How to do a pie business the right way. Pirozhkovoy business plan. How to sell home baked goods

  • 16.04.2020

Russia is famous for its culinary achievements. The abundance of various gastronomic dishes is amazing. From hearty soups to amazing desserts, Russian cuisine can satisfy the most whimsical tastes. But a special place in the hearts of Russians is occupied by homemade cakes. And there is nothing surprising in this.

Grandmother's pies, beloved since childhood, remained in the hearts of thousands of people. Many try to learn how to cook them, but not everyone is able to perfectly master the art of baking pies.

Usually all recipes are passed down from generation to generation, which means that all cooking traditions are preserved. The tenderness of the dough and the abundance of filling makes people return to their childhood memories.

For people with an entrepreneurial streak, the ability to cook various pastries with their own hands can play into the hands. For those who want to open their own business, if they have a culinary talent, you can offer to cook homemade cakes for sale.

No matter how blasphemous it may sound in relation to grandmother's pies, but many have long been accustomed to this area. Firstly, this is due to the fact that large cash outlays are not required. Secondly, such pastries are very popular.

In the current age of various pesticides and other harmful substances, homemade cakes are heaven for those who want to eat normally.

So how much money do you need to invest to start a home baking business? First, you should take care of the certification of production. To do this, you must obtain a special certificate for the production of certain products and specialized equipment.

After receiving all the papers, you can think about the assortment. It is better if there are several different types of pastries: pies with several types of fillings, muffins, gingerbread and something else.

Where to sell homemade pies

You need to take care of the place of sale of products. One of the most important factors is the weather. For example, if there is no stationary point of sale, then you will have to sell products on your own legs, and on a rainy day this is not very convenient.

Another important factor- range. In order to have a sufficient number of customers, it is necessary to offer the most different kinds baking so that everyone can find something to their liking. But you should not offer hundreds of types of rolls and pies. 4-5 types will be enough. Alternatively, you can change the assortment every day, but it depends on the imagination.

For the sale of home baked goods, the most optimal method of distribution is a mobile point of sale. That is a small trailer on wheels. This will help you find customers anywhere locality. And on various holidays, where a lot of people accumulate, you can place several such points.

How to sell home baked goods

Many are worried about the cost of all production. In fact, when opening such a business, large investments are not required. Of course, as the business expands, the costs will be higher, but by then, the revenues will be significantly greater than the costs.

On average, the payback of one point of sale comes in the first month. According to those who have been in home baking business, income is from 500 to 1000 dollars per month.

As an additional income, you can sell various drinks: tea, coffee, juices, water. Various promotions will help attract additional clients. As such a promotion, you can give a bottle of water for free with the purchase of 1 pie. But here it all depends on how developed the imagination is.

By the way, about the factors influencing the sale. Experts conducted a series of surveys and found that people buy different pastries at different times of the day. Although this is quite obvious, experts also need to do their job.

In general, in the morning people prefer to buy sweet pastries, in the afternoon - something more satisfying, and in the evening - all sorts of pies with savory fillings.

All homemade cakes for sale are best prepared in the morning. Yes, you have to get up early for this, but it's worth it. In addition, over time, you can recruit a specialized team of cooks to work several shifts of people.

If after some time the kitchen moves from the house to another room, then it will be necessary to comply with SES standards and obtain an accompanying permit.

In fact, to engage in such a business, a great mind is not needed. The ability to cook is probably the most important thing in this business. True, if there is no talent in cooking, then you can do organizational moments such as finding a place to sell, promotions, and calculating revenue.

Good old grandmother's recipes have finally begun to generate income. Thanks to modern technologies you can save culinary traditions and bring them to the masses. The benefits are twofold: both people are fed and income is received. It may also interest you.

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Traditional Russian pies. With cabbage and potatoes, cherries or apples. Everyone is familiar with this delicacy, which can become the basis for their business. The sale of pies as a business has been known for a long time, hot and tasty, they not only satisfy hunger, but also delight entrepreneurs with a good income.

today magazine Reconomica offers its readers the history of the pie business, which dates back to the 90s and still exists. Is it possible to make a million on pies? Read!

Good afternoon. My name is Natalia Zavolokina, I am 56 years old.

Mine small business I launched it 20 years ago and continue to successfully engage in it to this day. I live in a small urban-type settlement of Sarata and have been selling homemade fried pies at the local market since I was 35.

