Qualified electronic signature for SP. How to make an electronic signature (ES) for tax. The procedure for obtaining an electronic digital signature

  • 24.05.2020

22 / 11 / 2018

How to get an EDS for an individual entrepreneur, what package of papers you need to prepare for the operation. How does a signature for entrepreneurs differ from the same for organizations.

To obtain electronic signature for IP, you need to collect a package of documents - only in the volume of papers it differs from a signature for enterprises. ES (or, as it used to be called, EDS) will allow an entrepreneur to expand the scope of activities, participate in tenders, including for public procurement, and also optimize document flow.

  • Why you may need an electronic signature for IP
  • Popular electronic signatures for individual entrepreneurs (reporting, cash register, government order and others)
  • Electronic signature for IP EGAIS
  • What documents need to be submitted
  • What are the advantages of electronic signature for IP
  • Where to apply for an electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs

What might be required

EDS provides individual entrepreneurs with the following opportunities:

  • all tax will be submitted via the Internet;
  • work with online state systems (for example, public services);
  • the ability to sign electronic contracts;
  • participate in public procurement;
  • negotiate contracts;
  • file complaints online;
  • submit bids at auctions;
  • work with ;
  • participation in any commercial auctions;
  • obtain accreditation for the ETP.

There are two types of electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs - qualified and for bidding which require a different package of documents. As a rule, it is recommended to receive both: a qualified one will be required to optimize accounting and workflow, the second one - to participate in auctions of all levels.

Popular electronic signatures for individual entrepreneurs

Electronic signature for IP EGAIS

What documents do you need to submit when applying?

To obtain a qualified signature, you will need the following package of papers:

  • original passport or its notarized copy (first page and page about the place of registration);
  • written statement;
  • consent to join the regulations of the certification center;
  • TIN number.

If the signature is opened not by the entrepreneur himself, but by his authorized representative, you will additionally need to submit a power of attorney.

To open a signature for trading, you need:

  • all documents for the previous version;
  • extract from the USRIP (printed version or electronic).

Often, documents may contain errors (which happens in 80% of cases). If you use the services of an operator, he will help eliminate all inaccuracies and certify the signature on the day of the request.

It is worth noting that the certificate for individual entrepreneurs differs from the option for enterprises in only one thing - the number of documents submitted. For organizations, it is somewhat more voluminous. At the same time, if hired employees work for an entrepreneur, he has the right to issue an EDS for each of them. However, in this regard, care must be taken - an employee who has the signature of an individual entrepreneur will officially represent the interests of the entrepreneur with all the ensuing consequences.

What are the advantages of an electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs?

The main benefits are:

  • reducing the time and money spent on office work;
  • you cannot unauthorizedly copy or forge a signature;
  • data protection and privacy;
  • the ability to quickly track appeals to individual entrepreneurs from inspection bodies and changes in legislation;
  • Entrepreneurs with such a signature receive the first line of service in the tax authorities;
  • can seriously expand the scope of activities and enter new markets.

Many of the benefits will depend on the type of signature that will be issued by the entrepreneur. It is worth noting that a legally qualified signature corresponds to a printed document with a handwritten signature and seal and has the same legal status.

How to get an electronic signature for IP

Taxnet helps individual entrepreneurs quickly obtain an electronic signature. Thanks to well-established work and more than 15 years of experience, we can guarantee the minimum time for registration, assistance in preparing documents and support at all stages of registration. 100% of clients who contact us receive required license in the shortest possible time.

Contact us - we really know how to facilitate your business and optimize office work!

EDS is an abbreviation for electronic digital signature. This is a kind of requisite, with the help of which the confirmation of the ownership of the document by the owner, as well as the changes made to it, takes place. EDS for individual entrepreneurs, just like for everyone legal entities, becomes a necessity, because the electronic circulation of documents is gradually replacing the paper one. But you still need to sign them.

How can I get an electronic signature

Before you get started, you need to understand the main points.

There are several purposes for such a signature:

The order in which the signature is drawn up depends on the type. A simple signature in order to use the services of the site requires a simple login and password or a code sent via SMS. It's also free. But if you need a qualified or unqualified signature, then you can’t do without issuing an ES certificate in a special certification center (CA).

One signature is created for a specific individual and confirms all of his legal actions. Where to get an electronic signature for IP? To do this, you need to contact the certification center.

It is required to provide a set of documents according to the list:

  • passport with a copy of the first page, as well as the one where the registration;
  • certificate of state registration of IP (copy);
  • certificate that the individual entrepreneur is registered with the tax authority (copy);
  • – original or notarized copy;
  • application for production and registration;
  • statement of consent of the individual entrepreneur to the processing of his personal data;
  • a statement that the individual entrepreneur agrees to join the Regulations of the CA.

