By electronic document management. SED: an introduction. Simple or unqualified signature

  • 12.04.2020

Dear readers! Due to the fact that when collecting material for this study, the functionality of the MOTIV system presented in the review was incorrectly assessed, the editors, at their discretion, corrected the diagrams to more accurately reflect the functionality of the specified product. The corrected diagrams indicate the functionality of the MOTIV system version 1.1, which existed at the time of the selection of test participants (March 2010). It is possible that some parameters of other systems are also estimated incorrectly.

We also remind you that this moment the material is very outdated and cannot be a basis for evaluating the functionality of modern versions of these systems or the relationship between them.

AT modern organization electronic document management systems (EDMS) are becoming an indispensable element of the IT infrastructure. With their help, increase the efficiency of commercial companies and industrial enterprises, and in public institutions on the basis of electronic document management technologies, tasks are solved internal management, interdepartmental interaction and interaction with the population. The generally accepted abbreviation is EDMS, although CAD (workflow automation system), EDMS (electronic document management system) and SADO (document management system) are also used along with it.

An electronic document management system (EDMS) is an organizational and technical system that provides the process of creating, managing access and distributing electronic documents in computer networks, as well as providing control over the flow of documents in the organization.

Initially, systems of this class were considered only as a tool for automating the tasks of classical office work, but over time they began to cover an ever wider range of tasks. Today, EDMS developers orient their products to work not only with correspondence and ORD (organizational and administrative documents), but also with various internal documents(contracts, normative, reference and project documentation, documents on personnel activities, etc.). EDMS are also used to solve applied problems in which work with electronic documents is an important component: managing interaction with customers, processing citizens' appeals, automating the work of a service department, organizing project workflow, etc. In fact, an electronic document management system is called any information system that provides work with electronic documents.

The EDMS market in recent years has been one of the most dynamically developing segments of the domestic IT industry. In 2009, according to IDC, against the backdrop of a nearly 50% decline in the total software market in Russia, this segment showed high stability. According to the data for 2009, its decline was no more than 20-25%. In numerical terms, the volume of the EDMS market today, according to CNews Analytics, is about 220-250 million dollars.

Consumers of electronic document management technologies are organizations of various sizes and specifics. Traditionally, the public sector remains the key consumer of EDMS. According to experts, about 30% of projects for the introduction of electronic document management technologies are accounted for by government agencies. At the same time, it is important that it was the interest on the part of the state that became the basis for the sustainability of the EDMS market, which even in times of crisis received a significant development impetus. Electronic document management was called a key element of the concept of "electronic government", the implementation of which should help eliminate bureaucratic obstacles in the interaction between the state, the population and business, as well as reduce corruption. As a feature of the implementation of projects in the bodies state power and major state institutions It is worth noting the increased requirements for information security. We are talking about the construction (development) on the basis of replicated software products of secure electronic document management systems.

About EDMS Developers

When choosing an EDMS class solution, the customer considers various options: a boxed solution, a platform-based solution, or custom development. Russian developers mainly offer ready-made solutions, while Western developers act as platform providers, on the basis of which design solutions and custom developments are implemented. According to statistics, in the market structure, Russian developers account for about 95% of the total number of projects for the implementation of EDMS. One of the explanations is that in Russia the specificity of working with documents, based on domestic management traditions, is still strong.

It is worth noting that a number of vendors have begun to provide EDMS to customers in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode, but so far this approach, for a number of reasons (trust in the provider, quality and reliability of communication channels), is more likely to be considered as a form of acquaintance with the capabilities of the system, and not as a real approach to workflow automation.

One of the emerging trends is the use of ECM (Enterprise content management) class systems for working with documents.

According to the free encyclopedia (Wikipedia):
Enterprise content management (ECM) - management information resources enterprise or corporate information management.

