Hl international personal office. Skin cancer in cats symptoms and treatment at home. NL International product catalog

  • 28.11.2019

The NL International resource offers consumers several options for entering their personal account:

  • with the registration of a new account (allows you to receive additional bonuses);
  • without registering an account;
  • with an already registered account.

With registration and bonus program Client Club

To register a new account on the site, you must:

If the login to the personal account of the official website of NL International is made through the account, the user receives additional bonuses.

If a consumer becomes a member of the Client Club system and works with a personal manager, he receives even more benefits:

  1. You can shop not only in the online store, but also in NL International stores. Clients have the opportunity to use any existing species delivery, including PickPoint and InPost. It is also possible to pay for the order upon receipt of the purchase.
  2. The company regularly holds various contests and promotions. The most loyal customers can receive nice gifts.
  3. Users have their own Personal Office on the official website of the company. It displays all information regarding the history of purchases and accruals to the gift account. It also displays data on ongoing promotions and message history.
  4. If necessary, you can use the advice of managers online. You can ask a company representative to contact the consumer by phone.

Users of the Client Club receive constant support and support, as well as advice on any issues.

Without registering

If you do not register a personal office on the NL website, the user also has the opportunity to make purchases. The difference is that with a registered profile, the consumer receives significantly more benefits than without registration.

To make purchases without registering an account, you must enter the "Cart" and click on the "Continue without registration" button.

If you already have an account

If you have an account, you can enter your personal account on the site in three ways:

Entrance to a personal office

If you are already registered as a customer

If the user is registered as a client, then the following information will be required for authorization, which is entered after clicking on the link http://nlstar.com/en/office4/login/:

  1. Login. User ID, bank account number can be used, as well as mobile number phone. One of three options is allowed. All information is indicated during registration and after successful creation account is sent to the user's email.
  2. The system itself assigns a password to the user, it is also sent to email after registration.

If you are not registered

If the user is not registered as a client, then to enter the personal office, it is necessary to register.

What is hidden in the personal account

By registering in a personal office, the client can:

  • learn more about the program;
  • make purchases;
  • chat in the private messages section;
  • start your own network business with NL.

About the program

By going to the personal account, the user is provided with detailed information O current program. You can learn about privileges, as well as options for obtaining and restoring cards.

Client Club privileges

Privileges available to registered users:

  1. Bonus program. The starting bonus is 3%, and as you make purchases, this figure can increase up to 10%.
  2. Convenience. The company provides consumers with many useful services.
  3. Regular participation in various promotions and sweepstakes. Users can receive nice gifts.
  4. Informativeness. IN personal account on the site, users receive all helpful information about changes in the system.

bonus program

The system gives the consumer a gift account that allows:

  1. Set aside 3% for each purchase made through your personal office.
  2. If the total amount of purchases made through the resource is 10 thousand rubles, 5% bonuses will be credited to the consumer's account.
  3. When the total amount of purchases reaches 25 thousand rubles, the user's gift account will receive 7% bonuses from each paid order.
  4. The biggest bonus - 10% - will be credited to the consumer when the total amount of all paid purchases reaches 50 thousand rubles.

Purchase and delivery services

Separately, it should be said about the possibilities of purchase and delivery for registered users:

  1. Possibility of payment by bank card.
  2. Make payments in the online store using an internal account. You can replenish it using the Qiwi system - through the terminal or the Qiwi wallet system.
  3. If the account accumulates a significant amount of bonuses, then you can pay for the purchase with bonus funds.
  4. Possibility of payment upon receipt, if the delivery service "To the door" is ordered. Moreover, if the cost of the order is less than 5 thousand rubles, then the door-to-door delivery will cost 250 rubles. If the total amount of the purchase is more than 5 thousand rubles, then delivery is free.
  5. Users of the Client Club system have the opportunity to order free delivery to the regional office of NL International. You will have to pick up the purchase from the office yourself.
  6. The corporate delivery service operates in Moscow, as well as in eleven million-plus cities throughout Russia. In total, the corporate service is available in 792 locations throughout the country.

More information about ordering on the NL official website, as well as payment and delivery methods, can be found in the video filmed by user Karina Korkishko.

Two ways to get a card

There are two card options:

  1. Obtaining a plastic card, which is assigned an individual number. The card is issued by a representative of the company and activated by a specialist or an employee of the NL store.
  2. Registration of a virtual card Client club with a personal number. The card is registered after activating an account in the online store and providing a personal manager ID. The plastic card number itself can be found on the store's website, in your personal office.

Card personalization

Regardless of the type of card, be it plastic or virtual, it is assigned a personal number. But this card is not personal and can be used not only by the user, but also by his friends and relatives. To do this, a plastic card must be presented to the seller in the store or identified when buying online. If the user is provided with a gift based on the results of the drawing, then he must present an identity card and a card number.

