Profession pourer-bottler. How much does a pourer pourer earn in different countries What does the job of a pourer pourer mean

  • 06.03.2023

An oil pourer is an experienced specialist who works with chemicals.

So what is the salary of an experienced pourer-bottler in different states?

Salary of a qualified employee in Russia

To work as a pourer-bottler, specialists who are 18 years old are involved.

The average salary of a pourer/bottler in the Russian Federation is 17200 rubles (296 US dollars) per month.

It is for this reason that staff turnover in this area is decent.

However, in the context of the most developed regions of the country, the revenue of the master has the following picture, namely:

  • Kemerovo region - 20,000 rubles;
  • Yaroslavl region - 20,500 rubles;
  • Kamchatka Territory - 21,455 rubles;
  • Kaluga territory - 22,600 rubles;
  • Khabarovsk Territory - 23,001 rubles;
  • Krasnodar province - 26,800 rubles;
  • Moscow region - 31,250 rubles;
  • Nenets autonomy - 31,779 rubles;
  • Leningrad region - 32,725 rubles;
  • Republic of Komi - 35,000 rubles.

The largest number of vacancies for a pourer-bottler is open in St. Petersburg and Samara.

What is the reason for this? First of all - the market conditions at the moment.

The salary of a specialist also largely depends on his capacity.

With the 4th and 5th categories, he receives over 35,000 RUB.

Consider the most prestigious and highly paid positions in specific organizations in Russia:

Monthly income of an employee in Ukraine and Belarus

The process of training a pourer-pouring of oil products in Ukraine is carried out according to a special program for industry purposes.

Often, profile applications are generated directly by enterprises.

A qualified craftsman must be proficient in:

  • information technologies;
  • multimedia equipment;
  • loading devices.

The average salary of a foreman in Ukraine is 3,200 hryvnias, i.е. the minimum wage.

From January 1, 2018, the salary of such a performer will reach 3,700 hryvnia (about 138 US dollars).

Mostly these vacancies are open in the Kirovograd region.

However, in the company "UkrNefteGaz" a professional earns up to 10,000 UAH (about $ 370) per month.

The situation with the proceeds of the pourer-bottler looks the same way.

For example, a novice master can count on a profit of 500 bp. rubles (about 255 USD), and more experienced - 800 b. rubles ($400).

The main features of the profession

The pourer-pourer is faced with a difficult job that involves constant contact with chemicals.

A specialist in this profile takes an active part in the use, processing and transportation of petroleum products.

The master is responsible for the cleanliness and safety of inventory after the process of pouring mixtures.

The issue was approved by the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR on Labor and Social Affairs and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 N 31 / 3-30
(as edited by:
Decrees of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 12.10.1987 N 618 / 28-99, dated 18.12.1989 N 416 / 25-35, dated 15.05.1990 N 195 / 7-72, dated 22.06.1990 N 248 / 10-28,
Decrees of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR 12/18/1990 N 451,
Decrees of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 24, 1992 N 60, of February 11, 1993 N 23, of July 19, 1993 N 140, of June 29, 1995 N 36, of June 1, 1998 N 20, of May 17, 2001 N 40,
Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2007 N 497, of October 20, 2008 N 577, of April 17, 2009 N 199)


§ 297. Pour-pourer (2nd category)

Job Description. Acceptance of acid, alkali, milk, molasses, solvents, aqueous solutions in different containers. Draining liquid into reservoirs, tanks, cisterns, containers, barrels and other containers with weighing, measuring, labeling, filtering. Pouring products manually into filling containers. Capping (opening), hauling, removal of filled containers, tying and salting of containers. Washing and cleaning of filling machine and fixtures. Current repair and lubrication of pumps, tanks and communications of the drain unit.

Must know: the main physical and chemical properties of the drained and poured products; rules for receiving, transferring and draining liquid products; requirements of state standards for the quality of containers and their closure; norms for pouring products into containers.

§ 298. Pourer-pourer (3rd category)

Job Description. Reception of gasoline, kerosene, oil and other petroleum products, oil antiseptics of various viscosities, fused caustic, liquid ammonia, DDT, chloral, parachlorobenzenesulfonic acid, acrylic emulsion, fatty alcohols, hexachlorane, perhydrol, chlorophos, emulsion of pesticides, paranitrochlorobenzene, dinitrochlorobenzene in various storage facilities. Pouring products on automatic and semi-automatic machines into filling containers. Arrangement of tank cars under the loading and unloading risers of the railway overpass. Finishing and lowering the hoses of the discharge and filling risers into the hatches. Opening and closing gate valves. Cleaning of wagons, tanks from product residues. Heating of tanks and communications. Accounting for the receipt of drained and poured products.

