Deputy Medical Officer. Deputy for the medical part of the duty. Job description of the Deputy Chief Physician

  • 13.05.2020

Job description of the Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

Real job description developed and approved in accordance with the provisions and other legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs belongs to the category of leaders and reports directly to the Chief Physician.

1.2. A person with a higher medical education, postgraduate training and work experience in the specialty of at least [value] years is accepted for the position of Deputy Chief Physician for the Medical Department.

1.3. The Deputy Chief Medical Officer must know:

constitution Russian Federation;

Laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation in the field of healthcare, consumer protection and sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population;

Normative legal acts regulating the issues of circulation of potent, psychotropic and narcotic drugs;

Rules of the internal work schedule institutions and official documentation regulating its activities;

Organization of economic and financial activities health care institutions;

Fundamentals of activities of health care institutions and medical workers in the conditions of budget-insurance medicine;

Population health statistics;

Criteria and indicators characterizing the state of health of the population;

Organization of examination of temporary disability and medical and social examination;

Theoretical foundations, principles and methods of clinical examination;

The procedure for scheduling work and placement of medical personnel;

Theoretical foundations and organizations of health care;

Organization of social and medical rehabilitation;

Theoretical and organizational foundations of the sanitary and epidemiological service;

Organization of health education, hygienic education of the population and propaganda healthy lifestyle life;

medical ethics;

Psychology of professional communication;

Fundamentals of Pedagogy;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management;

Basics labor law;

Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

2. Job responsibilities

Deputy Chief Medical Officer:

2.1. Supervises all medical and diagnostic departments, offices and laboratories.

2.2. Responsible for the quality of the diagnostic and treatment process and the organization of all work medical organization.

2.3. Conducts planned and unscheduled checks the state of the diagnostic and treatment process, according to their results, takes the necessary measures to eliminate deficiencies.

2.4. Carries out the arrangement and organization of the work of medical personnel and the implementation of measures for the systematic improvement of the qualifications of medical and paramedical personnel.

2.5. Organizes the effective use of the main resources of the medical organization.

2.6. Carries out checks of medical documentation, the quality of its maintenance, the correctness and expediency of the applied methods of examination and treatment of patients.

2.7. Provides technically competent operation of medical and diagnostic equipment and other medical equipment by personnel.

2.8. It monitors the timely and widespread introduction into practice of new methods of examination and treatment of patients.

2.9. Organizes and conducts clinical, clinico-anatomical and morning conferences, hospital councils.

2.10. Draws up and controls the implementation of the work plans of the medical organization by all its structural divisions.

2.11. Systematically improves professional qualifications.

2.12. [Other Job Responsibilities].

3. Rights

The Deputy Chief Medical Officer has the right to:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.2. Make suggestions to senior management to improve their work.

3.3. Independently make decisions within their competence and organize their implementation.

3.4. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of its professional duties and exercise of rights.

3.5. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.6. Receive information and documents necessary to fulfill their official duties.

3.7. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.8. [Other rights under labor law].

4. Responsibility

The Deputy Chief Medical Officer is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Head of Human Resources

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]


[job title]

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Familiarized with the instructions:

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

I. General part

The main tasks of the deputy chief physician of the polyclinic for

The medical part is the management of diagnostic and treatment

Activities, implementation and widespread use in practice

Branches, offices and services modern methods diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Appointment and dismissal of the deputy chief physician of the polyclinic

Medical Qi is carried out by the chief physician in agreement with the higher health authority.

Deputy chief physician for medical affairs

Chief physician. In his activities, he is guided by the current legislation, orders, instructions and orders

Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation, municipal health authorities, this job description, as well as guidelines to improve medical care for patients of various profiles and

Improving the organization of work of medical personnel.

Deputy chief physician of the polyclinic for the medical part

Heads of departments and doctors of specialized offices report directly.

II. Responsibilities

To perform his functions, the deputy chief physician of the polyclinic for the medical unit must:

1. Compose annual plans medical and preventive work

Polyclinics and submit them for approval to the chief physician of the polyclinic.

2. Approve the work plans of the medical and diagnostic departments and offices of the polyclinic.

3. Coordinate, approve and control the schedules for dispensary examinations of persons registered with doctors of all


4. Coordinate plans and schedules for periodic inspections and monitor their implementation.

5. Develop a long-term plan for professional development

Doctors and paramedical personnel.

6. Take part in the development of rational work schedules for doctors and paramedical personnel, taking into account the trouble-free

Providing the population with medical care both on working days of the week, and on weekends and holidays.