Dashing 90s

Even before fate connected me with trading in the market, I worked in the 90s as a cook in a canteen at a railway station. The dining room was small, there were two owners, from the staff - only me and the saleswoman, and things were going badly. Why our dining room closed, I still don't know. The owners ran out of money, or they quarreled among themselves, but the fact remains - I was left without a job and without money.

The town is small, you won’t find much work, and where there are cooks, all the places were already occupied. I was unemployed for almost a year.

From time to time, acquaintances invited the cook to a wedding or commemoration. I had all the dishes, blanks and serving. I had to take my eldest daughter as an assistant, periodically the younger one also helped. They paid well, so I agreed.

Earnings were unstable - today there is, and then you sit for a month, again you wait for who will have what holiday, but you guess whether they will call or not.

When the last 200 rubles remained in my wallet, and there was no work for almost 3 months, I began to sound the alarm. My daughters suggested that I try to sell pies in the market, especially since I am friends with pastries, and I know how to cook delicious pies and buns. And so the idea of ​​my future business was born.

If you don't try, you won't know

In those years, I still did not know what a business plan was and how to write it. If you have money, then you can open something of your own, if you don’t have it, you work for the state.

In our village, few people were engaged in something of their own, mainly locals sold vegetables and fruits in the market, and visiting merchants brought clothes, shoes and everything else.
Pies were sold mainly at the bus station and at the train station, where there were more people.

For me, entering the market with pies was a risk. But if you don't try, you won't know.

To start a business, especially large sums are not required, and if you have all the products at home, then you generally start without any investments. Of course, there are food expenses, because we need flour, eggs, potatoes, meat, spices, and yeast.

Let these be penny sums, but nothing will come of it without them:

  • a bag of flour 10 kg - 25 rubles,
  • meat 1-2 kg - 150 rubles,
  • yeast 1 pack - 5 rubles. etc.

All I needed was about 500 rubles.

At the same time, you won’t go to sell pastries in a package, and no one will buy it cold. It was necessary either a bucket or a vessel, where it would keep warm for a long time.

If you compare prices, then everyone here is different. At the bus station they sold pies for 5 rubles. apiece, on the railway it is similar, but in the market only one woman went with pies and also took 5 rubles for them.

I decided not to bend the stick and start with 4 rubles. for a pie.

To return the 500 rubles that I invested in the business, I had to stand in the market every day for a week, and then I would have fully earned this amount.


Today, 500 rubles is not money, but in the late 90s it was a huge amount. People could live on this money for almost a month.

Since I had 200 rubles in my stash, I spent almost all this money on buying meat, and most importantly, I had nothing to buy. A neighbor helped me, who lent me this money on receipt, then only in this way we were given a loan.

Two months later, I had to return the 300 rubles she had borrowed.

The first years in pies

Having the necessary amount on hand, of course, I rushed to the department store for flour and yeast. I also bought sunflower oil there, and took a package of salt. Daughters in the garden collected onions (at least on this economy), and eggs in the chicken coop.

First market entry

From the night I kneaded the dough, twisted the meat into minced meat, boiled mashed potatoes, crushed it, and closer to the morning I got up and stuck the first batch of pies that I planned to sell.

It’s worth taking on pies if you not only know how to fry delicious products, but also if you know how to give them a presentable look.

Until 7 in the morning, I fried the first 25 meat pies and 25 potato pies.

At home, I had an iron can with a hinged lid (I took it from the dining room) and a wheelbarrow. She put pies in two large bags, wrapped them in a scarf and, throwing everything on a wheelbarrow, went to conquer the market.

We all come to the market early: both sellers and buyers - so I was sure that the pies would be snapped up quickly. But for almost an hour I walked around the market shouting “Hot pies” and sold only two potato pies.

Closer to 9 in the morning, the appetite seemed to wake up, and the trade gradually went on, and by 11 I had one pie with meat and three with potatoes in the can, but before dinner these pies were sorted out.
So, for one sleepless night and 5 hours of walking around the market, I earned the first 200 rubles.
Having gained enthusiasm, I continued to fry pies and go to the market.

In the first month alone, I sold almost 1,600 pies and earned a fortune - 6,400 rubles.

But I also had to spend a lot: again meat, flour, butter, potatoes, onions, salt. I also bought napkins, disposable bags.

Things slowly progressed

But like everything else, it has its pros and cons.

In bad weather, I practically did not go to the market, but it happened that it rained for a week, and I sat at home all week.

When winter came, it was difficult to drag a heavy wheelbarrow with a can to the market, sometimes the children helped, and sometimes she pulled it herself. But in winter, pies left faster - everyone wanted something hot to eat, to warm up.

