Container shipping and business on it. Container shipping and business on this Business container shipping

  • 06.12.2019

A native of TNK-BP, Pavel Matveev built from scratch in Moscow the largest network of individual storage warehouses with a leased area of ​​​​about 24 thousand square meters in four years. m

Pavel Matveev, founder of Skladovka LLC (Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina / RBC)

Together with other members Russian market self-storage (individual storage) Matveev intends to teach Russians to store things not on the balcony or in the garage, but in special warehouses located within walking distance from the house. The first self-storage warehouses appeared in the USA in the 1960s. Currently, their total area in the United States exceeds 200 million square meters. m, the market size is estimated at $ 23 billion. In Europe, this service is less common and most developed in Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK, and the total EU market is estimated at € 3 billion. In Russia, the first self-storage - Key Space - was opened in 2008 year by natives of UFG, but lasted no more than a year: the tenant terminated the lease, and the business ceased to exist.

A typical individual storage warehouse is a warm warehouse divided into boxes of different sizes (from 0.5 to 30 sq. m.), which are rented individuals(70% on average in the market) and small businesses (the remaining 30%). The tenant can store in the warehouse everything that is not prohibited by law and a specific landlord. The lease term is from two weeks to 11 months (so as not to register the contract with Rosreestr). The cost is about 1000 rubles. for 1 sq. m per month when renting an average (4-6 sq. m) box for a maximum period.

Warehouse per soul

Provision with warehouses for individual storage, 1 sq. m per person

Europe (average) - 0.01

UK - 0.05

Netherlands - 0.07

Australia - 0.13

USA - 0.68

Source: Deloitte commissioned by Self Storage Association UK.

“Everyone said a categorical “no!” my project"

The idea to start a business of building a network of individual storage warehouses came to Pavel Matveev after the third glass of red wine on the eve of the new year, 2009. Due to the financial crisis that hit Russia, the future entrepreneur was out of work: the medical project at the Renova Group, which he led at the invitation of the owner of the holding, Viktor Vekselberg, was frozen until better times. “For the sake of it, I left the investment directorate of Interros, and now I found myself unemployed,” Matveev recalls in an interview with RBC. - It was at that moment that I decided that I no longer wanted to be an employee. The idea of ​​creating warehouses for storing things arose.

Pavel "spied" the idea of ​​business in his early youth, when he studied in the USA. “I was supposed to become a doctor, like everyone in my family, but in the difficult 1990s, dad decided that it was better not to go into medicine: Son, where there is gas and oil, there will always be money,” the entrepreneur recalls his father’s order . So Matveev was a student of the Academy of Management. Ordzhonikidze, but not for long. In 1994, he entered the American Drake University. After studying for three years and receiving a bachelor's degree in management, Matveev returned to Russia. He worked as an auditor's assistant at KPMG, Buz and Accenture, then at TNK-BP, where by 2007 he had grown to head of staff Viktor Vekselberg - executive director for the development of the gas business of TNK-BP. “At that moment, I realized that I had reached the ceiling - the maximum in my administrative career, and decided to go to the directorate of the investment business of Interros,” says Matveev. But, having not worked there even for two years, he returned under the command of Vekselberg.

Per new year holidays In 2009, Matveev sketched out a financial model for the future business, came up with the name "Skladovka" and even, with the help of freelancers, drew a logo - "a lock with a house", and on January 13, 2009, he submitted documents for registration of Skladovka LLC, where he was the sole founder. “I printed a beautiful presentation and business cards. Since I had no business friends, I sat down and started calling my former colleagues. Everyone said a resounding “no!” my project, - says Matveev. “Now I clearly understand that with the change of activity, as soon as you leave management and start doing business, you can throw away your notebook.” However, two former colleagues - Nikolai Kapitonenko from TNK-BP and Pyotr Prikhodko from Interros - liked the idea of ​​warehouses.

“The provision of Russians with housing has been low since Soviet times, and the level of well-being (including the number of things) has grown significantly over the past 20 years, so the need for storage services is high and continues to grow,” Petr Prikhodko explains to RBC his interest in the project . “Unlike most buy-and-sell businesses, this one is designed for decades, which attracted me.” For three, partners invested $0.5 million of personal savings in opening the first warehouse on Ryabinovaya. For “tens of thousands of dollars”, they bought the filling of the warehouse that was closed by Key Space and, taught by the bitter experience of their predecessors, decided that the warehouse on Ryabinovaya, opened on rented space, would be an exception: the company would build all the rest on its own, from scratch.