Within the framework of the ECM concept, document management is considered as one of the tasks of ensuring work with corporate information. This approach is supported mainly by Western developers. And although in Russia the demand for such technologies is still in the formative stage, many domestic EDMS have already implemented various ECM components: document management, document image management, long-term storage of documents, workflow management (Workflow), collective work with documents. Fundamentally, ECM technologies differ from EDMS by a deeper elaboration of the issues of managing web content and multimedia content.

State initiatives around the "Electronic Document"

In 2009-2010, several global government initiatives began to be implemented in Russia related to the organization of official electronic interaction between the state, the population and business, aimed at increasing the level of penetration of information technologies into various aspects of state and public life. These include approval of the list public services provided to the population via the Internet, and the approval of provisions on the system of interdepartmental document management, which became the first important steps towards the implementation of the concept of "electronic government".

It is important to note that the issue of the legal basis of the electronic document is still open. Today, the activities of participants in electronic document management are regulated by laws and regulations on the use of electronic- digital signature(EDS), GOST and instructions for office work and archiving, laws and regulations on information technology. It turns out that the rules and procedures for working with documents are defined at the state level, there are security requirements for information systems, but the legislation has not yet defined legal status electronic document.

EDMS standards

Today, the activities of EDMS developers are practically not regulated. Developing software products and implementing implementation projects, developers and suppliers, to one degree or another, are guided by the following regulatory and legal documents:

  • GOST R 51141-98. Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of February 27, 1998 No. 28);
  • Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 1-FZ "On Electronic Digital Signature" (as amended on November 8, 2007);
  • GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2003 N 65-st);
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2009 No. 754 "On approval of the Regulations on the system of interdepartmental electronic document management";
  • Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”.

When implementing projects for the implementation of EDMS, in the case of working with personal data, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the Federal Laws of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" and of December 27, 2009 N 363-FZ "On Amendments to Articles 19 and 25 federal law"About personal data".

Since GOSTs are advisory in nature, the developers include maximum flexibility in their solutions so that, depending on the customer, various schemes for working with documents can be implemented on the basis of the system. Often, the architecture and logic of the system must provide different and sometimes opposite approaches to document flow automation. The lack of generally accepted standards is a problem not only for developers, but also for customers, since the choice of requirements for an EDMS becomes too subjective. Enterprises often cannot even focus on industry practices (this approach has proven itself well when choosing a supplier of IT systems of the ERP, CRM, HRM, etc. class). The rules and regulations for working with documents may differ from enterprise to enterprise, not only within the same industry, but even within the same group of companies. A few simple examples: does the enterprise work according to GOSTs or not? How well does the work with documents correspond to GOSTs? Is senior management ready to work in the system or will assistants and secretaries work for top management? Does the enterprise use any of the Western management practices? What automation tools do employees use at work? And although in general the complex of tasks of electronic document management is quite clear, the methods of their implementation vary greatly. It turns out that one of the main requirements for the developers of a modern EDMS is to offer an adequate solution in terms of price, quality and implementation time, regardless of the specifics of the customer's work (in other words, satisfying any specifics).

Technical capabilities of modern electronic document management systems

The review considers the nine most common EDMS in Russia: Directum (Directum), DocsVision (DocsVision), Globus Professional (Prominfosystems), PayDox (Paybot), 1C: Document Management (1C), Boss Referent (BOSS - Referent, IT Group), DELO (EOS), EUFRATS (Cognitive Technologies), MOTIVE (Motive). We deliberately did not include in it the solutions of Russian developers based on the Documentum platform (EMC Documentum), since in this case it is impossible to talk about any specific functionality and replicability. To prepare the review, information from open sources was used: information materials and demo versions of software products. The presented view of the EDMS is an attempt to assess the capabilities and readiness of software products to solve the actual tasks of organizing electronic document management in an enterprise.

The criteria highlighted in the review will help you analyze the possibilities of the solutions under consideration from the point of view of the technical implementation of certain EDMS tasks. All possibilities are divided into seven functional circuits:

  • registration and entry of documents;
  • work with documents;
  • workflow management and control;
  • search and analysis of information;
  • Information Security;
  • support for paper workflow;
  • standard settings.