Must know: the main physical and chemical properties of the drained and poured products; rules for handling harmful and poisonous products; properties, rules for receiving, transferring and draining liquid products; requirements of state standards for the quality of containers and their closure; norms for pouring products into containers.

When draining yellow and red phosphorus, liquefied gas - 4th category.

This labor protection instruction is designed specifically for the pourer-pouring


1.1. Persons over 18 years of age who have passed a preliminary medical examination and have no contraindications to perform this work are allowed to work as a pourer-pouring.
1.2. When hiring, a pourer-bottler must undergo an introductory briefing on labor protection, and before being admitted to independent work, an initial briefing on labor protection at the workplace, a test of knowledge of labor protection requirements, an internship for 2-14 shifts, fire safety briefing.
1.3. An employee who has not passed the knowledge test in a timely manner is not allowed to work independently.
1.4. In the process of work, the pourer-pouring agent must pass:
- repeated briefings - at least once every six months;
— verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements - at least once a year;
- medical examination - at least once every two years.
1.5. In the event of an accident, the employee is obliged to provide first aid to the victim before the arrival of medical personnel.
1.6. Each employee must know the location of the first aid kit and be able to use it.
1.7. If faulty devices, tools and protective equipment are found, the employee must inform his/her immediate supervisor.
1.8. It is forbidden to work with faulty devices, tools and protective equipment.
1.9. To avoid electric shock, do not step on or touch broken wires.
1.10. In the process of work, the following hazardous and harmful production factors may affect the pourer-pouring agent:
- gas contamination of the air of the working area (vapours of hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide);
- increased or decreased air temperature of the working area;
— fire and explosion hazard of oil vapors;
- increased level of static electricity;
— moving parts of mechanical equipment;
- physical overload.
1.11. To protect against exposure to hazardous and harmful factors, it is necessary to use appropriate protective equipment (in accordance with the standards for providing PPE).
1.12. Work in areas with low ambient temperature should be carried out in warm overalls and alternated in time with being warm.
1.13. In case of increased gas content in the air of the working area, hose gas masks PSh-1 or PSh-2 should be used.
1.14. Before starting work, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the gas mask and hoses.
The tightness of the gas mask and the hose must be checked by pinching the end of the hose with the hand while the gas mask is on. If it is impossible to breathe in this position, then the gas mask is fixed.
1.15. Before starting work, make sure that the corrugated hose supplying air to the breathing valve of the gas mask is attached to the waist belt, and the air intake pipes of the gas mask are located on the windward side of the place where harmful substances are released and are reinforced. The length of the hose must not exceed 15 m. The hose must not have sharp kinks or be pinched in any way.
1.16. The pourer-pourer must work in overalls and use protective equipment issued in accordance with current industry standards.
1.17. The following personal protective equipment is issued free of charge to the fuel pourer in accordance with industry standards:
- a canvas suit or a suit made of mixed fabrics with oil and water-repellent impregnation;
- tarpaulin boots;
- tarpaulin mittens or oil and frost-resistant mittens;
- goggles;
When working with leaded gasoline additionally:
- underwear;
For outdoor work in winter additionally:
- a suit made of cotton with an insulating lining or a suit made of mixed fabrics with oil and water-repellent impregnation with an insulating lining;
- leather insulated boots or felt boots;
- galoshes on felt boots.
1.18. The pourer-pourer must know and comply with the requirements of instructions on fire safety measures and administrative documents establishing the fire regime.
1.19. Petroleum products and their vapors are harmful substances and can lead to poisoning and occupational diseases. In order to protect his health, the pourer-pouring agent must:
- do not enter places with the possible release of gases and vapors of oil products, without protection;
- to eat only in a specially designated place;
- Keep clothing clean and in good condition.
1.20. The pourer-pourer is responsible for violating the requirements of labor protection and fire safety instructions and may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