7. Coordinate the interaction of subordinate services, and

Also monitor the observance of continuity in the work of the clinic with the hospital, take measures to improve the continuity between the clinic and the ambulance and emergency medical service.

8. Organize qualified advisory assistance

Patients both in the clinic and at home.

9. Promptly introduce and ensure wide application in

The work of doctors of modern methods and means of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients.

10. Organize systematic information of doctors about new


11. To study and introduce advanced forms of organizing medical, diagnostic and preventive care for the population.

12. Personally conduct a systematic check of the quality of diagnosis and treatment of patients in the clinic and at home.

13. At least once a quarter, control the timeliness of taking newly diagnosed patients for dispensary registration.

14. Check the complexity of the examination, the frequency of dynamic observations and the implementation of the plan for medical and recreational

Events by persons previously registered with the dispensary.

15. Conduct an analysis of the quality and effectiveness of medical examinations

For therapeutic departments in general, according to the data of the relevant

Analysis carried out by each head of the therapeutic department

At the end of the year.

16. Accept annual reports and explanatory notes to them

From heads of departments and offices.

17. At the end of the year, analyze the indicators of the treatment, diagnostic and preventive activities of the polyclinic, with the preparation of an explanatory note.

18. At least once a month, personally control the quality

Maintaining medical records (medical records, house call logs, stat. coupons, hospitalization logs, etc.).

19. Control the state of infectious disease, its

Dynamics, timeliness of detection and hospitalization of infectious

Patients, the quality of dispensary observation of persons who have undergone

20. Systematically monitor the implementation of the plan for fluorographic examinations of the population, preventive vaccinations, preventive examinations for the early detection of glaucoma;

Diabetes mellitus, onco - and gynecological diseases.

21. At least once a month, analyze the average load

Ku per hour for doctors of all specialties for admission to the clinic and home calls, as well as on the days of the week, developing on the basis of this analysis measures to ensure uniformity of the load on

Days of the week of doctors of various specialties.

22. Organize systematic advanced training of medical personnel on the basis of the polyclinic by holding medical and nursing scientific and practical conferences, lectures and reports on topical issues of diagnosis, treatment and prevention


23. Control the work of the heads of departments and offices.

24. Analyze the experience of the best departments and offices,

Submit proposals to the chief physician on the implementation of this experience.

25. Control and take personal part in the health education work among the population.

26. To be a member of the medical council of the polyclinic, to take personal part in the preparation of its meetings.

27. Conduct educational and explanatory work in a team on issues medical ethics and deontology.

28. Conduct a reception of visitors on the quality of treatment, diagnosis, qualifications of medical personnel.

29. Improve their qualifications both in the field of clinical disciplines and in the organization of health care.

The Deputy Chief Physician has the right to:

To take personal part in the selection and placement of medical personnel;

Make proposals for promotion and imposition of disciplinary

Penalties on the staff of the clinic;

Prepare draft orders, proposals for improvement

Organization of work of the polyclinic;

Give orders and instructions to clinic staff

Issues within its competence;

In the event of a short-term absence of the chief physician, make decisions on issues requiring immediate action;

Supervise the activities of doctors and paramedical


In the absence of a leader (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.)

Other) Deputy Chief Physician enjoys all his rights.

IV. Job evaluation and responsibility

The assessment of the work of the deputy chief physician of the polyclinic for the medical part is carried out by the chief physician based on the results of the work based on the analysis of the qualitative indicators of fundamental official documents, labor discipline rules, moral and ethical

Norm of conduct.

The deputy chief physician for medical affairs is responsible for poor quality work, erroneous actions not only

In their activities, but also in the activities of heads of departments

And doctors of specialized offices, for wrongly taken

Dealing with issues within the competence of the Deputy Chief

Medical doctor.

I. General part
An experienced surgeon who has a certificate of a specialist, higher or first qualification category, work experience in the position of the head of the department and possessing organizational skills.
Appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital in accordance with applicable law.
Directly reports to the head physician of the hospital.
Manages the organization of medical care in the hospital, usually through the heads of the relevant departments and the chief nurse.
In its activities, it is guided by the current legislation, the Charter of the hospital, resolutions, decisions, orders and instructions of higher health authorities on the section of work performed, orders and instructions of the head physician of the hospital, this instruction.
The orders of the Deputy Chief Physician for Surgery are binding on the heads of surgical departments, including the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation, the endoscopic department, the blood transfusion service, the sterilization and disinfection service.