It is important that all personal information when registering an account was specified correctly. Otherwise, you will have to correct the data, the procedure is performed through a personal office. Here it is also necessary to clarify with the representative of the company what information is to be edited.

Card recovery

If the plastic card is lost, then it will have to be restored. Together with it, all bonus funds that are credited to it are renewed. For restoration, the consumer must contact a representative of the company. The procedure can be managed by a personal manager.

Stability Client Club

The nuances of the Client Club system:

  1. In accordance with the rules of the company, each consumer contacts a specific manager. He is assigned only one card number, whether plastic or virtual. If the consumer has several cards, then bonus funds from different accounts cannot be summed up.
  2. The consumer has the opportunity to change the personal manager. In this case, the procedure for changing the card is performed. The accumulation of bonus funds begins anew.

Senitsky Stanislav spoke in detail about registration bonus cards in the Client Club system.

My purchases

The "My Purchases" section contains information about purchases made by the user. Here you can find out about the cost of transactions, as well as the date of purchase of goods and shipment.

My Messages

In the "My Messages" section, the user can contact the representatives of the Service Department of NL International. You can find out any information of interest regarding the company's products, as well as ask any questions of interest. For this, there is a special section "Question-Answer". To get an answer, you need to enter the question of interest in the form that opens and click on the "Submit" button.

Start a business with NL

One of the advantages of NL International is that the company allows ordinary users to conduct network business.

About company

NL International - international network company, operating in the market since 2000 and entered the international market in 2003. The company's headquarters is located in Novosibirsk. Today, NL International has more than 700,000 clients. The company employs 250 thousand managers.

NL International has 84 stores and over 300 offices located in:

  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Belarus;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Kazakhstan.

There are 16 registered under the NL International brand trademarks and produces more than 250 products.

NL International products:

  1. energy diet. Smart food, the consumption of which provides right balance nutrition of the body without a set of calories.
  2. Joyfield. Natural fruit bars with various flavors.
  3. Enerwood. Exclusive tea blends, as well as natural dry fruit drinks.
  4. Sklaer. Toothpaste.
  5. Be Loved. The line of these products includes programs for personal care of women's skin.
  6. Professional home hair care products.
  7. tenx. Decorative cosmetics for all skin types.
  8. Crispento. Natural hypoallergenic deodorants for men and women.
  9. fine effect. Safe eco products for house cleaning and laundry.

NL International successfully cooperates with:

  • Mercedes Benz;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Rosgosstrakh;
  • Reso Warranty;
  • Travelers Coffee.

Separately, it should be said about the charity, which is engaged in NL International. The company regularly donates funds to the Sunny City children's fund. Contributions are credited to the fund's account from each purchase made, thanks to which more than 24 thousand children were able to receive assistance. Within the framework of NL International, the Autobonus program operates. For achievements in the field of sales, the best employees of the company receive Mercedes Benz cars.

More information about the work of the international network company is presented by the NL International channel.

What is the essence of business

The essence of the business that each user can build:

  1. It is necessary to use the products that the company produces, and then take the cashback.
  2. Advertising. The consumer can recommend NL products to his friends, relatives and acquaintances and receive financial rewards for this.
  3. Create your own sales network and increase profits.
  4. You can assemble your team and train new employees in what you have already learned. This helps increase profits.

Business without risks

Building business with International is a guaranteed business without risks:

  1. Already built and ready network business system. With the right approach, the consumer will be able to build his network on finished model business. This is a modern and mobile format of doing business, which is the future.
  2. The company provides its clients with everything that is necessary for the successful launch of a business project. It's in demand on international market products, logistics, convenient services. Also, NL International regularly provides its employees with meeting offices where the company's employees can exchange experiences and receive practical advice.
  3. Employees of the company do not need to buy in bulk. It is enough to invest a comfortable amount for building a business, and volumes can be increased gradually.
  4. You don't have to quit your day job to start a business with NL International. Study entrepreneurial activity maybe even students. You can start a business in parallel with your main job or study.
  5. Regular support. An employee of a company who starts a business with NL International is provided with a personal mentor. The representative of the company will be interested in the success of the new employee, so he will be supported in all endeavors and will help with training.

NL International provided a video detailing how NL's new Store+ service works.

Is there money here?

Of course, business with NL International brings good profits. The amount of income depends only on the desires, determination and ambitions of the employee of the company.

Profits can be:

  1. From 20 to 30 thousand rubles after 1-2 months of working with the company.
  2. In a year, the user can earn from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. 12 months after starting work, the most promising employees can win a Mercedes Benz car.
  3. Then the monthly profit can be from 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

NL Mercedes

Getting your own car for free is quite realistic, for this you need to be a successful employee of the company. To do this, you need to register for participation in the NL International program.

The principle of obtaining a car:

  1. An employee of the company must obtain a DS qualification.
  2. This qualification must be maintained for three months.
  3. Then an application for participation in the program is submitted.
  4. If the company's management appreciates the merits of an employee, he will be given the keys to a new Mercedes Benz free of charge.

