Scenario for the competition of young karaoke cartoon performers. What is "live" karaoke? Party in the style of "With a song for life! Technical support for a corporate event

  • 26.03.2020

The mummers at all times have been a symbol of a real holiday, fortunately, this tradition of dressing up and entertaining the public on behalf of their character has survived to this day. And today, costumed congratulations are the most beloved and bright moments at any celebration: from a small family holiday before the mass festivities.

Game moments are especially popular, in which guests, dressed as different characters, hold not only congratulations to the heroes of the occasion, but also active or table contests with guests. We offer one of the options for such entertainment - comic scene"The arrival of a nurse on a holiday"

Script for a joke

At the height of the holiday, the “Nurse” suddenly appears, a bag with a red cross over his shoulder, in it the props necessary for this.

Nurse (referring to guests) Hello my dear! And who is bad here? I see everything well. And what then called? There are not enough brigades in the city, and you are playing games here. Ltd! I look, it’s good for you today, but tomorrow it won’t be very good! Tomorrow morning, line up in a long line to see me. Only I can’t accept everyone, the reception time is limited, and there are so many of you. How can we be? .. Looks like we didn’t come in vain.

Well, first of all, let's not panic. Save your nerve cells. I will give you some tips on how to get yourself out of a stressful situation. (Approaches guests in turn and gives advice and comic recipes on how to get rid of problems, each guest she addresses embodies)

Comic recipes for guests from a nurse

Get a hold of yourself (shows how to make a "lock")

swallow the hurt (offers a drink)

Treat yourself to joy treats candy)

Fuck the problem (offers to hit with a child's hammer)

End an unbearable relationship (gives sheet A4)

Stand firm on your (shows a pose: arms at the sides, legs apart)

Don't give up (shows how to raise hands)

Become a star (shows a pose with legs wider than shoulders, arms to the sides)

Whatever it is, smile (gives a picture of a smile on a stick and tries it on)

Catch your luck (makes it possible to catch a star on a string)

Look at the world with different eyes (gives funny homemade or purchased glasses and puts them on the guest)

Active game with the audience

A healthy mind is good, but you also need to look good. I will show you the simplest trick on how to put yourself in order in the morning. Exercising daily, you can gain health, youth and a flourishing appearance.

(background music playing)

1. ... Beauty, health and good spirits

Starts with a smile from ear to ear (shows, and everyone repeats a wide smile)

2. ... We disperse the blood so that it does not hurt -

Let's tap our palms on our knees (shows, everyone repeats)

3. ... To keep troubles from flowing.

We put belam and stress a reliable block (shows arms crossed in front of him)

4. ... It's time to shake off fatigue.

So that only pleasant bliss remains (with hands, as if shaking off water)

5 . We all listen to the rhythm of the heart, Good? (palm to heart)

Then let's clap our hands joyfully (clapping)

6. And now again at a faster pace to the music all the exercises: smile, knees, block, bliss, heart, joy (does with guests). And now let's leave only a smile and joy and clap for each other. Well done!

A toast from a nurse

And before I leave such wonderful patients, a few wishes and recommendations.

A rap backing track sounds or just speaks in recitative.

Friends, wish you like a doctor want

So that you all go to the doctor less often,

To forget at all what pills are,

So that beloved children are healthy,

To make your heart beat like a motor,

So that you keep your enthusiasm until old age!

So that you would not know what a migraine is,

Exercise every day.

I give the installation so that you do not get sick

At work and at home, so that the nerves are sorry,

So that your teeth never ache from pain,

So that the jaws in the mouth were not false.

So that you have a temperature of 36.6,

To keep your figure slim

Live like the doctors say

We don't know him, we never treated him.

I suggest ... let's pour some wine

Let's drink to our health!

By the way, I allow you to drink .. a glass ... another

(guests drink, if there is a hero of the occasion, then the nurse congratulates him separately and leaves)

The tables are covered with white cloth to the floor, they are vases for flowers. Lottery tickets are distributed to each guest at the entrance to the hall. Tables are designed for 2-4 people. Pleasant music sounds in the hall.

- Words of gratitude to you,
Nurses and doctors
To those who saved our lives
Those who will restore our health,
We bow to you from us.
For the presentation of diplomas and valuable prizes to the well-deserved medical workers, invited (full name).

The presentation is made to solemn music. After the presentation, a girl enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers. She performs Alena Sviridova's "Song about a Doctor", during the performance, she comes to each table and gives a flower, which she puts in a vase.

- Winter or summer, spring or autumn,
Diseases come, they won't ask us
On guard of health, always on the alert,
They are always standing by
They pass our pain through themselves,
They always help us in trouble,
From everyone who has been in hospital wards,
Thank you people in white coats.

(The scene "At the doctor's appointment", with the participation of three people. The doctor is sitting at the table, the patient comes in.)

A patient :
- Hello, Doctor!

