Vacation script. Scenario of the concert-game program "Merry Holidays" - Scenario. "Riddle Contest" - everyone participates

  • 13.11.2019

GBOU AO for orphans and children left without parental care

"Caspian orphanage"

Game program by stations

"Hooray, holidays!"

(autumn holiday event)

Prepared by:

Sarbalaeva M.A.

Alzhanova M.B.

Turgalieva N.S.

Idrisova F.Kh.

Mukhambetalieva M.M.

November 2011

Target: organize meaningful, interesting leisure;

develop cognitive activity and

communication skills of pupils;

educate the desire in children to achieve the intended

noah goal to the end, respect each other.

Location: Orphanage.

The date of the: 11/11/2011

Time spending: 16-15h.

Materials and equipment: basketball, jump ropes, watercolors, paper for drawing in the form of tree leaves, a basket, potatoes, tasks on cards, route sheets, music center, CDs with children's songs, TV (karaoke).

Leading : Good afternoon dear friends! Today we will game program through the stations, which is called "Hurrah, holidays!"

Autumn is coming

in our park

gives autumn

gifts for all:

red beads


Apron pink-


Umbrella yellow-


Fruits autumn

Gives us

And the holidays

To all of you.

We congratulate you on the autumn holidays and wish you to have them rich, interesting and unforgettable. Today we invite you to take part in our game.

And this is not just a game, but a celebration of talents. Now each of you will have the opportunity to prove yourself in the competitions that we have prepared for you.

To begin with, I ask the team captains to receive route sheets and, at my signal (wave of the hand), go along their routes. At the end of the competition, the teams need to gather at this site to sum up the results of the game. So……begin!

1- Station "With a song for life!" (playroom)

    The game "Guess the melody!"

The backing tracks of children's, popular songs sound, and the children must guess.

    Dramatization of the situation "Resourceful musician »

When a musician plays his instrument, he usually has both hands occupied. What if something happens to him at this time?

Try to imagine how the musician will act if the unexpected happens to him during the performance.

Stage the situation:

    A violinist with a fly crawling on his forehead;

    A trumpeter whose trousers are falling off;

    A pianist who suddenly has a stomach ache;

    An accordion player with chewing gum stuck to his boot;

    A guitarist whose back itches terribly.

2- Station “Sport is health. Sports game.

Hi all. Physical training!"

    Competition "Don't be lazy, don't yawn

And pick potatoes ».

The team lines up in one column behind the start line, 7 meters from which there is a bunch of potatoes, and 10 meters away is a basket.

At the signal of the host, the first participant runs to a pile of potatoes, takes 1 potato and throws it into the basket. Then he runs around the basket and stands at the end of the column. All team members do the same.

2. Competition "Relay".

Basketball dribbling.

Rope running.

"Who quickly?"

The team lines up in a column behind the start line, 15 meters away is the stand. In the hands of the participant in front is a hat (cap). At the signal of the host, the first player runs to the rack, hangs a hat on it, quickly returns back and passes the baton to the next players. The second player runs to the counter, takes off his hat, puts it on his head and returns to the team and so on until all players have played.

3- Station “Learning is light, not learning is darkness!”

1. Exercise "Add a letter"










































































































Mushroom Competition.

Name 10 words that end in "ok".

Competition "Alphabetic Arch"

Write in the cells of the word (noun, in the Nominative case)
































    Station "Acting Excellence"

Competition "Autumn quirks" (staging)

Leading: In this competition, we decided to combine the whims of nature and acting quirks.

We offer you the roles of: Night, Moon, Wind, Trees (2 people), Dog, Old Crow, Kennel, Clouds (2 people), Rain, Leaves (2 people).

Roles are distributed among the participants. The facilitator reads the text of the dramatization. Guys-actors begin to play their roles from the moment when she is called the host and play throughout the entire production.

Text: "The night has come. The moon came out, big, bright. The wind howls. Trees are swaying. There are 2 leaves hanging on the trees. The Dog lies on a leash near his Kennel, he is dreaming of something. In a dream, he slightly touches his paws and whines softly. Not far from him, Old Raven perched on a perch. He dozes, sometimes opens one or the other eye. Suddenly clouds came running. Rain is coming. Small at first, then more and more. The Wind blew stronger, plucked the last 2 Leaflets from the Trees. The leaves first ran along the path, then, as if waving, flew up. Woke up and desperately barked the Dog. Old Raven started up and croaked in alarm. The trees are noisy. The wind continues to howl stronger and stronger, to drive and drive the Leaves that have fallen on the grass again. The raven croaks, the dog barks. But gradually everything calms down. The wind is quieter and quieter noise, Clouds with Rain ran on. The trees became motionless. And 2 of their Leaflets ended up in the Kennel. The Dog fell asleep, he shudders in his sleep and moves his paws. Raven dozes, opening first one eye, then the other. Everyone fell asleep. Only Night and her sister Moon reign and survey everything in the area.

