Michael Stelzner - Content Marketing. New ways to attract customers in the age of the Internet. "Content marketing. New Ways to Engage Customers in the Internet Age Michael Stelzner Content Marketing New Techniques to Engage Customers

  • 30.04.2020

If you've ever been frustrated with marketing, this book is for you.

Traditional marketing is like fishing. Fat bait (USP, advertising, etc.), we cast the bait and wait for the consumer to bite. But the problem is that the information field is overloaded. There are so many "baits" that the water is not visible. Consumers have learned to ignore classic marketing ploys.

What to do?

Look for another lift for business.

This is how the author of the book “Content Marketing. New Ways to Engage Customers in the Internet Age - Michael Stelzner.

Michael Stelzner

Social media expert. In 2009, Stelzner created a social media marketing blog, SocialMediaExaminer.com. Today, the resource has over 150,000 subscribers and is considered one of the best small business websites. Stelzner is a recognized and in-demand white paper expert. Collaborated with such big companies like Hewlett-Packard, FedEx, Dow Jones, Microsoft.

According to Stelzner, the principle of operation lifting force is to understand the key desires of customers and potential customers, to whom you help solve their main problems absolutely free of charge. How? Through excellent content!

Stelzner proposes the following formula for "the way a company develops":

PC + DL - MP = R

where: PC - excellent content; DL - other people; MP - marketing messages; R - growth.

Excellent content

Stelzner compares it to fuel, and business to a rocket (there are a lot of metaphors in the book). At the same time, the author distinguishes two types of "fuel": conventional (or primary) and nuclear.

Primary fuel is a type of content that allows you to constantly keep your audience interested in your company.

Stelzner refers to this type of content as guide articles, interviews with experts, book reviews (products/websites), “success stories”, news and rebuttals. This is the material that will benefit your audience every day; something for which they will return to you again and again.

"Nuclear" content will take your business to new orbits

Types of "nuclear fuel": opinion polls, top ten (competitions), white papers and micro-events (webinars, teleconferences, etc.). Creating such content requires more time and effort, but the return on it is many times greater.

Other people

In Stelzner's figurative language, people are the engine. “Other” means not you and not your employees. We are talking about the audience and third-party experts.

Third-party experts are employees and managers of other companies who have authority in their field. Simply put, knowledgeable in a particular issue. Specialists. Content from them is built on mutual assistance. For example, he gives you an interview, and you give him coverage of his new book.

Marketing messages

But in order for the first two components of the formula to work, you need to abandon advertising, even if it is rude and obvious.

What did I like about the book?

  1. Simplicity and metaphor. When there are comparisons, it is easier to perceive information. The language of the story is alive. The text is easy to read and fast.
  2. Tips for working with experts. I often contact with various specialists. The book helped me expand my knowledge of where to find experts, how to communicate with them, and so on.
  3. Description of the structure and features of primary and "nuclear" fuel.

What confused me about the book?

Let's say you are a future entrepreneur who has an idea for own business. But where do you start and what makes you stand out from the rest? Or are you a marketer whose company has reached a certain stage of development, but does not move further? Or an online editor? Shop owner? Founder of a private school? Blogger? In any case, you are faced with questions: how to attract attention to yourself? How to develop your business without serious expenses? How to expand the circle of subscribers, potential customers, future buyers? How to earn their trust? Michael Stelzner, the founder of Social Media Examiner, offers his recipe for success in his book.

He compares any business to a space rocket, the lift formula for which is simple: "Great content" plus "Other people" minus ... "Marketing messages." Yes Yes exactly. Stelzner invites his readers to abandon aggressive advertising and shift the "focus" to free support people, helping with their petty needs. “People don’t want to be forced into something. They just need to get enough information to make their choice, and that information should be free.”, — writes the author of the book “Content marketing. New ways to attract customers in the age of the Internet.

Stelzner considers the most important content, which he calls "rocket fuel" and divides into "conventional" and "nuclear". The usual ones are guide articles, interviews with experts, reviews of books, products and websites, "success stories", news and rebuttals. He refers to the nuclear polls, ratings, white papers and micro-events (webinars, teleconferences, live broadcasts on the Internet, etc.).

“Using both types of fuel is fundamental to the movement of your company”, says the expert. The issues of creating content, the mechanism of its work and application are discussed in detail in the 6th, 7th and 8th chapters of the book.

However, before you take on the production of "fuel", you need to carefully look at your audience, the people with whom and for whom you work. Among them there will be those who will buy your products, and those who will promote your content, and those who will make some other contribution to your business.

