Original office decorating ideas. How to decorate the office for the New Year? Office decoration for the New Year: ideas and tips. Wall Christmas trees and wreaths

  • 24.04.2020

An omnipotent and ubiquitous crisis hangs over the business environment like a sword of Damocles, forcing many companies to cut spending allocated to festive events. But is this a reason to abandon the festive decor of the office altogether? Of course not!

Firstly, employees spend at least a third of their lives at work, and when everything around is shining and shimmering in anticipation of a holiday, something new and positive, one should not miss this opportunity to raise the spirit and mood in the team.

Secondly, if your office is focused on visiting its customers, decoration becomes completely mandatory - according to research, decor has a positive effect on sales, stimulating customers to spontaneous purchases.

Of course, the services of a professional decorator are not cheap, but if you have big company, and your products and services are oriented to a level above the middle class, you cannot do without it. In other cases, it is quite possible to decorate the premises with the forces of your own employees.

Idea for the manager - announce a competition between departments for the best decoration of the room, or for the best snowflake or garland and assign a nice prize to the winner, but do not forget incentive awards for others. It's still a new year!

So, how can you decorate an office in an interesting, fast and inexpensive way?

Do not overdo it with the brightness of colors - it is best to focus on such color combinations as blue and silver, red and gold. Of course, you can also use the corporate colors of the company.

Remember school labor lessons and cut out snowflakes that you can use to decorate office windows and walls. And they can also be hung from the ceiling one by one or in whole strings! Paper can also be used to make garlands and small paper tabletop Christmas trees.

By the way, about Christmas trees - if you didn’t get a real or artificial forest beauty, use your imagination! For example, a Christmas tree can be made from a garland and hung on the wall. Removing it will be easy. Or here's another idea - a purely office tree made of stickers!

Aerobatics is a Christmas tree associated with the scope of your company. Fold a Christmas tree from books, collect from inflated medical gloves, wrap an unnecessary camera tripod or a wooden stepladder with a garland or tinsel, make a cone from bottles or put it together from the remnants of woodworking ...

A beautiful reception is glass bowls filled with colored Christmas balls. The same balls can be hung with paper clips and threads or ribbons from the ceiling.

Whatever you choose for yourself - remember that it is important to strike a balance between the working and festive atmosphere and maintain style. Good luck with that, and Happy New Year!

We begin to live in anticipation of the holiday long before the New Year celebration. Street trees are dressing up, shop windows are shimmering with lights ... Everywhere you go, everything reminds you that a miracle will happen soon. And only your favorite work meets the gray routine of the office routine. The conclusion is obvious: it is necessary to decorate!

Before you start decorating the office, you need, firstly, to secure the approval of the boss, and secondly, the team. Initiative in this case may be punishable. To decorate the premises, a small group is created, consisting of creatively thinking and not devoid of a sense of style employees. It will be great if they also have a sense of humor. Decorating an office requires certain costs, so the budget must be discussed in advance.

There are three main requirements for New Year's decoration office space. It should look stylish, give a festive mood and not distract from work.

Designer or collective fantasy?

The answer to the question directly depends on the budget. Not every company can afford to pay for the services of a hired designer, but in many cases the result pays for itself. A professionally designed room inspires the respect of partners and the trust of visitors who see that the office is not in poverty. Event planning agencies have, first of all, stylishly designed design concepts, and secondly, materials for their implementation. These are all kinds of garlands, arches, artificial coniferous products, floral compositions, light figures, draperies, etc.

A compromise option is a one-time invitation of designers, after which all the decoration remains in the use of the company and is used in subsequent years. Boring, but financially justified.

If a firm cannot afford the professional services of designers, folk art remains.

Only not this!

Give up hanging strings of rain on stretched strings, sticking tinsel and three-dimensional foil paper figures on the walls, threads with pieces of cotton wool strung on them, and other New Year's folklore in provincial taste. It will not become more cheerful from all this - rather, on the contrary.


An office starts with doors, like a theater starts with hangers. Let's start with them.

A few glued snowflakes, as in the photo, and you are waiting for magic. However, the idea is only suitable for white doors. And be careful with double-sided tape: not every surface transfers it without a trace.

Intrigue. The ball can be hung and real, but it must be very light and unbreakable. However, the decor should not cause ambiguous associations. For example, decorating the door to the office of tax inspectors or real estate offices in this way is not worth it.

There are many options for ribbons. But, as in the previous case, this design is not suitable for any room.

Snowman door - simple, cheap, tasteful.

