Gazprom management. Major shareholders. Income of Alexey Miller

  • 20.04.2020

Alexey Miller is one of the highest paid Russian managers, Chairman of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom, Head of the Board of Directors of NPF Gazfond, as well as Gazprombank and the insurance company SOGAZ.

In addition to his activities at Gazprom, he is a member of board of trustees International Prize "Global Energy" and the government commission for the production of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation and fuel and energy complex issues.

Childhood and youth

Miller Alexey Borisovich was born on January 31, 1962 on the outskirts of Leningrad in a family of employees of the closed military enterprise NPO Leninets. Miller's parents were the so-called "Russian Germans" living in Russia, so the media often publish information about the origin and nationality of a top manager.

Father Boris Vasilyevich worked as a fitter, and mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna worked as an engineer. Alexey was the only child in the family, so he was not deprived of parental attention, care and love.

The future head of Gazprom studied at a specialized gymnasium with a mathematical bias No. 330 in Leningrad. During his school years, he did not cause trouble to either teachers or parents, he did not enter into conflicts with other children. Miller was a diligent and capable student, a shy boy. Teachers and classmates of Alexei speak of him as an inconspicuous person, but with a specific desire to achieve the goal through his own efforts.

After graduating from school with excellent grades, Alexei Miller managed to enter the local financial and economic institute the first time. In 1984, he graduated from the university and received a diploma in engineering and economics. In his student years, Alexei was a favorite student of the head of the department, Professor Igor Blekhtsin, a famous St. Petersburg economist and international-class master of sports in chess. FINEC teachers remember the student as a neat calligraphic hand.

After graduating from FINEK, Alexey Miller took the position of an engineer-economist at LenNIIproekt, under which he entered graduate school in 1986 and defended his dissertation 3 years later, receiving the degree of candidate of economic sciences. In his youth, he is interested in this.


After graduate school, Alexey Miller continued his work at LenNIIproekt as a junior researcher, and in 1990 he transferred to the executive committee of the Lensoviet, where he headed the Committee on Economic Reforms.

The next step in the career ladder of the Russian economist was the Committee on Foreign Relations in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg, in which Miller was the immediate supervisor. This collaboration has become key point in the further successful biography of Alexei Borisovich Miller.

Thanks to him, the development of the first investment zones in the city - "Pulkovo" and "Parnassus", where the factories "Gillette", "Coca-Cola", "Baltika" were built. At the same time, Alexei Borisovich introduced the first foreign banks, Lyons Credit and Dresden Bank, on the territory of St. Petersburg. Miller also developed the hotel business and headed the board of directors of the famous Europa Hotel.

In 1996, after losing the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg in the gubernatorial election, the biography of Alexei Miller, like the fate of his colleagues in the St. Petersburg administration, underwent a turning point. Most of the members of Vladimir Putin's team resigned from the city administration of St. Petersburg and went on a "free float" for a while.

Alexey Miller and Vladimir Putin met in St. Petersburg

After Vladimir Putin's victory in presidential elections in 2000, many of his colleagues in the St. Petersburg administration received leadership positions in the government and state enterprises RF. Alexey Miller, who received the post of Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, was no exception. For his successful work in his position, experts and politicians predicted the post of Minister of Energy of Russia for the economist, but their assumptions did not come true. In 2001, Miller took an equally prestigious position, becoming the head of the board of OAO Gazprom.


The news of Alexey Miller's appointment to the position of Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprom was a shocking surprise for the entire management of the company. From that moment, OAO Gazprom started new era return of the company to state control. Alexei Borisovich, as an experienced economist, was given the task of reviving the concern through reforms and returning the company's assets lost by the ex-head of Gazprom, Rem Vyakherev.

The global investor market took the news of the change in leadership of Gazprom with enthusiasm in connection with the upcoming reforms, which took place instantly. In a few months, Alexey Miller updated the old concern team with “his” people from the past, and also carried out a number of strategic reforms to revive the corporation. The new Gazprom team included Mikhail Sereda, head of the administration of the board, Kirill Seleznev, head of Mezhregiongaz, Chief Accountant Elena Vasilyeva, head of the financial and economic department of the concern Andrey Kruglov.

After the “cleansing of veterans” at Gazprom, Alexey Miller took up direct duties - to return the lost assets of the company. In this matter, Miller achieved success: for a nominal fee, he returned blocks of shares from Itera, restored lost control over SIBUR, Zapsibgazprom, Vostokgazprom, Northgas. But the main achievement of Alexei Miller was the returned shares of Gazprom itself, thanks to which a 51% stake in the Russian Federation was restored, of which about 11% were held by the concern's subsidiaries.

