Sales funnel network marketing. How to attract people to network marketing. Persuasion or overcoming objections

  • 24.06.2020

What is a sales funnel and what is it for? What are the stages of a sales funnel? How to do a funnel analysis and increase conversions with the right questions?

Hello dear readers! With you are the authors of the business magazine Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok.

A sales funnel is one of the main business tools for any entrepreneur. If you are in business or just planning, then this article is the first step to your success.

From the article you will learn:

  • What is a sales funnel and what is it for?
  • What are the stages of a sales funnel?
  • How to analyze the funnel and increase the conversion in it?
  • What is CRM and CPM and how to work with them?

Thanks to a well-built sales funnel, our business also works well.

We hope that after reading the article you will increase sales in your commercial project.

Any novice businessman engaged in the sale of goods or services should be well versed in the terminology and theory of marketing. One of the key concepts that all entrepreneurs need to learn in order to successful business This is the sales funnel.

1. What is a sales funnel - the concept, terms, where it is applied

In English this term sounds like "purchase funnel", "sales funnel" or "sales pipeline": the concept can be called conceptual in marketing.

Sales funnel is the path that the average consumer of a product or service takes from attracting his attention to the offer to the moment of purchase.

In the English-language Wikipedia, a sales funnel is defined as a marketing model that, in theory, illustrates the journey through all stages of a purchase: from getting to know the offer (the first touch) to completing the transaction.

For entrepreneurs and businessmen, knowing what a sales funnel is will help you multiply your profits many times over. It does not matter whether it is built in Internet commerce or in the process of "offline" sale of goods in a store - the model works in both cases.

In the modern situation, when the supply of goods often exceeds demand, it is becoming more and more difficult to attract customers directly, which is called “on the forehead”, the use and competent analysis of the sales funnel will allow you to act on potential consumers in a more subtle and unobtrusive way, imperceptibly adjusting to their needs.

The concept of the "acquisition funnel", which describes the psychology of the client, was proposed by the American lawyer Elias Lewis in 1898.

Three decades later, this concept was successfully combined with another well-known concept of trading - AIDA:

  • attention (attention);
  • interest (interest);
  • desire (desire);
  • action.

Since then, the concept of a sales funnel in marketing has become one of the basic ones.

This means that the sale itself is preceded by 4 stages of customer readiness:

  • first, his attention is captured (for example, by advertising tools);
  • then, interest is aroused (by the content of the advertising message);
  • then the potential buyer has a desire to take advantage of the offer;
  • finally, our client acts (calls the company, enters the store or website).

This is already a “warmed up” potential buyer, it remains to take him “warm” and close the deal.

How to build a working sales funnel - that is, one into which the client "falls" and is guaranteed to reach the bottom - in other words, makes an acquisition?

This is the art of marketing. The number of possible consumers of services and products is influenced by many factors:

  • ways to promote goods (advertising, reliability of information, visual demonstration);
  • the ability to find the right audience;
  • pricing and marketing policy (availability of discounts, promotions, additional benefits).

In a word, the consumer must understand why it is more profitable and better to purchase goods from you.

The AIDA model is described in one of his books by a world-famous business consultant, a leading sales expert.

This model reveals the main stages of sales and shows how they consistently complement each other.

Despite this, a certain part of managers perceives the sales funnel too narrowly - only as a reporting term, forgetting or not knowing that, first of all, the purchase funnel is a functional tool with great potential.

2. Conversion and CPM of sales funnels - how to calculate and increase them

The sales funnel is an ideal technique for analyzing productivity as individual workers, and the entire trade department or site.

Maybe you and now your task is to attract as many buyers as possible and sell them maximum amount goods.

Using this model, you can find out at what stages of sales the largest number of potential buyers is eliminated, and take measures to eliminate existing problems.

Sales funnel- this is an automatic sequence of actions that takes the client from the stage of the emergence of a need to a purchase (including repeat sales).

Imagine you are sleeping and your products are sold automatically. And even if you go on vacation, your products will still be automatically sold and bring you profit 24/7.

And completely without your participation. Sounds like a fairy tale. And all this is a sales funnel. It is with such headlines and promises that the statements of turnkey auto funnel specialists are full of statements. Whether this is true or not, and most importantly, how to do it, let's figure it out now.

It used to be better

Everything was much better before. It certainly is. I don't know about the fact that the grass used to be greener and the sky bluer, but the competition on the Internet was much lower.

