What is the cheapest way to ship goods from China? Transportation and customs clearance of goods from China. Why you need to import yourself

  • 05.05.2020

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The main questions of entrepreneurs looking for goods in China by favorable price: “How to buy goods directly without intermediaries? Is free shipping available for bulk purchases? Dimensions customs duties, limits, etc.”

In this article, we will consider in more detail the issue of organizing wholesale purchases in China and give examples of popular B2B sites on the Internet, where you can find a number of potential suppliers of high-quality Chinese products.

How to buy in China in bulk

Making a wholesale order from China is easier legal entities, since many companies require a legal address, account number and details of the bank serving you. Next, you receive a payment order and pay for your order.

If you are an individual, it will be easier to place an order for small wholesale in Chinese trading platform. You can also try to find an intermediary company engaged in the acquisition and supply of wholesale products from China.

If you do not trust intermediaries and have not found any suitable solution for yourself, contact the suppliers directly. One call or an email to an email address, and you will understand whether you have the opportunity to purchase a small wholesale in private ownership. However, keep in mind that communication with the Chinese side is a rather complicated process, especially when you are dealing with small producers. They do not always speak English, and if they do, it is very bad. As a result, this leads to a huge misunderstanding. Therefore, in some cases it is better to communicate through Email, this certainly has its advantages.

The largest wholesale platform in China is. This site is designed to work with foreigners, so the site interface is available on English language. When placing bulk orders, it is recommended to require suppliers to submit such documents as a business license, id-manager, product certificates, etc.

Customs restrictions and duties

In this case, we are talking about goods intended for personal and family needs, not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.

A parcel containing 5 or more goods of the same name may be recognized as a commercial consignment. But in practice, this rule is not strictly observed, it all depends on what exactly you are carrying. If we are talking about small items - jewelry, phone cases, socks, etc., you can carry more, the main thing is to prove at customs that all these goods are intended for personal use by you and your family members. If you ordered 5 mobile phones, it is very difficult to prove that they are intended for personal use.

If you plan to order goods in small bulk and take them through customs as goods for personal use, please note that the customs scanner does not distinguish identical goods among clothing and footwear, therefore, parcels that exceed the established limit in terms of volume, weight and value (weight more than 30 kg, value more than 1000 euros) fall under customs inspection.

How to deliver goods from China in small wholesale, bypassing the customs declaration?

The best option for the delivery of goods from China in small wholesale without customs declaration is sending goods in small orders to different addresses and names of recipients. In this case, you will significantly save on delivery (it can be free) and avoid customs problems. All details must be discussed with the seller in advance. And since this is a fairly common scheme for small entrepreneurs, suppliers willingly agree to such terms of transactions.

If you need to order goods worth more than 1000 euros in China, and the cost of previously completed orders has already reached this limit, place an order for one of your relatives. In order to invest in the amount of 1000 euros, ask the seller to underestimate the cost of the parcel when sending. Some sellers do this by default. But in this case, it is very important to comply with the measure, because if the customs recognize the indicated value of the parcel as underestimated, it will be carried out expert review the value of your product.

Thus, if you agree with five or more recipients, you will be able to order monthly in the amount of 5 thousand or more euros, bypassing the customs declaration.

Purchase of groupage cargo in China through third-party companies

If you need to transport a small cargo that cannot be sent by mail, but at the same time it is too small for a full-fledged cargo transportation, then sending a groupage cargo is what you need.

Groupage cargo delivery is the transportation of small-sized cargoes of various customers in one direction on one vehicle. Such a transportation scheme is very convenient for small entrepreneurs, because it is an opportunity to receive a small batch of various goods at a minimum cost.

In order for the cargo to be accepted for group shipment, it must not exceed 1/3 of a 20-pound standard container.

For example, you found a product you are interested in in China, bought it, and now you need to bring it to your city. First of all, you choose a transport and logistics company that delivers groupage cargo from China (for example, CARGO), send a request for delivery. The transport company picks up your cargo from the sender and sends it to the consolidated cargo warehouse, where container shipments are formed all over the world, including to the Russian Federation.

As soon as the cargo is delivered to Vladivostok (place of international mail exchange), customs brokers will process all Required documents, and your cargo will be sent to you in any way convenient for you (by rail, by plane or by mail and baggage car).

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To submit a declaration, it is necessary to determine the code of the commodity nomenclature foreign economic activity(TN VED) goods, fill out a declaration, and provide all permits. The latter depends on what kind of goods are cleared through customs. In most cases, an ordinary certificate of conformity is sufficient (if you are not transporting children's, medical, food, or "complex goods" that must undergo mandatory certification).