Alexey Miller - Chairman of the Board of Gazprom

During Miller's tenure, Gazprom became the global energy business leader in the world. The gas giant received large assets in the oil and energy sectors, strengthened its position in the export direction, created strong economic ties with Italian and German corporations, began implementing projects to diversify supplies, and signed strategic agreements for gas supplies to the Asia-Pacific countries. At the same time, Miller managed to eliminate the actual competition of Gazprom in the gas sector.

In 2011, the head of OAO Gazprom, Alexei Miller, was re-elected Chairman of the Management Board of the concern for the next 5 years. During the years of his reign, he was repeatedly awarded prestigious state awards, which included medals "For Services to the Fatherland" in the development of the gas complex of the Russian Federation.

In 2013, according to the rating of the financial and economic magazine Forbes, Alexey Borisovich took the 3rd leading position in the list of the most expensive and successful managers in the world, the level of income of an official amounted to $ 25 million per year. Soon the situation changed.

Since 2012, total payments to top managers of Russian companies have been gradually decreasing. In 2016, Forbes analysts found that a 2.3-fold reduction in the total income of managers was recorded. largest organizations.

Alexey Miller is on the Forbes list

According to the American edition, in 2014 the state of the chairman of the board of Gazprom was again estimated at $ 25 million, but this time he took the 2nd position in the rating.

Already in 2015, this figure amounted to $ 27 million, which allowed Alexei Miller to rise to the first line of the Russian Forbes list for the first time. The company's revenue that year was recorded at $140.4 billion. In 2016, the income of the top manager of Gazprom fell by $9.5 million, while the first place in the Russian Forbes list still belongs to Miller . He lost to the head of Rosneft with a salary of $13 million a year.

Alexey Miller and Igor Sechin

Profitability of "Gazprom" fell somewhat. The company is experiencing better times due to the loss of traditional markets and the activity of foreign competitors. Thus, the statement of the President of Ukraine on the refusal to buy Russian gas is one of the main reasons for the decline in the sale of resources in a long-familiar direction. In addition, European states are introducing new technologies regarding alternative energy sources.

In connection with these difficulties, the leadership of Gazprom decided to start building bypass routes for delivering gas to Europe. They were named Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexei Miller, like other famous Russian persons, remains in the shadow of his career. For many years, the head of Gazprom has been officially married. Irina, the wife of Alexei Miller, rarely appears in public, preferring the home environment social events. The couple are raising their son Michael. Alexey Borisovich, by virtue of his status, does not maintain a personal Instagram, therefore, one can learn about his family only from publications in the media.

Information appeared in the media about Alexei Miller's affair with the head of the protocol of the chairman of the government of the Russian Federation - Deputy Head of the Government Staff Marina Yentaltseva, but it was not officially confirmed. Russian publications have repeatedly published their joint photos.

The top manager prefers to devote his free time to his family. From a young age, Alexei Borisovich has a passion for football, he is considered the most famous fan of the Zenit football club. At the same time, Miller is fond of equestrian sports, he owns 2 thoroughbred stallions. Parties in a close family circle of relatives and friends, accompanied by songs with a guitar performed by him, are not alien to him.

Miller's passion for equestrian sports as a business person resulted in labor activity. In 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Aleksey Borisovich to the position of head of the Russian Hippodromes OJSC, setting him the task of reviving the industry in this direction and inspiring new life in equestrian sport in Russia.

Alexey Miller now

In the spring of 2018, the name of Alexei Miller was included in the US sanctions list, which was called "Kremlin". In total, it contains information about 26 officials and entrepreneurs close to the President of the Russian Federation. Among them were others. But, according to the calculations of the Russian media, this did not prevent the salary of the top manager of Gazprom from being kept in the region of 58 million rubles. per month.

Now Alexey Miller oversees the construction of Nord Stream 2, which will run along the bottom of the Baltic Sea, and also controls the launch of the Turkish Stream, laid through the Black Sea. In autumn, Miller reported on the construction of 200 km of the proposed 1,200 km of Nord Stream and the laying of the Turkish Stream pipe with the final joint.

Despite reports from US Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland that the United States has enough tools to stop these projects, Gazprom is optimistic about the process of building a gas pipeline bypassing Ukraine.

In November 2018, a solemn meeting between Vladimir Putin and the President of Turkey took place in Istanbul, dedicated to the completion of laying the last section of the offshore section of the TurkStream gas pipeline. Alexey Miller at that time was on board a working ship, from where he had a video conference with the heads of state. The top manager of the gas giant plans to complete the construction of 2 southern branches by the end of 2019.

Meeting of shareholders

The supreme governing body of the Public joint-stock company"Gazprom" is the General Meeting of Shareholders, which is held annually. The General Meetings of Shareholders held in addition to the annual General Meetings of Shareholders are extraordinary.