    Station “Once upon a time there was an Artist alone….”

Competition “Fingerprint painting”

Draw a picture "Favorite animals"

Summing up the game, rewarding teams.

Leading: Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and loud laughter,

For the fire of competition

Ensuring success!

Kucherenko Olga Vladimirovna, teacher additional education MBU DO House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren. N.I.Filonenko, Salsk, Rostov region.
Job title:
This paper presents an event on vacation activities with students in grades 1-4, which may be of interest to the organizers of VR.
Target: Organization of children's leisure during the holidays.
Cultivate communication skills
Expand the horizons of students.
Develop the ability to work in a microgroup, and at the same time prove yourself.

Event progress.
Friends, I will ask you a question,
And you think about it
Think one of the two
"Yes" or "No" answer aloud.
Kohl you are always resourceful
Rhyme will help, but it -
We are so cunning
Which can be confusing at times.
Greeting the dawn, does the mustachioed catfish sing? (No)

And cutting through the surface of the pond, can geese swim? (Yes)
Answer, maybe mignonette bloom in the garden in winter (no)
Can a camel, give me an answer, go 3 days without food? (Yes)
In the end, it's time to ask, did you like the game? (Yes)
Hello kids, girls and boys!
I hope you came to our meeting with a cheerful and good mood? And the mood should be good, because the long-awaited spring break has come. I congratulate you and invite you to a cognitive - entertaining, competitive - game program, which we called "The Land of Mysteries and Wonders." Why such a name, you ask? Yes, because the tasks will be very diverse (these are riddles, proverbs, quizzes, fairy tales and much more).
So, I invite you to an unusual country - "The Land of Mysteries and Wonders"!
Ready? We form two teams of 8 people.
1. I will read 10 phrases to each team (one for each player), your task is to answer correctly: true or false
- if a bee stings, it will die (true)
- mice grow up to become rats (not true)
- if you boil hard-boiled eggs for a longer time, then they will boil soft and become wrinkled (not true)
- turtles hatch from eggs (true)
- the sundial has no hands (true)
- you can't put out the fire with boiling water (not true)
- the elephant is afraid of mice (true)
- the pole star points south (not true)
- ambulance call on number 01 (false)
- some animals eat poisonous plants to cure themselves (true)
- Pushkin was fond of photography as a child (not true)
- in the morning a person is taller than in the evening (true)
- if you dial your number on the phone, you can talk to yourself (not true)
- 38 degrees is the normal temperature for the human body (not true)
- in the lunar seas there is no water at all (true)
- a horseshoe is given for good luck (true)
- of the three pedals on the car, the brake pedal is always on the right (not true)
- if the birthday boy is not beaten by the ears, then he will no longer grow up (not true)
- it is much easier to swim in sea water than in river water (true)
- in bullfinches, the abdomen is red, and in titmouse it is yellow (true).
A new game has come, a difficult task, it's time for us to get down to business and show diligence.
Game "Chicken"
Guys, do your parents or teachers often scold you and say that you write like “chicken paw”? Have you ever tried to write with your foot? But we can EVERYTHING! Want to try? Then we invite one participant from each team.
Game conditions:
The participants of the game sit down on chairs. They are invited to take off their shoes, socks from the right foot, a felt-tip pen is inserted between the toes of the right foot. A blank sheet of paper is placed on the floor in front of each player. On command, each player is invited to write the word "HUMOR". The winner is the participant who writes the word better and faster.
In the meantime, our contestants are drawing, we invite the rest to play the next game, do you agree?
Game "Gladiator fights".
Each participant is tied to the left leg2 balloons. On command, the "gladiators" begin the duel. The task of the players is to crush the opponent's balls in the allotted time, while maintaining their own.
The final.
Learned a lot of funny games
And a lot of stuff
And if you remember them
No wonder your day is wasted.
Thank you all for playing!
I thank you all
All joy, fun, good luck!
See you!

Scenario Show Program: “Hurrah! Vacation!"

1. Children's songs (disc)
2. Phonogram "Dance on the spot"
3. 2 chairs
4. Long cord with two elastic bands at the ends and a mark in the middle.
5. Plates.
6. Skittles.
7. 3 box.
8. 3 scarves
9. Matchboxes
10. 3 stations - mug
11. Cones in a bag
12. Rubber bands for hands.
13. Long cord
14. 5 newspapers
15. 3 newspapers + funny soundtrack
16. 2 glasses, 2 spoons, 2 vessels + water
17. Scoreboard with the chorus of the song "Smile".

There are children's songs. The children are seated in the hall.