The general characteristics of the systems were placed in a separate table.

The review provides a number of obvious criteria that are inherent in all systems under consideration (and all systems of the EDMS class, in principle), and criteria that make it possible to distinguish solutions from each other. In general, the functionality of the systems is the same, and only a detailed specification of some of the principal tasks of the workflow and the features of their implementation allow us to compare different solutions. It should be noted that for all the systems presented in the review, there is a fairly large implementation practice. These systems are used by hundreds of organizations to automate workflow. Except these decisions, there are more than 50 software products on the market that are not widely used.

If we analyze new versions of systems that occupy leading positions in the market, it is worth noting that over the past three years their development has been mainly aimed at improving service capabilities, since the basic capabilities in one form or another have already been implemented earlier. If we talk about new technical capabilities, we can note the potential for the development of EDMS in the direction of management different kind content (multimedia), the use of auto-processing technologies and analysis of the content of the document. But so far, such functionality for the EDMS is not mandatory, and most importantly, the demand for it in Russia has not been fully formed.

When comparing functionality The following designations have been adopted for SED:

  • "+" - the opportunity is implemented;
  • «+/−» - the feature is available with limited functionality or additional software needs to be purchased;
  • "−" - the possibility is not implemented.

Table 1. General characteristics the most popular EDMS

Rice. 1. General characteristics of the most popular EDMS

Table 2. Registration and entry of documents

Rice. 2. Registration and entry of documents

Table 3. Working with documents

Rice. 3. Working with documents

Table 4. Workflow management and control

Rice. 4. Workflow management and control

Table 5. Search and analysis of information

Rice. 5. Search and analysis of information

Table 6. Information security

Rice. 6. Information security

Table 7. Support for paper workflow

Rice. 7. Support for paper workflow

Table 8. Standard setup tools

Rice. 8. Standard setup tools

Table 9. ERMS functionality summary

Rice. 9. Final Evaluation of ERMS Functionality

To conduct a comprehensive assessment, we will consider the presented EDMS according to the “price / functionality” ratio that is understandable to everyone. We do not consider the third important criterion - "Implementation time", since it strongly depends not only on the configuration tools provided by the system, but also on the qualifications and motivation of the project team. The position of the systems in terms of "optimal price / functionality" for small projects (for 20 users) and for fairly large projects (for 100 users) is shown below.

Diagram 1. "Optimal price / functionality" EDMS (20 users)

Rice. 10. "Optimal price / functionality" EDMS (20 users)

Diagram 2. "Optimal price / functionality" EDMS (100 users)

Rice. 11. "Optimal price / functionality" EDMS (100 users)

These diagrams are built according to the Gartner Magic Quadrant principle, in which systems located in Quadrant I have the optimal ratio according to the “optimum price/functionality” criterion. In II and IV quadrants of the diagram there are systems that do not have balanced indicators of price and functionality.

The criterion chosen for the study makes it possible to evaluate various EDMS from the point of view of their readiness to solve real problems of electronic document management in a modern enterprise. The group of leaders both in the case of small projects (Diagram 1) and large projects (Diagram 2) included Directum, DocsVision, MOTIV and EUFRATS systems. The remaining systems are located in the II and IV quadrants. The only exception was the DELO system, which also fell into the first quadrant of the diagram for an EDMS for 20 users. The results obtained by the EDMS Globus Professional, PayDox, 1C: Document Management, Boss Referent, DELO show that these systems do not offer an integrated approach for automating work with documents, but are niche offerings focused on solving only a certain class of electronic document management tasks. The absence of systems in the III quadrant is explained by the fact that the review considered the most common EDMS in Russia, and not all systems currently offered to customers.

We hope that the presented overview will be useful to you when choosing a system. I would like to note that by implementing the EDMS today, the organization not only increases the efficiency of its activities, but also, which is very important, gains valuable experience and practice in new conditions - in the conditions of electronic document management.

