How much does it cost to open a gas station. Gas station on a turnkey basis. Open a gas station with a franchise

  • 29.04.2020

You probably have long noted for yourself the fact that every year the number of cars on the roads and tracks is growing exponentially.

On the one hand, this is a serious disadvantage for large and small cities. After all, the environment is deteriorating significantly.

But if you look at such a development of events from the side of business, then everything is shaping up as well as possible. The best option for the owner of sufficient capital - to open a gas station. The business plan, calculation of average costs, business payback and other details will be described below.

Where to start

The first item will not be the purchase of equipment, fuel or kit service personnel. Don't know how to open a gas station? Start by renting or purchasing land. A very important point is to be well positioned. The number of customers, as well as the profit of your business, directly depends on this.

The site with a gas station should be in close proximity to busy sections of roads, highways and highways on which the daily passes a large number of cars. Such land, of course, will cost quite a lot. But on the other hand, the profitability of gas stations in this case increases significantly.

Lease or purchase of land

Here, everything directly depends on the amount of initial investment available. The purchase of a land plot for the subsequent construction of a gas station is formalized for a long time. In addition, you will have to immediately lay out a significant amount of money, which will form an impressive burden on the initial investment.

There is an option to take a loan. But in this case, be sure to take into account the additional costs in the form of interest, which must be regularly paid to the bank. In this case, the risk of falling into a serious debt hole is greatly increased. Indeed, at first, a business may not give enough profit (and, most likely, it will).

The main advantage of renting a plot is that you do not have to pay a large amount of money right away. But at the same time, in the end, you will give much more for the use of the land than in the case of a purchase. But all the main expenses will be reflected in the business gradually, which is not felt so painful during the payback period of the project.


It is always worth considering that the question of how to open a gas station is complicated not only from the financial side. A real paperwork test awaits you. It will be a question of issuing a mass of permits and obtaining a license for the storage of fuels and lubricants and fuel.

Without timely receipt of all required documents you just can't get started. Otherwise, such commercial activity will be declared illegal. Of course, paperwork costs money.

You can't waste your own free time for paperwork, and entrust this to a specialized company, having previously concluded an agreement with its employees for the provision of relevant services. However, in this case there will be additional costs. After all, such companies do not engage in charity and do not provide services for free.

You will have to include an additional line in the points of the gas station business plan, which will surely hit your pocket significantly. Meanwhile, the independent execution of all necessary papers through the Ministry of Fuel and Energy will take a little more time. But you can save a nice amount.

Hiring staff

It is unlikely that you will find enough free time to independently serve all the customers at your gas station. Remember that the profit of gas stations directly depends on the level and quality of service. Therefore, you need to hire competent, polite and certainly efficient staff. You need to refuel cars as quickly as possible so that a queue of disgruntled drivers is not created. As soon as the level of service begins to decline, the so-called word of mouth radio that broadcasts negative feedback with astonishing speed.

At the same time, the mentality of the people is such that it is much more difficult to earn a positive reputation. People share enthusiastic reviews extremely sparingly, leaving all the most interesting and useful information exclusively for yourself.

To answer the question of how to open a gas station that will generate a stable income, it is necessary to develop a competent strategy for working with personnel. Remember that the main thing in your business is the right motivation. Offer your employees a small salary and a percentage of the work done. This will be a great motivation for quick customer service.

Another option is to set up a fuel sales plan. You can also take into account some particular brand (for example, the most expensive). For the implementation of the plan, the employee will receive a cash bonus. The main thing is not to set impossible tasks for the staff.

We buy equipment

What largely determines the characteristics of filling stations for customers? An important role in this matter is played by high-quality and high-tech equipment. You will need several filling machines, as well as a computer to control the process (the equipment is managed by staff).

In order for your gas station, the business plan of which will help to establish the necessary price framework for the purchased equipment, to work without downtime and queues, you need to put on average 8 columns with gasoline.

What about franchising?

There are two options for starting a gas station business. The first involves starting a business from scratch. In this case, we are talking about the autonomous existence of the station. The second option involves the conclusion of a franchise agreement. And it is precisely this development of events, as practice shows, that is considered more profitable. What is hidden behind the term "franchising"?