Presenter: Good evening! Dear friends! I congratulate you on the occasion. What? How is it what? With holidays. I hope you've been looking forward to the call for this big change. And so he rang. Holidays started. Hooray!
- I know that you want to take a break from school, be with friends, do what you love, sing songs and play. And that's why we invite you to take part in show program"Hooray! Vacation!".
And we will start with the musical song-game "Dance in Place".

    Dance in place.

Presenter: I will find words everywhere:
And in the sky and in the water,
On the floor, on the ceiling
On the nose and on the arm.
Haven't you heard this?
No problem! We play with the word.

Competition "Find the word". Children name words that are combined with the following concepts.

On the nose
On the ceiling
On a cat
In the pocket.
4 winners are called and take part in the nextgame.


Move a chair without using your hands. Carry chairs from start to finish.

Tie yourself in a rope . The rope is put on a belt between two participants, after which they begin to get tangled in the rope. The task of the third participant or team is to unwind the rope. When winding, unraveling participants should not peep.

Transferring pins blindfolded. Throwing a matchbox in pairs. (Who will hold the boxes in the air longer).

Carrying matchboxes on the shoulders. 4 couples are participating. Pairs stand at different ends of the hall - participants and assistants. Participants run up to the assistants, they put one box on their shoulders. Participants run back, run around the obstacle and again to the assistants, who put one more box, etc. Who will have more boxes?

Matchbox snake. Run back and forth.


Horns and rings are walking by the river. ( Sheep)
- We have known since ancient times that this bird is a postman. ( Pigeon)
- Without it, there will be no sea, ocean and river, even a puddle in which puppies flounder. ( Water)
- There are two oaks on oaks, a barrel on it is a bump, and on it is a forest? ( Human)
- Many arms, one leg .(Wood)
- Sitting on a spoon, legs dangling. ( Noodles)
- Guess how many cones are in the bag. ( Then these bumps scatter around the hall)

Collection of cones: hands on the back with an elastic band.

The elusive cord. Throw rope at each other. The task is to catch the end. (2 people)

Crumple up the newspaper in one hand.

Tearing a newspaper into pieces in a dance .

Spoon water moving backwards.

Smile - a song with an unusual chorus (come up with a chorus).

With such thunderous applause today we thank the winners of competitions, fans, leaders. And let's all greet the coming holidays together: Hurray!!!

Holiday script
"Hooray! Vacation"
The song "Favorite School" sounds
We got up early today
flipped through the calendar
Long awaited number
Bloomed on a leaf.
We counted days, weeks,
Well, when will we rest?
Shall we go on vacation?
1. Commas, X's, dots
No good night!
End all suffering!
We finally got it!
Good evening, dear parents and teachers, guests of our holiday! The month of May has come to an end. Worrying about marks is over, control works and dictations. Have fun summer trips ahead. Interesting games and fun.
Ved.2: We have prepared for you a program dedicated to the end of the school year.
Veda 1: On this warm spring day
We came to class with a smile.
All in good mood -
We have a festive day!
Veda 2: We studied together for a whole year
You, me, and you and me.
And now we need to say:
“Goodbye, dear class!

Veda 1: We have been studying for a whole year,
Walking the path of study.
We've all exhausted our strength.
It's time to rest.
Vedas 2: They waited for the red summer,
May is over, folks!
The school year is just around the corner
And holidays - hooray!
School epic. Oh my legs! Oh, you little legs! Why don’t you walk along the path? Oh, you little hands, hung like whips. Why are you not suitable for work? Where terrible teachers rage, Loading the falcon firmly clear? Have a little more patience. Two days left for you to suffer.
Song "I love holidays"
1. Lessons loaded, the camel will not take away.

An amoeba and a neuron fell on the head,
Revolts, revolutions, and Pushkin, and Newton.

Where there are no strict teachers and not a single deuce.
2.At the request of mom and dad, a sports family,
I go to four sections. Olympus reserve i.
Displays and computers, circle "Naturalist",
And on weekends, you see, a little bit of an artist.
Chorus: And I love holidays, my long day off,
Where there are no strict teachers and not a single deuce.
And I love holidays, my long day off,
Where there are no strict teachers and not a single deuce.
3. Comrade parents, ministers, president,
Be in the role of a schoolboy, at least for one moment.
Lessons loaded, the camel will not take away.
Tests and exams twenty times a year.
And I love holidays, my long day off,
Where there are no strict teachers and not a single deuce.
And I love holidays, my long day off,
Where there are no strict teachers and not a single deuce.
And I love holidays, my long day off,
Where there are no strict teachers and not a single deuce.
There are miracle kids in our school.
Everyone is cheerful, kind and brave.
We live in this world
For good, glorious deeds!