Shareholders owning ordinary shares have the right to vote at the General Meeting of Shareholders. Any shareholder personally or through his representative has the right to participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders. The meeting is valid if it is attended by shareholders holding in aggregate more than half of the votes.

The competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders, in particular, includes the introduction of amendments to the Charter of the Company, the approval of annual reports and the auditor of the Company, the distribution of profits, the election of members of the Board of Directors and Audit Commission, making decisions on the reorganization or liquidation of the Company, as well as on increasing or decreasing its authorized capital.

The Board of Directors carries out general management of the Company's activities, except for resolving issues related to the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders. Members of the Board of Directors of the Company are elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders for a term until the next annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

The Board of Directors, in particular, determines the priority areas of the Company's activities, approves the annual budget and investment programs, makes decisions on convening General Meetings of Shareholders, on the formation of the Company's executive bodies, and makes recommendations on the amount of dividend on shares.

Executive bodies

The Chairman of the Management Board (sole executive body) and the Management Board (collective executive body) manage current activities Society. They organize the implementation of the decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors and are accountable to them.

The Chairman of the Management Board and members of the Management Board are elected by the Board of Directors for a term of 5 years. The Management Board, in particular, develops the annual budget, investment programs, prospective and current plans activities of the Company, prepares reports, organizes gas flow management, monitors the functioning

Alexey Miller

Chairman of the Board of Gazprom

Arrival date 2001

5.25 trillion rubles is the revenue of Gazprom

Rem Vyakhirev, resigned after Vladimir Putin became president of Russia and the position of the recently all-powerful Vyakhirev began to weaken

First position Management Board of Gazprom

In 1991, he became the head of the department of the foreign relations committee of the St. Petersburg mayor's office, the chairman of the committee at that time was Vladimir Putin

Kirill Seleznev

Member of the Board, Head of Marketing, Gas Processing and liquid hydrocarbons, Director General of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz

Arrival date 2002

Cash flows that depend on it Domestic gas sales (794.4 billion rubles) and the operation of the electric power assets of the concern (375.6 billion rubles), sales of oil and oil products (290 billion rubles)

Who held the position before him Nikolai Gornovsky, the former CEO of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, was accused of withdrawing a large asset from the company

Who did you know before taking office? Seleznev and Miller worked in the Sea Port of St. Petersburg and in the Baltic Pipeline System (BPS)

Elena Karpel

Head of the Department of Economic Expertise and Pricing, Gazprom

Arrival date 1994

Cash flows that depend on it 81.5 billion rubles is the purchase of pipes for Gazprom in 2013

Karpel has held this position since the founding of OAO Gazprom

Who did you know before joining the group? Karpel is perhaps the only one of the Vyakhirev cadres who not only stayed at Gazprom under the new boss, but also managed to become a member of his team. However, in 2014 she was not re-elected to the board of directors.

Andrey Kruglov

Deputy Chairman of the Board, Head of Financial and Economic Department

Arrival date 2002

Who held the position before him Boris Yurlov, who was considered a protege of Igor Sechin, left the monopoly, he became the deputy head of the Atomic Energy Agency

First position Member of the Board, Head of Corporate Finance Department

Who did you know before taking office? Kruglov and Miller worked in the city hall of St. Petersburg. According to Kruglov's acquaintances, his wife is the sister of Alexei Miller's wife. When Alexey Miller was hospitalized in 2007, it was Kruglov who remained on the bench.

Vitaly Markelov

Member of the Board of Directors of Gazprom, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the concern

Arrival date 1997

Cash flows that depend on it 1.1 trillion rubles is the investment program of Gazprom without the cost of oil and gas condensate production, energy production

Anatoly Ananenkov, one of the central figures in the board of Gazprom, was dismissed at the end of 2011 upon reaching retirement age

Who did you know before taking office? In Vostokgazprom, together with Markelov, Mikhail Sereda worked, who helped Markelov come to the board of Gazprom

Mikhail Sereda

Deputy Chairman of the Board, Head of the Office of the Board of Gazprom

Arrival date 2001

First position Head of the Management Board of Gazprom

Who did you know before taking office? In 1999-2000, he was Miller's deputy for finance at BTS

Who held this position before him Gennady Veselkov, an oil and gas construction veteran who went to head the Gazprom Council of Veterans

Elena Vasilyeva

Arrival date 2001

Who held this position before her Irina Bogatyreva, former chief accountant of Gazprom from the team of Rem Vyakhirev

First position Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Chief Accountant of Gazprom

Who did you know before taking office? Vasilyeva was the chief accountant of BTS, and earlier - the deputy chief accountant of the Sea Port of St. Petersburg. In both positions, she crossed paths with Miller, who also worked in these companies.

