Sphere movement of volunteers. Volunteers and state social institutions. Who is the program for?

  • 01.07.2020

10 cool volunteer programs around the world

Sometimes there comes a moment when you want to drop everything and go to the ends of the world. Don't hold yourself back. Go rescue turtles in Thailand, teach Brazilian children, or sign up to volunteer at the UN. So you can see the world, learn foreign languages, find a bunch of new friends and, what can I say, make this world a little better.

We have collected for you ten real-life volunteer programs around the world. Accommodation and meals are almost everywhere free.

Teaching children in Thailand

Karenni Social Development Center invites volunteers to train young Karenni people living in northern Thailand. The task is to teach students of the social center English, ecology, international law and basic human rights. You will have to work for four hours from Monday to Friday. The center provides volunteers with free accommodation and three meals a day. You will live near the beach, so there should be no problems with leisure time left from work.

Requirements: English language Register here: https://sdcthailand.wordpress.com/

Helping children in Bolivia

Amanencer helps abandoned and orphaned children in Cochabamba, Bolivia. This is a Catholic organization, but you can become a volunteer here regardless of faith. Contract for a period of six months. You can engage in education, childcare, psychological and medical care- it all depends on your qualifications. If you love kids and want to do something good, then this option is for you.

Work on a farm anywhere in the world

The World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms organization helps to travel the world and learn about the cultures of different peoples. You will live in a family, and even with full board. You are only required to work on the farm for about four hours a day. Agree, picking pistachios in Israel is not the same thing as sitting your ass in a stuffy office. Relax, look at the world. The scheme is as follows: you choose a country, a farm where you would like to work, fill out an application and send it. The owner of the farm looks to see if everything suits him in you, and if everything is ok, he sends an invitation. Transport back and forth, as usual, is your own, and on the spot you will be met and surrounded by comfort and not particularly exhausting work.

Rescue turtles in Thailand

If you don’t see any special pedagogical abilities in yourself, but you still want to live in Thailand, then join the Naucrates environmental project. You will save sea turtles. The tasks of volunteers include monitoring beaches, collecting and processing data. You will tell the locals that the turtles are endangered, and then train new volunteers. The duration of the volunteer contract is 9-12 weeks. This is the only program presented where you will have to pay for accommodation and meals.

Teaching children in Peru

The Santa Marta Foundation invites volunteers to its Training Center in Peru. This is where the Incas, Machu Picchu, Titicaca, that's all. The Santa Marta Center tries to help homeless children and children from poor families. You can teach them the language, conduct cooking or computer courses, teach art, or suggest some kind of your own direction. Any initiative is welcome here. You will only have to spend money on a flight to Peru (we know that it is not cheap), and accommodation and meals will be provided.

Teach English in Honduras

Volunteer teachers from all over the world teach children from poor families at the bilingual Kofradia School near San Pedro Sela, the second largest city in Honduras. Lack of teaching experience is not a problem. The main thing is to have pedagogical abilities. In other words, love children and be able to captivate them with your ideas. In Honduras, such a distant country with a strange name, you will get an incomparable experience that will no doubt come in handy when you return home. By the way, knowledge of Spanish is not required, because all classes are held in English.

Teaching drawing to children from the Brazilian favelas

About 20 million people live in Sao Paulo, and most of the city's population lives in slums with beautiful name- favelas. These are shacks built with complete disregard for sanitary standards. MonteAzul strives to give children from the slums a decent education and the opportunity to subsequently escape from poverty. Volunteers from all over the world are welcome here. If you have any interesting skills or knowledge (music, drawing, exact sciences) that you can teach children, then this will be a plus. The work schedule is quite normal - from eight in the morning to five in the evening. This is a real opportunity to help poor kids and at the same time deeply study the culture and life of the Brazilians.

Volunteering in the Peace Corps

Volunteering in the Peace Corps is not suitable for someone who just wants to ride around the world, see others and show themselves off. It is worth signing up here if you really want to make the world a little better and are not afraid to overexert yourself. Because you will have to work on a par with ordinary employees of the organization. You can choose one of 75 countries around the world and feel free to go there. The areas of work are: agriculture, education, healthcare, ecology. It is not very difficult to get there, but when you return home you will have a recommendation from a very respected worldwide organization. They pay for airfare, full on-site provision, and even medical insurance. You will also receive a monthly stipend.

Rescue children in Mexico

Can you temporarily forget about your problems in order to solve other people's? Go to Mexico to teach orphans good, reasonable, eternal. NPH USA will help you channel your energy and connect with Latin American culture. To work with barefoot and grimy children, it is not necessary to have a pedagogical education. The main thing is a great desire to help children, and the opportunity to go there for six months. If you don't want to go to Mexico, you can choose another South American country. By the way, volunteers can travel as a couple. We are sure that such an adventure will refresh your relationship.

