Presentation with superheroes for a boy's birthday. Children's superhero party. Receipt of credit books

  • 26.03.2020

To warm up, we play "Evolution", the favorite game of my daughter and some of her friends. All participants are amoeba. They move on their haunches, dangle their arms and make characteristic sounds (bloom-bloom-bloom). Two amoebas meet and play rock-paper-scissors. The one that won rises one evolutionary step and becomes a chicken. The loser remains an amoeba. The chicken (also squatting, arms-wings bent at the elbows, says "ko-ko-ko") is looking for a chicken partner, they play again. The winner rises up - becomes a dinosaur. The loser goes down one step - becomes an amoeba again. Of the two dinosaurs (walk on two legs, arms raised up, make scary sounds), the winner becomes a superman (or superhero), the game is over for him, he raises one arm up and steps aside. And the losing dinosaur goes down a step - becomes a chicken. It is important that only creatures of the same level play "rock-paper-scissors" with each other: amoeba with amoeba, chicken with chicken, dinosaur with dinosaur.

The game continues until there are three non-superheroes left. You can come up with some funny task for them - a phantom. Or you can do nothing, because in this case this game is just a warm-up, a small introduction to the topic.

2. Enrollment in the School of Superagents

In fact, becoming a superhero is not so easy. For this you need to learn a lot. We are glad to welcome you to the School of Superagents! To enroll in the School, you must pass a test. The main skill of a super agent is not to show his feelings and emotions. We play a game with funny questions (borrowed from Marina Yaroslavtseva).

Each participant draws one answer on a piece of paper. The host asks him a question, and he, with a very serious look, must answer it as it is written on a piece of paper. The task of the participants is not to laugh, to keep a serious expression on their faces.

Sample questions:
Is it true that your grandmother ties your shoelaces?
Is it true that you often fall in love?
When they don't see you, do you pick your nose?

Answer examples:
I can't imagine my life without it.
Yes, for hours, especially in the dark.
This has been my passion since childhood.

There should be no less questions and answers than the participants in the game.

Props: questions, answers on separate sheets.

3. Getting credit books

Since all of you will study at the School of Superagents, everyone should receive a Gradebook, in which grades (tests) will be entered for each completed stage. All participants receive record books (sheet A4, folded in half with a book, on the cover there is a picture and a place for a name, a sign is lined inside in accordance with the number of stages of the game). We sign and put the books in our pockets. We choose the headman of the group (in our case, the birthday girl), the headman receives a walkie-talkie to communicate with the base. We come up with call signs with which we will get in touch. Control communication with the base ("Base, base, this is a falcon!").

Here you need the help of one adult who will play the role of "base". He receives a route sheet in advance - the order of passing tests - "points".

Props: grade books, walkie-talkies.

4. Tests

In advance, in the surrounding forest, not too far from the clearing, sheets with "points" were hung out - "Point 1", "Point 2", etc. by the number of tests. To make it more interesting, our route did not pass in order, but, for example, first point 5, then point 2, etc. Each time we contact the base to find out where we should go next, and what exactly at this point we will train. For example, the base: "Proceed to point 5, we are practicing the ability to understand each other without words," etc.

Props: for all stages you need signs "Point ..." and adhesive tape to fix them.

Passed the test (according to the presenter) fled to " educational part"- to the clearing from where we started the game. There, one more (or the same one responsible for the "base") adult assistant noted the passed stage in the record book - put a test. This can be done in any way - put a signature, draw a small funny picture, emoticon, etc. We had a set of small seals with various pictures, we used it. That is, in the end, everyone had a dozen different seals in their record book. If time allowed, we could then color them or come up with a story in which all these pictures would somehow be involved.

It is important to immediately set up the guys that if they did not pass the test, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, if every time everyone succeeds without special efforts, then they themselves are simply not interested. 9 years old is a serious enough age not to fall into hysterics from temporary failure. We didn't have any problems with that, thank God. Although in some circumstances it may not be worth using such a pass-fail system if it seems to you that it may offend one of the participants and ruin the whole holiday.

After receiving the test, the participant returned to the starting point, to his team. Thus, at those stages where everyone ends not at the same time, but sequentially, we kept the freed children at least for a while. While the first ones ran to the training unit and back, the rest had time to finish the test.

