Nl personal volume. The personal volume of the manager and the amount of remuneration. What is LO

  • 28.11.2019

Marketing plan NL International. How and how much you can earn in NL.

Let's see how and how much you can earn in NL International. We will not delve into complex formulas and calculations, but will try to tell and clearly show the sources of income in an accessible way. NL International and how much they can bring NL managers.

NL International partners have access to THREE sources of income at once:
1) Bonus for Personal Volume (PV)
2) Group Volume Bonus (GO)
3) Mentor Bonus
All THREE sources of income are SUMMER. However, you decide which of them to use - no "obligation"!

Let's take a closer look at the reward for Personal Volume (PV) in NL International:

What is LO in NL? Why is it easy to make money on LO in NL International? How does LO affect the development of your business How much can you earn on LO?

What is LO in NL?

Personal Volume (PV) is the SUM OF ALL purchases made through your ID:
- shopping for yourself
-purchases by customers who indicated your ID at the time of purchase
- as well as purchases by customers on their number of the Customer Card issued by you.

-All purchases are cumulative
-no obligatory own purchases (they may not be at all)

Why make money on LO in NL International easily?

LO is, first of all, trade. The success of the formation of trade turnover directly depends on the demand for products. With this NL International everything is great. Let's take a look at the range NL Store branded stores and NLStar official website:

Already more than 350 products and every month up to 20 new products!
Products from different product groups:
-household products
- products for the body
- beauty products
- health products
-sports nutrition
-slimming products
-drinks: teas/coffee/fruit drinks
Evaluate the scale of the range yourself:

What do all these product groups have in common? Most of them are used by most people and every day!
The average monthly budget for a family of 2 people (without children) for these product groups is 8-15 tons. rubles.

NL already has more than 300 stores - you do not need to collect orders - customers themselves go to the store, as in any other and at a convenient time for them!

The highest quality and efficiency of products.

Conclusion: even 2-3 customers who are happy to go to the store are enough to form a significant LO NLStore.

How does LO affect the development of your business?

Agree, it is logical that a light LO provides natural advantages and results:

New partners with a greater desire come into business and receive significant rewards faster (fixed)
-Each of your Partners easily makes a high LO, which means that your GO (Group Volume) is growing!

How much can you earn on LO?

You can see it best in the attached photo.

To receive the first reward 560 rubles. just 35pv is enough (and this is only about 4200 rubles. LO!). Already at 200pv (~24000 rub.) your commissions will exceed 37%!

✅Conclusion: Making money with NL International is easy thanks to the widest and most diverse assortment, ready-made infrastructure (shops/delivery), high percentage of remuneration and product quality.
Significant money can be earned only on LO (without building a team).
Thanks to LO, team building is easier and Group Volume is easier to get.

Let's talk about Group Volume (GO) rewards at NL International:

Group Volume (GO) is your Personal Volume + the sum of the PV of all your partners in the team.
Depending on the size of the GO, you will be charged a different percentage of remuneration:
-500pv (~60000 rub.) = 4%
-1000pv = 7%
-2000pv = 14%
-3000pv = 21%!
With the growth of your team of partners, the Group Volume will grow, and with it the level your income!
It should be noted separately that your income is accrued not from the earnings of your partners, but by the Company itself - everyone works for themselves and does their own business!

Briefly about the NL International Mentor Bonus:

If you have completed the minimum online activity for the past month - LO 70pv or more, then you are eligible for a Mentor Bonus.
NL International Mentor Bonus- this is a MONTHLY bonus for each active Partner, attracted by you personally. The bonus amount reaches 1120 rubles. for each active manager.

Thanks to this bonus, you can get significant money already at the start of your business - in the first month of work!

Your partners will also be more interested in developing their business. Consequently, your team will grow rapidly.


Any partner of NL International has every opportunity to take place and receive a significant income. You yourself choose what time to work, how much effort to spend, what sources of income to use ... The company is provided with all conditions for development ready business"Full construction": website, shops, logistics, a huge range of products (certification, manufacturing and storage, implementation and promotion of new trademarks), recruitment and training of personnel, etc.
The essence of your work will be the RECOMMENDATIONS of the Store or Business.