Volunteering at the UN

Participation in the UN volunteer program is as serious as in the Peace Corps, but there are many more opportunities. You can choose from one hundred and thirty countries. Where haven't you been yet? Volunteers usually work from six months to a year. At this time, they also receive a scholarship, full board, health insurance and an awesome resume entry with a recommendation from the United Nations.

Do you want to receive one interesting unread article per day?

If the price is not indicated in the description of the program, then the program is completely free. In any case, the basic requirement is knowledge of English, it is also necessary to attach a resume (CV) or motivation letter to the application for participation in the program (what exactly will be indicated in the response letter to the questionnaire request).

Photo Marathon In Reykjavik (Iceland)

Dates: 06/07/2016 - 06/16/2016.

Volunteers will attend workshops and lectures on the art of photography, explore the sights of Reykjavik, take pictures and eventually take part in a social photo exhibition. The main goal of the program is to draw the attention of the local population to social problems through photographs of the participants. Volunteers will be accommodated in a local hotel, food costs are included, but you will have to cook yourself. Participation fee - 220 euros.

Talking Walls/Creative Arts (India)

Dates: 07/18/2016 - 07/31/2016.

Volunteers will have to paint the walls on the RUCHI campus. The main themes of the drawings are love and peace, global warming, intercultural communication and learning. Volunteers will live in the village of Bandh, in a volunteer camp. Meals are included, but program participants will be required to assist the chef in food preparation from time to time. Participation fee - 200 euros.

Muktuk Adventures (Canada)

Dates: 05/15/2016 - 07/15/2016; 07/15/2016 - 10/15/2016.

The Muktuk organization in Canada is looking for volunteers for dog shelters and offers many different jobs: animal care, cooking, security, cleaning, serving visitors to the shelter. Mandatory requirement - love for dogs. Accommodation and travel are paid by the organization, the duration of the working day is from 8 to 12 hours. If you love dogs and dream of visiting Canada, then this offer is just for you!

Youth for Youth Project (Nepal)

Dates: 08/13/2016 - 08/25/2016.

Volunteers will be required to help organize events in certain sports and social events aimed at attracting the attention of young people to entrepreneurial activity. It will be possible to engage in leadership and direct organization or presentation of material for the youth of Nepal. Accommodation - in local families or hostels of the city of Kathmandu, meals included. Participation fee - 230 euros.

Archeology and Culture (USA)

Dates: 07/09/2016 - 07/23/2016.

Volunteers will be based in Allegheny, in rural New York. The area of ​​work includes small towns, forests and farms. Experience is not required as the volunteers will be trained on site by experienced archaeologists. This is an archaeological field school where volunteers learn about excavation techniques, soil sampling and artifact handling. The working day starts at 8:00 and ends at 17:00 (Monday to Friday). Volunteers will be housed in apartments within walking distance of the excavation site. Meals included.

To register for the program, you need to follow this link, add the program to the "Basket" and register. More information about the program can be obtained.

Center of the World (Turkey)

Dates: 07/21/2016 - 07/31/2016.

Volunteers will mainly communicate with local youth in order to help them learn English. From time to time, it will be necessary to help in decorating schools or landscaping local streets and parks. Volunteers will live in a hostel in the city of Akshehir, meals are included.

Since the host country is Turkey, the official website of the program is in Turkish. But don't be sad! To participate in the program, you need to go through online registration (in English) and choose one of the 50 programs offered by Genctur. In this case, we are interested in the Center of the World program with the code GEN -22. More information about the volunteer camp can be obtained by sending an email to: [email protected]

Maki Farm (Japan)

Dates: 06/15/2016 - 06/26/2016.

Volunteers will help Japanese farmers in rice fields and vegetable plantations with weeding, planting various crops, as well as caring for animals and doing housework at the Kyodo Gakusha Maki Farm in Nagano Prefecture. Be prepared to work for quite a long time - from 5:30 to 18:00 with breaks.

Marburg (Germany)

Dates: 06/18/2016 - 07/2/2016.

Participants will work handmade to prepare the squares of Marburg for the holidays. This includes cleaning the area, gardening, decorating, setting up tents. Hours: 4 to 5 hours a day, four days a week. Volunteers will live in the camp. Each group is separately engaged in the purchase of products and cooking. There are lectures and/or excursions almost every day. Basic knowledge of the German language is required. Participation fee - 160 euros.

Sustainable Development Camp (Thailand)

Dates: 06/13/2016 - 06/25/2016.

Volunteers will teach local villagers (Klongla area) English using a creative approach. Also, help will be needed in the construction of houses for the volunteer camp. But still the main goal is communication with Thais. Accommodation - in a local hostel, meals included. Additional participation fee is THB 9,000.

Teaching With Volunteer (Uganda)

Dates depend on the chosen program.