When the package of papers is collected, the citizen hands it over to a specialist. There you need to come up with a password yourself (it will be impossible to replace it, so you should either remember it well or write it down).

But both the package of documents and the procedure for applying to the CA may be different. Some centers require personal presence, others organize the entire procedure online via the Internet.

How to get an electronic signature key for IP. An individual entrepreneur personally visits the CA and submits a set of documents. If there is a seal, then it must also be taken. If the package of documents is fully assembled and the digital signature is needed urgently, then it will be ready within 1-2 days. Indefinite production can be delayed for several weeks.

The kit itself comes with the key itself and a certificate for it. It confirms that the key belongs to a certain person, it can be paper or electronic.

The electronic signature key for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is of two types:

The certificate contains information about the owner of the EDS, number public key. This is a kind of passport of the owner. The certificate is valid for 1 year from the date of delivery to the client. During this time, a person is authorized to sign a certain set of securities with his help. Then a new one is required.

Electronic document management (EDF) is a part of the life of businessmen. It saves time, but today there is no mandatory need for it.

The individual entrepreneur decides whether to use the convenience or not. Setting up an EDI takes time and Money. At a minimum, you will have to install software.

What does the EDS look like and why is it better?

Depending on the features of a particular EDI, the EDS looks different:

  1. A certain combination of characters (numbers or letters) that contains a code cipher.
  2. Invisible signature, completely confidential, guarantees complete protection.
  3. A graphic signature looks like a seal, a sticker, a sample signature, and it can also be seen on paper.

The electronic signature is just entering the life of individual entrepreneurs, what advantages does it have over the usual one:

  • cannot be faked or copied, it is unique;
  • saving time on visiting authorities (bank, tax and others);
  • the ability to submit urgent documents at the last moment;
  • obtaining extracts and other documents without visiting institutions;
  • automatic access to system updates;
  • savings on the maintenance of some workers.

EDS has a price, it depends on the location of the entrepreneur, scope, option, etc. The average manufacturing cost is 2.5-20 thousand rubles. How much an EDS can cost in a particular case depends on the region and the pricing of the CA. But the advantage of an electronic signature over a regular one is undeniable.

If suddenly the owner of the electronic signature changes some personal data (surname, etc.), the certificate is immediately replaced, because. it becomes invalid.

Electronic reporting

For many years, reporting has been submitted electronically, along with paper reports. The standard procedure includes reporting, printing on paper, saving data to a USB flash drive, certification with a seal and signatures (director, Chief Accountant), then submitting these forms to the appropriate authority. If an error was made, the procedure was repeated again. Accordingly, it was necessary to start in advance, with a margin of time.

Today, reports to the tax, Pension Fund and other organizations can be submitted electronically.


It is important that a reliable CA is chosen, then the method of delivering the documentation to the target does not matter.

How to get an electronic signature for an individual entrepreneur for tax purposes? EDS made at the service tax service, will not be useful anywhere else.

All required fields are filled in the user's personal account. In the system, you need to select a method for storing the key, and then generate a certificate. If the data is correct, then the confirm button is pressed. After a short time (minute, hour) the key will be assigned.

If you store the key on a USB flash drive or in a laptop, then in case of loss, you will have to go through the procedure again. If the key is saved on the site of the tax office, then you can submit reports from any computer connected to the Internet, just enter Personal Area.

EDS for individual entrepreneurs, generated on the website of the Federal Tax Service, will only be useful for submitting tax reports.

The Federal Tax Service on its resource will offer to download and install the "Taxpayer" program, through which reporting will be generated.

Banking transactions via EDS

Even if there is no need to transfer all the work of an individual entrepreneur into electronic document management, then for minimal convenience, you can issue an electronic signature for banking operations.

With it, at any time you can:

  • look at the status of bank accounts;
  • order statements for any period;
  • send money by electronic payment order, etc.

To generate a statement or an electronic payment, you also do not need to visit a bank branch, which is convenient when an action needs to be completed urgently.

How can I get an EDS for an individual entrepreneur, as a bank client: when contacted, they themselves provide installation and maintenance services software customers through which electronic document management is carried out.

Public services are provided through the site of the same name by creating an account, and hence a simple electronic signature. When registering, the resource checks with the database of a citizen as an individual entrepreneur, the presence of information in the register (EGRIP).

It is difficult to master the convenience of the opportunities that the Internet provides, especially if the IP itself or its employees are aged, they are little familiar with the operation of networks, they do not even perceive it as real. There is no need to switch to EDS, all organizations work with paper media. But an electronic digital signature will become a convenience for individual entrepreneurs, a way to save time and money.