When we are together, we are a team!
And alone - we are bored.
Any mountains are not a barrier,
We are ready for any business!
We are different, but everyone is immensely talented:
Who dances, who sings
Who does his homework diligently
Well, and who - beats the buckets ...
Presentation for everyone
1 led. From year to year, from class to class
Leads inaudibly time us.
And hour after hour, day after day
So imperceptibly we grow ...
2 led. They have been on the road for four years.
Where should they go next?
All together together just right
Time to go to fifth grade!
1 led. But where are the heroes of today's meeting?
To whom will we speak passionate speeches?
Well, friends, enter the hall,
Leave jokes and jokes!
We will honor now.
alumni elementary school!

Alumni Waltz
Good afternoon dear friends.
We want to introduce ourselves.
We are cool girls
We are 10 years old and that's a lot.
We take education seriously.
A lot of things we are into.
We love books, life, flowers.
We respect the positive, a lot of laughter and asset,
Dancing, sun, relaxation, summer.
We all love this very much.
nimble, sporty,
Bold, active
Smart, inquisitive.
Generally attractive.
All smart, beautiful,
Foolish, happy.
Song "Quadrille"
Once upon a time
Irina, Ksyusha, Dasha,
Alyosha, Sasha, Pasha
We walked silently to the first class,
Shed tears, wiped themselves with handkerchiefs,
They clung to dads and moms and cried: “Back!”
Ah, 1st grade, ah, 1st grade!
Instilled love in all of us
And to discipline, and to the sciences,
And for everyday work.
Here we were taught to listen,
We lived - did not grieve.
And they were friends with books, they taught us everything.
In the morning we wanted to sleep, and we barely walked,
And that's what they have become, look at us.
The chorus is the same.
Goodbye, goodbye, 4th grade
We say goodbye to you at this hour,
We promise we won't let you down
And worthy of themselves in the future to conduct.
5th grade, 5th grade
The school invites us.
Goodbye, dear class,
We say goodbye to you.
Song "Farewell Waltz"
The spring winds blow through the windows,

Our last call sounds sad,
Lesson completed in elementary school.
Hear, hear the sound of voices
We have spent many hours here.
Learned a lot, studied a lot...
We're in fifth grade now.
There will be another teacher there with us,
But today we promise you:
That we will justify the trust there.
We will justify your trust in us.
The spring winds blow through the windows,
It's time for us to part.
Oh how we don't want to leave!
Just don't, don't be sad.
Just don't, don't be sad.
1 led. Let's remember how it all began! Let us remember our first student steps, our lessons and changes, our victories and failures.
2 led. All the years we studied diligently, sometimes we had fun. Here we will tell about this and show a little.
Scene "School" minus "Teach at school" Parent: Dear, please tell me, is this a school for gifted children?
Technician: Yeah, for both the stupid and the gifted!
Parent: At what age do you teach children?
Technical: We teach from the hospital to the madhouse. Are your kids creative?
Parent: Oh, terribly creative! They make this!
Technician: Do your children know how to count?
Parent: Of course they can! These are the new Russian children! My up to three million learned to count. Baby, count!
Daughter: 1 million, 2 million, 3 million!
Technician: Okay, you are my talented ones! Come on, I'll show you where your class is!
2 girls enter - music "Girls"
A mischievous child enters - music
Lily enters - music

An excellent student enters - music
Vasechkin enters - the song "Dvoechnik"
"My School"
My school - I'm your desk. My pen - I'm your map. My notebook - I'm your pen. My mistake - I'm a squiggle. My pointer - I'm a lesson. My change - I'm a bell. !
Chorus. I sleep badly at night because I love you. Because I love you for a long, long time. I sleep badly at night because I love you. Because I love you for a long, long time
The bell rings.
Teacher: Hello guys!

Lera: “That's it, there will be no kin! Electricity is out"
Teacher: "Sit down, sit down!"
I am your new teacher. My name is .. my name is: my name is: (forgot. Looks at the notebook) my name is .. Sasha: We have already been told. What is your name.
TEACHER (relieved) That's right, guys! That's what my name is. So let's start the lesson. Here you need to sit quietly, and if someone wants to ask something, then you need to raise your hand. And I will ask him. That's when you need to talk.
(silence 2nd student raises his hand up)
Teacher Is there something you want to ask?
Sasha: No, I'm just checking how the system works.
Teacher Now let's start the math lesson. Today at the lesson I will prove the Pythagorean theorem.
Arina: Is it worth it? We take your word for it

Teacher: "Let's stop this useless discussion" Well, who is ready to answer?
Lily: You can! Can!
Teacher: You?
Lily: No, I'll go out.
Teacher: Sit! So! As always! There are no volunteers! Well, they will answer us, they will answer us ... Petrova will answer us!