Alexander Dyukov

Chairman of the Board, CEO of Gazprom Neft

Arrival date 2006

Cash flows that depend on it 1.3 trillion rubles is the revenue of Gazprom Neft

Who held this position before him Alexander Ryazanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board. Miller did not renew his contract in 2006.

First position and. about. President of Gazprom Neft

Who did you know before taking office? In 1999, Dyukov was in charge of the Seaport of St. Petersburg, and Miller was subordinate to him, at that time - director of development and investment

Childhood, youth and family of Alexey Miller

Now a successful top manager, chairman of the board of the largest Russian energy company, was born in Leningrad in a family of employees of a closed military enterprise. Miller studied at gymnasium No. 330, from an early age demonstrating excellent academic success. After school, he easily entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. N. A. Voznesensky, who successfully graduated in 1984 with a degree in engineer-economist.

For several years after receiving his diploma, Miller worked in his specialty at LenNIIproekt, however, being a capable student, in 1986 the future Gazprom employee decided to continue his studies in graduate school. In 1989, Miller became a candidate of economic sciences.

In 1990, he continued his work at LenNIIproekt, where he now holds the position of junior researcher. Part of 1990 and the beginning of 1991 - Miller works in the Economic Reform Committee of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.

Career rise of Alexey Miller: from the St. Petersburg mayor's office to Gazprom

In 1991, a fateful acquaintance for Alexei Borisovich took place. That year, he began his work in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office, where the current President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin held the position of his chief. Miller served on the Committee for five years. During this time, the organization managed to establish contacts with the largest Western banks.

Alexey Miller (JSC Gazprom) in the opposite lane. A593MR 97

The change of power forced Alexei Miller to leave his home. Rising high up the ranks on the Foreign Relations Committee, Miller became a coveted candidate for leadership positions in major Russian companies. His new place of work was the JSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg", where Alexey Miller worked for three years.

Since 1999, a successful top manager has taken a place CEO JSC Baltic Pipeline System.

According to the results of the elections in Russia in 2000, Vladimir Putin occupies the presidential chair. Following the former boss, the former subordinate Alexei Miller also moves to the capital. He was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, but he stayed in the post for only a year.

In 2001, Miller became chairman of the board of Gazprom. The dismissal of Rem Vyakhirev, who has served as chairman for almost a decade, promises the largest energy organization quick reforms, which are not long in coming. From that moment, Gazprom becomes completely controlled by the state, work begins to return the assets lost during the reign of Vyakhirev.

Alexey Miller: crests stir up Russian gas

In 2002, Alexey Miller became Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom. By this time, the organization had undergone major personnel changes. Being far from energy, Miller needed people for whom this area is not alien. A number of leadership positions went to people with whom the new chairman of the board had already worked, other appointments came from the Kremlin, and some members of Vyakhirev's team managed to keep their posts.

However, despite the ongoing reforms, evil tongues foreshadowed the imminent resignation of Miller. The beginning of his work was not active enough, and, according to some experts, the personnel changes that had begun should have ended with the resignation of the new leader. No matter what rumors circulate, and no matter what they whisper on the sidelines, Alexey Miller has firmly strengthened his position. By 2004, the formation of a renewed leadership apparatus came to an end. In 2006, Miller's work contract was extended for another five years.

No matter how controversial and doubtful the start may seem, Alexey Miller achieved good results as Chairman of the Board. In 2010, the American magazine Harvard BusinessReview ranked Miller in third place in the ranking of the world's most effective top managers. In 2013, the Chairman of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom took third place in the Forbes list, and was named one of the most expensive Russian managers.

Alexey Miller's personal life

Alexey Miller is a busy person, which is why he does not have time to communicate with journalists, so the few interviews of the head of Gazprom are devoted mainly to the work of the company, its prospects and development. Miller prefers not to talk about his personal life, but it is known that he has been married for many years.

With his wife Irina, they are raising a son. Free time a top manager prefers to spend with his family. Sports hobbies such as cycling and skiing are not alien to him. Miller is also passionate about equestrian sports.

He owns several thoroughbred stallions. However, like any business person, Miller's hobby turned into active work. In 2012, he assumed the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Russian Hippodromes. According to the presidential decree, Alexey Miller faces a responsible and difficult task to breathe life into the national equestrian sport and contribute to the revival of the industry.

In 2016, the entrepreneur admitted that as a child he longed to get to the concert of his beloved Deep Purple. Then it was impossible, so now he attends every performance of the idols of his youth whenever possible.

Alexey Miller today

In 2016, Alexey Miller for the first time topped the ranking of the highest paid top managers, presented by Forbes. His annual salary was estimated at $17.7 million.