The tests are listed in order, however, as mentioned above, we went a different route. I will outline it a little later.

So let's go to the first test.

Point 1. Feeling Courageous

Plumb. This is a standard rope course exercise, one of the easiest. Kids love it because it looks more complicated than it actually is.

At a certain height (about 1 meter, it can be a little higher), a rope is stretched horizontally between two trees. Another rope is fixed at one end on the third tree, located at a distance of 2-3 meters from the horizontal rope, preferably in the area of ​​​​its middle. That is, all three trees form an isosceles triangle, a rope stretched between two vertices is its base, a rope with a free end is fixed on the third vertex. The task of the participants is to walk along a stretched rope, holding on to the hanging end.

Very important! At this stage, it is imperative to involve dads in insurance. The exercise is not very difficult, but an unsuccessful fall can not only ruin the holiday, but also seriously injure the child.

Those who passed the test, at the direction of the leader, run to the training unit and receive a stamp (signature, drawing) in the column "Point 1". Those who could not pass the test (fell, did not reach the end, were generally afraid to climb the rope) do not receive credit.

We contact the base, find out where we should go next. We are looking for a sign with the next point.

Props: 2 ropes of sufficient length and strength.

Point 2. Learning to understand each other without words (borrowed from Marina Yaroslavtseva).

A very important skill of a super agent, necessary for communication and communication with other agents, is the ability to understand each other without words. Sometimes a good super agent needs only one glance to understand what a colleague wants to say to him.

The guys pull out a piece of paper on which some place of a secret meeting with the boss or other super agent is written (for example, a school, a toy store, Kindergarten etc.) The task is to pantomime this place in turn, the rest of the participants must guess what it is about. The offset is received by those whose pantomime was unraveled.

Props: pieces of paper with the designation of places.

Point 3. We work out the speed of the reaction.

A quick reaction is very important for a super agent. Why? In what situations can it be useful to him? Can save a life? As a preparation for the game, you can talk about this with the guys.

This game exists in many versions, we took the one in which at least something suited us on the subject. All participants stand in a circle. The host points to one and says "Toaster", "Elephant" or "James Bond". Depending on what was named, the one pointed to by the presenter and two of his neighbors depict the named.

Toaster - the two extremes join hands so that the central person is in the ring of their hands (this is a toaster), the central one jumps up, depicting a ready toast, and shouts: "I'm ready!"

Elephant - the central one depicts the trunk (with one hand it takes the nose, the second one sticks it into the resulting ring. The neighbors depict the ears of the elephant, putting both hands in a semicircle to the "nose" - the central one.

James Bond - the central one portrays DB - folds his hands with a "pistol" and shoots, the neighbors pretend to be DB's girlfriends, fold their hands, look at him and say: "Oh, James!"

When the children are comfortable with the figures, the game goes at a fairly fast pace. Who did not have time to depict something or, on the contrary, hurried up, mixed up the figure, etc. - out of the circle. When there are five (or as many as you like) people left in the circle, the game ends. Those who remain in the circle run to the training unit for a test and receive a stamp in the column "Point 3".

Point 4. We train taste and sensitivity.

It is very important for a super agent to have hypersensitivity, he must be able to taste any food, recognize all substances in order to understand whether his food is poisoned.

The guys close their eyes, the host puts a piece of something edible in their mouth (we used a nut-fruit mixture and put raisins, banana chips, nuts, candied fruits, etc.) You need to guess what exactly is in your mouth. Although this game, in fact, is designed for children 2-3 years old, it was a great success for our 9-year-old guests. For this stage, we did not set offsets - I thought that it would be too easy, although, in the end, I was mistaken.

If poison has entered the body, it is urgent to drink the antidote, which the super agent always carries with him in an inconspicuous place. Children receive a bottle of Immunele (or something else that everyone can drink and that is packaged in small bottles), their task is to hide this "antidote" as inconspicuously as possible. When everyone is ready, the next task is announced: alas, they tried to poison you. You need to drink the antidote immediately. But the super agent never leaves any traces behind him, so we take out a bottle on the whistle (from socks, hoods, sleeves, etc.), tear it off, drink it, run 20 meters to the garbage bag fixed on the bush, throw the empty bottle into the bag, return to the leader, raise your hand. The first five people receive credit.