But already here you can understand that even in ordinary short sales, for example, coffee to go, you need to approach the person gradually (of course, there are exceptions). So, with the help of an automatic series of actions, we can systematize and simplify this process.

Auto Funnels - Complete Autopilot

As for the fact that after the introduction of an automatic sales funnel, you don’t need to work, these are, of course, fairy tales, but as for the fact that everything will happen automatically, yes, it’s absolutely true.

You only need to understand one main idea before we get down to business. It is revealed in this video.

And now let's move on to the very hero of the occasion. After all, the road is still long, since in this article we still need to figure out what this beast consists of and how to use it for classic small and medium-sized businesses.

And I'll break the myth. For many, auto sales funnels are e-mail marketing, but now everything has changed with the advent of and.

Although the base is built on sending messages, we see that everything has gone beyond just letters to the client. Everything has become much more complex, but also more difficult.

The auto funnel for business now is a bunch of different systems that do not just send letters to the client depending on his actions. But they also show the desired banner, catch up on the Internet, set tasks for the manager to call, send SMS, arrange delivery, etc. Such systems look cumbersome, for example, like this:

auto funnel

For whom?

We spent quite a lot of time learning how to build and set up an auto funnel. We can say that most of the experience gained from their mistakes.

During this time, we have implemented different funnels: from the simplest to the most complex. And honestly, I can say ... well, they are not suitable for every business.

More precisely, auto funnels are suitable for everyone, but for many, this one should be in the background or even in the third.

  • : an ideal combination, in fact, all auto funnels originated from it and evolved, focusing on it. So be sure to use.
  • Services: Great. Especially if the services are complex or expensive, when the client needs a significant amount of time to make a purchase decision. The more time to make a decision, the better.
  • B2B: OK. It is also a suitable tool, since when contacting a business, a decision is not made immediately, which means auto funnels are ideal for warming up a client.
  • Wholesale: medium. If you line everything up correctly, then you can at least close the client for a trial batch through automatic ones. But it is already more difficult compared to other areas.
  • Retail: poorly. We saw ready-made processes retail stores and, for the most part, they were done in vain. Since all purchases are made more emotionally, but if you have a long transaction cycle, then you can try.
  • Online store: medium. Even bad. You will have to strain your brain very hard to figure out how to fit everything into an auto sales funnel, moreover, to do this when you have thousands of different positions and they are all different.

Summarizing. Creating a turnkey auto funnel is suitable for those areas where a decision is made for a long time.

Usually this is due either to a complex product, or to a high cost, which they do not part with once or twice. In all other cases, I would leave this tool for later.

Implement and suffer

I think you are already on fire with the idea of ​​​​implementing such a pretty cool sales system and want to implement it in your business.

In this article, I will not talk in detail about the designers and services for creating auto funnels, there will be a separate article about them very soon. Why is it not so important now?

Because these are already details, first you need to build an understanding and the right one.

What does it consist of?

The main and key thing in the entire auto funnel is a properly designed one.

Your products are what you need to work on first. This point is key in the entire auto funnel.

Since it is the correctly built structure of the product matrix that will properly warm up your client and warm up his interest in your main product.

To make it clearer to you in the future, I will tell you what the main products in the auto funnel are called in the language of Internet marketers.

Each product is important, so even if you are a beginner, don't miss anything. Make all products.

Moreover, please note that each previous product is part of the next.

That is, our task is to build a logical chain of sentences that cling to each other (reveal more and more of the topic) and they are all based on one big problem. Then you will understand what I am talking about.

Lead magnet

This is what attracts the client. This is what the client subscribes to. You can see examples of our lead magnets scattered throughout the blog.

At the time of writing, there are 4 of them. An example from another niche (cleaning services) is a manual “17 ways to get rid of stains on your furniture”.

An important point. A lead magnet is always free. Thus, you exchange your “gift” for contacts of a person.

So he gets to know you and solves his little problem. Your task is to use a lead magnet to solve a small problem that is “itching” for him right now. Something simple but important to him.

Lead magnet format can be any (checklist, product samples, price list with prices, instructions, list, etc.).

Most importantly, he must close the "client's Wishlist" and do it quickly. That is, this is not a 5-hour video, but material for literally 5-15 minutes of study.

Tripwire / trip (tripwire)

This is a cheap product that is offered to subscribers right after the subscription.

As a rule, it is needed not in order to recoup some of the traffic, but in order for the client to start giving you their money.

After all, a customer who has bought at least something from you (even for 50 rubles) is already a more loyal client to you than a customer who has not bought it.