This organization is dedicated to supporting communities in countryside in southwestern Uganda. The main goal is to help achieve permanent, sustainable development of infrastructure, improve the level of education, create new jobs, and improve the health of the population. Volunteers can choose activities based on their interests. Opportunities exist to educate both children and adults, become a researcher into the causes of poverty in Uganda and look for ways to solve this problem, or even try your hand at football coaching.

Cultural Heritage Preservation and Promotion (China)

Dates: 07/05/2016 - 07/14/2016.

The history of the city of Fuzhou has had a profound effect on Chinese culture in general, but now the authorities are worried about the loss of interest in folk art. Organizers summer camp invite volunteers to study Chinese, calligraphy, traditional wood carving, organize charity fairs where items will be put up for sale folk art, as well as participate in the discussion of the topic of preserving cultural heritage.

International Humanity Foundation

The dates of the event depend on the choice of priorities when filling out the questionnaire.

The company offers many opportunities for volunteers not only in summer, but also at other times of the year. The IHF aims to provide volunteers with the big picture of poverty around the world. If you become a volunteer in one of the IHF centers, you will take practical courses and help the poor, as well as learn administration and general management organization.

It is possible to work either from home or while traveling. The organization needs volunteers in centers in Thailand, Indonesia and Kenya, and the IHF can take you on an amazing journey to volunteer in one of the suggested countries. If you are interested in volunteering to work from home, you will be able to complete tasks that require 1 to 4 hours per week and range from paperwork to Maintenance website. You will be able to choose what kind of work you would like to do.

Blue Mahal - Art of Living (India)

Dates: 1.08.2016 - 14.08.2016.

The main goal of this project is to draw attention to the environmental problems of India from the side local residents. The work consists of teaching children from poor families and marginalized communities in English math, hygiene and health promotion, and how to interact with the environment. The basis of learning is creative, includes games, singing, and so on. Accommodation - in a rented house with shared rooms in the city of Jodhpur, meals - Indian cuisine three times a day. Attention, there is an additional charge of INR 14,000.

Maya Universe Academy

Volunteers can try themselves in any role in the field of education, construction, agriculture and management. The organization helps volunteers choose jobs by matching their interests, experience and desires with the needs and resources of the camps while volunteering. This summer, volunteers are sent to either a school in India or an agricultural camp in Kathmandu. The company covers all food and lodging expenses for long-term volunteers, while short-term volunteers must contribute $10 per day.

YMCA Fairthorne Group

Dates depend on the choice of program.

The YMCA is looking for volunteers to work with children and youth as instructors and group leaders. Volunteers will be trained in various active games and activities such as water games, rope games, forest survival skills training. You can also take up teaching English classes for other volunteers.

"He who does nothing for others,
does nothing for himself"

The assertion that the volunteer movement is an element social responsibility and the highest manifestation of a developed civil society, not by chance. Today, the role of the volunteer movement is becoming increasingly important for social development society.

Modern society, more than ever, needs to realize the need and importance of volunteer movements. Both the state and citizens are concerned about the development of volunteering in our country. Increasingly, in the messages of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly, the importance of developing volunteering is heard.

The development of volunteering is important both for society as a whole and for its individual sectors, as well as for the volunteers themselves. For an individual, participation in volunteering contributes to self-realization and self-improvement, provides an opportunity to gain new knowledge and experience, which, of course, is important especially for young people, as well as the opportunity to feel socially significant and socially useful. Volunteer work helps the state to more effectively solve the problems facing it and society. The development of volunteering contributes to the formation of civil society, serves to enhance the role of non-profit and public organizations. Volunteering has a positive effect on the social and economic development of the country as a whole, helping to solve socially significant problems. Corporate volunteering is one of the most important ways to demonstrate the social responsibility of business. Volunteering has a positive effect on the education system as well. the involvement of schoolchildren and students in this type of activity contributes to the formation of an active life position among young people, develops their skills, improves knowledge, and supports the patriotic spirit.

Social responsibility and socially oriented society. The term social responsibility in the broadest sense is defined as responsibility for given promises, as well as obligations to people (society). Speaking about social responsibility, it should be noted that it is based on the social nature of human behavior, because life in society imposes certain obligations on each of its members.

In 1961, the basic principle of the society of the future was proclaimed in the USSR: "Everything for the sake of man, everything for the good of man." At that time, the attitude to this thesis was ambiguous. Decades later, this slogan in a number of countries was transformed into the idea of ​​building a socially oriented society, which was reflected in their constitutions and other documents. The Constitution of Russia states: “The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person.”

Thus, the basis of the concept of the society of the future was proclaimed MAN, his rights and freedoms, as well as guarantees for their provision, and, above all, the right to work and a decent life. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the post-Soviet republics, the vast majority of the population faced the inability of the state to fulfill its obligations to provide social protection to its citizens. Dozens and hundreds of enterprises were closed, which led to the emergence of millions of unemployed. The old institutions of the Soviet era turned out to be ineffective under the new conditions, and some were completely liquidated in the heat of transformation, sometimes carried out on the recommendations of foreign advisers.