P.S. For the preparation of the review, only publicly available materials from the official websites of EDMS manufacturers were used. After the publication of the article, it turned out that due to the incomplete description of the products by the Industrial Information Systems”, information about their decision is inaccurate. We will study this issue in detail and describe the results in the next article.

"," Thesis "and 1C: Document management. The share of these solutions in TAdviser base exceeds 60%.

At the same time, for Last year it contains information about 600 new projects. In 2019 the base of TAdviser most often replenished with information on implementations of the Elma, "Thesis", DirectumRX and "1C: Document Management" systems.

If we consider implementations by vendors, taking into account all the solutions of a particular company related to EDMS / ECM, then in this case, the Top 5, as of the end of 2019, will look like this: Directum, Elma,, Docsvizhn and Haulmont .


As of December 2018, TAdviser's database of EDMS/ECM projects included information on more than 5.1 thousand implementations. Since December 2017, i.e. Since the publication of the previous report, it has been replenished with almost 700 new and archival projects.

Half of all projects, information about which is available on the site, falls on 5 domestic systems- Directum, Elma, Docsvision, "Case" and "Thesis".

If you look at the implementation of all products of the EDMS / ECM class of specific vendors, then by the number of projects the top five will look like this: Directum, Elma, Electronic Office Systems (EOS), Doksvizhn and Haulmont.


Most popular EDMS/ECM systems

As of early December 2017, TAdviser's database of EDMS/ECM projects included information about approximately 4,440,000 implementations. Since November 2016, i.e. since the publication of the previous report, it has been replenished with 460 new and archival projects.

More than half of all projects, information about which is available on the site, fall on 5 domestic systems - Directum, Docsvision, ELMA, Delo and 1C: Document Management.

If you look at the implementation of all products of the EDMS / ECM class by specific vendors, then in terms of the number of projects, the top five, like a year ago, will look like this: Directum, Electronic Office Systems (EOS), ELMA, Doksvizhn and 1C.


Most popular EDMS/ECM systems

As of the beginning of November 2016, the TAdviser project base included information on 3980 implementations of EDMS / ECM systems in various industries. According to these data, the largest number of projects was completed using Directum (677 projects), ELMA (446), Delo (430), DocsVision (428) and 1C: Document Management (164) systems.

Of course, these figures are far from the real number of implementations, because, for example, only on the website of the 1C company there is information about more than 1.5 thousand implementations of 1C: Document Management. Nevertheless, the voiced data make it possible to understand which systems are most often used in Russia.

In the top ten most frequently implemented systems, only two foreign solutions are represented - Documentum and SharePoint. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that projects where foreign products are used are taken by volume, and not by quantity.

Vendors by number of EDMS/ECM implementations

The graph above shows the total implementations of all systems of specific vendors that belong to the EDMS /ECM class. If one project used two or more solutions of the same vendor, which are classified as EDMS (ECM) in the TAdviser database, then the implementation of each solution was taken into account separately.


Most popular EDMS/ECM systems

According to TAdviser, the Delo electronic document management system is the leader in the number of implementations. In the TAdviser database for the entire observation period, there are 418 projects completed using this decision. Slightly fewer projects were implemented using DocsVision - 416 implementations. Also in the top five in quantitative terms are the systems ELMA, Directum and "1C: Document Management 8" - 393, 368 and 124, respectively. In total, the TAdviser database, as of November 2015, contains information on more than 3.3 thousand projects.

Among all the projects completed in 2014, and there are about 500 of them in the TAdviser database, the largest number of implementations fell on the ELMA, Directum, Delo, DocsVision and "

A mandatory element of the "digital" infrastructure of a modern enterprise or organization is a document management system. Work with external and internal documents is considered to be the most complex, labor-intensive and “problematic” area of ​​enterprise activity. Electronic Solutions make it possible to significantly simplify and optimize it.