Doctor :

(The patient lies down, the doctor examines him.)

Doctor :
What are you complaining about, young man?

A patient :
- The heart hurts, the pressure jumps, the eyes burn and the head is spinning.

Doctor :
- So, so, so, heart speak.

A patient :
- Yes, doctor.

(The doctor listens to the patient with a stethoscope.)

Doctor :
- Eyes are burning, head is spinning!

A patient :
- Yes, doctor.

(The doctor takes out a photograph beautiful girl and brings it up to the patient's face.)

Doctor :
- Is it easier?

A patient :
- Oh, yes, doctor, it's much easier.

Doctor :
- Dress up, you're in love. It's not fatal, but if it doesn't go away in two months, you'll live with it for the rest of your life.

(Patient leaves, another appears.)

Doctor :
- Hello, come in, undress, lie down.

A patient :
- Yes, it's me, doctor, here...

(Holds out papers.)

Doctor :
- I told you, quickly undress, lie down, now we'll figure it out.

(The patient undresses and lies down.)

Doctor :
- So, so, so, what are we complaining about?

A patient :
- For a salary.

(The doctor listens to him.)

Doctor :
- Interesting symptoms, you don't seem to have any exhaustion. Sore throat?

A patient :
- Only after a cold beer.

Doctor :
- Dizzy?

A patient :
- Only after vodka.

Doctor :
- It seems to me that you are healthy, maybe you are a simulator, my friend?

A patient :
- No, doctor, I'm not a simulator, I'm a loader, sign the papers and tell me where to pour the coal.

- Everyone who is here received lottery tickets at the entrance. And so, not sparing smiles, we start the lottery.

The lottery is held with the help of those present. The leader approaches each table and asks to pull out the ball and announce the number. Prizes can be pillows with hearts, chewing gum in the form of jaws, vodka as a medicinal tincture, chocolate - the hormone of joy, lemon - vitamin C, and much more. For each prize, you can come up with a little joke.

- It's quiet time
All in their chambers
Only outside the window is spring,
A riot of scents
Breaking the silence
In a white robe
young nurse,
Twirled in a waltz.

Dance competition for all present.
The leader approaches the dancing couple, and gives one of them a balloon, and starts dancing with the other. The person does the same balloon. You can break a pair only once, when there is not one unbroken pair left around, the remaining person with the ball is given the task to bring the ball in the palm of his hand to his beloved or beloved. A prize is awarded for successful action.

Next competition: "Nursing Courses".
Choose two women and two men. Male doctors give instructions to their nurses. After a certain distance, they tie a ball on two chairs and put two glasses of water each; you can get to the patient chairs only along the drawn squares. The first task is to give an injection to the patient. A disposable syringe is assembled and a ball is pierced on the other side. The second task is to give the patient pills. Five tablets are taken, the nurse must transfer all the tablets one at a time in a spoon. The third task is to make an enema. To do this, you need to use a small syringe to select water from one glass to another. The fastest and most agile wins. She is awarded a drawn diploma "Cool Nurse".

- You have chosen a difficult path, and yet,
Go without turning away from him boldly,
For you is the most precious thing
The health of all, without exception, people,
Treating people is not an easy task,
And you can't be wrong,
So may luck be with you
And the earth flourishes with joy.

Medic's Day is a special holiday, which is usually celebrated in the summer on the third Sunday of June. The warm season makes it possible to celebrate this festivity on fresh air. A picnic in nature with the whole team will be the most enjoyable pastime on this day, and various games and contests will bring a little excitement and intrigue. Below are very interesting and exciting options for competitions for doctors, with the help of which the most entertainment. Medical gloves and gowns are an important attribute everywhere. Participation in games and competitions will bring a lot of positive emotions, as well as a little competitive experience.

>Competition "Guess the specialty"

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance on separate cards the name of the medical specialty. For example: dentist, surgeon, gynecologist and others. Further, one leader comes out of the whole team and draws a card at random. His further task is that he needs to depict the specialty indicated on the card with the help of gestures and facial expressions. The leader will be replaced by the one who will be the first to guess the medical profession.

Competition "First Aid"

Highly fun competition in which volunteers take part in pairs. For the competition, you should prepare voluminous mittens and toilet paper. One member of the couple needs to tie his hands, and the other puts on mittens and begins to wrap toilet paper around his legs. The winners will be those who complete this procedure faster and more accurately.

Competition "Dress of the doctor"

Participation in the competition is taken in pairs, where one is a doctor, and the second is his assistant. Each doctor of the couple should stand up straight, and meanwhile the assistant put his shirt on him back to front and quickly fasten all the buttons. Those who quickly cope with the task will win in this competition. Watching the assistant try to fasten the buttons very quickly will cause a lot of laughter from the audience, because, properly, this procedure is very difficult to speed up.

