Who can work as a laboratory assistant. "Laboratory diagnostics" is a specialty that is in demand at all times. The specifics of the laboratory assistant profession

  • 14.11.2019

A medical laboratory assistant is a specialist in the field of medicine responsible for clinical laboratory diagnostics.


20.000–30.000 rubles (worka.yandex.ru)

Place of work

The position of a laboratory assistant is in demand in polyclinics, universities, schools, blood transfusion stations, sanitary and epidemiological services, standardization and metrology centers.


The main duty of a laboratory doctor is to conduct laboratory analyzes of various human waste products. The data that the laboratory assistant receives helps the attending physician to identify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Laboratory assistants are often engaged in scientific activities, analyze and systematize the data obtained, and keep disease statistics.

Important qualities

The profession of a laboratory assistant requires such qualities as: a penchant for research, observation, accuracy, responsibility and discipline.

Reviews about the profession

According to experts, the work is both interesting and dangerous. Dangerous because you have to work with bacteria, viruses or harmful substances. Interesting because you are constantly developing and making small discoveries.

stereotypes, humor

The profession will be of interest to diligent candidates prone to research. For a specialist, an opportunity opens up to reach heights in medical science, to become a professor or academician.


To work as a laboratory doctor, you need a higher medical education in the specialties "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics" or "Laboratory Genetics", which are represented in such universities as: St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical academy, North-Western State Medical University. I. I. Mechnikov.

Medical universities in Moscow: Moscow State University. Lomonosov, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University.

A laboratory assistant is a profession that today, although quite widespread in our country, is highly specialized. This is easy to explain, since laboratory assistants work in departments at higher educational institutions, at enterprises, in research laboratories, in hospitals, in sanitary and environmental services, etc. Accordingly, their specialization and professional training differ significantly depending on the direction of activity.

In general, this profession has its roots back in the Middle Ages: the main task of the laboratory assistants who worked at European universities was to prepare laboratories for practical exercises with students. Laboratory assistants also provided technical assistance in this process.

Profession laboratory assistant - description

When choosing the profession of a laboratory assistant, there are several aspects to consider. The main one is the state of health, since this profession often involves direct contact with harmful substances and chemical elements. This point should be especially taken into account for those people whose body is prone to allergic reactions. In general, the risks of the profession depend on the specialization of a particular laboratory. For example, if doing analyzes of human waste products is simply not very pleasant, then permanent job with radioactive substances can have a significant negative impact on human health.

In most cases, the work of laboratory assistants is quite calm and stable in terms of the occurrence of stressful situations. That is why people with an even character, an inquisitive mindset, observant, accurate, diligent, able to concentrate on completing the task are inclined to choose it.

In most cases, the profession of a laboratory assistant does not require a higher education diploma, but there are exceptions. Secondary specialized education may not be enough if, on duty, you have to deal with complex equipment. Or the work involves significant responsibility to third parties.

At the same time, participation in experiments and good practical training, if desired, can become a good platform for further career advancement.

For a better understanding, some areas of the profession should be considered in more detail.

Profession chemical analysis laboratory assistant

This profession is quite in demand in the labor market and involves work related to the analysis chemical composition and properties of the test samples in order to identify inconsistencies. The information obtained from the results of the study is very important, because makes it possible to control the quality indicators of products.

laboratory assistants chemical analysis are used in various industries, while their professional training should include:

  • knowledge of the basics of general chemistry;
  • knowledge of safety regulations;
  • the ability to reasonably choose and use models, methods and tools in the performance of tasks;
  • knowledge of the norms and standards that relate to the investigated substances, etc.

Choosing this profession should be paid Special attention for medical contraindications.

Profession laboratory assistant - ecologist

The emergence and spread of this profession is associated with the growing public concern about the state of environment. Thus, the main task of the environmental laboratory assistant is to analyze natural resources and their impact on the quality of human life. The subject of analysis are samples of soil, water, air.

Environmental laboratory assistants work both in large industries and in the services of environmental supervision of the state of the environment. For this work, a diploma of secondary specialized education is often enough.

Profession laboratory assistant

The importance of the profession of laboratory assistant in modern medicine cannot be overestimated, since even the most qualified doctor needs test results to assess the patient's condition. Therefore, the health, and often the life of a person, depends on the quality of work and professionalism of the paramedic-laboratory assistant.

