Which CPM system to choose for the sales department? CRM systems - what is it. Rating of the best customer relationship management systems and their implementation How to sell a crm system

  • 01.12.2019

The increase in revenue is directly related to the management and control of the commercial department. In order for the work of employees to be visible, and for the manager to effectively manage the process and adjust it, CRM is needed.

The need for a CRM system for the sales department arises when the owner and managers begin to realize the following 4 points:

1. When processing the incoming flow of applications, leads begin to be lost, since there is no system for registering applications;

2. the tasks set for the transactions are not fulfilled or are fulfilled with a delay as a result of the "forgetfulness" of managers;

3. in conflict situations with buyers and sellers, it is impossible to listen to the recording of a telephone conversation;

4. It is impossible to track statistics on the actions taken by employees: the number of calls and their duration.

These 4 difficulties that arise at a certain stage of business development are just the first "heralds". In fact, to implement a CRM system for a department, you should not even wait for them. This is a very local approach.

CRM system for the sales department is a very powerful tool and leads to . The effect of its implementation averages 30%.

CRM system for the department solves 3 global goals.

1. Improving the quality and speed of processing initial applications

As well as increasing the loyalty of regular customers. This is due to the maximum development of the base. Smart software will simply not let you “forget” about the transaction and save information about all touches on the application. The correct setting allows one manager to work simultaneously with 400 clients and contributes to a turnover growth of at least 30%.

2. Process automation

Many processes need to be automated: and the establishment of deals for each application, the distribution of leads, correspondence, sending invoices / commercial proposals, etc. The CRM system for the department does all this with ease. She herself will signal to the manager if the transaction task is “hanging” at some stage, send a reminder to the buyer on behalf of the seller, contribute to the creation of a wow effect when she informs the employee that the recipient has opened the letter and now is the time to call him.

3. Organization and control

These functions are implemented by the CRM system for the sales department through the ability to configure filters for group tasks and daily staff reporting. The first is necessary to focus the efforts of the department, the second - to analyze the state and make decisions to change the situation.

Now many companies automate business processes, and it is important to set everything up right at once. You need:

  • Develop terms of reference for your needs (by reports / by functionality / by access rights).
  • Develop manuals for employees of the department on working in the system.
  • Include work in CRM as motivation.

It is important to understand that the statement - "small companies or businesses with a small number of customers do not need a CRM system for the sales department" is a myth. On the contrary, it is precisely these categories of enterprises that cannot afford to lose a single customer.

CRMsystem for the sales department: typical mistakes

CRM system for the sales department: control functions

Competent control by the head of the department contributes. This is where CRM comes in handy. In total, there are about 50 control functions. Let's take a look at a few of them.

1. Call listening function

Helps to control, train managers, correct errors in scripts. Its implementation is possible if you have integrated telephony and all the services necessary for quick dialing with a CRM system for the sales department. This feature is extremely important, as it is not only control. Recordings are used as material in internal trainings: the best and worst examples. They are also "material evidence" in conflict situations with buyers and managers.

2. The function of redistributing leads

Increases the percentage that the deal will be closed successfully if the manager is changed in a timely manner. If all the deadlines for receiving a clear answer from the buyer have expired, then it can be useful, as they call it in Western practice, to “change voice”, that is, change the performer. CRM for the sales department can do this automatically simply in accordance with the algorithms embedded in it and indicators of the length of the stages of the transaction.

3. ABCXYZ analysis function

It will help to define a buyer's portrait, segment customers, manage revenue volumes. From the CRM system for the sales department, data on the regularity and volume of purchases for each counterparty is uploaded. The same is done for the product. Then both buyers and products are ranked according to 2 criteria: volume and regularity of purchases. As a result, 9 groups are formed, for each of which certain decisions are made.

4. Objection handling function

It helps to analyze the reasons for refusals and find the necessary arguments to persuade you to buy. Depending on at what stage or for what reason the client refused to buy, a return strategy is developed. And where the lead is actually “stuck” is just easy to find out through the CRM system for the sales department.