The Beechjet 400A light jet, tail number ES-NXT, costing approximately $7 million, with a blue stripe on the fuselage and tail, did not look like an outsider at the business aviation exhibition at Vnukovo-3 in the fall of 2014. It has just been upgraded by American Nextant Aerospace for an unknown Russian owner. Light beige swivel chairs near large windows, wide tables and a sofa in the cabin - everything for a comfortable flight of eight people with maximum speed 833 km per hour. This compact but comfortable aircraft was registered in Estonia and flown by the Estonian company FortAero.

Beechjet 400A cabin

On its website, FortAero admits that it does everything for high-profile clients, "including the heads of international companies and leading government officials, as well as their partners and family members." And he notes how convenient and profitable it is to register aircraft in Estonia - low taxes, a liberal political environment ...

The liberal environment has a nuance. In the Estonian business register, data on licenses for on-board radio stations of business jets is publicly available. And it mentions the owners of the planes.

Novaya Gazeta found out that the license for the radio station of the Beechjet 400A aircraft tail number ES-NXT was valid from 2014 and extended until early 2017. All this time, the aircraft was owned by the offshore company Firmon Overseas Holdings, registered in the British Virgin Islands.

Extract from the Estonian business register about the aviation radio station installed on the Beechjet 400A aircraft, reg. ES-NXT number, which says that the aircraft belongs to Firmon

This firm was mentioned in a report on the co-owners of Bank Rossiya, an acquaintance of Russian President Yuri Kovalchuk. According to the bank's documents, Firmon Overseas was completely controlled by Ivan Mironov from St. Petersburg, the half-brother of Gazprom's board member Kirill Seleznev (Seleznev previously confirmed his relationship to the Vedomosti newspaper).

We decided to find out where the company of the brother of Gazprom's top manager got a business jet worth about $7 million? And what other relatives and partners of the Gazprom bosses own.

Gas distribution history

Novaya Gazeta reported on Ivan Mironov in 2014, when he, along with his friend Tatyana Svitova, received a total of 11.7% of the shares of Bank Rossiya from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, a subsidiary of Seleznev. At Gazprom, they said then that they had sold non-core assets. And Novaya and Vedomosti established a connection former companies Mironov with the contractors of Gazprom, who received contracts worth billions of rubles.

At the same time, Mironov does not give the impression of an oligarch. He worked as deputy director of the St. Petersburg firm Expoforum-International, which manages the Lenexpo exhibition complex, known mainly from the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. When Vedomosti asked Mironov in 2014 about his big business, he stated that he was "far from all this."

Mironov's acquaintance, Tatyana Svitova, is the daughter of Elena Svitova, senior vice president of Bank Rossiya, and the sister of Natalya Svitova, who also had shares in Gazprom contractors.

As Novaya Gazeta found out, the recent partners of the Mironov and Svitov firms own shares in the gas distribution organizations of the Gazprom system - Gorgas and Raigas throughout Russia, which transport gas from main gas pipeline to the end consumer, maintain in-house gas equipment and design regional gas supply networks (for more details, see the diagram).

Through Firmon Overseas Holdings, Mironov controlled the offshore CIS Strategic Industries Investment Fund in the Cayman Islands, this was also mentioned in the Bank of Russia report. The Cayman offshore, in turn, owned the Cypriot Exlaribo. And that one owns a chain of companies that leads to the firm "Epos-Capital". Natalya Svitova owns firms that also lead to this Epos and a couple more companies - Profkapinvest and Biznesprofinvest. The latter had contracts with Gazprom's gas distribution companies for 47 million rubles, and until 2014 - a share in another Gazprom contractor (VAG), which received contracts for 4 billion rubles in five years.

Not only Mironov and Svitova owned Epos-Capital, Profkapinvest and Biznesprofinvest. The co-owners there were five interconnected companies - the Moscow Investment and Financial Group Management. Investments. Development” (“MIR Group”), “Financial analytical center”, “Intersectoral bill house of the fuel and energy complex” (VD TEK), “Investment partner” and “Citytrade”, which received shares in more than 30 gas distribution organizations. The total revenue of the 28 organizations they currently own for two recent years exceeded 40 billion rubles. The cost of their shares in Gazprom Gas Distribution Nizhny Novgorod alone is estimated by the expert at 6 billion rubles (for more details, see inset).

In Gazprom, this is the responsibility of Kirill Seleznev. He heads Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, a 100% subsidiary of Gazprom, which sells gas in Russia: it provides supplies to all categories of consumers and participates in the gasification of regions. Gas distribution organizations are included in the structure of Gazprom Gas Distribution - subsidiaries and controlled by Gazprom Mezhregiongaz.