How to pay? First, the customs duty is paid, then the VAT, then the customs fee. If you are an excisable company, then you will have to add excise duty to all of the above.

Stage 1 - Declaration

Movement of all goods international trade governed by various conventions. For example, the UN has a special protocol, according to which most countries of the world have agreed to classify goods. In Russia, this classification is called TN VED - Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity. To clear the goods and put them into circulation in the territory Customs Union(as of February 1, 2015, the CU includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia), it is necessary, first of all, to determine the so-called TN VED code.

Own TN VED code is assigned to any product, commodity or article. It is arranged “from the general to the particular”: first comes the group, then the subgroups, then these or those classifications, and finally the goods themselves. Goods are distributed according to the rule: the more complex the product, the higher the group it belongs to. If you import two types of goods - a pen and a pencil case, then the entire product will be imported and cleared according to the classification of the pencil case, because it is a technically more complex product than a pen. Assignment of TN VED can be handled by specially trained people. You can have such a person on staff or turn to customs brokers or transport companies that provide turnkey international shipments.

Some novice businessmen try to do it on their own at first. At first they manage to do this, but sooner or later they stumble upon a rake.

I would not advise experimenting with TN VED codes. There are goods that are coded ambiguously, and in these cases, the entrepreneur may face administrative and criminal liability.

If you encode the goods incorrectly and submit such a declaration, and the customs establish this after the fact (the customs has the right to check the goods within 3 years after the release of the declaration), you may be accused of transporting undeclared goods across the border, that is, smuggling. And the punishment for smugglers is provided for in both the Administrative and Criminal Codes.

Stage 2 - Customs clearance

For all countries of the Customs Union, customs clearance requirements are the same. Formally, to pass customs, it is enough to submit a correctly executed declaration, attach a certain set of documents that are required for the cargo, and wait for the decision of the customs authority.

The advantage of many years of experience in international trade is that you can submit declarations in advance, agree on certain controversial positions in advance. After all, sometimes the customs officers themselves do not know how to properly declare a particular product. And just in case, they have their own internal system, which is called RMS - risk management system. This system ultimately decides what needs to be done with the declaration and the goods. In some cases, you can immediately release the goods for free circulation, in others, you can perform an inspection or request additional documents, check the company for offshore companies, etc. This is what customs officers do, guided by the internal regulatory rules of customs. In theory, these rules should also be the same, but sometimes they differ at different customs. And customs sometimes deal with the same goods in different ways, because they interpret these rules differently.

There are specialized customs offices and there are general customs offices. Among the specialized ones, for example, an excise post, where all excisable goods pass. Or customs, which specialize in certain goods: food or flowers. Because flowers to customs for 2-3 days is an unforgivable luxury, they can simply wither.

"Bad" and "good" customs posts are posts with which you have a "bad" or "good" relationship.

Most customs posts are located on the borders of Russia. But there are exceptions: Ryazan customs, Moscow customs, for example. You can choose any customs, depending on the logistics. You can choose Vladivostok customs and then take the goods to Moscow, you can choose customs in Bryansk and then take the goods to Yamal. But since different customs, as I said, interpret certain standards differently, customs clearance at one customs office can cost several times more than at another. This is due to the fact that there is a concept of a "risk profile", which is different for each customs office. If the item you're declaring to customs is cheaper than its risk profile, then customs will ask an insane amount of questions as to why you're importing the item cheaper. For example, if you are carrying 3 boxes of pens worth 1 rub. 20 kopecks, then this is normal, but if you are carrying a container of pens worth 1 rub. (below the “risk profile”), then this customs office may alert.

For each product there is non-tariff regulation - the collection of documents to obtain a certain certification for each product. For example, all children's products that are imported into the territory of the Russian Federation must be certified in a special way. To do this, in most cases, it is necessary to provide samples of goods to special certification bodies - in order to obtain a certificate that the product is safe for children to use. However, often you can get a certificate without providing a product, without testing the product. For example, based on photographs.

We had a case when notebooks were considered smuggling. They stood at customs for four months. The reason is low cost. At that time, we had a large long-term contract with a company from China, so we were given big discount on these notebooks. And at customs they said that these notebooks cannot be so cheap. To rescue a consignment of goods, I had to collect a bunch of documents, raise email correspondence with representatives Chinese company and show letters in which it was written that we bought these notebooks at exactly the price that they declared at customs.

