How to write an explanatory letter for not following an order. Sample explanatory note for non-fulfillment of official duties. How to do it

  • 07.05.2020

No one is immune from mistakes in the performance of their work. But sometimes the cost of working mistakes can be too high - an accident or an accident. In such situations, or for their prevention, the authorities will require the offender to explain in writing.


There is no standardized form of an explanatory note. In free form, the employee must state:

  • preconditions for committing one's mistake;
  • reasons for non-performance or improper performance official duties;
  • all accompanying circumstances;
  • the consequences of the breach;
  • what the employee deems necessary to additionally report in connection with this situation;
  • what efforts he is going to make in order to correct the consequences of the violation, and also so that this does not happen again in the future.

IMPORTANT! The employer has the right to bring an employee to disciplinary liability for failure to perform official duties only if the employee has a signature on familiarization with the job description.

The preparation of an explanatory note is subject to general rules office work:

  • addressing to the manager (“header” in the upper right corner);
  • Name and position of the employee;
  • the name of the document "Explanatory note" in the middle of the sheet;
  • mandatory indication of the date of the misconduct and the date of writing the explanatory note;
  • employee's handwritten signature.

An example of an explanatory note about non-fulfillment of official duties

to CEO
InformService LLC
Demurov G. E.
office secretary
Lastochkina D. M.

on failure to perform duties

Dear Georgy Evgenievich!

I acknowledge the validity of the claims to my work on September 19, 2017 by the head of the office L.D. Matrekhina. On this day, I did not process the incoming correspondence in a timely manner, because of which further affairs of the office were delayed. The reason for the delay is a computer breakdown, an application for the repair of which was submitted by me late, on the same day, 09/19/2017 at 12:30. The delay is due to the fact that at first I tried to get the computer working on my own, which did not lead to positive results and only exacerbated the delay.

I plead guilty to violating office hours. I always try to follow the instructions for paperwork in my work, and henceforth I will strive to fulfill my official duties, informing the relevant services in time about circumstances beyond my control.

  • An example of an explanatory note

How to write an explanatory note?

An explanatory note is a business document that is in the internal circulation of the organization. The content of the document involves an explanation of the causal relationship between an event, act or fact, usually of a negative nature, that has already happened. An explanatory note can be an accompaniment to the main document, then its contents will provide explanations of certain provisions of this document.

The purpose of the explanatory note is to clarify the situation by a person who is the main person in the events that have occurred, perhaps their culprit; the purpose of the explanatory note is to conduct an internal investigation into the causes of the incident, understand them, and draw the right conclusions.

In Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer undertakes to demand the writing of an explanatory note from the employee in the event of an alleged disciplinary offense. The employee has the right to refuse to write an explanatory note, the law provides for this, the employer in this case has the right to apply a disciplinary sanction in relation to the employee, without his explanatory note.

The form, the explanatory note template includes the required details:

  • - name of company;
  • - an indication of the official to whom the note is addressed, his full name;
  • - name of the document - "Explanatory note";
  • - date of compilation and registration number of the note;
  • - title to the text ("Regarding ...", "About ...");
  • — explanation text;
  • - the compiler, his signature.

An example of an explanatory note

Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology Orlova N.I.
from a student of group 218 Ivleva G.P.

Explanatory note

Regarding missing classes on October 22, 2011.
I, Ivleva Galina Petrovna, missed the school day on October 22 (3 classes and 1 practical seminar), due to the fact that my mother from the village of. Alexandrovka.
My mother has a heart disease, and she has to undergo examinations several times a year at the center of functional diagnostics, which is exactly what she came for this time. On October 22, 2011, she suddenly became ill, she began to choke, I called an ambulance for my mother.
The doctor gave my mother the injections she needed and told her that she needed to rest for the whole day. I decided not to go to classes, I stayed to observe the condition of my mother. The ambulance doctor Prosyannikov A.V., at my request, wrote a note that my mother needed observation. Attached is a note from the doctor. Please take into account good reason absenteeism.

Student of group 218 Ivleva Ivleva G.P.

Sample explanatory note to school

An explanatory note to the school is drawn up in accordance with the usual requirements, only the parent of the student, or his official guardian, can write it, a similar note is written in the name of the director, it is necessary to indicate in the note the class your child goes to.

Director of Alexander secondary school No. 15 Nikitin S.A.
from Kotov A.A., father
a student of the 6th "A" class, Sergey Kotov.

Explanatory note

About skipping classes by Sergey Kotov on October 2, 2012.
I, Kotov Alexey Aleksandrovich, together with my family - my wife and son Sergey, a student of the 6th "A" class, on October 2, 2012, was traveling with suburban area where we harvested. When we were about 5 kilometers from the city, my car stalled. I couldn't start the car so I had to call a tow truck. As a result of this incident, my son was 3 hours late for class. On this day, he had only 4 lessons, there was no point in going to classes. I called the class teacher Anna Petrovna Osipova and explained that my son had missed classes for a good reason.

