Achievements of a sales manager example. Manager's resume: the main nuances of registration. Sales manager in a trading company

  • 29.04.2021

And trade is rapidly growing in popularity of such a profession as a sales manager. Despite the specifics of this work, even students can do it. The profession of a manager opens up prospects for a person in terms of wages, career growth in the company.

Having gained sufficient experience in the field of sales, a specialist has the opportunity to link his future activities with technology, marketing or take leadership position. The main tasks are to find out the needs of the buyer, contact existing customers and constantly look for new ones, as well as ensure the promotion of products to the market and the process of entering the product into use. If you are interested in this position and successful work in this area, it is necessary to identify the duties of a sales manager for a resume. First of all, you need to get acquainted with the nuances of the profession in detail.

General characteristics of the activities of a sales manager

The need for specialized education for this job is a rather controversial issue. Perhaps profile education is a decisive factor, but, on the other hand, character traits play an equally important role. Not only good knowledge products and customer needs will help ensure career success, but also communication skills. You need to quickly navigate the situation, for example, if the product is not available, if possible, offer another one, conclude profitable contracts, work with documents, negotiate with suppliers, track delivery terms, discounts, etc. Sometimes the definition of this specialty seems not too understandable, overly generalized and even confusing.

To present yourself as a worthy candidate for this position, you must first understand the key job functions, the duties of a sales manager for a resume in order to correctly compose it. Let's look at all this in more detail in the following sections.

Job Requirements

The sales manager is responsible for the following activities:

  1. Searches for potential clients and conducts commercial negotiations.
  2. Accepts customer orders, prepares documentation.
  3. Identifies customer requirements for goods manufactured by the company, negotiates orders depending on the requirements and availability of these goods or services.
  4. Stimulates sales and work of clients with the firm.
  5. Develops a sales plan for each month.
  6. Works with reporting documentation on sales and shipments to the company's customers.
  7. Participates in the preparation and implementation of sales projects.
  8. Performs work on the client base.
  9. Monitors shipment of goods to customers.
  10. Carries out control of payment by buyers under the concluded contracts.

But, to put it simply, the common and most basic function of all representatives of the profession is the ability to sell effectively. Knowledge of the market and the company cannot be dispensed with, since the manager takes on half of the company's responsibilities.

How to become a sales star? What do you need to know and do?

Sales managers work in various fields: in banks, in the metal industry and in telecommunications. There are several types of salespeople. Regardless of their specifics, the main objective specialist - to conclude the largest number of transactions and ensure the maximum sales volume.

Professional trainings that can be found on the Internet will help you acquire the skills of a sales manager. In addition, when considering the responsibilities of a sales manager for the resume you are about to write, please note that in order to sell any product, you must:

  • study demand, competitors, market opportunities;
  • to develop a product taking into account market requirements;
  • search for potential customers and advertise;
  • to convince the client that your products are of the highest quality;
  • enter into a contract;
  • deliver products or provide services, as well as after-sales service;
  • draw up documents and work on sales growth strategies.

Typology of sales managers and their main functions

As already mentioned, there are several types of sales managers. Let's briefly describe them.

  • Contact center operators. Checking the availability of goods on the basis and issuing invoices.
  • Storekeepers. Issue products from the warehouse, issue invoices and receive money.
  • IT operators. They work with applications, have no connection with clients, except for e-mail.
  • Cashiers. The main task of cashiers is to receive money for goods.
  • Trade representatives. Taking orders from store employees. These are the most qualified and experienced "salespeople" (they are called super-managers).

When considering the duties of a sales manager for a resume, be sure to list your experience and functions as some type of "sales person" (if you have such experience).

What do applicants need to consider? Job responsibilities of a sales manager in a resume with comments

Have you already decided on the choice of profession and settled on a specific example? Don't forget the main rules. A resume is the “face” of a candidate for a position. In order to competently write a resume for a job, you need to indicate the specific skills that are required for the job. On the Internet there are examples of the correct design of this document. Responsibilities of a sales manager for a sample resume can be viewed here.