Seleznev is a longtime colleague and close acquaintance of the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, for more than 15 years (he confirmed this to Vedomosti), they worked together in the port of St. Petersburg and in the Baltic Pipeline System. Seleznev came to Gazprom at the age of 27 as Miller's assistant, deputy head of the board apparatus.

In the late 1990s, Seleznev worked for the St. Petersburg MIR Group, which had the same general director as the Moscow group of the same name now.

The Moscow-based MIR Group has a long-standing relationship with Gazprom. According to the reports of the company "Gazprom gas distribution" for 2009-2010, this group, together with the "Financial Analytical Center", provided it with loans of 850 million rubles. And later, in turn, the MIR Group received a loan of 1.05 billion rubles from Gazprom Gas Distribution and another 253.3 million rubles from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Nizhny Novgorod.

What is the economic meaning of these transactions, Gazprom has not yet explained.

It was not possible to contact Mironov. Seleznev and the MIR Group did not answer questions from Novaya Gazeta.

History with Patriots

Five companies that hold stakes in Gazprom's gas distribution organizations (Financial Analytical Center, Ustyuggaz, Cititrade, Investment Partner and VD TEK) are linked to each other and to the Moscow-based Investment and Financial Group Management . Investments. Development” (“MIR Group”), which appeared in 2007.

The office of this group is located in the center of Moscow in Arkhangelsky lane, building 3, building 1. But the roots of the MIR Group go back to St. Petersburg. There, since 1994, there was a group of the same name, now liquidated. It was connected with Moscow by a common general director and co-owner management company- "Intersectoral bill house of the fuel and energy complex" ("VD TEK"), which is located in the same office in Arkhangelsky Lane.

The Moscow MIR Group is now owned by entrepreneurs with extensive connections in the church environment. The lion's share belongs to "VD TEK" Sergei Rudov. He is a member of the boards of trustees of large monasteries, as well as the Moscow Theological Academy, is a member of the Inter-Council Presence of the Russian Orthodox Church and chairman charitable foundation"The Society of Friends of the Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos".

Rudov was a co-organizer of the delivery to Russia of the Belt of the Virgin in 2011 and the Gift of the Magi in 2014, which were demonstrated in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. He is also co-chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Federation of Practical Shooting of Russia.

The co-owners of Gazprom enterprises have other interesting intersections. The sole owner and CEO of Citytrade, Alexei Puchkin, not only controls the Ust-Luga Multimodal Complex in the port, which was connected with partners and acquaintances of the former head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin. But he also heads firms (for example, Agrostyle) that are engaged in land plots. Half of "Agrostyle" at the companies of the Rota group former deputy State Duma Dmitry Sablin. Sablin - First Deputy Chairman public organization"Combat Brotherhood" and co-chair of the Anti-Maidan movement, created in 2015, as stated, with the aim of resisting the "fifth column" and "color revolutions" in Russia.

Rudov, VD TEK and Puchkin did not answer Novaya Gazeta's questions.

Real estate history

Andrey Kruglov, deputy chairman of the board of Gazprom, became the owner of companies that deal with Moscow real estate and are associated with the financial and industrial corporation Garant-Invest, owned by Alexei Panfilov.

At the beginning of 2017, Kruglov received a stake (20%) in Hey. Pi. Trust Co ”, and in the summer - half of the Proletarsky-B company. All of them are associated with Garant-invest, which has several shopping and business centers in Moscow - Tulsky TDK on Serpukhovskaya Zastava Square, the Aeroport shopping gallery near the metro station of the same name, shopping centers Kolomensky, Moskvorechye, Retail Park and Prague Castle. The group also includes Garant-Invest Bank. Alexey Panfilov and his father Yuri are also co-owners of Ei. Pi. Trust Co.

The minority co-owners of the bank and Garant-invest are Irina Biryukova and Ekaterina Biryukova. The first is called the daughter of the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Housing and Communal Services Pyotr Biryukov. Among minority shareholders bank also former business manager of the Moscow mayor's office Viktor Korobchenko.

Before Kruglov got 20% in Hey. Pi. Trust Co, this company had shares in firms that own TDK Tulsky, as well as trading network My Store and other assets of Garant-Invest. Cypriot Vetturex, together with Kruglov, owns (25.9%) “Hey. Pi. Trust Ko, also has a stake in the structure of Garant-Invest, which deals with commercial real estate. And in the Garant-invest corporation itself, where the Biryukovs were minority owners.

The biography of Alexei Panfilov says that he was an adviser to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow Biryukov on a voluntary basis.