In the summer it was also difficult - I had to leave early in order to have time to sell the batch before the heat. Sometimes I didn’t have time and went home with a half-empty can of pies, and at home I threw them out to the dogs.

In the second year, I already wanted to expand my assortment and began to fry pies with cottage cheese and peas.

All this did not fit into my can, I had to buy a larger container. I fried the first batches in small quantities - 10-15 pieces each. As a result, it turned out that way - potatoes and meat scattered quickly, but cottage cheese and peas did not. Often even from 10 pcs. with peas, half remained, so with this filling I always fried less and sold cheaper than the rest - 3 rubles each.
In two years, I haven't raised the cost of my baked goods, but I haven't made any less of them either.

5 years later

When 5 years had already passed since I was selling pies in the market, many already knew me, there were many regular customers I got the idea to expand my business.

I have often received personal orders: fry or bake pies - and I took it. Yes, and I wanted to go beyond the market.

The youngest daughter, she was already 20 years old then, agreed to help me. We began to make more products and traded at the same time: I was at the market, and she was near the hospital, at the other end of the village.
The earnings were good, and all the money that the daughter brought in went to her as a salary. But it didn’t work out for a long time near the hospital - the administration dispersed all the street vendors from there and put small shop. So again, all income was only from my sales.

All the money that I earned, I saved up all the years, and when my daughters got married, I gave all the money to them, equally. I don’t need such a large amount, but they came in handy in life.

Earn a million pies. Is it real?

It’s realistic to make a million on pies if you sell a thousand pies every day and don’t spend your income.

There will always be those who like your product and those who don't.

Food expenses

Product cost:

  • flour 10 kg bag - 25 rubles, enough for 2 weeks;
  • eggs 20 pcs. - 30 rubles, for 3 days;
  • oil 1 liter - 30 rubles, enough for a month;
  • yeast - 5 rubles. for 200 g, one pack is enough for two batches;
  • potatoes 10 kg - 50 rubles;
  • pork meat 1 kg - 70 rubles;
  • onion 10 kg - 35 rubles;
  • salt - 5 rubles. pack;
  • cottage cheese 1 kg - 45 rubles;
  • peas 10 kg - 45 rubles;
  • napkins - 3 rubles. package;
  • bags of 100 pcs. - 20 rub.

Gas cylinder - 650 rubles.

Some products had to be purchased every week, and some were enough for a month. Stable every month I refueled a gas bottle. Approximately 1,200 rubles were spent on the purchase of goods for trade.

During the first year, I managed to earn 72,000 rubles. Of these, I invested almost 14,000 rubles for the purchase.


The second year was more successful, as she began to sell not only pies with potatoes and pasties, but also with cottage cheese and peas. Therefore, monthly earnings amounted to almost 7-7.5 thousand rubles, but expenses also increased - almost 1,900-2,000 rubles were spent on food.

There was a period when I did not work for two weeks due to illness, and in the summer a lot of food spoiled, I had to throw it away and buy fresh ones.

My income / expenses / losses for the second year in rubles:

  • January - 6500/900/120;
  • February - 7700/1050/80;
  • March - 6300/880/350;
  • April - 6000/1160/400;
  • May - 7250/1200/700;
  • June - 7200/1100/150;
  • July - 6800/1040/120;
  • August - 6650/1130/600;
  • September - 6800/990/200;
  • October - 5900/800/100;
  • November - 7000/940/300;
  • December - 6600/1200/200.

Only losses for the year I have collected about 4 thousand rubles.

In subsequent years, I tried to work to the maximum, and even when I could not enter the market for health reasons, my daughters helped me and married me. In addition, when the youngest daughter began to work with me in a pair, we doubled the income.

For ten years of my work on pies, I have earned more than 500 thousand rubles. And I can definitely say that selling homemade pies is a profitable business.

Modern pies

My pie business is still working today and consistently brings me income. After 10 years in the market, when I carried a wheelbarrow with a can with me every day, it was decided that I could not do this for long.

My daughters found me a small kiosk that was for rent in the market square and insisted that I rent this kiosk and work in it. Moreover, you can put everything you need there: a stove, and frying pans, and products, and sell everything hot at once.
I agreed to their persuasion. In addition, the owner asked for 1,500 rubles a month for rent and even offered to take it on a long-term lease with a buyout.

Creation of "Pirozhkova"

We modified the stall to make it clear what is sold there. My brother-in-law helped bring in a small refrigerator, a stove, and my other utensils.