When making an application, it should be taken into account that the higher the qualification of an employee, the more prestigious car he can get:

  1. DS-qualified employees are issued C- and CLA-class cars.
  2. Employees with DT qualifications receive C-class sports cars.
  3. Workers who qualify DT1 can win a Mercedes Benz E-Class.
  4. Company managers with a DT2 qualification can get a GLC-class sport car.
  5. DT3 qualified employees may be gifted CLS- and GLE-class cars.
  6. For managers with a DT4 qualification, the company gives GLS-class vehicles.
  7. Most high level— DT5. Employees who have received this qualification can become owners of S-class cars.

To become the owner of a car, an employee of the company must keep his qualifications and gain momentum in business. To date, more than 400 company managers drive their own cars. New vehicles are issued to the best employees of the company on a weekly basis. You can learn more about the program on the official website of the company or by calling 8-800-2500-800.

Video "How to get a new Mercedes while working for NL International?"

You need to log in to the NL personal office on the official website of the company - https://nlstar.com/catalog/login/

You can enter the office:

  • by registering;
  • without registering;
  • as manager of NL International.

With registration and bonus program Client Club

The step-by-step instructions for registering in the NL Star online store look like this:

After completing these steps, a window will appear asking you to log in. As a login, you must enter the phone number specified during registration. The password will be generated by the NL Star website and sent to your e-mail. You can select the "Contact Manager" option and click the "Continue" button. In the window that appears, you need to check whether the system has correctly determined the location and, if necessary, change the city.

The advantage of entering the NL personal office is automatic participation in the Client Club program, which implies:

  • delivery in a convenient way for the client;
  • choice of payment for goods;
  • participation in promotions and competitions;
  • receiving gifts from the company;
  • control of data on purchases and the movement of bonuses on a personal account;
  • support and guidance from your manager.

Without registering

Detailed instructions for purchasing goods without registering on the company's website look like this:

  1. Go to the official website of NL International.
  2. In the window that appears, select the inscription "Continue without registration."

By submitting an application for the purchase of NL International products without registration, the client does not receive the benefits associated with the Client Club program.

If you already have an account

If you have an account, you can log in like this:

  1. Go to the official website of the company.
  2. Click on the "Cart" icon located in the upper right corner.
  3. Select the "I have an account" option.
  4. After entering the selected data, click the "Login" button.

The user can choose the most convenient way to enter the personal office:

Login to your personal office as a manager

You can enter your personal office as a manager on the Russian website of the NL company using the link - https: // nlstar.com/ru/office4/login/? redirectto=/en/login/

If you are already registered as a customer

If you have registration, you can enter your personal office using the data:

  • login (one of three options - manager ID, mobile phone number or client card number);
  • password (from the letter sent after registering a personal account).

If you are not registered

If the employee did not have an account before, you can enter your personal office as a manager only after registering on the official website of the company.

What is hidden in the personal account

A personal office allows a company manager to:

  • develop and control its structure;
  • track personal purchases;
  • to correspond with other registered users.

The company's clients can:

  • control purchases;
  • keep track of changes in the bonus account.

About the program

In the personal office of NL International, users are provided with information about the current and possible privileges of the Client Club program.

Client Club privileges

Members of the program have the following benefits:

  • bonuses (from 3 to 10%);
  • present;
  • participation in promotions and sweepstakes;
  • convenient personal account;
  • regular receipt of information about updates in the program or company.

bonus program

The bonus program includes the following:

  • starting bonus NL when making online or offline purchases - 3% of the order value;
  • after reaching the mark of 10,000 rubles, the company increases the rate - 5%;
  • 25,000 rubles - 7%;
  • 50,000 rubles - 10% of the cost of each subsequent order.

Purchase and delivery services

The advantages of the service of purchasing goods look like this:

  • payments through the terminal or QIWI wallet;
  • payment from an internal or bonus account when ordering online;
  • cash settlement after delivery "To the door";
  • payment by bank card.

Shipping Features:

  • at the specified address: free with a purchase of 5,000 rubles and paid (250 rubles) if the value of the goods is less than 5,000;
  • free delivery to the regional office with subsequent self-delivery or ordering the door-to-door service;
  • PickPoint or InPost: up to 5,000 rubles - 250 rubles, over 5,000 - free of charge.

Two ways to get a card

You can get a client card like this:

  1. Contact a company representative or an NL store.
  2. Get a virtual card on your own after registering on the site with the choice of a personal manager.

Card personalization

Card personalization implies the assignment of a personal number. Before receiving it, it is important to check the correctness of all the specified data.

The card can be used by a member of the club and / or members of his family and other people. But, to receive gifts and prizes, you must present an identity document.

Card recovery

In case of damage to the plastic card, or its loss, you can contact the manager or another representative of the NL company for a free restoration. All bonuses are automatically transferred to the new card.