In fact, this is just the conclusion of an agreement for the construction of gas stations under a certain brand name. The thing is that sometimes a popular and vibrant brand is much more important than the highest quality service and products. It is already known to people, so you don’t even have to spend money on advertising. The cost of making such
contracts can vary greatly depending on the brand.

The average price is about 1000 US dollars. The peculiarities of doing business in this regard are that you will have to strictly comply with the requirements corporate identity. Therefore, it will not be enough to wonder how to build a gas station.

You will also have to think about the level at which the company flags should be placed, the distance of how many centimeters to leave between the boxes with symbols, etc. However, experts say that franchising is the easiest way to attract the attention of the largest number of people in the shortest possible time consumers.

Choosing a partner

In order to profitably conclude a franchise agreement and start making a profit from the very first days, it is necessary, first of all, to decide on the trademark with which commercial relations will be formalized. This must be done on the basis of the principles of self-interest. If you do not know how to open a gas station, while reducing all kinds of costs to a minimum, then first try to find a fuel supplier whose base is located near the gas station.

This way you will reduce your shipping costs. Be sure to agree on the possibility of receiving goods from another base, if delivery from the selected location is not possible for any reason. Remember that gasoline at your gas station should always be. Otherwise, the reputation will suffer greatly.

Suppose you have solved the issue with the land plot. It's time to calculate the cost of building a gas station building. And in this case, everything will depend on the project. In addition, you need to decide whether you will build only the gas station building, or build a car wash, a cafe, a store and other additional joys for your customers nearby.

The more objects, the more significant financial investments will be. So, how much does it cost to build a turnkey gas station? Let's consider a specific example. Let's start from the ground. If you acquire it as a property, then its price will be approximately 200 thousand US dollars. However, the figure can vary greatly depending on the chosen location. The more attractive it is, the more expensive the plot will be. Also consider the size of the land. Construction of filling stations along with the acquisition of all necessary equipment will cost approximately 0.8-1 million US dollars.

We consider the profitability of refueling

So, we answered the question of how much it costs to build a gas station. As you can see, the costs are considerable. Now you need to calculate how profitable this business is. Let's say the initial financial investment was $1.2 million. Now we need to consider the costs for each month. On average, a small car filling station sells about 2,000 liters of gasoline per day.

The cost of 1 liter is within 1 US dollar. The price depends on the foreign exchange rate. Consequently, another $60,000 in fuel is added to the monthly cost. This figure may be slightly less if you receive a discount from your supplier. It is also necessary to add the salary to the employees of the gas station, as well as the purchase of goods for the store, if it is provided for in your business plan.

The higher the final figure, the higher the price of gasoline, as well as everything that is sold at the gas station, should be. At the same time, you need to keep in mind your competitors. Too expensive fuel simply will not be bought. On average, this type of business pays off in 5 years and is generally considered very profitable, subject to a competent approach to entrepreneurial activity.

We increase profit

In order for the automotive fuel business to generate a sufficient level of income, many entrepreneurs resort to a small trick. As a rule, they also open a cafe, shop or car wash at the gas station. Sometimes it is this type of business that becomes the main one in terms of profit. And refueling cars only attracts more customers.

Important little things

Don't forget to protect the property. How to open your gas station with minimal risk? Give her a safe existence. Recently, there have been cases of attacks and robberies with the aim of seizing the daily proceeds at gas stations. Therefore, it is very important to equip the object with surveillance cameras, as well as an alarm button.

In the event of a force majeure situation, the gas station employee must be able to discreetly call security. Fire safety is a separate issue. Do not forget about the availability of all special means for extinguishing a fire. In addition, it is necessary to strictly ensure that no one smokes on the territory of the gas station. This applies to both staff and clients.

Possible problems

In any business, specific obstacles arise from time to time. In the case of your own gas station, this may be the theft of products by staff. To prevent such an incident, it is necessary to install surveillance cameras, as well as introduce a system of mandatory fines.

In addition, the size wages should eliminate the need for theft. Always keep in mind that the supplier may bring poor quality fuel. This is also a significant disadvantage in business, as it can ruin the gas station's reputation. You also need to consider the cost of gasoline. Most often it does not exceed 5%.