Petrova: Why me at once!
Teacher: You, you, only you.
Petrova shrugged it off.
"My clear light"
My clear light, you write to me with a tear of rain on a wet window. My clear light, you write to me with a spring ray on a white wall.
Petrova: Why me at once! "Antoshka"
Teacher: Where is the diary?
Petrova: - I forgot at home!
Teacher: Have you forgotten your head? You have brains or kyu in your head.
Oh, Sidorova, well, tell us what Pythagorean pants are equal to. Don't suggest!

Sasha: "We need pa-pa-pa- to think"
Teacher: Don't know? Ashamed! Third double in a row! Very bad.
Will answer……..
Song "Someone wants" Elina: I want!
Teacher: "Russia will not forget you"
(Motive of the song by K. Orbakaite “Sponges with a bow”)
Oh, and who is smiling with us,
Yes, and who is distracting us?
From the ruler - an airplane, from a notebook - a starship
Made and played in class!
Lips with a bow, eyebrows with a house,
We have such gnomes in our class,
In my head a hundred thousand little pranks,
Don't think it's eighth grade!
Teacher Vasechkin: (takes out a slingshot) Whose is this?
Vasechkin: Mine.
Teacher: Where?
Vasechkin: From there.

Teacher: From there? "This is not serious"
Teacher: Open notebooks.
Vasechkin: As always!
Sounds like "Oh dear"
Vasechkin: (opening a notebook) Ah, ma'am, tell me, why do I have two points here again?
Teacher: I’ll tell you not melting: I don’t put deuces in vain. And, of course, this is not my fault.
Vasechkin: Oh, ma'am, you really hurried, For the control I roll up a pair!
Teacher: Are you joking? But I must object to you - You need to learn the formulas, my dear.
Vasechkin: Ah, ma'am, but this is the task that an academician cannot solve.
Teacher: It's just shame and shame! How will you live? No, you failed to convince me!
Teacher: So your card is beaten. Your trio ordered to live long!
Your honor, lady luck,
Here they put “five” for someone, and for someone else. You got a deuce, it’s better not to cry -
unlucky in studies, lucky in love. Your honor, homework,
You are a test for me, a punishment for my mother. If you cry, whine or whine for a long time,
Then the mother will have to decide everything herself.
Teacher: Please, pay attention! Make smart faces
Today is independent work.
Julia: No, that's it! End! Farewell forever! Only death will save me from heartache ... Goodbye, my love, goodbye "

Teacher: You come in, if that.
Passes to the music of "The Pink Panther"
Vasechkin: I remember here, I don’t remember here.
Elina: He's a dunce, a dunce.
Vasechkin: I can! I'll prove! I'll show you!.. They'll find out about me. They will talk about me!
Petrova: Help me.
Elina: “But I don’t want, I don’t want and I won’t! I don't want, I don't want, I don't want!"
Lilya: The problem is not solved - for the life of me! Think, think, hurry up! Think, think, head, I'll give you candy,
On my birthday I will give a new beret. Think, think - for once I ask! I will wash you with soap! Comb it!
You and I are not strangers to each other. Help out! And then, how ladies on top!
The teacher knocks on the table to the violators.