5. The function of setting group tasks

Improves the quality and timeliness of service. This function of the CRM system for the sales department is difficult to overestimate, since it has the effect of instantaneous group organization of employees to perform a particular task. For example, you launch a marketing campaign, and in 2 clicks all employees involved in it receive the necessary scripts, contacts, letter templates and commercial offers.

6. Function "the best leads - to the best managers"

Allows you to get the maximum profit and is a way to motivate employees. The CRM system for the sales department must be configured in such a way that it first segments leads according to the criterion of warmth: cold, warm, hot. And then distributed them on this basis among different employees. This way you can “reward” or even “fine” individual sellers. The latter implies deprivation of access to hot contacts.

7. Automatic email function

Allows you to attract new customers. A CRM system for a sales department can generally "sell" itself. You need to properly set up the mailing chains of letters for customers from whom you are waiting for a decision. Perhaps one of the letters will serve as a decisive factor for this category of consumers. This feature can also be used prior to the launch of a new upsell product to current customers.

CRM system for the sales department: reporting

You need to control the workflow with the help of reporting. In total, reports can track up to 36 key indicators. Mandatory in the commercial department must be formed:

  • Daily reports of managers: payment plan for tomorrow, actual payment for today, payment plan for the week
  • "Board" for the current date
  • Sales channel reports
  • Reports on deals with a specific status
  • Reports on different funnel sections
  • Customer cost
  • Trade length
  • Pipeline (list of deals in progress)
  • Daily reports to monitor the work of managers
  • Reports on the fact and payment plans

It is important to understand that the "reporting" potential of different CRM systems for the sales department can be judged on their quality and flexibility. Pay attention to whether it is possible to control indicators in dynamics using the software package you purchased. This is necessary in order to evaluate the effectiveness decisions taken impact on different business processes.

CRM system for the sales department: setting up funnels

The head of the department should set up funnels in different sections:

→ For new clients
→ By current clients
→ By channels
→ By products
→ By target audience
→ By region
→ By employees

Funnels should analyze:

  • funnel entrance
  • output results
  • total conversion
  • conversion between stages
  • funnel length
  • the length of each stage of the funnel.

The data obtained makes it possible to decide where it is necessary to change, correct, improve the business process.

We want to immediately warn you that you do not fall into the other extreme. Without a CRM system, it is difficult for the sales department to develop. But it also makes no sense to purchase an overly complex CRM system for the sales department if the type of short deals prevails in the industry. It includes transactions up to 3 days long. In this case, a CRM system for the sales department with the ability to customize funnels may turn out to be an unnecessary luxury for you. Choose a product that will meet the real needs of the business. Such a CRM system for the sales department should maximize efficiency for transactions from the immediate category. Deferred demand in this case, most likely, is simply absent. And this means that if you do not sell, then in 5 minutes someone else will sell.

CRM system for the sales department: revenue and profit

The company's global goals are to increase turnover and profit. The work of CRM should contribute to obtaining the necessary data. So, to analyze the increase in revenue, it is necessary to obtain information about:

  • the number of applications;
  • the cost of circulation;
  • the proceeds received;
  • funnel conversions for new customers;
  • quantitative indicators of managers' activity.

To control profit, you need to extract data on:

  • number of applications by segments;
  • segment conversions;
  • profitability by segments;
  • purchase price;
  • effectiveness of different channels;
  • plan / fact by margin in the context of managers.

Based on this information, algorithms, scripts and loyalty programs for profitable segments are developed, and a decision is made to abandon unprofitable ones.

In addition, in the settings of the service, you need to lay down the “ability” to evaluate segments by profitability, by the value of previous transactions with customers, and prioritize based on this data.

CRM system for the sales department: preparatory stage

The standard looks like this: sent a commercial offer - received an answer ("yes" or "no"). However, some segments of the business are characterized by a preliminary assessment of the current state of the client. And this should be taken into account when choosing a program.

