Write a driver resume sample. Competent preparation of the summary of the driver. Key knowledge and skills

  • 17.11.2019

The art of driving is now accessible to everyone and hard to imagine modern world no different cars on the street. But for some, driving isn't just a way to get from point A to point B—it's their profession.

A personal driver is the right hand of a person, so a resume for such a position should attract attention. Of course, the main thing is to have a driver's license of the required category. All other data is needed so that you can get along with the characters of the future employer. Describe your education (if any) and work experience (indicating functional duties). Professional skills include your knowledge and skills, for example, car repair, good knowledge city ​​streets, careful driving, no violations of the rules traffic. The work schedule of a personal personal driver may be irregular, indicate in your resume that you are ready for such circumstances. And the most important - personal qualities, these include perseverance, calmness, efficiency, decency, attentiveness.

See also other resume examples:

Download sample personal driver resume:

Boyko Vladislav Mikhailovich

Target: Obtaining the position of a personal personal driver.


September 2002 - July 2005, Mechanical Engineering College. Ivashkevich, specialty "Mechanic".

Work experience:

Personal driver, courier

September 2005 - August 2010, ReklamTimTon Agency, Kirov.
Functional responsibilities:

— delivery of parcels and documentation;

Leader's personal driver

September 2010 - August 2016, Intermedical Agency, Moscow.
Functional responsibilities:
- fulfillment of personal instructions of the head;
- maintaining the cleanliness and performance of the car;
– timely maintenance of the car, checking insurance;
- Accompanying the head of the city and country.

Professional skills:

– Having a driving experience;
— Excellent knowledge of Moscow and nearby cities;
- Possession of a driving license of categories A, B;
— Careful driving;
- Absence traffic violations;
- Ready for flexible schedules.

Personal qualities:

Stress resistance, perseverance, loyalty.
Absence of bad habits, good memory, decency.

Additional information:

Marital status: Married.
Do you have children.
Possibility of business trips: yes.

We hope that our sample resume for the position of a personal driver has helped you in creating your resume for the job. Back to section..

The main functions of the driver in the enterprise are: transportation of goods or people, checking technical condition vehicle, registration of travel documents.

This page contains examples of resumes for specialties:

  • driver

How to write a driver resume

To write a high-quality driver resume, in addition to work experience and functional duties, it is also necessary to highlight professional skills, abilities and personal qualities.

Key skills and knowledge of a driver for a resume

  • accident-free driving experience;
  • knowledge of the roads of the city / region;
  • knowledge of traffic rules;
  • knowledge of the device of the car;
  • experience with children;
  • experience of traveling long distances;
  • experience in luxury cars;
  • ability to prepare travel documents.

Personal qualities of a driver for a resume

  • accuracy;
  • vigilance;
  • respect for the car;
  • speed of reaction;
  • politeness;
  • attentiveness;
  • flexibility;
  • discipline;
  • friendliness;
  • performance;
  • mobility;
  • observation;
  • a responsibility;
  • caution;
  • forethought;
  • punctuality;
  • restraint;
  • stress tolerance;
  • equilibrium;
  • cleanliness;
  • honesty.

Sample resume for driver job

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Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

Driver - a person who has the skills to drive one or more categories of cars.

A very wide variety of this profession creates many directions, each of which has its own characteristics and job descriptions.