Biryukov's relatives may be associated with contractors who are engaged in the reconstruction of Moscow, as reported by RBC. Biryukov is responsible for the complex of urban economy, which implements the plan for the improvement of Moscow streets. RBC established that Biryukov's daughter, Irina and Ekaterina Biryukova, the owners of 8.5% of the Garant-Invest development company, were also co-owners of the Venta company, which leased trucks to city enterprises subordinate to Biryukov.

Novaya Gazeta found out that Irina and Ekaterina Biryukov owned (each 15%) Stroybusinessholding, which owned Gazprom's contractor, Ugreshsky Zavod pipe fittings". For three years, he received contracts for 1.75 billion rubles from Gazprom structures.

The Ugresh plant also supplied its products to Mosgaz and Mosvodokanal, whose boards of directors included Biryukov. Since 2015, the plant has signed contracts with them for 617.7 million rubles.

Kruglov, Garant-invest and the Moscow mayor's office did not comment on the situation.

History with gas safety

Since April 2017, Gazprom Teploenergo has been headed by Artur Trinoga, the son of Mikhail Trinoga, Head of the Secretariat of the Prime Minister.

Artur Trinoga, according to SPARK, is a co-owner (25%) of the Center for Modern Dentistry on Ostozhenka.

“We offer a wide range of services for treatment, restoration, prosthetics, bite correction, professional hygiene and aesthetic procedures,” the company’s website says.

Together with Trinoga, the center is owned by the head of Gazprom Energoholding, Denis Fedorov (he also owns 25%). And their partner is businessman Andrey Yunakov. By 2010, he had 40% of the dental center, but then his share declined.

In 2010, Yunakov controlled five companies - PJSC "Gazokhrana-M", OP "Gazokhrana", OP "Gazzashchita", PJSC "Krasnodargazbezopasnost" and PSC "Regiongaz-bezopasnost", which subsequently began to provide services to gas distribution companies "Gazprom" and mezhregiongazam. For five years, they received contracts for 210 million rubles from Gazprom enterprises.

Artur Trinoga did not answer Novaya's questions.

“Well, they’re already completely pissed off. Sorry, there are simply no other words…” — Vladimir Putin could not stand it at the meeting government commission for the development of the electric power industry in December 2011, yes. Then, on his instructions, the affiliation of the leaders of the energy complex with commercial organizations who showed signs of a conflict of interest. He noted that there was no violation of the law, but called for attention to the fact that some leaders of the state-controlled energy complex and their relatives are associated with companies that do business in the same area and receive income from energy enterprises run by their relatives.

More than five years have passed since then, and conflicts of interest at the highest level have not been mentioned again.

People close to Gazprom believe that there is no question of a conflict of interest in these cases. And they assure that Gazprom's enterprises that transport gas from the main gas pipeline to the end consumer, in most cases, are far from the best profitable business. They also pay attention to the fact that private investors are not rushing into it. And some Gazprom enterprises, co-owned by companies associated, for example, with the MIR Group, have ceased to be unprofitable.

“Such justifications are good on a conceptual level, but not on a legal one. There may be signs of a conflict of interest,” Ilya Shumanov, Deputy General Director of Transparency International Russia, shares his opinion. — Gas distribution is a separate business that can be unprofitable and profitable. The leaders of Gazprom already have large compensations and rewards for the fact that they are present on the boards of directors of numerous Gazprom subsidiaries. If their relatives also intersect with the same area, they should pay attention to this and study whether there is a personal interest of top managers there.”

Minority shareholders of Gazprom enterprises are right when they are worried about this, the expert believes, since the question is natural: does all this affect financial indicators gas company?

Present Past

Old Gazprom. Heritage

The former Gazprom leadership from the time of Rem Vyakhirev, together with relatives, directly owned shares in companies associated with Gazprom.

“There was no violation here, since the law did not restrict this at all,” says a person close to the gas concern.

Some of the connections of former top managers and members of their families with Gazprom enterprises continued for quite a long time. For example, Valentin Nikishin, the former general director of the Mezhregiongaz (currently Gazprom Mezhregiongaz) gas distribution company, and members of his family owned the Quorum-N company. It owned half of the Central Investment Heat and Power Company (CITEK), which had stakes (from 25% to 35%) in at least 16 Mezhregiongaz companies in various Russian cities. And a stake in the UK "Regiongazfinance", which had shares in seven gas distribution organizations of "Gazprom", according to SPARK. Nikishin died in a car accident in 2005. CITEK came under the control of his former deputy at Mezhregiongaz, Marina Bezrukova, and ceased to operate only in March 2017.

CITEK also owned a stake in Gazenergoprombank, which first went to the structures of Gazprom, and in 2010 merged with Yury Kovalchuk's Bank Russia.

