Doctor of Business Administration in Project Management - Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Project Management. DBA - Doctor of Business Administration

  • 14.04.2020

2 years. In Moscow, face-to-face sessions are monthly for 3-4 days each. Summer, autumn and winter holidays.

Face-to-face learning is the most prestigious educational format.

In addition to knowledge and competencies, you will get business connections with program participants from Moscow, other regions of Russia and the CIS countries, as well as participants of individual EMAS who will temporarily join and study with you. Thereby the total number of new face-to-face business contacts by the end of the training will be more than 200.

Full-time students have unlimited free access to the online version of the program, which allows you to review the completed modules at any time (online versions are identical to full-time ones) and deepen your knowledge

Full-time remote

2 years. 3 full-time tutor consulting sessions in Moscow + Online training at a convenient time for you anywhere in the world.

A DBA program format that provides the perfect combination of price and face-to-face presence. Despite low price, EMAS guarantees high quality education, full-fledged knowledge and extensive business connections.

Full-time distance DBA graduates at EMAS receive diplomas identical to those of full-time DBA graduates.

Full-time students, in addition to their own face-to-face sessions, have

Remote (Online)

2 years. Online training at a convenient time for you anywhere in the world.

The most accessible format DBA programs. Despite the low price, EMAS guarantees high quality education, comprehensive knowledge and extensive business connections.

Distance DBA graduates at EMAS receive diplomas identical to full-time DBA graduates.

Online modules are real face-to-face classroom sessions edited for online video - not just speeches by teachers, but also questions, answers, analyzes of real examples of participants. This is the most perfect look. online learning , which provides effect of presence in the face-to-face audience. It is head and shoulders above the so-called "talking head" format, when instead of recording a face-to-face lesson, the listener watches an abstract monologue of the lecturer - without students, real questions and answers to them.

EMAS regularly updates (overwrites) video lessons - on average every 1.5 - 2 years. In this way, we ensure the full relevance of the materials and their identity of the full-time version of the program.

In addition to video lessons, live thematic webinars are held.

Online students have the right to visit any full-time module in Moscow of your choice*. This is a great and very popular way to make personal connections with fellow full-time students.

* 1 time per year. In addition to modules on strategic management

The system of business education assumes the presence of three levels: Bachelor (BBA), Master (MBA), Doctor (DBA).

Doctorate degree business administration(Doctor of business administration) has existed in the West for several years.
There are several types of DBA programs in Europe.
1. Research. Corresponds to the PhD program, except that the DBA program has a practical focus and is focused on training top managers with business experience.
2. "Honorary". With the help of such a degree, a significant contribution to the development of a business school or management practice is consolidated.
3. Custom. Such programs involve solving a complex customer problem. The topic of the dissertation is proposed by a company that expects a quality result.
4. Educational. They are focused directly on the educational process to prepare leaders who think strategically and are able to make decisions in business.
5. Practical. Under such programs, applicants who have made a significant contribution to management are trained. The result of the training is a dissertation summarizing practical experience, including the development of new technologies and techniques, or three articles in professional journals.

DBA program in Russia and abroad

In Russia, training programs for senior managers have appeared recently. Not all Russian higher business schools can afford to study under the MBA program, not to mention DBA program. Today, DBA programs are adequately implemented in the universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Applicants for the DBA program must have sufficient business experience. The candidate must have at least 5 years of experience as a manager in a successful company. Owners of large companies, civil servants often study under the DBA program top level, first line managers. Applicants who have MBA degree or Ph.D.

DBA Program Features

The DBA program differs from other business programs, first of all, by its practical orientation and academic character. fundamental education. The DBA program involves obtaining additional knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of applied economic disciplines. Students of the program study and analyze in depth the most pressing problems in business, strategic management, latest methods strategic management, features of innovation management, application of IT-technologies, international business. Students study a significant amount of information on their own.
Usually the form of education is part-time, but the student can choose for himself a more convenient form of education. The teachers are big businessmen, authors of famous books, luminaries in business teaching, scientists in the field of business. The DBA program is paid. Today it is one of the most expensive in the world. educational programs.
The duration of the DBA program is 1-5 years. Upon completion of the training, the DBA candidate writes and defends a dissertation that is related to his professional activity and has a practical focus.