Props: food (dried fruits, nuts, cookies, etc.), immunole, garbage bag.

Point 5. We train accuracy.

Weapon wielding is an important superspy skill. Targets are fixed on a rope (we used two, as the wind was strong enough) - a target is drawn on a white cloth. The guys get a water pistol loaded with paint (you can add ink or ink to the water - it's inexpensive and the color is saturated), their task is to hit the target from a certain distance. We also gave out rubber gloves so as not to stain our hands and sleeves with paint. We had two pistols, so we fired in turns. Those who hit the target run to set offsets.

Props: gloves, rope, fabric (with painted targets), clothespins (to secure the targets), paint (diluted, in bottles), pistols.

Kessler Lydia
one-time game program"We are superheroes!"

One-time game program

"We- superheroes»

Game programs is a modern take on children's entertainment programs, the main idea of ​​which is that children love to play very much. They willingly participate and interact in the process of playing with animators, and most importantly with each other. It's no secret that children will choose between learning and game. And here at game programs a clear advantage, children playing receive precious experience and knowledge, without noticing it.

However, it has long been competitive game programs are considered by scientists as the most important means of pedagogical influence. With proper use of opportunities gaming methods in educational and educational process can achieve very high efficiency results. In the center of the game, an event is always planned, the essence of which is a struggle, a clash of opposing sides, a conflict. The game allows "to live" many social situations, serves as a means of team building, a mechanism for distributing statuses and roles.

Already at the initial stage of development of any game leisure program try to see all of its content. The block system will help the organizers in this, that is, the structural image of the content. game program. Each game episode-block lives an independent life, developing according to the laws dramaturgy: from the prologue to the beginning of the conflict, its development.

One-time game program does not require training of participants. Children are included in the game, dance, choral singing directly during "action". Organize all this, as a rule, teachers-organizers. Their professionalism, talent and experience determine how pedagogically competent this or that game program.

Target: the development of a socially active personality of the child, through inclusion in creative, meaningful activities.


1. To organize the leisure of students of associations through inclusion in game program

2. To develop the communicative qualities of the individual, the ability to work in a team.

3. Contribute to the formation of the foundations of cultural and moral behavior

4. organize educational space according to the principle "developments" children and adults

5. Develop cognitive interest

Conduct form: one-time game program

Age: 5-7 years

Time spending: 25-30 minutes

Location. Auditorium

Equipment: laptop, mixing console, speakers, microphone, multimedia projector, Lady Lightning host costume

Props: plastic balls 30 pieces, 2 buckets, Lego constructor (large parts, medals "I- superhero.

One-time game program

"We- superheroes»

Cheerful music is on. Lady Lightning comes out

Good afternoon! Hi all! How glad I am to see you in this cozy room. Look what envelope I found in my mailbox today.

And an envelope with an image appears on the screen superheroes

Who do you think it's from? How did you guess? Clap your hands three times, who wants to look into it?

Look into the envelope

Let's read the letter together.

I invite you to join the ranks superheroes. To do this, you have to pass tests that all young people traditionally have to cope with. superheroes. I will send one of my students, Lady Lightning, to help you. Good luck! And may your friendship and kindness become you faithful helpers on my way! Main superhero

Who is ready to be superhero?

I wonder how to get into a magical land superheroes? You do not know? Let's look into the envelope again, maybe there is some clue?

Look into the envelope, find the spell

It turns out to get into a magical land superheroes, we need to cast a magic spell.

Oh la viburnum,

Oh la coo-coo, coo-coo.

Oh la viburnum,

Oh la coo.

Rumba, rumba

Drag, drag, drag

Ah-ah-ah, oh-oh-oh

Ah-ah-ah, oh-oh-oh

Whack, whack.

And in the cold and in the fierce heat

will win Superhero.

Now we all have to close our eyes and count to three.

Magical music resounds

Well, here we are in a magical land superheroes.

Guys, do you know who superhero?