If you have non-standard stages of preparing a deal, do not agree with the developers' proposals to take a universal system. The settings will “fly”, and service support will require constant funding. Agree to "sew" a specific stage into the system.

CRM system for the sales department: work with current clients

3. Automatic "smart" work with leads. That is, CRM should be able to redistribute leads between sellers according to the degree of "warmth" depending on the qualifications of the employee, pick up requests with overdue tasks from some sellers and give them to others, help in the precise setting of group tasks for certain segments of the database.

CRM system for sales department

So, a CRM system is vital for the effective work of the sales department, full control, and reducing the negative impact of the human factor.

To avoid jambs, it is necessary to create instructions for personnel on working in the system. At the same time, entering data and order in CRM, at least for the first time, must be included in the employee motivation system - the payment of a soft salary will depend on this. It is important to wean sellers from keeping notes on paper and creating reports manually.

The system will be more efficient if it is integrated with IP telephony, a website, analytics from other systems, existing software (for example, 1 C).

It is important to use all available CRM functions for reporting, listening to calls, redistributing leads, analytics, setting group tasks, redistributing leads, etc.

In order to effectively manage the company and achieve maximum results, it is necessary to try to automate many commercial processes, including the interaction of employees with each other and work with the client base.

The use of specialized software makes it possible to conduct effective management activities, tracking and analysis of all stages of the conclusion of transactions.

To work with the client base, specialized programs are used - CRM. They allow you to create an information base about customers, contractors, suppliers and other third-party counterparties. CRM systems are successfully used in small businesses and allow companies to quickly solve current problems.

CRM system: what is it

Translated from English CRM (Customer Relationship Management) - customer relationship management.

These programs are responsible for organizing and automating interaction with customers and help increase sales.

CRM systems allow you to save all the necessary information about customers:

  • personal data;
  • preferences;
  • list of interests;
  • call and purchase history;
  • list of transactions.

Due to this data, companies are able to build effective work aimed at maximizing profits, based on the collection and analysis of the results.

Video - what is a CRM system and why it is beneficial to use them in business:

In fact, any program for keeping records of work with clients can act as a CRM system. The same Excel can be used to control all forms of interaction between a buyer and a seller. However, such a program is not capable of fully automating the process.

The difference between CRM-systems lies in the fact that they are designed for each specific business area, taking into account the specifics and products sold.

Why are they needed for small businesses

If a software will fully correspond to the direction of the company's activities and will allow solving problems specific to specific type activities, then the following results will be achieved:

  • increase in sales volume;
  • improving the service of the services provided when working with clients;
  • customer base optimization;
  • Improving the efficiency of the marketing and sales departments.

Video - why CRM systems are needed:

Key tools and features

The introduction of CRM-systems will expand the opportunities for doing business.

Video - how CRM systems work in the sales department to maintain a customer base:

The main software block includes sections that allow you to:

  • keep records of the client base and fill in information that will be available to other employees of the company;
  • interact with the list of existing contacts;
  • create ready-made commercial offers using built-in templates;
  • plan and set current tasks for employees and monitor the status of their implementation;
  • promptly receive reporting and analytical information;
  • coordinate and control the work between employees and individual structural units;
  • register transactions, draw up contracts and other reporting documentation necessary for the conclusion of contracts;
  • make calls to customers using the built-in Internet telephony system;
  • send commercial offers and send promotional emails;
  • analyze the fulfillment of tasks and the effectiveness of sales at any time interval using visual charts.


The market for customer relationship management systems has dozens of different programs that are applicable in various industries. A properly selected CRM system guarantees an increase in sales and an improvement in the service provided to customers.

Most companies do not use the full functional set of CRM, but focus on those features that are aimed at optimizing their business.

CRM systems can be conditionally divided into three categories:

  • information type;
  • analytical view;
  • collaborative type.

Information-type programs are a database of clients in which you can work with information on ongoing transactions and control the progress of sales. The ability to organize data allows you to instantly receive information on all customers, transaction histories and cooperation with clients.

Analytical type CRMs are an improved information option. Due to the extended functionality, it becomes possible to analyze the information received.