The use of specialized systems is relevant both for companies in the commercial sector and government agencies. For the first they open up prospects for increasing profitability, returns on work, and for the second they will effective solution tasks to optimize the flow of information and papers, interdepartmental interaction and work with .

An electronic document management system (EDMS) is a necessity, not an option. Most of today's companies create office papers in digital form, but, due to the imperfection of information exchange processes, employees are forced to print them out, transfer them in a “physical” form and waste time and effort on an unnecessary routine. An inefficient format can be difficult to change - for this it is necessary to automate the activities of the company in a comprehensive manner, but the result will exceed all expectations. A well-organized EDMS or ECM system (content management system of organizations) will help to manage information and document flows at all levels and stages of existence.

General information about the elements and structure of the EDMS

Initially created as a tool for traditional office work and its automation, today EDMS has evolved into multifunctional, complex products. An electronic document management system is a solution that:

  • provides the process of creating and moving internal company documentation in electronic form;
  • processes incoming correspondence and external regulatory and administrative documents;
  • simplifies control over document flows;
  • helps to effectively manage relationships with partners, customers and so on.

In the company, SED provides work with all documents in electronic form- any set of information stored or transferred to a PC. They must be accompanied by attributes on a kind of "cards" that identify the unit.

Document management in electronic form is a way to centrally organize work with papers, where most of the registers and transactions are presented in electronic form. Accordingly, the system that manages it is a solution with tools for implementing all procedures for creating, modifying, searching for documents and supporting interaction between company employees.

Sometimes it is called EDMS (Electronic Document Management System) or the aforementioned ECM, but these terms are somewhat broader than EDMS - it is necessary to add to the latter the means of ensuring the safety of information, entering paper documents into a digital environment, processing multimedia content, and so on. The electronic document management system is based on workflows - Workflow, which are the actions of employees within the boundaries of a dedicated business process.

Advantages of EDMS

The existing basic structure of the EDMS has proven itself to be an efficient, effective mechanism that is convenient for enterprises and institutions of any size. The EDMS market is actively developing, as both the public sector (an active consumer) and business structures are interested in software products that simplify document management. Also, the development of systems is facilitated by the expansion of the scope of electronic signatures and increased attention to information security issues. You can effectively solve them with the help of high-quality and well-thought-out programs.

The modern document management system has many advantages - it:

  • ensures transparency of the document flow and all business processes of the company - all actions and movements of papers can be tracked and controlled;
  • improves the discipline of work and execution of tasks - transparent systems are convenient for fixing the results and the fact of responding to the requirement;
  • reduces the time spent on everyday routine work - you do not need to search for, coordinate papers for a long time, their turnover is accelerating;
  • protects information from leakage, ensuring data security and strict delimitation of access rights;
  • is based on the principles specified in the ISO quality standards;
  • easy to implement among employees - subject to a well-organized staff training system;
  • gives the enterprise competitive advantages helps to maintain and develop internal corporate culture and so on.

The electronic document management system (EDMS) includes, among other things, the management of regulatory registers. Therefore, its work must be organized in accordance with the requirements of the law.

Standards and legal framework for EDMS

There are few specific standards or laws for electronic business systems in the domestic legal field, and when developing an EDMS, its creators are guided by a variety of regulations for "classic" office work. Among the main regulatory acts it is worth mentioning:

  • federal legislation on electronic digital signature (1-FZ of January 10, 2002), on information and its protection (149-FZ), on personal data (152 and 363-FZ), and so on;
  • Decrees of the federal and regional governments, industry rules and requirements;
  • GOSTs for office work, archives, administrative documentation systems - R 51141-98, R 6.30-2003 and others.

Sometimes regulations contradict each other, and the rules are advisory in nature, and the developers are trying to make the company's EDMS as adaptive and flexible as possible. You also need to take into account the constantly changing rules for working with electronic signatures, the "compatibility" of the system with a legally significant workflow. It is necessary that all official electronic papers of the organization be legitimate, their reliability can be easily determined. All this must be considered when choosing an EDMS for corporate use.