- Superhero - man endowed with extraordinary physical abilities ( superpowers, which he directs to accomplish feats in the name of the common good.

And in life there is superheroes? Name them.

Before you are privy to superheroes, you must demonstrate your courage, resourcefulness, dexterity and ability to get out of any situation, substitute your shoulder where necessary. And for this we will conduct tests. Who is ready to take part in them?

Answer the question are you smart? Bold? Strong? Friendly?

Great, that's what I need. Just to tune in to the tests, you need to cheer up. One game will help me with this.

- I have a game for you.:

"Maybe no, maybe yes".

tell me the answer:

Maybe - "Yes", or maybe - "No".

The fish sleep at the bottom of the pond

Is it true kids? (Yes.)

Give me an answer quickly

Does it snow in winter? (Yes.)

Monday and Wednesday-

Are these the days of the week? (Yes.)

Does the sun give people light?

Let's answer together! (Yes.)

Whiskas- cat food

What will you tell me? (Yes.)

I anticipate your answer:

Is the mouse afraid of the cat? (Yes.)

Crocodile lives a hundred years

Is it true kids? (Not.)

Maybe a 5 year old

To be an old grandfather? (Not.)

Everyone will say without difficulty:

After winter - summer? (Not.)

The light of the moon and the light of the sun

Is it visible to people? (Yes.)

tell me the answer:

Do frogs sleep in winter? (Yes.)

Camel is capable, give an answer,

Go three days without food? (Yes.)

Can you give me an answer:

Does the wolf change his coat? (Not.)

Answer me kids:

Did you like the game? (Yes.)

Well done, they weren't wrong. Before taking part in difficult tests, you need to tune in and perform exercises.

To become a cool hero, you need to repeat after me!

Let's train our hands! So that all the evil ones are afraid of us! (rotate hands)

Left-right, left-right! We will take care of you!

Now we train the neck! Beware of us villains! (neck tilt left and right)

Tilt one, tilt two! Let's raise our fighting spirit!

Now let's swing our legs! To race down the road! (jump)

Jump one, jump two! Without stops! You are hero!

To get results, you need to repeat the exercise! (and again charging)

So, we know the names of various superheroes. We also dream of becoming superheroes, truth? Then let's shout out our names loudly to the count "three".

One, two, three, say the name out loud.

They call their names

1 test. The most daring.

Now let's find out how fast you can solve riddles. Since you are the future superheroes and will go to school soon, then the riddles will be about school and school supplies. Let's see which one of you is the smartest.

1. Smart Ivashka, red shirt,

Where it passes, touches, there remains a trace. (Pencil)

2. Mom looks impatiently

On the pages of the diary.

Waiting for the cherished assessment

My son is a mischievous one.

But again, only fours.

There is no beauty. (Fives)

3. Stands on one leg,

Turns his head.

Shows us countries

Rivers, mountains, oceans. (The globe)

4. Black, crooked, all mute from birth.

They will stand in a row - now they will speak. (Letters)

5. Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but tells. (Book)

6. Kulik is not great,

Hundreds of guys orders:

So sit down and study

Then get up disperse. (call)

You are all great! Passed the first exam. But you have to pass many tests. Do you agree?

2 test. The most accurate.

The next test is the most accurate. Your task is to hit the target with these balls in the bucket. We must try very hard.

They've all been named correctly, let's list them again. I name the quality - if it belongs superhero, you clap your hands, if you don't belong, you stomp your feet.

The game "Quality superhero»

Mind, courage, inattention, dexterity, cowardice, speed, ingenuity, slowness, politeness.

Excellent! Let's move on to the next superhero challenge. Let's see how cleverly you coped with the next difficult test.

Raise your hand, who will be able to cope with the most interesting and unusual task?

3 test. Dance.

Then I propose to have a little rest and cheer ourselves up with a dance.

The music turns on. Lady Lightning dances, children repeat.

Great, like this super we have a heroic dance. But this is not enough, you are attentive, and well-aimed, and quick-witted, and even very danceable. But important quality so is speed. You will have to quickly jump through my clouds. (sheets of paper are glued on the floor in a chaotic manner)

4 test. The fastest.