The tools of such programs allow you to control all business processes by compiling reports according to specified criteria. Analytical CRM systems use special templates and settings that display statistics on completed transactions, the number of goods and services sold, as well as the activity of the client base.

Collaborative CRM is the most advanced business software. It opens up opportunities to systematize and analyze incoming information.

The main feature is the presence of functionality for the correction and modernization of business processes. The program is suitable for entrepreneurs who are constantly trying to improve the service and quality of services provided.

Who will benefit

Before choosing a CRM system, you should decide - whether it is necessary for a particular business. Such programs are effectively used in those industries that work directly with customers and consumers of the final product.

CRM-systems are needed in those areas where customers are given the most attention, and the main emphasis is on expanding the number of interested buyers.

In the operation of an online store, phone calls and inquiries from new customers play a key role. In order to retain the old audience and systematically attract new customers, it is necessary to use a CRM system with integrated Internet telephony.

CRM systems are well suited for wholesale companies that work with both customers and suppliers. In such a business, it is important that all requests from customers are processed as quickly and efficiently as possible, orders are fulfilled, and buyers are satisfied with the completed transaction. This increases the number of active customers and loyalty to the supplier of goods or services.

CRM systems will not succeed with retail stores and companies working on long-term contracts. If every contract with new clients is concluded through personal meetings, no CRM system will give positive results.

Overview of popular CRM systems

Among the most popular systems are the following:

  • Bitrix24;
  • Megaplan;
  • Sails CRM.


Development of the company "1C-Bitrix". Allows you to keep track of potential and current customers. It is possible to integrate with online stores for efficient order processing. With its help, you can set tasks for employees and keep track of working time. The system captures all events up to the moment of the transaction and provides reporting data to improve efficiency. There are 8 reporting forms for sales analysis.

Bitrix24 CRM official website - LINK .

amoCRM is a cloud-based system for implementing the effective work of a company. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the company can independently choose the necessary set of tools that is suitable for a particular type of business. amoCRM allows you to automate and speed up personal work with clients through integrated communication channels (telephony, mailing list).

Video - overview of amoCRM sections:

Learn about amoCRM.


Megaplan is one of the top corporate CRM systems. With its help, you can conclude transactions, store and view all documentation, keep track of finances and set planned tasks for employees.

Ideal for team work. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the rapid implementation of the program and easy development for full-time employees. There is a free version that is ideal for small businesses.

AT free version Megaplan has a limit on the number of entered contacts and a ban on the use of a number of functions.

More detailed information you will find about this CRM system.


Sails-CRM is a program that allows you to keep track of customers and manage sales. Intuitive and simple interface makes it easy to get used to the work of Sails-CRM.

You can visit the official website of Sails-CRM by LINK.

Reliable assistant for your business

If you decide to develop your business and attract new customers, and the specifics of your business are suitable for their use, then CRM systems will become an indispensable assistant in optimizing work with your customer base.

Video - how one of the CRM systems for realtors works:

The natural function of the sales department of any organization is communication with customers, as well as further analysis of the effectiveness of interaction with the identification of "failures" or vulnerabilities. They are not necessarily critical: the lack of effect may be due not to the operator's lack of necessary skills, but to incorrectly chosen call times or an incorrectly composed main sentence.

Recording data by taking notes by hand or using Word or Excel “leaflets” (and a standard “Notepad” is enough for someone) is extremely difficult even for an experienced sales employee, not to mention the new generation of specialists. Fortunately, with the development information technologies a simple and convenient solution has appeared - allowing you to automate the process of the CPM system. Seven of them, reliable and free, will be discussed later.

What are CPM systems and why are they needed?

As usual, you should start from the beginning, that is, with the terms. CRM (CRM, less often CRM) is an abbreviation that stands for customer relationship management (literally - customer relationship management). For greater euphony, the phrase "system feedback with a client"; he should be given preference. However, as in the case of the indicator, in everyday life they use the abbreviation CRM adapted for the Russian language.