The modern socially oriented economy is characterized by the following development trends:

  • change in the composition and scale of the social sphere;
  • qualitative renewal of traditional service industries;
  • change in the social model of a person, etc.

Forming in modern society a socially oriented economy is gradually creating the prerequisites for building a multi-level system of social responsibility, involving this process of all business entities, the state and society as a whole. A socially responsible process is the interaction of the state, business and society at all levels, aimed at effective solution tasks of a social and economic nature, while maintaining a balance of interests of all parties involved. A multi-level system of social responsibility can function thanks to the active socially responsible activity of the state, society and civilized entrepreneurship at all levels.

According to many experts, business is considered the main subject of social responsibility.

The concept of corporate social responsibility (or social responsibility of business) is now widely used throughout the world. For modern companies in order to remain competitive, it is necessary to focus not only on material, but also on social aspects in the course of its activities, i.e. take into account the impact of these activities on workers, consumers and society.
The emergence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is generally attributed to the middle of the 20th century, while the emergence of the very concept of corporate social responsibility began somewhat earlier, namely, in the period of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. This period is associated with the coming of understanding that the existing economic model society, striving for a rough material calculation and based only on the extraction of benefits, inevitably tends to self-destruction. In this regard, the paramount task is to find a balance between the desire to obtain the maximum material utility and the spiritual aspirations of a person. Thus, the realization gradually came that a business should focus not only on material, but also on social aspects in the course of its activities, as well as the impact of this activity on employees, consumers and society, i.e. help in every possible way in solving various social goals of society.

It is today that the social responsibility of business and the state is of particular importance, contributing to the reduction of social upheavals in society. Social responsibility is a complex, multifaceted category, there are a large number of various areas and forms of social responsibility, which are being developed both in the scientific and business environments. The subjects of social responsibility can be: business, state, society, individual. These subjects, depending on the situation, can also act as objects of social responsibility. In addition, socially responsible actions can extend to nature and culture, the consumers of which are all named subjects. The degree of involvement of subjects in social responsibility largely depends on the degree of development of civil society.

Civil society. The concept of civil society is inextricably linked with the social responsibility of society. The basis of civil society are public organizations- these are various human rights organizations, environmental, educational, sports, volunteer associations and other non-profit organizations.

The state, through public policy, society, showing its position through the institutions of civil society, business, moving forward thanks to the institution of civilized, responsible entrepreneurship, together ensure the effective functioning and management of socially responsible actions of business, the state and society at all levels.

It should be emphasized that it is the state that forms and implements the system of social responsibility not in isolation from the whole society, but together with it. This approach makes it possible to prevent the likely emergence and manifestation of sharp contradictions, and ensures a sufficient degree of coordination between the actions of society and the state in the formation of an active socio-economic space.

The social policy mechanisms of the multi-level system of social responsibility are aimed at providing social support to the population, reducing social inequality, achieving social harmony in society, etc.

The idea of ​​civil society arose in the middle of the 27th century, and the term itself was first used by G. Leibniz (1646-1716), a German philosopher, scientist and public figure. A significant contribution to the development of the problems of civil society was made by T. Hobbes, J. Locke, S. Montesquieu. In their opinion, civil society is a non-state part of socio-political life, a set of social relations, formal and informal structures that provide conditions political activity person, satisfaction and realization of various needs and interests of the individual and social groups and associations, including the needs of helping those in need.

In the modern sense, civil society is a stable system social relations determining public interests and arising at a certain, historically determined stage of the development of society. This is a certain system of limiting the omnipotence of the state, establishing interaction between the state and society, as a result of which both the state and society change.

Civic duty becomes a conscious system civil claims society and the state, and civic responsibility becomes an organic property of the individual, primarily the ability of the individual to self-control. Civil activity of a person is manifested in the solution of socially significant tasks based on respect for the laws of the state without infringing on the sense of personal freedom and the ability of the individual to have convictions.

The concept of civil society is inextricably linked with the social responsibility of society, since the basis of civil society is public institutions - these are various human rights, women's, children's, veterans', youth organizations, environmental, educational, sports, volunteer associations and other non-profit organizations.

Volunteering as the future of a global society. The concept of "volunteer" comes from the French word "volontaire", which takes its roots from the Latin language, namely from the Latin word "voluntarius", which literally means "volunteer, willing".

A volunteer or a volunteer is someone who, at his own request, according to his desire, undertakes to carry out some business. In this regard, the concepts of "volunteer movement", "volunteering", "volunteering" will be used by us as synonyms.

The history of volunteerism shows that volunteer work has always involved broad sections of the population, regardless of profession, income and level of education. Membership in volunteer movements has no religious, age, racial or gender restrictions. Every year volunteering becomes more and more popular in the world.

Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations, commented on volunteering: “At the heart of volunteerism are the ideals of service and solidarity and the belief that together we can make this world a better place. In this sense, it can be said that volunteering is the ultimate expression main goal existence of the UN.

