How many brands are there in nl international. Working at NL International with Energy Diet products. How and where Energy Diet and other NL International products are produced

  • 28.11.2019

Carefully! Lots of words, calculations and few pictures!
Everyone good day! If you were not embarrassed by the warning about the saturation of this note with letters and numbers, then I think this note will be quite entertaining and interesting.

As many probably noticed (especially in the Central region), NL International (hereinafter, NL) is actively developing on the market. And everything would be fine, but the company’s activities are very reminiscent of Herbalife, Oriflame and other shaitan companies that hunted the so-called MLM. Unlike Herbalife, Oriflame ended up more successfully, but the system of taking money from the population itself was, to put it mildly, before indecent horror.

It was indecent not because these companies deceived everyone and everything. Rather, they took advantage of the financial illiteracy of the population, and also focused on the psychological processing of the “adepts” of the new order. No, I'm not talking about zombies or NLP, but about the banal tricks of salesmen, who, although they tell the client the truth in the name of clearing their conscience, however, through the prism of beautiful promises, life examples and slogans that put pressure on the sick, this very truth is beginning to be ignored by the population.

The most relish for the development of such companies is the economic crisis. The population is looking for a way to independently cover inflation and maintain the current standard of living. It is at such a time that the development of MLM, which is based on the promise of a well-fed life, is especially intense.

Well, okay, this is a small lyrical digression from the topic of today's note.
In general, quite recently, my wife, who is more socially active than me, showed me a new product in the healthy nutrition market. This is a functional food "energy diet". I myself, as a person who is not a big connoisseur in this, was, of course, not very impressed. No, I take care of my body, go in for sports, sometimes I even add “sports pit” to my diet, but these are brands with proven authority over the years.

After some time, I began to notice that more and more people began to talk about this food. Well, I think, well done guys, advertise yourself in such a way that you don’t flicker on TV 100 times a day and get such publicity. Oh, how naive I was then. A little more time passed, and at work, out of the corner of my ear, I caught snippets of phrases, where the words appeared together and separately: “Energy diet, “two hundred”, team, diamond, Mercedes.” Then Oriflame catalogs flashed in my eyes, empty offices of the already modern “MMM”, ads in the newspapers “Job. Not Herbalife." I already choked. Have people forgotten about these hobby groups? Or maybe they didn't learn anything? It seems that the level of education should have risen! Now every lazy fool knows the word marketing, but with a glass of wine he also begins to understand it. Now I paid attention to NL on every occasion, the Internet was full of slogans “Stop working for your uncle”, “I earned 1,000,000, and you sit and cry that nothing works”, “Come to our family” and so on. It seems to be worth forgetting about it and not paying attention, but as a person with higher education, who works for his uncle and worries that such desks have a bad effect on the economy in a crisis, simply could not stand it any longer. Having given my wife a “vaccination” from a new network office for dinner, I decided to comb the Internet in order to record the facts of deception by the population from the NL.

Having searched, at first I did not find anything really about their “marketing plan” except for the advertising sites of the newly minted multi-pound sterling billionaires. However, the NL company, reconstructing its section with the "Marketing Plan", kindly left the pdf version for review. For which a big thanks to them! At least that's fair! So, the further narration will take place exclusively in the vein of dissecting the marketing plan of the NL company, especially the part where the pictures are not so full of pictures and there are numbers, graphs, tablets, etc. things that a person, if desired, can figure out and answer his own question: “Is it real to make money in NL, or is it a scam?”

So, let's begin:
First of all, it is worth noting the basics of working in NL
Everything is simple here: There is a product that cannot be bought without the ID of one of the managers. Managers do not need to buy a product before reselling it from a higher level (which is already a plus). The manager finds clients from among his environment, or simply searches through "hot" sales and binds the "client" to his ID. From now on, everything that the manager himself buys, or people who indicate his ID in the online store, brings % of the reward.
The reward is credited to the account in personal account, which at the end of the closing period can be withdrawn to your bank card.

The average price of a “miracle product” is 2200 rubles. There are cheaper and more expensive goods, the remuneration is also variable, respectively. For convenience, we will operate with you in jars for 2 tr.
The same must be said about the system for calculating profits:

For each product sold, the manager receives a so-called. PV (apparently it should be an abbreviation associated with volume). Further, these points are converted into USD with certain coefficients. These same y.e. are converted into rubles. The conversion rate in the Russian Federation is 1 c.u. - 35 rubles.

To be honest, I could not get information from the original source about the number of PV accrued for 1 bank. But having surfed the sites on the product, I found that in general, in order to earn 50 PV, you need to sell for the amount of 5700 rubles.
From here follows 1PV - 114 rubles
The cost of the can is 2200 rubles.
Amount of PV from one can - 2200/114 = 19.30 PV

Despite the fact that you don’t have to buy anything yourself, everything looks quite chocolatey, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, many newly minted "NL-sheep" (pronounced: "en-el-sheep." One-liner. Although the pun turned out to be quite good) stop talking about the specifics at this point and move on to Mercedes.
We will go on a large radius and carefully study the real marketing plan of the incentive program.

For the purity of the experiment, I will highlight all the important points on the page that are useful to us, we will not pay attention to the thumbs, tablets and other fills on the page.
So what do we understand:
The guy with the thumb shows us that in order to receive a reward, we need to collect 70 PV of personal volume per month.

