How to stay motivated at a high level. Hold tight: how to stay motivated after a win. Take Regular Breaks

  • 23.02.2023

Martin Brant of is a master at giving bad advice. Harmful, but working. This time, he talks out loud about how to stay motivated, even if he loses or loses his triathlon libido on the go.

The state of training apathy overtakes sooner or later everyone, even health and fitness maniacs. The most noticeable symptoms: the desire to wrap yourself in a blanket, fear of the cold, morning workouts in cold darkness, gluttony, cravings for cakes, zero attention to the bike rack, which perfectly copes with the functionality of a clothes hanger.

The main thing here is not to panic. I'm sure even the Brownlee brothers have their moments of criminally low enthusiasm. There are many reasons for this: winter, monotony, boredom, injuries, loss of shape, gluttony, of course - but the consequences are about the same: guilt for every missed workout and thinking that next season has already failed.

I have been doing triathlon for a long time and many times I found myself in such a seemingly hopeless situation. I tried for many years to qualify for Kona, I was overtaken by athletes who were weaker than me - all this demotivated me. During this time, I have developed many clever strategies for overcoming the blues. By the way, these tips do not include the phrase “HTFU” (harden the fuck up - “stop whining, get the fuck up”) from your always motivated friends. Here's what I'll tell you:

  1. Cycling club. There is no better way to reclaim your love of pedaling and your sense of competition than by visiting a cyclist. You will see worthy opponents of all ages and genders there, so the desire to beat them will wake up instantly. Put on your most stylish jersey, fold the peak of your bike cap up and dance like a Contador while watching yourself and your rivals suffer in the mirror.
  2. Buy something expensive. Nothing motivates like new sports equipment/toy. You just can't resist trying it out in training. Triathlon is great for that - it offers endless opportunities to spend more money than you earn, no matter how much you earn.
  3. View old race photos. Old sports photos are inspiring, but in their own way: you see beautiful young athletes in them, then look at a piece of cake in a plate, again at the photo, at your stomach ... And tomorrow you run out to training!
  4. Get on Facebook. The fear, bordering on paranoia, that while you are doing nothing, your rivals are training (maybe it's photoshop?), is easily confirmed by endless posts with logs of training and photos from runs, pools and machines. You won't let them beat you, will you?
  5. Go to some evening local race of the club. When I'm having trouble running, I go into a group of slow runners and beat them mercilessly every lap, feeling like a running god.
  6. Commuting by bike. A convenient and workable way to start moving is to incorporate training into your daily work schedule. Commuting on a bike here looks like a win-win opportunity to discreetly roll a volume, amuse your ego by overtaking couriers with food, tickle your nerves in traffic jams and sprint behind buses.
  7. Slow and technical swimming. Accidentally forget all the devices that you are dependent on (watch, heart rate monitor) and do slow technical work, and do not wind tracks in zone 4.
  8. HIIT or circuit training. Classic anaerobic execution. After a couple of laps, you will so want to return to a cozy and smooth triathlon ...
  9. Training fees. Mallorca, Lanzarote, south of France, Italy, Spain, North Korea. I am from Coventry, so I would choose the latter.
  10. Read sports books. Reading the autobiographies of great athletes affects me in two ways: either I am inspired by the path of an athlete from the children's section to world fame, or I am sick of their belief in my own importance and I surrender to triathlon with love. As a rule, the first type of biographies belongs to athletes, cyclists and other cyclists, while the second one is exclusively about football players in the English Premier League.
  11. Join the crazy team race. You can't let your teammates down, right? Here also suffer together with them on any 24-hour race. The fear of being seen as a coward or weakling will kill your laziness and demotivation.
  12. Complete rest. You probably did this, but burdened these days of inactivity with thoughts of losing shape. Yes, and figs with her! Enjoy, especially if the sports season was not the best.
  13. Pump the bike. A two-wheeled friend stands in the corner, so unattractive and with the steering wheel tape soaked through and a dirty chain. Put it in order, get confused by buying, for example, a new saddle, from which the crotch will not go numb.
  14. Get angry. One day I was running a trail race in my usual state of melancholy when I felt a sharp jolt from a runner passing me. He pissed me off so much that I chased him half the distance until I finally overtook him and pushed my shoulder into the fence, overtaking about 100 people along the way. This is how a kick sometimes works, not at all metaphorical.
  15. Early tri-start. The good thing about racing early is that it shows early how good you've been with bullshit in the off-season. So there will still be time to fix everything.
  16. Dig into certificates, finisher medals, and event t-shirts. They will remind you of your experience, your former speed, as if hinting “is it really all in vain and you will end up so ingloriously with a piece of pizza on the couch and with white squares in the training peak?”
  17. Get drunk. Recently I was leaving a running club with some friends and we decided to go to a pub. Then another pub. Then it spun, spun, and I found myself the next noon in the expected state of the house. I vowed never to drink again and to train like hell.
  18. Dilute triathlon with a sport unrelated to any of the disciplines. Over the years, I have tried many ways to get out of breath: canoeing, hiking, rowing, smoking, karate, and even active shopping. I always go back to triathlon anyway.
  19. Running with dogs. I have two Welsh Springer Spaniels, Freddie and Bertie, and they love to run with me. They come up to me, look at me with their big eyes and wag their tails, and no matter what stage of sofa demotivation I am in, we run into the street. someday my form will allow me to qualify for Kona and keep up with these two.