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From English Doctor of Business Administration, DBA) - a program of economic postgraduate education (lasting from 1 to 5 years), which involves obtaining additional knowledge in applied economic disciplines. DDA qualification gives the right to occupy senior management positions. Training is usually carried out in the following specialties: "Management", "Technological management", " Organizational behavior"," Finance ".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a doctoral program for long-term professionals who want to enter the new level in business and management. Involves deepening in research activities.

Typically, this program enrolls 40-year-old professionals with 15 years of work experience* who already have an MBA degree.

Varieties of DBAs

It is important to note that DBA is different from DBA, and there are several types of doctoral studies in management.

So, in some educational institutions DBA is not professional degree, and it can be entered without relevant work experience.

If we talk about programs for professionals, then 86%* of doctoral degrees in management are DBA, but there are also PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) or Doctor degrees (with a specialization in any one area of ​​business, for example, in organizational change, finance, strategic leadership, management).

DBA or PhD?

Despite the fact that the names of the qualifications "Doctor of Business Administration" (Doctor of Business Administration) and "Doctor of Science" (Doctor of Philosophy) are similar, they are, nevertheless, completely different programs with their own tasks, features and target audience. The table below summarizes the main differences and similarities between these areas of study.

1. Target audience Business professionals with many years of experience, usually with an MBA degree Usually master's degree graduates may not have much work experience
2. Student motivation Practical knowledge and skills for business, solving complex everyday problems Scientific career, mastering scientific methodology for research
3. Dissertation You can confidentially use your company data and conduct research on your own business Based on open scientific data or on statistics obtained by the student as a result of his own small study
4. Learning format
  • Part time
  • Full time
  • Part time
  • Full-time (according to FindAPhD, this is the most common training format among scholarship and grant holders)
5. Financing Payment is made either by the student or (in more rare cases) by the employing company There are many scholarships and grants, PhD can also theoretically be obtained at the expense of the employing company
6. Perspectives after training Entering a new level of personal and professional development, the possibility of conducting practical research for real business, teaching at business schools as a visiting lecturer or advising companies Professor position at a business school/university, publications in reputable scientific journals, theoretical studies, teaching
7. Degree recognition Recognition in the business community Wide recognition in the international academic community

However, do not forget that every rule has its exceptions, we have only listed the most significant features of DBA and PhD. So, for example, some DBA holders work full-time in business schools and universities, and PhDs can hold leadership positions in various companies.

In any case, the final choice is yours, but remember the main difference between DBA and PhD- the different focus of these programs, on practice and solving specific problems (DBA) or on fundamental theory and general conclusions (PhD).

Cost of education

Cost and duration of training different programs business doctoral studies in different educational institutions may vary depending on whether the school has international accreditations AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA. It is worth noting that such schools not only have a proven quality of education, but are also more selective in choosing applicants, so you need to carefully study their selection criteria for admission.

An interesting fact: the average professional DBA program lasts 3-4 years and costs about several tens of thousands of dollars or euros per year.

Interesting statistics*

  • North America accounts for 45% of all professional programs DBA, to the share of Europe - 33%.
  • Asia ranks third in the world in terms of the number of DBA programs offered.
  • 45% of the world's programs have a duration of 3 years, 42% - 2 years.
  • 12% of programs last more than 4 years.
  • Internationally accredited schools have more men than women.
  • Four out of five DBA students publish in scientific journals during training, but only a few of them - in the largest authoritative publications.
  • In the world there are 196 unique doctoral programs in the field of management developed by educational institutions independently and 259 DBA programs with a part-time form of employment (part-time).
  • 19 universities around the world offer joint programs with other educational institutions.
  • Salary growth after receiving a DBA degree can range from 11 to 19%. The largest increase in income is among specialists from the field of education. **

DBA program rankings

Surprisingly, but true: this moment no international organization ranks DBA programs. Therefore, it is rather problematic to compare different program options, but we have compiled a set of rules for those who are thinking of enrolling in these programs.

Firstly, accreditation. The most prestigious and reputable educational institutions specializing in business education have international quality marks AMBA, EQUIS, EPAS and AACSB.