Here it is necessary to explain what a personal volume is. Personal volume is what you sold with your ID (bought for yourself, friends, acquaintances, etc. using your personal code), that is, in order to receive a reward in principle, you need to sell:
70PV * 114r / 2200r = 3.63. Round up = 4 cans of miracle stuff. Well, or other goods for a total amount of at least 7980r. It's not all that scary yet, right?
However, the thumb distracts us from a more interesting tablet. I've highlighted the things that you should pay attention to. As you can see, under the blocks there are explanations “By collecting 70 PV you get them to the delta account, by collecting more than 70 PV but less than 200 PV you also get them to the delta account, but with a large coefficient, by collecting from 200 PV you get an incredible bonus of 87 .e. and
money for cash account!

That is, the delta account and the cash account are not the same thing? Absolutely correct! Read more carefully: You can spend money from the delta account only on the purchase of the company's products, that is, you cannot withdraw it into a cash equivalent!!! And 87 USD, which proudly show off in the plate, you receive on a GIFT account, from which there is no way to get them, except to spend them on jars with a potion!

Let's fix this information in my head and move on with the marketing plan.

Here, the essence of the scheme for accruing remuneration is revealed in more detail. Again, we will not rush to the pictures and pay attention to the main points. Let's simulate several situations to roughly represent our future earnings.
So, we are new NL managers, we have a personal code and a lot of enthusiasm. We start selling our product:

Option 1. We didn't sell items for 70 PV (4 banks)
Our reward: donut hole

Option 2. We sold goods for exactly 70 PV
Our remuneration is 70 * 0.4 = 28 USD * 35 rubles - 980 rubles. (not bad)
Can we get them in cash at the end of the month: NO! (so bad)

Option 3. we sold more than 70 PV but less than 200 PV.
Lest I be accused of bias, let's say that we sold goods for 199 PV
199 PV = 22.686 rubles That is, if we take in banks, we must sell 10 of them
Our reward:

70PV * 0.4 = $28 (this is what we sold in order to be able to get at least some benefit
199 PV - 70 PV = 129 PV

70PV*0.4 = 28
129 PV * 0.8 = 103
128 + 103 = 131.2 * 35 = 4592 rub. (not bad)
Can we take them out at the end of the month? - STILL NO(so bad)

Still, it's not worth it to get upset too soon. The brochure reads: “If you have gained 200 PV within 3 months. You can get these bonuses with money! Super. Let's change things up a bit. We are not very lucky managers. Recruited within 3 months for 199 PV. As a result, by the end of the 3rd month, we have accumulated 199*3 = 597PV. It makes no sense to recalculate everything again. The situation is similar to the previous one. That is, our salary for 3 months will be:
4592 rub. * 3 months = 13776 rubles. Attention!!! That's 3 months salary!

Many advertisers say that you need to plow hard. Well, let's say I'm not very plowing on the result. I devote 2 hours a day to MLM. This is 2*7 = 14 hours per week. This is 56 hours per month. For a month, showing a similar result, my salary is 4592 rubles. In total, NL estimated an hour of my personal time at 82 rubles!!! Ask a black man who distributes leaflets on the street about his hourly salary!

Situation 4 We are a lucky manager who gets 200 PV every month.

Our monthly salary is Rs. We sell goods for more than 20 thousand.
We get $86 to the bonus account, this is the account from which we can only buy wonder-jars.
86 * 35 \u003d 3010 rubles. That is, we can buy goods for 3 thousand rubles. Pretty good.
Let's now introduce some restrictions:

1. Personal limitation. Will you use this product? If yes, how many cans? If more than 1 per month, then your earnings are reduced. And if more than 3x, then you also gave NL International 2000r. The conclusion suggests itself - do not buy their product. OK! Then what kind of consultant are you if you have never tried what you sell?

2. Restriction of NL international company. Let's say we are salesmen from God, everyone who meets with us is ready to buy just everything that we offer him. But there are some restrictions that the company itself sets.

So. The first thing we see is the starting period. 2 financial months. If in the first 2 months we do not gain minimal activity - everything, dosvidos, all over again! Well, it's okay, there is a trial period everywhere and for everyone.

Next, we are told that in these 2 months we cannot sell more than 1050 PV. That is, we cannot earn more than 1050 * 0.8 \u003d 840 * 35 \u003d 29.400 rubles. I even rounded it up. And we have to sell the goods for 119700r. Or 54 cans of miracle stuff per month. This is more than 1 can per day (minimum).

Well, figs with him, with the starting period. We passed it successfully. After that, for any volume above 1050 PV, we must request permission from the NL office and confirm the volumes. How exactly to confirm - is not specified. That is OK. My conclusion in this regard is only one - a company that does not want to restrain the growth of its employees for some reason - will not do this.

Here we realized that earnings above 30,000 rubles per month from personal sales are considered critical for NL.

But the restrictions don't end there. Managers are prohibited from using methods such as advertisements to attract clients and new managers. That is, if you are not a pop star or a media person (most likely you are, otherwise you would not be reading this), which crowds of fans run after and breathe into your mouth, then at first your sales will go exclusively through friends, acquaintances and relatives.

Now I suggest you digest the information and calculate your chances of earning 30,000 rubles per month based on:
. Taking money from relatives can hardly be considered income
. The number of friends you can regularly sell these banks to and not ruin your relationship with them
. The purchasing power of these friends.
Well, in your place, taking money from close friends did not count either, because with the same success you can simply take money from them.
Friends and relatives are a psychological group that find it very difficult to refuse what is offered by a friend or relative. THIS IS NOT EARNINGS!

Anyway. Let's simulate the situation. We have N friends who need to sell 2 cans per month (54 cans) 54/2 = 27 friends who buy 2 cans per month through you. You earn on this 30,000 rubles a month. Achievable goal? OK! let's go further!

According to NL International, the whole point of network marketing is not to sell the product directly, but to recruit your own team to generate more income. This impression is made due to a bunch of bonuses, pictures and other things. Let's check how profitable and profitable earnings on "recruitment" are.