Since 1985, on December 5, volunteers from all over the world have been celebrating the International Volunteer Day, established by the UN. By decision of the UN General Assembly, 2001 was declared the International Year of Volunteering, and ten years later, by decision of the European Commission, 2011 was officially declared the Year of Volunteering in Europe. Thus, the UN recognized the importance of the volunteer movement and called on all countries of the world to take measures to support it.

Volunteering, like any activity, can be organized and unorganized, carried out in a group or individually, in private or public organizations. Unorganized (spontaneous) volunteering can be defined as one-time, one-time, episodic assistance to those in need. Organized volunteering is most often defined as a regular activity carried out with the assistance of non-profit public or private organizations.

The forms of volunteering are diverse: both one-time charitable events and actions, projects and grants, targeted programs, camps, and those carried out on an ongoing basis. Within the framework of these activities, feasible social, cultural, economic, environmental problems of society are solved.

The volunteer movement is developing in various directions:

  • prevention and control of drug addiction, alcoholism and HIV infection;
  • assistance to needy pensioners, orphans and children left without parental care, seriously ill people and the disabled;
  • protection and restoration of historical spiritual and architectural values ​​(objects and territories);
  • assistance in organizing and participating in the maintenance of socially significant events (sports, scientific, cultural, etc.), education and spiritual development of the individual, propaganda healthy lifestyle life;
  • protection environment;
  • assisting victims of conflicts and disasters by compensating for the loss of vital livelihoods;

Adopted at the XIth World Conference of Volunteers of the International Association of Volunteer Efforts (IAVE) in September 1990 in Paris, the Universal Declaration of Volunteering formulated the basic principles of volunteering:

  • recognition of the right to association for all men, women, children, regardless of their race, religion, physical characteristics, social and financial status;
  • respect for the dignity and culture of all people;
  • mutual assistance and provision of gratuitous services;
  • recognition of the equal importance of both individual and collective needs;
  • encouraging and stimulating the initiative and creativity of people;
  • stimulating a sense of responsibility, encouraging family, collective and international solidarity.

It can be argued that volunteering is aimed at building a socially responsible society by providing citizens with the necessary social services. It is based on altruism, selflessness, nobility, publicity, humanism, voluntariness, lawfulness, mercy, responsiveness, selflessness, compassion and humanity.

Place and role of volunteering in modern Russia. In Russia, volunteering in the modern sense began to take shape in Russia only in the late 80s and early 90s. XX century. Today it is based on the main provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (1995), the Law of the Russian Federation "On charitable activities and charitable organizations" (1995), the Law of the Russian Federation "On public associations"(1995), project federal law“On Philanthropy, Patronage and Volunteering”, developed by the Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia.

In our society, there is an urgent need for the development of the volunteer movement. This is largely due to the unresolved social problems, as the growth of child orphanhood, neglect and crime among young people, an increase in the proportion of older people, alcoholization of the population and an increase in drug addiction, environmental problems. In this regard, volunteering becomes one of the important tools socialization of the population.

According to the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the contribution of Russian volunteers to the country's GDP is 14.5 billion rubles, which is significantly lower than the level of developed countries. If the share of volunteers in the economically active population of Russia reaches the level of such countries as the USA, Australia, Germany or Belgium, then the contribution of Russian volunteers to the country's GDP will be equivalent to 100 billion rubles a year. If Russia reaches the level of Sweden, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Great Britain or Austria in terms of the involvement of the population in the volunteer movement, the contribution of Russian volunteers will be 200 billion rubles.

Russia's lagging behind other countries is largely due to the relatively low share of budget financing non-profit organizations(NPO). According to research by the Boston Consulting Group, in Russia the budgetary funding of NGOs is 2–3 times lower than the level of funding abroad. The developers of the Support Program for Socially Oriented NPOs (SO NPOs) came to the conclusion that in addition to reducing social tension in society, an increase in funding could bring a direct budgetary effect by increasing the number of volunteers and their total contribution to GDP.

For example, volunteer movements can be created on the basis of charitable organizations (foundations) with an existing material and technical base (or it is created for a specific project). In other cases, at the expense of own financing and the material base of volunteer associations, holding charity fairs, master classes, etc.

State funding of charitable organizations, which are the material base of volunteer movements, is most often of a one-time and one-time nature. An example is Charitable Foundation assistance to children with oncohematological and other serious diseases "Give Life". The Fund is not financed by the state on a permanent basis, but the exception is a one-time grant for work on voluntary non-reimbursable donation in 2010, which was issued by the Public Chamber, the grant amounted to 700 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, the fund covers the main financial and other needs on its own by attracting philanthropists and volunteer assistance.

A number of regions of Russia: Moscow and St. Petersburg, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Karelia, Perm and Krasnodar Territories, Samara, Tver, Lipetsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Sverdlovsk Regions have accumulated positive experience in supporting and developing volunteering.