There was another case. We cleared an industrial boiler through St. Petersburg. The cauldron was over 7 meters high and weighed several tons. But at customs they told us: “Guys, according to our code, your boiler is actually worth twice as much as you stated. Therefore, we suggest that you pay twice as much customs duties.” And "twice" meant hundreds of thousands of dollars. We began to find out why this happened, and found out: earlier, some kind of boiler with a certain value was transported through this customs. And on the basis of these data, customs officers are also considering other boilers. We also declared our boiler as a boiler according to the FEACN, but that boiler weighed 5 kilograms. Accordingly, in terms of comparing the cost of a 5-kilogram boiler and ours, it turns out that ours will cost several times cheaper. And we dealt with this for a very long time, provided a huge number of documents and resolved this issue out of court in our favor.

Stage 3 - Payment of duties

Customs fees can be divided into three large parts. If we do not pay excise duty, then duty is paid on the rest of the goods (in Russia, for 95% of goods it is from 0 to 20% of the contract value), VAT (0%, 10% or 18%) and the actual customs duty is a small amount, not exceeding 0.5% of the contract value.

If you take the maximum, then formally the fee should be no more than 45% of the contract value. But in reality, you will have to leave at customs more money, because there are specific duties that are paid not from the value of the contract, but for a certain unit of measurement of the goods. There are duties that are paid for the volume of the engine, so all cars are cleared through customs. There are duties for kilograms, so textiles or furniture are cleared through customs. Therefore, often the difference between the price at the factory and the price in the countries of the Customs Union reaches at least 70%, and in some cases it can even be 200% (rattan furniture from Indonesia or an inexpensive refrigerator from China).

Konstantin Bushuev, co-founder of Xiao Long Group, China business expert

At present, China is still the most attractive place to buy goods due to low prices. In addition, over the past decade, the quality of Chinese goods has increased markedly. In China, you can buy not only consumer goods, but also high-quality goods, which at the same time will be noticeably cheaper than analogues produced in another country. Many Russian companies are selling Chinese goods, however, it will be much more profitable for your business to purchase from Chinese suppliers, and even better, directly from factories in China. At the same time, the price will be 5 or even 10 times less than that of Russian suppliers.

But here the question immediately arises, how to bring goods from China and clear it through customs. In this article, we will try to briefly familiarize ourselves with the question of how to bring goods from China and clear them through customs, as well as give some advice.

First you need to find a supplier in China. There are several options, with their pros and cons. The easiest and most affordable option is to search for a supplier on online trading platforms. You can also fly to China on your own, for example, to the Canton Exhibition, which is held 2 times a year. A huge number of different suppliers come to it with a demonstration of their goods. If you do not have enough experience in working with China or if you do not have the opportunity to independently organize a train there, then it makes sense to contact a company that will help you find a supplier for a fee. Read more about how to find a supplier in ours.

After the supplier is found and the goods are purchased, it is necessary to deliver them correctly from China to Russia. There are no problems with the delivery of a small consignment of goods for personal use, but with a commercial one it will be more difficult. You need to be a Sole Proprietor or LLC individuals cannot receive commercial shipments. In addition, you must be registered as a participant in foreign economic activity in order to trade with China. You can read more about how to become a participant in foreign economic activity on our website.

How to bring cargo from China to Russia

In China, you will need to find a transport company and draw up a contract for the transport of a commercial consignment. You will also need to decide on the method of delivery, the most optimal is the delivery of groupage cargo by road, combining short terms and low cost. If you need delivery in the shortest possible time, then your choice is air transport, but it is noticeably more expensive than other methods of transportation. When the deadlines are not running out for you, then you should use the railway transport and save a lot on delivery. If you are purchasing goods by container, then it would be more expedient to use sea container transportation, this is the cheapest and most reliable way, but also the slowest, in addition, you will need to organize the removal of cargo from the port.

As a rule, goods are delivered from China by multimodal transportation, and here it is important to carefully work out your route in order to find a golden mean between the time and cost of delivery.

So you need to do customs clearance of your consignment of goods with the payment of all duties and charges, read more about this in our. In addition, some products may require mandatory certificates, which you will learn about obtaining from our. Once your item has been cleared through customs and all duties have been paid, you will need to arrange shipping to your warehouse.

And that's just short description of what is ahead of you. Delivery from China does not forgive incompetence and mistakes, you can not only lose your time and money, but also not bring the goods you need at all. Therefore, if you are new to the specifics of working with China, it is better to contact a transport company that specializes in this route.

Our transport company "Dobroezzhev" provides services for the delivery and customs clearance of goods from China. We know how to bring cargo from China to Russia in the shortest possible time with minimal costs for you. We deliver under your contract and offer you a full range of turnkey services. We control the entire process of customs clearance and give you a first-hand service, saving you from working with several companies. We have warehouses in Russia and China.