Minus "Do you love me"
Outside the sun, or maybe slush,
And they don't care.
They sit together, they sit side by side - such a movie!
A little girl asks a little boy a question:
Please help me solve the problem about 5 boxes of roses!
Will you help me? -Yeah!
-Can you solve it? -Yeah!
-So we will sit next to you together, always with you!
Teacher: "Shvoboda, shvoboda"
sounds "Home" 2 girls
sounds “And I have a briefcase in my hand” Lily
sounds "Anyuta" you. and excellent
A girl at a desk by the window She is an excellent student Bright new clothes, fashionable sneakers Why did you drive me crazy
Ah, Anyuta, you are Anyuta Look back at least for a minute So that you can see That I'm a guy anywhere Put your notebook away Solve my riddle Oh, Anyuta, you are Anyuta Don't drive me crazy.
The song "Teach at school"
Put blots on a notebook and draw on the desk, They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school, Forget to learn poetry, and laugh at "Apchi!" They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school,
Pulling braids and flowers, talking to friends on "you", They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school, To stick a chair with chewing gum, create a cheerful rumble. They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Kick a soccer ball through the window, eat a bun under the table. They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school, for 10 years they only walk and break exams. They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Yes! There were bright days
When at that solemn hour,
With some joyful excitement
We entered first grade.
2) Spring holiday or autumn,
Ile near the Christmas tree round dance,
This is how our friendship grew
Husband our creative people.
3) Stop, Evelina, wait,
Don't be too hasty.
Not everything has been said about winter
The New Year was also celebrated:
We danced at the festival
Played different games
In a round dance around the spruce
They sang songs about the Christmas tree.
4) With every holiday
We became friendlier
And, indeed, they became friends.
5) And how much is sung together,
We danced!
If you remember - there is not enough time -
It takes a whole hour.
6) But it is always joyful to remember
Sweet old years
Seemingly recently
We were babies
And to our school
We entered for the first time.
It's been four years
And we got older
And left behind
Already the fourth grade.
Yes, friends, four years
Passed unnoticed:
We were just first graders
And now they've grown up
Grown up, wiser
Like roses bloomed
Knowledge, skills, abilities
We have purchased a lot.
The song "Goodbye, 4th grade!" (to the tune of "Yum-yum")
1. We came for the first time
In your very first class
They held us by the hand of my mother.
We couldn't do anything
And everyone was waiting for one
We have different subjects and programs.
Chorus. Changes and lessons
We put letters into syllables
subtract, multiply,
We dream about holidays.
Studied by millions
Countries, rivers and laws
We already know a lot
But we are afraid to confuse everything!
2. Entered many times
We are in our familiar class,
We walked on the steps of knowledge.
Dreamed of being everywhere
See everything and know everything
And we are not afraid of new challenges.
3.And now it has come for us
Goodbye sad hour
We leave elementary school.
We learned to read here
Problems are difficult to solve
Always be kind, honest and cheerful.
Chorus. Changes and lessons
We put letters into syllables
Subtract, multiply, dream about vacations.
Studied by millions
Countries, rivers and laws
We already know a lot
Everything will be useful in the fifth grade!
Feature 4 class.
It has been established that, according to objective data, as a result of 4 years of observations, the 4th grade of graduation in 2016 has:
Heads 2 - reasonable, clear, bright, quick-witted, smart, intelligent, and obedient.
Hearts-2. Young, impulsive, hot. Pulse - 120 beats per minute, at the moment - rapid. This is understandable.
Blood is alive and hot.
Legs - 4 pieces. Long, slender, strong, strong, hardy, agile, frisky, fast,
Hand-4. Small, delicate, graceful, dexterous, grasping, skillful.
Personal data 4 classes
Age: what is called, tender, smoothly turning into difficult, transitional.
Habitat: citizens of Russia.
Habitat: Nevodsk branch "Nikolaev secondary school", office No. 1
Marital status: beloved children, the one and only.
Biomedical data
Height: From a meter with a cap to 1 meter 70 cm (without a hat).
Weight: From 30 kg (sheep weight), up to 60 (medium weight category).
Eyes - 2 pairs. From green to black. Big, wide open, surprised, with cunning, looking with hope into the future.
Character: stubborn, flexible, obedient, meek, cheerful, mocking. In a word: a normal child of the 21st century.
Special signs: they love to run, love to fight, joke and laugh, so that they love, respect, never offend, so that they pay attention, celebrate birthdays.
For four years, the class was operated in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, RAYNO and the school administration. The children have withstood the checks of the commissions, completed the course of elementary school and can study the subjects of the next stage of education.
Recommendations: Do not scold, do not shout, do not force, do not offend, do not punish.
Contraindications: Overload, overwork, bend, overdo it.
Conclusion: Ready to study at the middle link!
I want to honor you
Announce school order
By the power given to me by the people,
I announce to you that
What is the primary school course
Completed by you children.
In the middle classes about toys
You will have to forget.
There will be new items
They will have to be taught.
You have become older, smarter
And now must have
hard work, patience,
Do not spare strength in your studies.
Be strong, healthy
Try not to get sick
And then all the failures
You can overcome.
I give you an order:
fourth grade students
Moving on to fifth grade!
Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the parents of graduates for their participation in the life of the class.
(Parents receive letters of thanks)
Thank you very much say
Today we are our parents.
Your care and patience
So they always help us.
We sometimes disobeyed, sorry
But you understand us a little.
We really want to become adults faster,
To help you in everything and everywhere.
Dear Parents!
4 years flew by quickly -
We didn't have time to look back.
And now entering the 5th grade,
We are waiting for your parental mandate.
(Response word of parents for children)
For you dear mothers, a song sounds.
"Ah, mommy!"
Mom told me
That I grow stubborn
And I learn lessons if only how.
I plugged my ears
I didn't listen to her...
Ah, mother, mother
How right you were!
Ah, mommy!
Ah, daddy!
Forgive me.
I'll grow up a little
At least not a little one.
And I'll be honest!
Daddy, a little later I
I'll be nicer, yes.
And I won't play the fool.
I'll be polite at home
Smart and friendly
I will do everything as it should be.
minus "Childhood"
It was evening, there was nothing
The children went out into the yard, a conversation began
Childhood, childhood, where are you in a hurry?
Childhood, childhood, where are you running?
Childhood, childhood you are my stay,
Well, let's talk to you!
I want to be a banker
To get a lot of money.
I'll build a villa, I'll buy clothes!
Oh, why do I want to live chic
And when I grow up, I will go to the farm, oh, not to the farm, but to the firm
I will be a very business secretary stylish
And I want to become the minister's wife
Driving around in a luxury limousine
And at the party to be the most glamorous of all
I believe in life, success awaits me
And we will sell you brooms at the market,
to somehow support the academician's dad.
And I will go to the teacher, let them teach me.
Are you really sick, they will torture you there
I would go to the model - let them teach me!
I don't have to stress
Know only one thing: smile,
Keep your waist in shape and follow a diet!
I'll become a super model: I can afford everything!
Being a model is good - an official is better,
I would go to the officials - let them teach me!
In the apparatus of a manager - not with a broom in the yard,
And the salary is what you need both with comfort and warmth!
It’s good to be an official, it’s better to be a Deputy,
I would go for 2 terms - let them teach me!
For 4 years in deputies - beneficiaries,
I would try - re-elected again!
A deputy is good, but an oligarch is better,
I would go to pump oil - let them teach me!
There is a lot of oil, gas too,
Life is like a fairy tale
Nothing to do with the Russians - if only it dripped into your pocket!
(all take hands)
I want to be a scientist, I want to be a scientist. And if I don’t, I’ll become a teacher. Opened, closed - 2, 2, 2. Opened, closed - 2, 2, 2.
I want to be a director, I want to be a director. And if I don’t, I’ll go to McDonald’s. Free cash desk, free cash desk, your order. Free cash desk, free cash desk, your order.
I want to be an official, I want an official. And if I don’t, I’ll go to the hairdressers. Chik-chik, now wear a wig. Chik-chik, now wear a wig
I want to be a stylist, I want to be a stylist. And if I don’t, I’ll go to the cleaners.
I want to be a dancer, I want to be a dancer. And if I don’t, I’ll go to the cook!
Boiling water, doshirak, MMM... Bouillon!
Boiling water, doshirak, MMM... Bouillon!
So, do not worry, when we grow up without a job, we definitely will not stay!
Minus "Childhood"
1: During our studies, we have become so wiser that even Russian folk proverbs can be adapted to new way. Do not trust?
2: I do not believe.
1: So check it out! Tell me the beginning of the proverb, and I will finish it for you in a new way.
2: You can’t spoil porridge with butter ...
1: ...said the quick-witted one, putting an extra comma in the dictation just in case.
2: He who seeks will always find ...
1: ... thought the quick-witted one, looking into the neighbor's notebook during the test.
2: A penny saves a ruble ...
1: thought economical and decided not to donate money for gifts to girls by March 8th.
2: You will know a lot - you will grow old soon ...
1: ...decided calmly when I got another deuce in the lesson.
2: Business time - fun hour ...
1: ...said cheerful, winding home from the lesson.
2: Time is money...
1: Decided by the sensible one who went to football instead of doing homework.
2: If you want to be healthy, temper yourself ...
1: ...exclaimed the caring one, pushing his friend into a puddle.
Dance "We are little children"
1 led. Every school day is a discovery. For the student, this is the discovery of the world. For the teacher - the discovery of the treasures of the child's soul. This is a meeting with a multicolored bizarre world of unique characters, feelings, actions, interests. It is from such meetings that stories for Yeralash are born!
Music "Yeralash"
Scene "Folder under the arm"