According to Matveev, it was not only the risk that the owner could throw the tenant out on the street at any moment, but also the fact that in Europe and the USA the self-storage business is perceived by investors by 80% as a real estate business and only by 20% as the provision of services. The example of the successful British company Big Yellow was taken as a basis. It manages 54 warehouses, mainly in London, with a total area of ​​320 thousand square meters. m (of which 180 thousand sq. m. owned) and with a revenue of $118 million at the end of the 2013 financial year, it was estimated by investors at $1.2 billion.

Another look at self-storage

One of the pioneers of the Russian self-storage market is former owner Odintsovo confectionery factory Andrey Korkunov. In 2009, together with his partner Vladimir Zinger, he created the Mobius company (mobile individual universal warehouse), which began to provide individual storage services in Moscow. Storage is offered in containers that stand in open areas in different districts of Moscow, and at the request of the client can be delivered to his home. At the moment, Mobius has 25 thousand square meters. m of leased space.

However, not all market participants believe in the prospects of the "container" approach: the climatic features of Russia do not allow storing things in unheated containers in the open. But this technology has its advantages, says CEO company Ekaterina Fedorovskaya: “For example, you can easily drive up to our module by car or order the removal of the module to your home or country house. We can easily expand the areas of warehouse complexes, change their location to a more profitable one. All this gives us the opportunity to offer the client a more attractive rental price - from 25 rubles. per day for 1 sq. m.

Almost everyone who started a self-storage business did it on rented premises: this way you take fewer risks at the start - you study the market, remove doubts. "AT own premises the profitability of the business is significantly higher than in rented ones. We prefer to buy ready-made premises, rather than build from scratch, - Artem Semenov, founder of the Rentabox company, tells RBC. - The new building, of course, is better than the old one - there are no problems with repair and operation, since you originally built it for your business, but building from scratch implies that you invest first in land, and then in construction, and for at least three years you don't get income. And when buying finished building You start earning income within six months. Therefore, we believe that buying is the most correct approach.”

Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina / RBC

"A third is land, a third is construction, a third is stuffing"

Semyonov's doubts are confirmed by the experience of Skladovka. “In 2010 we found an investor - private foundation“Strategy”, which agreed to invest several tens of millions of dollars in the project,” says Matveev. The company opened the first warehouse built in 2011: it took a lot of time to find a place, to issue all permits. They gained experience on their own mistakes: in 2010 they ran into scammers who promised to solve the issue of obtaining land for rent and disappeared along with the deposit. “Before the arrival of Sobyanin's team, it was not clear where to look for land, how to re-register it from one type of use to another,” Matveev complains. - Now everything is much more transparent: we participate in auctions for the right to rent. We won two in 2014.

“The Skladovka project drew our attention to the fact that self-storage companies are traded with a very high multiplier to EBITDA (average of 22), - says Dmitry Logvinenko, investment director of the Strategy fund. - This phenomenon is due to the fact that cash flow that companies in this industry are earning is stable and crisis-proof.” According to Logvinenko, the fund's investments in the project for this moment exceeded 1 billion rubles. In 2015, the fund will finance the construction of three more warehouses, and from 2016 Skladovka should be developed at the expense of own funds and commercial loans. “We are confident that after reaching the level of 15-20 objects, Skladovka will become attractive for strategic investors or will be able to enter an IPO,” notes Logvinenko. - It is possible that this company will remain in our portfolio as a cash cow with an acceptable level of return on invested capital.”

Warehouse in numbers

7 warehouses in Skladovka network at the moment (all in Moscow)

20 warehouses should be by the end of 2017 (all in Moscow)

4500 sq. m - average warehouse space

1000 rub. for 1 sq. m - average rental price

3500 sq. m - optimal plot of land for "Skladovka"

I propose to consider a proven business idea that has been operating in large cities for a long time - this is a business for renting sea containers for storage. Warehouses are always in demand, and in the case of containers, the rental rate is relatively low and competitive: about 50% lower than the cost of renting conventional warehouses. The main clients of such mini-rooms: trading companies, online stores, tire shops, small productions(for example, furniture makers), and other small companies that are not able to pay expensive rent. Most best option for them - a warehouse for 15 - 30 square meters. m. with a rental price not exceeding 10 thousand rubles. per month.