2.1. Put on overalls. Sleeves and floors of overalls should be fastened with all buttons, hair should be removed under a helmet. Clothing must be tucked in so that there are no hanging ends or fluttering parts. Shoes should be closed and low heels. It is forbidden to roll up the sleeves of overalls.
2.2. Make a detour of the serviced equipment along a certain route, check the safe condition of the equipment, fences, rotating mechanisms, platforms, flights of stairs.
2.3. Check at the workplace for the availability and serviceability of duty overalls and other protective equipment, tools and devices and their compliance with the expiration date, as well as the presence of an electric torch, fire extinguishing equipment, posters or safety signs.
2.4. Make sure that there are no unauthorized personnel in the service area (without accompanying persons), unnecessary items blocking the passages and driveways, and there are no spilled liquid fuels and oils.
2.5. Check the sufficiency of illumination of the working area and on the equipment being serviced (no burnt out lamps).
2.6. Read the shift log entries made by the previous shift.
2.7. It is forbidden to test the equipment before accepting the shift; come to work in a state of intoxication or drink alcohol during working hours; leave the shift without registering the acceptance and delivery of the shift.
2.8. Report all comments to your immediate supervisor.


3.1. Bypasses and inspections of equipment, as well as the performance of current work, the pourer-pouring of fuel must be carried out with the knowledge and permission of the higher duty personnel.
3.2. It is prohibited during the inspection, detour and performance of work:
- smoke and use open fire;
- use portable electric lamps. It is allowed to use only explosion-proof rechargeable lamps;
- use a tool that can spark;
- hit the metal parts with a tool to avoid sparking;
- move in an unlit area without a flashlight;
- Clean fixtures and replace burnt out bulbs.
3.3. Before starting to drain the fuel, the pourer-pourer must:
- check the availability and serviceability of equipment and equipment, personal protective equipment;
- check the condition of the platform and passages on the cargo front of the discharge, which must be leveled and cleared of fuel, foreign objects and debris;
- make sure that the brake shoes are installed under the wheelsets of the tanks;
- inspect the tank, check the serviceability of ladders and transition platforms, clean them of ice and fuel, check the serviceability of the tank drain device;
- make sure that the locomotive is uncoupled and moves away 5 m from the last tank;
- check the serviceability of the fittings and pipelines of the heating device.
3.4. Defective and contaminated tanks should not be filled with oil products.
3.5. Ladders for transition to tanks must be equipped with locking devices from spontaneous tilting.
3.6. Climbing the stairs to the platform and being on the cistern boiler, care must be taken not to slip.
3.7. Tankers with or without ladders, platforms or platforms inoperative should be serviced using portable ladders with platforms and railings or ladders with railings. If necessary, safety belts should be used, fastened with a carabiner to the fixed parts of the flyover. These tanks must be operated by at least two persons.
3.8. It is forbidden:
- the use of levers (crowbars, pipes, etc.) for opening valves and gates. If they do not open, the locksmith on duty should be called;
— production of unloading and loading operations during a thunderstorm;
— use of fire-fighting equipment for other purposes;
— clutter up passages and driveways to fire extinguishing equipment;
- stand near an open fire in clothes doused with oil.
3.9. Frozen pipelines and locking devices may only be thawed with steam or hot water.
3.10. Before the tank truck enters the operational site, the pourer-bottler must make sure that it is provided with fire extinguishing equipment. Filling oil products into a tanker truck must be carried out with the engine off.
3.11. Tanks should be filled under a layer of oil product; pouring by a falling jet is not allowed.
3.12. When pouring, the pouring pourer must not allow:
- ingress of foreign objects into the tank;
— overflow of tanks;
— performance of any repair and other works on the filled tank:
- the presence of unauthorized persons on the work site.
3.13. During the pouring process, the pourer-bottler is prohibited from:
- be distracted and leave the workplace;
- walk along the hull of the tank;
- work at height at night;
- bend over the open hatch and look inside the tank, in order to avoid poisoning with vapors of petroleum products;
- pour into the tank into the tank truck without handrails.
3.14. Tank hatch covers should be opened and closed smoothly in compliance with the requirements of the tank operation manual.
3.15. When heating viscous oil products in a tank, heaters (electric, steam) should be turned on only after they are completely immersed to a depth of at least 0.5 m.
3.16. Draining oil products from the tank during their heating is prohibited.
3.17. It is not allowed to operate the tank with faulty: drain devices, external stairs, platforms, handrails, as well as boiler leakage, lids without eyelets for sealing, without rubber gasket. All noted shortcomings must be noted by the act.
3.18. Before a thunderstorm and a wind speed of 12.5 m/s or more, loading and unloading operations must be stopped, the hatch covers of the tanks are hermetically closed.
3.19. Operations for draining railway tanks must be carried out by at least two workers. The work is supervised by a person from among the engineers who is prohibited from leaving the place directly during the loading and unloading of tanks.
3.20. Drainage of oil products from railway tanks is carried out in accordance with the technological regulations (using pumps or gravity).
3.21. When supplying a railway tank for discharge, the pourer-bottler is obliged to:
- set the walkways to an elevated position;
- make sure that all sleeves (hoses) are raised and there are no obstacles in the way;
— to control the route submission process;
- be careful and stay at a safe distance from the railway track.
3.22. If it is necessary to roll the tank to the riser (when draining) or move it from its place (after filling), it is forbidden to use steel crowbars and pipes as levers. This can only be done with winches or wooden levers.
3.23. After the tanker has been delivered, it must be secured with special shoes (wooden or spark-forming metal).
3.24. After installing the shoes, the pourer-bottler gives the locomotive driver a command to drive the locomotive out of the loading and unloading zone.
3.25. Before starting to drain the oil product from the tank, the pourer-bottler must make sure that:
— grounding of the tank, rails, pipelines, sleeves;
- telephone communication between the overpass and the pumping station that serves it.
3.26. Manhole covers, bottom drain devices of tanks after loading and unloading operations, measuring the level of oil products, sampling must be hermetically closed.
3.27. The pourer-pourer is prohibited from:
- to go down inside the tank without permission;
- cross the railway tracks under the wagons;
— to be on the tank during the movement;
- jump and jump from the tank ladder on the go.
3.28. Before starting the filling, the pourer-bottler is obliged to check the technical condition of the tanker (the car is in good condition, the mufflers are equipped with spark arresters, there are fire extinguishers, the grounding circuit is cleared of spills, ice, there are handrails and brought into working position) and make sure that it is connected to the ground loop of the loading rack .
3.29. Entry to the overpass for loading tankers of defective vehicles, as well as their repair on the overpass, is prohibited.
3.30. Control over the filling process is carried out together with the driver.
3.31. Filling is carried out only when the engine is off.
3.32. Traffic signs and fire safety signs must be installed on the sites, the speed of movement should not exceed 5 km / h.
3.33. In the event of a spill, do not start the engine of the tank truck. It must be towed to a safe distance. Remove spilled fuel immediately. Clean up spill area and cover with sand.
3.34. At the end of the filling, the filling sleeves are removed from the mouth of the tanker only after the oil products have been completely drained from them.


