments of robotics in Russia, the gap between the highly developed countries in the world and the Russian Federation in the field of robotics certainly exists.

Successful models of robots applicable for industry remain single copies produced for scientific and applied purposes and do not go into mass production. Household robots are of very little interest to Russian roboticists. For 2014, according to International Federation of Robotics, the total number of robots working in our country amounted to approximately 4 thousand.

However, even while the only industry developed in Russia robotics - military has great development prospects. Despite a noticeable lag in this area, combat and special robots of Russian scientists are still gaining recognition at international arms exhibitions and receive special awards.

1:04 Modern robots: drones, scouts, sappers.

3. The largest and most famous

robot manufacturers in the world:

Leading positions in the development, production and promotion of industrial robotics are occupied by the largest international corporations, holdings and companies such as:

iRobot Corporation(USA). Specializes in military robots- sappers, rescuers, scouts, as well as household- vacuum cleaners and washing robots. By 2013 the company has sold more than 10 million home robots. For 10 years from 2004 to 2014. the company increased sales from $95 million to $505 million and profit from near zero to $25 million a year. The most famous and popular robots of the company:

household robots:

  • AVA with on-board computer;
  • Verro, created for cleaning pools;
  • Roomba and Create, performing the functions of a vacuum cleaner;

military and security robots:

  • SUGV combat system, which performs the functions of evacuation and data transmission in military conditions;
  • Warrior, created to neutralize explosive mechanisms, move the wounded and extinguish fires;
  • submersible Seaglider;
  • Ranger carrying out water patrols;
  • mini device LANdroids to support communication that receives the signal from Apple devices.

ABB(Sweden - Switzerland). One of the leaders in the robotics market, the company was formed as a result of the merger of ASEA and Brown, Boveri & Cie. Specializes in industrial robots different levels difficulties. The company is building a plant in Russia, the first stage will be commissioned in mid-2015.

FANUC Robotics(Japan). Produces mostly industrial robots: for welding and palletizing, painting, portal, delta robots. Created the strongest robot with a load capacity of 1350 kg. capable of lifting loads up to 6 m.

KUKA(Germany). In 1973, she created the world's first industrial robot. The robots of this company are widely used in the automotive industry. The robot also makes Robocoaster which is used as an amusement ride . Produced more than 100 thousand robots.

Kawasaki Robotics(Japan). Produces industrial robots- for work in aggressive environments, in explosive environments, robots for universities, spider robots. More than 120 thousand robots of their production are installed worldwide.

Mitsubishi(Japan). Engaged in the creation industrial robots used:

  • in the production of mobile devices;
  • when performing loading and unloading operations;
  • in the automotive industry;
  • in the installation of small parts on laboratory and medical equipment.

LG Electronics(South Korea). Part of the LG Group, one of the largest manufacturers household appliances, produces robots for home such as robotic vacuum cleaners.

Kaman Corporation(USA) Specializes in production of combat, military and industrial robots.

Sony (Japan). Perhaps the most famous development of the company is bipedal robot QRIO. This intelligent android has a capacious operating memory, is able to pick up and move things, move around, go down stairs and dance, and produce other playfulerobots, for example, robot dogs. The first copy appeared in 1999.

Honda(Japan). Created asimo humanoid robot who can talk, recognize faces and walk.

Panasonic(Japan). One of the largest manufacturers of household appliances, produces industrial robots, such as robot hairdresser washing people's heads learning industrial robots, robot runners and robot vacuum cleaners.

LEGO Group(Denmark) Produces robotic kits- constructors to create programmable robot.

Yujin Robot(South Korea). The company is known for creating affordable robot toys and household devices. One of the company's most sought-after projects is Iclebo robot vacuum cleaner capable of performing wet cleaning.

Intuitive Surgical(USA). The main product of the company is da Vinci Surgical System, the prototype of which was designed more than 30 years ago. This device, equipped with 4 arms, is capable of performing surgical operations.

Consis. Engaged in the development pharmacy robots- manipulators who assist pharmacists. These devices are installed in drug storage areas, where they optimize drug storage and retrieval processes. The system allows to reduce the time of customer service, increase the turnover and rationally use the place of storage of medicines.

Gostai(France). Creates robots of the Jazz series. The devices operate in telepresence mode and are equipped with basic computer applications. A robot connected to Wi-Fi is controlled using a browser. Jazz provides navigation and night patrols.

AIST. Produces humanoid robot HRP-4C, with the appearance of a young girl. The developers were able to accurately copy the features and faces of the human body. The device is able to sing, recognize speech and surrounding sounds.