The main purpose of the CRM system is to achieve stable interaction with customers. Depending on the functionality of a particular software, paid or free, a sales manager can enter into the database:

  • contact details of each client;
  • his preferences;
  • the results and features of communication with him by phone or via e-mail;
  • current orders;
  • claims and wishes of the buyer.

Many software products can automatically generate a call schedule, notify the manager of the next contact time, and visualize information by generating graphs and forming a sales funnel. As a rule, such options are not included in free CPM systems, but an interested user can always find for himself best option: There is currently no shortage of such software.

Despite such a loud name, the CRM system for the sales department can be a familiar Excel document. Of course, if it serves to maintain specific records. So, let's consider what these systems are for.

Scope of CRM-systems

Businessmen can hear and know about the existence of such systems, but not understand for what purposes they need them. This is especially true for small and medium-sized businesses, when the customer base is small, and the sales department includes 2-3 people. The illusion of ease of control is created without additional programs. Installation of the system in more than 90% of cases shows the shortcomings that were made in the course of work before its installation.

The program is needed in order to:

  • Do not lose customers and do not miss a single incoming call. In the field of medium and small businesses, due to high competition, it is unacceptable to "scatter" buyers, albeit potential ones. A lot of financial and power resources are spent on attracting customers, so it is very important that they are not wasted. The CRM system will allow you to record every call and lead request.
  • Monitor employee compliance with sales regulations. Without standardized programs, everyone works the way they feel most comfortable (some with diaries, some with spreadsheets, etc.), which creates chaos. Calls are made from personal and work phones, letters are sent from different e-mail. Installing the system allows you to centralize the entire work process. All data will be stored in a single database, from which it will be possible to retrieve the necessary information at any time.
  • Accumulate a statistical base, which is important for the stable development of a business. All the information you need for your workflow is in one place. At any time, the manager has access to statistics on the effectiveness of the work of departments. Options allow you to create reports that can be used to assess the current state of affairs and build strategies for further action.

In fact, the benefits and capabilities of CRM programs are much broader. It all depends on the manufacturer.

How to choose a CRM program

Let's take a superficial look at how to choose a system and what you need to pay attention to first.

Server view

The program is available in two versions:

  • Saas - the system is located on the territory of the supplier. The client has access via online. As a rule, this is a browser and a mobile application.
  • Standalone - a license and a software package for installation are purchased. There is an opportunity to refine the system "for yourself".

In the first case, certain restrictions are imposed, for example, you cannot change anything in the product code. Another disadvantage of this choice is that access is possible only through an Internet connection. If the network is unstable, problems will arise. Sometimes the service provider may charge additional fees for backup and storage, which is an extra charge.

But there are advantages to choosing a Saas solution. For example, you do not need to worry about timely updates and develop a personal server.

When choosing a Saas solution, you do not need to worry about timely updates and develop a personal server.

Standalone allows you to supplement and remake the program "for yourself", i.e. add or remove solutions. It does not require the Internet, which guarantees stable operation.

Communication with telephony

It is important for the sales department that all calls are recorded, so check that the selected system has integration with telephony. This will save time on manually fixing contacts.

API integration

In addition to calls, other contacts with customers should be taken into account. Make sure the system is compatible and works well with your site. This includes:

  • Sending SMS and emails.
  • Correspondence by e-mail.
  • Phone calls through the browser.

Possibility of planning

When choosing a CRM system for the sales department, you need to look at the admissibility of building plans, setting goals and tracking their implementation. Employees should be able to set reminders for themselves. It is very good if, in addition to customers, employees will be able to conduct a work process among themselves.

Importing data

It would be useful to provide for the possibility of importing data. Moreover, you need to inquire about the formats of potential imports. So, some programs can load information from Excel documents, which is very convenient in experience. The less troubles the operation is carried out with, the easier the work process will be, the fewer mistakes will be made.

Now that the areas of application of the program are obvious, it will not be difficult to decide on the expediency of installing the system. If you want to keep a "hand on the pulse", constantly monitor the progress of sales - CRM is what you have been looking for!