4.1. On racks for loading (unloading) oil products, the following emergencies may occur:
— leakage of oil products;
- overflow of fuel from tanks when they are filled;
- explosion, fire;
- Sudden power outage.
4.2. A pourer-pouring agent who has noticed the danger of an emergency in the service area or a situation threatening people must immediately inform the immediate supervisor and act in accordance with the Emergency Response Plan (ERP).
4.3. If a leak is detected in a tank truck being filled, the filling should be stopped immediately until the malfunction is completely eliminated. If this fails, the tank must be freed from oil products in accordance with the technological regulations.
4.4. In the event of an oil product overflow, it is necessary to immediately stop filling the tank, call the fire brigade, inform the management and, observing safety measures, proceed with liquidation in accordance with the PLAS.
4.5. In the event of a fire or explosion on the territory of the overpass, it is necessary:
- immediately stop all loading and unloading operations;
- call the fire brigade and, if necessary, an ambulance;
- notify management
- take measures to evacuate people outside the danger zone;
- start extinguishing the fire with primary fire extinguishing means.
4.6. In case of depressurization of pipelines with fuel, it is necessary to close the depressurized section by means of shutoff valves and proceed to troubleshooting. If it is impossible to overlap, the pourer-pourer must act in accordance with the PLUS.
4.7. In the event of a spill of fuel in the immediate vicinity of the tank truck, it is necessary to turn on the engine of the tank truck and remove it from the territory of the tank farm only when the spill ignites or after removing the contaminated sand that eliminated the spill.
4.8. In the event of a large emergency spill of fuel (more than 4 m2) and the absence of its ignition, it is necessary:
- immediately cover with air-mechanical foam and subsequently maintain a foam layer with a thickness of at least 0.05 m until the fuel is completely drained into the emergency tank;
- inform the management of the tank farm;
- report the occurrence of a large spill of fuel to the territorial division of the State Fire Service (SFS).
4.9. In case of gas pollution in the oil depot building, it is necessary to ventilate the premises (open windows, doors), determine the source of gas, oil vapors, inform the manager.
4.10. When the emergency protection systems are triggered, the pourer-pourer must:
- prepare primary fire extinguishing equipment and fire protection systems for immediate use;
- to find out the reason for the operation of these systems;
- eliminate this cause;
— conduct an audit of emergency protection systems in accordance with the regulations;
- register the cause of the emergency and the work performed to eliminate it in the shift log.
4.11. If a malfunction is detected in the electrical network and electrical equipment, the pourer-pourer must turn off the damaged area and call the electrician assigned to the tank farm. The pourer-pourer is forbidden to carry out any repair work on the electrical equipment himself.