Aldebaran Robotics(France). Created humanoid robot NAO, which is distinguished by its ability to use gestures, identify voices, and respond to commands. The robot can interpret current events, make decisions according to the current situation and learn.

Takara Tommy. i-SODOG Interactive Puppy Takara Tomy has the ability to memorize and learn. The artificial intelligence of the robot dog allows it to respond correctly to 50 voice commands. The robot can dance to music, recognize voices and smells.

Cubic Robotics. The company has created home assistant Cubic capable of turning electrical appliances on and off, recognizing human speech, talking with the owner.

Engineering Arts. Robot actor Robo Thespian created by the company is endowed with a system of facial and skeletal muscles. The device is able to play scenes from films, create their own scenarios.

Innovation First(USA). Micro robots series Hexbug created in the form of insects. it robot toys, which can crawl, find a way out of complex mazes and serve as bait for pets.

Other major and famous companies in the robotics market:

Yaskawa Electric, Comau, Reiss, Stäubli, Kaman Corporation , Nachi-Fujikoshi, Thyssen,Adept Technology, American Robot, Omron, RoboGroup TEK, Rockwell Automation, ST Robotics, Yamaha Robotics,Kawasaki, Durr,toshiba,General Motors (GM) …and many others.

ATIn total, there are about 400 companies involved in the production of robotics in the world market.

4. Manufacturers of robots and robots in Russia:

State science Center Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Scientific Institution "Central Research and Development Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics"- created in 1968 in St. Petersburg. Main directions - mechatronics, mobile robotic systems, cybernetics of space, sea, air and ground-based, robots and manipulators for work in extreme conditions.

CJSC "Center for High Technologies in Mechanical Engineering at MSTU. N.E. Bauman" Moscow - products: sapper robots, scouts, land combat robots, walking robots. Net profit for 2012 increased from 1.95 million rubles. up to 5.35 million rubles

JSC "NIKIMT-Atomstroy" - the head materials science organization of Rosatom, located in Moscow, produces mobile robots and their control systems. The net loss of JSC "NIKIMT - Atomstroy" for 2012 decreased by 2.4 times to 311.83 million rubles. from 749.30 million rubles. for the same period last year.

Research Institute for System Research RAS Moscow - releases transport robots, robotic equipment for the production of computers, software.

NPO "Android Technology" is a relatively young company, founded in 2005, headquartered in Moscow. Engaged in production android robots, avatar fighting robots, this year the robot avatar will be tested. Uses robotic system SAR-400 for participation in space research. The robot can perform service and emergency work in conditions dangerous to human life. The annual turnover and revenue of the company are not advertised.

FSUE TsNIIMash Korolev, founder "Roskosmos". The institute team created a space anthropomorphic robot SAR-400. Planned in 2015 project "Exchange", as a result of which technologies for information exchange and control of robots on the surface of the Moon and other planets will be created. According to the results of 2013, the revenue of OAO NPO TsNIIMASH increased to 1.7 billion rubles.

OJSC TSNIITOCHMASH Rostec State Corporation, Moscow Region, Klimovsk. Founded in 1944. One of the promising developments in cooperation with the Advanced Research Foundation - anthropomorphic combat robot under the control of the operator. The robot, using a manipulator arm, shoots a pistol at a target and rides a quad bike. The enterprise produces the most massive types of weapons and military equipment for various branches of the military, including robotic observation and sighting devices for air and ground weapon carriers and military equipment.

1:25 Avatar robot.

SPKB PA located in Kovrov, developed the design mobile all-terrain vehicle "Varan" for mass production ultralight robots- scouts and sappers. "SKB PA" for 2012 received a profit from sales of 82.19 million rubles.

MIREA (Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation) - developed a remote manipulation mini-robot control system through the Internet, intelligent onboard control system for air, ground and underwater robots, intelligent vacuum cleaner.

"Scientific Research Technological Institute (NITI) Progress" in Izhevsk, he owns the development of the latest robotic complex "Platform-M" for the Russian army. This armored robot with a remote control, a grenade launcher and a machine gun, fights without contact with the enemy, is used for reconnaissance and security. Capable of destroying stationary and moving targets. The first production samples have already been delivered to the Russian Armed Forces.

1:44 Tests of a combat robot with a machine gun and a grenade launcher.

Izhevsk Radio Plant — specializes in robotic systems, for example, mobile robotic complex MRK-002-BG-57, destroys stationary and mobile targets, provides fire support and reconnaissance, robotic complex-sapper, MRK-VT-1- a complex on a caterpillar track, controlled by radio at a distance of up to 1 km.