  • Family driver- this is the person who will take your children to school and bring them back, take your wife shopping for shopping, and you to work.
  • Taxi driver- a driver of public light transport, delivering people to anywhere in the city with a fare using a taximeter or a fixed amount.
  • Personal driver- one of the most common vacancies in the field of driving. Such a professional must have a number of special skills and qualities, the absence of which will cause him not to fulfill his duties. The most important thing is the ownership of cars of different brands and types, since it is not known which car can be used on the farm by the employer, it is advisable to master categories E, C, D.
  • Tasks forwarder driver consist in the transportation of goods from one point to another, in personal presence at the time of receipt of the goods and its verification, in monitoring the integrity of the transported goods and the execution of all documents confirming the loading and unloading of the value.
  • Driver with private car- a person who uses personal transport for transportation and works either for himself or for an organization.
  • Responsibilities loader driver consists in the management of forklifts and lifting mechanisms, in ensuring the uninterrupted performance and safety of the goods.
  • Gazelle driver carries out the supply of the car for loading and unloading of cargo, eliminates minor malfunctions during work, provides minor assistance and draws up relevant documents.
  • dump truck driver is engaged in the transportation of inert materials and carries out timely maintenance of the machine.
  • Work courier driver consists in the delivery of the necessary material with the help of personal or rented vehicles to its addressee in the shortest possible time.

There is a position of security drivers, these are trained people who are responsible both for the personal safety of the client and for the safety of valuable property and documentation being transported. The duties of a personal security guard driver include the following tasks:

  1. selection of the safest and optimal trajectory of movement,
  2. ensuring the protection and safety of the life of the client and his entire family,
  3. car care and maintenance,
  4. providing reports on expenses and expenses for the maintenance and repair of vehicles.

To write a resume of a professional driver for a job, you must adhere to clear rules for competent narration and indicate the presence of such useful ones in this activity:

  • attentiveness,
  • patience,
  • endurance,
  • stress tolerance,
  • efficiency,
  • a responsibility,
  • honesty.

Getting a job as a personal driver is not easy. The profession itself is not difficult, but you have to try to please the employer.

For a personal driver

Full Name

  • Date of Birth:
  • Family status:
  • Home address:
  • Contact number:
  • Email Mail:

Purpose: to get a job as a personal driver
  • Highly qualified professional driver. 15 years of successful experience as a personal driver.
  • Excellent knowledge of maintenance vehicles.
  • Knowledge business communication and etiquette.
  • Understanding employer confidentiality and information retention.
  • Pleasant appearance.
  • Good physical form.
  • Impeccable reputation (I have recommendations).

Achievements and skills

  1. In 2010 he was qualified as a driver of the 1st class.
  2. Master of sports in freestyle wrestling.
  3. I have a permit to carry a traumatic weapon.
  4. Experience in driving various foreign cars, luxury cars.


1996-2000 Konotop motor transport technical school. Exploitation road transport. Technologist.

During his studies, he did an internship at the ATP of the city of Konotop, where he gained practical experience in the maintenance and repair of vehicles.

Additional education

2013 training "Personal driver". Training company "VIP personnel" Kiev

2014 training "Personal driver". Personnel Development Center “Eldon”. Moscow city

work experience

2000-2005 Law Firm"Guarantee". Director's personal driver.

  • Delivery and accompaniment of the head on official matters.
  • Fulfillment of business orders.
  • Delivery of documentation.
  • Meeting and transportation of guests and partners of the company.

2006-2015 Arkada Company. Personal driver of the vice-president of the company.

  • Transportation of the Vice President for official matters.
  • Leader security.
  • Delivery and support on business trips.
  • Fulfillment of business and other assignments.

Personal qualities and character traits

  • Purposeful (I improve my qualifications);
  • Punctual (delivery of the leader on time);
  • Responsible (strict observance of traffic rules);
  • Communication skills (work with managers, with their guests and partners);
  • Stress-resistant (attending trainings, doing sports);
  • I don't have bad habits.

Additional Information

  • Confident PC user.
  • Driving vehicles, category “A, B, B1, C, E”

Knowledge foreign languages: I am fluent in Russian, Ukrainian and English, German and French with a dictionary.

CV examples

Any resume, including the driver, consists of several thematic blocks. Check out our tips on how to correct resume, or download the sample and edit it for yourself.

In the "Personal Information" section, enter your full name, date of birth, city of residence, etc. in the appropriate fields.
Below is the “Work Experience” section - here you need to indicate the start and end dates of work, position, background information about the employing company, and briefly list your main responsibilities and achievements. It is enough to describe 3-4 places of work or experience over the past 10 years (each place of work is in a separate block). Indicate your specialization, for example, "personal driver" or "driver-collector".