“It is “other people” who determine where and with what force your ship moves. To use their power, you need to help them, without expecting anything in return. That's the whole secret." Stelzner says. In chapters 4 and 5, he details how to harness the power of others, interact with audiences, partners, outside experts, and celebrities.

At the same time, a red line through the entire book “Content Marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet” the author holds the thought: The best way force public opinion to work for you is to show your social worth, to give gifts to readers and experts without expecting anything in return, and to contain your marketing messages. But what about sales? After all, any business aims to make a profit - not only social, but also monetary. You will read about how to gently encourage your potential customers to buy, how and when to use advertising, in the final - 9th - chapter of the book.

“In the new world, consumers seek to find what is really valuable in their eyes. By posting interesting content, you are a magnet to attract a lot of people.”, says Michael Stelzner. He confirms all his thoughts interesting examples from our own practice and the experience of other companies.

Recognizing the correctness of the author, nevertheless, we note that this book was written by an American and, first of all, for an audience whose mentality is different from ours - at least in the sphere of free consumption. However, even if one of Michael Stelzner's many recommendations will bring your success closer, we can assume that the book “Content Marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet” you read for good reason.

Michael Stelzner is a recognized social media expert, creator of one of the most popular social media marketing blogs SocialMediaExaminer.com (over 150,000 subscribers).

In the book, Stelzner talks about different types content that you can publish on your website, blog, social network page and that will help you attract the attention of potential customers.

The author explains how to plan content production, how to involve well-known experts in its creation and how to use social media to promote it. He also gives valuable advice on working with texts, videos, organizing events and pays attention to the subtleties that will increase the attractiveness of your content to users.

This book is a useful guide for those who want to master the tools of content marketing and use it to win over the online audience.

2nd edition.

The work belongs to the genre of Economics. Business. Right. It was published in 2011 by Mann, Ivanov & Ferber. On our website you can download the book "Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 3.93 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in paper form.

Michael Stelzner Content Marketing. New Ways to Engage Customers in the Internet Age Text provided by the copyright holder...»

Michael Stelzner

Content marketing. New Methods

attracting customers in the age of the Internet

Text provided by the copyright holder


Content marketing. New Ways to Engage Customers in the Internet Age / Michael

Stelzner: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber; Moscow; 2013

ISBN 978-5-91657-620-7


Michael Stelzner is a recognized expert in the field of social media,

creator of one of the most popular social media marketing blogs

SocialMediaExaminer.com (over 150,000 subscribers).

In the book, Stelzner talks about the different types of content you can post on your website, blog, or social media page that will help you grab the attention of potential customers.

The author explains how to plan content production, how to involve well-known experts in its creation and how to use social media to promote it. He also gives valuable advice on working with texts, videos, organizing events and pays attention to the subtleties that will increase the attractiveness of your content to users.

This book is a useful guide for those who want to master the tools of content marketing and win the favor of the Internet audience with it.

2nd edition.

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Published with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and agencies of Alexander Korzhenevsky Legal support of the publishing house is provided by law firm"Vegas Lex"

Managing editor Anastasia Kreneva Editor Viktor Sushin Design Stanislav Akinfin Layout and layout Nadezhda Kudryakova Proofreaders Natalia Vitko, Yulia Borisenko © Michael Stelzner, 2011 © Edition in Russian, translation into Russian, layout. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2013 *** M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

Preface If you've ever been frustrated with marketing, this book is for you.

Like you, I hoped that my marketing efforts would pay off. I took on the case and lost. I recovered from defeats and tried again, each time learning from my own mistakes.

I had so many failures that I lost count of them, but I continued to work with unbending perseverance. And in the end everything worked out.

I wrote this book to open a new marketing path for you. Following it, you will need to: 1) focus on the needs of others; 2) give them gifts;

3) engage external experts; and 4) keep your promotional messages in check.

These principles are fundamentally different from the traditional approach, but they work, and the future lies with them.

Imagine that your business is a spaceship. Your goal is to direct this powerful aircraft to the frontiers of the unknown. And your fuel will be great content.

People consuming fuel move the ship faster and further. Your promotional messages are securely hidden. And while you fly to new galaxies, you are supported by a huge number of colleagues, potential customers and consumers. You can no longer be stopped.

Your competitors fly in obsolete and not so big rockets.

They cannot penetrate the upper layers of the atmosphere. This happens not only because of gravity, but also because many ships simply fall apart, to the great amazement of their owners.