Explanatory note on non-fulfillment of the plan

Sample explanatory note to tax

Head of the department of desk audits of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 2 of Artyom
Stafeeva A.O.
from CEO Yuzhnoye LLC Aleksandrova I.I.

Explanatory note

Regarding the claims of the tax inspectorate
I, Alexandrov Ivan Ivanovich, in response to the claims of the department of desk audits of the Federal Tax Service No. 2 about the late submission of reports, I explain that due to a serious illness of the accountant of Yuzhnoye LLC, in October 2010 I had to deal with filling out and sending quarterly reports on my own.
The report to the tax office was sent by me personally by registered mail, with notification, at the post office No. 3 of the city of Artyom on October 20, 2010, which does not contradict the existing legislation, the deadlines for sending the report were not violated by me. Perhaps the postal workers are to blame for the late report.
I am enclosing the postal receipts with the explanatory note, which indicate the time of sending the registered letter by me.

director of Yuzhnoye LLC Alexandrov Alexandrov I.I.

Explanatory note for being late

lieutenant colonel Pavlenko S.S.
from an employee of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a clerk of the combat department
Zaitseva O.P.

Explanatory note

Concerning being late for work on July 26, 2012
I, Zaitseva Olga Petrovna, on July 26, 2012, was 2 hours late for work. The fact is that this morning, during my journey to the bus stop, I became a witness and participant in an unpleasant incident. A ten-year-old girl walking in front of me was suddenly attacked by a stray dog ​​and bitten. I had to intervene in the situation, as the girl was very scared and crying, and her wound was bleeding. I took the girl to the nearest emergency room, called her parents at work, and then went to work. Please consider a valid reason for being late.

Sample explanatory note for absenteeism

Commander of military unit 55555
lieutenant colonel Pavlenko S.S.
from an employee of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a locksmith of the logistics department
Petrova O.S.

Explanatory note

Concerning absenteeism on 29 July 2010
I, Petrov Oleg Semyonovich, on July 29, 2010, could not go to work. The previous Sunday evening there were guests in my house, there were few snacks, and a lot of alcohol. I myself did not understand what had happened, only I woke up late in the evening with a terrible headache, and there were no guests in the house anymore. I decided to remove the dishes from the table and lie down a little more. When I next woke up, it was already late Monday morning. I realized that I was very late for work, my head and whole body still ached. I didn't go to work. I admit that I was wrong. This won't happen again.

Sample explanatory note of a cashier

Store Manager No. 8
Klimova N.P.
from the cashier of the industrial goods department
Panova O.V.

Explanatory note

Regarding the erroneously punched check on April 5, 2010
I, Popova Olga Vladimirovna, April 5, 2010, erroneously punched cash receipt, found an error before removing the daily report with cancellation. It cannot be my fault for what happened, since I am very attentive to working with KKM. I think the reason for this is a malfunction in the operation of the cash register, since such errors are observed for several days in a row. I ask you to pay attention to the work of this KKM.

Explanatory note (sample) is a reference or informational document. In accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code, before a decision is made to attract an employee to the employer, an explanation must be taken from him in writing.

Conventionally, a document can be of an explanatory and justifying nature; in each specific case, one or another of its types is used. An explanatory justification is issued in the case when the employee unconditionally agrees with the commission by him negative effect. An explanatory note is drawn up when an explanation of the conditions of the committed misconduct is necessary.

An explanatory note may be required under various circumstances that arise in the workplace for further submission to a higher official. A document is drawn up at the order of the latter, or at the initiative of the employee in order to obtain objective information about the misconduct committed.

The explanatory note contains an indication of:

An explanatory note is drawn up on paper in the name of the person who requested it. The legislator does not provide for its mandatory form, but a number of companies have developed standard forms such a document.


The employee has the right to refuse to write an explanatory note, while providing a refusal to the employer in writing, which does not entail legal consequences for him.

The act of refusing to write an explanatory note

It should reflect:

  • name (Act on refusal to write an explanatory note);
  • data about the employee (“refusenik”), indicating his initials, position, name of the enterprise / organization;
  • data on persons (at least 2) present at the drawing up of the act, indicating their full names and positions;
  • a description of the situation that became the basis for demanding explanations from the violating employee with reference to the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • other information, for example, when an employee gave an explanation for his refusal to write a note, then this fact must be reflected in the act;
  • date of preparation of the document;
  • signature of the person who made it.

The employee is given 2 days (working days) to write an explanatory note, otherwise the said refusal act is drawn up, on the basis of which disciplinary measures can be applied to him.

How to write an explanatory note

Not everyone knows how to write an explanatory note in case of violations work schedule, non-fulfillment of the work assignment, management orders, etc., although there are no special standards for it.

How to write an explanatory note? To do this, you should be guided by certain rules, including:

  • writing a document from the 1st person;
  • compliance business style presentations;
  • brevity, consistency, reliability, consistency of the information presented.

The explanation is certified by the personal signature of the employee who committed the misconduct, and the date of writing such is affixed. On its basis, the head must decide whether to impose or not.