The corridor

Decorating with arches and garlands is the easiest, although not the most original and not the cheapest way.

Wall imitations of gift boxes will look much more interesting. A piece of foam, colored paper, tape and ... your imagination.

Another cheap and creative option for a friendly team is a drawing paper with a painted window.

Hall for visitors

Where there is a reception of visitors, everything should be solid and decent, so you should not be too original. If this is a reception, then the banal trio is most often used - a Christmas tree, a coniferous garland and a floral arrangement.

More stylish and sophisticated interiors without green. The predominance of white color looks advantageous - painting on mirrors, matte balls on threads and the same snow-white Christmas tree. And only the table composition is diluted with red to match the floor carpet.

LED figurines are a newfangled feature of the New Year's decor. They can "pull out" even the most banal interior. But the price of these things with a transparent inner world, like LED trees, is appropriate. Management may be surprised.

Read also:

  • The ball is over, the candles are out... Packing New Year's toys and decor
  • Smells of foreboding magic. How to aromatize the house for the New Year?
  • Christmas tree according to the rules and without. How to Decorate a Christmas Tree: Styles and Ideas


The main thing in office design is a single style. If everyone starts decorating their own workplace and the space around it at its own discretion, as a whole, chaos and complete cacophony are obtained.

Columns are often present in large office spaces. Instead of wrapping them in tinsel, try styling them like Christmas trees. You will need nothing at all - green colored paper, scissors and what paper parts will stick to the column with. It depends on their coating, which, of course, should not be affected. It can be PVA glue, flour paste, soap solution, pieces of double-sided tape or something else. It is better to make Christmas trees not straight, but slightly curved; you can add a few small paper snowflakes or toys.

Decorating with gift wraps cheers up even when you realize that there is nothing inside them.

Very simple and nice solution. Each workplace - a coniferous garland.

Even more unpretentious and at the same time quite stylish - large snowflakes hung on threads. But they must not be their paper and not homemade, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

If the ceiling tiles are lined with planks that you can hook something on, decorating the ceiling is very convenient and easy.

From ordinary balls and plastic cups, you can build a giant garland. It will not burn, but it will create a festive atmosphere and cause a smile.


To decorate office windows, you can use colored and white paper, small toys, rain, fake gifts and other improvised materials. At the same time, it is better to avoid snowflakes glued to glass from ordinary napkins: they will look out of place and tasteless.

To decorate window panes and mirrors, you can use foam to clean glass surfaces. To do this, a stencil is cut out of paper and slightly moistened with water so that it stays on the glass and does not have to be held with your hands. Foam is applied over the stencil, after which it is removed. The window or mirror must be dry so that the foam does not start to slide.

If there is a cactus in the workplace, you can also conjure over it.

Cute covers, right? They can also be used on office chairs.

The most budgetary office Christmas tree - laid out on a wall of green stickers. If the boss considers such an undertaking to be wasteful, you can assure him that subsequently consumable will be used for its intended purpose.

And, of course, a little humor wouldn't hurt.

Businessmen and various organizations refer to the decoration personal office for the New Year is very responsible. And all because this holiday is able to give joyful emotions and incredible impressions. Decorating your office for the New Year holidays is a serious matter, but incredibly pleasant. And today we will talk about how to decorate the office for the New Year 2017.

Interesting ideas for decorating your office for the New Year

We decorate the desktop for the New Year.

In the office office for the New Year, you can decorate absolutely everything. But, of course, you need to start from the desktop. Mini-figures of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus will look great on the desktop. Still figurines of snowmen and deer will fit here. You can also install a mini-Christmas tree with bright New Year's toys on your desktop.

If there are pots with indoor flowers on the desktop, then you can decorate them too. For decoration, use: bows and Christmas garlands. It is best to attach the decor to the flowers using double-sided tape.

On the desktop in the office, you can install transparent containers that you fill with Christmas balls and toys.

You can also use artificial snow for decoration. It can be purchased in a special store. From this material you can create magical compositions. Just pour snow into transparent dishes and place small figures in them. Such glasses can be installed not only on the desktop, but also on the windowsills in the office.

Office window decoration.

In this article, we offer you fresh ideas on how to decorate an office for the new year. The window in the study also deserves appropriate decoration. There are several ways to decorate it. For example, it could be:

Artificial snow. It is done in the following way. The desired stencil is created from paper and sprayed onto glass. The result is a variety of shapes. At the end of the holidays, they will be very easy to remove from the glass with a damp cloth.

Decorating with paper snowflakes. To make snowflakes, use special patterns that can be found on the Internet. Such snowflakes on glass are recommended to be fixed with water.