Institute for Problems in Mechanics named after A.Yu. Ishlinsky Academy of Sciences Moscow - deals with mobile robots: several types - walking, on wheels or on suction cups- for moving on surfaces of arbitrary inclination, robots moving inside pipes, miniature mobile industrial robots.

Research Institute of SteelMoscow - created a unique multifunctional robotic mini-loader MKSM 800A-SDU with remote control, rescuer and sapper for work in aggressive environments. Conducts nuclear, biological and chemical reconnaissance.

SMP Robotics company - Zelenograd, created and put into production patrol robots - "Tral Patrol 3.1". Protects large areas and detects moving objects on it.

Other presence robots and generalist robots (Russian development):

Robot wagon - can be a telepresence robot, a promoter and even a bartender, developed by the company CJSC "RBOT" telepresence robot R.Bot. Price from 379,000 rubles.

Mobile Autonomous System - remote presence robot Webot from company Wicron allows you to perform actions at the location of the robot using a computer and the Internet. The robot allows you to remotely monitor what is happening and talk to people, see the world around you and calmly move through it at the speed of a walking person. Price from 300,000 rubles.

CCTV and telepresence robot - developer NIL AP(Scientific - research laboratory of design automation). Skype on wheels or a webcam with a microphone and loudspeaker - rides and turns in the right direction. Management can be carried out from anywhere in the world via the Internet from any computer or smartphone, without installing special software - just enter the site under your username and password. Price from 1 390 am. Doll.

telepresence robot -Synergy Swan from company "RBOT", using technology for robots with interchangeable intelligence, which provides an optimal price / quality ratio compared to functional analogues on the market. Price from 59 900 rubles.

telepresence robot - remote control and teleconferencing from the company padbot, allows you to navigate and conduct video conferences online through a computer or phone. PadBot app is available for both iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets, web-based management will become available in the near future. Price from 35,000 rubles.

Dean-Soft.Robot waiter, the software of which was created in the company Dean-Soft, maybe - follow the guests, distribute menus, deliver dishes, take payments, collect dishes.

5.Robotics - global perspectives:

Boston Research Company (BSG) as part of a global study of the robotics market predicts up to 2025. its average annual growth rate in 10,4% . Including and first of all:

  • Order 15,8% annual growth in the segment of personal robots - robots for training and education, entertainment, security, cleaning and other household purposes. Sales will grow to $9 billion by 2025. from 1 billion dollars in 2010
  • Order 11,8% annual growth in sales of robots for medical, surgical purposes, in agriculture and construction. Sales will grow to $17 billion by 2025. from 3.2 billion dollars in 2010
  • Order 10,1% annual growth in sales of robots in production - for welding, assembly, painting, loading and unloading and other types of work. Sales will grow to $24.4 billion by 2025. from 5.8 billion dollars in 2010 Thus, this segment of robotics, despite the lower growth rates, will retain a large share of the robotics market.
  • Order 8,1% annual growth in sales of robots for military purposes - primarily unmanned aircraft, military exoskeletons, underwater vehicles and ground vehicles. Sales will grow to $16.5 billion by 2025.

All this will take place against the backdrop of falling prices of robots and components with an increase in their productivity and complexity of the work they perform, which in turn will lead to an expansion of the range of their use.

6. Promising companies and projects

in robotics in 2015 and further:

The EU is funding 17 new robotics projects. Projects under the general name Horizon 2020, each of which focuses on the development of significant robotic technologies for industrial and service use. The emphasis is on rapid technology transfer followed by commercialization, so each project has at least one corporate partner.

1.AEROARMS - robotic systems with multiple manipulators and advanced capabilities for the aerospace industry.

2.AEROWORKS - flying robots for offline inspection and Maintenance urban infrastructure.

3.COMANOID - robotic solutions for complex or tedious human operations aircraft assembly Airbus.

4.CENTAURO - human-robot symbiosis, in which the operator controls the robot arms.

5.CogIMon - humanoid robot to interact with humans and robots.

6.FLOBOT - floor cleaning robot in industrial, household and office premises.

7.Flourish- promising agricultural robots.

8. RETRAINER - robot assistant in the process of rehabilitation for people who have had a stroke, and to restore the functions of the arm and hand.

9.RobDREAM- improved industrial mobile robotic arms.

10.RoMaNS - robotic system to clean up accumulated nuclear waste.

11.SARAFun - two-armed robot for assembly operations based on ABB YuMi.

12.EurEyeCase - surgical robots for eye operations.

13.SecondHands - robot assistant, which provides assistance during routine preventive maintenance operations.

14.Smokebot - development of mobile robots with new environmental sensors for surveying disaster sites with low visibility.