EDMS functionality

In order for an electronic document management system to be called complete, many functions must be implemented in it. The main ones include:

  • documentation management - input and registration, daily work, flow control;
  • communication with paper documents;
  • organized search and retrieval of data and documents - fast, in accordance with the level of clearance;
  • tracking the relevance of documentation (especially external, incoming) and archiving outdated documents;
  • maintaining an appropriate level of information security;
  • simple, transparent, intuitive communication between the program and end users.

The electronic document management system should be equipped with handy tools settings, localization, scale well. It is important that the developer provides for the possibility of organizing a single EDMS in geographically distant divisions of the company. It is necessary to organize an ordered electronic exchange of information between hierarchical levels in the system, as well as competently implement it in a real enterprise.

Implementation of the EDMS and evaluation of its effectiveness

Docsvision offers high-quality and modern software products for solving the problems of organizing and supporting electronic document management. Our difference is an integrated approach: together with the product itself, we provide a full range of support for the implementation of solutions, staff training and EDMS service. The implementation of the system at the enterprise is an important stage, it is the final “polishing” of the system and its adjustment to the needs of the customer. An implementation usually consists of:

  • research current situation in the company, creating an implementation plan;
  • transfer of the designed product to the real capacities of the company - the EDMS system adapts to them;
  • performance testing of the configured product;
  • training of management and staff - by the method of "shock therapy" or gradually;
  • operation and adjustments in its process, scaling, solving current problems.

The document management system must be efficient and recoup the investment in it. To evaluate the effectiveness of the EDMS, you can use the calculation methods for IT projects and, in principle, any intangible assets. It is necessary to take into account how actively third-party experts were involved in the work, what is the return on their intervention, what are the prospects for further profitability. You may encounter a situation where the calculation of efficiency will cost the customer more than the EDMS itself, but this must be done.

It is worth considering that traditional evaluation methods do not accurately determine the result - they pay attention to the costs of purchase and implementation, not taking into account the optimization of the work of various departments, speeding up the turnover of documents, and simplifying decision-making. It is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the EDMS in the complex, some time after its implementation, and then the results will pleasantly please customers.

You can choose the optimal edition of Docsvision, get acquainted with the cost of modules and licensing options on the page

It is no secret that the successful conduct of any business primarily depends on how the mechanism for streamlining documentation works. After all, work with paperwork, although it does not bring pleasure, is an important link in the management of a company.

In addition, documentation should be dealt with in a timely manner, otherwise it will begin to accumulate and be lost. In order to avoid possible losses, an electronic document management system was introduced.

In this article we will explain: What is EDMS? What are its types, advantages and disadvantages?

With the development of the Internet, the time of thick folders and dusty archives is a thing of the past. Now the process of working with documents is fully automated. The necessary papers can be found in one click, and archiving is done without human intervention at all. EDMS opens up such opportunities for enterprises.

An electronic document management system (EDMS) is a software through which documents are processed electronically. In other words, thanks to the EDMS, it is possible to transfer documents between employees, issue individual tasks, archive, etc.

Surely many organizations are able to create electronic documents, store and transfer them. However, a mere electronic format will not have any legal effect. In order for an electronic paper to gain weight, it is important that it be signed by both parties. In this case, the documents must be sealed with a special electronic signature.

Therefore, SED can be divided into two types:

  1. Document flow within the company between employees;
  2. Document flow between various enterprises and organizations through special communication channels.

To use the EDMS within the organization requires special software. Usually such a program is called an EDI platform. In addition, for the smooth operation of such software, additional hardware is required. For example, servers, network channels, and so on.

An electronic document management operator will be needed if you need to work with papers between two different companies. Such an operator will be a good helper. After all, he knows how to deliver messages, checks the format in which documents are sent, requires and controls the affixing of an electronic signature, stores and archives papers on his own, etc.