Well, let's consolidate our progress.
We have a group of 27 stable customers who bring us 30,000 rubles a month.
Now let's look at what a group turnover is:
You have recruited "fresh blood" into your organization. He also begins to offer the product to his friends and acquaintances.
His LO in conjunction with our LO = GO, from which we also receive bonuses

Let's pay attention. Here we are offered a structural fee for each step of our "enlightenment" in the MLM business. OK, we will be torn up the career ladder. On the this moment we have the Manager level - it is not even in the table. We have a manager level due to the fact that we do not do civil defense yet, only personal sales with 27 regular customers.
And this is where the system offers us to make money on recruiting. It seems to be hinting: you also want to receive a structural fee in addition to the bonuses that we receive for the promotion of the product, so to speak, directly.

So, we set ourselves the goal of reaching the star level without turning into a religious fanatic and without turning others into religious fanatics. The system suggests that we abandon personal sales volume, capping it at 1050 PV, and focus on spreading tentacles around the region. We also have a goal to reach the Star level and receive a structural fee. For our group.
Let's look at the table:
At the Star level, we receive the maximum reward from personal volume and from our subordinates who have no higher qualification than manager (they do not have GO). If I interpret this table correctly, it should look like this:
In order to maintain the STAR level, you need to keep the GO at a level of up to 6000 PV (we do not take stairs higher, for convenience.

Layout 1 - the best
We have 27 friends. We plan that they are also salesmen from God and will also be able to sell 54 cans per month. Accordingly, we turn them into 5 managers.

We have 22 friends left who are doing our LO. Each friend brings us 39 PV.

It is logical that those whom we converted will no longer take banks from us, but will develop themselves, and they will no longer give us personal volume.

We are left with LO 22 * ​​39 = 858 * 0.8 = 686.4 = 24024.00 rubles.

Let's go to the bonus table

Here we see that we can count on the mentor bonus.
As we can see from the table, for each active manager we get 28 c.u.
We have 5 of them. 28*5*35 = 4900r.

We can also count on a bonus of 2 centurions. It is paid for the PARTICIPANTS of the SYSTEM, that is, for people who do not gain even 70 PV. We don't have those. We are all sales gods.

That is, our average monthly income is 24024r + 4900r = 28924 rubles. Approximately the same as it was before the formation of the chain.
But let's not forget! We have a Star category - that is, we have a reward of 21% of the number of PV that our managers have earned.

We have the "perfect" option. Therefore, each of our 5 managers earned 1050 PV 1050*5 = 5250PV

5250*21% = 1102.5 c.u. * 35 = 38587.5 r

Final monthly earnings = 38587.5+ 28924 = 67511 rubles! Impressive?

Me too. However, let's test the adequacy of this theory.

We sell 44 cans per month

5 of our subordinates sell 54 cans a month and do not even think about taking someone under their control.

Our total turnover = 54*5+44 = 314 cans per month. * 2200 = 690.800.00 rubles.
That is, in order to earn 60,000 per month, you must bring the company a little less than 700,000.00 rubles. That is, the company shares with you a profit of about 9%.

On average, this can be said about each office worker. It is very similar to the fact that someone works for the "uncle" without knowing it.

Yes, and we, in order to receive our 60,000 pieces of silver, must it is unfortunate to see that managers bring in a stable income. Otherwise, our income will fall!

Accordingly, we ourselves turn into an "uncle" to kick our subordinates.

And above us is a bigger uncle, who makes sure that we do not destroy his sales volumes, and above him .... And so to the very top! Nothing like working in an office?

So, we took the best deal for the calculation. Let's bring it closer to reality a bit:

As we remember from the table, we get 7% of income for GO from our Master Elite.
We understand that Master Elite LO did not increase, but even decreased a little, as they turned 3 of their customers into their own kind. Their volumes are 897 per person. Our

remuneration for the month 897 * 5 * 7% = 224 USD * 35 = 7848.75 rubles!!

Let's add our LO in the amount of 28924 + 7848.75 = 36772.75 tr.

Did you notice how the money fell?

But nothing, the system tells us: If you bring up the same star as you, you will move on to the next step.
Well, nothing, let's go kick the manager so that he develops, and having developed, he does not slow down! This is for a salary of 36 tr!!!

Ask yourself, does this amount of work feel like freelance work? In general, such mutual responsibility is similar to freedom?

Now let's think more sensibly!

As a rule, no one (from mere mortals) gains 1050 PV per month.Of course, I can’t say that I’m sure of this, but common sense tells me that at first 12-14 jars of a miracle thing is a more realistic option. We will assume that this is 250 PV.

Let's figure out how many managers we need to qualify for Star

Minimum requirement - 3000 PV

3000/250 = 12 managers.

Well, we make about 250 PV per month

We believe:

70*0.4 -980r activity

250-70*0.8*35 = 5040r - bonus for mega activity

28*12*35 = 11760r - mentor bonus

11760 + 5040 + 980 = 17780 rubles

3000*21% = 630*35 = 22050r + 17780r = 39830r.

21% * LO \u003d 250 * 21% \u003d 52.5 * 35 \u003d 1837.5

39830 + 1837,5 = 41667,5

If I calculated everything correctly, then in this scenario, the ratio of turnover - number of people
And now let's calculate together how many cans we sold at all:

We are 13 cans
12 people for 13 cans - 121 cans
As a result, we sold 133 cans * 2200r = 371800

To be honest, it is already very tedious to carry out another iteration, but still. Imagine that these 12 people of ours also found managers and reached the Master Elite level

As a result, we get everything from them:
3000*7% = 210*35 = 7350
TOTAL: 11780 + 7350 +1837.5 = 20967.5r

As we can see, the system does not encourage the development of the lower levels too much. More precisely encourages, but in moderation, and when it pleases the top. Otherwise, in order to increase your income, you will have to recruit more and more “adepts” into your network, while making sure that none of your “pumped” managers merge. See how the position of the "Jedi" of the last "diamond" steps will change if at least 1 "pumped" manager leaves the network.