15.SoMa - development of soft elements of robots for safe interaction with humans and the environment.

16.Sweeper- provision of automated harvesting of sweet peppers.

17.WiMUST- expansion and improvement functionality existing marine robotic systems.

…other recent significant events, trends in the world:

Drones - Chinese company DJI one of the world's largest manufacturers of consumer unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) is trying to raise up to $10 billion to expand production.

Robotic Manipulators - company ABB announced the acquisition of a German robotics company Gomtec in order to expand its product range with so-called collective or collaborative robots. Lightweight, flexible robotic arms from Gomtec are a family of six axial modular "collective" type robots called Roberta, with a base price of € 27 900 before € 32 700 .

Robotic vacuum cleaners - are becoming more and more popular in the world, moving from the category of curiosities to the category of consumer goods. Company iRobot in 2014 has already sold 12 million brand vacuum cleaners Roombas from the beginning of their sales. Robotic vacuum cleaners now account for 18% of the global vacuum cleaner market and their share is growing at an annual rate of 21.8% (company iRobot occupies 83% in the North American, 62% in the European and Middle East and 67% in the Asia-Pacific markets). Another Chinese company Ecovacs, in just one day managed to sell 73,300 pieces. vacuum cleaners, most of which were robot vacuum cleaners Ecovacs Deebot.

7.Robots / robotics - types of robots,

best robots:

List of existing and used robots in the world: pharmacy, biorobot, industrial, transport, underwater, household, combat, zoorobot, flying robot, medical robot, microrobot, nanorobot, personal robot, pediculator, robot artist, pharmacy robot, toy robots, robot waiter, robots - programs, robot - a surgeon, a robot - a guide, a social robot, a ball robot, a humanoid robot, a trading robot in trading.

Humanoid robots:

Robot playing ping pong - Topio on the international exhibition robots, distant 2009. Tokyo.

Company SCHAFT Japan, owned Google- Rbot "S-One", weighs 95 kg, equipped with two "legs" and two "arms". The height of the apparatus is 1.48 m, the width is 1.31 m.

1:54 SCHAFT DARHA Robotics Challenge 8 Tasks + Special Walking

"Aiko" - robot girl, speaks Japanese and English, can solve mathematical problems, understands more than 13,000 sentences, sings songs, reads newspapers, is able to identify various kinds of objects, etc.


Frank- Designed and developed by the Smithsonian Institution in the USA. The world's first biorobot, consisting of 28 body parts, copying human ones - the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. function. The robot talks and moves, but does not have independent thinking, there is no facial expressions.

1:21 A biorobot with a face and organs will be shown to the public.

Industrial robots:

Industrial robotics mainly designed for use in manufacturing and assembly robots in the automotive, electronics, and food and beverage industries. Most often, robots are used to automate processes such as welding, painting, assembly, product control, testing and package. There are several types of industrial robots: SCARA, articulated robots, Cartesian robots, cylindrical robots. These robots are used in heavy engineering to perform functions such as welding and soldering, supply of raw materials and material processing, grinding and coloring, etc.

According to company analysts TechNavio, the average annual growth of the world market of industrial robotics in mechanical engineering will be 6.27% in the period from 2013 to 2018.

Nissan's robotic assembly shop, 2010. new plant - Kanda city, Japan.

2:29 Panasonic industrial robot.

Underwater robots:

Household robots:

Military, combat robots:

In the world:

10:33 US military robots.


3:05 "Russian Terminator" Russian combat robots

have no analogues in the world!*(Really?

Trading robots in trading:

2:55 Algorithmic system. Trading robot.

Trading robot created by the team "United Traders" won first place in the competition "The Best Private Investor-2011". For 2.5 months, its profitability amounted to almost 8 000 % per annum! Developers trading robot for trading from United Traders do not exclude that the trading robot developed by them for trading in the American markets, quite possibly, today has no competitors in Russia, and possibly throughout the world. Trading is always a plus, since several strategies are used at once, and if one of them starts to give drawdowns, it is immediately excluded and the next one is switched on.

The best opportunities for using a trading robot in trading are the so-called high frequency trading or scalping, where earnings largely depend on the number of successful transactions, each of which individually brings not a lot of income, in total allows you to earn significant funds per day. However, the use of trading robots in such transactions allows you to make thousands of such transactions per day (increasing the final profitability by an order of magnitude), since a person is physically incapable of such transactions.

Currently no less 95% from the total number of applications to 40% from actual trading volumes on MICEX exhibited and carried out trading robots. In the derivatives market (forwards, futures, options, swaps), the share of trading robots in the total number submitted bids and trade volumes is at least 90% and 60% respectively.