An important point. The cost of such an offer does not exceed 1000 rubles. The main thing you have to show with this product is the imbalance of value and price.

So that the client sees and understands that in front of him is an offer that is stupid to refuse. And the fact that even if he made a mistake in choosing, then for him this is mere pennies.

Examples from our field are a manual for evaluating the effectiveness of advertising (stop wasting money on effective advertising for 370 rubles).

From the sphere of cleaning services - a coupon for cleaning furniture from stains for 300 rubles instead of 1,500 rubles.


Main product (Core Product)

Your main product that you sell to the customer. The main task of the entire funnel is not to sign a person for a lead magnet so that you have a large base, and not to sell him a tripwire.

Namely, the implementation of the main product, which should solve big problem client.

Moreover, when we are talking about the main product, we are not talking about 1 month of training in the gym, we are talking about an integrated approach: losing 20 kg with a trainer until the result.

In the case of cleaning services - cleaning of the entire apartment for 3,000 rubles. Or in a situation law firm- opening legal entity for 3 days on a turnkey basis.

Upselling (profit maximize)

You can also call these products “profit maximizers”. The very upsells and crosses you earn on.

This is what makes the ordinary not ordinary. That is the VIP version. Such enhancements help the client feel unique, get a more advanced version. And you earn more and increase average check.


You can make additional sales for any product, but they are best for the main product, since the client already trusts you.

An example of such a profit maximizer in a cleaning service would be curtain washing or carpet cleaning. And in the case of custom-made furniture, these are shortened production times by 2 times.

Main steps

Now that we have created all product line, we can move on to the steps. In our article, I have covered all the basic steps for successfully implementing an automated email series.

If you haven't read it, then do so. Below, as a review, I will write the main meanings of each stage, plus add relevant ones for auto funnels.

  1. Warming up Before showing a lead magnet to a person, it needs to be warmed up.

    Build a level of trust (at least minimal), and when a person sees your lead magnet, he will know who you are. As a warm-up, there may be a useful article or video.

  2. Double-opt-in. Any subscription must be confirmed. In terms of email marketing, this is a confirmation letter, in terms of social networks, for example, on VK or Facebook, this is pressing the “Allow” button.

    If you skip this stage, then the service providers can easily block you permanently.

  3. Acquaintance. You send the promised material to the client so that he can use it and get to know you.

    As you remember, such material is called a lead magnet, it is easy to learn and free.

  4. Involvement. This stage can be both an introduction to an acquaintance and an easy sale.

    Its meaning is that the client performs several actions before receiving the material. For example, he passed a qualifying survey “for his good”.

  5. Sale. Favorite stage of any owner. Here you sell your tripwire, main product and upsells.
  6. Help for consumption. Often we see a situation where people buy a product and put it on the shelf.

    As a result, the client just spent the money, and you lost him, since he will not buy again. Therefore, you need to help him study the purchase.

    To do this, you can call him, write a series of messages or offer to take an exam. There are many options, but this is very important.

  7. . After customers have bought or not bought, you can already divide them into different segments.

    But you can also find out more information about them so that you can now attribute them to some segment, and then decide what to do with them.

  8. Re-engaging. Not everyone in your funnel will buy your product. This is fine.

    Therefore, after you know who they are and what they want, you can re-engage them by offering another lead magnet.

    Thus, you will not invest in new traffic, but will be able to earn on those who are.

  9. Cleaning and resuscitation. Some people will stop communicating with you altogether, some will appear quite rarely.

    Therefore, at this step, you either remove the “dead” ones, or try to revive them and return them to the active composition.

If you are a beginner, you can use this sequence (top to bottom).

But remember that people are not stupid and are also developing, which means they see template solutions.

Although we stick to this sequence and believe that even this strategy can be served with the right sauce to get the coveted effect.

If in doubt, write your question in the comments, we will help you for free.

Where do we do it?

Remember when I said that auto sales funnels are more than email marketing these days? So the time has come to reveal this idea and show the criticality of the whole situation, which many are not aware of.

If you plan to do just a linear send of 5-7 messages, then you do not need much work.

It is enough to choose one of the email marketing services or a chat bot. Set up and run. But if you plan to make truly smart auto funnels with 5-10 variations, then one service is not enough.

Depending on the complexity of the plan, you need different services. At a minimum, this is a CRM system and email newsletters with automation (for example, through UniSender, MailiGen , sendpulse). This is the minimum plan.