5.1. At the end of the shift, the pourer-pouring agent must:
- complete the current work, inspections and detours (with the exception of emergency cases) to transfer the shift to the shift;
- clean up the workplace;
- make the necessary entries in the shift journal;
- inform the pourer-bottler accepting the shift about all the features of the past duty that took place;
- clean and put away tools, inventory, hoses, sleeves, risers, collectors, overalls and other personal protective equipment in the designated place;
- inform the supervisor (shift supervisor) about the completion of work.
5.2. To avoid fire or explosion, it is FORBIDDEN to use flammable and combustible substances (kerosene, gasoline, acetone, etc.) when cleaning.
5.3. In case of non-appearance of the shift, it is necessary to notify the head. It is not allowed to leave the workplace before the arrival of the shift.
5.4. It is not allowed to hand over a shift to a person who came to work in a sick or drunk state.

Today, there are many narrow-profile specialties in various fields of activity. Most often, they are charged with one specific operation, for the quality of which they are fully responsible. An example of such a specialty is the profession of a pourer-bottler.

The essence of the work of the pourer-pouring

A pourer-bottler is engaged in the movement of liquid cargo from one industrial tank to another. It can deal with food, chemicals, crude oil, fuels. So such workers can work in almost any enterprise where such services are required - from oil loading depots to soda bottling enterprises.

The duties of a pourer-pourer can be identified in several points:

    acceptance and delivery of products;

    liquid spill according to the norms established at the enterprise;

    checking the serviceability of the operated equipment, its adjustment;

    a full set of maintenance of used containers;

    product reporting.

And in order to be able to fully perform the functions assigned to him, the worker must know:

    characteristics and features of the liquids with which it works;

    safety precautions when working with toxic liquids;

    methods for draining the product into containers;

    quality standards in relation to products and containers used;

    types of marriage possible in production, ways to prevent it.

When organizing the workflow, the pourer-pouring agent must be guided by the standards prescribed in the rules for labor protection, requirements for the protection of the environment and subsoil, job descriptions and regulatory documents of the enterprise. These documents must be familiarized with the specialist before being allowed to work.

In addition, the employee will have to undergo a special internship to confirm the appropriate level of practical skills and knowledge. Depending on the way and characteristics of the enterprise, it can last from two to 14 shifts. A more highly qualified pourer-bottler will manage the internship and accept the results of the activity. Without satisfactory performance, a specialist cannot be allowed to work independently.

Already in the process of fulfilling their labor obligations, the worker will have to repeatedly undergo briefings and medical examinations, as well as confirm the level of their knowledge.

The worker interacts with both conventional and hazardous liquids, so he must strictly follow the safety requirements and use personal protective equipment. In addition, other factors also affect his health and physical condition:

    temperature fluctuations;

    high levels of gas in the air;

    high probability of fires;

    moving equipment and mechanisms.

Pourer training

The necessary knowledge to work on this profile can be obtained in several ways. For example, you can become a student of courses at educational centers that are specialized in the training of workers. On average, training in these courses will be 1.5 months. At the same time, it is important to take into account the fact that most of them offer not only a theoretical, but also a practical layer of knowledge. Thus, the future specialist receives comprehensive training. And another feature of such educational centers is the ability to choose a convenient time to attend classes.

They also offer advanced training courses. They will be necessary for those workers who decide to develop in this industry. It is worth noting that in this case, you can become a student of courses remotely. With this approach, it is much more convenient to combine study and work, without reducing overall productivity.

Discharges of the profession pourer-bottler according to ETKS

The skill level of a specialist determines what fluids he can work with.

With the lowest level 2, the pourer can work with alkali, milk, molasses, various solvents and aqueous solutions.

If there is a 3rd category, a pourer-bottler is able to pour gasoline, kerosene and other petroleum products, as well as liquids that pose an increased danger (for example, acids).

Level 4 allows the pourer to work with yellow and red phosphorus, as well as liquefied gas.