In our final challenge you will test your friendship, you will have to build a reliable tower for your team. You ask what we will build from - these are Lego parts. Well, are you ready? Good luck then.

5 test. The friendliest.

Well done! You coped with all the tasks with honor. Now you are real superheroes!

Well, now the most main: the oath superhero. I read a line and you answer loudly "I swear!".

I swear become a superhero! I swear!

Study for four, five! I swear!

And laziness, and rudeness to win! I swear!

Do not turn up your nose and help all the weak! I swear!

Do not sneak around, and do not cry over trifles! I swear!

Do not offend anyone and keep the loyalty of friendship! I swear!

Be honest in a dispute and keep your word! I swear!

Be strong and brave! I swear!

May this oath not give me the right path! I swear!

Well done, for excellently completed tasks, each of you is entitled to a medal "I- superhero

So, where do you start cooking to the party? The first thing to do is to make a to-do list: determine the number of invitees and the venue of the party, design the venue, make invitations, sort out the images of the characters, think over costumes, come up with a menu, entertainment program. In general, there are a lot of worries and troubles, but if you think of everything and prepare everything in advance, your party will be unforgettable.

You can have a superhero party absolutely in anywhere everything will depend on the number of people. It could be an apartment a private house, Cafe. Very often, for such parties, an apartment or a house is rented by the day. This is a great option for everyone, you will be sure that you will not have unexpected guests, neighbors will not complain about loud music, and guests will not break your favorite vase.

If you have decided on the venue of the holiday, you need to correctly design to create the right atmosphere. But the design depends on what kind of superheroes you want to see at the party. After all, the heroes are different for everyone: someone wants to reincarnate as Hulk, Superman, spider man, Catwoman; someone likes it better Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and samurai; and someone prefers Russian superheroes - heroes. Think over and discuss with the guests the exact theme of the event, and start decorating the hall.

How to set up a venue for a party?

For registration, you can use:

. Christmas garlands. They will be appropriate at the party and create a sense of celebration.

. Posters. You can hang posters with images of superheroes. To cheer up the guests, you can stick the faces of your friends on the posters instead of the faces of the heroes.

. Hero Attributes. From the grid, you can make a web, draw the symbols of Superman and Batman, place weapon models everywhere. Very often, for this, their toy arsenal is taken away from younger brothers.

. Super Wish Board. On such a board, everyone can write their super-wishes: super-strength, super-health, super-heroism, and so on.

. Comics. Put comics on shelves and coffee tables, they will perfectly complement the party style.

Do cut from movies about superheroes with the latest scenes. Broadcast this video the whole evening, guests will be pleased to compare themselves and others with the characters on the screen.


They say that the theater begins with a hanger. In the same way, every party starts with invitations. By correctly inviting guests, you set the tone for the whole holiday, and the original invitation will be the key to a successful party.

What should be the invitation? There are several options:

. invitation card. This is a standard paper postcard that you can buy or make your own. Postcards can be personalized with photos of guests. The text can not be written, but glued from cut out newspaper letters and words. The invitation must indicate where and when the party will take place. Don't forget to mention the dress code as well.

. Photo invitation. You can take a photo invitation and send it by e-mail, to in social networks or mms by phone. To do this, prepare posters with information about where and when the event will take place, take pictures with them, make a collage and send them to the recipients.

. Video invitation. The original invitation will be a video in which you can tell the guests in detail about the party. It can be sent to e-mail or burn to disk.

. Quest invitation. This type of invitation is suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle and like to solve puzzles and riddles. You can do several stages, at each of them giving a hint about the next one. As a result of the quest, the guest must find an invitation card to the party.

In order for you to quickly decide on the image of the superhero in which you will reincarnate at the party, we present sample list heroes:

Iron Man.
. Rossamaha.
. Superman.
. Spiderman.
. Batman.
. Thor.
. Hulk.
. Captain America.
. Green Lantern.
. Catwoman.
. Daredevil.
. Supergirl.