You can decorate the window in the office office with Christmas decorations. Balls are mainly used for this purpose. They are hung from the cornice on a thread. Moreover, the threads can have a different size. You can alternate these toys with tinsel and garlands. If you have silver-colored cardboard at home, then you can cut stars and a month out of it, which can also serve as a wonderful decoration.

To decorate the window, you can make a wreath of spruce branches. Another similar wreath can be made from toys or snowflakes. To make this craft look voluminous and beautiful, create all the elements from a material such as felt.

Other subtleties of cabinet decoration.

Are you going to decorate the office in the office in an original way for the New Year? Then our tips will definitely help you. On New Year's Eve itself, the office can be decorated with helium balloons. It is recommended to tie paper snowflakes to the strings of such balls. In addition, there are other ways to decorate the office in the New Year.

It is worth saying that for the New Year in the office it is worth installing a Christmas tree. But if you want to move away from banal things, then in Personal Area install an unusual artificial spruce, and a creative product. A Christmas tree can be made from handy materials. And it can be mugs or sticks made of wood. At the same time, they may have different sizes. With the help of carnations, you can hang garlands or toys on such a Christmas tree.

And if you paint and cover with sparkles paper, then you can also make a beautiful Christmas tree. It is worth noting that you can even make it from old sheets of the book. Such a Christmas tree looks unusual and stylish.

Unusual spruce can be easily made from threads. Making such a tree is easy. You will need: glue, cone and yarn. The process of creating a Christmas tree is shown in the photo.

Even from disposable dishes you can make an interesting product. Prepare a lot of disposable forks and green paint to create a Christmas tree. The levels of the forks are fastened with glue. In this case, you need to fasten with the prickly side down.

To decorate the office, you can make a snowman from threads. Perfectly such a snowman will be combined with garlands. However, this idea is suitable for those people who love creativity.


In this article, we have offered only some ideas for decorating an office room. Therefore, you yourself understand that there are other ideas for decorating an office today. In general, create a festive mood not only in your soul and at home. Try decorating your office and private office for the holidays. And then, you will enjoy happiness in any situation.

Every year before the onset new year holidays each work team thinks about how to stylishly decorate the office for the new year. Some teams leave everything as it is, but others treat this matter more carefully. Office workers are passionate about the fashion trends of the coming year and try to put them into practice. In this article, we will tell you how to decorate the office for the new year 2017. here you will find practical advice which can be implemented without problems.

How to decorate the office for the New Year

Decorating the office for the New Year is very nice. The whole work team can be involved in this process. Of course, in this case, one should not forget that professionals in their field can do the decoration of the office. But for such services you will have to pay a large sum of money. Therefore, in this case, it is best to do it on your own.

Not all company executives allocate huge amounts of money to decorate the office space. But you shouldn't get upset. Indeed, in this case, a sense of style and fantasy will help you out. Naturally, before you start decorating the office, you need to thoroughly wash it. Carry out a general cleaning before this and clean all corners of old rubbish and dust.

We decorate the facade of the office.

The New Year is a bright time, when at night the streets are filled with the bright glow of colorful lights. Therefore, the easiest option for decorating the facade of an office is garlands that will light up at night and give all passers-by a positive and magical mood.

Garlands can simply be hung around the entire perimeter of the building. And from them you can make interesting compositions.

In this case, garlands can be located not only in a horizontal position. They can be hung vertically.

The entrance to the office can also be decorated very creatively. For example, you can build an arch from coniferous branches above it. Install an artificial Christmas tree near the entrance, which you can also decorate with Christmas balls and toys. Now you know how to decorate the facade of the office for the new year. In this case, use more lights and other attributes of the new year.

We decorate the ceiling in the office.

We talked about how to decorate the facade of the office above. Such an original decoration can look very advantageous. Now it's time to talk about decorating the office space itself. It's worth starting from the ceiling. You can attach threads with Christmas balls to the ceiling. It looks very nice. In addition to the balls, you can attach threads with snowflakes to the ceiling, which were cut out with your own hands.

Can be used to decorate the ceiling Balloons. They also look beautiful and elegant in decorating the office space.

New Year's wreaths look really festive and very bright in decorating the office, which you can buy or make with your own hands.

From ordinary white paper, you can cut snowflakes or stars. They are also very easy to decorate the office ceiling.

As you can see, there are many options for decorating an office ceiling. It is also worth offering one option for decorating the ceiling. So, this is a wreath with Christmas balls.

It also looks very interesting to decorate the ceiling with bright tinsel.