II. Responsibilities
1. Directly manages the activities of the heads of departments of the hospital services assigned to him.
2. Carries out systematic control over the quality of examination, treatment and care of surgical patients by:
- scheduled rounds of departments with subsequent discussion of the results of the check;
- systematic analysis of qualitative indicators of the activities of departments;
- evaluation of the effectiveness of ongoing therapeutic and preventive measures, as well as a systematic study of discrepancies between hospital diagnoses and polyclinic and pathoanatomical ones;
- continuous checking of case histories and other medical records regarding the quality of their maintenance, the correctness and timeliness of the fulfillment of medical prescriptions and the methods of treatment used.
3. Organizes and controls the operation block.
4. Controls the preparation and implementation of the work plans of the departments of the surgical cycle.
5. Organizes and ensures the holding of scientific-practical and clinical-anatomical conferences, clinical-expert commission (surgical section).
6. Organizes consultations and leads the councils of medical specialists of the hospital and invites consultants from other medical institutions, organizes the transfer of surgical patients, if necessary, to other medical facilities.
7. Coordinates work schedules (including duty schedules) of department heads and attending physicians in the hospital, including on weekends and holidays.
8. Develops and implements activities aimed at:
- for the timely and widespread introduction into practice of new methods of examination and treatment of patients, the principles of a medical and protective regimen;
- increase in immediate and long-term results of treatment;
- reduction of postoperative mortality and postoperative complications;
- rational application and use in the treatment of patients with modern medications and modern methods of surgical treatment;
- ensuring a strict and sustainable sanitary and epidemiological regime in the hospital units assigned to it and preventing nosocomial infections.
9. Controls expedient and full use bed fund in surgical departments.
10. Coordinates the applications of surgical departments for the purchase of new and replacement of obsolete equipment.
11. Develops a long-term plan for advanced training of surgical doctors and monitors its implementation.
12. Organizes and leads the training teaching materials for the examination and treatment of surgical patients.
13. Systematically improves professional qualifications, both in the field of clinical disciplines and in the organization of health care.
14. Conducts the reception of visitors and hospital staff on the days and hours established for this.
15. In the absence of the chief physician, certifies with his signature the will of the patient at his request.
16. Brings to the attention of employees in the part that concerns them, orders, instructions, instructions, etc. of higher bodies and officials.

III. Rights
The Deputy Chief Physician of the hospital for surgery has the right to:
1. Give orders on the organization of work of subordinate departments of the hospital.
2. Give orders and instructions to subordinate employees in accordance with their level of competence and qualifications and monitor their implementation.
3. Solve the issues of admission and discharge of patients.
4. To take part in the work of meetings held in the hospital, at which issues related to his competence are considered.
5. Receive information necessary for the performance of their duties.
6. Make decisions within their competence.
7. To make changes and additions to the duties of employees of units directly subordinate to him in agreement with the trade union committee in accordance with applicable law.
8. In cases related to the need for operational management, give direct orders to the hospital staff, bypassing their immediate supervisors, but informing the latter to check their execution of the orders given.
9. To carry out the selection of candidates for the position of heads of departments and services of the hospital directly subordinate to him.
10. Make proposals to the chief physician on the issues of improving the organization of surgical care in the hospital.
11. Make proposals to the head physician of the hospital on the promotion and imposition of penalties on employees subordinate to him.
12. Cancel the orders of the heads of subdivisions subordinate to him, if they cannot be carried out or contradict the instructions of higher bodies and officials.
13. Improve professional knowledge in the system of institutions (organizations) that provide postgraduate training for doctors.
14. Work in the specialty within the working hours for the main position up to 0.25 of the doctor's rate in agreement with the head physician of the hospital.

IV. A responsibility
Responsible for the quality of surgical care provided in the hospital; for failure to fulfill the obligations stipulated by this instruction and the internal labor regulations; for inaction and failure to make decisions within the scope of its competence.

  • He manages the work of the departments of the polyclinic, organizes medical care outpatients in the clinic and at home.
  • Organizes and conducts medical examinations of the population. Provides targeted surveys of the population.
  • Organizes preventive examinations of the decreed groups of the population.
  • Conducts medical examinations of young men of pre-conscription and military age. Selects and directs patients for sanitary-resort treatment.
  • Participates in solving complex clinical and expert issues.
  • Conducts analysis of morbidity, manages measures to reduce it and rehabilitate patients.
  • Analyzes clinical and expert errors.
  • Considers claims of insurance companies, complaints of the population regarding the quality of medical care provided in the clinic.
  • Organizes and conducts medical conferences.
  • Arranges for employees to receive additional education(professional retraining, advanced training).
  • Organizes and controls the medical activities of the branches, organizes the effective interaction of the branches.