So, in order to develop, you will have to fairly “compost” the brains of your entire chain. And keeping track of the sales of 12 people, and also kicking them if necessary, is tantamount to being the head of a department ...

Of course, all calculations are based solely on theory. Now you can look at 1 more page of the booklet with a career ladder and see how our estimates correspond to reality.

In general, if I made a mistake, then most likely in favor of the MLM project 
Probably it makes no sense to dissect further this marketing - a plan in order to understand how to get diamonds and other aristocrats. Suffice it to say that in order to become at least a Star, you need to work very, very hard. In fact, I'm sure everything is much more difficult.
As a result, we found out that the average salary of an “advanced adept” NL in Moscow is 45,000
For these 45,000 rubles, the manager must:

Attract new customers to your structure, not forgetting to do personal volume
. Constantly “push” existing sales managers, make sure that they don’t let you down
. Get a "stick" from your mentor who wants to develop

As a result, declared assistance "in development" is reduced to the banal control of the lower level.
Entering into an agreement with someone, you are automatically directly responsible for the development of someone else's and your "business". This is called mutual responsibility, not business.

Perhaps a couple more points should be clarified.

Moment 1. “I saw screenshots with earnings in millions of rubles”
Well, let's just say I saw them too. Pay attention, millions and cars are received mainly by "media" personalities, or personalities who are very widely known in their circles.

As a rule, these are fitness instructors who are popular on the Internet, but their earnings are not enough for them. Former members scandalous reality shows that have crowds of not necessarily smart, but fans. These fans are ready not only to buy tons of products from their idols, providing them with stable incomes, but also mercilessly join the ranks of the "chosen" MLM - managers who decide the fate of the country and the economy.

So yes, it is really real for someone to make money on MLM, not even just real, but even less stressful than for a mere mortal. While a mere mortal puffs up in the sweat of his brow, earning 200 PV, a little starlet will post pictures with "ambrosia" on his page and cut sheep's wool into cabbage by tons.

By the way, they also advertise to us this way earnings. With the same success, a cardiac surgeon could prove to us from the screen: "Aortocoronary bypass surgery can be done by everyone at home! But skill, of course, is required"

After all, the work of media personalities is to make people laugh. But this does not mean that everyone and everyone will be paid at least some money for this. I, for example, joke at a party absolutely free. And the MLMok manager is trying to cut down the dough for free advice. It's not nice somehow.

Moment 2. "Is it worth trying to join the MLM project at all."

Well, my attitude towards this coven of Apastafarians runs like a red thread through the narrative. But since I would like to be more objective in the facts, I will answer: "Yes, it's worth a try."

But you need to understand that MLM is the same job that can (and most likely should) have its own ad. Unfortunately in NL it is illegal to recruit managers through a job posting. Well, no problem. I tried to compose my most truthful announcement, based on the results of today's conversation. I think for a person who is still thinking, such an approach will clarify many points. So:

________________________________________ ___
NL - International, a major international brand and a luminary in the world of healthy nutrition, is recruiting for the vacancy of a sales manager for the company's products and services.

Salary level: from 1 thousand to 2+ million rubles per month
Required age 18-65 years old
Required education - irrelevant
Required work experience - without experience
Schedule - free

Vacancy description:
The company needs managers for active sales of goods and services (search and meeting with clients, sale of our "high-quality" product (without investments). Sales training in the form of seminars, trainings and handouts (sometimes paid, sometimes free). No social package , guarantees and stability, but without a salary cap.
From you - the desire to grow yourself and develop our company
From us - conscientiousness and loyalty to employees (all information on the vacancy is freely available)
Separately, according to the motivation system:
Floating salary. Without a minimum wage, but without ceilings. everything depends on you. Average salary manager with experience in the company< 1 года и полной занятостью составляет около 25000 рублей при достсаточно удачном раскладе

Salary of a manager with a similar experience, but on a free schedule: from 1 to 10 tr (without taxes)
There is NO WAGE CEILING if somehow you manage to earn more than 200 tr. per month, we will most likely offer you a job in the company's staff for a smaller amount, but stable.
However, if you are not a recognizable person who will be listened to by thousands of people in a country/region/city, then will you be able to lie.

Basic requirements for the candidate:
1. Have good suggestibility
2. Quickly get carried away by any, even the most insignificant thing
3, The candidate must have no conscience
4. The candidate must be ready to work independently, but under constant stress.
5. The candidate must strictly comply with all requirements and restrictions on working with the product, as this directly contradicts our development plan
6. The candidate must have no complexes and a sense of tact.
7. The ability and desire to sit down on the ears of your neighbor is an undeniable advantage
8. Knowledge of office programs, Internet resources, marketing, financial accounting, management, sales theory, logistics, higher economic education, understanding of the formation of supply and demand, as an advantage. (It will greatly affect your earnings, but those who don’t even look in the direction of MLM have such knowledge)


Buying company products (not always, of course, but without this they will not understand you)
- Rolling noodles on the ears of friends and family in order to lie our "mega pill" (50% of the working time)
- Search and attraction of new adherents under your leadership
- Optimization own work by receiving preventive tryndyuly from higher authorities.
- Optimization of the work of your own subordinates, by distributing preventive tryndyuly
- Advertising of our company at every step (change of name and surname to NL int is only welcome)

Traveling nature of work
Lack of benefits and social package
Unstable salary level (albeit without a ceiling)
Working under stress
Misunderstanding from others
Mercedes for your soul.