Basically, laboratory paramedics are required in polyclinics, hospitals, medical genetic centers, sanitary and epidemiological stations, as well as in the ambulance service. To work, you must have a diploma of secondary medical education.

Usually laboratory paramedics work with human waste products, but there are times when it is required to analyze food, cutlery, and so on. Accuracy, responsibility, competence are the main qualities necessary for this work.

Profession laboratory analyst

People of this profession can find application in various industries. economic activity. The profession of a laboratory assistant-analyst involves employment in research laboratories, industrial enterprises, as well as in the services of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

The job consists in checking the quality of raw materials used for the production of materials, finished products, as well as production waste and emissions through chemical analysis. Basically, secondary specialized education is sufficient for this work.

There is no such educational or scientific institution where there would be no specialists called laboratory assistant, who is it, what professional features should do - read on.

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Features of the profession

A laboratory assistant is a specialist working in various educational, medical, scientific institutions, in production and in agriculture who can conduct research, take tests, conduct experiments, and much more, allowed by his level of education and qualifications.

He can perform certain actions independently, or together with other specialists, be an assistant to a scientist or teacher.

For those who consider this as their main one, it is worth saying that the labor market is not yet fully filled and the demand for specialists with the appropriate qualifications is quite high. Moreover, laboratory assistants are required not only in state, but also in private organizations.

Despite the fact that mainly laboratory assistants perform auxiliary functions, they were and remain an important part of the teaching and research process. This is due to the fact that they are entrusted with monitoring the state of reagents and other equipment, preparing a room or laboratory for research or classes.

What does it take to become a laboratory assistant?

To become a laboratory assistant, it is not necessary to graduate from a higher educational institution. Often enough a specialized college or school.

Since each department of the educational institution has a laboratory assistant, you can ask if laboratory assistants are needed here. This will allow you to start your career already during your studies. At the same time, it will be possible to engage in scientific activities, and grow from a simple laboratory assistant into a specialist of a higher level.

What should a specialist do?

The duties of a laboratory assistant include the fulfillment of certain tasks and assignments that the head gives them. He must ensure that all equipment is ready for use, collects everything necessary for experiments and research in advance.

Will work with various types reagents and substances. In addition, the results of the research carried out are recorded in a special journal.

Personal qualities of a specialist

To successfully complete the tasks, the laboratory assistant will need to have certain personal qualities. It's not even worth trying without them.

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These include:

  • be attentive;
  • be able to concentrate on the assigned work;
  • have good motor skills and coordination of movements;
  • have an excellent memory;
  • To be neat.

Since the laboratory assistant is primarily a worker mental labor, then the specialist must have a sufficiently high intelligence, be ready for intellectual or creative work.

Very important. For a person to work well:

  • sensory systems;
  • was attentive to detail;
  • thinking worked well;
  • able to control his emotions in any situation;
  • laboratory assistants are highly erudite;
  • must be inquisitive;
  • have rational thinking;
  • have an analytical mind.

Now you know who the laboratory assistant is, what he should be able to do and what requirements are placed on him.


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In the world of professions, there are those on which the performance of very important work depends, but the employee himself often does not receive the recognition or attention he deserves. For example, we know the names of great scientists who made important discoveries. But it is worth recognizing that most ingenious inventions have been achieved through the efforts of several people: the scientist himself and his assistants. At present, we would call them laboratory assistants.

A laboratory assistant is an employee of a medical, scientific or educational institution who prepares various instruments for laboratory experiments. He is the "right hand" of a teacher, lecturer or even a famous scientist.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession laboratory assistant are in high demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities graduate a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified laboratory assistants.

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Description of activity

Each department, in any laboratory needs laboratory assistants - secondary, but at the same time irreplaceable workers. If they work at school, then they need to create conditions for conducting laboratory classes. Laboratory assistants of scientific institutions prepare for research and development. Laboratory workers of medical institutions work with analyzes of hospital patients. Sanitary service laboratory assistants collect and study samples of water, air, soil.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

The uniqueness of the profession

rare profession

Representatives of the profession laboratory assistant really rare these days. Not everyone decides to be laboratory assistant. There is a high demand for specialists in this field among employers, so the profession laboratory assistant may be called a rare profession.

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What kind of education is needed

Average professional education(college, technical school)

To work in a profession laboratory assistant It is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a diploma of secondary vocational education obtained at a college or technical school, or, for example, it is enough to complete special courses.