How to register your business

So, you have calculated everything and come to the conclusion that this type of entrepreneurial activity will bear fruit. Next, you need to register as legal entity or individual entrepreneur by providing all the necessary documents for this.

Open a bank account. It is through him that you will have to pay for products to suppliers. The proceeds are also deposited with the bank. Choose very carefully credit organization in which you will store all the funds of your business.

If desired, you can open several current accounts at once. But remember that for each of them you will have to pay a commission at the bank's rates. It also somewhat complicates the system of settlements with counterparties. But there is also a significant advantage. The fact is that if a bank is declared bankrupt, legal entities that have opened accounts in it may not particularly hope for compensation of funds. As a rule, all money is lost. And in the case of having several current accounts, there is a chance to save at least part of the finances.

Considering that the cost of fossil fuels tends to only increase, many businessmen are thinking about whether it is profitable to open a gas filling station, because every year there are more and more cars that use gas equipment. However, traditional fuels are now in no less demand. Therefore, a completely logical question may arise: "How to open a gas station?"

Relevance of the problem

On the this moment in the world (and Russia is no exception), large and small businesses are developing at a fairly rapid pace. For an entrepreneur, the most popular and popular areas are the following: Agriculture, trade and services.

The last one is the most relevant. If we talk about how to open a gas station, it is worth noting that this can be a particularly profitable venture. This type of business is gaining more and more popularity, as almost everyone has their own vehicle: motorcycles, cars or trucks And so on.

Fuel is a fairly valuable energy source and an indispensable component for the functioning of transport, because all cars run on gasoline and diesel fuel. The first is a valuable product of oil refining, which is why it is constantly in demand. Therefore, if you are considering how to open a gas station, then you should know that this business can become very profitable. It's worth considering how to do it from scratch.

Location selection and required documents

The first thing you need to organize a business in this area, as in any other, is to register with the IFTS as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In the second case, you will need more time and money, but this will give you the opportunity to make transactions with individuals and legal entities.

In the first case, we can talk about the possibility of making transactions exclusively with individuals. During the registration process, you will be required to pay government fees. After that, it will be necessary to collect certain documents, namely, to take a license from the Ministry of Fuel for the storage of oil and fuel, obtain permission from local authorities to lease land, and also conclude a lease agreement.

If we talk about how to open a gas station, then it should be noted the importance of placing it correctly. It would be best to organize gas stations in an area where there is no competition. The first thing to do is to take a look at the area.

It is advisable to build a gas station on the outskirts of the city, or at the exit from it, since there are usually not so many of them in such places. Speaking about how to open a gas station, it should be noted the importance of developing a list of services provided, namely: the sale of various brands of gasoline, gas and diesel fuel.

Acquisition of necessary equipment and provision of additional services

In the event that you are wondering how much it costs to open a gas station, it should be noted that the cost will include the purchase of the necessary equipment, namely: fuel dispensers, control systems, display cases, fire stands, cash registers, bar counters, shelves, kitchen appliances and other things. All this equipment is quite expensive.

However, it is not enough just to buy it, it is important to place everything correctly and rationally. Speaking about how to build a gas station, it should be noted that you can not only sell fuel, but also organize a store nearby where spare parts and tools will be sold. The opening of a cafe can be very promising, as passing drivers will have the opportunity to eat and relax.


Understanding how much it costs to open a gas station, it should be noted that the business plan provides for the next step, which is to set up fuel supplies. To do this, you need to find a good supplier. This is not a problem in a big city, as there are many companies supplying gasoline, gas and diesel fuel.

Fuel from famous brands, for example, Lukoil, is most valued. This is where franchising comes into play. And then the question arises, how much does it cost to open a Lukoil gas station? Franchising assumes that the future businessman enters into an agreement on the right to use the brand.

Usually it costs about 25-30 thousand rubles a year. However, this is a useful investment, because this way you can attract many customers. Most drivers prefer to buy gasoline exclusively from well-known companies. So you can increase the demand for the products offered, and hence your income.


If you are thinking about how to open a gas station, you should understand that this will require recruiting a staff. We can recommend hiring people with at least some experience in this area. How many people do you need to organize a full-fledged activity?