This book is unlike any other marketing book. I didn't watch from the sidelines for those who were successful. All the ideas and principles outlined here have been developed, improved and tested by me in the real thing - my business. And I will tell you in detail about how to implement everything described.

A few words about how to use this book.

It is best to read it from beginning to end. The first chapter will introduce you to the problems modern marketing and will lead to an understanding of the main idea of ​​the entire book - the principle of the "lift force".

The second and third chapters will serve as a foundation. You'll learn how to create a new mission plan for your business and make sure your ideas and inspiration never run out.

Chapters four and five will show you the powerful potential of working with third-party specialists, tell you how to find them and attract them to your business. This is an integral part of the lifting force that most entrepreneurs do not use. Pay attention to it, because this approach will distinguish you from the rest.

In Chapters Six, Seven, and Eight, we'll learn the art of creating compelling content that fuels your business. I will introduce you to conventional and nuclear fuels. The purpose of the first is to ensure that your ship is moving normally on a daily basis. In turn, nuclear fuel (exclusive information) will allow you to develop greater speed and attract the attention of many people.

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

Chapter 9 explains what it means to "keep in line" advertising messages and how to use traditional marketing technologies. You will learn that aggressive methods are not necessary to achieve impressive results.

I hope this book will serve as a reliable guide for you. Study, test the methods outlined here and watch what happens.

In addition to the book, I created the website ElevationPrinciple.com. Be sure to watch the videos - they will give you new ideas for business development.

See you in space!

Business changes are inevitable. Companies develop, ideas improve, products are updated, customers do not stand still. It is similar to the life of the Universe: celestial bodies rotate in their orbits, everything is in constant motion.

At the start, or already in flight - changes are approaching at the speed of a comet. They do not depend on your will. You have to either accept them or get out of the way.

Yes, it's scary. I am sure you, like any business owner, marketer or aspiring entrepreneur, have experienced uncertainty about the future. I myself have deeply experienced each of the questions that arise in such a situation: “Will my business survive?”, “Am I on the right course?”, “What will happen?”, “Am I ready for this?”

Yet, while change is inevitable, some things remain the same, and for the most part business overlooks this factor. These are people!

People do not change. I'm talking about your customers, clients, partners and colleagues.

They can leave you for competitors, but this will not change their essence at all. It is people who can build your business or destroy it.

Before paying for a product or service, people want to get a complete picture of them, to hear the opinion of those they can trust. If you start paying attention to people and their immediate needs, consider that half the battle is done.

My daughters are growing up. Have you ever tried combing a restless child's hair? You have to either follow him or make him stop. Too often we treat customers like children.

Stop imposing your desires on consumers - follow them and watch what happens.

People don't want to be forced into anything. They only need to get enough information to make their choice, and that information should be free.

Three pressing questions

1. Without active sales, how can you take a leading position, attract potential customers and get the desired profit? Just imagine: no cold calling, no advertising - nothing that you hate doing or know how expensive it will be.

2. How can you reach influential people in your field? Is there an easy way to get started right away with people whose level is unimaginably high? If they decided to help you, how would it affect your business?

Wernher von Braun (1912-1977) - German-American designer of rocket and space technology, one of the founders of modern rocket science. Here and below, notes in square brackets refer to editor's notes.

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

3. Is there any easy way to contact potential and regular customers to win their trust? How can you break through the advertising noise and grab people's attention? Is there a proven way to earn their trust and support?

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

Problems with marketing There is an opinion that the success of a marketing policy is associated with high costs.

The American Marketing Association defines it as follows: “Marketing is the activity of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging goods and services of value to consumers, customers, partners, and society as a whole.”

Pay attention to the words "exchange of goods and services." It is believed that the essence of marketing is to create offers that will attract people. We were taught to pick the right words, put them in the right sequence, put them in the right place at the right time and in the right way.

Our marketing is like fishing. We pick up better bait than our competitors, quietly climb into the boat and cast the line towards the consumers - and they bite. The theory is like this.

"Exchange" involves a two-way process between the company and the consumer. But in reality, your business is actively offering a product or service, and a potential client is only being tested by the strength of your conviction.

Frankly speaking, if there was not even a small rational grain in such an approach, marketing specialists would fly out of business. I am the first to admit that I have used many of these tactics successfully.

However, its weakness lies in the fact that it is impossible to predict exactly when people will be ready to buy your product or service.