Egorova Olga Nikolaevna

Citizenship: Russia.

Phone: +7 (XXX) XXX-XX-XX.

Purpose: to apply for the position of sales manager.

Work experience:

Spektr plus LLC, Moscow.

Position: sales manager.


Search and attraction of clients;

Working with the client base and keeping it up to date;

· negotiating with clients;

drawing up commercial offers and conclusion of contracts;

· invoicing;

search for contractors and interaction with them;

preparation of sales plans;

Maintaining a complete document flow

· Preparation of reports on the results of work.

Wholesale manager: what is the essence of the work?

This is a person who works with ready-made customers without searching for them, dealers and distributors. To perform these functions, you need to know the market, the basics of the business and have experience in the firm.

Manager's Responsibilities wholesale sales for summaries are detailed in the form below.

02.2012 — 11.2013 — LLC "...", St. Petersburg

Position: Wholesale manager.


  • large-scale trade for doing business;
  • necessary modification of the goods;
  • registration of applications with buyers;
  • implementation of the general strategy for the development of the enterprise;
  • receipt of products, verification of calculations;
  • interaction with firms engaged in the transportation of goods;
  • activities for the creation and implementation of enterprise programs;
  • participation in exhibitions.

Job Responsibilities sales manager are determined by the specifics of the company in which he works. You can be involved in different areas if you have enough knowledge. For example, a "salesperson" in the field of mechanical engineering must understand the intricacies of this industry.

Car sales specialist

This work assumes knowledge of a sufficient amount of information about cars, auto parts, equipment and machinery. Responsibilities for a car sales manager for a resume can be as follows:

  1. Customer consultations by phone and in the showroom.
  2. Negotiation.
  3. Decor necessary documentation and conclusion of contracts.
  4. Organization of demonstrations of machines in action, work on their preparation for delivery to the client, informing clients about various services (trade-in, special equipment).

The dealership manager represents a certain brand of car, he must take into account the requirements and wishes of the buyer and work in accordance with them.

Purchasing a car is a multi-stage process that a specialist needs to clearly follow in order to avoid difficulties in buying a new car from a client.

There are also many industries where a manager needs special knowledge, for example, a furniture sales manager cannot do without this knowledge.

Selling Furniture: Useful Skills

The requirements for such specialists include a developed artistic taste, responsibility and attention to detail, knowledge of furniture, paperwork (invoices, reports), computer skills.

So, let's sum up. What skills does an employee have in this area?

If you are going to be a candidate for this position, the duties of a Resume Furniture Sales Manager should include the following:

  • knowledge of cabinet furniture;
  • drawing up contracts;
  • sales skills;
  • formation of a list of buyers;
  • advising customers on the phone and in the selection of products;
  • processing of primary documentation;
  • search for clients;
  • formation of a sales plan and their accounting;
  • shipment of products;
  • organization of payment under contracts.

A furniture sales specialist is not required (but desirable) to have a university degree. If you have graduated from college or technical school, you can try yourself as a candidate for this position.

Although it is difficult, but very interesting work.

Personal qualities important for professional activity

Responsibility for a resume sales manager is not the only thing to consider when presenting yourself as a candidate for this job. You need to decide if you have the personal qualities that will ensure a career in this field. Trying yourself in this position is recommended for those who are resistant to stress, sociable, have self-organization skills, clear diction, know how to inspire the client with their opinion (“Our product is the best”), and conduct telephone conversations.

A good "salesman" is executive, hardworking, capable of presentation and self-presentation (he represents both the product and himself well), takes into account the needs of the client. The profession of a manager is one of the most prestigious, but it has its drawbacks - sometimes it involves business trips, irregular working hours. It must be remembered that any specialty is a state of mind.

If you love product presentation and sales, arm yourself with a well-written resume, take a few trainings, and opportunities in this area are open to you. Good luck!

A sales manager who will help you get the job you want. For your convenience, a sales manager resume sample can be downloaded in DOC (WORD) and PDF formats.