Stability Client Club

The stability of the Client Club lies in the fact that the program participant is assigned personal manager and personal card. When changing the manager, a new card is issued, while the bonuses are not transferred, but accumulated again.

My purchases

In the "My purchases" section, you can control:

  • funds spent to pay for the order;
  • date of departure to the final destination;
  • list of purchased items.

My Messages

In this section, you can fill out the proposed form with a question of interest and get an answer from a specialist.

Start a business with NL

In order to start doing network business, you need to visit the official website of NL International and get acquainted with the information about the company.

About company

The NL company was registered in 2000 in Russia, the head office is located in Novosibirsk. Since 2003, the company has entered the international market.

NL International can be characterized as follows:

  • 16 private labels;
  • more than 300 items of goods;
  • 100 stores;
  • more than 350 offices;
  • 450,000 managers (the figure is constantly growing);
  • the number of clients exceeds 1,200,000 people;
  • more than 300 cities and 24 countries;
  • daily visits to the portal by 150,000 people;
  • 24/7 support on hotline 24/7;
  • more than 100,000 calls per month;
  • 26,000 daily orders in the online store;
  • a huge number of subscribers in social networks.

Video presentation of the business system international company NL Internationa, taken from the company's official website.

What is the essence of business

The essence of the network business with NL is as follows:

  • purchase of high-quality certified goods with the return of part of the money spent;
  • recommendation of the company's products for a fee;
  • creating your own business structure in order to increase income.

Networking is fashionable

Benefits of running a network business:

  • mobile format;
  • covering all costs associated with advertising and logistics at the expense of the company;
  • organization of offices for meetings and presentations;
  • convenient services;
  • the opportunity to work or study in parallel;
  • no need to invest big money;
  • interest and comprehensive support from a personal manager.

This article is for those who are looking for answers to questions: how to start a business with NL international, where does the money come from and what needs to be done in order to start making money in network marketing.

Networking is a profession that you have to master. The good news is that you do not need to study 5 years at the institute for this. Our structure is very a large number of leaders, including leaders in the whole company NL.

  • Your goal is to become a network marketing professional.
  • Your goal is high passive income.
  • Your goal is an auto bonus.
  • Your goal is to grow in qualifications.

Network Marketing with NL

Many do not know, but in the US, 80% of the turnover of all goods and services is provided by network marketing, and every 5th millionaire has earned his fortune in the field of network marketing. In Japan, network marketing turnover is 90%. In Russia, only its formation is taking place.

People come to network marketing, not to make a lot of money in 1 month, but to receive passive income that grows, regardless of your participation in the business.

It is important to master the theory and apply it in practice. It is important to understand one thing: it is your own business and it depends only on you. Follow the instructions carefully and listen to the mentor.

The secret of business in partnership with NL international

You work - there is a result.

If you don't work, you don't get results.

Mentor at NL

A mentor has something that you don't have yet. He has experience. In our structure, a mentor is referred to as a “Free Man” because network marketing is the only field in which you will be helped to make money just like that.

A mentor is first and foremost a tool. And it must be used correctly.

The essence of the NL business

Business in partnership with NL international: the company provides us with all the conditions for creating a trade turnover. You have registered and you have the opportunity to international business in any country - you have more than 200 offices where you can come, make purchases and hold meetings, you get a convenient online store, personal account. NL international is 18 years old. This means that it is stable, serious and reliable, because according to statistics, bad network companies are blown away in the first 5 years. All NL products are safe, certified, they work and give results.

Any business involves the sale of a product and service. We have product lines on which you make a turnover. Moreover, NL has such products, the need for which is not sucked out of your finger - you can use this product every day. There is a system of work, a balanced marketing plan.

It all starts with free registration and - this gives you access to your personal account, you can shop, your customers can shop using your id number, you can register managers and clients.

Everyone has stereotypes about network marketing. The NL company has an adequate approach to business. The company does not have all the usual network special effects:

  • There are no purchases - no one is forcing managers to buy products and store them at home, so that they can resell them later.
  • There is no need to run catalogs with bags - everything happens in a civilized way, through a chain of stores and an online store.
  • There is no ceiling in business, there are no restrictions - constant growth, in marketing - there is no plan that you will develop here, but not here.
  • Single price - the same price for both the manager and the client. No one will beg you for a discount, and you will not get rich on friends and acquaintances.
  • Free registration.
  • Balanced marketing is a plan in which you can really earn a lot.

Where does the money come from

If you are interested in the question of how they earn in NL international, then you can earn in three directions: personal sales, mentor bonus and building a structure.

personal selling

Personal sales - personal volume (LO) - purchases to your id number 007-000000.

You get the biggest reward from top products that really work:

  • Energy Diet
  • Energy diet smart
  • Energy Pro
  • Detox
  • Energy Slim

Pv (point volume) is an internal unit of measure of turnover. Considering that the company has an international status and covers different countries and currency, then the results are calculated with this pv. In order not to measure it in jars, shampoos, teas, protein at the end of the month - you measure it in pv.