A hanging Christmas tree looks quite unusual and bold in the design of the office. Such a decoration will attract the attention of everyone.

In general, use these interesting ideas to decorate the ceiling in the office for the new year. In this case, do not forget about the excellent mood.

And what to use to decorate the walls for the New Year?

If you don't know how to decorate your office walls for the new year, then pay attention to our fashion ideas. Decorating office walls for the New Year is a pleasant chore. If there is a clock in the office, then they can be decorated with an arch of fir branches and Christmas tree decorations.

Bright garlands can also be placed on the walls of the office. You can also use balloons for decoration. All this can be combined with a Christmas tree.

You can decorate the corridor along its entire length with arches made of spruce branches.

Other interesting ideas office decoration

Such a request as decorating an office for the New Year is quite popular in winter. And especially for this holiday, we offer interesting ideas. In addition to the ideas that we proposed above, it is worth paying attention to other ideas.

Of course, the New Year is impossible to imagine without a Christmas tree. Today, basically all offices are decorated with artificial Christmas trees. Christmas trees can be of a wide variety of sizes and colors. And you can complement this composition with tinsel or a garland. Also use christmas toys.

In the office, wreaths of pine needles can be placed on the tables. They will look great with Christmas trees and arches made of needles.

Tinsel and glitter rain can also be used to decorate the office. It's simple and festive at the same time.

And here is another very elegant option for decorating the office. If there is a lot of free space in the office space, then it can be decorated in this way.

Above the ceiling, you can hang the inscription "Happy New Year" and complement the composition with paper ballerinas. Perhaps this is the most budgetary and festive option for decorating the office.

If creative employees work in your office, then an unusual Christmas tree can live in such a room, which will be made of gloves inflated with air.

An unusual Christmas tree in the office can be made from sweets or balls.

If you want to decorate your office in a beautiful style, then the next option is for you. It looks not only stylish, but also very pleasant. And most importantly, in this case there is a lot of free space.


Now you know how to decorate the office for the New Year of the Rooster. Our holiday ideas are sure to please. Of course, it is not worth copying these ideas completely. They can be freely complemented by your imagination and personal sense of style.

New Year's Eve is rightfully considered one of the most long-awaited moments of the year. Unfortunately, on the eve of the holiday, many people become too nervous because of the preparations for the celebration. But do not forget that the New Year is, first of all, a good festive mood. Joint decoration of the office can charge you with positive energy and even bring you closer to colleagues. This article will talk in detail about how to beautifully decorate the office for the New Year 2019 with your own hands.

Discuss everything with colleagues

This is the most important part of decorating the office for the New Year. After the end of the working day, all members of the friendly team will need to gather and discuss all the details. For example, who will do what, who likes what ideas, who can bring what from home for decoration.

It is also worth discussing the financial side of the issue. Maybe, the best option it will be easy to appoint a person responsible for purchases and hand over a certain amount of money to him, but as a rule, it is on New Year's Eve that people have very little money left. In this case, you will have to make do with existing materials and tools. Such a discussion will save the team from quarrels and misunderstandings that will negatively affect the general mood.

In addition, before directly decorating the office space for the New Year, it will be necessary to carry out a general cleaning in all offices, thoroughly wash all windows so that there are no streaks on them, collect and throw away all garbage. Perhaps, in long-forgotten things, it will be possible to find things that will be useful for creating jewelry.

Decoration of windows and window sills

Windows in the office are the element that needs to be decorated first of all, because it is beautifully and originally transformed windows that cheer up not only employees and visitors of the company, but also ordinary passers-by. It is very easy to decorate windows colorfully and picturesquely even with a small budget. To begin with, it is better to divide the responsibilities so that everyone gets the job that will bring him pleasure. Then he will do everything carefully and with all responsibility. If there is very little money, you can organize the collection of leftover jewelry from home. Surely everyone can bring a couple of balls, a piece of tinsel, a little rain or a bag of cotton wool, which will become an imitation of snow on the windowsill.

It is better to decorate windows in the same style, if opportunities allow, you can buy cardboard bright shiny snowflakes in the store, or cut them yourself from paper drafts, of which there are a huge pile in the office, and stick them on adhesive tape. To make such snowflakes even more beautiful, you just need to decorate them with liquid sparkles, which are sold in any stationery store for 10-15 rubles.
Scented and/or figured candles can be arranged in a certain sequence on the windowsill, surrounded by cones, needles, tinsel or cotton flakes. True, it is not recommended to light such candles for safety reasons. In this case, they will serve more as a decoration.