What does a sample sales manager resume look like?

Sample resume for sales manager

Zharkov Mikhail

Career objective: Sales Manager
Desired income level: 50 thousand rubles

Date of birth: 03/27/1985
Accommodation: St. Petersburg, m. "Lesnaya"
Ready for business trips.

Contact Information:
Phone: +7 (9хх) ххх-хх-хх
Email: [email protected]

Key knowledge and skills:

  • Experience in finding and attracting clients;
  • Knowledge of sales techniques, ability to negotiate;
  • Organizational skills, communication skills.

Work experience:

06.2012 - present Sales Manager

Deer-City LLC (, St. Petersburg

Company field of activity: woodworking

  • Drawing up a sales plan and its implementation;
  • Preparation of commercial offers;
  • Finding and attracting clients;
  • Negotiating, drafting and signing contracts;
  • Drawing up reports.


  • In 2014, he attracted two large clients, which allowed him to increase sales by 30%;
  • Simplified the document management system, which led to an increase in the number of transactions by 15%.

08.2007–05.2012 Sales Manager

LLC "Markus" (, St. Petersburg

Field of activity of the company: sale of electronic equipment and software solutions for business

  • Finding and attracting clients;
  • Maintenance, management and replenishment of the client base;
  • Drafting contracts, reporting.

Achievements: developed a customer acquisition system, which led to an expansion of the customer base and a 20% increase in profits.

03.2005–06.2007 Shop assistant

OOO Monolit (, St. Petersburg

Field of activity of the company: store selling building materials

  • Selling goods and advising clients;
  • Maintaining cash registers.


2013 Russian School of Management, St. Petersburg

Course "Sales Management: Tactical, Strategic, Customer-Oriented", certificate

2007 Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen, St. Petersburg

Institute of Economics and Management, specialty: "Marketing", higher education, diploma

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English language– advanced level (C2).

PC knowledge: confident user of MS Office; Consultant+; SED.

Currently, there is a persistent misconception that a sales specialist and a salesperson are one and the same job. This is absolutely not true. The professions of a seller and a sales manager are indeed very similar in terms of indicators and requirements for the work performed. Both of them are engaged in the sale of goods, communication with customers, etc. But the manager must possess a wider range of professional qualities to successfully perform his functions. The profession of a sales manager is more of a representative trade organization, which communicates the consumer not only with the seller's firm, but also with the commodity producer, and in order to get such a position, it is simply necessary. You can download a sample of a competent sales manager resume at the end of the article, but first, let's clearly define what it is.

A resume is an extremely concise presentation of your professional skills, captured on paper, achievements and individual characteristics that you intend to successfully implement in a future position in order to receive rewards for them (for example, cash or other types of reward).

Steps to create a good resume

To create a resume, you need to understand three immutable rules, following which you will succeed:

  1. The resume must contain the truth and nothing but the truth. Don't lie, but don't open up completely either. Focus on the pros, but don't mention the cons. If this question comes up during the interview, try to cover up the shortcomings.
  2. Clear structure. The document should be short and strictly structured. Try to fit a resume on 1-2 pages maximum and extremely concisely and concisely submit the information required by the employer. Carefully format the document and check its structure. When sending a file in Word, be careful and use the default settings of the program, otherwise there is a risk that your carefully and beautifully designed resume will lose its structure and formatting.
  3. Optimism and cheerfulness. A positive attitude both during its preparation and during the interview will help to achieve success.

Looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our sample of filling out a resume for the position of a sales manager (an experienced specialist or a novice without work experience) will help you. Competent resume greatly increase your chances of getting a job.

There are two types of sales manager resume template.

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those with no experience yet.

Template Benefits

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people to create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what does not. This sales manager resume sample has been tried and tested.

2) Standard format. Every hr-manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in the resume. Everything is simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets with your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a job as a sales manager.

4) Important things are at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in the selection of personnel. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

5) Resumes can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find Good work, it is most effective to slightly change the resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our sample of how to write a sales manager resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a sales manager resume sample, click on the link below.