Next, services of the type of pop-up windows will be connected, (the TOP ones are JivoSite (with the promo code “inscale” +30 days for free +5 operators), Talk-me (with the promo code “INSCALE” +7 days for free), LiveTex), sms, social phishing, lead ads, etc.

That is why, now all services are divided into narrowly focused and combined, which combine all the necessary functions at once.

And so as not to confuse you in complex and voluminous lists of services, here are our recommendations on bundles to create a do-it-yourself auto funnel:

Other spheres (option 1). Mailigen / GetResponce / MailChimp + Yandex Kassa + PlatformaLP

Other spheres (option 2). Mailigen / GetResponce / MailChimp + Yandex Kassa + PlatformaLP + ManyChat

Other spheres (option 3). Mailigen / GetResponce / MailChimp + Yandex Kassa + PlatformaLP + ManyChat + AmoCRM / Bitrix24 / ZohoCRM

I don’t write the rest of the small services here, because in the process you yourself will understand what you need.

Or write for advice in the comments to this post. Including to recommend the necessary bundle for your strategy. Otherwise, we ourselves know how important the advice of someone who has traveled this path more than once is sometimes important.

For what time frame?

There are a lot of trainings on auto funnels. Almost all of them promise that in 10 days you will create an auto funnel with your own hands. The problem is that it's a wrapper.

In 10 days, they explain to you how to make an auto sales funnel, how it works, and you create its structure (schematically).

The real implementation of a turnkey sales funnel will take from 1 (if you are a super-duper expert, and even many-armed-many-legged) to 3 months. And this is in the simplest configuration.

With a fairly solid team, you will need at least 3 months to get a smoothly working scheme with all the add-ons and a sufficient number of auto-selling products.

This is the reality that you will not be told either at trainings or special services for creating a turnkey sales funnel.

In order for you to appreciate the entire amount of work, I will write in rough strokes how to create an auto funnel and what you need to do to get a decent version of it. You can save this as a mini checklist for the future.

  1. Market and customer analysis. Before any start, you need to prepare, namely, to understand who you are competing with and what they want from your customers. Based on this, you can form your own brand platform.
  2. Strategy. You need to develop a conceptual idea, according to which you will create everything that you will have in the future. That is, at least determine the final and reference points.
  3. Products. If you already have the right products and services, you are in luck. But if you sell part of the business information materials, then they need to be created, and this may take more than one month.
  4. Texts. You will need to unsubscribe dozens or even hundreds of different messages, because depending on the person’s action, he should see a relevant letter.
  5. Sites. Each product needs its own landing page. But we also need pages for various surveys, issuing access, confirmations. And all this with the integration of timers, payment systems, pixels and other technical details.
  6. Design. There is nowhere without it. Either knowledge of Photoshop, or the services of designers. Tasks - from creating a cover for a lead magnet and a tripwire, to designing websites and banners for advertising.
  7. Traffic. It is not enough to make a funnel. It still needs to attract customers. And for this you need services or knowledge for.

And here I am not raising the issue of technical implementation, that is, setting up all systems and their integration with each other.

And this is a rather voluminous work, especially if you see services for the first time and have not done mini-programming before.


This is probably one of my favorite paragraphs. I'll even be honest about why. The reader always evaluates knowledge by chips.

The article may be brilliant, but if he has already seen it in general terms, then this is a “regular article”. If it contains tricks and secrets, then this is automatically an article from the “Wow” category.

  • Pain! The pain of your customers is what you should focus on first.

    You can have a great core product, a well-built auto funnel, but if the product and lead magnet do not cover the pain of your customers, then the funnel will be much less effective.

  • By creating an autofunnel only on emails, you will get extremely low efficiency. The open rate of letters in the email funnel does not exceed 25% at best, the open rate of letters in the funnel reaches 90%.

    A great solution is to make an auto-funnel with an offer to get utility here, and there, and even there. How are we 😉

Lead magnet
  • If you think that it will be 100% possible to remove managers for calling customers and boost them up, then you are mistaken.

    Thanks to the auto funnel, you can sell inexpensive products on autopilot. With expensive products, personal communication is necessary, this cannot be avoided.

  • It is very fashionable to make big and long video content, betting that it is better used.

    But we noticed something else, our “entrepreneur” clients, on the contrary, like to read short articles and do not watch videos at all (only if they are very short). So think about what is best for your client.

  • In order for (return on investment) to grow, it is necessary to warm up customers before subscribing. We have already talked about this, but I want to draw your attention again.

  • It is better to write messages on behalf of a person and make them as lively as possible (without special design).