We also provide services for finding suppliers, our specialists in the Chinese city of Yiwu will select you required item at an attractive price. You can fill out your application for the export of goods directly on our website at a convenient time for you using a special service. A toll-free number also works for you. 8-800-7777-188 , our managers will answer your questions and help with the application.

Victoria Ryabenko


# Business with China

Delivery of goods from China

All methods and schemes for the delivery of goods from China. Prices, terms and types of delivery. Which shipping method is the fastest?

Article navigation

  • Scheme of the route of cargo delivery from China to Russia
  • Ways to deliver goods from China to Russia
  • Rail transportation from China to Russia
  • Delivery of goods by sea
  • Trucking from China
  • Sending goods by air
  • Shipping cost from China to Russia
  • Air delivery (3-14 days)
  • Railway delivery (about 30 days)
  • By water transport (35-60 days)
  • Delivery by car (from 20 days)
  • Sample contract with China for the supply of goods
  • Check shipping from China

Choosing and purchasing goods in China is only part of the story. An important stage in business with China is its profitable transportation to Russia. Your final profit directly depends on the amount of money spent on delivery. It is best to transport light-weight goods in large volumes. Not surprisingly, air travel is the fastest way. The plane will deliver your cargo to Moscow or St. Petersburg as soon as possible. However, other modes of transportation are also popular.

Scheme of the route of cargo delivery from China to Russia

When choosing the best option for the delivery of goods, do not forget to take into account several factors: the size and weight of the cargo; the period in which you need to transport the goods; the amount of funds intended to pay for the carriage and the nature of your cargo.

Ways to deliver goods from China to Russia

There are four ways: by air, by sea, by road or by train. Each option has its pros and cons, so let's figure out how to deliver goods from China to Russia in the most profitable way.

  • By sea. Transportation is carried out through Vladivostok, Novorossiysk or St. Petersburg. This is the most economical way to transport cargo. If the deadlines are not running out, and you are buying large quantities of goods, then this method will suit you best.
  • By air. If you do not have time to wait, then you can deliver the goods by air in 5-10 days. However, you will have to pay a larger amount for transportation. Air delivery can only be profitable if you have more than 10 tons of cargo. It is unprofitable to transport smaller consignments of goods by air.
  • By motor transport. It is advantageous to transport cargo only by road over short distances.
  • Railway transport. The best option delivery - railway. Delivery time is not affected by weather conditions, and the price is relatively low.

For optimal minimization of costs during transportation, it is necessary to determine the weight and volume of the cargo, as well as the timing and types of delivery of the goods. Air transport is fast, but expensive, and by sea it is long, but cheap. To find a middle ground between the timing and cost of delivery, let's try to figure out which delivery of goods is better.

Rail transportation from China to Russia

Delivery of goods by railway tracks- an up-to-date and convenient type of transportation. It is often used in conjunction with other types of transportation, since there is no specific railway logistics from place to place. In China, not everywhere there is a railway track, so the goods will be transported to the border by trucks or by sea.

Even if the cargo is delivered through the territory of China by railroad tracks, then at the border it will be transferred to our wagons, since the gauge of Chinese roads does not match ours. In any case, your cargo will be shifted several times. This type of transport is better to send goods in large quantities, which is not afraid of damage, for example, building materials.

Chinese gauge railway- 1435 mm. The Russian gauge, as in other CIS countries, is 85 mm wider.

Establishing the supply of goods and goods from China is not an easy task. It is necessary to calculate the time it will take to ship the goods from the assembly point in China to the border with Russia. Then the goods will be delivered along the Trans-Siberian Railway to the point of arrival. Usually it is transported from large ports of China to Zabaikalsk, then to Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Moscow.

You can simplify the task and use the sites to find delivery options. One of these sites is ati.su. Every day there are thousands of offers from carriers about the availability of free space in the truck. If you have a small amount of cargo, then you can deliver it with fellow travelers for a small fee.

Delivery of goods by sea

The most popular type of transportation of goods in the world is sea freight. It is advantageous to transport cargo by sea if it is necessary to deliver goods of a large volume. Ships go through hundreds of ports, but the most popular port of China is Shanghai.

Containers with cargo are delivered to Russia in several maritime directions: through the Black Sea basin, ports Far East and to St. Petersburg. The timing depends on which port the goods arrive in. However, keep in mind that delivery is possible only to port cities. Then you will have to carry the goods by road, which will require additional costs.

Delivery terms:

  • Shanghai - Vladivostok (delivery less than a week);
  • To the Black Sea ports (20–25 days);
  • To St. Petersburg (40-45 days) + 2 days customs clearance + 2 days delivery to Moscow.