For example, I'm going to eventually buy a new car. But now I'm quite happy with what I have. And not a single marketing specialist can even approximately say when I will “ripen”. Someone will pay attention to the recent expensive repairs. Others will base their guesses on how long I've been driving this car or how many miles it has. But no one can say for sure what exactly will make me get rid of it. Yes, I don't know it myself.

It turns out that marketers have to build empirical assumptions about me. But worse, they have to pay other people to access me.

To stay in my field of vision and be heard, they have to advertise in magazines that interest me, television shows, websites, use the airtime of radio stations while I'm driving - and this is only a small part.

At the time of this writing, the American auto industry is spending over four hundred dollars to sell just one car, growing by four billion a year! Do you have that kind of money? Are your products and services so profitable that you can afford such expenses? Your turnover is so significant that you can invest millions of dollars in advertising campaign without any guarantees?

Maybe there is a better way?

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

The Internet paralyzes the World Wide Web forever changed the world of business. These changes seriously frightened many reputable companies. And for good reason! Can the Web, this “great equalizer”2, kill the business we are accustomed to?

The idea of ​​selling goods to customers anywhere in the world without intermediaries was an Archimedean lever. It not only drove travel agents, department stores, and newspapers out of business, but it also provided opportunities for ordinary people like us to compete. A good idea overnight gained strength and potential for growth.

Projects like Amazon and eBay have become billion dollar companies.

Today, any information on any subject can be found in a matter of minutes.

A huge body of knowledge has become available from anywhere: from home, office, car or from the beach.

Incredible ideas like posting photos on the site and chatting with friends online have brought hundreds of millions of people together.

But for every successful Internet project, there are a million ideas that were not destined to come true. The success of the World Wide Web also deters people from doing anything.

For example, in the mid-90s I had advertising agency. We've helped tech companies present themselves the right way. The business prospered until that market collapsed. We have lost a lot. I've encountered unpleasant changes.

It was decided to develop a business in another area, and we began to master the publication of "white books" - expert reviews that help companies' specialists in making decisions. To my utter dismay, I suddenly discovered that my agency is not the only one specializing in this area. Others also worked.

The first reaction was: “Sailed…” I realized that everything had to start from scratch.

Perhaps the story seemed familiar to you?

Online rivalry is a lot like being an adult after high school: you might be smart or a local celebrity, but when you go to college you find yourself surrounded by a lot of other people who aren't stupid at all. And, perhaps, against their background, you are no longer so bright with intellect.

The Internet is bringing local competition to a global level. Suddenly it turns out that you are challenging hundreds of thousands of other companies. They are everywhere. Now you have to play against smart guys from New Zealand, Germany, Russia, India and Japan.

The atmosphere of struggle on a national or global scale can be completely intimidating and paralyzing. Have you already faced a similar obstacle?

How can you grow your business without serious expenses? Is there an easy way to harness the power of the Internet without fear of competition?

In American English, the word equalizer means not only "equalizing factor", but also "firearms", since it equalizes the abilities of physically weak and strong people.

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

Meeting the Enemy: Channel Overload Syndrome Don't you feel like your mind is literally being torn apart? I definitely have!

The so-called channel overload syndrome occurs when information is transmitted faster than it can be perceived. It resembles a torrential storm, due to which rivers overflow their banks and sweep away everything in their path. Only instead of a crazy rain, information flows fall on the heads of your customers and potential buyers. Umbrellas are useless here.

As a result, people retreat, close and seek refuge from the information invasion. They literally turn off!

Just think: your email is bursting with an endless stream of letters, you have the opportunity to go to a billion sites and watch as many videos from your mailbox printed garbage is already falling out - and there is only advertising all around. We don't count voicemail, SMS, blogs, or social media updates yet. And how are the piles of dusty magazines and unread newspapers?

All this is a huge problem for any business: if customers do not receive your information, then most likely they do not even think about you.

What should companies do? What is her choice?

The first option is to try to use all channels at once. The second is to ignore the changes that have taken place in the world and act in a traditional manner.

In the first case, it will cost you a fortune. You will not be able to keep up with everything simply because there are too many information channels, and new ones may appear every year.

If you bury your head in the sand, then this is guaranteed to lead you to collapse. If you do not see the need to change, then you will gradually lose your customers and freeze the business.

Any other ideas?

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

The study also revealed that trust in a company means much more than excellent products and services in themselves.

Do your customers and potential clients trust you?

And if the quality of goods is not the key to trust, then what is?

“Sustainable growth of any company directly depends on improving customer relations. Moreover, in an atmosphere of obvious distrust of business, this issue should not be taken lightly,” says Jeremy Darroch, CEO British broadcasting giant BSkyB.