These are my tips, based on more often bitter than triumphant experience. And if you think none of this is working, just remember: I'm going to beat you, because while you're wasting time reading this, I'm practicing.

Oh, the Olympian, who wrested gold from fate, feels emptiness - and then what? The careerist, who finally took the Big Chair, is confused - is it really possible to relax? “When you reach the peak after a long journey, the question suddenly arises: what to do tomorrow? It all looks like a mild post-traumatic stress syndrome,” says David Purdy from the Institute of Leadership & Management (UK). Let's look at four specific cases of post-victory syndrome - and what to do with them.

1. You've lost weight...

up to the planned level. Behind months of grueling exercise and a strict diet. And now you can eat that cake, right?

Forget about the finish

You were wrong from the very beginning when you formulated goals expressed in numbers: a certain weight that you need to achieve, or the size of your jeans that you need to fit into ... At the beginning of the journey, you need to set yourself "behavioral" goals: make it a habit three times a week run 10 km; cook your own lunches to the office yourself, and not eat fast food of obscure origin, etc.

take pictures

Again: at the beginning of the journey, make it a rule for yourself to be photographed in shorts in front of a mirror once every two to three weeks. Take the first shots in harsh light and in the most unfavorable angles for your belly. If you want a cake or think about skipping a run - just look through the photo album, look at what you were like.


Accumulate positive motivation: in the course of weight loss, note everything new and good that has appeared in your life: this is a surge of energy, compliments from women, etc. Make a list of such observations on your smartphone and look at it every time you feel the urge to return to old habits. Now such a life is forever, so remind yourself of its good sides.

2. Career stalled...

First of all, because the inner impulse that allowed you to reach the current level began to fade.


The study, the results of which were published in the journal Emotion (USA), confirms that envy for a careerist is rather a useful quality. The main thing here is to choose the right object for yourself, the achievement of which (at least theoretically) is also within your reach. Stop praying for a biography of Steve Jobs, better go to lunch with a classmate who is already hoo, and you still drive Zhiguli.

Grow within yourself

Consider each new work project as an opportunity to gain new skills and knowledge, new contacts. After completing the project, summarize: what did it give you in terms of personal (professional) growth and how you can use these skills in the next project. A career is not only the size of your salary and cabinet, but also what you can do at every stage of it.

Use motivators

Install the iDoneThis application on your computer. This program asks you every day what you have achieved today. Then saves the answers and uses them to cheer and spur you on when you lose momentum.

3. You received a medal:

ran his first marathon or took first place in a powerlifting competition. The next medal will not give you such an influx of endorphins.

Change projectile

Preparing for the competition, you practiced the same skill every day. Change your fitness routine for a while - for example, instead of endless runs, try squash classes or workouts in a rocking chair. The body will respond to a new kind of stress with a fresh rush of endorphins.

Plan for recessions

Write a list of your ifs and thens. For example, "if I can't keep up my pace, then I'll run to the top of that hill, and then I'll slow down." Or “if I don’t feel like going to a workout, then I’ll tell myself that this will be an easy workout, and then maybe I’ll disperse.”