Another activity of the Deputy Chief Physician for APR is work with the population, which includes not only the reception of visitors, but also the organization of meetings with the population, with representatives of various public organizations.

This area of ​​activity also includes the control and personal participation of the Deputy Chief Physician for APR in sanitary and educational work among the population.

Work with the documentation

The Deputy Chief Physician for APR also needs to work with documents.

The organizational documents of the Deputy Chief Physician for APR include job descriptions, staffing, statutes, regulations.

These documents contain rules and regulations that determine the status of a medical organization and its competence, as well as regulate the activities of all employees of healthcare facilities.

The planning documents of the Deputy Chief Physician for APR include: plan, perspective plans, programs, schedules, schemes, general schemes.

Remark 2

Despite abundance planning documents, the deputy chief physician for APR participates in the preparation of each of them, and is also the responsible executor in almost all plans of the clinic.

The information basis of the activities of the Deputy Chief Physician for APR is reference and information documents, which include:

  • business letters,
  • protocols,
  • acts,
  • explanatory and memos,
  • references.

These are supporting documents, however, the information they contain serves as the basis for administrative documents.

Reporting documents are compiled for various areas of the polyclinic.

Reporting documents include:

  • state statistical reporting;
  • departmental reporting;
  • intraclinical reporting.

Reports allow you to compare the results obtained with the indicators that were planned by the plans or programs.

The Deputy Chief Physician for APR prepares draft orders of the Chief Physician.

In addition, he needs to be able to draw up the minutes and decisions of the collective meetings at which he was present.

Also, the Deputy Chief Physician for APR controls the maintenance of medical records, accounting and reporting for this section of work.

Remark 3

The work of the deputy chief physician for outpatient work constantly combines various types activities:

  • reception of the population
  • organizational and methodological work with medical personnel,
  • work with documents
  • compiling reporting forms, etc.

Approves the work plans of the specialized departments of the institution. 2.3. Coordinates the work of the specialized departments of the institution: 2.3.1. implementation of systematic quality control of the treatment and diagnostic process by conducting: a) current analysis during planned rounds of departments in accordance with the approved schedule; b) councils; c) operational control when receiving daily reports of doctors on duty on the case histories of urgently admitted severe patients with negative dynamics, difficult in diagnostic terms; d) hold clinical and anatomical conferences; e) take part in clinical reviews and clinical conferences in accordance with the work plan of the departments of the Volgograd State Medical University; f) carry out weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual monitoring of quantitative and qualitative performance indicators; 2.3.2.

Job description of the Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs

Takes measures to ensure that the employees of the organization perform their duties.

2.20. Controls compliance with the requirements of the internal labor regulations, labor protection, technical operation devices, equipment and mechanisms.
2.21. Qualified and timely executes orders, instructions and instructions of the rector, as well as legal acts on his professional activities.


Systematically improves his skills. III. Functional responsibilities chief physician of a medical organization: · · · · · · · · · IV.

Rights The Deputy Chief Medical Officer has the right to: 4.1.


Get acquainted with the draft orders of the university management regarding its activities.

4.2. Submit proposals for the improvement of work related to the duties provided for in this job description for consideration by the university management.

Job description of the deputy chief physician for the medical unit

Analyze the effectiveness of providing primary health care to the attached population in the branch of the Institution and the activities of the branch of the Institution related to the admission of patients, including through extrabudgetary funding channels; 2.18.
Participate in the development of administrative, regulatory and methodological documents related to the activities of the Branch and the Institution, timely familiarize the staff of the branch of the Institution with orders relating to the activities of the Institution; 2.19.
Monitor compliance with standards, quality and delivery procedures medical services in branches located on the territory of the branch of the Institution.
Systematically conduct expert assessment outpatient cards; 2.20.
Timely identify and expediently use hidden reserves, as well as introduce the latest achievements of science and technology aimed at improving the quality of personnel work and service culture; 2.21.


I approve [position, signature, full name of the head or other official authorized to approve the job description] [day, month, year] M.

P. Job description of the deputy chief physician for the medical unit [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]
n.] This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations. one.

General provisions 1.1. The Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs belongs to the category of leaders and reports directly to the Chief Physician.

1.2. A person with a higher medical education, postgraduate training and work experience in the specialty of at least [value] years is accepted for the position of Deputy Chief Physician for the Medical Department. 1.3.

Job Descriptions

To organize and control the development of the preventive orientation of the activities of the branch of the Institution, in particular: - conducting sanitary and educational work among patients; – formation of an educational and methodological base for public lectures and “Schools of Health”; – holding public lectures and classes in the “Schools of Health” in accordance with the approved program; - organization of medical examination of the attached population; 2.15. Control the formation of dispensary groups for dynamic monitoring in accordance with the approved regulations, ensuring interaction with district specialists; 2.16.