Detailed video on the topic:

400 240 website website http://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/marketing-plan.jpg 15.02.2019 01.07.2019

Have you ever wondered why NL international is so popular compared to other MLM companies? One of the reasons is NL's smart marketing plan.
The marketing plan provides the following very important principles:

  • allows a beginner to earn at the very start, even without their own structure
  • creates comfortable conditions for the development of its own structure (explanation below)
  • income growth is not linear, i.e. upon reaching a certain result, your income is multiplied much more than your work result has increased
  • famous bonuses: car bonus, president's school, etc.
  • not a rigid dependence of income on your mentor
  • product. It is of great importance and in this case it is environmentally friendly and of high quality

Marketing plan structure

There are five levels and 13 qualifications (statuses) in the NL structure. Steps are a kind of logical division of the career ladder into understandable stages. And what bonuses and in what amount you will receive already depends on the status. We emphasize that the difference in income and bonuses of different qualifications is only for , income for LO is considered the same for everyone.

Marketing plan: career ladder of qualifications.

We emphasize that Let's start in order.

Stage 1: start

According to the marketing plan of this stage, beginners receive their first income and begin to build their own structure. The objectives of this stage are to introduce the manager to the world of NL, understand the basics and make it clear that you can earn money here.

First stage qualifications: manager - master - master elite - star

The structural income (per group volume) of each qualification is calculated according to the table below. We described in more detail how it is considered in the article:.

marketing plan: stage 1

As we can see, the income from your team's GO bonuses will be limited by your still small structure. At this stage, the income from the LO will be commensurate with the income from the marketing plan.

Stage 2: growth

Being in the second stage, the marketing plan tells you that you can increase your income not only by increasing your personal and group volumes, but also by growing new "Stars" in your structure. Therefore, it is beneficial for the mentor that everything works out for you and that you, as his ward, also climbed the career ladder. What we see in the table below:

step 2 for diamond qualifications

Second stage qualifications: star - 1 star - 2 star - ds - dt - dt1 - dt2 - dt3 - dt4 - dt5

Starting from the second stage and qualification 2 stars, you are entitled to a free mercedes, for more details, see our article “Car bonus: Mercedes from NL”.

Step 3: Expansion

The meaning is this: you yourself are already at least a diamond tutor, your structure already has its own stars. It remains only to expand the team and receive income from the entire structure.

Stage 4: strengthening

The appearance of another bonus in the sources of income.

Conditions: confirmation of qualification from DS and above within a quarter (three months).

Bonus: 1% of the company's turnover in Russia and the CIS is distributed in equal shares between participants who have fulfilled the condition of the 4th stage. This is quite a lot of money, considering that the trade turnover is more than a billion rubles.

Stage 5: stability

It's the NL Millionaires Club. Club members share 1% of the total NL turnover (counting all countries) among themselves. Considering that the club of millionaires includes a very limited number of people, and they share the international income, it’s scary to imagine what bonus they receive at this stage.

Summing up

We reviewed the NL marketing plan and clearly saw that it provides for all the principles stated at the beginning. Having passed only 1/3 of the career ladder, you can already get mercedes, not to mention financial well-being.

But, it would be too good to be true if it were simple. It is difficult to develop not only in network business, and even in their profession go from junior staff to chief specialist difficult task requiring its own marketing plan.

Where does the money come from

You can earn in three ways:

personal selling, mentor bonus and structure building.

personal selling

Personal sales - personal volume (LO) - purchases to your id number 007-000000.

You get the biggest reward from top products that really work:

  • Energy Diet
  • Energy diet smart
  • Energy Pro
  • Detox
  • Energy Slim

Pv (point volume) is an internal unit of measure of turnover. Considering that the company has an international status and covers different countries and currency, then the results are calculated with this pv. In order not to measure it in jars, shampoos, teas, protein at the end of the month - you measure it in pv.

When we started the business, we did 80% of the turnover only on energy diet. Therefore, many still associate the NL company exclusively with Energy Diet. The company is developing, quality product lines are being produced, and now the turnover can be made on other products: protein, programs for weight loss and body cleansing, teas, household and laundry products, cosmetics. You can get acquainted with the entire list of products in the online store.

All these payouts are available with 200 pv passing to your id per month. As a result, in addition to rewards for the product, for 200 pv you get:

  • 5000 money
  • 3000 - to the gift account.

This is repeated for every 200 points.