Volunteer organizations in Russia are focused mainly on attracting young people, who are seen as the main resource. In Moscow there is a state state-financed organization"Youth Center of the South-Eastern Administrative District" Youth Commonwealth "", operating in the structure of the Department of Family and Youth Policy. It is designed to promote the creation and development of a volunteer movement in universities, to stimulate the implementation of their own socially significant projects, etc.

One of the most common areas of volunteer activity is helping orphans and children left without parental care. The emotional component plays a big role here. Work in orphanages includes not only one-time promotions collecting the necessary things, gifts for the New Year, organizing leisure activities for children, holding concerts, master classes, helping to educate children. It can continue after the release of children from orphanages, which is no less important.

Charitable foundation "Volunteers to help orphans" provides:

  • prevention of social orphanhood;
  • assistance to children in hospitals and orphanages;
  • promotion of family organization.

The organization of assistance not only to children, but also to their future parents, helps to solve legal problems related to the registration of children in foster families, but also the provision of psychological assistance.

A common form of volunteering is helping medical institutions where there is often a shortage of junior staff. Volunteers visit patients, communicate with them, read aloud, organize walks, on duty, etc. Volunteers initiate the organization of non-profit foundations to raise funds for the treatment of specific patients.

An example of volunteering in the environmental field is the volunteer center "Chipmunk" - one of the activities of the environmental education center "Zapovedniki".

Volunteering in the field of culture is focused on participation in the restoration of architectural monuments of historical value, in museums - work with tourist groups. The volunteer movement can also exist in the form of attracting volunteers for a separate large short term project. Thus, as a result of the All-Russian competition held by the Organizing Committee "Sochi-2014" together with the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy and the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, 26 educational institutions from 23 constituent entities of the Russian Federation received the right to establish volunteer training centers for the Sochi Olympics in 2014.

Volunteer groups can be formed in other ways. For example, volunteer micro-communities (a new phenomenon for Russia) are created by the so-called “new people” (aged 20-40), mostly urban Internet users. In a microcommunity, there is usually a core (3-4 people) who are involved in all organizational work aimed at realizing an idea. A group of “supporters” is formed around the core, supporting the activities of the community financially (with finances, material values, etc.). Examples of such microcommunities are groups in in social networks focused on helping those in need.

Emergencies can also be an incentive to volunteer. Vivid examples are the participation of the population in the elimination of forest fires in 2010, the consequences of the flood in the city of Krymsk in 2012.

The weakness of the volunteer movement in Russia can be explained by:

  • difficult economic situation population;
  • the crisis state of many non-profit and government organizations;
  • underdeveloped legal framework;
  • insufficient information base;
  • underdevelopment of civil society institutions;
  • low prestige of volunteering due to social stereotypes.

It is difficult to instill the ideas of volunteering when a part of the population has a stereotype that if a person is engaged in honest work, for the benefit of society and free of charge, then at least he is strange or completely a failure. That is, creating a positive image of a volunteer, popularizing the ideas of volunteering is one of the urgent tasks for Russia. It would be advisable to turn to the experience of the United States. American law allows for the provision of various kinds of privileges to volunteers, for example, receiving free educational services.

In 2005, in order to attract the attention of the state and society to the development of volunteering, as well as to increase its prestige and form a positive public opinion A national public award in the field of volunteerism was established. The Government of the Russian Federation approved the Concept for Assistance in the Development of Volunteering and Charity in the Russian Federation.

Active participation in the development of the institution of volunteering, and thus in the creation of a developed civil society, as well as in increasing the social responsibility and activity of Russian citizens takes Russian center development of volunteering.

Measures in the field of the development of the volunteer movement can be based, first of all, on the dissemination of the practical experience of the regions. Widespread promotion of volunteerism in all media will bring significant benefits to society and will contribute to the growth of civic consciousness of the population. Yes, and religious organizations could make a much more significant practical and informational contribution to this noble cause.

Formation of state policy in the field of spiritual and moral education of the population, a ban on the use of air time in electronic means media for the distribution of programs that promote violence and base manifestations - problems that need to be addressed immediately.

Legislators and heads of executive power at all levels can and should make their contribution to this process. The latter in terms of developing regional and municipal targeted programs to support volunteering.

It is necessary to organize professional training of specialists in the field of youth volunteering. The legal and regulatory framework for financial support and incentives for individuals and legal entities involved in volunteering needs to be improved if the state is not able or for other reasons is not able or cannot currently fully deal with social problems.

The mechanism for supporting and developing volunteering should be based on international and domestic experience, for which it is necessary to actively develop cooperation in the field of volunteering with the International Association of Volunteer Efforts (IAVE), European Center Volunteers (СEV), the United Nations Volunteer Program (UNV), and most importantly, with similar organizations in the post-Soviet space.