In the age of rapid computerization, you will not surprise anyone with the automation of business processes. Warehouse and accounting have become commonplace, but the interaction with customers in the old fashioned way is not taken into account, and this would help optimize the process of cooperation. For this, there are CRM systems - what it is is described below.

What is a CRM system

The concept came from of English language- Customer Relationship Management System - and literally means a customer relationship management system. A literal translation cannot convey the entire description, so you should understand in more detail. It is impossible to define the value of a CRM system in one word, since it is not even software, but a business planning model centered on the customer.

To implement this process, information is collected about each client of the company, and then used to build effective relationships with them. The business would not be effective if it did not prioritize profit, and the implementation of the CRM-system just brings dividends from working with clients. An individual program of cooperation with each customer helps to retain existing customers and expand the base by attracting new ones.

The CRM is part of the company's unified database and is a complex architecture. This helps to automate the processes of working with customers, as a result of which the company is able to offer the client certain products or services exactly at the time when they are needed. Such a concept, when the consumer is put in the foreground, and not the product, makes the company competitive in the market.

The CRM system architecture consists of the following modules:

  • frontal part (provides service at points of sale);
  • operational part;
  • data store;
  • analytical subsystem;
  • distributed sales support system.

Free CRM system

The price of the systems varies greatly, but on the sites you can find free CRM systems, some of which are provided free of charge for permanent use, while others are only for the period of testing. Among the common ones are the following:

A free CRM system designed for sales teams with a simple and user-friendly interface. Great for integrating several departments into a single database for more efficient control over employees, scheduling their work and collecting all the necessary statistics. Thanks to the CPM system, it is possible to create a customer database that will reflect all contacts with him. She records phone calls for later analysis.


CPM system designed for centralized analysis of the enterprise and control of employees, as well as for maintaining common base about customers and sales, keeping the entire history of cooperation. Has several subsections where you can practice personnel matters, control and distribution financial flows, schedule tasks.

Monitor CRM Free (Lite)

The CPM system has extended functionality. Carries out management economic activity and its analysis. Does not require additional software, but is designed for one employee.

Quick Sales Free

It is a single-user application with which you can maintain a database list of customers and sales.

What is CRM for?

It is important for the company to ensure the coordinated work of all departments with clients. At this stage, it becomes clear why a CRM system is needed. Its implementation contributes to the organization of a joint approach to each customer, when in practice, for the most part, these departments work separately. The company only benefits from such mutually beneficial cooperation, since working in one bundle and in one direction not only increases the profit of the enterprise by reducing costs, but also helps to plan the company's future strategy.


The interaction of departments allows you to attract new customers and not lose old ones. This happens because each employee, referring to a single database, has the opportunity to see a detailed and complete picture of the buyer, on the basis of which a decision is made, which will be reflected in this database. All this is possible when the basic principles of CRM systems are observed:

  • Existence common center where information is stored.
  • The ability to interact with customers through all available communication channels: from telephone to social networks.
  • Conducting a continuous analysis of the collected information to make a decision on the further work of the company.


If we talk about the goal of introducing CRM systems as a stage in the development of management, then customer satisfaction will come first, since the influx of new customers while maintaining existing ones helps the company to develop intensively by increasing the number of sales. This can be achieved by analyzing the relationship between the company and customers, maintaining a competent and balanced tariff policy and using the right trading tools.

Implementation of CRM

To begin with, you should carefully study the offers on the market, paying more attention to those products that are widely used. The introduction of CRM systems will require training of employees, and in order for this process to go as quickly as possible, it is worth choosing programs with a simple and easy-to-understand interface. In addition, entering information into the database should not be difficult and time-consuming, since there is a risk that company employees will refuse to work with it.

Before you finally purchase the selected CRM system, it is recommended to use the trial version, which in practice will help you understand how convenient it is to use the program. The more employees will be involved in the process, the more effective the testing will be. In the process, you can identify missing features that can be purchased from developers.