Or you can withdraw all payments in money with activity of 70 pv within 3 months. But making 200 pv monthly is more profitable. And this is what you need to teach your managers.

You will not earn millions with this approach, of course. But 10-30-50 or more thousand rubles, as you can see, is easy to earn.

Mentor Bonus

It did not exist before, if it existed, then many would immediately build structures, and would not be engaged in personal sales alone.

The essence of the mentor bonus is simple: for each registered manager under you who bought products from 20 pv, you get a reward. So for 20 pv - 280 rubles, for 35 pv - 490 rubles, for 50 pv - 700 rubles, and for 70 pv - 980 rubles.

Connect 10 managers to the first line who will appreciate the benefits of the products - get up to 9800 from them. The most important thing is that the mentor bonus will be available to you every month and will only increase. The more managers in the 1st line, the greater the monthly bonus. This is great for motivating newbies.

Structure, network, business.

Real business and serious payments come precisely from building a structure and receiving a group volume (GO) - all the points of all the managers of your structure.

You need to start rejoicing when the GO will be 3000 pv. This qualification is called Star (star). The structural fee is 22,000 rubles. + mentor bonuses about 15000r. and a reward for 200 pv of personal volume of 5000 rubles. In total, it turns out about 42,000. This is a decent salary. But ordinary students reach such results in our structure.

And the most interesting thing is that next month you don't have to work hard to earn the same amount. This situation will repeat: new participants will come and the check will only grow.

Check out the answers to FAQ novice managers.

What do these terms mean?

PV (PiVi) - (from "point volume" -) an internal unit of measure of turnover.

ID - identifier - this is your individual contract number in the format 007 - 000000.

LO - Personal volume of trade. This is what you and your customers bought.

GO - Group volume of trade. This is what all your managers bought, including your LO.

The mentor bonus is a reward received from each active manager in the 1st line.

1 PV - how much is it in rubles?

Each product has its own price and its own PV. Therefore, there is no exact answer how much 1 PV costs. On average, 1 PV is 110 rubles, if you consider the top-end products ED Smart costs 2200 rubles - 20 pv or DrainEffect at a price of 770 rubles - 7 pv. For cosmetics, the price of 1 pv ranges from 118 to 130 rubles. Calculating the cost of 1 pv is very simple: divide the price of the product by the amount of pv that is given for it.

What do you need to do to make money in NL?

What qualifications are there and how much PV do you need to achieve them?

start manager(Start Manager) - 500 PV
Master(Master) - 1000 PV
Master Elite- 2000PV
star(Star) - 3000 PV
1 star- 6000PV (1 Star in your structure)
2 stars- 8000PV (2 Stars in your structure)
Diamond Star(Diamond) - 10,000 PV (3 Stars in your structure)
Diamond Tutor(DT) - 16,000 PV
Diamond Tutor 1(DT1) - 23,000 PV
Diamond Tutor 2(DT2) - 50,000 PV
Diamond Tutor 3(DT3)- 100,000 PV
Diamond Tutor 4(DT4) - 250,000 PV
Diamond Tutor 5(DT5) - 500,000 PV

Starting from what qualification do they give a car bonus?

Starting from the DS qualification ( Diamond Star)

What do you need to convey to a person when you invite to a business?

In order for a person to understand the seriousness of your proposal and its prospects, he must learn the following points:

  • Mathematical business model
  • Product value
  • Market volume
  • Work system
  • Education system
  • Company scale (infrastructure)

Pros of working in NL:

  • free registration
  • passive income
  • the company donates a car for successful work(autobonus)
  • your work schedule
  • more time for family and hobbies
  • no salary ceiling
  • no bosses
  • a mentor will help and teach everything
  • no alarm
  • no one will fire you
  • your salary does not depend on the disposition of your boss, company or mentor (or dislike)
  • there is no subjective assessment of your work (how much turnover - so much money)
  • use quality products
  • communicate more with your friends, relatives and acquaintances
  • you choose who to work with
  • no financial risks
  • don't need to sell
  • at your disposal offices and shops throughout the country
  • all logistics and work scheme are already thought out for you
  • not tied to city or country
  • you can work with people from all over the world
  • All you need is a phone and internet to work.
  • single price list for managers and clients
  • no purchases
  • the company has its own charitable foundation(Sunny city)

What do you need...

To be continued..