Shipping by sea in China is well developed and works according to well-established algorithms.

Trucking from China

It is more convenient and faster to transport goods from China by trucks than by sea, saving is a plus Money on loading. However, there are more risks in this type of transportation. By car, you can deliver goods from door to door in 15 to 25 days, and in just a week you can import goods into territories bordering China.

Delivery times can be affected by many factors along the way, such as road conditions, driver experience, weather, or traffic conditions. There is a shortage of professional logisticians in China, as demand exceeds supply, and inexperienced drivers are being hired. Moreover, trucks are loaded beyond measure, which can lead to a breakdown of the vehicle and add the number of days of waiting for cargo. Most often, road transport is combined with another type of delivery - railway or sea.

What are the benefits? Unlike sea transportation, it is more convenient to transport goods by road due to flexibility, since in unusual situations on the road, you can change the route and lay a new one. And by the way, fragile and valuable goods, such as electronics and medical equipment, are better and safer to transport by trucks.

Sending goods by air

If time is money for you, then air travel is what you need. Yes, it's expensive, but it's fast and safe. It takes 3-5 days to deliver the goods from China to your warehouse in Moscow, if you take into account the time for customs clearance. If you order perishable and especially valuable goods from 100 kg to 1.5 tons, then this type of transportation is indispensable.

Advantages of air travel

  • Minimum delivery time;
  • Geographic availability. Delivery anywhere in the country.
  • Safety;
  • Most convenient format transportation of perishable, small-sized and expensive (exclusive) goods, as well as probes.

Shipping cost from China to Russia

Several factors influence the calculation of the cost of delivery of goods:

  • Weight and volume of goods;
  • Product category;
  • City of departure and destination;
  • Type of cargo and method of transportation.

Air delivery (3-14 days)

If you send cargo (from 500 kg) from Beijing or Shanghai to Moscow, then the cost per 1 kg will be up to $2.5, to St. Petersburg the price will be from $3.4.

Railway delivery (about 30 days)

To Zabaikalsk or Vladivostok, transportation of a 20-pound container will cost you $2,300, and a 40-pound container will cost you $5,200. Further to Moscow, delivery will cost 135 thousand rubles or 290 thousand rubles, respectively.

By water transport (35-60 days)

Delivery of a 20-pound container through Vladivostok will cost $1,025, and a 40-pound container will cost $1,290. If the cargo is transported via Novorossiysk or St. Petersburg, it will cost $1,600 or $2,600.

Delivery by car (from 20 days)

Transportation of goods through Kazakhstan or Zabaikalsk to the border will cost from $180 to $230 per ton, or $5,700 per car. From the border to Moscow, delivery will be about 320 thousand rubles.

Proper customs clearance is essential for the successful transportation of your cargo. Customs clearance of goods is most often carried out in Kazakhstan or Vladivostok. Kazakhstan is suitable for registration of groupage cargoes. Goods can be delivered by road transport, this is the most convenient and profitable option. Customs clearance in Vladivostok will also cost you relatively inexpensively, but you can only deliver goods there by railway transport.

Post office



When choosing transport company avoid those who offer at a very low price or calculate the cost by the size of the consignment. Most likely, such a company works according to gray schemes and transports cargo under the wrong name.

Sample contract with China for the supply of goods

If you do not want to lose your goods at the border, then it is important to understand what documents you need to prepare in advance. A foreign trade contract for the international transportation of goods is the main element for doing business. The contract contains mandatory and additional clauses. Let's look at the structure of a standard contract.

  1. Registration number and date;
  2. The preamble spells out both parties to the contract;
  3. Subject of the contract – product description;
  4. The cost of the goods, specifying the quantity and currency in which payment will be made;
  5. Terms of delivery - the point of departure and destination of the cargo;
  6. Packaging of goods - indicating the outer and inner packaging;
  7. Delivery time of the cargo;
  8. Insurance;
  9. Terms of payment - cash or bank transfer;
  10. Terms of warranty service, when replacing defective goods;
  11. Obligations of the parties and payment of a penalty;
  12. Options for resolving contentious issues (courts, conflict situations);
  13. Possible force majeure is prescribed;
  14. Legal details of the parties;
  15. Special conditions or additional information.

Check shipping from China

Postal delivery is very popular, especially among those who are engaged in dropshipping. This method is convenient because it allows you to track the movement of cargo using a special track code. You can order regular or courier delivery. The standard option is convenient for cargo up to 12 kg, as it will not be detained at customs, and the delivery time will be less.