Thus, EDMS is the "circulatory system" of the entire business. It saves a lot of time, and, of course, has a positive effect on the work of the organization as a whole. But is there always a benefit to this type of information processing? And is EDMS capable of harming a business? To answer these questions, we need to consider the positive and negative sides electronic document management.

Pros and cons of EDI

Like any other process, EDI has both pros and cons. The main parameters are presented in the table below.

Advantages Flaws
  • Ordering . The system automatically affixes numbers to documents, which eliminates all sorts of errors
  • Tracking . At any time, you can find out who is working with the document
  • Preservation. The employee will not be able to lose or damage the electronic document
  • Recovery . Deleted document can be restored at any time
  • Preservation of temporary resources. The electronic form of the document gets to each employee in a matter of seconds, regardless of their location.
  • Convenient to work. If necessary, the employee can change the original version of the document. EDO makes it possible to restore each of them. In addition, you can track the names of those specialists who worked on the paper.
  • Availability . The EDI system operates 24/7. Moreover, when connected to it via the Internet, an employee can work with documentation at any time, even if he is in the hospital or on vacation.
  • Planning. The system allows the specialist to plan the progress of work with papers. You can set the date, time of execution, as well as the order. And at the right time, the program itself will prompt the employee about the need to complete his work.
  • Convenient search. The program is designed in such a way that it makes it possible to find required document not only by name, but also by keyword.
  • Saving paper. There is no need to print documentation, bind it into folders and make an inventory. All information is stored electronically, and at any time desired document can be printed on paper.
  • Money spendings. The creation of an EDI will require certain financial costs. Money is needed for software and hardware. The amount of costs will depend on the number of connected employees. On average, this amount will be about 100,000 rubles (*).
  • Immediately use the SED - it will not work. After the acquisition, installation, implementation and debugging of the program takes a large number of time and special skills.
  • Training. In order to properly use the EDMS, all involved employees must undergo special training.
  • Security. For the safety of information, company leaders must pay Special attention security. Namely, release electronic signature, determine which of the employees, and what access to the papers will have, and it will also be necessary to protect the program from penetration from the outside.
  • Administrator required. The staff of the organization must have a person who will be able to solve current tasks of working in the EDMS. Namely, to debug the server, to help users, to monitor the functioning of the system.
  • Permanent backup required. In order to preserve information, users must permanently save documents.
  • In some cases, the existence of an electronic and paper document is required. If, for example, a partner does not have an EDMS installed, then when working with him, the documentation must be both in electronic and paper form.

The real cost of electronic document management for small businesses

(*) If the company is small, and the owner of the business (or the individual entrepreneur himself) is going to sign the documents personally, then the costs will be minimal. They consist of the purchase of an electronic digital signature - 1,500 rubles and access to an electronic document management service - from 100 rubles.

For small volumes, our editors recommend the Kontur.Diadoc service. If you select the tariff Universal“, then the costs will be only 9 rubles per document sent. Compared to sending original documents by mail, sending one registered letter within the region will cost at least 50 rubles. The difference is obvious:

The system gives all new users 50 welcome bonus transfers of electronic documents.

As can be seen from the table, despite the positive aspects, the SED also has negative aspects. Basically, they come down to material costs, which, as it turned out, may not be small.

The company will incur significant costs not only for installing software and purchasing the necessary equipment, but also must hire an employee, without whose special skills, the electronic document management system simply will not work. Such an employee also needs to pay a salary. And this is another cost item.

But do not forget that the efforts expended will pay off in the future, and firms working with EDMS will only benefit. After all, they will save not only on the time of information processing, but will also significantly reduce the cost of paying for services, for example, an archivist. In addition to everything else, the electronic archive does not require additional premises, the purchase of additional stationery and other points.

What is an electronic document management system?

As a rule, this is an electronic document management system (EDM), in which you can generate, send, receive and sign electronic documents. They are equivalent to paper with a handwritten signature. To conduct electronic document management, you need an electronic signature certificate.