Since customers and potential clients initially treat your business with distrust, the successful development of the company becomes a serious challenge. “A top strategic challenge for many companies is to do everything possible to win back the trust of customers and build relationships with them more effectively,” says the Harvard Business Review article.

The Barometer also showed that people value the advice of qualified professionals much more than the advice of colleagues - and this is the only ray of light in the dark realm.

So is it possible to earn serious credibility and credibility for your business?

A well-known sociological company that publishes, among other things, annual reports called "Trust Barometer".

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

Lifting Power Whether you're starting a business, introducing a new product, or need to transform your company, the Lifting Power principle will allow you to quickly build your reputation, strengthen your market position, and, of course, increase your revenue.

I want to convince you: it doesn’t matter at what stage of development your business is at – it is just starting its journey or it is thriving on the basis of many years of success. The ideas and tactics in this book will help you transform your business. They will prepare you for change and help you grow.

Understanding the principles of the lift force came to me in the "school of blows of fate", which I graduated with honors. I was not taught these rules in graduate school. They were born and improved over fifteen years of trial and error.

The principle of the lift force is to understand the key desires of customers and potential customers, to whom you help solve their main problems absolutely free of charge. This is in short.

Really valuable information travels instantly and can quickly attract the attention of important people to you, thereby ensuring your business grows quickly and reaches new levels. Competition and traditional marketing costs will remain behind the stern.

Start helping people The moral is this: if your marketing strategy is to help people with their little needs, then many of them will want to turn to you when solving big problems. If you support hundreds, thousands or millions of people for free, they, in turn, will help you quickly grow your business and take it beyond the competition.

The basic needs of people remain the same. Everyone wants to be aware of the topic of interest to them and be able to turn to authoritative people for advice. You satisfy this desire if you create interesting and useful information that helps people in practice.

Your goal is to lead people to the following thought: “If their free recommendations are so useful, then how valuable will their products and services turn out to be?” It is extremely important to interest the audience with the question “how much” - this will help outsiders become customers.

Whether you're consulting, offering information services, selling high-end items or cheap commodities, you can use the principles outlined here to combat channel congestion and build long-term, trusting relationships with customers, all without using standard marketing techniques.

If you help people, they will help you.

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

Involve Others Lifting your business will grow when you partner with other people rather than just focusing on yourself and your products or services. Reach out to successful colleagues from other companies, experts and customers.

When you start to combine your own excellent offerings with the interests of influencers, you will quickly become a leader in your field and become attractive to many potential customers. In the future, it is these people who will strengthen your business so much that you will find yourself out of competition.

Here are three brief examples mutually beneficial cooperation.

If you offer counseling services, you can interview the author of a popular new book. This will be interesting to your readers and help the author to reach an additional audience. There is a chance that this will start your further cooperation with this expert.

If you are a food producer, you can publish unique recipes from a famous chef using them. This will allow you to showcase your product in a new light and help the chef to grab the attention of your customers.

If you open a private school, you can show children from different regions of the country who have completed their studies in similar programs. This will help concerned parents understand what their children can achieve at your school, as well as serve as additional publicity for alumni4.

When you involve other people in your content, you not only provide your audience with valuable information, but also forge long-term connections that can continue to benefit your cause in the future.

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PC + DL - MP = P It reads like this: “Great content” plus “Other people” minus “Marketing messages” equals “Growth” (Fig. 1.1).

In the US and UK, private schools use their own curriculum. It is generally accepted that their students not only receive necessary knowledge, but also acquire connections and a strong character. The British are confident that these two factors will help the graduate to build a career in the future. Therefore, it will be important for the graduates themselves to take part in such an event.

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

Rice. 1.1. Lift Formula: "Great Content" plus "Other People"

minus "Marketing messages"

When you offer quality information, such as how-to articles, expert interviews, success stories, or videos that help people solve their problems, your experience grows. Thanks to the “Other People” factor, you go beyond your usual audience and work with third-party professionals. And all this happens in a space free from advertising.

Once the promotional messages are hidden, your focus will shift from the question "What can we sell you?" to the question “How can we help you?”. You are not promoting products - you are promoting the good of people. Instead of investing in advertising, you are investing in creating content, acquiring knowledge, gathering opinions, and building a community where people who need help can get it.

You no longer need to rely on the usual marketing channels. You can become the center of your industry, niche or local market. When this happens, consider that you can no longer be stopped. Your spaceship will go to such distances that you could not even think of before.