We accept everyone. With you we become a little richer :)

________________________________________ ______________
And finally for consideration:

Do you think any business is aimed at generating profit for the company or in order to make the whole world happy? Is NL an altruist that is willing to sacrifice millions of its earnings, or is it just a clever marketing ploy to attract customers who are, in fact, employees?

Doesn't it seem strange that the price of such food is slightly lower on average in the market? On average, the amount of remuneration for a manager))

Chao everyone

800 350 website website http://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/income-sources.jpg 24.01.2019 24.06.2019

What do they pay for at NL international?

The salary of a manager in NL, globally, consists of two income items: according to the IDC system and according to the IDC + system. Those. income for personal turnover and for the work of your team.

1. IDC income (personal volume income)

This is the money you get for using NL products yourself. It turns out that buying products for yourself - you also earn. It is logical that in the bottom line, expenses will be more than income.

How to get income? To do this, you give people your ID, customer card or your link to the NL online store. If people make purchases using your ID, this turnover counts towards your personal volume. The more people who buy using your ID, the more turnover you will create, the more your income will increase.

Terms of receipt : LO greater than or equal to 70 PV ()

Income calculation: LO*0.4*1 c.u. (1 c.u. = 35 rubles)

Possible bonuses.

Bonus #1. when fulfilling the LO more than 70 PV, the income is calculated with a coefficient of 0.8

Example: your personal turnover was 180 PV. Let's calculate your income:

70*0.4*35 + 110*0.8*35 = 4060 rubles

Bonus #2. For LO more than 200 PV, a bonus of 87 USD is due. to a gift account.

After the end of the month, bonus #2 is transferred to your cash account.

For a clearer understanding of how income per LO is calculated, here is a picture with the IDC structure:

calculation of income using the idc system

We have considered the income that a beginner can earn right from the start, only by joining the system. The calculation is quite simple and transparent.

2. Income for group volume (structural fee)

Over time, you will have not only customers who buy products with your ID, but also people who want to earn money like you do. The managers who signed with the NL through you are your first line. And from that moment on, a more complex calculation of your income begins, which takes into account the group volume of your team.

Globally, the meaning comes down to the fact that you get a certain percentage of the turnover of your team. The percentage depends on your qualification in the NL system.

Here, I would like to make a small digression and clarify that, depending on your GO, your qualifications may vary from Manager to STAR (star). It can also change depending on the appearance of Stars (STAR) in your structure. Read more about statuses in a separate article.

So, let's understand the method of calculating the structural fee.

Terms of receipt : GO greater than or equal to 1000 PV and LO greater than or equal to 50 PV

Income calculation: See diagram below.

Possible bonuses : see diagram below.

The easiest way to explain how much money they receive for GO (group volume or structural fee) is by giving a table of the dependence of income on your status.

Those. if your status is “manager”, then you have less than 1000 PV in GO, you are not entitled to a structural fee, you only receive income for LP. Starting from the status of "Master" you receive interest from the GO. According to the scheme, the income for GO is equal to the sum of the vertical cells of the poses of your status.

Let's look at an illustrative calculation example. Suppose you are now in the status of "Master Elite" and in your first line there are two "Managers" and one "Master" (see the diagram below).

Your check from the structure consists of:

  • 14% with LO (200 pv * 14% = 28 c.u.)
  • 7% from Master's GO (1000 pv * 7% = 70 c.u.)
  • 14% with GO Managers (1000 pv * 14% = 140 c.u.)

Let's summarize: 238 c.u. or in terms of rubles 8330 rubles. Plus income and bonus for LO from item 1.

3. Income under the IDC+ system

What is IDC+? This is another source of income that you are entitled to if several conditions are met. It can be considered a bonus, but we brought it to a separate source in order to more clearly talk about it.

Terms of receipt : LO greater than or equal to 200 PV

Income calculation: IDC+ income is equal to the delta income of all partners of the "manager" qualification on your team who did not meet the 50 PV LO.

Instead of a resume

To the question “how much can you earn in NL?” cannot be answered unambiguously. You can only calculate your estimated earnings in the network business with NL.

We examined what constitutes income in NL and what they pay for in this company. Note that if you have the first line and when you complete the LO 200 PV, your income grows significantly, several times.

Climbing up, you may reach statuses above DS and your income will be calculated much more complicated than described in this article. By this time, you yourself will understand the intricacies of marketing better than others.

Remember, this is very important: NL International is not your usual network company, which is now full. This company strictly forbids sending private messages to strangers in social networks, get them with your offer, spam them, as many managers do now very famous companies. It is also forbidden to write on job boards that you are offering a job, and you cannot also respond to ads from people who are looking for work. You cannot create groups and sites and pass them off as official. If you create something, then write that this is the personal blog of the manager (as it is written in the header of this blog).

What can be done? How to attract people?

Where to find clients and partners?

1. The first and easiest thing is to find them among your friends. Among them, there will surely be people who want to lose weight, or vice versa, gain weight, or take care of their diet and want their food to be balanced and rich in vitamins, etc.

It will be great if you find a person who agrees to conduct an experiment, and with the help of products to lose weight, for example. Or improve your health. It will be great if you also do this experiment on yourself.

After that, it will be very easy for you to talk about products and recommend them. You will know everything about it - what it tastes like, how it smells, etc. Most importantly, you will be confident in its effectiveness and will be able to show your result from its use and/or the result of your customers.