Any citizen registered as an individual entrepreneur can conduct commercial activity on a par with legal entities. This is especially true in the field of electronic interaction - Information Technology provide equal opportunities for all participants. And the security and protection of your interests are guaranteed by means of electronic digital signature.
EDS is one of the key tools of an entrepreneur, providing access to new areas of activity, saving time and making work easier. Thanks to the digital signature, the IP receives:

  • Access to government tenders and commercial purchases;
  • Organization of convenient and safe document flow;
  • Submission of reports in electronic form;
  • Access to public services of interest.
There are many options for the use of digital signatures, and with the introduction of technology, this area is constantly expanding. To get the maximum benefit, an entrepreneur should use all available opportunities.

EDS for trading - participate and win

Electronic trading - one of the main earning opportunities for an individual entrepreneur. Today, optimal conditions have been created for individual entrepreneurs to develop their business, enter into new contracts, and make a profit by participating in the procurement of state and commercial structures.
Access to trading systems requires an electronic digital signature of the appropriate sample. Obtaining an EDS is the first step to winning the tender!
There are 3 main procurement systems in our country:

  • Government order(public procurement carried out by state and municipal authorities at the expense of the budget);
  • Purchases of state corporations (companies with state participation);
  • Commercial auctions carried out by business entities not associated with the state.

Work in each of the presented procurement systems is possible only if there is an electronic digital signature. EDS is used in in large numbers procedures:

  • Accreditation on the trading platform;
  • Signing applications and documents;
  • Registration of participation in tenders;
  • Application submission and withdrawal;
  • Sending a request for clarification of the provisions of the documentation and the results of the auction;
  • Submission of complaints to the authorized bodies;
  • Contract signing.

Draw your attention to!
Separate sets of EDS are issued, providing access to different systems electronic trading:

  • Federal platforms for state orders;
  • Federal platforms and procurement systems of state corporations;
  • Commercial bidding systems;
  • All types of purchases.

To choose the right type of electronic signature, find out which trading platforms (procurement systems) are of interest to you.

EDS for efficient workflow

Digital signature tools allow the entrepreneur to organize a convenient and secure document flow in electronic form. With the help of EDS, you can greatly facilitate the process of exchanging documents with customers, clients and partners. At the same time, completely protect yourself from possible data loss or leakage.

Electronic document management with EDS is:

  • Ensuring legal force equivalent to documents with a signature and seal;
  • Authenticity Guarantees electronic documentation;
  • Security and privacy, absolute protection against forgery;
  • Organization of simple and economical processing and storage;
  • Possibility of implementation in international document management systems.
Thanks to the electronic signature, you can speed up and facilitate the work with documents, guarantee their protection and minimize costs. These benefits are appreciated modern business. Use effective cryptographic tools to speak the same language with him!

EDS selection: you can order a separate electronic signature for document flow or choose a more functional set that provides not only the signing of documents, but also access to bidding. There are many more options for completing the EDS. Contact us and we will find the best solution for you.

EDS for reporting - minimum risks, maximum comfort

Submission of reports to regulatory authorities (FTS, PFR, FSS) - the responsibility of each individual entrepreneur. The law defines the conditions that must be observed when reporting to the state. One of them is compliance with the established deadlines in which reports must be submitted. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in administrative penalties.

Therefore, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the process of preparing reporting documents and their timely delivery to the relevant departments. And it is possible to organize the process as efficiently as possible through the digital signature, which is the key to specialized electronic services.

There are 2 ways to submit reports electronically:

  1. 1. The official websites of the Federal Tax Service, PFR, FSS are the most accessible solution, but do not protect users from possible technical failures.
  2. 2. Software (Kontur-Extern, SBiS++, Taxcom-Sprinter and other programs) is a more convenient and safer way.

In each case, when reporting, you must use electronic digital signature. Moreover, each department has separate view EDS.

Choosing a suitable electronic signature kit should be based on your objective needs. Having determined the range of authorities to which you will report in the coming year, you will be able to order the optimal configuration of the EDS.

EDS for public services - even more opportunities

Public services for individual entrepreneurs are an opportunity to take advantage of the benefits provided by the state. Currently, individual entrepreneurs have access to a wide range of public services, some of which are provided free of charge. Among the most requested services: the submission of a tax return, as well as an extract from the USRIP.

Most services are available in electronic form– you can use them by registering on the gosuslugi.ru and pgu.mos.ru portals. When registering as an individual entrepreneur, you must use an electronic signature.