To work, you will need two tankers, sellers, security guards, as well as a leader. All of them must be certified in this profession. The number of employees is directly dependent on the size of the gas station, as well as on the number of cars for which it is designed. Usually eight, but there may be other options.

When the staff is recruited, the fuel price will need to be set. It is worth noting that well-known brands like Lukoil will be in demand the most. LUKOIL is a rather large company whose activity is the sale of oil and oil products.

If you are wondering how much it costs to open a gas station, then it should be noted that in order to establish a business, you will need to fulfill a number of conditions: rationally locate the gas station and equip it, do not overcharge, and also provide a high level of service quality. It is necessary to think about the fact that all staff must comply with the requirements fire safety, because gasoline is a liquid that is fairly flammable.

Gas station: business plan

Not everyone can open a gas station. This business is quite expensive. On average, Lukoil needs about 6 million rubles to organize refueling. It takes a lot of money to rent a piece of land. It will take 100-1500 thousand rubles.

The purchase of equipment for gas stations is also associated with quite significant costs, and here we are talking about a million rubles or more. In addition to everything, the construction of gas stations will require about two million rubles. Approximately the same amount will be required to pay salaries to staff. These calculations are relevant for any city, regardless of size.

However, you should not immediately be afraid of such large expenses, because the income from the activities of the gas station will be considerable, approximately 20-30 thousand rubles a day. A cafe and a car parts store can be additional sources of income. For a month, revenue may well reach the amount of 600 thousand rubles.

An important component of the fuel business is building relationships with suppliers. It will be most beneficial to develop relations with large oil companies that have not only a tank farm, but also the rest of the infrastructure. This is the only way to guarantee high fuel quality.


Even if you are interested in how to open a gas station, then you should know that such a business requires special precautions. A modern fuel station should more closely resemble a serious banking institution than a minimarket.

By all means, windows and doors should be armored, and the cashier and his equipment should not be visible at all. Under no circumstances may a cashier open the door to working time and get out of your seat. The obligatory equipment that the gas station should be equipped with is an alarm button.


An important component of the business plan before opening a gas station is the compliance of work standards with the current ones legal requirements. A lot of inspection organizations will constantly monitor your activities. You must always be ready and not be afraid of any checks.

Most often, gas stations are visited by representatives of the trade inspectorate, oil inspectorate, fire and tax services. The station must be built accordingly, and also be interested in compliance with all existing rules. This is very relevant if the business owner intends to stay in this market for a long time.

Sales norms

On average, gas stations sell about 3-5 cubic meters of gasoline per day. If you constantly take care of the quality of the goods, then this figure may be slightly overestimated. If you are interested in how to organize electric filling stations, then it is worth noting that it is better to combine them with traditional filling stations.

Professional tricks

In this business, there are a number of tricks that at first glance seem small, but they are very expensive. It is known that gasoline can expand in volume from high temperatures. Therefore, you must definitely monitor the temperature that the substance has when poured into a fuel truck.

During the acceptance of gasoline, the receptionist may stick the measuring tape too far into the storage container. From this, the liquid will splash, which will lead to the formation of a wave. The result of this will be the fact that the ejected liquid will refuse to be unaccounted for.

All of the above about how to open a gas station can lead to the conclusion that this activity is quite expensive and difficult. This business has a significant advantage - a gas station can be built in just a few weeks.

And the payback of such an enterprise is quite fast, while the profit is very high. In the business plan, the most important place is given to the correct location of the gas station. It should be a territory without competitors in the city center or at the exit from it. The construction of a gas station will require the purchase of expensive equipment.

Choosing the right employees is essential to business success. They must have a suitable education as well as certificates. In order for the business to start working, you will need to collect a complete list of the necessary documentation.

Otherwise, we are talking about illegal business. If you have initial capital, you have certain organizational skills, as well as a desire to increase your own wealth, then the construction of a gas station will be an excellent direction worth investing.

In this material:

A gas station business plan will help you understand whether it will be profitable to open it and what difficulties you will face. First of all, you should decide on the start-up capital needed to open a gas station. Work in this area of ​​business involves the execution of a large number of permits, since this industry is recognized as dangerous at the legislative level. Registration of permits can take a long time and require significant financial investments.