Build detailed plans

If you set single goals, then motivation will jump up and down. Instead, it is better to sketch out a flexible and large fitness plan. Let's say you plan to take part in 5-10 competitions over the next two years, and one of them will be large and responsible. Aim for your first ultramarathon in 18 months, for example. This long-term goal will keep you motivated in all intermediate competitions.

4. You found a mate

It happened - she moved her things to you and now fries you scrambled eggs in the morning. This is a big victory, but what to do next?

Say three words

Things like, "Tell me more." Or: "Here, in more detail." In short, ask and listen, show interest. First, she will be pleased. Secondly, it will bring some clarity to your relationship: as the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found, people who have lived together for many years misinterpret the actions of their partners even more often than strangers.

Form a team

Put together IKEA furniture. Take part in competitions where your couple will act as a team. Couples must overcome difficulties. Create them yourself and overcome them as allies - this is a good skill in case of future scandals. And in general, a “partner” is not someone who satisfies your lust, but someone you can rely on in case of trouble.

Own cooperatively

If you share things in the house according to the principle “mine is yours”, your union will be no different from your stay with your friend Lekha in the same dorm room in your second year. And it will last the same. Fill the apartment with common things - photographs, palm trees in tubs, gifts from mutual friends, a joint vacuum cleaner. It seems like primitive advice, but the British magazine Personal Affair states categorically: the more such things are in plain sight in your home, the stronger the couple.

Percentage dissatisfied

  • 57% office workers complain that their career stands still
  • 74% men admit that they "lack of will power" to reach your desired fitness level
  • 39% employees point to bad team atmosphere
  • 50% lost weight on a diet in a year return to their original form
  • 60% couples admit that their relationships need improvement
  • 40% people are thinking right now should they leave their partner

Motivation is a very powerful tool in the right hands. Sometimes it is very easy for a person to motivate himself, and he remains inspired for a long time. But at times it is very difficult to do this, and the “swamp” of procrastination and apathy slowly begins to tighten it. In this article, you will find some effective ways and useful research on how to stay motivated for a long time.

1. What is motivation and how does it work

Scientists define motivation as a drive to do something. In other words, it is a set of psychophysiological processes that induce a person to perform a certain action. However, there is another definition of motivation.

What is motivation?

So what is motivation? This concept is best explored in Stephen Pressfield's book The War for Creativity. He writes: “At some point, doing nothing begins to cause a person more discomfort than doing an activity.”

In other words, sometimes it's easier to do something than to do nothing. It's easier to gather strength and go to the gym than to continue to lie on the couch and get fat. It's easier to overcome embarrassment and call your potential client than to forfeit a bonus due to an unfulfilled sales plan.

Each of our choices has its own “price”, but it is better to experience inconvenience from any activity than to regret later that you did nothing. However, in order to get down to business, you need to cross a certain line that separates the zone of procrastination from the zone of active action. This often happens as we approach a deadline.

This raises a very important question: what can we do to overcome this trait and stay motivated at all times?

Common misconceptions about motivation

The surprising thing is that motivation usually occurs after you do some unusual act, and not before. Many people have the misconception that reading a motivational book or watching an inspirational video is enough to inspire them to do something. However, so-called "active" inspiration can serve as a more powerful stimulus to action.

Motivation is usually the result of some activity, not its cause. As soon as you start doing something, inspiration will naturally develop and you will be able to complete what you started.

Thus, in order to motivate yourself to perform any action, it is enough just to start doing it. Below we will talk about how to apply this advice in real life.

2. How to motivate yourself and start doing something

Many people go out of their way to motivate themselves to achieve certain goals. Without motivation, we spend too much energy and time on the implementation of actions that lead us to the desired result.

According to writer Sarah Peck, many aspiring authors fail to complete their work because they cannot answer the question of when they will next start writing. The same goes for training in the gym, business, art, and so on. For example, if you don't have a workout schedule, then every day you'll wake up thinking, "I'm going to the gym today if I'm in the mood."

It seems that scheduling is a very simple step. However, it will help you organize and systematize your activities. Usually people try to stick to the schedule, despite the lack of desire and motivation. Many studies confirm this fact.