Public services that can be obtained on electronic portals:

  • Issuance of a permit for the entry of freight vehicles within the Moscow Ring Road, Third Ring Road, Garden Ring;
  • Obtaining a building permit;
  • Obtaining a private security company license;
  • Rent of the area during the Weekend Fair;
  • Others.

An electronic signature is such a phenomenon in modern life that it is easier to talk about how it works than to describe it. At least, the legislator's attempt to give the concept of an electronic signature can hardly be called successful.

"Electronic signature - information in electronic form, which is attached to other information in electronic form (signed information) or is otherwise associated with such information and which is used to identify the person signing the information" (Article 2 of the Law of 06.04.2011 N 63-FZ ).

And yet, from this description, we can conclude that an electronic signature, like a regular one, identifies the person to whom it belongs and expresses his agreement with the content of the signed document.

To be widely adopted, an electronic signature must have advantages that a personal signature on paper documents does not have. EP does have such advantages, and we will consider them below.

Legal regulation of electronic signature

The first law on electronic signature was adopted in January 2002 (No. 1-FZ of 10.01.02). True, the signature was called not just an electronic, but an electronic digital signature or EDS. Such an abbreviation is still found, although it is correct to use another combination - ES (electronic signature).

Now the use of electronic signature regulates new law- dated 06.04.2011 No. 63-FZ. EP is mentioned in others legal acts, for example, in the law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ, where it is called an analogue of the handwritten signature of an individual.

Concerned about the regulation of electronic signature and federal Service security, which, by Order No. 796 dated December 27, 2011, approved the Requirements for Electronic Signature Tools and Certification Center Tools.

Everyone can get acquainted with the primary sources (frankly, not easy to understand) by following the links, and in this article we will answer practical questions: why do we need an electronic signature, and how to get it.

Why do you need an electronic signature?

First of all, such a signature to a much greater extent confirms the fact of signing the document (in this case, only electronic document) by a certain person. The usual personal signature on paper, with the current development of technology, is quite easy to fake.

They like to announce the signing of documents by an unidentified person and tax authorities, and this often entails an increase in the tax base, fines and other sanctions. An independent examination of a personal signature under significant documents cannot always help, because. not in all situations allows you to confirm or deny the fact of authenticity due to the small number of characters in the signature. If the document is signed with an electronic signature, then there is no longer any doubt about its authorship.

Please note that only handwritten signatures are recognized as equivalent enhanced qualified electronic signature.

The second advantage of using ES is the protection of an electronic document from unauthorized changes. Paper documents, even if they have a genuine signature, can be forged or supplemented. In addition, they can be accidentally damaged, lost, stolen, etc., and the absence of paper documents will not allow you to confirm any significant fact, because you can’t sew a word into action.

The third reason why the use of electronic signatures will continue to develop is the ability to perform actions or receive information without leaving home. EP allows:

  • apply for or;
  • make civil law transactions;
  • receive government and municipal services;
  • maintain a secure document flow;
  • hand over;
  • work with bank documents and manage funds on the current account;
  • participate in, bidding and;
  • carry out other legally significant actions.

Finally, while leading entrepreneurial activity in some cases, an electronic signature is no longer enough. So, reporting on and on employees (if there are more than 25 people) is now accepted only in electronic form.

Submission of reports in electronic form will only continue to develop, because this method reduces the labor and time costs of those who accept and submit reports; reduces the number of technical errors when filling out forms; protects reporting from unauthorized editing or viewing.

Where can I get an electronic signature?

It is impossible to invent and create an electronic signature yourself, specialized organizations are engaged in its issuance - certification centers. The requirements for them are established by Article 16 of Law No. 63-FZ, and among them:

  • the value of the net assets of the organization must be at least one million rubles;
  • financial security for liability for losses caused to third parties must be at least one and a half million rubles;
  • the number of qualified employees directly involved in the creation and issuance of certificates of electronic signature verification keys must be at least two.

Certification centers must be accredited by the Ministry of Communications. You can find a suitable regional certification authority or check its accreditation here:

By clicking on the name of the selected certification authority, you will be taken to a page with brief information about him, and from there - to the website of the organization itself.

For some time, it was possible to obtain an electronic signature in some branches of Rostelecom, but now its certification center reports that for technical reasons it has temporarily suspended the provision of this service.

Types of electronic signatures

Article 5 of Law N 63-FZ distinguishes three types of electronic signature: simple, enhanced unqualified and enhanced qualified.

A simple signature is a combination of characters, codes and passwords that allow you to establish the fact of the formation of an electronic signature by a certain person. Such a signature is quite easy to crack.