If the party is stylized, then all guests must be in suits. To do this, announce a contest for the best costume and reward the winner. The costumes of the heroes should be as similar as possible to the original. Of course, you can buy or rent them. But if this is not possible, then you can do it yourself. For raincoat A sheet is perfect for Superman and Batman, with a little effort, you can easily draw the symbols of your heroes on a T-shirt, you can make armlets and knee pads for an iron man out of cardboard, using fabric and cardboard, make masks. In general, if you work hard, you can achieve the desired result with minimal cost.


The festive table should not be ordinary and boring. All meals should be super meals, and drinks should be super drinks. Meat dishes should prevail on the table, because heroes need strength for exploits. Make super patties, cheese web pizza, bake super strength meat, super flying wings, make Caesar salad, stuff super peppers. Don't forget about super beer, super wine and super vodka, as well as super rossole "for tomorrow". Experiment, come up with super-names for your dishes. The main thing to remember is that there should be enough food, because hungry guests are not the best option.


In addition to the competition for the best costume, many more competitions can be held, below are examples:

Competition " Super kettlebell».
For this competition, you need to invite several men who want to participate. In advance, you need to prepare weights, for example, five pieces, four of which are real, and the fifth is fake. Conditions of the competition: participants need to lift weights as many times as possible. It is clear that the fake weight will be light, and it will be much easier to lift it. But this participant will be an example to others, and they will try to keep up and lift their kettlebells more times. The main thing is that the hero with a fake weight should not give himself away, groaning, wiping sweat, pick it up and lift it up.

Competition " gossamer».
Conditions of the competition: participants are divided into two teams, stand in a circle. Each of them receives an elastic band for jumping, it is pulled around the participants. The task of the teams is to exchange their rubber bands together, move from their circle to another circle, while remaining with their team. Highly fun competition who will give a lot Have a good mood. You can hold a competition for a while.

Competition " Super abilities».
This is an improvisation contest, it should be held towards the end of the party. Ask your guests to express themselves, to show "what is good for" their hero. Believe me, the super-powers that you will be shown, not every stuntman will be able to perform.

Competition " super eggs».
Both men and women can participate in this competition. To do this, tie a rope with a bag to the belt of two participants, in which put two raw eggs. The task of the participants without the help of hands is to break the opponent's eggs.

Competition " New superhero».
For this contest, you need to divide the guests into two teams, each of which must create their own, new superhero, come up with a name for him and super-opportunities. Then these heroes will measure their strength.

Hold a super prize drawing, competition for the best super toast, song or verse about superheroes. In order not to forget anything, write a script for the event, take a camera and a video camera in order to capture the gathering of superheroes at your holiday. You can also invite an artist who will draw caricatures for your guests. Inspiration to you and good times!

To begin with, it was necessary to come up with costumes for the birthday girl and us, her parents.

I was lucky that Dasha had a sports swimsuit made of red supplex, which was left after the dance performance of my "Berry". But in principle, any red plain T-shirt would do. It remains to buy a piece of inexpensive blue fabric and sew a simple skirt with an elastic band (this, by the way, is the first thing that I sewed myself after an apron at work at school :)). From white cardboard, I cut out stars and sewed them to the edge of the skirt.

Remaining details:

  • Lasso of Truth I made from a twisted golden cord, which I purchased at an accessories store.
  • Protective bracelets sewn from golden fabric (pieces of material remained after sewing a T-shirt on).
  • Throwing tiara I cut it out of golden metallized cardboard, the edges of which I connected with an elastic band. I cut out a red star from red cardboard and glued it to the tiara with superglue.
  • The hardest thing to do was invisible plane, but I got through this. 🙂

My husband and I had simpler costumes. I chose to be Catwoman. For this I just needed:black turtleneck and leggings, wide leather belt and black boots. I cut my mask out of black felt. The husband was Wolverine - a white T-shirt, jeans and false sideburns, which I cut out from the same black felt and stuck with double-sided tape.

We welcomed our guests in all their glory. 🙂

Holiday script

Dear comrades superheroes, today we have gathered with you in order to celebrate the birthday of our most beloved, smartest and best daughter - our Wonder Girl Dashenka.

At the party is strictly prohibited:

  • fly and move at the speed of light,
  • walk through walls
  • freeze and melt with the gaze of rivals in the competition,
  • as well as use superpower and other superpowers for selfish purposes.