    Thus, you will achieve the effect of real communication. And subscribers will write back to you, as well as to us, thereby creating a dialogue.

Briefly about the main

An automatic sales funnel sounds like a dream. But I can say for sure, it’s damn nice to receive SMS on your phone that a new order has been paid, which means that in addition to a small amount of money, you have one more loyal client.

But not all small businesses need to implement an auto funnel. Especially if the bet is not on life, but on death. That is, it should not be considered as a panacea, because it can give results, but not the ones you expect and, moreover, not as quickly as you would like.

It took us, a fairly large and trained team, about 2 months to create a fairly good sales funnel (but not the most difficult one).

I mean, if you decide to create your own auto funnel, you need to be patient. As well as in cash. Because its creation reminds me of renovation. You plan one thing, but in the end everything turns out the same, only multiplied by 2-3.

P.S. If you decide to order the development of an auto funnel (from us or from someone else), then first ask the company to show their funnel. We constantly see trainers and companies that teach auto funnels, but at the same time they don’t have their own (or 1 made in a lifetime).

P.P.S. I understand that you want to make a super variable and smart auto funnel. But start small. Earn the first money, and only then complicate. Otherwise, you can do everything in vain. And for example, I'm attaching you the simplest funnel (one to choose from).

Simple auto funnel

Your privacy is very important to us. We want your work on the Internet to be as pleasant and useful as possible, and you to use the widest range of information, tools and opportunities that the Internet offers with complete peace of mind.

Members' personal information collected at registration (or at any other time) is primarily used to prepare products or services to suit your needs. Your information will not be shared or sold to third parties. However, we may partially disclose personal information in special cases, described in the Consent to the Newsletter.

What data is collected on the site

When voluntarily registering to receive the newsletter, you send your Name and E-mail through the registration form.

For what purpose is this data collected?

The name is used to contact you personally, and your e-mail is used to send you mailing lists, training news, useful materials, commercial offers.

Your name and e-mail are not transferred to third parties under any circumstances, except in cases related to the fulfillment of legal requirements. Your name and e-mail are on the secure servers of the service and are used in accordance with its privacy policy.

You can opt out of receiving newsletters and remove your contact details from the database at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link included in each email.

How this data is used

This site uses cookies and data about Google Analytics visitors.

With the help of this data, information is collected about the actions of visitors on the site, in order to improve its content, improve functionality website and, as a result, creating high-quality content and services for visitors. You can change your browser settings at any time so that the browser blocks all cookies or notifies you when cookies are being sent. Please note that some features and services may not work properly.

How is this data protected?

To protect your personal information, we use a variety of administrative, managerial and technical measures security. Our company adheres to various international standards controls aimed at transactions with personal information, which include certain controls to protect information collected on the Internet.

Our employees are trained to understand and implement these controls and are familiar with our privacy notice, policies and guidelines.

However, while we strive to keep your personal information secure, you should also take steps to protect it. We strongly recommend that you take all possible precautions while browsing the Internet. The services and websites we organize contain measures to protect against leakage, unauthorized use and alteration of the information we control. Although we do our best to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third party hackers from illegally accessing this information.

If this privacy policy changes, you will be able to read about these changes on this page or, in special cases, receive a notification to your e-mail.

According to a study by Vantage Point, 63% of sales managers admit that their companies do a poor job of managing sales.

Sales funnel(English "purchase funnel", "sales funnel" or "sales pipeline") illustrates the ideal route that potential customers take on their way to purchase. This is the road through the steps of sales: from a click on the site to the completion of the transaction. Basic meaning funnels so that as many users as possible, who have visited the site at least once, are not lost in the endless information flow. The auto funnel brings the user closer to the purchase with minimal managerial intervention.

To understand the principle of work, it is worth dividing the funnel into stages:


Marketing and advertising will bring a person to the site and introduce them to the company, its product or service. Repeated touches through various marketing channels will help to interest the visitor. Clients FlawlessMLM use a combination of them, namely:

1. Paid advertisements

Advertising campaigns can be customized for specific audience segments. Geolocation, age and interests of users are taken into account. When using advertising, you should be prepared for tangible financial investments.

contextual advertising designed to show ads to an interested audience in the search. Display advertising in combination with remarketing, they are usually used for repeat impressions. Remarketing can be configured to show ads only to those who visited the site during a certain period, did not complete the purchase, visited competitors' sites, or come up with their own conditions.

For example, those who were already interested in goods from Aliexpress, in in social networks other positions from the same site are shown. Surely, you have come across the fact that when viewing a certain technique, ads with favorable prices for this product they follow you everywhere, regardless of whether the purchase was made.