An enhanced signature (unqualified and qualified) is generated using an external medium - a flash drive or a floppy disk. Additional protection enhanced qualified signature is the ES verification key specified in the qualified certificate. Reporting and legally significant documents must be signed only with an enhanced qualified signature.

Certification centers offer different electronic signatures depending on the ability to access various resources. So, an ES for an ordinary individual for only 450 rubles allows you to maintain a secure legally significant document flow, receive state and municipal services online, and pay taxes through your personal account.

Universal electronic signatures provide maximum opportunities, including participation in and.

How to get an electronic signature?

Usually, all certification centers provide detailed advice on their websites to everyone who wants to receive an electronic signature. We briefly describe this process here:

1. Select a certification authority from organizations accredited by the Ministry of Communications.

2. Submit the necessary package of documents along with the application, which will vary depending on the type of ES owner - an ordinary individual, individual entrepreneur or organization. The minimum package of documents will be for an ordinary individual - a copy of the passport, SNILS and a certificate of TIN. You should familiarize yourself with the requirements for paperwork in the center itself, because some of them only accept notarized copies, while others request original documents for verification.

3. To identify the identity of the applicant - by appearing in person at the certification center or by sending a certified telegram through the Russian Post.

4. At the agreed time, come to the point of issue of the ES to obtain a qualified certificate and electronic signature keys.

How to check the authenticity of an electronic signature?

A special service has been created on the State Services portal that allows you to verify the authenticity of the ES. For verification, it is necessary to upload an electronic document, the authenticity of the signature of which must be confirmed, and the file of the electronic signature itself.

If the signature is authentic and the document remains unchanged, the service will issue a message about the verification, as well as information about the owner and publisher of the ES and its validity period.

Online tools and electronic government services are increasingly becoming part of the life of private business. Their implementation is proceeding at a rapid pace, the electronic government of the Russian Federation is expanding its capabilities every year. It is vital for a competent entrepreneur to know all the necessary Internet resources and actively use them. This optimizes internal and external processes, frees up time for work, reduces financial risks private enterprise.

Electronic signature for small business

Today small and medium business does not yet widely apply the main electronic means workflow. Most likely, there are two reasons for this. The first is the misconception that obtaining and using digital signature(EDS) is a complex and time-consuming process. And the second is distrust of virtual workflow and ignorance of all the advantages and possibilities of its use.

And this is understandable, because the period of active implementation of the EDS is less than 7 years. Even government agencies and the main regulatory authorities of the Russian Federation only from mid-2011 began to gradually switch to electronic interdepartmental document management. Since 2012, the process of unification and standardization of online document management has begun. It was launched in all executive bodies of the Russian Federation, followed by large progressive business to join the process. Thanks to these steps, today electronic interaction is operating at full speed and is gradually penetrating into all layers of business, including micro-business.

An electronic digital signature is an element of personal identification in legal and financial transactions in digital format. The owner of an electronic visa is the person for whom the EDS and certificate are issued. This is always an individual, even if the signature is used for an individual entrepreneur or organization.

At the same time, an electronic digital signature (EDS) serves to identify physical entities. person, entrepreneur or organization when they maintain a secure legally significant electronic document management. The use of an electronic digital signature is regulated by Federal Law No. 63 "On Electronic Signature".

Video: what is EDS and why is it needed

Types of electronic signature

The legislation of the Russian Federation approved 2 types of EDS:

  • simple,
  • reinforced, which happens:
    • qualified,
    • unqualified.

A simple electronic signature only testifies to the fact that the ES was formed by a certain person. It is used by individuals.

An unqualified electronic signature is a more secure version of an electronic signature, but, like a simple one, it has a limited range of actions and is not suitable for business. It is an analogue of the signature of an individual in contracts, acts, and other document management. It should be noted that such a signature is practically not used in doing business, since its functions are quite limited. With its help, it is impossible to conduct online reporting with the tax office, to receive full-fledged communications with the public services portal. And you need to register and pay for such a visa.

Enhanced Qualified Electronic Signature (ECES) is one of the most necessary and multifunctional tools for an entrepreneur, which makes it possible to create a convenient and efficient document flow between regulators, state authorities. structures, as well as IP counterparties.

Obtaining an Enhanced Skilled Visa is necessary condition for conducting private business when interacting:

  • With single portal public services of the Russian Federation - receiving services, information and documents;
  • with IFTS, PFR, social. funds, interdepartmental structure of regulators - reporting and document flow;
  • with payment and banking systems - the formation of settlement documents via the Internet;
  • with government and municipalities- in terms of online execution of workflow (permits, official requests, etc.).

Thus, UKEP is a full-fledged official signature of an entrepreneur. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it has absolute legal force.