Of course, the activities of the enterprise will be checked by the relevant government bodies so they can make sure that all rules and regulations are followed. Another characteristic feature of the business of selling fuel to the public is a large start-up capital and significant operating costs. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend purchasing land plot and equip it accordingly. The object will need to be equipped with an alarm system and hire security. When opening a gas station from scratch, you should be prepared for the fact that the project will take a lot of time to complete.

Choosing a project format

Of course, work in this field of activity requires a thoughtful approach. gas station business plan, finished example which is given below, is an essential part of the process of starting your own business. First you need to choose the format in which your company will operate. You can open a gas station under your own brand or purchase a franchise. A gas station can provide services for the sale of gasoline, diesel fuel and gas. Each direction has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Opening a gas station from scratch is not the best idea for a budding entrepreneur. Opening such a business involves serious investments compared to working under the trademark of a well-known enterprise. In addition to the impressive start-up capital you will face the need to develop your own customer base and problems with the purchase of fuel. This means that you risk going bankrupt quickly. However, this format also has its advantages: you can organize the work of the gas station at your discretion, without adjusting it to the standards big company.

Aspiring entrepreneurs are encouraged to start their business by acquiring a franchise. Similar services are provided by large well-known companies. Starting to work under the brand name of this company, you will not have problems with the supply of fuel and customer base. The disadvantages of this format are: the inability to act autonomously, the need for a monthly franchise payment.

Choosing a territory for a gas station

Before starting the construction of a filling complex, it is necessary to draw up the following documents: an agreement for the supply of fuel, an agreement for the removal of solid waste, an agreement on deratting. When opening your own business, you need to choose the territory on which the gas station will be located. Typically, such enterprises are built near highways and busy avenues. Convenient access roads should be provided to your gas station. The area of ​​the site depends on the scale of the project. An example is the opening of a gas station with tire fitting and a small cafe. On the territory, in addition to these main facilities, it is necessary to place fuel storage tanks, an administrative building and several gas stations. It is better to entrust the design and construction of production facilities to professionals.

After all the main facilities are built, it is necessary to start purchasing equipment.
In order for your gas station to start functioning, you will need the following equipment: tanks for storing fuel, a tank for pumping gasoline, gas stations, a tank for storm water. When opening a gas filling station, a slightly different list of equipment will be required. To implement such a project, a tie-in to the city gas pipeline will be required. It is mandatory to install a compressor to liquefy the gas. The opening of such stations is a costly business, so even in large cities they are available in small quantities.

In addition to the production line, you should also take care of the automation of work processes. To do this, you need to purchase a computer and install the appropriate software. It is necessary to equip a staff rest room, workplace cashier and bathroom. If you plan to supplement the gas station with a shop or a cafe, these premises will also have to be equipped.

The opening of the gas station will not be allowed without the installation of a fire alarm.

Drawing up a contract for the supply of fuel is the most important part of the gas station business plan. Working under a franchise, you will always be provided with high-quality fuel of a well-known brand. Starting a business from scratch, you may find it difficult to find suppliers among oil refineries. You can enter into a contract for the supply of gasoline with an oil depot, so you can purchase fuel at a good discount.

Taking into account the provision of services around the clock, it will be necessary to organize the work of personnel in several shifts. The optimal schedule is considered to be in three days. The shift should include: a tanker operator, a cashier and a security guard. Additionally, you will need to hire a janitor, an accountant and a manager.

Calculation of business profitability

Let's give an example of calculating the costs of opening one gas station in a large city. The acquisition of ownership of a plot within the city will cost you 25 million rubles, paperwork - 2 million rubles, construction of production facilities - 6.5 million rubles, purchase of equipment - 3 million rubles. Thus, the initial investment when opening a gas station will amount to 36.5 million rubles.

Now let's calculate the annual expenses: staff salaries - 5 million rubles, fuel purchases - 10 million rubles, taxes - 1.5 million rubles, operating expenses - 2 million rubles. The average annual revenue of filling stations is 25 million rubles, minus current expenses, we get net profit at 6.5 million rubles. Financial investments payback in 5-6 years.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

Black gold is the name of oil, and the reason lies in the immediate cost of this mineral. The production and sale of petroleum products is one of the most profitable types of business in modern society. It's no secret that many wealthy people have made their fortune on oil, and therefore this niche attracts a lot of people.