2. Useful content

Different types of content help drive traffic. The clue could be interesting article, answering user questions, dynamic infographics or YouTube videos presenting products, services and their benefits.

A person, being in search of the necessary information, finds it thanks to content marketing. Indexing blog pages and platforms makes articles searchable on the web and the written material will benefit potential customers for a long time to come. Satisfying the need for information affects customer loyalty and gradually increases interest in purchasing a product or service.

You can distribute content on thematic sites and platforms for publishing articles (eg KONT, SPARK, VC, which are free), taking into account the fact that your potential audience should “live” there. The combination of sales channels and the presence on a variety of sites for publishing content brings more incoming traffic to the site.

The main condition for successful content marketing is high-quality material that gives people useful and relevant information. Thus, an article, infographic or video works for the company without the intervention of managers and helps them sell the product. best effect you can achieve attraction if you segment the audience and draw up a portrait of the target client.

3. SMM (social network promotion)

The prevalence of social networks allows you to actively work with the target audience. Team Experience FlawlessMLM shows that traffic generated from groups in social networks can lead to potential customers who are already ready to make a purchase decision.

More "business audience" spends time on Facebook and LinkedIn.

It is easier to attract the attention of young people in Telegram and Vkontakte.

Having the opportunity to present the company and its product / service visually - use Instagram and Pinterest.

Possible mistakes stage: obtrusiveness and untimeliness, uninteresting or unrelated to the topic of the published material (content).

Stage result: transition to the site.

A site visit by a potential customer is like a small spark. The task is to kindle a fire.


A selling page or landing page introduces the user to a product or service. The content of the site, the selling offer and the indication of the benefits should inspire the user to leave contact information.

Learn more about setting up a landing page for a segmented audience in the article: Multilanding - an individual approach to the client

At this stage, you can use a lead magnet - a discount or a free product (checklist, video lesson, free consultation, probe, etc.) in exchange for visitor data.

A person should be able to quickly get an answer to a question or ask a manager a question. By quickly closing objections at this stage, you increase the likelihood of further action.

Possible mistakes: offer and proposal that did not interest the target audience, complex forms of capture.

Result: obtaining contact information.

A wish.

The unique selling proposition should generate a burning interest in the visitor to contact and do business with you. Information about the achievements of the company and its members, the company's marketing earnings calculator will help increase user loyalty. In order for a person to want to make a deal, he must realize all the benefits and advantages network business. Purchase assistance is provided by direct contact with a potential distributor.

When presenting your business, use images and numbers. Visual presentation of information is assimilated by people faster and better than text.

Possible mistakes: ill-conceived user interface, lack of contact with a manager or mentor.

Result: participation in the marketing of the company.


Commitment stage targeted action- purchases. It must be remembered that each person has his own time of "ripening". A beginner will be able to achieve productivity and develop actively, with the stable support of a mentor and the opportunity to learn from him.

Possible mistakes: poor support of the sponsor, lack of access to the necessary information.

Result: attracting people to the company, regular partner purchases.

Do not be upset, the product was not bought at the first contact. Each person has his own time for passing the consumer funnel: for one it is several hours, for another it is several days, and the third will spend several months making a decision.


The high level of mentoring, the quality of products and service inspire to recommend you to friends and acquaintances. If desired, each team member has the opportunity to launch such a funnel on their own. The simpler and more accessible you can convey the idea of ​​​​a business and product, the more your partners will be able to repeat the actions leading to the result. The principle of duplication says - "do as I do and teach others to do the same", then it extends into the depth of the structure and allows it to grow to unlimited sizes.

Result: increase in the average check of a commodity agent and the commodity turnover of the business /

Learn more about the basic principle of building a distribution network that consistently generates passive income in the Duplication article. How to build a multi-million dollar structure

A built-in sales funnel will reduce the decision-making time for customers and partners, and will also help you automate your work on the Internet.

The funnel concept is widely used by many companies around the world, incl. in the field of MLM, but in the CIS countries the tool began to spread recently. By building the funnel correctly, you gain a huge advantage over your competitors, gradually increase the average bill and accelerate the return on investment.

Simplify the interface of your resource. All pages that users encounter should be as easy to understand as possible. The site should be equally convenient, both for an experienced partner and for a first-time user. People naturally avoid challenging tasks and at each stage of the funnel, the site visitor must complete the minimum possible number of actions to achieve the goal. Think about what actions the user really needs to take, and what can be abandoned. The more convenient the interaction with the user interface, the higher the conversion.