Table: comparison of different types of electronic signature

SimpleReinforced unskilledReinforced qualified
Method of formation and designUsing a login and password, it does not require registration with a certification authority.It is formed using cryptographic tools and is certified by a specialized center (which may not be accredited).Confirmed by a special certificate of an accredited certification center. Such a visa must have an electronic signature verification key. The cipher and key of the UKEP is confirmed by the FSB of the Russian Federation.
Scope of useFor official inquiries when solving life situations individuals (for example, for letters, messages to regulators, municipal authorities, public utilities).To identify who sent an online document. At the same time, it is possible to certify the invariance of the document from the moment of its signing, or to reveal the fact that after the approval, changes were made to it.
For signing electronic papers that do not require a seal (for example, contracts between individual entrepreneurs, accounting reports, requests, etc.).
Acts as an official full-fledged signature.
Ability to use in internal and external workflowYesYesYes
Possibility of use in the arbitration courtYesYesYes
Possibility of use in regulatory authorities (FTS, FSS, PFR)NotNotYes
Possibility of use on the public services portalYesYesYes
Possibility of use in electronic tradingNotNotYes

Pros and cons of EDS

The electronic signature is increasingly used in the activities of private businesses, as it provides ample opportunities in solving information security problems, legal status paperwork, saves time and resources.

The maximum range of use of an online visa includes:

  • ordering and receiving public services, as well as services of municipalities;
  • operational interaction with the government. institutions (questions and answers);
  • submission of full reports in the EDI system of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund, and other regulators;
  • conclusion of civil law transactions;
  • participation in electronic auctions.

Pros of using an e-signature (only applies to a qualified online visa):

  • confidentiality of documents;
  • integrity control and the impossibility of forging a document;
  • instant identification of authorship (who endorsed and sent the document);
  • maintenance of legal significance;
  • significant savings in time for the exchange of documents;
  • reduction in the cost of the process of delivery, accounting and archiving;
  • risk minimization.

EDS keys are stored on digital media

Separately, it is necessary to focus on the advantages of reporting to regulatory authorities through the exchange of EDI (tax) and the so-called EDMS (PRF), which is submitted only if there is a UKEP:

  • no need to personally visit the regulators - reporting can be sent from any convenient place and at any time (saving time);
  • no need to duplicate reporting documents on paper;
  • filling out reporting forms is automated, which leads to minimization of errors and improvements;
  • forms to fill out are always up-to-date, no need to look for and specify the correct templates;
  • the acceptance of the report (or refusal) will be promptly notified: the IP will receive information whether the document has been accepted within one day;
  • the reporting will not be able to be viewed or corrected by third parties;
  • can always be obtained and stored electronically background information about the status of settlements with the state budget, statements, notices of reporting deadlines, reconciliation acts, as well as ask questions to regulators.

It is impossible to forge a qualified electronic signature. It is developed using ciphers; when it is created, a unique chain of characters is built. Each set of EDS documentation contains recommendations of the certification center for the storage and use of the key. If you follow the rules and follow the recommendations, the signature will be completely safe. As the authorized centers of the Ministry of Communications assure, today there is no computing power in the world that is capable of cracking the cryptography of an electronic signature in adequate time.

At the same time, on each USB-drive of the UKES there are 2 EDS keys: closed and open. The private key forms a unique generation of numbers and symbols of the electronic signature with which the document is endorsed. The UKEP is located in the body of the signed document, and may also be attached to it. The private key is intended for digital signature authentication. The keys are interconnected and insure each other.

Like other electronic media confidential information, the EDS key is encoded with the owner's personal PIN. There is a limited number of attempts to enter a password (usually three), after an incorrect entry of the EDS code, the EDS is blocked.

It is also impossible to change or forge the text of an electronic document endorsed by an EDS. All adjustments made after signing will be immediately visible. Checking the electronic visa will show that the digital signature is distorted.

The scheme of operation of an electronic digital signature includes verification by the receiving party

If the owner of the signature tries to refuse the electronic document signed by him, he will not be able to do this. EDS contains a number of attributes, by which at any time you can determine who owns a personal electronic signature. The combination of a unique certificate number and certification authority data will help you quickly prove the fact and date of signing.

Despite the extreme complexity of the mathematical means of cryptography and the software tools that implement them, the use of an electronic signature for its owner is surprisingly simple and accessible to everyone, regardless of the level of knowledge of a personal computer, education and occupation.



Having listed all the advantages of a qualified ES, one cannot but say about its actually only minus: obtaining a UKEP - payable service certified certification centers (CA). At the same time, any electronic signature (both qualified and unqualified) is valid for only one year. After 365 days, it must be received again.