Vika: Listen, I'll tell you a funny story. Yesterday I took a folder by mouse and went to Uncle Yura, my mother ordered.
Katya: Ha-ha-ha! Indeed, it's funny.
Vika (surprised): What's so funny? I haven't started talking yet.
Katya (laughing): Folder ... under the arm! Well thought out. Yes, your folder under the arm and will not fit, he's not a cat!
Vika: Why "my folder"? Folder - daddy. You forgot how to speak correctly from laughter, or what?
Katya: (winking and pounding her forehead): Ah, I guessed it! Grandfather - under the arm! She speaks incorrectly, but she also teaches. Now it’s clear: dad’s folder is your grandfather Kolya! In general, it’s great you came up with it - funny and with a riddle!
Vika: (offended): What does my grandfather Kolya have to do with it? I wanted to tell you something completely different. I didn’t listen to the end, but you laugh, you interfere with talking. Yes, even dragged my grandfather, put it under his arm, what a storyteller was found! I'd rather go home than talk to you.
Katya: (to himself, left alone): And why was she offended? Why tell funny stories if you can't even laugh?
Music "Yeralash"
Scene "The lonely bow turns white"

Teacher: For today's lesson, it was necessary to memorize Lermontov's poem. (looking at the magazine) Dima, please, to the blackboard!

Dima (clearing his throat, with inspiration):
- Turns white...

Dimka gazes hopefully at his desk mate Pashka.