We modified the stall to make it clear what is sold there.

I invested about 15,000 rubles in the creation of my “Pirozhkova”:

  • made a small sign
  • bought trays for products,
  • carried out the gas
  • glazed the stall, etc.

At first, the stall brought a steady income, and even sales became higher. For 2 months I recaptured the money invested and even got a plus. This is despite the fact that the price of pies has changed, since the prices of everything have increased.

Now my pies cost 10-15 rubles, I earned about 12,000 rubles a month.

For almost 5 years I myself was engaged in Pirozhkova, and only in summer period my daughters helped me, and then I completely transferred the business into their hands.

Now everyone also fries and sells pies, snacks and other products. True, the income is not as high as before, due to the fact that many competitors have appeared nearby: shawarma, burgers, hot dogs.

Making and selling pies is not such an easy thing: you need to be constantly on your feet, spend a lot of time and effort.

  1. It is important to understand that this is practically work in a bakery: you make preparations for half the night, and then you cook for a couple of hours, and sell for another half a day. In fact, you work 14 hours a day.
  2. It’s worth taking on pies if you not only know how to fry delicious products, but also if you know how to give them a presentable look. Hard dough, crooked edges or a torn pie, no one will buy.
  3. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to buy ingredients often, and throw them away too. So don't cook more than you can sell. The same goes for grocery shopping.
  4. It is better to take an assistant who can replace in the kitchen or at the point of sale.
  5. There will always be those who like your product and those who don't. Accept criticism well.
  6. Street trading is a willingness to work in any weather, day of the week and even holidays.
  7. Those who have opened their stall should carefully consider all income, expenses and be prepared for frequent checks.
  8. To make the point more attractive, ennoble it, add places for rest and snacks.
  9. It is better to buy water and other foodstuffs yourself at wholesale bases. Suppliers will want to put up their refrigerators or markings, posters.
  10. Yes, and a separate point is a completely different conversation, more serious and responsible.

Therefore, if you have the talent to cook deliciously and beautifully, pies are the best business with minimal investment.

Every person in Russia has been used to eating pies since childhood. But even an adult rarely refuses the pleasure of having a bite to eat among studies or work with pies. Demand for a product is always high, but there are many strong competitors nearby. To understand how profitable the pies business is, you need to analyze and form a strategy. To help, we offer a pie business plan, an example of which we will give in this article.

Project Summary

The opening of a pie shop in an average city format is being considered. There will be a small workshop for the preparation of pies and an area for their sale in the patty shop. It is important to create an up-to-date assortment of the offer, find a chef who will make delicious pies, and set up a stall in a crowded place target audience.

Our buyers:

  • Students.
  • Taxi drivers.
  • Employees of nearby institutions and organizations.

Main assortment:

  • Fried pies with potatoes.
  • Pies fried with cabbage.
  • Pies fried with peas.
  • Fried pies with rice, egg and herbs.
  • Brass pies with berries.
  • Brass pies with jam.


  • Competitors who are located near the patty shop.
  • Poor quality pies.
  • Decrease in demand.

Competitors can only be fought with worthy product quality, which can only be ensured by controlling the purchase of quality ingredients. In addition, it is necessary to analyze pricing policy for this product and set a fair value, focusing not on the high price, but on the number of pies sold.

To cope with the risk of unprofitable investments, it is necessary to draw up a pie business plan with calculations, where we can take into account all costs and calculate profitability and potential profit.


The production and sale of patties for profit must be registered with tax authorities. An entrepreneur who plans to open a pie shop needs to register with the local tax office. It will be enough for us to obtain an IP certificate. This will reduce the cost of taxes and simplify the reporting system to the state by choosing the STS 15%.

In addition, it is necessary to select the OKVED code 15.81, which makes it possible to produce flour products, and 52.62, thanks to which we can engage in retail in our kiosk.

You also need to get:

  • Permission from SES (obtaining a permit for the production and sale of products).
  • Conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Permit from the fire department.
  • Permission from the city authorities to conduct business.

The following documents are required:

  • The contract for the prevention, disinfection of the premises and deratization.
  • Agreement for the removal and disposal of garbage.
  • Normative documentation of mini-bakery.

In addition, technical charts for each type of patty should be kept in the archives of the organization in case of verification of compliance.

It will be necessary to allocate about 50 thousand rubles for the registration of an individual entrepreneur and obtaining the necessary permits.