Here is a good example of a driver describing his duties.
- Made 4 trips a day on a Gazelle car, delivered goods (building materials) without delay and damage in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (from the manufacturer to the client's address).
- Monthly overfulfilled the plan for the delivery of goods to customers: made more than 80 trips (against the plan of 60).
- Avoided traffic jams without losing time, so I never received complaints from customers.
- If necessary, independently carried out minor repairs on the road (replacement of wheels, adjustment of fasteners), so that the delivery time did not increase.

The “Education” block is filled in as follows: select your level of education, and also indicate the name and year of graduation educational institution, faculty and specialty.

The "Key Skills" section should list what you can do within the profession. The driver can write, for example:
- experience on cars of various classes - 15 years;
- excellent knowledge of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region;
- rights of category B, C; accident-free driving experience - 6 years;
- knowledge technical device car "Gazelle";
- the ability to communicate politely with customers;
- skills of registration of waybills and transport documentation (TTN, invoices);
- careful driving style.

It is very important to correctly fill in the "Achievements" section. To get the attention of recruiters, you need to talk about them as convincingly as possible. No need for general phrases - give real examples. “I have been driving for 15 years, I have never been a participant in an accident”; “I know how to avoid traffic jams without wasting time.”

As " Additional Information» you can indicate the information that is not yet reflected in the resume, but is important for obtaining the desired position. An excellent solution is to give an example of how personal qualities help the candidate in their work: “Attention and stress resistance help me to remain calm in any traffic situation.” For the driver, punctuality, responsibility, non-conflict, absence of bad habits, balance, high degree discipline and self-control, courtesy.

We wish you good luck in your job search!

01.10.2015 Comments on How to write a driver's resume disabled

When looking for a job, every candidate asks the question, how to write a driver resume. This document is like business card each employee who is the first to be noticed and the first impression is made. It will help you quickly find an employer with suitable working conditions.

Do you have extensive work experience and no accident experience? Compose your resume correctly - this will speed up your job search. Read more in our article.

Compiling a resume for a driver, as well as for representatives of other professions, is not difficult. This document is free-form, but it is recommended that it contain the following information:

  • full name and contact details;
  • personal information: age, marital status;
  • place of residence and registration;
  • education;
  • driver's professional skills (in a resume, they look like knowledge of the car's structure and the ability to quickly fix malfunctions, passing specialized driving courses, for example, fast driving, the ability to work in tandem with security, etc.);
  • work experience, while it is desirable to enter all the contact details of former employers, which will allow you to get a quick confirmation of the veracity of the information presented in the resume.

It is also necessary to describe personal qualities in the resume of the driver. They will play an important role in the consideration of a candidate, since, for example, punctuality and responsibility are one of the main criteria according to which a driver is selected. It is important to emphasize the ability to interact with people, calmness, resistance to stress.

Sample driver resume:

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Date of birth: 01/01/1970.

Address of registration and residence: Moscow, st. Moskovskaya, 1, apt. one.

Tel: 8-495-000-11-22

I apply for a position: personal driver, family driver.

Desired salary level: 30 000 rub. (optional item).

Desired work schedule: 5 days, full time.

Education: higher, specialty - mechanical engineer.

Professional skills: excellent knowledge of traffic rules, accident-free driving experience for 22 years, good knowledge of Moscow and Moscow region, experience in driving a business class car.

Work experience:

Family Driver Job.


  • fulfillment of orders of the customer and his family members.

The position of a personal driver in a business class car.

  • delivery of the car at the specified place and time, care of the car, supervision of its technical condition;
  • fulfillment of orders of the management of the company.

Personal characteristics: punctuality, responsibility, diligence, balance, foresight, stress resistance, ease of communication.

Additional Information: category B certificate, readiness for overtime work, no bad habits.