But is there a chance for a newcomer to break into this market, grabbing at least a small part of consumers? As practice shows, even without having your own oil refinery or oil rig, you can earn money by selling oil products to people. To do this, it is enough to organize your gas station.

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However, this type of business also involves serious investments and many difficulties to be overcome before opening. Own gas station can become good development business already successful person, but a beginner can start such a business only by contacting investors or a bank. Only those who see the prospects in the proposed business plan will decide to lend to such an undertaking. But despite the abundance of gas stations, you can open your own gas station, because the number of motorists is growing every day, and the demand for gasoline is always stable.

Registration of a business entity is carried out in the local tax authority. It is the form of a legal entity that is recommended, and in order to reduce costs, it is preferable to use a simplified taxation system. Using the simplified taxation system is also beneficial because it does not have to pay an additional tax on the sale of fuels and lubricants. Therefore, it is best to register your company with limited liability. The activity code is defined as (OKPD 2) 47.30 Services for retail motor fuel in specialized stores. It is necessary to take into account the fact that this encoding is only suitable for a gas station, if you plan to open a full-fledged gas station, then you need to enter additional codes for a car wash, a repair shop, and, especially, for a store. Not to mention the motel, which can also be located on the territory of the gas station. After the activity is registered, it must also be licensed. Currently requires permission from the Department of Energy Russian Federation for the operation of fire hazardous facilities. To do this, the following documents are submitted from a legal entity to the local branch of the named ministry:

  1. Constituent documents: charter and memorandum of association;
  2. Certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  3. Certificate of state registration;
  4. Certificate from the State Statistics Committee;
  5. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  6. GRN certificates.

You also need to have certificates of commissioning of a fire hazardous facility, an extract from the Fire Service, as well as a concluded insurance contract. Certificates of ownership and disposal of movable and real estate and information about the manager and engineers who must qualify for these positions. Since the building big share probability will be produced by a third-party company, then you need to immediately make sure that the construction company has the right to build gas stations. Because it is in this case that it will be possible to prove that the construction of its filling station took place in accordance with established regulations.

You also need to initially know what equipment will be used in order to provide information about it to the licensing authority. Special law firms in charge of issuing licenses. Their services, of course, cost money, but they help to get rid of bureaucratic red tape and save your time.

Obtaining all permits is just the beginning. The next step is to find a suitable place and conduct construction works. Any large city is full of gas stations, but if you look at the map, you can find “white spots” when an entire area may not be served by a single gas station (while in the central quarter, for example, there may be too many of them). You can not immediately think that some place is not occupied due to the inattention of competitors; most likely it is simply not passable. Also, the presence of a famous gas station on one side will not become an obstacle in building your own gas station opposite, because on a busy street the flow is usually the same in all directions, and it is very inconvenient for the driver to turn around because of the gas station. The general wish when choosing a place is that it should be on the path of the largest possible number of drivers. They do not like to drive into yards, turn around, and also often pass by if the gas station is located on a high-speed street, and the motorist does not have a natural need to slow down or stop. A good solution would be to organize a gas station immediately after the traffic light, because while waiting for the permission signal, the driver will have time to see the gas station, make a decision and make sure that it is better to refuel now. It would also be a good idea to be located on the outskirts of the city, but only on the roads along which entry and exit from locality. Moreover, on the outskirts of the city, you can sell a lot of gasoline, because before a long trip people fill up a full tank.

The cost of land is difficult to determine, for obvious reasons, it can vary greatly in different cities. The cheapest option, of course, is to buy land from the highway, but in this case, you will have to build infrastructure and supply energy, water, gas, build sewers and do other similar construction. As for the lease, it is completely undesirable, because some capital structures will have to be erected, and in the event of a lease agreement being broken, there is a risk of throwing a lot of money on the move (which in the end may not pay for itself). When the land is selected, you can contact a construction company that will develop a construction plan, create a sketch and provide a package of documents with which you will have to bypass more than once more than one instance, from the urban planning department to the architectural and planning department.