Room selection

Since our pie shop will be located in a rented kiosk with an area of ​​20 sq. m, we must budget for its payment, about 20 thousand rubles. And the same amount is needed to rent land in the place where our target audience is concentrated - in a large area of ​​the city near student buildings, bus stations and not far from office buildings. The premises must be brought into line with the requirements of the SES and Rospotrebnadzor.

In order not to have to change the place of trade or look for a new kiosk, it is necessary to draw up a long-term annual lease agreement with landlords for both land and premises.


For the production of high-quality pies, it is necessary to purchase fresh ingredients, preferably at a low price, so that the cost of one pie is minimal. You can buy ingredients in the usual retail store However, it is more profitable to buy products at wholesale bases, where the price for the same flour and oil will be much lower.

The main range and cost of pies:

The markup on pies will be 150%.

In addition, the assortment will include drinks:

Name Purchase price
Tea 30
Coffee 30
Juice 30
Water 20

Equipment search

For our kiosk, you will need equipment for making pies and exercising trading activities. We can purchase used equipment, thereby reducing investments in the business and shortening the payback period. Estimated equipment and materials in the table:

Name Amount, rub.
Electric stove with oven 30 000
Table for making pies 7 000
Chairs for the cook and the seller 4 000
Kitchen tools 5 000
Electric kettle 2 000
Microwave 5 000
Mini fridge 10 000
Desk for the seller 2 000
Napkins 1 000
Container for packaging 2 000
Flour, 50 kg 600
Filling Ingredients 2 000
Vegetable oil, 5 l 2 000
Additional materials 20 000
Accumulators, gas cylinders 20 000
Total 112 600


It is important that an experienced cook who is familiar with the technology of preparing this kind of pastry works in a pie shop, because. you have to cook quickly and efficiently. At first, you can fry and bake pies on your own, having prepared semi-finished products in advance and simply frying them on the stove. But, as soon as the flow of buyers begins to grow, it is necessary to take the baker and the seller. More employees in the pie shop is not needed.

So, the cost estimate for employees starting from the 3rd month:

Employee salary
Cook 20 000
Salesman 20 000
Total 40 000

The owner of the pie shop himself can periodically replace the seller and the chef, independently making reports to the tax office and dealing with organizational issues, including the purchase and delivery of raw materials, branding the kiosk.

Advertising and marketing

To promote a pie shop and attract customers, a lot of advertising and marketing costs are not required. The best tool will be the good location of the stall with pies. At the very beginning of the launch, it is necessary to make a large beautiful menu and brand the facade of the pie shop so that it can be seen both near and from afar. The budget for advertising should be allocated in the amount of about 50 thousand rubles.

There is no need to make flyers or use other advertising every month. best method attracting customers is word of mouth and a bright facade.

Expenses and income

Here we will summarize all the costs of this project, calculate the profitability and profitability of the business, and conclude how profitable baking pies is.

Starting costs

It is planned to allocate 342,600 rubles for the launch of the business.

Monthly expenses


From the second month it is planned to establish a sales plan, because. in the first month, we formed the main assortment and begin to actively procure semi-finished products and quickly serve customers.

Approximate sales plan in the table (price at cost + our 80% margin):

Name Price Quantity Sum
Fried pies with potatoes 33 500 16 500
Fried pies with cabbage 33 300 9 900
Pies fried with peas 33 200 6 600
Fried pies with rice, egg and herbs 40 100 4 000
Pie with meat (belyash) 80 500 40 000
Brass pies with berries 33 120 3 960
Brass pies with jam 33 120 3 960
Tea 30 300 9 000
Coffee 30 300 9 000
Juice 30 150 4 500
Water 20 150 3 000
Total 110 420

Taking into account the markup of 80%, we expect a profit of 198,756 rubles. 99% of buyers take at least 2 pies in a set with a drink (tea, coffee, juice). In addition, many passers-by get just some water.

The difference between income and expenses:

198 756 – 137 000 = 61 756.

We calculate the tax payment:

61,756 - 9,263 = 52,493 rubles per month.

Let's calculate the profitability:

(52,493/137,000) x 100 = 38.31%.

This profitability for the second month of the pie shop can be considered successful. The plans are to increase the indicator to 70% for 4-5 months by increasing the units of pies, whites and drinks sold.

Now we calculate the return on investment:

342,600 / 52,493 = 6.5 months. Accordingly, if sales remain at this level, the costs will pay off in six months; if doubled, as we plan, the payback period will be significantly reduced.