Stop waiting for inspiration to strike, and just make a clear schedule that you will follow. This is the main difference between professionals and amateurs. Fans are waiting for inspiration, but they take action.

What is the secret of famous artists? How do they manage to stay motivated all the time? They do not just draw up a schedule of actions, but develop rituals.

The famous dancer and choreographer Twyla Tharp spoke about her daily ritual in an interview. Every day she gets up at 5.30 am, puts on her workout clothes and leaves the apartment. The girl then hails a taxi and tells the driver to take her to the gym, where she works out for two hours. The ritual is not in the process of training, but in the trip itself. Once Twyla tells the driver where to go, the ritual is over.

It seems to be a very simple action. However, if you repeat the same thing every morning, it will soon become a habit. And as soon as the action becomes habitual, it will be easier for you to perform it regularly, because we do not think about routine everyday actions, but simply do them “on the machine”.

Many famous people have developed their own rituals. Much has been written about this in Mason Curry's book Genius Mode. The daily routine of great people.

The key to any ritual is that you don't have to make any decisions about what to do first and what to do next. Many people fail to succeed because they can't get started. If you manage to turn your activity into a habitual ritual, then it will not be difficult for you to finish what you started, even if difficult tasks arise on your way.

How to develop a motivating habit

By following three simple steps, you can build your own ritual and turn motivation into a habit.

Step #1. Any ritual should begin with some very simple action. For example, you can drink a glass of water before you sit down to write a novel. Or you can put on your favorite sneakers before heading out for a workout. These actions are so simple that it is impossible to refuse to perform them.

Step #2. You must force yourself to move. Lack of motivation is often associated with a lack of physical activity. Remember your physical state at the moment when you are bored or sad. You don't make any active movements, do you? At such moments, most people just sit on the couch and look at one point. In this case, the opposite is true: if you are physically active, your brain also begins to work more actively. For example, when you dance, it is simply impossible not to feel energized and alive. Physical activity does not always mean doing any exercise. For example, if your goal is to write a novel, then this activity should be directed towards writing.

Step #3. It is necessary to adhere to the same plan of action every day. Their primary task is to motivate you to a certain activity. As a result, you don't have to wait for inspiration. Instead, you simply begin your usual ritual, and then smoothly move on to the main action.

3. How to stay motivated for the long haul

The strategies mentioned above help motivate yourself and get started on a task. But what about staying motivated for the long haul? How to stay motivated?

Imagine that you are playing tennis. If you choose a four-year-old girl as your opponent, then the game will quickly bore you, as the victory will be too easy. Conversely, if you play, for example, against Serena Williams, then constant defeats will quickly demotivate you. Such an opponent will be too tough for you. You will be interested in the game if the opponent has equal abilities. You will have a chance to win if you put in the effort. Thus, challenging but doable tasks help us stay motivated.

People love difficult tasks. But the level of difficulty should be optimal for a particular person. Tasks that are too difficult demotivate us, while tasks that are too easy get bored quickly.

At this moment, a person experiences a special state of emotional upsurge. Athletes usually refer to this by the term "being on a roll". At this moment, a person is so focused on performing a certain task that the whole world around him fades.

To achieve this state, you must follow the rule described in the previous section. If you choose a task of optimal difficulty for yourself, you will not only be motivated for the long term, but also experience a feeling of happiness after completing it. As psychologist Gilbert Brim said, “One of the important sources of human happiness lies in completing tasks at the right level of difficulty.”

However, in order to reach the peak of motivation, you still need to constantly measure your current progress. In other words, it is important that you receive feedback at every step of the task. Evaluating your own progress is a key factor in maintaining a state of motivation.

What to do if you start to lose motivation

Motivation to perform any action will inevitably begin to fade at a certain point in time. In such cases, you can use the tips below.

1. Your brain is a source of valuable suggestions.

Imagine that every thought that pops into your head is a suggestion, not an order. For example, when the author writes an article, the thought comes to his mind that he is tired. From this follows a proposal to leave the job, choose the path of least resistance and give up.

Just remember that none of these suggestions is a call to action. These are just options, and you have the opportunity to choose one of them.

2. Discomfort is temporary

Almost any action you take will end very soon. For example, your workout only lasts an hour or two. Your report will be ready by tomorrow morning.