Personal qualities of the profession pourer-bottler

Since, to a greater extent, the work of this specialist is physical labor, special attention when choosing a candidate is given to those who are in good physical shape and hardy enough.

In addition, there are medical indications for working in this profession. These include:

    severe allergic reactions;

    respiratory diseases;

    problems with the musculoskeletal system;

    visual impairment.

Also, in order to carry out labor activities as a pourer-bottler, it is necessary to have a certain warehouse of character. Most often, employers look for the following traits in applicants:



    observation in relation to details;

    the ability to remain calm in stressful situations;


    good memory.

Vacancies and salary level of pourers-bottler

The high demand for specialists of this kind can also be explained by the fact that they have a fairly modest salary, which varies around 17,000 rubles. At the same time, the salary of a specialist with extensive experience and experience can reach 30,000 rubles. At the same time, enterprises often pay quarterly bonuses to specialists and provide other social benefits. For example, health insurance.

The following point should also be noted: in Russia there are large holdings that offer highly qualified pourers and pourers wages from 40,000 to 70,000 rubles. But since they have almost no staff turnover, the need for such specialists is extremely rare.

Pros and cons of the profession of a pourer-bottler

The positive aspects include:


    social benefits;

    quarterly bonuses.

The disadvantages include:

    high staff turnover due to low wages;

    harmful and dangerous working conditions.

Instruction No.

on labor protection for a pourer-bottler

oil products

Agreed: I approve:

Chairman of the trade union committee Head of the organization __________2002 _________________2002

Protocol No.

Instruction No. on labor protection for a pourer-bottler of oil products.

  1. General safety requirements

    Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, as well as:

Introductory and initial briefing;


Electrical safety briefing;

Fire safety briefing;

Sanitary medical examination according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 90 dated 03.96.

1.2. The pourer-pourer must know:

internal labor regulations;

fire safety rules;

the impact on a person of harmful and dangerous production factors;

rules for the provision of 1st medical care;

safe methods of draining and dispensing oil products.

1.3. The pourer must:

perform only assigned work;

apply safe work practices.

      The territory of the discharge overpass and water intakes must be installed in such a way that it is possible for wastewater and oil products to enter outside this territory.

      On the territory of the overpass it is prohibited:

    rolling stock repair;

    storage of any materials;

1.6. The place of draining and refueling must be kept clean, spilled flammable liquids must be cleaned up, and spills must be covered with sand.

1.7. The pourer-refueler in his work must use the following PPE:

    canvas suit, cotton suit, underwear, canvas mittens, yuft boots, rubberized apron, goggles, hose gas mask, safety belt with a rope.

    For outdoor work in winter, in addition: a jacket and trousers with an insulating lining, felt boots.

    In summer, in addition - a waterproof raincoat.

1.8. The following hazards may affect the drainer:

rolling stock;

Objects falling from a height;

Increased levels of noise and vibration;

Insufficient illumination;

Increased temperature of equipment surfaces;

Increased gas content in the air of the working area;

chemical factors.

1.9. The pourer-pourer should not carry smoking accessories: matches, lighters, tobacco, paper.

1.10 While on the railway tracks, the pourer-bottler must comply with the following requirements:

Pass to the place of work and from work, as well as through the territory of the PPS along specially established passages, marked with signs "Service Passage";

Pass along the tracks only on the side of the road or in the middle of the track;

Cross paths only at right angles;

Cross the track occupied by the rolling stock, using only the transitional platforms of the car, holding on to the handrails .;

Hold on to the handrails when leaving the wagon's brake platform.

Bypass groups of wagons standing on the way at a distance of at least 5 m from the automatic coupler;

Pass between uncoupled wagons if the distance between automatic couplers is at least 10 m;

Pay attention to traffic lights.

Safety requirements before starting work

    Put on the required overalls (robe, gloves).

    Check the availability of fire extinguishing equipment, the uncluttered passages, the absence of spilled fuel, prepare refueling equipment for operation, check the serviceability and availability of grounding of containers, refueling equipment and dispensers, check the serviceability of electrical wiring and switches by visual inspection.

    Check that the hose mask, safety belt and safety rope have a firmly attached tag indicating the number and date of the next test.

    Before starting the processing of tanks, the pourer-bottler must prepare his section of the overpass:

Inspect steam, air, hot water valves for leaks;

Prepare water and air hoses;

Lay out the tool, inventory;

set the bridges to the working position;

Open tank hatches.

    Check pump operation.