Pirozhkovaya has its own prospects for development and profit growth with the condition of increasing sales volumes. This will ensure the quick work of the cook and the process of servicing the seller, in addition, the level of sales depends on the price and quality of the pies, it should be acceptable, but at the same time the pies should be delicious.

As soon as the number of buyers increases, sales grow, the pie shop has become popular among the local target audience, it is planned to open a similar trade and production point in another area of ​​the city, where there will also be a demand for this product.

Ossetian pie is a flat cake with filling, which is a cult product in its homeland, Ossetia. The culture of making Ossetian pie has evolved over many centuries and has now been brought to perfection. The real thing in Ossetia is a pie made from thin dough with rich filling. If the hostess cooked a pie with a thick dough, then this indicates her poor culinary upbringing.

There are many different options for making pies: with seafood, with meat, with cabbage and greens, with cheese and chicken, with potatoes, with red fish, with pumpkin, with berries and sugar, with raisins and walnuts, with dried fruits, and so on. the like.

The composition of the preparation of the classic Ossetian pie necessarily includes water, flour, yeast, sugar, salt, milk and sunflower oil. Cooking time in the oven takes about 10 minutes.

How to start a business

Opening a business begins with the selection of premises for the organization of a mini-bakery. You will need to rent a room with an area of ​​80 sq. m. Be sure to have communications in the room: electricity, hot and cold water supply, ventilation and sewerage system. SES requirements and firefighters are no different from the requirements that apply to food production enterprises (a lot has been written about this in our other articles, for example: mini-sausage production or mini-cheese factory). Rent will cost from 40 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the region.

Even before concluding a lease agreement for premises, you will need to register a business. It is enough for a small bakery to arrange the usual individual entrepreneurship in the local tax service. As a taxation system, you can choose a simplified system (STS) - this is the most profitable option. In this case, you will pay tax either 6% of the proceeds or 15% of the company's profit (at your discretion).

Then you need to buy production equipment. Here you will need everything that is needed for an ordinary mini-bakery: a refrigerated table and proofer, a convection oven and portion scales. The estimated price of the kit is 300 - 400 thousand rubles. Another part of the funds will be spent on the purchase of additional equipment and inventory: shelving, sink, refrigeration equipment, crockery and more.

Next, you should decide on the suppliers of ingredients and the staff of the bakery. First of all, you will need an experienced technologist who will make the best Ossetian pies in your city. 50% of business success will depend on his quality work. After all, the tastier the pies, the greater the demand for them and the higher your profit. The services of a specialist will cost a lot: from 25 thousand rubles a month.

Do not forget about the search for distribution channels for products, although marketing planning is the starting point.

How to sell a product

There are two main ways to sell pies:

  1. deliver pies to local grocery stores and supermarkets;
  2. to carry out the production of pies to order with delivery to the client.

The first option is preferable because it allows you to open production in any city. The main difficulty will only be how to get to the store counter. You also need to look at the competition in the city, the presence of other similar manufacturers. Practice shows that there are more and more such manufacturers every year.

The second option also has its advantages. First of all, the pie can be sold at a much higher price - three times or more. Here, for example, is the price tag of one of the bakeries in Moscow, the organizers of which implemented such a delivery:

Ossetian meat pie weighing 1200 grams for 740 rubles! Nice prices, right?

The only drawback of such a scheme is a strong dependence on the population in the city and its ability to pay. Not many residents of the periphery have yet learned to order groceries at home, so such services flourish only in large cities and metropolitan areas.

In large cities, it works great as a product promotion contextual advertising, a group in contact and advertising in the subway. In this case, it is necessary to have your own website, the creation and promotion of which will take at least 60 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn?

Let's calculate how much you can earn on just one delivery of Ossetian pies.

The average price of an Ossetian pie with delivery: 400 rubles for 800 grams. Average check order - 800 rubles (approximately two pies) If we complete only 10 orders in one working day, our revenue will be 8,000 rubles. From this sum we subtract:

  • Cost of production (including raw materials, wages, rent, and so on) - 40%
  • Delivery - 10%
  • Other expenses - 10%

Thus, you can count on a daily profit of 4,800 rubles and a monthly profit of 144,000 rubles. With such indicators, the project pays off in 1.5 - 2 years, taking into account the time to promote the business.

Investments to start a business

  • Arrangement and preparation of the premises - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of basic and additional equipment - 700 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and Supplies- 50 thousand rubles.
  • Organizational expenses, registration of individual entrepreneurs, preparation of documents, etc. - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Website development and advertising - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 150 thousand rubles.

TOTAL - from 1,300,000 rubles