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Job responsibilities

The duties of a laboratory assistant are to follow the instructions of his mentor, with whom he is engaged in research. The laboratory assistant must collect and process the necessary materials, monitor the serviceability of laboratory equipment, keep work logs, and comply with the requirements of the instructions.

Type of labor

Exceptional mental work

Profession laboratory assistant refers to professions of exclusively mental (creative or intellectual labor). In the process of work, the activity of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking and the emotional sphere is important. laboratory assistants distinguished by erudition, curiosity, rationality, analytical warehouse mind.

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Features of career growth

The laboratory assistant has the opportunity to move up the career ladder. A laboratory assistant with a higher education can enter graduate school and, with special efforts, someday become, for example, a doctor of science.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, laboratory assistants have minimal career opportunities. It does not depend on the person at all, just a profession laboratory assistant does not have a career path.

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One of the acute problems of the current personnel state of the laboratory service is determining the status of a biologist in a clinical diagnostic laboratory (CDL) - explanatory letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 16-5-12 / 11 dated April 17, 2013. The problem is due to the free interpretation on the ground of the existing orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which determine the place and role of a biologist in the CDL.

Results of the appeal to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

A letter about the problem of incentive payments to biologists based on birth certificates received a response from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Conclusion of the answer:

Article 144 Labor Code Russian Federation, remuneration systems for employees of regional and municipal institutions are regulated by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the bodies local government.

Thus, the issue of stimulating the work of medical workers (in this case, biologists of clinical diagnostic laboratories and laboratory doctors with a higher non-medical education) can be resolved by establishing an incentive bonus for increasing the volume of work performed in accordance with the fact that the Federal Law of October 6 1999 N 2 184-FZ "On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies state power Subjects of the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 2 131-FZ “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies are granted the right to independently determine the amount and terms of remuneration for employees of subordinate institutions health care, including the establishment and application of additional payments and allowances.


The position of a laboratory assistant was retained in the CDL for specialists with a non-medical education hired to this position before October 01, 1999, in accordance with the order of July 23, 2010 No. 541n “On approval of the Unified qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees”, section “ Qualification characteristics jobs in the healthcare sector.

A work permit for laboratory doctors in a clinical diagnostic laboratory is the presence of such a position in the nomenclature of positions in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health of Russia) of December 20, 2012. No. 1183n "On approval of the Nomenclature of positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers", which entered into force on April 7, 2013.

Activity as a laboratory doctor does not require a specialist certificate due to the lack of medical education, in contrast to the position of a doctor in a laboratory diagnostics clinic, which requires a medical education, and therefore a certificate in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2012 . No. 982n "On approval of the conditions and procedure for issuing a certificate of a specialist to medical and pharmaceutical workers, forms and technical requirements Specialist Certificate:

“... 2. The certificate is issued in the specialties provided for by the Nomenclature of Specialties for Specialists with Secondary Medical and Pharmaceutical Education in the Healthcare Sector of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2008 No. 176n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 6, 2008, registration No. 11634), as amended by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2010 No. 199n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 11, 2010, registration No. 17160), and the Nomenclature of specialties for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the field of healthcare of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2009 No. 210n ( registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 5, 2009, registration number 14032), as amended by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated February 9, 2011 No. 94n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 16, 2011, registration No. 20144)….”

First of all, a laboratory doctor is a position (order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2012 No. 1183n “On approval of the nomenclature of positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers”), which is occupied by specialists with non-medical specialties, and who are not in the list of specialties specified in the Order Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) dated April 23, 2009. No. 210n “On the nomenclature of specialties for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the healthcare sector of the Russian Federation”, who need to obtain a specialist certificate for their activities.

Based on the foregoing, there is no need to create an additional document providing for the possibility for laboratory doctors to work in a clinical diagnostic laboratory without a certificate.

It is incorrect to say that in Russia doctors with medical education practically do not work in CDL, and that 80% of laboratory employees are specialists with non-medical education.