Ready-made ideas for your business

An average gas station costs an entrepreneur at the stage of its construction in the amount of 4 to 7 million rubles, but this is the price for a simple set of works and basic equipment. The entire construction is divided into construction and installation works and the installation of fuel dispensers; this also includes the construction of an administrative building. It will be small for such money - only the cashier will fit there. Any additional construction will require more investments, so a gas station complex can cost several tens of millions of rubles, but on its territory there will be not only gas stations, but also a car wash, a motel and a cafe, for example.

The main indicator of a gas station is the number of fuel dispensers (TRK). Their minimum number is 2 (one can be supplied, but this is not economically feasible, and projects of such filling stations construction firms rarely do). Any motorist understands that one column serves 2 cars on both sides. Rarely at a regular gas station there are more than four of them, five or more fuel dispensers are already installed at large filling stations. It is also necessary at this stage to clearly know what kind of fuel the refueling will be supplied with.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Usually, one dispenser can handle three types of fuel, but if diesel and gasoline can be dispensed from one device, then gas and other rarer fuel materials need their own dispenser. Usually, at gas stations that are designed for a large number of cars and cover a significant part of motorists, 4 columns are built and plus one that distributes gas. At the same time, diesel fuel is distributed only on one, less often - on two columns, but at the same time all 4 support gasoline. This is a feature of Russian realities, because in this country the majority of car owners have a car that runs on gasoline (unlike Europe, where the percentage of cars with diesel engines is high). Therefore, it is necessary to organize the distribution of gasoline in the first place in order to avoid queues.

When choosing a location, it is also worth clarifying the distance from the nearest tank farm or oil refinery, because each extra kilometer of delivery can result in a critical increase in the price of purchased fuel. If such enterprises are still located at a significant distance, then you need to take care of large fuel storage tanks in order to reduce the number of deliveries and increase the volume of one-time purchased fuel. This is especially true for gas stations located along the highway, because any large city has its own oil depot that delivers products to gas stations. The cost of the fuel itself in bulk is slightly less when recalculated per liter when compared with the retail price. In all regions, the cost of gasoline varies, but the maximum difference is about two rubles; however, this is a very large gap when buying large volumes.

Gasoline is sold in bulk in tons, and since it has a lower density than water, one ton contains about 1300 liters. Maybe more depending on the octane number. The higher it is, the heavier the gasoline. Diesel fuel is denser, and one ton contains about 1200 liters. Therefore, the price of a ton of gasoline is much higher than the price of a thousand liters. To date, AI-92 gasoline sold at a price of 32 rubles 40 kopecks costs the owner of a gas station 31 rubles 70 kopecks. From this it becomes clear that in order to successfully run a business, you need to sell a very large amount of gasoline, because the profitability of selling gasoline is very small.

However, this should not stop an entrepreneur who decides to sell fuel. With good location and good equipment Gas stations can count on a large flow of customers, which will fully cover the costs. In addition to utility bills, organization of security and outsourcing, monthly funds will have to be allocated for the wage fund. And here the amount will differ not only depending on the size of the complex, but also on the level of service that the entrepreneur offers.

Ready-made ideas for your business

So, you will need to hire several cashiers (for shift work), but at the same time only one can be at work who will serve customers (which will certainly lead to the formation of queues during peak hours). Operators are also needed to monitor the state of the station and make fuel acceptance, perform technological procedures when filling tanks. And an optional, but recommended when organizing refueling even of the middle class, the position of a tanker. This is a person who pours fuel into the gas tank, sometimes even accepting funds from the client, which eliminates the need for the latter to even get out of the car. At the same time, this is not only a service, but also speeds up the work of a gas station, because it helps to save a few minutes when servicing each client, which means reducing the likelihood of a queue forming. The queue, in fact, can scare away many customers, because motorists are often stuck in traffic jams, and additional waiting can force them to leave for a competitor.

But even if you find a good place, arrange delivery really quality products and offer clients good service, you can not be sure that there will be many consumers. Nowadays, in Russia, refueling with gasoline (and the production of petroleum products in general) is firmly associated with several large companies, which are most trusted. The author of these lines himself, for example, refuels his car only at gas stations of three companies, without even considering the rest as complexes where you can buy high-quality gasoline. And that's how most people think. Of course, someone is attracted by a low price, but most motorists prefer to overpay for fuel so as not to have problems with a car breakdown in the future.