On specialized sites, you can find an example of an explanatory note or download a sample of it, which you can use when drafting a document.

Correctly presented information in it often allows you to avoid the imposition of a disciplinary sanction.

It is useful to know which one if you decide to quit?

Explanation of various situations

Explanatory note about being late for work sample

So, for example, an explanatory note about being late for work is drawn up as follows:

  • In the upper right corner, the initials of the official to whom it is sent are indicated.
  • Here, below, the data of the employee giving the explanation (his full name, position) are indicated.
  • The name (Explanatory note) is written in the center.
  • The following is the necessary information about the situation that requires explanation, the reason for late arrival at work is indicated.
  • At the bottom of the document is the date of its writing and the personal signature of the employee.

Then an explanatory note about being late for work is submitted for further consideration to the manager (another authorized official), who must impose his resolution regarding further actions against the guilty person.

Sometimes an employee needs to explain the non-fulfillment or incomplete fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by the job description.

Every employee can make a mistake while doing their job. This does not depend on his professional level or experience in this field. A mistake can happen for any reason - fatigue, being unwell, or something else.
Such an error is classified as a failure to fulfill one's duties. Boss structural unit where the offender works, has the right to submit a memorandum to the head of the enterprise stating that a certain employee made a mistake. Any employee can submit such a note.

For failure to perform their duties, an employee may be subject to disciplinary action in the form of a reprimand or remark. If the mistake led to an accident in the workplace, then the dismissal.
In any case, the employer or manager must demand an explanation from the offending employee.

Explanations are presented in written and free form. The legislation does not provide unified form explanatory note.
In it, you need to describe in detail the reasons for making such a mistake, describe all the prerequisites and other things that are relevant to this situation. The degree of punishment depends on how detailed the explanation is.

But to involve the employee in disciplinary action for non-fulfillment of his duties by him is possible only if, when hiring, he was properly acquainted with his job description.
The employer must submit job description employee before you sign with him labor contract. The employee must familiarize himself with this document and put his signature on the last sheet. This will indicate that he knows all his duties.

How to write an explanatory note for non-fulfillment of official duties

When writing a note in the upper right corner, you must indicate the full name of the head in whose name this note is written and his position, as well as his position and full name.
Then, in the middle of the sheet, "Explanatory note" is written. Further, the delinquent employee sets out the whole situation in detail - describes the reasons for his misconduct, which was a prerequisite for this and other facts that are directly related to this situation.

It is mandatory to indicate the date of the offense. It is also necessary to list your main responsibilities and point out your mistake to the manager.

In no case should you transfer your guilt to your immediate supervisor or other employees of the structural unit. This can lead to the opposite effect. Also, do not complain about the fact that “I don’t remember my job duties well” or “I wasn’t really familiar with them.”
The best thing for a guilty person is to write the pure truth. You can refer to poor health or overwork, but you can not indicate that "tired, because the boss does not give vacation or time off."

The main idea of ​​the explanatory note is that this will not happen again, the employee is fully aware of his guilt and will make every effort to correct the consequences (if any) that his violation entailed.
At the end of the note is the date of its compilation, the signature of the employee and its transcript. Submit your application as soon as possible! The employee personally takes the note to the personnel department, where it must be properly registered. If the staff of the enterprise is not large, and the head of the enterprise receives employees personally, then you can hand over the note in person.


You can download a sample explanatory note about being late in .doc format

If it becomes problematic to appeal to the responsibility and consciousness of the team or its individual members through conversations and meetings, you can resort to official measures. For example, an explanatory note on non-fulfillment of official duties may be requested by the director as part of the clarification of a controversial working situation. It will force the employee to get together and state the facts of the work process that accompanied the improper performance of work functions.

Why are explanations needed?

When a violation occurs at work, and its participants blame each other, is it difficult to identify the perpetrators? Explanatory notes to the director will help to look at the situation from different angles and find the real culprit.

Is your leadership style based on loyalty and democracy, and as a result, employees have disbanded? Then an official request will help to shake things up and return the relationship to business.

The employee made a fatal mistake, and is it likely that you will have to continue proceedings in court? In this case, an explanatory note in hot pursuit will help to fix the facts more objectively, since in court the defendant can change the testimony in order to justify himself.

Based on the results of the explanatory note, the employee can be reprimanded for non-compliance official duties. For a repeated such violation, you have every right to dismiss him (Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

What should be in the document

An explanatory note is one of the varieties of a memo. it internal document organization, the form of which is approved by the local normative act. There is no unified form, so explanatory memos are written in any form.

But at the same time, the document must meet certain parameters.

  • The explanatory note should be concise and intelligible, presented competently and in a business style.
  • The agreement or disagreement of the employee with the alleged charge and the justification for it must be contained. If there is evidence of innocence, you need to bring / attach them.
  • The facts of the case are stated without evaluation, just the date, time and procedure. Only significant details are written in detail.
  • If there are circumstances extenuating the fault of the employee, they are indicated.

In addition, the document must contain the following details.