Also on the Internet you can find templates for beautiful paper cutouts. A sheet of A4 paper, a stationery knife and the result is a masterpiece on glass. You can choose thematic clippings with the symbol of 2019 - a cute pig, or you can choose neutral ones, such as a snowman or a Snow Maiden. After a corporate party, such clippings can be carefully peeled off, put in a folder and saved until next year. Here are ideas for fabulously beautiful window decorations for the New Year.

As for window sills, simply arrange the scented painted candles in a row, surround them with small cones, walnuts, tangerines, sweets, confetti, cotton balls and serpentine. If there are figures of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the Snowman, then this is generally a test. Install them among all the decorations you have laid out. It will look cool on the windowsill and flakes of artificial snow. If there is such an opportunity, then be sure to buy it, you definitely will not regret it.

Decoration of ceilings and walls in the office

The walls are second in line for decoration, because it is on them that office workers pay the most attention. Dreary and gloomy walls do not fit into the understanding of a decorated workplace at all, they will only bring negative things to people. The walls are decorated with tinsel, which with the help of adhesive tape can be shaped into various animals, stars, hearts and much more that will please the eye. If there is not enough tinsel, rain is also suitable for these purposes, only it will have to be spent a little more than tinsel due to the difference in volume. Using adhesive tape, you can also attach various ready-made figures, such as Christmas balls, little Santa Claus, etc.

If you have enough money, you can buy voluminous applications made of paper and cardboard in the store. It can be congratulatory verses on a beautiful New Year's background, a snowman, forest animals and much more. Between the two walls near the ceiling itself, you can attach several dense threads directly or diagonally, on which a multi-colored rain will be attached in advance with a distance of 5-10 cm. Bows of bright ribbons or just a cardboard figure can be attached to the rain using a stapler. This decoration creates a stunning effect of immersion in a fairy tale.

In addition, on the Internet you can find diagrams of various three-dimensional paper figures, the manufacture of which will take no more than 15 minutes. If someone found thick threads for knitting and a tube of PVA glue, then you can buy a simple ball, inflate it, tie it, and use thread glue to make a cocoon for the ball. After a couple of hours, the glue will dry and the ball can simply burst. But the glued threads formed a beautiful ball, which can take pride of place on the ceiling right in the middle of the room. Then you need to tie it with ribbons to the ceiling so carefully so as not to destroy it. Such a decoration will definitely not leave anyone indifferent and everyone in the office will smile.

Below are photo ideas with various decorations for walls and ceilings.

We transform doors, arches and stairs

Doors and aisles in the office are an important part of it and they also need to be decorated. It is better not to wrap door handles with tinsel for greater functionality, but you can hang funny figures or colorful balls on ribbons on them. The door leaf itself can be decorated as you like, here you can’t spare your imagination. You can put the inscription “2019” with tinsel, it will fit into any interior and is suitable for any style of decorating the room. Glow in the dark stickers will look great during New Year's corporate party, it's not worth saving. As practice shows, the cheaper such stickers, the more dim their light.

A couple of photos that will help you pick up ideas for decorating doors in the office.

Beautifully decorate the Christmas tree

Of course, which New Year can do without a tree? This green fluffy beauty has been the main symbol of the New Year celebration for many centuries. Dressing her up is a pleasure, especially since there are a huge number of options for how to make it more beautiful. It remains only to choose one of them or decorate completely trusting your taste. In this case, experiments are only welcome. You need to decide whether a live or artificial spruce will decorate the office.

When choosing an artificial analogue, you can use fir oil by spraying branches with it. This will give the Christmas tree the most natural aroma of needles. Other decorations can also be moistened with this oil: cones, rags, and so on. Such oil is very cheap and is sold in most stores, especially on New Year's Eve. If there is not much money for toys, you can hang sweets, tangerines, chocolate and other goodies on branches, which will certainly be eaten at a corporate party. This will save you money on food and decorations.

The Christmas tree and the room itself should be decorated either in any two well-matched colors, or in the same style. At the top there must be a star, preferably with lights. In the semi-darkness, it will look fabulously beautiful. It is worth noting that glass objects cannot be hung on the Christmas tree, otherwise the holiday can turn into a dull cleaning, or even injuries. A few pictures that can help in choosing the right decorations for the Christmas tree.

Decor nuances of 2019

In addition to decorating the room itself, everyone can personally decorate their personal table. In this case, you can stick a few large gift socks to each table with tape. These socks can also be decorated with rain, tinsel, colorful bows, glitter, funny photos and much more.