CRM for small business

Because small businesses don't have a lot of Money, then at the initial stage it is extremely important to designate the functionality necessary for work. The right decision will be the acquisition of a CRM-system designed for sales. It is good if this program has a free period of use, since you can personally verify the need to use this product.

A small business CRM system should be simple and inexpensive. Priority should be given to those who have the opportunity to work via the Internet, to have interaction with services for sending letters, IP-telephony. Do not buy CRM-systems in which a large number of functions that are unnecessary for doing business. Among the most popular are the following:

  1. wire crm.
  2. AmoCRM.
  3. Megaplan.
  4. Client base.

CRM system for business

The development of "cloud" technologies has contributed to the effective implementation of CRM for big business. Development can be carried out according to the characteristics of a single company. The system is used at all stages of economic activity, it helps to carefully analyze the entire process and properly organize the work of the company and its employees. With the help of CRM-systems, it is possible to record and plan not only sales, but also material resources enterprises. They make it possible to conduct a correct marketing policy based on data analysis.

Types of CRM systems

If you determine what CRM systems are, then depending on functionality the following types can be distinguished:

  • sales management;
  • marketing management;
  • customer service and call center management.

Rating of CRM systems

What can influence the choice of CRM-system? First, the presence of certain functions that are present in the program. Secondly, it is the ease of use and the percentage of returns. The ability to use the product at any point, the successful organization of the work of the company's employees and the ability to plan economic activities make the CRM system an indispensable assistant in doing business. There are many small business solutions on the market, large enterprises and corporations:

  • AmoCRM. Designed for small and medium businesses. You can use it for free in test mode for the first two weeks. Used for customer service. It is possible with mobile application work anywhere online.
  • Bitrix24. There is no possibility of test use. More suitable for large companies. With the help of a CRM system, you can not only segment customers, but also plan working time to keep in touch with employees. Two options for using the system have been developed: through installation or online.
  • Pipedrive. There is a free trial for the first month. The interface of the program is very convenient and suitable for any business. Focusing on small and medium business, the developers did their best to eliminate unnecessary features from the CRM system, concentrating on sales. Operates through the "cloud" on the basis of services according to the SaaS model.
  • Megaplan. A demo version is available in the first two weeks of work. Ideal for small and medium businesses. It helps to monitor the fulfillment of tasks assigned to the company's employees, maintain a client base and effectively plan business processes. It is installed on the company's server or works via the Internet.


The full price of the CPM-system is calculated individually. In general terms, the price can be represented as a combination of several parameters - this is the cost of a license, implementation, training, and additional functions. The cost of introducing a product can be up to three times the cost of a license, but in most cases firms offer it at the level of 20-50%. Some include the cost of implementation in the cost of the license. Consulting services start at $25 per hour. Training of specialists and administrators depends on individual approaches.

The price of CRM-systems produced in Russia and foreign counterparts, excluding promotions (selectively):

How does a CRM system work?

The work of the CRM is simple, the only thing that needs to be done is the constant filling and updating of the database. To do this, you need to enter tasks here, display information about received calls and letters from customers. You need to complete as many tasks as you can, and try not to postpone tasks until a later time. You should constantly analyze in order to improve the work of the company.

CRM manager

The position of a specialist includes a number of activities, among which are the following:

  • database management, keeping it up to date;
  • interaction with clients and employees of the company;
  • making a CRM decision;
  • management of marketing projects, performance evaluation.

Client base

Application software automates the workflow. With it, you can control the execution of tasks by employees in the context of the entire company as a whole. The complex organizes customer relationship management: stores information about each contact, accepts applications, makes mailings. This version of the CRM system has the ability to work with documentation and create reports.


At the first stages, CRM for sales was created. Since the sale of goods is tied to consumers, marketing has actively joined this. With its help, all knowledge about the behavior of buyers is built, thereby exploring the needs of current and future customers. In the end, after analyzing all previous purchases, their number and the manifestation of interest in them, a specific offer is developed for a potential client.