  • AMBA designed for specific programs: Master's, MBA and DBA. Issued by the British Association of MBAs (AMBA).
  • EPAS– accreditation of business programs: undergraduate, graduate, MBA, PhD, DBA. Issued by the Program Accreditation System of the European Foundation for Management Development.
  • EQUIS- accreditation for educational institutions, issued by the Program Accreditation System of the European Foundation for Management Development.
  • AACSB also obtained by educational institutions. Accreditation is awarded by the American Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

Secondly, teachers. Check out their biographies - education, work experience, professional achievements.

Third, rankings of educational institutions. They reflect the reputation and overall level of a business school or university: citation scientific works, the number of laureates of prestigious awards, the percentage of foreign students, international connections, etc.

* According to the Global DBA Survey.
**According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Some business schools and universities


  • Australian Institute of Business
  • University of Southern Queensland


  • ESC Rennes
  • Grenoble Ecole de Management
  • Horizon University
  • International School of Management (American school)
  • SKEMA: Executive PhD in Project and Program Management

Head of the Program, Doctor of Economics, Tenured Professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Director of the Graduate School of Project Management Anshin Valery Mikhailovich

General provisions

The DBA degree is seen as equivalent to a PhD in business administration, except that the effort to master it is directed more towards applied research rather than theoretical research.

The part of the program that consists of the study of theoretical courses can be compared to PhD (post-graduate studies). However, the bulk of the DBA program, consisting of the applicant's own research and dissertation writing, focuses on more applied research.

If PhD studies are aimed at creating or developing theory, then in DBA programs they are aimed at applying theory to solving specific business problems, projects and programs.

Thus, the results of the DBA study are intended to make a direct contribution to business practice.

The purpose of training- obtaining comprehensive systemic knowledge about the achievements of scientific thought and practice in the field of business, project and program management, mastering and developing methods of analytical research in this area; creation of analytical and organizational and economic skills in the application of modern design and program theory, methodology and analytical techniques in the development of new forms and mechanisms, the development of existing approaches to maintaining and improving the efficiency of business, projects and programs.

DBA Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of the DBA program can be presented as follows:

1. Realization of own research interests for the development of personal professional competencies and practices.

2. Mastering the advanced tools of business-oriented research in order to master the identification of new directions for business organization.

3. Development by own efforts of new organizational forms, mechanisms and tools for the development of business practices.

4. Development of systemic, strategic and project thinking and analytical abilities for critical reflection and evaluation of the ways of one's own professional development and business development, taking into account new trends and emerging business paradigms.

5. Mastering new practices, methods of conducting and researching business based on involvement in discussions and debates with leading representatives of applied science, business and consulting

6. Personal, career and business development

Areas of activity of graduates of the program:

Graduates of the program have the opportunity to work in various fields: industry, construction, healthcare, information Technology, engineering, consulting and others, as well as education, science, public administration.

With the appropriate aspirations and abilities, graduates of the program can work in the system of business education.

Additional vocational education DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) in the field of project management of the Graduate School of Project Management NRU HSE involves training in a set of disciplines and conducting research in the following areas:

Problems of sustainable development, dynamics of the business environment and development of project management systems

Modern systems, processes and project management tools

Methods of research and implementation of research projects

Academic development

Preparation, writing and defense of a dissertation

The direct learning process is implemented through 8 modules:

Module 1. Methods for quantitative and qualitative analysis business, projects and programs

Module 2. Management in complex project systems

Module 3. Sustainable development in socio-economic systems

Module 4 Modern Concepts and management practices

Module 5. Socio-psychological aspects of project and business management and competence models

Module 6. Investment and financial technology in business and projects

Module 7. Scientific seminar

Module 8. Preparation and defense of the dissertation

Cost: 1,200,000 rubles

Training period: 2 years.

1 year - study of training modules, participation in problematic seminars.

Year 2 - further study of training modules, implementation of the research program, writing a dissertation, preliminary discussion of the results (two workshops, February and June) defense of preliminary research results and dissertation defense

Form of study: part-time

The main forms of conducting classes:

Problem lectures

Problem seminars with the participation of business representatives

Research workshops

Research projects

Requirements for applicants for the program:

The program accepts people with higher education who have master's degrees, graduates of MBA and EMBA programs, candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences.

The training ends with the defense of a dissertation for the award of the degree of Doctor of Business Administration.

Documents for admission:

  • copy work book confirming seniority at least 2 years
  • diploma of higher education with the application (and its copy, including the application)
  • passport (and a copy of its pages: main and registration)
  • 2 photos 3x4