Agree - most people around think that traveling around the world is always very expensive. However, there great way travel is almost free volunteer work. Although you need to make a reservation - this option is not suitable for everyone, but only for positive and not lazy people.

On the picture: volunteers rescuing turtles is an interesting and difficult task

"Turtle Teams" are scattered in dozens of countries, members of volunteer teams constantly move around the world as part of their projects. People come together to help sea turtles and other marine animals that are on the verge of extinction. Good diving skills are a must for volunteers this direction.

2. Volunteers through the Help Exchange

In the photo: volunteers choose the place and type of work themselves

On the Help Exchange site, you can view lists of all hosts around the world who need additional labor. As a result, the volunteer will be able to live in a new unusual place, well, and slowly work in construction, in the hotel business or in agriculture. It is worth negotiating with European hosts in advance.

3. Conservation Volunteers: Australian volunteers

In the photo: volunteers look after the cleanliness of the coast of Australia

Australian voluntary conservationists are making a real difference in improving the nature of the "green continent". The range of tasks of volunteers is work on the protection of nature (coast, islands, parks), as well as the development of ecotourism, mainly in Australia. The British version of the foundation is BTCV (British Trust for Conservation Volunteers), www.btcv.org.uk.

4. Volunteer teachers from the Sudan Volunteer Program

Do you know English? Then you can arrange a very unusual trip for yourself. The volunteer program is focused on teaching children and students of Sudan a foreign language.

5. Appalachian Helpers: Appalachian Trail Conference Center

In the photo: maintaining the famous “Appalachian Trail” in order is a difficult and exciting business.

Volunteers from across America have been working for years on a project to preserve 250,000 acres of green land in the Appalachian mountains, from Maine to Georgia. Lots of work on fresh air, - volunteers become builders, guides, rangers, help ecologists, etc. :)

6. Peace Corps Universal Soldiers Volunteers


In the photo: volunteers are not afraid of any work

Peace Corps Volunteers - an analogue of the Soviet "construction teams". For many young Europeans, this is an interesting opportunity to live and work in a new country, in unusual conditions. Volunteers participate in projects, working in various fields - from healthcare to saving the environment, etc. In addition to this organization, there is also an American project VSO (Voluntary Services Overseas - Voluntary Services Overseas) www.vso.org.uk.

7. United Nations Volunteers

Pictured: UN volunteers helping in Indonesia

These UN Volunteers specialize in emergencies and extreme events. Volunteers are the first to respond to natural disasters, social phenomena and various non-standard situations, saving people and providing assistance in various situations. Work for the most fearless and caring people.

8. Volunteers or agritourists from WWOOF

Pictured: Volunteers work on a farm in Greece

There is a kind of townspeople who from time to time are drawn closer “to the ground”. There is always an opportunity for them to work on farms. Farmers who ask for volunteer help provide them with housing and food in return. The site has a directory of countries and farmers. Volunteer - agritourist needs to choose a place and agree on the terms and conditions of stay. Today the WWOOF exchange cooperates with farmers from 53 countries. True, registration in wwoof is paid.

Have you tried "volunteer style" travel?

New: Volunteer Club!

All news, applications and proposals regarding volunteer work, please post in the Volunteer Club community here

“. We provide answers to different different questions about volunteering. You can trust our answers! Experienced volunteers working today, coordinators of volunteer groups, specialists and experts share their knowledge, thoughts and experience.

Volunteers and state social institutions

A letter from the Ministry of Labor and social protection from the Deputy Minister. The Ministry is discussing legal regulation volunteer activities in the field social service, in order to fulfill the instructions of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev dated April 10, 2015

We are asked to provide our expert opinion on the following issues:

  • on the expediency of involving volunteers and volunteer organizations in activities in the field of social services;
  • on legislative consolidation legal status such participants in the relationship;
  • on the degree of participation (assistance in participation) in the provision of social services, the volume of such assistance, the nature and scope of the functions performed;
  • on registration of relations, for example, within the framework of the conclusion of contracts of a civil law nature;
  • on keeping records (registration) of volunteers employed in the field of social services (accounting for their activities); in education (training): in other areas.

We publish the answer of the head of the "Danilovtsev" Yuri Belanovsky to the questions asked.

a) I believe that the involvement of volunteers and volunteer organizations in cooperation with social service organizations is advisable for 4 reasons:

  1. There is a request from social institutions for the provision of charitable, including volunteer assistance. We met with the following requests: assistance in caring for the wards, organizing the leisure of the wards (holidays, concerts, constant daily leisure), walks with the wards, training and development of the wards, assistance to staff in cleaning and repairing the premises, cleaning the surrounding area. We heard about the same requests from representatives of other regions.
  2. There is a request from the wards themselves to participate in their lives as volunteers, to make up for what cannot be given in the state system. This is primarily about human communication, simple leisure, attention, friendship, learning some household skills, walking, etc.
  3. Often forgotten, but there is a request from young people, mostly 22-30 years old. These people have enough time, they are active in themselves. Young people consciously and responsibly want and are ready to help their neighbors in social institutions. There are a lot of active youth. It represents serious potential. According to our estimates, 10-15 thousand active young people annually pass through social NGOs in Moscow, those who can be considered the basis of civil society. I suppose that more people go through university and near-state (such as "Mosvolonter") youth organizations, one way or another affecting a social topic.
  4. Young people need to develop socially and morally and gain experience in responsible civic life. Social volunteering is a serious school. This also corresponds to the state youth policy.