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

Examples Let's look at the principle of lift using the examples of an established business with a capital of 20 million dollars and our young company.

HubSpot is a company that creates computer programs for inbound marketing. She helps small business attract potential customers and make deals.

Since opening in 2006, HubSpot has grown to over 200 employees.

In 2011, the company earned $20 million, up 350% from 2010.

The company's success has been the result of unique content marketing efforts focused on creating value for other people and devoid of advertising.

“Interestingly, the variety of new marketing methods puts you well ahead of business sharks who tend to be too attached to the old ways,” says Mike Wolpe, vice president of marketing at HubSpot.

Mike Wolpe is one of the company's five pioneers who has seen all the content marketing work from the start. In its early years, HubSpot had two key content assets: its blog and a dedicated online tool called the Website Grader.

Website Grader is a free program that improves the effectiveness of Internet marketing sites by analyzing their content, optimizing for search engines, integrating into social networks and content capture capabilities6. In terms of advertising, the program is very poor, but it is very rich in functionality for organizing a full-fledged feedback. The Website Grader has caught the attention of many people, including Guy Kawasaki7, who has taken it upon himself to promote the program.

More than three million owners have seen their websites noticeably improved thanks to Website Grader. Today, many companies use this program to identify the most promising customers. “After receiving at least one Website Grader report on their request, experts begin to take a serious interest in us,” Wolpe says.

HubSpot uses its blog as a powerful marketing tool. Advertising Age weekly (adage.com)8 lists him as one of the top 25 marketing blogs in the world. The company publishes a variety of educational articles on the quality of marketing content every day.

Another part of HubSpot's strategy is webinars. As many as ten free webinars are held every month. 13,000 people registered for one of them. The meaning of “inbound marketing” is to attract the attention of potential customers with the help of activity in social networks, content marketing tools and site optimization for search engines. That is, conditions are created for interested people to come to the company's website themselves.

By "capturing content" is usually meant a variety of opportunities for the user to work with information. Text, photos and videos can be easily saved to a local computer or transmitted over the Internet, published on a blog, sent links to materials in the form of updates to news feeds, RSS feeds, etc. The data received by the user is usually editable. In a word, these are tools for convenient exchange and processing of information.

Guy Kawasaki (b. 1954) is an early employee of Apple Computer. For the first time he decided to use the methods of religious preaching in business and thus became one of the prophets of the Apple religion. Author of books: “How to charm people. The art of influencing minds and actions” (Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2012); Startup. 11 master classes from the ex-Apple evangelist and the most daring venture capitalist in Silicon Valley” (Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2012).

American analytical magazine dedicated to marketing and media space.

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

participants. In addition to this, 200 original videos, hosted the monthly HubSpot TV online show, and regularly release e-books.

“I think the vast majority of companies put too many ads in their content,” Wolpe says. “Although a small amount of it is still necessary, in the total amount of information it is like one or two drops per gallon 9. Many people try to cram it in as much as possible, which completely devalues ​​their content and makes it uninteresting.”

Sixty in-house salespeople drive 25,000 leads to HubSpot every month, all of whom come from content marketing.

Social media examiner. On October 12, 2009, I launched the SocialMediaExaminer.com Internet project under the motto "Your guide in the jungle of social networks."

The goal was to build an audience of 10,000 subscribers before any sales began. We chose businessmen and marketing specialists as the target audience.

Prior to the launch of the site, our company had zero status in this area. We were absolutely alien to the competition in this large and rapidly growing market, where many specialists worked who were ten times smarter than me.

The forecasts did not bode well.

On opening day, we broadcast a live chat with four experts in the field (Figure 1.2).

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

We also turned to highly qualified specialists who began to send their articles for the site once a month. The original plan was to publish three guide articles during the week, which allowed them to cover topics that were relevant at that time.

Interviews with various gurus and stories were published regularly successful entrepreneurs in which the secrets of their mastery were revealed. We wanted to give our readers advice, ideas, and other people's results. The audience liked the fresh ideas, and the specialists liked the attention.

We did not talk about our own sales and did not mention ourselves in a single word.

All efforts were directed to those areas where people needed help the most. Trust in us grew thanks to those experts who themselves enjoyed confidence.

The result is the following. Within a year, we had over 40,000 subscribers, the monthly number of site views grew to 450,000, and on Facebook we were “liked” by 20,000 users. The weekly Advertising Age and Technorati (technorati.com)10 ranked our resource among the top 25 business blogs. And surprisingly, Alexa Internet (alexa.com)11 has listed us as one of the 1700 most popular sites in the US.