Pashka (whispers):
- A lonely sail...

The teacher raises her head from the magazine and looks around suspiciously.
Pashka sighs contritely, turns his head towards Katya (with a white bow) and points his finger at her bow.

Dima (transferring his gaze to Katya):
- A lonely bow turns white ...

Katya, embarrassed by the gaze of her classmate, begins to straighten her hair.

Dima (inspired):
- Among the unkempt hair ....
- He has not seen a comb for a long time, Therefore, he has become overgrown ...

The fifth graders laugh louder, and Katya is embarrassed and blushes.

Pashka (whispers loudly, helping a friend):
- The waves are playing, the wind is whistling ...

- When a strong wind whistles And pulls Katya's cosmos ... You will not find a more terrible sight, The people all run in a panic ...

The class is laughing. An angry Katya gets up from the table and, armed with a weighty pencil case, moves towards Dolgushin.

Dimka (backing to the door):
- You don't threaten me, Ivanova, And you're chasing me in vain, Made such a storm, As if there is peace in storms.

Teacher (stopping Katya and going up to Dimka):
- Dolgushin, to the director now!
Music "Yeralash"
Scene “Preparing for School” Interior: There is a desk, a laptop, a cosmetic bag and several bottles of perfume on the table, a chair next to the table. At 7:30, Svetka enters her room. not forget! What today? That's right, today is Monday. And this means that today (looks at the table, as if at the timetable) we have six lessons. Damn, six lessons again, six lessons every day, why does the scheduler have six as his favorite number?! Okay, so, let's take this textbook, this one and this one (takes textbooks and puts them in her purse). It seems like everything, but if not everything, then I’ll take it from Petka, he still carries all the textbooks, as if just in case. Cell phone rings. - Oh, Christina, hi. Are you out already? You didn't paint? Just kidding, just kidding, I'm already running! (puts the phone down, takes out lipstick from the cosmetic bag and starts to paint her lips, painting her lips, looking for something in the cosmetic bag) - Yes, where is he, because he was last night, but today he is gone. The phone rings. - Everything, everything, Christina, I'm almost leaving, but where is he? Yes, I can't find the pencil. No, not a simple one, an eyeliner pencil! What do you think, I would be so steamed because of a simple pencil?! Ha ha, laugh! Okay, okay, I'm running. (Hangs up the phone and again looks for something in the cosmetic bag) - damn it, here it is again, but where are you. After all, yesterday they were too. The phone rings. - Christina, dear, I'm already running. Yes, well, where are you? No, I found a pencil, I lost a book! Not a textbook, but a book! Well, you are! The book is a new fashionable perfume, Vadik gave it to me yesterday. Vadik?! I’m telling you, I’ll tell you about yesterday, and you will warm up! Yes, I'm leaving, I'm leaving. (He hangs up, rummages in the cosmetic bag again, then shakes it all out on the table) - So, lipstick is here, mascara is here, shadows ... here they are, and this, and this is here, everything seems to be there. (He puts everything back into the cosmetic bag and tries to put the cosmetic bag in the bag for textbooks.) - Why don’t you climb, and who makes such small bags for school. Man, I can't go to school without my makeup bag. (Looks into the bag with textbooks) So, we already had geography. And this is our story. Well, of course, the most the big Book So much has happened and it's all worth knowing. And who will benefit from it. For example, only one date is enough for me - my birthday. So, it's decided, I'm not taking the story. What else is there. Ah, Russian. Why do we need him? We are all Russian people, we live in Russia. Well, why do we still need Russian at school?! Yes, we don't take that either. (Takes out a textbook of the Russian language, there are no more textbooks in the bag, puts a cosmetic bag in the bag) Here it is! Hurray, hurray, you can go to school! The phone rings - Christina, I'm already leaving, let's wait, kiss!
Music "Yeralash"
Guys, the school year is over.
It's time for the last call.
The last bell rang. Everyone is happy, the class is empty. And congratulations on the completion. We want you today.
Sunbathe and swim. Gain strength, health. We wish you to grow up, spend the summer with benefit.

D. The school year is already running out. What is happening to us?
E. We don’t care about classes. We are tired of studying.
Y. Books are thrown, notebooks, There is no order in the discipline.
L. But the teacher does not scold, After all, the teacher knows for sure.
L. It's time to rest: After all, the holidays: Hurrah!
A. Rest is waiting for us - this is a matter. How tired of studying! We will grow up, grow up, Rest, have fun.
S. By September we will get tired of walking And we will begin to miss the class -
Sounds like our neighbor
How can we not have fun, Not laugh and not sing, How much we can study, Over notebooks to pore.
During this year of study, we have become older and smarter, do not forget these difficult, but happy school days, and we wrote dictations, even if sometimes with errors, and notebooks from diligence, all were wiped with holes.