This way you can quickly start acquiring customers. And thanks to this, you will start earning the first money and will be able to show your results in business and attract managers. Believe me, when you have your own result, it is very easy to build a business.

2. In in social networks, for example, post posts about NL products and business on Vkontakte. . In our structure, we teach how to do it correctly, but if you are not already registered in our structure, then just look at the successful examples of Vkontakte, how a person maintained his account, and then became a qualification. Model posts with these people

3. Instagram. This method is not for everyone, but just for those who conduct their experiment in the use of products (point 1). People on Instagram follow interesting profiles. If you just post pictures from the Internet, you will get much, much less response if you post photos of products every day, yourself in the gym and your results, how much weight you have lost ..

By the way, this is also an occasion to bring something new into your life: start leading healthy lifestyle life, take on yourself, lose weight, start going to the gym, go in for sports. People love to subscribe to such accounts. Everyone is interested in spying on someone else's life, especially such a busy life.

And for you as a bonus will be the result of such changes in your life: health and beauty.

4. Who knows how - you can create your own blog about health, beauty, fitness, weight loss, business or other topics related to the business of NL International and the company's products. But this is a long way that will not give immediate results. We will have a separate training about creating your own blog.

5. You can use other methods, YouTube for example. Do product reviews - videos or articles.

The main thing is that before you start attracting people to your profiles, communities, videos and sites, please become very familiar with the products and marketing plan. Watch all videos of leaders (Peter Chubarov, president of Khokhlov's company). So that you do not ask such questions: “A person wants to buy from me. What should I do? Or what should I say to him?

Allocate 2-3 days and study thoroughly all the information

If you still can't bring people to the NL and your contract is cancelled, welcome to our structure

Recently, it has become fashionable to expose the products of various network companies. A lot of bloggers and all kinds of reviewers have appeared who only have time to upload videos and reviews about anything, including negative reviews on Energy Diet. Let's take a look at where it comes from.

Network marketing as an industry has been around for a very long time. It is a respected and legitimate business that thrives in many countries and helps ordinary people achieve their dreams and goals in life. Hired work cannot realize dreams. Working for the "uncle" can only give a small income, allowing you to live a month. Energy Diet is a key trademark known in Russia and the CIS network company NL International.

The company has proven to be extremely stable and has a unique marketing plan. A huge number of NL managers have become financially independent people thanks to the business model that the company offers. Now people are increasingly thinking not about phones and computers, but about how to maintain their health and beauty, how to look better, feel better and get rid of extra pounds. The wellness industry has gained immense popularity over the past 10 years.

Look at how many sports nutrition stores have opened, how many beauty, nutrition, and personal care services have appeared. People want to have best quality life, and human health is directly related to nutrition. Nutrition is a topic that is discussed everywhere and always.

You must understand that all disclosures of Energy Diet products and products of other network companies are not made by professional nutrition experts or doctors. the highest category. Bloggers for self-promotion choose a popular topic that is in demand and, under the guise of experts, record videos expressing their own opinion. These people increase their popularity online through these videos and articles, attract attention and gain subscribers. This is how they make money from advertising.

You need to understand that the business of any successful network company is built on the results of satisfied customers and recommendations. It is thanks to the results that new people learn about the company and it becomes widely known. Naturally, there are unscrupulous consultants who behave ugly and dishonor the company. But such people are everywhere, not only in network marketing. However, if you go to a communication salon and the manager turns out to be an incompetent useless loafer who is rude to you and does not solve your question - that's okay. But as soon as we talk about a network company - the whole direct selling industry is already to blame ...

The problem is that the vast majority of people have absolutely no opinion of their own, they listen to the opinions of other people, TV, read newspapers. Is it really incomprehensible that any articles are written either by order, or for the self-promotion of a person. Any articles, TV shows, any advertising and anti-advertising is paid for by someone. Every company has competitors. If you want to have your own opinion - try the products, get your result. Most people are unsuccessful because they don't even try to understand anything, they are only capable of looking for a catch in everything while someone at that moment is developing a business, earning good money and getting excellent product results. You decide which category you are in. Negative reviews can be found on absolutely any product, product. If you are looking for negativity, you will definitely find it. If you want to find the positive - find the positive!

© Dmitry, manager of NL International

The reason for writing this post was the transition of one of my new NL managers to clients. This sometimes happens, because the approach to business with NL International is different from traditional network marketing schemes. I will talk about these differences today.

When is it profitable to be an NL manager?

So, it is beneficial to be a manager in NL in three cases:

  1. You register and spend on your contract only personal shopping and shopping for your family. At the same time, your acquisitions for three months can be estimated at least 200 PV (about 20,000 rubles). In this case, you get a "delta profit", and this is actually equivalent to a discount of about 25%.
  2. You carry out personal purchases under your contract, as well as additionally attract customers. At the same time, you, together with your clients, purchase NL products for at least 200 PV for three months of work. In this case, you get a "delta profit", but with larger group of people. Get a 25% discount on your costs and a 25% premium on your clients' costs.
  3. You make personal purchases under your contract, attract additional customers, and also attract and register managers in NL. This is much more profitable than the previous two cases, since you receive not only the “delta profit”, but also the marketing plan payments (check). And with the growth of qualification, you take part in the NL car bonus program, that is, you get a Mercedes as a gift

It turns out that if a person does not want to attract either clients or managers, then in order to receive a reward, he needs to buy and use NL products in the amount of at least 20,000 rubles for three months. And this does not work for everyone.

Why do companies need such difficulties? Why such obstacles for managers?