When we started the business, we did 80% of the turnover only on Energy Diet. Therefore, many still associate the NL company exclusively with Energy Diet. The company is developing, quality product lines are being produced, and now the turnover can be made on other products: protein, programs for weight loss and body cleansing, teas, household and laundry products, cosmetics. You can get acquainted with the entire list of products in.

All these payouts are available with 200 pv passing to your id per month. As a result, in addition to rewards for the product, for 200 pv you get:

  • 5000 money
  • 3000 - to the gift account.

This is repeated for every 200 points.

Or you can withdraw all payments in money with activity of 70 pv within 3 months. But making 200 pv monthly is more profitable. And this is what you need to teach your managers.

You will not earn millions with this approach, of course. But 10-30-50 or more thousand rubles, as you can see, is easy to earn.

Mentor Bonus

It did not exist before, if it existed, then many would immediately build structures, and would not be engaged in personal sales alone.

The essence of the mentor bonus is simple: for each registered manager under you who bought products from 20 pv, you get a reward. So for 20 pv - 280 rubles, for 35 pv - 490 rubles, for 50 pv - 700 rubles, and for 70 pv - 980 rubles.

Connect 10 managers to the first line who will appreciate the benefits of the products - get up to 9800 from them. The most important thing is that the mentor bonus will be available to you every month and will only increase. The more managers in the 1st line, the greater the monthly bonus. This is great for motivating newbies.

Structure, network, business.

Real business and serious payments come precisely from building a structure and receiving a group volume (GO) - all the balls of all the managers of your structure.

You need to start rejoicing when the GO will be 3000 pv. This qualification is called Star (star). The structural fee is 22,000 rubles. + mentor bonuses about 15000r. and a reward for 200 pv of personal volume of 5000 rubles. In total, it turns out about 42,000. This is a decent salary. But ordinary students reach such results in our structure.

And the most interesting thing is that next month you don't have to work hard to earn the same amount. This situation will repeat: new participants will come and the check will only grow.

There is a diamond DS qualification, on which you get another 3% of the turnover of the entire structure. To reach this qualification, you must have 3 people in the Star qualification in your structure.

This is the first qualification for which a car bonus is available - a Mercedes C class. A free car given to you by the company. Where does it come from? You do turnover for the company. Pretty big, and it's not hard for a company to give you a car that they'll pay for themselves, and it won't show up on your check.

If you are not motivated by the C class, but by the S class, then you can pick up a Mercedes of any class in the company. Someone is not motivated by 50,000 rubles, someone is motivated. And what is described above is just the beginning. This is only a matter of your ambitions, learning ability and ability to work.

Where to get clients at NL

  • First of all, customers are us - I use almost all the company's products. Why do managers use the product? Not because we are crazy networkers. And it is not spelled out in the rules, in the form of a mandatory condition. It's just that managers know what is included in the composition, how and where it is produced. And they understand that these products are of high quality, having many advantages over goods in stores. We use a high-quality safe product that protects health. For it, we get good payouts and make trade.
  • People around - using the product, we have the opportunity to recommend. You can recommend and explain to anyone. You do network marketing every day, you just don’t notice it: “I bought these jeans here, the food is delicious here, I fix my car there, I bought a new iPhone - a bomb, I advise you.” But you don't get paid for your referrals. And you get it in NL.
  • Social media. Make posts on VK, Instagram, etc. IMPORTANT! You are not allowed to send private messages to strangers. This is spam. No need to be intrusive, no need to justify this myth of rabid and clingy networkers. Just blog on your page. What do you do, what product do you like, no need to write huge headlines - "Buy with my ID!!". This does not work. People are interested to see that you are an expert, you can advise what you have interesting life, and that becoming a networker, you did not become crazy.

Success algorithm

  1. Registration.
  2. Getting Materials #1.
  3. Contract activation.
  4. Obtaining the most basic materials developed by our structure.
  5. Study of the product, company, system of work.
  6. Recommendations and invitation to business people.
  7. Success.

No need to think long over the first three points. This is the start of a business. None of the leaders and managers who have reached the qualification, achieved results, will say that he regrets that he started doing this

For most people, this is the only way to start making big money.

Network marketing is not an area in which there is some kind of luck. Don't treat it like that, lucky or not? Will it work or won't it? Maybe you need to wait?

Everything will work out. The main thing is to follow the instructions, listen to the mentor and study the materials. This is a business, a lot depends on you and your efforts.

Surgery for oncology in animals is the most common and logical treatment method. Unfortunately, it is often ineffective. This is due to the characteristics of malignant tumors. With rare exceptions, they all have a tendency to form metastases.