Now life has become much easier than before. Even 300 years ago, if you yourself did not grow your own food and did not build a house, then you are doomed to death. And today, a tragedy for a person is the fact that he left the charger for his phone at home.

Thus, be mindful of the prospects ahead. Life is beautiful, and any discomfort is temporary.

You will never regret doing a good job.

Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Undoubtedly, the best reward that life can give you is a worthwhile job." We all want our work to be useful to people, and they respect our work. However, we do not want our attempts to be in vain. Everyone wants a reward, not a hard, repetitive job. Everyone wants to get a gold medal, but only a few want to train as hard as the members of the Olympic team. Thus, remember that the reward is worth the effort it takes to get it.

That's life

In life, we constantly balance between the desire to move away from everything and self-discipline. Life is a collection of hundreds of thousands of small decisions about whether to fight or give up.

Don't underestimate those moments when you don't feel like doing anything. Spend this time so that you can be proud of yourself.

Often there comes a time in life when we begin to realize that we need to change something. We read relevant literature, watch inspiring videos on the Internet, find an example to follow and try to become like him.

But 1-2 weeks pass (and sometimes a couple of days), and we are already starting to think that this is not ours. Laziness, fatigue, the wrong goal, lack of desire - 1000 and 1 excuse in order to abandon everything and return to the old life with the thought: “I tried to play sports (eat right, get up early, read every day, etc.). That's not mine".

Prepared some inspiring ways to stay afloat and keep going. In order to have powerful emotional nourishment, I put my gadgets aside and picked up paper with a pen. There is something magical about paper...

Seeing a goal is the main condition for maintaining your motivation.

Sometimes the problem of maintaining motivation lies in the fact that people simply do not see where they are going and why they need it. Someone said that you need to run in the morning, someone said that you need to drink more water. Someone said something, and the person seems to agree, but does not fully understand why this is necessary.

To begin with, I propose to work on your own picture of the goal. Prepare a nice notepad and pen. Sit comfortably, it would be best if you first relax and allow yourself to write not from the head (I should buy a car; Kolya has such a cool cottage, I also want to, etc.), but from the heart. Write exactly what you want. If the brain doesn’t turn off, it’s good to go in for sports first, take a shower and, in a state of slight fatigue, sit down to write an action plan.

Imagine yourself 5-10 years later. The goal should be large-scale and bright. How do you look and feel in your 30s, 40s, 50s? Describe your vision for the future in all areas of life:

  • Beauty and health;
  • Personal relationship with a loved one;
  • How are relationships built in your family, way of life, traditions;
  • Career, education, growth, experience, development, travel;
  • Your ideal daily routine, what time you go to bed, get up, how much you work;
  • Material well-being, your house, car, etc.

Try to vividly imagine and describe how you look, how you feel, how your relationship with your loved one, family is built, what you have already experienced 5-10 years later, what you have achieved. After writing down your ideas for each of the points, write below how you achieved this.

Example: “Today I am 40, I have a beautiful, hardy, toned body. I managed to achieve this thanks to the daily practice of yoga, proper nutrition, competent care for my skin and body ... ".

As you imagine your future self, make a plan of action and distribute it over 10 years. Write what you need to do every year, what you need to do this year, this month, this week to become the way you imagined yourself 5-10 years later?

Having a clear picture, you will know why you are already working and developing today. If you miss a workout or want to eat something very harmful, remember your future self. What will you be like if you continue to indulge your old habits?

Work on your habits

Habits are what we do every day, no matter the circumstances. As it is not difficult to assume, for them we do not need to draw our resource of motivation. Therefore, it makes sense to replace negative habits with positive ones. For example, evening watching TV or reading social networks.

To do this, you can make a simple table of habits. In the left column, you can list all the habits that you want to implement, indicate the dates in the title. For each completed task, you can put a tick or a plus sign, and for each not completed - a minus.

Thus, working on a particular habit, you will feel a little like a hero, putting a plus sign. Soon this game will begin to stimulate you to develop, you will clearly see the dynamics of your work and perhaps even notice the first results. You will begin to feel yourself changing with the new habits. After all, habit is second nature!