It would seem that there would be no such restrictive conditions, and there would be more managers. Yes, but that would be the standard approach to network marketing, where everyone who uses the product becomes a manager. What is the standard approach? Moreover, the manager loses deductions from the purchases of those who are not engaged in product promotion, but only buy for themselves in small volumes.

NL International approach ( IDC system) is designed to draw a clear line between those who are seriously engaged in entrepreneurship (managers) and those who only buy products for themselves in small volumes (customers). The manager in this case receives a much greater financial return with the same efforts as in standard network marketing schemes.

And what is the benefit of being an NL client?

Benefits for the client with this approach also exist:

Firstly, no need to understand the system of work, standards. You do not need to monitor your activity, fulfill the starting and semi-annual conditions for maintaining the contract.

Secondly, each client has a personal cumulative discount, which grows from three to ten percent of the purchase amount. That is, without any contracts and conditions, it reaches almost half of the manager's compensation!

Thirdly, The company holds promotions and drawings of gifts among customers several times a year.

Choose the best for you!

Become a manager | Become a client

Tags: choice, benefit, client, NL manager

Network business is popular on the Internet. Many argue that such a business allows you to earn millions.

Network" or "MLM business" got its name from MLM - Multi-Level-Marketing (translated from English - multi-level marketing). This direction also called network marketing and network marketing.

All these variants of definitions are used to refer to one of the ways of organizing marketing. Namely, when distributing products according to the “pyramid” principle. Classical business refers to the stores that people visit to purchase goods. Working in a network business is the purchase of goods by many people, and they also distribute it among their acquaintances.

Thus, in the network business there is no need to hire people, pay them wages and rent stores. Success in the network business is guaranteed if the following conditions are met:

  1. The main task in the network business is to hire the largest number of volunteers who will subsequently distribute the company's products for a percentage of sales.
  2. In addition, volunteers themselves will begin to “hire” people to also distribute products. In this case, they receive interest not only for their own sales, but also for the merits of the people who are connected to the network.

This type of business was invented in the USA, and it began to actively spread around the world. The impetus for development was one important factor: people are more likely to buy products that are recommended to them by friends and acquaintances.

The most common products in the MLM business market are shampoos, detergents, cosmetics, nutrition and vitamins. Network business via the Internet deserves special attention.

Getting Started Online - Benefits

To begin network business possible for the following reasons:

  1. Schedule. No need to get up in the morning and run to the other end of the city. This item is especially pleasing to people who used to work 10-12 hours.
  2. Combination with other activities. To start your career in the network business, it is not necessary to quit your previous job. Considering free schedule, there is a possibility of combining cases. Before MLM becomes the main source of income, it is better not to rush to quit.
  3. Building your team. Were there "difficult" people at work? this work great option! After all, all agents are allowed to gather their team. In addition, to accept a person or not, you can decide for yourself.
  4. Support. Often people in such a business are invited by friends or acquaintances. They are happy to provide free advice on all issues. In addition, large companies hold meetings in many cities.
  5. New acquaintances. One of the main features of MLM is the constant growth of familiar people. Everyone comes with their own "baggage". And in meetings exceeding 50-70 people, you can find the “necessary” people - lawyers, bankers, doctors, etc.

At meetings and online conferences, seminars are held, training in the nuances of product distribution, and all the necessary instructions are provided.

Important! Many agents find clients online. You can run an online business without leaving your home.

What will you need to give people to get interested and want to join? How to invite people to network business?

To attract a large number people, it is imperative to have a ready-made mechanism by which the “recruitment” of new participants takes place. A step-by-step algorithm is needed to attract a newcomer to conclude an agreement with him.

No need in the first minutes of communication to try to hand him a contract. Pressure, especially on newbies, never works. Future partners should be pushed towards the agreement in stages:

  1. The first step is to get to know each other more. It is advisable to meet in a cafe for a cup of coffee and find out exactly what the person wants. You can find out by asking the right questions. The main thing to ask is his job, what he does, whether he is satisfied with his earnings, whether he wants to increase it, whether he thought about working for himself, etc. Thanks to the questions, it is necessary to determine whether a person is suitable for a pyramid business. You should pay attention to his ambitions, potential and desire to work for himself. It is necessary to pay attention to what place the network business occupies in Russia.
  2. At the second stage, you need to start talking about the network business. You will need to bring a person up to date, tell about all the pitfalls, what to expect in the near future and what prospects await. He may need time to consider the offer. In this case, after a day or two, you can call and find out if the person has decided to participate.

Important! If you get an ambiguous answer, you should invite to another meeting and try to emphasize his ambitions more and talk more about the benefits of network business. If possible, introduce the person to the team.

If the candidate has no desire, he should not be persuaded. It's a waste of time! If he doesn't want to hear about it, he won't do it. You have to be willing to accept rejection. Posts about network business prove that the inhabitants of the Russian Federation are still distrustful of such a source of income.

Pros and cons of work

The advantages of network business are:

  • the ability to choose your own schedule;
  • there is no maximum earnings bar;
  • the ability to quickly master a new profession;
  • the opportunity to learn a new profession almost free of charge;
  • lack of "hard" bosses;
  • a large number of connections.

The disadvantages include:

  • a large number of failures;
  • the need to constantly communicate with new people;
  • unstable income.

What is NL network business - reviews

Network business NL International is a company leading an extensive trading activity various products around the world. NL has been on the market for 16 years.

Main product lines:

  • household goods;
  • healthy eating and nutritional supplements;
  • everything for business.

Partner NL can:

  • use the company's products, receiving cash back;
  • make recommendations to the NL Store for a fee;
  • create a personal network;
  • become a team leader.