We have gained worldwide fame by becoming one of the best blogs in our niche, literally overnight. In the first year, our revenue exceeded a million dollars, which far exceeded the expectations of our small company.

*** Both great examples show that by rising above the usual advertising hype and focusing on helping people, you can achieve extraordinary results.

The first company to create search engine especially for blogs.

A subsidiary of Amazon.com that collects statistics on the attendance of Internet resources.

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

The Components of Lifting Power Successfully launching your business requires great content, attention to other people, and a refusal to intrusive advertising. Imagine that your content is rocket fuel and people are the engine that burns the fuel and carries the rocket. The role of air resistance, which slows down movement in dense layers of the atmosphere, is played by advertising.

Let's take a closer look at these key components.

Great content Information can take many forms. It can be compared to rocket fuel high degree cleaning, which allows your ship to develop greater speed.

There are two different types of fuel: conventional (primary) and nuclear. First, let's get acquainted with conventional fuel. It is easy to synthesize, and it allows you to move in the normal mode.

Conventional fuel For a successful takeoff, you will need a large number of conventional fuel, otherwise the engines will not gain enough thrust or even stall.

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

Rice. 1.3. Conventional fuel allows your ship to move normally. There are a great many types of this fuel. Here is just a brief overview of some of them.

Informative guide articles. These are detailed reviews of at least a thousand words. Their goal is to show readers how to do the things that interest them. For example, our the target audience are marketing experts. Marie Smith, the author of our Facebook articles, once wrote "Twenty-One Ways to Increase Your Facebook Followers: Get Creative." Such materials quickly circulate on the Web, they are referenced and commented on.

Interviews with experts. There are leading experts in every field. They are often quoted, speak at events, maintain popular blogs, or write books. Interviewing these people will help keep your readers up to date with the latest developments and innovative ideas. In form, it can be videos, audio recordings or articles. For excellent examples of video interviews, visit David Garland's website TheRiseToTheTop.com.

Reviews of books, production and sites. Numerous experts of various profiles regularly present their books, new products and online resources. Paying attention to M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

readers to such novelties, you become an invaluable find for them. For example, WhitePaperSource.com provides monthly reviews of the most useful white papers for business. Such information helps readers to enrich themselves with fresh ideas and learn about new resources.

Live examples. Also known as "success stories", case studies introduce readers to successful people and companies. Their simplest scenario is as follows: a description of the difficulties faced by the company, a sequence successful steps and results. The importance of such articles is very great because the examples allow people to see what they can do in a similar situation. For illustration, you can take an article by expert Kasey Hibbard "How Social Networking Helped Cisco Make Over $100,000 Without Traditional Product Promotion" published on SocialMediaExaminer.com.

News. If new products and services are constantly appearing in your field of activity, then you can become a resource that will introduce readers to new products and services.

The trick is to break the news before everyone knows about it. If you succeed, you will get a powerful influx of visitors. For example, MacRumors.com does a great job of predicting what new products Apple can expect.

They study patent-pending computer programs and pay the right people for the information.

Rebuttals. Exploring points of view contrary to popular belief can also be quite effective. For example, I wrote an article for MarketingProfs.com "The Other Side of Twitter: What Businesses Need to Know." It was published in February 2009, at the height of the network's unstoppable rise. For a whole year, the article had one of the highest ratings and attracted a huge number of visitors to the site.

Conventional fuel can be used everywhere: ideally, the content should be hosted on your site and under your control. You can organize mailings e-mail, in the form of printed materials or videos. If your audience is small, then for strategic reasons, content can be placed where it is likely to catch the eye of your readers, for example, on other people's blogs.

You can combine different kinds this fuel or use any one type. At SocialMediaExaminer.com we publish guide articles, expert interviews and success stories.

Conventional fuel will be useful to you for normal flights. However, for a set top speed you will need another type of fuel.

Nuclear fuel The most powerful business accelerator is nuclear fuel. This brainchild of high technology is much more difficult to manufacture. However, if you have it, then your ship will be able to travel to different parts of the universe without any problems. You will certainly succeed using only conventional fuel wisely, but you will never gain such speed and fly as far as you could.

At the same time, you should be careful not to switch to nuclear fuel too often and only as part of a carefully planned and executed strategic operation.

Most entrepreneurs do not use nuclear fuel. Those who create given type content, very soon find that they are noticeably ahead of their competitors.

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

Rice. 1.4. Nuclear fuel will allow you to develop incredible speed and send your ship to the starry distances. The range here is small. Here is a brief overview of the possible options.