Use multiple marketing channels to attract visitors. Instead of getting stuck on one path to attract new customers, think about how different marketing tools can be combined to influence potential customers with touchpoints from all sides and bring established buyers closer to cooperation.

Avoid repetitive activities. If people keep asking the same questions about your products, services, or terms of business, add an answer to your site (ex. detailed description product or conditions affiliate program). Adding such material can generate leads and save time spent processing repetitive requests.

Automate your funnel. The path of the client from the moment of acquaintance with the brand to the conclusion of the transaction can take place without the participation of managers. This avoids the influence human factor to the process.

Interesting material on how to free up temporary resources that can be used for more important tasks in the article: MLM Automation

Add content on a regular basis. Use the demand for information in your field. When giving advice and recommendations, describe the benefits of your company's products/services. Help customers and potential partners complete their core knowledge by learning detailed information about business.

Look at lead behavior. Tracking specific metrics that indicate engagement and engagement with your PR campaigns can be a huge benefit. Analyzing this data will reveal blind spots and gaps in the marketing funnel. You will learn exactly at what stage you are losing customers in order to reduce or completely eliminate any obstacles to the purchase.

Analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. To find out which marketing channels are most effective, analyze your site's inbound traffic. This data will help not to be scattered and save resources spent on content distribution.

Gain a reputation as an industry expert. Organization different kind events and meetings, courses and webinars on a regular basis increases the recognition and credibility of your brand.

Act now! The first step to improving your sales funnel and marketing efforts is taking action. It is not necessary to do everything at once, but it is important to make a plan with specific deadlines.

Optimizing the sales and recruiting process is hard work, but the result is worth it. The implementation of an auto funnel automates and simplifies the work, but it will not be possible to build this process without relevant experience. Having spent resources on this work once, you will be able to “reap the benefits” in the form of grateful customers and business partners.

An online sales funnel is the path that the average customer takes from the moment they draw their attention to a particular product or service to the moment they place an order.

More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA

To understand what a sales funnel is, let's look at a simple example.

You came with three friends to the grocery store. At the entrance you are given leaflets: in the store household appliances"XXX" 50% discount (your attention has been drawn). One friend refuses even to take the flyer as he doesn't need anything: -1 person. You go further and see a huge banner on the XXX store: 1 + 1 promotion. You and one friend are interested, go to "XXX" just to look at the action, the third friend goes for groceries: another -1 person. The two of you go into XXX, stop at the TVs. A consultant comes up to you and begins to describe the advantages of this model in colors. You already want to buy this TV, but your friend refuses, can't afford it now: -1 person. You go to the checkout to pay for your purchase.
Initially, you did not plan to buy a TV, you went grocery shopping. But, once in the sales funnel, moving from one stage to another, they reached the end and took an action that was beneficial for the hardware store.

The modern sales funnel of an online store, and indeed any business, consists of four components. They are often presented in the form of the popular AIDA trading concept:

  1. Attention (attention). With the help of advertising you need to attract the attention of a potential client.
  2. Interest (interest). We arouse interest with our unique selling proposition.
  3. Desire (desire). We evoke a desire to purchase a product or service.
  4. Action (action) We motivate to take an action.

Why you need a sales funnel

A sales funnel is necessary for both marketers and business owners, advertisers. It allows you to get comprehensive information about the trade tactics being implemented, to identify weaknesses and shortcomings of the current strategy.

With the help of a funnel, you can trace the following points:

  1. At what stage does the client leave, why does this happen.
  2. What .
  3. How is the order placed, what are the errors here.
  4. What is the conversion of the sales department.
  5. How changes made to the funnel affect sales.

Everything is clear with the first point. The second point is the functionality of the Internet resource. If the site attracts insignificant or low-quality traffic, the conversion at the site level will be low - you need to deal with the semantic core. If the site has a high conversion, but there are no sales, it's up to the sales department.

How to make a funnel: methods and tools

The funnel consists of several levels, let's look at each of them and tell you how to compose them.

Proposal development

At this stage, you need to prepare a unique selling proposition (USP). Your goal is to clearly and concisely communicate to consumers why they should choose you. Avoid common clichés. Focus on price, timing and quality, depending on what benefits your products have. Working on the USP is preparation, building the funnel begins after that.

Attracting cold contacts

This is the circle of potential customers. The wider it is, the higher the probability of making deals. You can attract a client through direct human contact (real communication) or via the Internet.