And if metastases have appeared, simply cutting out the neoplasm will not work. In a couple of weeks, a month or a year, your pet will have a dozen new tumors. Therefore, surgery in the treatment of cancer is used if at least several of the conditions listed below are met:

  • Oncology in cats must be operable. Simply put, if the neoplasm is located somewhere in the medulla oblongata, the chances of success of the surgery are close to zero. Such cases and "human" surgeons are taken extremely rarely!
  • The condition of the animal must be normal. If the cat is no longer able to walk due to pain and exhaustion, there is no talk of any operation (or so far). It must first be brought into an adequate shape, suppress the growth of the tumor with the help of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and only then solve the issue of surgical elimination of the problem.
  • Finally, a banal problem - far from all veterinary clinics there is equipment and qualified specialists capable of performing a really complex operation. Therefore, it may turn out that you have to take your pet to another city.

This is what needs to be emphasized right away: if the tumor is large, inoperable, and the animal can no longer get up, eat, and even go to the toilet from terrible pain, it is recommended to euthanize it. There is no chance for successful treatment, and even to improve general state pet is unlikely to succeed.

Due to the variety of organs, most symptoms appear depending on the affected organ. However, there are a number of common signs that can be observed in all types of cancer.

One of the first signs is a deterioration in general well-being - the cat becomes lethargic, drowsy, loses its appetite. Then there is a noticeable weight loss, the coat deteriorates, bald patches appear.

  • Squamous cell carcinoma- characterized by the presence of ulcerations on the affected areas, they often have noticeable swelling and are prone to the appearance of crusts.
  • Mastocinoma - characterized by extensive and rapid spread, presented in the form of nodules, which are arranged in groups, with a diameter of a couple of millimeters to 3 centimeters. Alopecia and ulceration are possible, often itchy and subject to secondary infection due to cat scratching.
  • At basal cell carcinoma there is a head injury. In the clinic, it is considered conditionally benign, since it does not give metastases. However, the tumor has an extremely aggressive growth and rapidly expands into the surrounding tissue, which destroys it. It can be presented in the form of ulcerative lesions and inflammation of the toes.
  • Fibrosarcoma also belongs to the general group of skin cancers. It is of two types - soft tissues and post-injection. Outwardly, it looks like infiltrated tissues, dense to the touch and without clear boundaries. Most often located at the withers and can reach a size of more than 10 cm.
  • Osteosarcoma most commonly affects the bones of the legs, skull, hips, and shoulders. The cat begins to crouch on one paw, to take care of it while walking, noticeable lameness. Frequent fractures of the affected limb are characteristic.
  • breast cancer looks outwardly as a dense nodule, soldered to the surrounding tissues and located in the thickness of the mammary gland. Most often occurs in an unsterilized cat at the age of 10-12 years. They may ulcerate and become infected. Any formation in the gland should be biopsied and histologically examined for malignancy, since it is impossible to distinguish from a benign one without this.

How long a pet with oncology can please its owners depends primarily on the type of tumor. Great importance has a stage, so the owners need to know what symptoms a cat has with cancer and contact the veterinarian in time.

If the immune system of the mustachioed creature has shown activity, then there is hope for a good result in treatment, with passive immunity, the attending physician at some stage will offer the owners to stop therapy and put the cancer patient to sleep so as not to torment him.

Some specific age category no: both a kitten up to a year old and an already elderly cat can get sick. If we cover general statistics, then most often neoplasms are registered in pets who have crossed the five-year milestone. In cats, tumors account for about 20% of all diseases.

This is what an animal with skin cancer looks like

It is logical that the symptoms depend on the location. If the process is somewhere outside, then it is not difficult for a person to suspect that something was wrong; things are more difficult when the focus is hidden deep inside the body.

Common signs that may indicate the presence of a tumor:

  • poor appetite;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • dullness and disheveled coat;
  • oppression and apathy;
  • swelling;
  • non-healing wounds;
  • bleeding from natural openings;
  • violation of the processes of breathing, defecation, urination;
  • appearance bad smell coming from a cat.

In addition, owners should always pay close attention to any formations that have appeared on the body of the animal (muzzle, ears, mammary glands), and their nature: growth rate, soreness, swelling, swelling, etc.

Careful monitoring of your pet and preventive annual check-ups veterinarian help to identify the disease at an early stage. Symptoms of oncological diseases:

  • refusal of food;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • depressive state;
  • the appearance of neoplasms in the oral cavity, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands or in the ears;
  • the appearance of age spots and non-healing ulcers on the skin;
  • plaintive meow for no apparent reason;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • bleeding gums and bad breath;
  • dyspnea;
  • stools mixed with blood;
  • the appearance of a dry cough, turning into an hysterical one (sometimes there is a release of pus).

A pronounced sign of oncology is the appearance of neoplasms.

According to statistics, most cats develop breast cancer (about 60% of cases). Upon detection of at least one of characteristic features You should immediately take your pet to a veterinarian.

Network Marketing NL International

Looking for a network company where you can easily and interestingly earn money? An opportunity is open for you to realize your dream, the company NL International (NL International), gives everyone such an opportunity, everything will depend only on you. You can learn more about the company on the official website "nlstar.com".