The daughter of the former head of Gazprom, Rem Vyakhireva, Tatyana Dedikova, and the son of former Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, Vitaly, were co-owners of the Promek-MG company, which until 2003 owned 24% of the Resurs-MRG company, registered at the address of the Moscow office of Gazprom on Nametkina Street, 16. Resurs-MRG owned shares (from 10% to 80%) in at least 37 Mezhregiongaz across Russia, according to SPARK. Agrokhimteks also had its share in Resurs-MRG, where Nikolay Isakov, deputy general director for work with the authorities of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, owned a small share. And also from the Verta-techinvest company, which was owned by family members of the former deputy general director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, Alexei Veremenko.

The decision to remove the inactive MRG Resource from the register was made in July 2017.

Help "New"

Courts with shareholders

In 2013, by decision of the government, Gazprom bought out the shares of gas distribution enterprises from the state-owned Rosneftegaz.

Minority shareholders of some of Gazprom's gas distribution companies hoped that they would be sent an offer and buy their shares without fail, as happens in such transactions. But that did not happen.

“In 2013, we turned to the Bank of Russia, and it issued instructions binding on Gazprom,” said Alexander Klimenko, head of legal service Miriad Rus, which represented the interests of minority shareholders of Gazprom Gas Distribution Nizhny Novgorod. — At the same time, we applied to the Federal Property Management Agency, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Energy and the government with a demand to develop and approve a directive obliging Gazprom to comply with the requirements of the law. But our appeals only led to replies.”

And in the fall of 2015, the board of directors and the main shareholder of Nizhegorodoblgaz, the Gazprom group, approved an additional issue in the form of a closed subscription in favor of three companies affiliated with the MIR Group at that time. The issue price is 51 rubles per share, three times lower than the market price, which is confirmed by independent evaluation, - Klimenko believes.

“The Gazprom enterprise received, in our opinion, three times less money than could get. The share of minority shareholders was diluted by more than two times,” Klymenko assures. In his opinion, there were no economic grounds for the issue: Nizhegorodoblgaz is a profitable organization with free cash on bank deposits (2.7 billion rubles in 2015-2016).

“How could it happen that, thanks to such an issue, Gazprom lost control in Nizhegorodoblgaz (the share decreased from 75% to 32%) and did not receive money for this?” Klymenko is surprised. In his opinion, this led to losses not only for Gazprom, but also for its shareholders. The result was also the abolition of instructions obliging Gazprom to send proposals to minority shareholders to buy out their shares, since the share of the Gazprom group in the enterprise has become less than 50%. “How else to explain this, if not an administrative resource?” the lawyer asks.

“We did not evaluate the value of all assets related to the listed companies, but the value of the shares in Nizhegorodoblgaz alone, which they received in their ownership, may be about 6 billion rubles,” the expert believes.

People close to Gazprom explained the situation by saying that the gas concern did not have enough funds to pay both Rosneftegaz and minority shareholders, so a legal way was found to resolve this problem.


Estonian wings

The Estonian FortAero operator of the Beechjet 400A (Nextant 400XTI) aircraft with registration number ES-NXT, owned by Ivan Mironov's firm, has a very interesting history. In 2013, the abolished, now the national airline of Estonia, Estonian Air, sold its subsidiary, Estonian Air Regional, to the little-known FortAero, registered at the end of 2012. The deal surprised the Estonian market because no one understood who was behind it.

The Estonian "Delovye Vedomosti" then came out with the headline "Nominal holders", revealing that three people were listed as the owners of FortAero - Aaron Reichstein, Vadim Opryshko and Lyalya Mikhailova. Reichstein previously worked in Moscow, at the Kommersant publishing house, in 2003 he was the director of the Gazeta newspaper in St. Petersburg, headed Trekhgornaya Manufactory, and in 2006, the Kommersant Ukraine publishing house. In Estonia, his name was associated with two dozen companies, the local press reported that, according to him, he came to Tallinn by accident, having come to visit a friend.

The Estonian company replied that they were not related to the half-brother of a member of the board of Gazprom, Ivan Mironov, and to a member of the board of Gazprom, Seleznev.

There is another interesting intersection. Terramart Development, which Mironov controlled according to the Bank of Russia report, had an Estonian subsidiary (now in liquidation). The manager of this branch was Natalia Astashova, who, according to the Estonian registry, manages only two companies, including the business aviation operator Aviasole Business Aviation. This Aviasole offers Falcon 900LX aircraft to customers. After contacting the Aviasole manager, Novaya Gazeta found out that they knew about the Beechjet 400A aircraft with registration number ES-NXT and redirected it to FortAero about it.

Aviasole and Astashova did not answer questions from Novaya Gazeta.

Seleznev did not comment on the situation.