Relax - you need rest

This point is especially relevant for perfectionists and for those who are looking for how to stay motivated to move towards goals. Yes, we all strive for the ideal, but it is important to understand that we will never achieve it. As soon as we become the best version of ourselves, we will have new goals and objectives for the development of our personality. It turns out that this process is endless. Allow yourself to sometimes get tired and sink to the emotional bottom. Let yourself rest. Be prepared that sometimes you will be on the rise, and sometimes growth will be difficult and painful.

However, always remember where you are going and who you are, do not let your sad thoughts and despair overcome your mind. Change is always gradual and uneven. Get ready for it and enjoy the process!

What motivates you to achieve your goals?

Write about it in the comments.

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The biggest bankrupt in this world is a man who has lost his enthusiasm for life.

Matthew Arnold

From all sides, we are constantly being told how important motivation is to achieve our goals. With this, of course, no one will argue. The question is, how to keep your motivation for a long time?

We are so addicted to the new trendy diet, but a week later we eat these delicious cakes again. We take on a new project with such enthusiasm, and after a while we give up, thrown to the ground by numerous difficulties. Every year we start a new healthy life, sign up for a gym and run in the morning, and now the simulators are quietly covered with dust, pushed into the far corner.

Motivation is a powerful force that can make us change ourselves or change the world around us. But, like any strong emotion, it can quickly leave us. Here are seven tips to make sure that doesn't happen.

1. Do what you like

Yes, this is much easier said than done. But it's still worth trying to focus your efforts on those activities that bring you pleasure. Think about the following:

At work. It may not be the time to move on to your dream job, but maybe it would be wise to pay more attention to the things that you like, and delegate others to colleagues?

your goals. When setting a goal, it is very important to take care of the most pleasant way for you to achieve it. For example, if you want to become more athletic, then you need to choose the one that brings you pleasure, and not what is advertised in glossy magazines.

Your obligations. what weighs you down and pulls you back. Perhaps this is one of the most important skills in life.

2. Focus on the end result

Most of the really important goals require quite significant efforts from you, which can bring the desired result only after a long time. You can strive for a secure and independent lifestyle, but for this you will have to bend your back for a long time.

Instead of focusing on the current difficult and unpleasant task, focus on the reason why you need to do it. Hang a picture of your dream image above your workplace and pay attention to it more often.

3. Start with a win

If you have a tough day ahead of you, or you're starting a new project, then try to start with easy, quick tasks that bring quick results. This will lift your spirits and help you gain the self-confidence that is so necessary at the beginning of important matters. Typically, these are tasks that can be completed in a few minutes, leaving you with a sense of accomplishment. It could be cleaning your desk, sorting through email, or a phone call you've been putting off for a long time, and so on.

4. Continue the difficult task

After you've done a few simple quick things, while the battle fuse has not subsided, it's better to take on the most difficult task of the day. It may not be easy, but once you've completed the main task of the day, everything else will seem like a trifle to you. In addition, if you put off the most difficult thing at the end of the day, then most likely it will smoothly move to the next day, and then another. So difficult tasks become impossible.

5. Take Regular Breaks

When you feel fresh and rested, it is very easy to be motivated. Breaks are a great way to increase your productivity. Instead of spending hours doing incomprehensible things, mixing work and rest in the arms of procrastination, you will have a clear time for work and a certain time for rest. This brings organization to your day and helps you get things done without being distracted by other things.

6. Don't take on too much

Most of us are overwhelmed with various tasks and goals. We try to achieve a lot at once, but as a result we get nothing but chronic fatigue.

Let's not forget that there are only 24 hours in a day and we leave time for rest, entertainment and pleasure. The desire to be smart, beautiful and successful at the same time is, of course, good, but it is better to have only one global goal at a time and give it maximum attention. This way you will have a much better chance of success.

7. Reward yourself

Small prizes for each important step can be a good motivator, especially if you are doing a job that is not very interesting for you. An extraordinary break, a cup of coffee, a walk in the park or your favorite dish - choose what really makes you happy and reward yourself, your loved one, for real success.

One of the most important factors that separates great people from their less successful competitors is their relentless drive to achieve their goals. Maintaining, despite difficulties and defeats, their motivation at a high level for a long time gives them strength, perseverance and determination, which are the key to the successful achievement of any goal. We hope that these tips will help you with this.