NL International supplies its agents with everything they need. Claimed business income:

  • 20-30 thousand for the first time;
  • from 100 thousand per month in a year;
  • over 300 thousand with active and continuous development.

The best partners are presented with Mercedes-Benz. To start earning, you need to sign a contract with the company.

NL International is a company where you don't have to work 8 hours a day, you don't invest anything in the business and its development, you just get resources and start building the structure. A company that will reward you with a car for good performance. There is something to strive for, there is room to grow. NL - makes it possible to become successful.

Is it possible to make money in NL International? The short answer is yes, really. And thousands of people have already done it. In addition to the resources, offices, support that the company provides to its managers, NL International also has a system to reward its employees for high results, this is in which everyone who joins the NL can participate. Only desire, perseverance, activity and sociability will bring you to excellent performance and you will become the owner of the latest Mercedes-Benz.

How much do they earn in NL International?

In NL, money is credited to managers for turnover, personal and group. Personal - these are your personal purchases of NL products and purchases of your customers. Group - these are purchases of your managers and their clients. Beginners in the first month of work earn from 20,000 to 30,000. In the following months of work, there will be much more money. How to earn 20,000 rubles? It is necessary that the group volume be from 2,000 pv. The company has developed a "Manager Career Ladder". Climbing up which awaits you good earnings and a top class car.

If you sit with your hands folded, you will have nothing. Prospects for growth are available to everyone, but who will be higher and lower will show the perseverance of the manager. The company has developed a very good system encouragement of their partners, Autoprogram. Is there any other company that is ready to give you a Mercedes-Benz? Or maybe working on the Internet will bring such income and a car as a gift? Those managers who have been in the company for more than a year make a turnover of 6,000 pv and more, and accordingly their income is growing. So how to make money in NL International? In order to easily sell NL products, you must be a consumer yourself. Recommending a product that you yourself don’t like or haven’t tried is a pointless exercise. Business accessible to everyone! Would you like to join? registering a manager in NL

What is the job at NL International?

The principle of work is that you register with the company as a manager, and it gives you resources and creates conditions for the development of your own business. Your task is to:

Attract clients to NL

In order to recommend NL products to other people, first of all, you yourself need to try them, in order to be sure of their benefits, and then recommend them to others. Only by personal example will you be able to show customers how products work, thereby gaining their attention. From your sales, will be formed Personal Volume. What it is? Personal Volume is your purchases and purchases of your customers. The scheme is simple, more customers = more sales = more money and bonuses to your account.

Connect managers

Connect other managers to cooperation with the company and get bonuses for each. Among relatives, friends and acquaintances, there will surely be those who are interested in good earnings and their own business. You will connect 10 managers, each of them will connect 5 managers or more + clients of each to work, this is how the structure in the business is formed. For the Personal Volume of each of your managers, you get a percentage already from the Group Volume. You, as a mentor, should help managers in finding clients and promoting NL products, as well as support them in the difficulties that arise. Remember, the more managers in your structure - the greater the turnover, then the income, respectively, is greater. This is the essence of building your own business in NL International.

— The greater the turnover of the Group Volume, the faster you reach a certain qualification, for which NL gives Mercedes - Benz. And do not rush to stop there. There is no financial ceiling here, there is something to strive for!

As you can see, the working conditions are quite simple. There will be a desire - there will be a result. Business that brings a decent income. If you are not yet registered with the company, follow the link: Registration of a manager in NL

Income or Divorce?

NL International is a serious company that has been promoting quality products on the market since 2000. Founded in Novosibirsk by a group of Russian entrepreneurs. Companies of this level do not breed their customers and partners. The company conquered the market, and was very liked by the youth and all consumers. Compared to other companies that cause only irritation, like the entire network, NL is very different in that it gives everyone who joins the work an opportunity to develop and grow. It also has a wide range of different products. One of the company's popular products among people different ages, there are: Energy Diet and. ""

NL International Best Employers in Russia 2016

Annually HeadHunter publishes a rating of employers in Russia. Participation in the rating is open and free for all companies. In 2016, the leading position in this rating is occupied by NL International. which is recognized as one of the best companies as employers, as well as the best in terms of the quality of their products.
Thousands of people in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Kyrgyzstan have become successful and received a car as a gift. On the Internet, you can find a lot of negative reviews and statements about the company, that this is a scam and you will not receive any money, and even more so the car. This is written by unsuccessful, envious people. While you sit and write a bunch of dirty comments, others are signing up, becoming partners in the NL and already making money. Instead of reading such reviews and trusting them, register with the company yourself and make sure that the business with NL is absolutely clean. Real company, quality products and real money. Many celebrities speak positively about NL International, they obviously will not sprinkle good words on a bad company, so as not to undermine their authority. After all, the audience of fans among influential people and artists is quite large. It’s bad, a sloth will say about the company, because in order to start making money in the NL, it’s not enough just to register, you need to start acting. Those who just sit and wait for the client to “knock” will naturally not receive a penny. Put in more effort, earn more. And remember that “under a lying stone, water does not flow”!

It is up to you to decide whether to be successful or continue to earn pennies for a long and tedious time, denying yourself all the pleasures. Change your life. Join NL International

NL International Earnings

There are no quick results in this business, you will not immediately receive 1,000,000 r per month. But, this million will be yours if you make every effort in the first stage of your business. The first half of the year, you work for the business, and after that it works for you. You can start your own business at NL International and earn from 40,000 rubles - 5,000,000 rubles or more. And receive as a gift from Mercedes in 1 year. All you need for this is to create a client base, connect partners - those who want to build their own business. Like-minded people contribute to the achievement of high results, since you have one goal. Thus, you will reach passive income very soon. Already thousands of people have joined the work and become successful.