Coordinate and control the timeliness, efficiency and quality of dispensary observation of registered persons, especially workers industrial enterprises, adolescents, veterans of war and labor, persons who are ill for a long time and often; 2.17.

Bypassing the chambers should be carried out together with the heads of departments, who report to the deputy.

ch. doctor on MCH about the work of the department and the condition of patients, and receive from him the necessary comments.

Doctors, nurses, housewives, etc. also participate in the bypass.

2.2.26. Organize and supervise the work on medical statistics, ensure correct setting medical records. 2.2.27.

To control the correct organization of medical nutrition and the sanatorium-hygienic state of the catering department.

2.2.28. Organize scientifically - research work doctors of the sanatorium and supervise their work.
2.2.29. Supervise the proper maintenance, execution and storage of medical records and other medical records.
2.2.30. Organize specialized, consulting assistance to doctors of the sanatorium. 2.2.31.

2. position on the deputy chief physician for the medical part

Ministry of Health of Russia dated 08.10.2015 N 707n “On approval of the Qualification requirements for medical and pharmaceutical workers with higher education in the direction of training “Health care and medical sciences”: — Higher education– specialist in one of the specialties: “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”, “Medical and preventive care”; — Training in internship / residency in the specialty "Organization of health care and public health" or professional retraining in the specialty "Organization of health care and public health" with internship / residency training in one of the specialties of the enlarged groups of specialties "Clinical Medicine" or "Health Sciences and Preventive Medicine"; — Advanced training at least once every 5 years during the entire career.
Accounting: regulations on conducting inventory, write-off of equipment, equipment, inventory and their accounting.

Requirements for reporting to the accounting department, forms for confirming the expenditure of funds, etc.

Deputy ch. doctor on MCh transmits: 7.3.1. Ch. to the doctor of the sanatorium: reports, explanatory notes, draft orders, contracts, instructions, action plans, letters, etc.

For consideration, imposition of resolutions or approval (signature). 7.3.2. Specialist of the OT service of the sanatorium: proposals for a comprehensive plan for labor protection, instructions for labor protection, job descriptions for approval and approval. 7.3.3.

organizational and personnel work: proposals for the vacation schedule, endorsed applications for employment or dismissal of employees for consideration and transfer to the head physician, proposals for drawing up a collective agreement, applications for training.

Deputy for medical duties

Timely execution of orders and orders of the Chief Physician; 4.4.

Organization of the process of providing medical services personally and by employees of the branch of the Institution in accordance with current standards(orders, standards) for the provision of medical services in the amount provided for by the current License of the Institution; 4.5. Organization of work on additional drug provision for assigned patients of preferential categories; 4.6.
Methods of management and enterprise management. 5.7. Domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in sanatorium - resort construction, medical equipment. 5.8. Organization of medical diagnostic work, medical nutrition, cultural - mass and sports - health work etc. 5.9. Regulations on labor protection, fire safety (standards, regulations, rules, instructions, building codes, etc.) 6 Qualifications Higher medical education and at least 5 years of work experience in the profile 7 Relationships (connections by position) 7.1.

Deputy ch. doctor for MCH works in close cooperation with the leaders of all structural divisions sanatorium and the management of the sanatorium (ch.

Require the heads of structural divisions to comply with the approved job descriptions for labor protection, fire safety, instructions for the operation of equipment and medical equipment. 3.1.5.

Demand to provide the sanatorium with quality food and in sufficient quantities 3.1.6.

Demand that the sanatorium be provided with a sufficient amount of medicines and medicines. 3.1.7. Require timely repair of buildings, structures, equipment. 3.1.8. Submit bids and offers for purchases modern equipment for conducting medical and diagnostic work 3.1.9.

Participate in various meetings, meetings, etc.

3.1.10. To give proposals for the improvement of medical and diagnostic, cultural - mass work and other issues in order to fulfill their official duties. 3.1.11 Give performances Ch.

Institutions must know: the Constitution and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on healthcare, including without fail the Law of the Russian Federation No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, Order No. 541n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia and other regulatory legal acts, regulating medical, economic and financial-economic activities of healthcare institutions; Charter and structure of the Institution; the procedure for maintaining time records; means of communication, computer and organizational equipment; the procedure and terms for reporting; the procedure for acquiring equipment, furniture, inventory, stationery and processing payments for services; fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; requirements of labor protection, fire safety, civil defense.