For example, here are the prices of one of the operators providing an electronic online visa, which gives a wide range of tariffs for different kinds EDS for individual entrepreneurs, organizations and individuals. persons - authorized certification center "RosIntegratsiya". As you can see, the delta between the tariffs is huge: from 700 to 12 thousand rubles. Similar tariffs (plus / minus) are valid in other CAs. Which of them is necessary for business is an individual decision of each entrepreneur.

Table: tariffs when using EDS for RosIntegration CA

RateCharacteristicCost for 1 year, rub.
MinimumDesigned for individuals in order to ensure work on the portal of public services and the Federal Tax Service.700
OptimalFor individuals in order to ensure work with the main government information systems. It includes the transfer of a CIPF license, a certified carrier and providing technical support during the validity period of the certificate.3000
StartingFor individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in order to ensure work with the main state information systems, as well as to organize purchases under 223-FZ.3590
BaseFor individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in order to ensure work with state information systems, as well as for organizing purchases under 223-FZ.4500
ClassicFor individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in order to ensure work with the main state information systems, as well as to organize purchases under 223-FZ and 44-FZ at all federal and commercial sites included in the AETP.6490
PremiumFor individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in order to ensure work with state information systems, to work according to 223-FZ and 44-FZ at all federal and commercial sites included in the AETP, including a group of B2B sites.7700
ExclusiveIt contains a range of services to ensure work with state information systems, work according to 223-FZ and 44-FZ at all federal and commercial sites included in the AETP, including a group of B2B sites.11700

How and where to get an EDS

Once again, we note that to work on various resources, you can use different types EDS:

  • both simple and qualified ES can be used for the public services portal;
  • for interaction with regulators and a full-fledged workflow of IP, only UKEP is needed.

Photo gallery: what does an EDS look like

This is how the signature of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation looks like, similar visas for banks Personal visa and seal in electronic document management EDS on a pdf document

Simple EDS

You can get and use a simple ES using a simplified account on the public services website. The signature code is encrypted in the login and password. It is assigned to everyone who registers a Personal Account on the portal.

Procedure obtaining an EDS- as simple and fast as possible. To do this, you need to go through just a few steps:

  1. When registering a Personal Account (PC), it is enough to enter personal data into the standard form: full name, phone number, email.
  2. The portal system automatically generates the first simple ES. Verification of data takes a few minutes, after which an access code is sent to the specified e-mail or phone of the applicant.
  3. We enter the received password and continue filling out the user profile.
  4. The second stage requires the entry of these basic documents: passport, SNILS number, TIN.
  5. This data is also checked by the system. Waiting for the result will take no more than 15 minutes, at the end - a message about successful completion.
  6. If all the data is entered correctly, an SMS will be sent to the phone number indicated in the questionnaire and access to the full-fledged Personal Account of the individual will be opened. faces.
  7. The formation of a simple EDS is completed.

The unified portal of public services ensures the receipt of an EDS

The minimum functionality of the cabinet and a simple signature can be slightly increased if you re-register your standard account on the public services website into a verified one and receive an unqualified digital signature. Re-registration does not change the type of the signature itself, but provides extended options for using the personal account.

When registering a verified account, we recommend that you immediately enter into your account information on the TIN, birth certificate number, compulsory medical insurance policy, series and number of the driver's license, data on the car registered on you, military ID, international passport. When the need arises, complete information on the main documents will be concentrated in one place. In addition, you can automatically set up notifications, for example, about traffic police fines and extinguish them in a timely manner with a 50% discount.

To apply for UNEP, you need to personally visit any of the service centers (their list is available on the public services portal) or the MFC. Or make an application from the site for the provision of UNEP through the post office.

At the issuing center you will be asked to present your passport (or a document replacing it) and SNILS. The procedure for verifying the identity (excluding queues) takes no more than 5 minutes. After that, you will receive a password that you will need to enter when opening your Personal Account.

As a result, the LC user receives extended rights to use the unified state. portal.

You can issue UNEP by a personal visit to the MFC

How to quickly get UKEP

Only an enhanced qualified electronic signature has the maximum rights when using public services, as well as conducting document management with regulators. To get it, you have to spend a little more time. But these efforts are worth the final result, given all the advantages of UKEP.

The procedure for obtaining an enhanced qualified ES consists of several points:

  • choice of certification authority;
  • choice of the type of signature, its capabilities and tariff;
  • filing an application;
  • obtaining an EP;
  • gaining access to e-government resources.

Choosing a CA and applying for an electronic signature

You should choose a certification center (CA) convenient for you from among those accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. Today, about 450 CAs operate in the Russian Federation. Their current list is published on the website of the Ministry in the section "Accreditation of certification centers".