Sea containers can store furniture, spare parts, building materials, clothing, equipment, archives, canned food, household appliances, tires. The circle of potential clients is more than sufficient.

Video example of a business for renting sea containers


To organize a business, it is necessary to solve two main tasks: find a land plot (lease or buy) and purchase several shipping containers. A land plot of 20-30 acres on the outskirts of the city can be rented for 50-100 thousand rubles. per month, and its purchase will cost from 1 to 3 million rubles.

Sea containers are inexpensive. On "Avito" you can find offers to sell b. y. containers for 40 - 80 thousand rubles. (depending on size). Most popular sizes: 40 feet (30 sq. m.), 20 feet (15 sq. m.), 10 feet (7.5 sq. m.). To start a business, it is enough to buy 20-30 pieces. This will require 1 - 1.5 million rubles, which is equal in cost to a one-room apartment. In the future, you can regularly buy more containers, if only the land allows.

The territory for containers should have a concrete surface, electricity, a security booth, a fence with barbed wire on top, etc. All this is expensive and will require about 700-800 thousand rubles more.

Purchase land plot, its arrangement and the purchase of 20 containers will require investments in the amount of 3.5 to 5 million rubles.

Yield figures

  • 40 feet in Moscow rent for 12 thousand rubles. per month (in regions the price tag will be lower)
  • 30 feet - 8 thousand rubles each.
  • 10 feet - 4.5 thousand rubles each.

If tenants are found, then 20-30 containers will generate an income of 200-300 thousand rubles. per month. Even half of the delivered containers will bring at least 150 thousand rubles. Subtract taxes from this amount. wages watchmen and get about 100 thousand. At the same time, investments will pay off in 35-50 months (3-4 years), which is not bad at all.

Business Outlook

The prospect of business is an increase in the number of containers up to 100 or more pieces. If investments allow, it is possible to build a building on the territory with office space for trading companies. This will make it even easier to find tenants, because retail and warehouse premises are in one place. As additional services you can offer the services of loaders and car-loaders. Video surveillance, garbage containers, perimeter lighting should be installed on the territory, free wi-fi, equip bathrooms, etc. In this case, you can count on a constant influx of customers and a corresponding return on business.

In the first issue of the magazine "Container Business" for 2016, an article "Accelerating the Trans-Siberian Railway" was published, dedicated to the advantages and development of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Much attention is paid to the Seaport portal, in the development of which STM takes part, and the Fill-Bill service - systems that allow you to establish information interaction between all participants in the transportation process and, as a result, optimize the movement of cargo flows.

Below are excerpts from the material:

<...>The result was the emergence of a system that allows you to exchange information about the accompanying documents on the railway at a new level - in the form of a portal. The system was called Fill-Bill. In parallel with this project, other areas were also developing, aimed at creating a truly paperless technology, because, despite the rapid transition to electronic document management, the movement of physical paper documents to this day remains very significant - there are practically no shipments where paper is completely absent. As a result, a service appeared that allows an employee to actually work on a form, i. in an exact electronic copy of a paper document, upload information from their own systems in order to fill out documents, and, of course, upload finished documents. Directly from the specialist’s workplace, all documents are sent to the Federal Customs Service of Russia by pressing one button, from where the corresponding barcode comes.

Over time, the number of documents that the system supports has increased. Recently, maritime transport documents have also been added to it. Far East customs administration took the initiative to organize the receipt of preliminary information even before the arrival of a vessel with a large number of containers in port, in order to prepare in this way for a decision to unload. The initiative was due to the fact that the functions of all types of cargo control began to be carried out by customs and, consequently, the burden on it increased significantly. As a result, with the participation of STM, a system connected with the sea appeared, which allowed interested parties - lines, cargo owners, forwarders - to provide information about the cargo and the goods in a structured way. The portal collected various information from several sources, which allowed customs officers to see what kind of cargo it was and make decisions about whether the container could be unloaded. Thus, an interdepartmental platform appeared, where the interaction of transportation participants made it possible to significantly intensify the processing of goods at checkpoints. This experience was approved by the Federal customs service, which in 2013-2014 carried out research work on the topic "Seaport". In the course of the work, a prototype of the Sea Port portal was created, on which the principles of interdepartmental interaction were worked out. In five seaports of Russia, tests were carried out of this system, which allowed participants in foreign economic activity to submit packages of documents to state control bodies in in electronic format and, using the information interaction of customs and other control authorities, to carry out procedures faster documentation ships and goods carried on them. We must pay tribute to the leaders of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, who were not afraid to take risks, and thanks to whom the information system "Sea Port" began to be developed in the country, which really meets the requirements of the 21st century.