There is one more condition. Each of you gets the role of a certain superhero. Before you say anything (including a toast), you must introduce yourself. The one who does not fulfill the condition fulfills any desire of the birthday girl (for an adult holiday, you can pour a penalty).

For example, Dasha, before saying something, should say “I am a Miracle, not a girl - a real chorus”, and I say “I am a Catwoman - a little harmful.”

Show options for other guests (men):

  • "I'm Wolverine - unshaven slob"
  • "I'm Batman - a bat-man, a gloomy strong man"
  • "I am Spider-Man - a web of hands"
  • "I'm Iron Man - Helmet Forever"
  • "I'm Captain America - all the villains are hysterical"
  • "I'm Superman - knee-length cloak"

Performance options for female superheroes:

  • "I'm a Cat Girl - I like to lose a little"
  • "I'm Jean Gray - if you don't believe me, pour it"
  • "I'm Ms. Marvel - Double Star, Always Brave"
  • "I am Elektra. I have a sword-treasurer, all villains are damned "

Each superhero also receives a mask or props of distinction (for example, Elektra - a toy or cut-out sword from cardboard). To make masks, it is enough to find suitable templates on the Internet, print them on thick matte photo paper, cut them out, make two small holes and tie a thin elastic band to them, which can be purchased at any hardware store. This method will allow you to significantly save the budget for the holiday, because. ready-made masks will cost much more.

It turned out pretty fun. 🙂 Some guests also deliberately tried to twist their words. For example, our prankster grandpa would always say "I'm Captain America - I'll make everyone hysterical" or "I'm Captain America - you're all going to have a tantrum." 🙂

After the superheroes had a little refreshment and said to the birthday girl good wishes, I continued the entertainment program.

And now we will do a quiz with you - superpowers of our Wonder Girl. Take turns calling Dasha's superpowers. Whoever fails is out of the game.

Excellent! For info: according to Wikipedia, the superpowers of our birthday girl are also:

  • Superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, regeneration.
  • Limited invulnerability
  • Longevity
  • Flight
  • Empathy, mutual understanding with animals, enhanced feelings.
  • Martial arts mastery

Competition for super accuracy

I divided all the participants into two teams (superheroes and superheroines). Each team was given a balloon (blue for boys, red for girls). It was necessary to hit the ball on the target. In our case, the target was a hoop, which I held at a short distance.

Super Speed ​​Contest

Now the participants of the same teams are invited to compete in speed (between the legs balloon, you need to run to the goal, return and pass the baton to the next participant).

super sensitive

Analogue of a damaged phone.


Here you can arrange a battle with modeling ball blasters or any other soft “weapon”.

In all competitions, of course, friendship won! 🙂


Since we are having a superhero party, we simply cannot do without super prizes. But to win the prize, you must guess what I'm talking about.

Every superhero must take care of himself and therefore he just needs to ... (Soap)

To keep himself in shape, a superhero needs ... a muscle simulator ... (Expander)

Another muscle trainer… only for chewing gum…

More than one superhero cannot do without this thing ... especially a man ... and especially in the kitchen (Apron. I bought an apron with a pattern of a muscular male torso in a fun store)

This thing is necessary for a superhero to brighten up his leisure ... also this thing trains the lungs ... (Balloon)

Do not slow down, but rather eat ... (Snickers)

These two things are simply necessary for every superhero after doing another good deed ... so as not to forget about him ... (Notepad and pen. We had an image of Spider-Man)

Room decoration:

Balloons in the colors of Wonder Girl (red, blue, white)

Pictures and comics with superheroes that I printed out and hung on the walls. Each of the pictures, of course, was attended by Wonder Woman.

Table setting:

The table was covered with a white tablecloth. On a white plate, I placed a rolled-up red napkin with a homemade red cardboard ring and the Wonder Woman logo stuck on. In general, blue napkins were thought of, but in the confusion I remembered the napkins at the last moment and, as luck would have it, there were no blue napkins in the store where the last purchases were made. But it worked out well too.


When compiling the menu, we tried to focus on American cuisine or its elements.