Analysis of the register of clinical diagnostic laboratories, created in accordance with letters dated May 14, 2013 No. 17-3-1856 and No. 17-3-1857 of the Department of Specialized medical care and Medical Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health of Russia, showed that according to data received from 70 regions of the Russian Federation, 9606 individuals with a medical education in the positions of doctors of clinical laboratory diagnostics, and only 6835 specialists with a non-medical education in the positions of biologists and laboratory assistants. However, it is necessary to recognize the need to change the qualification characteristics of a doctor for clinical laboratory diagnostics and specialists with a non-medical education, set out in the order dated July 23, 2010 No. 541n “On approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the positions of managers, specialists and employees”, section “Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the healthcare sector ”, since they duplicate each other in the existing presentation.

Also incorrect is the statement that in the leading countries of the world, specialists with higher non-medical education work in laboratories. In most developed countries of the world, there is a clear division into specialists with medical education - "pathologists", whose demand is very high professionally among attending physicians, but not in terms of numbers, they objectively make up a very small proportion among laboratory medicine specialists, being consultants immediately many attending physicians, and biologists involved in research work in the laboratory, their numbers are also small. The bulk of the laboratory staff are technical specialists without higher education, which is due a high degree automation and centralization of laboratory processes.

We cannot agree with the statement that work in clinical diagnostic laboratories is built without separation between specialists with medical and biological education, and with the requirement to equalize all workers in the laboratory service. As mentioned above, using the example of foreign colleagues, the activities of such specialists are radically different. The fact that in domestic laboratories there is a lack of this division is a problem of modern domestic laboratory service, due to its historical development, but currently being solved by the joint efforts of the specialized commission for clinical laboratory diagnostics and the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Benefits of medical professionals are available to laboratory doctors without additional legislation, as medical professionals, in accordance with paragraph 13 federal law of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation", establishing that medical worker may be a person with a non-medical "other" education, but engaged in medical activities.

Most incentive bonuses to official salaries are also already regulated by existing documents, from which it follows that the overwhelming list of bonuses is carried out for the implementation of activities in which not specific doctors or other specialists participate, but positions that require higher or secondary education and certain functional duties. For example, the main such documents are the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 2011 No. No. 369-FZ “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2011 N 85 (as amended on February 9, 2013) “On Approval of the Rules for Financial Support in 2011-2013 of Regional Healthcare Modernization Programs of the Subjects of the Russian Federation for account of funds provided from the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund”, which do not limit the circle of specialist doctors to the requirement of having a higher medical education, respectively, and a specialist certificate.

Conflicts arising with the employer on the issues listed above must be resolved through public professional organizations, union committee or litigation. If necessary, members of the profile commission of the Ministry of Health of Russia for clinical laboratory diagnostics are always ready to provide their expert opinion in defense of the interests of laboratory doctors and biologists on this issue, which was announced at the Forum "National Days of Laboratory Medicine in Russia", held in accordance with the scientific plan -practical activities of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for 2013 (paragraph 50) of the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated February 26, 2013 No. 93 "On approval of the Plan of scientific and practical activities of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for 2013" from 01 to 03 October 2013.

DOCTOR-BACTERIOLOGIST with higher non-medical education

The specialty of a bacteriologist is a medical specialty, which, in accordance with Article 100 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation", the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 7, 2009 N415n Moscow "On the approval of qualification requirements for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the field of healthcare", as well as Appendix 3 of the order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia dated January 19, 1995 No. 8 "On the development and improvement of laboratories of clinical microbiology (bacteriology) medical institutions” can only be occupied by specialists with a medical education who have the appropriate certificate of a specialist.

However, in accordance with the previously valid order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated July 13, 1989 No. 418 “On approval new edition"List of higher and secondary special educational institutions, training and received titles in which give the right to engage in medical and pharmaceutical activities", approved by Appendix 1 to the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR of October 21, 1974 No. 990 "persons with higher professional education in the specialty" Biologist "were admitted to positions bacteriologists.

The specified admission procedure was valid until the issuance of the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 25, 1997 No. 380 “On the state and measures to improve laboratory support for the diagnosis and treatment of patients in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation”, which granted the right to the head medical organization enter the position of biologist in the medical laboratory.

Therefore, specialists with a higher biological education who were hired as laboratory assistants before 1997 can continue professional activity in their positions as bacteriologists without a certificate, since the lack of a higher medical education does not allow these specialists to issue a certificate in the specialty "Bacteriology".

These specialists can hold the positions of heads of medical laboratories in accordance with paragraph 6 of Order No. 541n dated July 23, 2010 "On approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the positions of managers, specialists and employees", section "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare" if there is a recommendation attestation commission medical organization.