I'll tell you briefly about this network company called "NL International", the company is more than 17 years old, founded in 2000, on this moment has more than 84 stores in all CIS countries, there are also more than 302 offices, 250,000 company managers and more than 700,000 satisfied customers! These are cool indicators, not all network companies have such data, one can only envy.

Watch a short video presentation

NL International

What does NL International do?

NL Store - a store where everything is safe, convenient and profitable! NL International produces products that are available in ordinary stores, but only several times better and better. In the store "NL International" - "NL Store" you will find products such as:

  • "Cool products for everyday life" -

Tea, coffee, cosmetics, household chemicals and many other things that you use every day.

  • "Smart food - sports nutrition" -

Products for vitality, weight loss and sports (Energy diet).

You can learn more about the products on the official website of NL International - nlstar.com in the product catalog.

The products are really very high quality, and many times superior to similar products from other brands. High quality of these products, safety and efficacy are the basic principles by which all NL International products are developed and manufactured.

As they say, the price speaks for itself. Someone better chooses not high-quality, but cheap goods Everyone has the right to choose what is better for him and what is not. This is one of the advantages of this NL International company, but there is another opportunity that the NL (NL) company provides - this is an opportunity to earn!

Is it really possible to make money at NL International and how much do beginners earn?

Consider how you can make money in NL International. The main advantage of earning money in the network company NL International is that you don’t need to sell anything, and sell this or that product, you don’t need to run around offices, organizations with bags and boxes and ask to buy goods from you! All this is in the past, although there are many network companies that continue to work according to this scheme.

NL International has developed a unique scheme where all these actions are excluded, which attracts more and more people who want to make money. Also, I want to note that in the NL company, for last years, a lot of networkers - leaders with their structures from other network companies are moving.

This says a lot about the quality of the torava (it’s not a shame to recommend really high-quality goods to friends and acquaintances), transparent earnings, real payments, the opportunity to get a Mercedes car for free, a unique marketing plan that is not found in any network company. All these advantages of the company, for more than 17 years, have maintained a leadership position among all network business companies.

At NL International, earn more than real, you yourself can search for information on how people here earn up to 1,000,000 rubles a month, and also get cars for free. It's just COOL, real, when you see all this, any person will have a desire to join NL International and also earn money. Of course, beginners will not immediately earn big money, for this you need to work hard, as in any other business.

Registration with NL International. How to make money for a beginner and what is the essence of earning at NL International?

First you need to register on the official website of "NL International" - "nlstar.com". Go to your personal account and get acquainted with the company, study the products, study the marketing plan, one video lesson is also available for beginners, on earnings in NL International. Be sure to study everything in detail before taking further steps towards making money in NL.

To register with NL International, you need to know (ID, card number, mobile phone) who invited you, this person will be your upline sponsor.

When registering, you must enter ID-007........ (looks something like this), the one who invited you, or from whom you learned about NL International. Registration is absolutely free and does not obligate you to anything. If there is no activity on your account for two months, then your account is simply blocked and deleted.

Perhaps the one who invited you will be just as new as you are. In network marketing, you need to understand that success depends only on yourself, and you do not need to rely on a sponsor, upline sponsor, partner, or anyone else. Know that all business starts with you. The result will depend only on how much effort you put in and how many actions you take in this business. This applies not only to the NL company, but also to any other network company, your success depends only on you.

The essence of this income is to change your everyday store to the NL International store - the NL Store. What it looks like, you just buy all those goods that you take in ordinary stores, in the NL Store. You use it yourself, recommend it to your friends and acquaintances, and earn money on it. Below are a few ways to make money in NL.

  • The first type of earnings in NL, this is "Personal VOLUME" - cashback - return Money from the purchase amount. But you can’t call it earnings, but you just get a discount in the form of a refund (a percentage of the price of the goods)!
  • The second type of earnings in NL, is a "MENTOR BONUS", where the manager receives a certain percentage of personal invitations to the NL. For example, if you invited 10 friends, and they also decided to use NL International products, you will receive up to 980 rubles for each. It will be - 9800 rubles, if you have 100 people personally invited and subject to the conditions of the company, then for 100 people you will receive 98,000 rubles. Of course, everything sounds so easy, but it's all real, I think anyone would like to have such a passive income.
  • The third type of earnings in NL, is “GROUP VOLUME”, in addition to the “Mentor Bonus” and “Personal Volume” rewards, you receive up to 21 percent more of the total turnover in your team. Details about the three types of earnings will be below the article.

What is the essence of the NL business?

Everything is simple! Use cool NL products and get cashback.

and your income will grow. Earn money with NL International!

How to make money in NL International, you ask?