The evening ended with a tea party with a birthday cake, which I myself baked and decorated with an image of superheroes on sticks (printed out on a color printer, cut out and glued to a wooden skewer) and M&M's. The recipe for this cake will definitely be published soon - to the mailing list of announcements of new articles, so as not to miss it.

A selection of games for superheroes. "Gotta get up" The gym is far away, and we need muscles right here and now. We take two T-shirts in size XXXXL. And we inflate about 30 balloons. Superheroes put on T-shirts, the task is to put more balls under the T-shirt in the allotted time. The most "muscular" wins. "Wall" Now the heroes are strong enough to easily break a brick wall. The game will require 10 -15 boxes lined up with a wall. All participants will have to break the wall in turn with the help of the ball. "Super Touch" On the eve we buy in the joke shop: the crazier the prizes, the better. We hide them in an opaque woven bag. The superheroes must guess what the item is hidden in the bag using only their sense of touch. The one who guesses gets a prize from the bag. Defuse the kryptonite We scatter kryptonite (balls rolled from foil the size of a snowball) around the room. Everyone knows how kryptonite affects the abilities of superheroes. It must not be touched with bare hands. To help the heroes, Chinese chopsticks. The task is to collect as many balls of kryptonite as possible in the allotted time. Competition for super accuracy Two teams (superheroes and superheroines). Each team is given a balloon. You need to hit the ball on the target. Super Speed ​​Contest Now the participants of the same teams are invited to compete in speed (a balloon is between the legs, you need to run to the goal, return and pass the baton to the next participant). Superpower Here you can arrange a battle with modeling ball blasters or any other soft “weapon”. Competition "Super Straws" This competition will require a lot of plastic straws from juice or cocktails. Participants are invited to participate, whom the leader divides into two teams. Each team receives half a pack of straws (approximately equal amount). The host gives a start, and the teams begin to make a long straw: insert the end of one straw into another, and so on. Teams are given a few minutes to complete the task. The team that makes the longest straw during this time wins the competition. Game "Liberation" The facilitator forms a large circle of chairs (or indicates a circle in some other way) in order to limit the movement of the players. The participant with their hands and feet bound (the prisoner) sits in the center of a circle formed of chairs. Next to him is a blindfolded player (guard). The rest of the participants in the game (liberators) are trying to free the prisoner, that is, they are trying to untie him. The guard must intervene. Hitting any participant, he takes him out of the game, he must go behind the circle of chairs. The player who manages to free the captive without being caught becomes the guard himself the next time. Contest "Web". Conditions of the competition: participants are divided into two teams, stand in a circle. Each of them receives an elastic band for jumping, it is pulled around the participants. The task of the teams is to exchange their rubber bands together, move from their circle to another circle, while remaining with their team. You can hold a competition for a while. New Superhero Contest. For this competition, you need to divide the guests into two teams, each of which must come up with and create their own, new superhero. Competitions for the reserve, suddenly the main ones will not be enough. Game "Folk Art" 5 people are required to participate in the competition. Four of them temporarily go to another room. The remaining fifth reads the text aloud. “Greek rode across the river, he sees the Greek in the river cancer. He put the Greek hand into the river, cancer for the hand of the Greek-DAC ”(instead of this tongue twister, there can be any other, including proverbs). One of the participants is invited to the hall. The participant who read the text must retell the story to the visitor with facial expressions and gestures. The participant who came, if he understood what it was about, said: “I understand!”. Then the next one is invited, to whom the second one tells his story. Also without words. Then the next participant is invited and so on until the last one. Naturally, everyone will have their own story, but it will be funny for everyone. At the end, the first participant reads for all the rest, what really happened. Competition "Beads" For this competition you need a pack of popcorn in a large bowl. The competition is held in two stages and several pairs (m+f) are needed to participate in it. The first task is performed by women - each is given a needle and thread. At speed, in a little over a minute, they take popcorn from a large bowl and thread it onto a string to make beads. Once the time is up, the amount of popcorn on the beads is counted. A bonus point is earned by the pair that makes more "beads" on the beads. Then the next stage - women put beads on themselves, and now the male representatives of the couples must eat these beads as quickly as possible. The pair that destroys the beads faster wins. This is how the second stage ends, after which the audience chooses the winner themselves.