If you use the first option, control the communication style, facial expressions and gestures, and the literacy of the managers' speech.

For the second option, many tools have been developed: contextual, banner or media, teaser advertising, SEO, mailings to email. Each of these methods is independent and brings a certain result. the main objective- to involve a person in a funnel.

Attracting interest in USP

Now you need to form an interest in a potential consumer. The conversion directly depends on this, whether he stays in the funnel or leaves it. Here it is important to correctly present the proposal, talk about the merits, but not overdo it. If we are talking about an Internet resource, you need to carefully work out all the elements of the site, the interface should be simple and understandable.

Persuasion or overcoming objections

Working with objections is a tool that allows you to achieve the desired result. It is necessary to determine in advance what objections the consumer may have, and to warn them, to neutralize doubts and fears.

Making a deal

You develop a funnel so that the client gets into it, goes through all the stages and reaches the final goal - the purchase. Making a deal is the last stage of the conversion. The number of contracts concluded or orders completed is the most visible indicator of the entire work.


Each step can be analyzed. Number of participants in the scheme: offer *cold contact *interested potential consumers*customers who contacted *buyer/ current customer will decrease with each step. However, we still get a conversion at the output.

There are many tools for analyzing the performance indicators of Internet resources. To track the number of visits to the site, transitions from the resources where the advertisement is placed, use Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica.

Also count the number of completed orders / applications placed on the site and the number of calls. Calls can be counted using the Multimeter system.

It's even easier to analyze sales. Statistics should be kept daily, weekly and monthly. This is the only way to see the whole picture and determine from which stage visitors leave.

Conversion growth

To increase the conversion of an online store, you can use different instruments: a bonus system, a convenient basket with a reminder, an online consultant, a personal appeal to the client, calls to confirm the order.

For an online store, a clear specification of the target audience is also effective: it needs to be directed advertising campaign and all marketing tools. If you use advertising, but the site traffic remains low, you need to change the advertising strategy, revise it.

How to use a funnel in marketing

Building a sales funnel is necessary to obtain data for the purpose of further analysis, identifying weaknesses and strengths, and eliminating weaknesses. The results are divided into qualitative and quantitative.

Quantitative - this is the conversion of the sales funnel at each stage, information about how many people move from one level to another.

Conversion = number of visitors who moved to the next stage / number of visitors to the previous stage * 100%.

Thus, we will find out how many percent of potential customers have moved on and identify at what stages they leave most often.

Qualitative indicators allow you to find out why customers left. Many businessmen are sure that a large flow of traffic to the site = a large number of purchases and orders. In fact, this is not enough. It is necessary to invest money not only in attracting an audience, but also in service, resource quality, and logistics. Qualitative indicators reflect what exactly is lame. To evaluate them, criteria are developed: the convenience of the order form, the functionality of the site, the level of service, and so on.

For example, you know that of all potential customers who are aware of the offer, only 0.5% will make an order. There are 2 scenarios for further actions:

  • Increase your advertising budget to increase the number of people who know about your offer.
  • Improve the quality of each stage so that with the same number of people who know about your offer, get more buyers.

Work on quantitative indicators has a ceiling, the target audience limited. And work on quality provides an opportunity for a breakthrough.

Sales funnel: an example for an online store

To use the funnel and evaluate the effectiveness of the levels, you need to know starting point, the current state of affairs.

We determine the current indicators:

  1. How many people know about the online store (cold contacts).
  2. How many people from point 1 visit the resource (interested).
  3. How many people from point 2 make a purchase (real buyers).
  4. What is the average check amount.

Average check = revenue for a certain period / number of purchases for this period. If during the day 3 clients visited the site and made purchases for 100 rubles, 1000 rubles and 10,000 rubles, the average check for that day is 3700 rubles.

Now we implement a primitive funnel and calculate the conversion for the stages.

Stage 2 - got acquainted with the offer of the online store and added the product to the basket of 100 people.

Stage 3 - 10 people answered the operator's call or confirmed the order on the site.

Stage 4 - 1 person bought the goods.

Conversion of the first stage: 100 / 1000 * 100%= 10%, we also calculate all the stages. Funnel conversion = 1 (stage 1) / 1000 (stage 4) = 0.1%.

Using the funnel, we track how many people came to the site, how many left the application, how many completed the order. Then we analyze the indicators and work on eliminating the shortcomings. We get competitive advantages and we jump ahead. The goal of any entrepreneur is to make the sales funnel look like a pipe so that almost all potential customers become real.