b) Based on the experience of the Danilovtsy volunteer movement, it can be argued that the participation of volunteers in the work of social institutions is possible on the following conditions:

  1. Volunteers cannot be perceived as free labor. They are independent free people who are willing and ready to help. Relationship with them is an equal partnership.
  2. When organizing cooperation, it is necessary to proceed from the personal desire (motive) of the volunteer and in accordance with the desire to involve him in this or that activity. "Motivating" unprepared people is possible, but it requires a lot of attention to them and control. "Motivation" in the end is not effective.
  3. Volunteer work, training and support must be organized by either a social institution or an NGO on behalf of which the volunteer works.
  4. We need a clear contract (this is not about the legal side of the matter) from which it is clear what the volunteer should do, when and how much. Who is responsible for what? What will be the result?
  5. Volunteers must have their own operator - NPO. An NPO must have an agreement with a state institution. The main tasks of attracting, training, supporting volunteers lie with the operator. Operator and guarantor of existence and compliance with the rules.
  6. The admission of volunteers from the street is not allowed. We know cases when a state institution lets everyone out of the street. This is sometimes beneficial for a state institution - no costs and no responsibility, first of all. But in the end, the wards may suffer
  7. It is unacceptable for volunteers to replace those positions that actually should be occupied by staff. The responsibility of a volunteer, in fact, by his nature, unfortunately, is always minimal.
  8. It is unacceptable to equate volunteers with employees of institutions in terms of requirements and conditions. For example, equal requirements for medical certificates, etc. are unacceptable.
  9. Priority, but not mandatory team work of volunteers

If the conditions are met, our experience speaks of the possibility of creating long-term and effective and regular projects.

You can read more about this topic in my following articles:

  • 8 theses about volunteering:
  • Why are there no volunteers in Moscow hospitals?
  • What's wrong with spontaneous volunteering?
  • What can be volunteer centers in Russia? http://www.aif.ru/opinion/1019723
  • How can volunteers avoid drowning in formalism?

e) On the legal status.

Assigning a legal status to a volunteer or volunteer organization is important. However, the existing legislation will completely determine this status. There are norms that require correction, but on the basis of existing laws, it is quite possible to work. Excessive regulation volunteering can harm social volunteering.

Registration of relations between a volunteer and a state institution is not required if the volunteer is a member of an NGO that has entered into an agreement with a state institution. The NPO takes on all the work of attracting, selecting, preparing, training, providing psychological support to volunteers, monitoring them by coordinators, etc.

The participation of volunteers in the provision of social services is possible and in demand. What is said above. The whole question is technological. It is very important! The question is to create the right social technology! Can the right mechanisms for interaction between state institutions and volunteer NGOs be found?

The essence of the technology is as follows. The lack of resources and assistance - and this is precisely the position social institutions often find themselves in - is compensated by the social tension (popularity) of the topic and the provision of freedom to volunteers.

It is impossible to set a goal for the services of volunteers without providing them with resources and demanding some expected result.

It is known that Russians most of all want to help orphans and sick children. Helping the elderly and the homeless is not so popular. Helping sick adults is not popular at all. Leisure activities for children are popular. Assistance to staff in patient care is not very good. technical work, cleaning and so on - few people are interested. However, it is possible to attract volunteers in any areas. The question is the opportunity to invest in work with volunteers.

For example, Pediatric oncology is a socially sensitive topic. Children's leisure is a positive popular topic. This means that creative activities with children in hospitals are in demand from volunteers. Consequently, NGOs are ready to organize children's leisure time in hospitals without asking anything from state institutions. But washing floors or cleaning toilets is unpopular. This means that when organizing volunteer participation, investments are needed in attracting people, in motivation, etc.

More details can be found in the articles:

  • Law on Volunteers, let's talk on the merits: http://www.aif.ru/society/39521
  • About the presidential decree and volunteers
  • What do the authorities not know about volunteers and why should they know? http://www.aif.ru/society/opinion/1091182

e) Separately, it is worth mentioning why volunteering costs money.

f) In addition, I propose to get acquainted with important materials directly related to the topic under discussion:

  • How to attract volunteers?
  • How to become a volunteer?
  • How to become the best volunteer?
  • Can ordinary people volunteer at the hospice? http://www.aif.ru/opinion/945952
  • About the graveyard of charitable startups.