Therefore, it is worth seriously thinking about starting a franchise. At the same time, the flow of customers can grow significantly, and the franchisor at the same time makes it possible to purchase fuel own production(and large companies care about their quality), support at many stages of running their business and help in solving some issues. At the same time, the oligopolists and even state structures It is no secret how serious business is conducted in this country.

However, the franchisor also imposes many requirements on the observance of corporate style to its franchisees. So, for example, do not be surprised if you have to face the requirement to place corporate flags at a certain height. Moreover, strict compliance should be in the form of employees, the design of the entire complex and its premises. Major players have different views on the idea of ​​franchising, but almost all of them offer such an opportunity. After all, with all the desire to maintain a too large network, it will only not be possible to manage on its own, on-site directors will not be interested in sales as much as the franchisees are interested in them. Yes, and the franchisor avoids risks by shifting questions and expenses for construction and obtaining licenses to the company acquiring the franchise. In fact, this type of cooperation turns out to be beneficial for absolutely all parties, except, perhaps, for the consumers themselves. But this is already the concern of the antimonopoly service.

The cost of the franchise consists of a lump sum, the cost of bringing your complex to corporate requirements and royalties. For example, one very famous company(we will not name her to avoid advertising, limiting ourselves to the definition of red and white) does not offer the classic “lump-sum-royalty” scheme, but the annual payment of the cost of the franchise. It differs depending on the location, or rather the type of location. So, almost 400 thousand rubles will have to be paid a year if the gas station is located on a federal highway. But maybe a little more than 200 thousand, if not located in large cities or on highways. By the way, these are very small amounts compared to how much you can earn working under a well-known brand. However, in calculations five years ago, this company itself determined that the franchisee must invest almost 6 million rubles to re-equip its complex to meet corporate requirements. Today, this amount will be even higher. Therefore, if you plan to work on a franchise, it is better to build your gas station from the very beginning in accordance with the conditions of the future partner.

Thus, owning a gas station is a very difficult and costly business, but in the case of well-established work, it brings significant profit. To do this, you don’t even need to study statistics, because only a completely stupid person does not understand that they earn not just good money on gasoline, but very good money. Initially, it is better to count on at least 15-20 million rubles, for this money you can buy land on the outskirts of the city, build a gas station, purchase a franchise and equip the station the way the franchisor wants. In this case it will be one of the best investments a similar amount.

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If you are seriously interested in the business of selling petroleum products at retail, be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay a lot of attention to the safety of personnel, customers and environment. Before you open a gas station, you need to draw up documents confirming that the newly created facility for the storage and sale of petroleum products meets all regulatory requirements federal and municipal authorities.

In this article, we will show you how to modern conditions it is possible to open a gas station, and how to avoid mistakes that can ruin an entire start-up business and prevent the opening of a gas station as a legitimate and promising facility.

Which gas station to open

What do you need to open a gas station

After state control over the gas station business was significantly weakened in 2012, it became a little easier for entrepreneurs to comply with all the requirements of federal and municipal legislation. However, before starting to make money at gas stations, a businessman must issue a number of permits.

Company registration

Work on the creation of gas stations cannot be started before the registration of the enterprise. The entrepreneur can choose the organizational and legal form, based on the conditions in which the business is launched. The law allows opening gas stations both on the basis of legal and on the basis of individual. , the businessman decides.

Acceptable taxation systems:

  • general (OSNO);
  • simplified (USN).

Regardless of taxation, an enterprise that operates gas stations must pay VAT.

However, before opening a franchise gas station, a businessman should study in detail the terms of the concession (franchising) agreement of the prospective partner. Fulfilling all the conditions of the franchise is a very expensive pleasure. According to experts, the implementation of one major franchise project can cost up to 1 million US dollars (including a lump-sum fee).

On whether the work of gas stations under the auspices of famous brand the success of the entire project can be judged by the situation on Russian market in the retail trade of petroleum products.

It is obvious that large networks are increasing their presence, but at the same time, regional filling stations that offer their customers high quality service and excellent gasoline. Such developing franchises may well be available to a budding entrepreneur and help him achieve the planned economic results in a short time.