Contest "Guess the medicine"

The task of the competition is very simple. On the cards you need to indicate the name of drugs for various diseases. One volunteer is selected from the team, who, without looking, draws a card. Next, he needs to depict the disease with gestures and facial expressions, from which the specified drug will help. The one who can guess first will become a replacement for the leader.

Contest "Guess the melody"

To conduct this competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance several melodies of a medical theme. A small excerpt from the song is included, which the team must guess. The participant who guessed the melody first gets one point. The winner will be the one who scores the most points. This show jumping is no less interesting when the diagnosis is traced in the selected composition. Today there are many such novelties. Accordingly, the participants will then guess not the name of the melody, but will have to determine the diagnosis in question.

The game "Lord of the pipette"

Several people can take part in this game. Each player is given two glasses, one full and one empty. The main attribute of the game is a pipette, with which the participant must transfer all the water from a full glass to an empty one. The winner will be the one who can complete the task the fastest. It will be much more fun if you play the game with music. As a prize, you can prepare a badge with the inscription "Lord of the pipette."

Game "Diagnosis"

One of the most exciting games is the Diagnosis game. Participation in it can take almost the entire team or just everyone. They need to stand in one circle and alternately pronounce the name of the diseases. However, not everything is so simple, it should be called strictly in alphabetical order. You should not think for a long time or prompt each other, you can just come up with a new diagnosis. If you do it quickly, it will turn out very funny and fun.

Game "Maternity Ward"

This competition will require two participants. The rules of the game need to be announced only after the volunteers come out. One of the players will be a wife who recently gave birth, and the second will play the role of a beloved husband and caring father. Next, the spouse should ask questions to the spouse relating only to the child. The wife, in turn, without uttering a word, gives the answer with gestures and facial expressions. The reason for this way of communication is soundproof glass. It will be very funny if the participants are two men or women.
Game "Funny figures"
In this game, you can not do without several pairs of medical gloves. Several volunteers come out to participate, to whom the host gives a felt-tip pen and a glove. The music turns on, and the players begin to paint their attribute with a felt-tip pen. As soon as the melody stops, each participant must provide the resulting figure. The creativity of the glove directly depends on the imagination of the doctor. The winner will be determined by the audience, who will act as a jury.

Game "Procedural"

The rules of the game are very simple. Those who wish to participate come out in pairs, where one will be a nurse or a nurse, and the second will be an ordinary patient with a flux on his cheek. Each doctor in a pair must have a roll of bandage or toilet paper. To the music, the nurse or nurse should actively begin wrapping the cheek of their patient. This should be done until the roll is over. Which pair will do it faster, they will become the winners.

Game "Kinomaniya"

The entire team of doctors should be divided into two teams. The task is to alternately name domestic and foreign films or series about doctors. For example: "Interns", "Doctor House", etc. The winner will be the team that will be the last to remember and name the name of the film or series about doctors.

The game "Strong-spirited doctors"

Participation in this game is best taken only by men. Volunteers of the competition are given one glove each, which they must inflate so much that they burst. The winner will be the player who completes this task as quickly as possible.
Game "Surgeons"
Another exciting competition, which will require:
two pairs of bathrobes;
two pairs of gloves;
two pairs of medical caps;
two pairs of shoe covers.
Only couples can participate. The music turns on and one player of the pair very quickly begins to put it all on the second participant. Once all accessories are equipped, the first player of the pair shouts "Scalpel!". The winners will be those who will be able to quickly cope with the task. It will be much more fun if you prepare small symbolic gifts and prizes.

Nerve test game

Only neuropathologists will take part in this game. Each is given one blank sheet. Their task is not to tear this paper into a few small pieces, however, this is not the catch. You need to tear the sheet on an outstretched hand, while there should be no help from the second hand. The winner will be the one who copes with the task much faster than his rivals and does everything very carefully.

Game "Pipette"

Throughout this game, participants and spectators will be able to truly experience the intrigue and excitement. Several people are called from the team. Then each is given one pipette and a beaker with an alcoholic drink or juice. the main objective- this is for a minimum of time to try to empty the beaker with liquid with a pipette. The contents must be drunk completely. Cheerful music is turned on, and the participants in the game begin to complete their task. It will be insanely funny to watch the players who, with all their strength and tolerance, will try to drink the contents drop by drop. The winner will be the participant who will get ahead of all rivals and quickly cope with the conditions set.

"Song Contest"

At the end of this wonderful day, this contest is worth holding. The whole team is divided into two teams, each of which chooses a leader. Then he names any part of the body or organ, and his team begins to sing a song with this word. It will be very interesting and fun, especially if the presenter chooses difficult names. This competition should be held only in the end, because with the help of it it will be possible to have good fun and enjoy the tunes about your specialty.
Such an entertainment program will bring a lot of positive and positive emotions to the whole team. With the help of exciting games and competitions, they will remember this fun day all their lives with only pleasant memories.