When choosing a CA, be careful, because if the center's license is revoked, the electronic signature will have to be obtained again, and when transferring functions to the receiver, the EDS must be re-registered. But don't worry, TCs close infrequently, for last years only 8 centers are closed for various reasons.

On the websites of certification centers you can find a suitable offer

Please note: in some centers, an individual entrepreneur can receive training on how to connect and use a digital signature, consult on working with various document extensions, learn how electronic trading is conducted with UKEP, etc.

The next step is to choose the type and rate of electronic signature depending on the direction and requirements of the business. The type of EDS depends on what the individual entrepreneur is going to do: whether a full list of services is needed (including federal electronic trading) or whether the businessman plans only to submit reports to the Federal Tax Service. Digital signature operators usually have a sufficient choice of options, including individual parameter settings.

Subsequently, it is necessary to send an application for registration of an EDS. You can do this in two ways:

The final step is to obtain a qualified electronic signature, as well as a certificate and key of the UKEP. This must be done in person at the certification center. An electronic signature can be obtained only upon presentation of a passport; without this, the center does not have the right to issue a signature certificate and a key in hand.

To obtain an online visa individual entrepreneur you need to prepare a package of documents, which includes:

  • application (a form to be filled out must be issued by the CA);
  • passport (original) or a document replacing it;
  • insurance certificate SNILS;
  • TIN certificate;
  • record sheet in the USRIP (optional).

Many CAs ask for copies of documents along with the originals. This is not the responsibility of the applicant, as stated in Article 18 of FZ-63. Whether or not to make copies for a visit to the center is the decision of the IP.

Upon receipt of the EDS, a certificate is issued

If an individual entrepreneur plans to engage in electronic trading, for accreditation on trading floors, scans of documents in electronic form (in one of the formats: jpg, pdf, gif, tiff, png) are additionally required. And they must be scanned good quality(be readable).

The whole package is formed in one file:

  • a scanned copy of the passport of the UKEP owner and the verification key certificate (all pages are needed, not just filled ones);
  • IP bank details: current account, bank, BIC and KPP of the bank.

After registering with the CA, the entrepreneur receives:

  • USB-drive (flash drive), which carries information with a cryptographic EDS cipher;
  • software to install on your computer;
  • a license confirming a qualified signature, and a certificate.

Signature registration on electronic resources

After receiving an EDS, you can use it to enter your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service

Registration on the portal of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation follows the same path. Having an EDS in hand, through the identification of the taxpayer, the entrepreneur must independently register on the portal and receive a “subscriber identifier” in the tax reporting system (section “ Electronic Services"FTS).

In this case, while providing simple software support, the IP gets access to the "Legal Taxpayer" program. This service allows you to prepare, save and send tax and accounting records to the IFTS online. reporting, using templates to calculate the amount of insurance premiums, issue certificates (for example, for personal income tax (2, 3, 4, 6-personal income tax), draw up registers, notifications, etc.

This resource also "can":

  • automatically calculate accounting data by input figures;
  • control the correctness of filling in the templates;
  • create a shipping container for shipment to the IFTS;
  • generate a paper document (if necessary), as well as its electronic form;
  • maintain a register and archive files;
  • make lists of contractors and employees and much more

The program of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for automating the reporting process, including IP

EDS validity period, renewal

The standard validity period of the UKEP is 1 year. If an individual entrepreneur received an electronic signature on December 1, 2017, he will be able to use it until November 30, 2018, after which the EDS key certificate will stop working.

To renew the EDS, you need to contact the CA. The center issues a new key and a certificate to it.

To prolong the UKEP, the entrepreneur must again prepare a package of papers, which includes:

  • application for extension of signature;
  • entrepreneur's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • Certificate of state IP registration;
  • extracts from USRIP.

After submission of all documents, the certificate and the new key will be ready within one working day. The following is the standard procedure for reloading a new certificate onto a computer.

The EDS service will tell you when to renew the certificate

EDS Certificate Authentication

The authenticity of the EDS certificate can be checked online. To do this, the public services website has a special service that is designed to confirm an electronic signature and a certificate for it: just insert a scan of the certificate and click verification. The service will show the result - is it valid for this moment e-visa and whether the center that issued the UKEP certificate is working.

You need to know that such a portal service is for informational purposes only, it cannot be used as evidence in court.

There is one managerial postulate: what is not controlled does not work. Online resources - a taxpayer's personal account, an electronic signature, Internet services of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and public services - allow you to keep your business under control online without leaving your home. Today we are just beginning to master these opportunities, and tomorrow we will not be able to conduct our business without them.