The main idea of ​​the Fill-Bill system is that different participants in the transportation process can work with a single set of documents, regardless of the geographical location of the participants in the transaction and transportation. The second idea is that there is no need to re-enter data, since the system allows you to use the same information about cargo and goods to prepare a variety of documents. The third idea is compatibility. If traders have their own information systems, they can establish two-way communication with the Fill-Bill system and transmit through it electronic documents set formats as per system railway, as well as in information system FTS of Russia. Together, this leads to a significant - at times - acceleration of work with documents.<...>

You can download the full issue of the Container Business magazine.

Among the variety of popular ways of delivering goods, container transportation by cars, trains and ships occupies almost a leading position. Due to its reliability, this service is very popular all over the world.

We also note that if it is possible to carry out cargo transportation by water or railway, you can significantly save money on such a service, and create a more profitable project. This also allows products to be transported very quickly.

Features of the chosen line of business

For many companies, this type of transportation of their products is interesting because it is possible to transport not only standard products, but also non-standard ones in containers. Cargo can be of various dimensions and weights, very valuable or not. In any case, your goods will be delivered to the right place without any problems, provided that a good carrier is chosen.

The container itself is a box completely made of metal, and made according to standard sizes. It has all the necessary components for both loading and unloading goods.

Important features of this service include:

  • this is a demanded service all over the world, and it will be almost impossible to replace it with something;
  • metal structure allows you to keep the goods in the middle of the container during transportation;
  • minimal effort is required to load the container before shipping;
  • no need to create a large number of documents;
  • Compared to conventional transportation of products, container transportation is much more profitable (when it comes to transporting products between countries over long distances).

Niche Efficiency

It is important to initially make a business plan for container transportation, in which all important aspects company organization, from required documents and ending with the choice of places for advertising about services.

The very interest in this type of business is due to the fact that you can even start it with two used trucks for containers. But if you look at the realities, it is best to start with a fleet of 10-12 trucks. This will avoid the possibility of taking a loss. Well, most of all, interest is fueled by the fact that the average cost of shipping a container, for example, from Russia to Europe or, conversely, is 3,000-4,000 euros. In this case, the transport will go approximately 3 days. Thus, in 1 month one freight car without a constant workload, it can bring the company about 12,000 euros.

Organization process

To carry out this kind of activity, it will be necessary to acquire trucks with platforms for transporting containers.

In order to be able to invest a small amount of money in the purchase of trucks at the initial stage, we recommend considering leasing options. For bank approval Money in order to buy a truck, you will need to have money in an amount equal to at least 30% of the value of the vehicle. In addition, you must have income information for the past year. If these and other conditions are met, then soon you will be able to receive money for the purchase of the first truck, for the implementation of container transportation services.

In addition, your truck must be insured, and a GPS beacon must be installed on it, which will show online on your or employee's computer (installed program) where the truck is currently located.

For successful work companies you will need, in addition to renting a parking lot for vehicles and office space, hire a lawyer, accountant, secretary, drivers and dispatcher. Taking into account all possible costs and income, the return on investment can be realized in about 2 years with a small flow of customers.

MS Word Volume: 40 pages

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We offer you to study the container terminal business plan, with which you can start your own business in the near future. Container terminals are designed for loading and unloading containers with large loads, as well as for storing goods and products, which are subsequently redistributed for further transportation. various types transport. Automation of these works helps to save time, free up loaders, and quickly redistribute stored products.

This ready-made document will also allow you to understand the features of working with export products that are sent to other countries. The container terminal must necessarily meet the requirements of customers. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the serviceability of equipment, carry out diagnostics in time and, if necessary, repair work. It should be clearly understood that the maintenance of such a loading and unloading terminal in itself will cost you relatively inexpensively, compared to paying for services by customers.

You can study the information on opening a container terminal right now, pay attention to the fact that this type of activity is rightfully considered one of the most profitable areas of business. Thousands of entrepreneurs daily need loading and unloading operations, packaging and transportation, volumes trade sales between individual cities and countries are constantly growing, so the maintenance of a container terminal will become a profitable business for enterprising business people.

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