You will not believe it, everything is quite easy and simple - USE THE PRODUCTS OF THE COMPANY PERSONALLY YOURSELF and simply recommend to your acquaintances and friends. Remember, the more people you have in your team who, in exactly the same way, will actively use the products of the NL International company, the greater the earnings will be. The task of beginners who want to achieve here high successes, consists in a competent recommendation of certain NL products. You do not need to buy goods here and sell, no and no again, stop this idea! Here, all products have a standard price, both for managers and customers, so the principle - "bought cheap - sold expensive" will not work and is generally excluded. Only for personal use, well, or as a gift to loved ones, but not for resale, as is usually practiced in other network marketing companies.

One rule for success in this company - we use it ourselves and recommend it. Exactly, according to this scheme, you can earn money in the NL International company, thereby creating a source of passive income for yourself. So, when you build a huge team, among which, you will not even know the people in your structure, you will also receive a reward, according to the “Mentor Bonus” and “Group Volume”. And the amount can reach up to 1,000,000 rubles a month, tell me, this is cool, will you get that kind of money at a hired job? Yea, never. Here is the GOAL you need to strive for - this is the creation of a source of passive income. Thanks to this SOURCE, you will earn even when you sleep!

The best network company in Russia

Today, it is NL International that provides such an opportunity. The company does not guarantee that anyone and everyone will reach the top. But it gives a 100% guarantee that if the conditions of the company are met, the manager will receive the money he earns, which he can withdraw without any problems at the beginning of each month, in the company's office, both in cash and on a card. IN network business, the honesty of the company in relation to its managers and clients is very important, and choosing NL International, you can be calm in paying large amounts of money.

It is beneficial for the company to have many managers and clients, therefore, the network company NL International for more than 17 years has always treated, treats and will treat its customers honestly and respectfully.

NL International product catalog

NL International in the NL Store

As you can see, the products NL International, really qualitative and in many respects surpasses competitors. And these are just a few of the company's products! I think anyone who has tried the products of the NL company, once, after which, he will constantly use it, which means that he may well earn money. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at this company.

Let's now look at the MARKETING PLANNL International.

Marketing Plan NL International

First, let's get acquainted with the terms that I will meet in the marketing plan:

PV- Personal Volume - personal volume (internal currency of the company);

UE - Internal conventional unit equal to 35 rubles. (these are not dollars);

LO - Personal Volume;

BN - Mentor Bonus;

GO - Group Volume.

Since the company operates in many CIS countries, for ease of calculation, all products are considered in PV , and then calculated by the formula:

For example, within a month, you personally bought products for yourself - Energy Diet 2 cans - 2 x 1980 rubles, and you are credited with 40 PV in your personal account, and you also bought cosmetics and household goods - and received another 30 PV. Total your LO (personal volume) per month was - 70 PV . Let's calculate the formula.


70 PV x by a factor of 0.4 we get the internal CONDITIONAL UNIT, -

28 ye. x 35 and get the amount in rubles - 980 rubles , which is available on the cash account in your personal accountNL International


V companies NL International: LO, BN, GO

LO - Personal Volume

It is important to know that if there is no activity within 2 months after registration, your account will be automatically blocked and deleted. To avoid this, you need to make an activity of at least 35 PV, that is, buy products for personal consumption in the amount of about 4000-4500 rubles. As soon as you make a personal volume of 35 pv - you Manager . The selection in the NL store is huge. Remember the main goal is to change your regular store to a storeNL International.

When you complete 35 pv, you get 490 rubles, and this can hardly be called earnings. Since access to the main views is closed to you.


This is when your LO is from 70 pv (approximately the purchase of products for personal use and sales in the amount of 7500-8000 rubles). You are assigned the status - "Active manager", and you open two main types of earnings.

What do you get as an "Active Manager"?

1- 70 pv - 980 rubles per account;

2- Access to the Marketing Plan, one instructional video lesson;

3- GO (access to earnings);

4- BN (access to earnings).

It is for earning that you need to maintain a minimum activity - 70 pv per month, while the income will be from several marketing blocks at once.


This is when your LO is more than 70 pv (for example, your LO this month was 200 pv, let's look at how much earnings you will receive)

1 - for 70 pv you get according to the formula - 980 rubles;

2 - for 130 pv, - 130 x for a coefficient of 0.8 / 104 x 35 = 3640 rubles;

3 - A gift from the company 87 ye. / 87 x 35 \u003d 3045 rubles, which goes to the gift account, you can purchase products, unused funds, after the close of the month, are transferred from the delta account to the cash account.

These are the amounts waiting for everyone who fulfills the conditions of the company.

BN - Mentor Bonus

Your personal invitees on the first line

Provided that you maintain during the month, the activity is not lower than 70 pv, you will monthly receive profit from your first line plus your LO, let's look at these amounts as an example. Calculate how much your income will be per month.

Everything below 70 PV is calculated according to the formula above, and for the activity of your first line, for everyone who made from 70 PV, you get 980 rubles.

Consider how much profit you will receive:

Your earnings from the first line