The interface usually consists of 2-3 tabs, including contractors (your partners and clients participating in EDI) and the main tab - Documents. In this tab, the Incoming and Outgoing sections will contain documents sent and received by you.

Types of EDI

Undoubtedly, when introducing electronic document management, organizations place great emphasis on efficiency. It is difficult to say which type of EDI for a particular organization will be most effective. It all depends on the direction of the enterprise and on its business processes.

However, there is a general qualification of EDI in terms of functionality, control technology, constituent components, etc. In this regard, the main types of SED can be distinguished:

  • Office system. This type is intended for conducting office work of the enterprise. Moreover, the work is carried out according to all accepted rules with vertical control, i.e. from superior to subordinate;
  • Electronic archives. the main objective such a system is the organization of work on the storage of documentation. Among other things, the program allows the user to easily find the necessary paper. However, the transfer of documentation in such a system would not be possible;
  • Workflow systems. This type of system is widespread among users due to the fact that its main task is the organization and automation of business processes. It is easy to do business with such software, and the workflow is just an excuse for the existence of working moments;
  • ECM systems. The software allows the user to introduce novelty into the organization management system. With the help of complex systems, it is possible to manage: documents, signatures, workflows, employee knowledge, and so on. This type of EDI will be much more expensive, because it offers the user advanced functionality.

It is worth noting that each type of EDMS becomes the largest of the previous one, and gives more opportunities to users. However, in order to appreciate the full benefits of electronic document management, you need to make the right choice.

How to choose the right SED

As already noted, the choice of an EDMS is a complex process that requires special attention. Among other things, the management of the company needs to take into account a huge number of decisive factors, such as the direction of the enterprise, staff, etc.

For example, for commercial organization it will be correct to install EDMS both between employees and between partners. Only in this way the enterprise will be able to obtain the necessary economic benefits.

For public institution it is better to focus on the specifics of his work, and pay more attention to the creation of electronic archives. And it is also required to train employees to work with them.

When choosing one or another EDMS, it is important to consider whether the system meets the stated requirements. These include:

  • Completeness of functionality;
  • Ease of use;
  • With what speed this system will be introduced into the workflow;
  • The presence of settings, and they must be flexible;
  • Does the system have the ability to expand the functionality;
  • Is it possible to adjust the EDMS to the existing software of the enterprise;
  • Ease of adaptation;
  • Availability technical support. It is important that such assistance be at a high level;
  • Manufacturer's reputation, etc.

Taking into account this fact, the user should adhere to the following actions:

  1. Explore functionality. Particular attention should be paid to the chapter "Opportunities". It is important that the manufacturer specifically specifies the list of tasks performed by the program. If there is no specifics, then it is worth abandoning such an EDMS system;
  2. Availability of thematic presentations. It is important that the program contains demo material, thereby explaining to the user how to use the functionality;
  3. Study screenshots. So the manager will be able to make sure whether the functionality is really simple, and whether it has the stated requirements;
  4. Be sure to read reviews from real users. Most the best option- is watching videos on YouTube;
  5. Many manufacturers offer executives free trials. So the user will be able to understand whether the selected product is suitable or not;
  6. As for the cost of the goods, it is obvious that this item cannot but excite the buyer. It is difficult to determine what the real cost of an EDMS should be, but it is worth exploring what this or that figure adds up to. Therefore, a detailed study of the price list will help the buyer to avoid unexpected costs and expenses.

It is worth remembering that only a specialist will help you make the right choice. Therefore, the selection and installation of an EDMS should be carried out only under the close attention of a person who has special skills.

Due to the high cost, not all organizations in our country work with EDMS. At the moment, only large firms do the processing of papers in electronic form. But things are changing, and it is likely that in the near future the need to work with the help of an EDMS will be appreciated, and many firms will be able to afford to conduct e-business. So, they will become the most effective and successful!