Polls. This is perhaps the most efficient type of nuclear fuel. When you provide free reviews based on in-depth research on a topic, you can reap amazing benefits from it. By conducting surveys of people working in your field and presenting the results in a readable report, you will quickly become a recognized leader. SocialMediaExaminer.com publishes the "Blogosphere Marketing Report" every year, which is viewed by about 40,000 people in a matter of days.

Top ten. Always remember that it is extremely important for people to easily recognize a product among similar ones. Nomination announcements, polls and voting will let you determine the best companies, blogs, books and other products or services in their category. Compiling high-quality reviews of this kind will attract the attention of strong players and, perhaps, lay the foundation for interesting cooperation with them. When we selected the best blogs at the very beginning of SocialMediaExaminer.com, we ourselves were in the public eye.

White Books. These documents are published in order to acquaint people with current business ideas, products or services. Pages 6-10 reflect the current M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

trends, highlights problems and suggests solutions. hallmark white books is their long life. For example, an article I wrote in 2006 attracted the attention of 85,000 potential customers, and still about 30 people pay attention to it daily.

micro-events. Webinars, teleconferences, blogosphere events, and webcasts live are examples of micro-events. They allow your audience to interact directly with different kinds of experts. Such meetings are more interesting than ordinary interviews, since live communication attracts a large number of people, is not tied to a place, and gives the experts themselves an excellent opportunity to introduce themselves to the audience. An excellent example is Sam Rosen's Persuasive Marketing project (influencerproject.com). He invited 60 recognized leaders, and each addressed the audience with a one-minute speech. This hour-long program was watched by 5,500 people.

Undoubtedly, the creation of nuclear fuel requires a lot of effort. However, even a short-term switch of engines from conventional fuel to nuclear will allow you to break away from competitors by a critical distance.

*** The use of both fuels is essential to move your company forward. In the chapters that follow, we'll look at how to create content like this and what it takes to make your business a success.

Other people Fuel makes your ship move, but people set the speed.

The main component of the lifting power is selfless help to people who do not belong to your company and most of whom will never become your customers. Simply put, keep giving back to others and your business will grow rapidly.

This idea may seem absurd. You might be thinking, “Why on earth should I waste my energy and time on people who have absolutely no interest in my success?” or “Why should I help those who have done nothing for me?” Good questions. I myself have often thought about them.

One thing I've learned over the years is that people will never care too much about my business. They won't walk all day around me in a burning desire to help. In fact, they are so busy with their current affairs that I hardly flicker on their radars.

I experienced all the difficulties of traditional marketing in full. At first, it seemed to me that people would be ready to fulfill any of my requests or purchase goods only for beautiful advertising texts.

My first job was in the editorial office of a weekly newspaper in Wisconsin, where every month I was assigned by my boss to go around houses and offer people subscription coupons.

I went and knocked on every house. Sometimes I was greeted with the words: “Oh, what a wonderful young man! Here's your money." But most of the time, people slammed the door in my face. It was obvious that cheap yellow cards with two coupons didn't make them jump for joy.

Although my walks did not last long, I learned one important lesson: questions about money almost always cause people to reject.

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

The true understanding of the problem came to me much later, when I had already ground my teeth in marketing. It wasn't until many years later that I discovered a new way of selling. His secret is simple: if you do something really worthwhile and useful for people, then you will not have to ask them for help.

It turned out that people incredibly appreciate if someone helps them in solving problems.

In business, too, there is a rule: treat others the way you want to be treated.

M. Stelzner. "Content marketing. New Methods for Attracting Customers in the Age of the Internet»

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If your marketing strategy is to help people with their little needs, then many of them will want to turn to you when solving big problems. If you support hundreds, thousands or millions of people for free, they, in turn, will help you grow your business quickly.

Be there!

Just be close to your customers instead of trying to dictate your will to them. The main fuel is free information that is supplied to readers on an ongoing basis and meets their immediate needs. As a rule, valuable articles, interviews with experts, reviews, etc. become the primary fuel.

Illustrations enhance the effect

Your content needs to grab the reader's eye before it grabs their mind. Illustrations can greatly enhance the impression of your article. Ideally, there should be one image for every 300 words of text. Don't use cheap clip art. Instead, it is better to take screenshots and photos.

What are social networks good for?

Content as a gift

By providing quality content, you give your readers what they want and draw them to you even more. The key is to give without expecting anything in return. No one is obliged to answer you the same if you gave a gift. But if you present good gifts, people will not remain indifferent.