Major digital agencies

  • 13.11.2019

Digital technologies a long time ago firmly entered into life modern man– this is precisely the reason for the emergence of numerous digital agencies offering services in a wide variety of areas of human activity.
Digital agencies develop all kinds of Internet resources and actively promote them, organize exciting advertising campaigns, are not afraid to work with narrow categories of clients and constantly research and improve both their skills and modern Internet technologies. However, not all of them can boast of the same productivity and success - some agencies quickly break into the top of the most popular, while others remain known only to a small circle of clients. What does the rating of popular digital agencies look like?

Digital agencies for contextual advertising

  • ADLABS. This agency works with leaders in various industries and with medium-sized businesses, as well as with fast-growing companies, offering them effective contextual advertising aimed at brand awareness and sales growth. Having chosen the most effective channels for attracting customers, the agency's specialists immediately develop a further strategy, gradually expanding the channels used to attract customers and increasing the growth of conversions. Within the walls of the company, a whole complex of the most important analytical studies is constantly being carried out, aimed at improving the efficiency of not only advertising campaigns, but also acting as essential tool website sales.
  • Beaver Brothers. The field of activity of this digital agency is very extensive: they will help not only to create and place any content (in the form of a wide variety of videos: product, advertising, viral, story films or popular explainers), but also to develop the necessary web or graphic design, all kinds of mobile applications, games or websites. And the agency’s specialists are successfully promoting contextual advertising and UX analytics: they will definitely help you create a working model of a unit economy, a marketing dashboard or a roadmap for changes, as well as give valuable recommendations in any of the above areas.
  • ArrowMedia. Performance marketing, online advertising and analytics are the three pillars on which the activities of the ArrowMedia agency are based. They have been engaged in contextual advertising since 2004, so the company can always offer effective solutions to improve the effectiveness of ongoing advertising campaigns. Unmistakable determination of the most popular queries, keywords and the most profitable advertising sources allows you to quickly achieve good conversion and increase business profitability.

WEB development agencies

  • SKAID. The SKAID agency creates all kinds of sites (promotional sites, corporate sites, etc.), interactive systems and multimedia, for which they develop their own unique form style and design. Progressive consulting expertise is harmoniously combined in SKAID with the broadest technological competencies and with an incredibly rich experience of employees in the field of usability and design. They also offer a comprehensive promotion program to the attention of customers, which allows them to attract maximum attention to their products and brand. By the way, it was the SKAID agency that gained fame as the gold partner of 1C-Bitrix, since every single employee of the company successfully passed the appropriate certification!
  • VBI. This agency develops modern functional websites based on advanced 1C-Bitrix technologies, which guarantee customers not only a developed reporting system and e-mail marketing, but also convenient product management, as well as a sales personalization system. And our own end-to-end analytics system allows you to achieve the most positive results. Dozens of successfully implemented projects, combined with many years of experience, have allowed the VBI agency to become one of the best agencies in the Russian performance field.
  • AGIMA. At the heart of the activities of the digital agency AGIMA are complex development and subsequent integration for the media, e-commerce and financial companies. Here they are not afraid of high loads and large corporate implementations, and at present it is the only full digital production agency in Russia that has managed to obtain the status of a certified partner of Google Analytics. Programmers, designers and designers of the company have extensive experience in the digital field, which allows them to offer each client only the most optimal solutions. And constantly conducted quantitative and qualitative research helps specialists not only better understand the essence of the client’s business, but also develop effective solutions for the long term.

Digital design agencies

  • BINN. The creation and design of various web services, online stores, corporate sites and high-load sites designed for a huge number of visits - these are the working priorities of the BINN digital agency. The company's specialists will always help to publish the necessary content, as well as offer high-quality hosting and set up on client sites progressive systems Internet marketing and web analytics, allowing the latter to understand whether their sites need modernization.
  • CreativePeople. They are actively involved in branding, creating websites, interfaces and advertising, as well as developing numerous promising projects in the digital sphere. Another progressive activity of the CreativePeople agency is the creation of advertising illustrations, or rather, entire series of advertising illustrations. Clients really like the unusual advertising images offered to their attention, and therefore the agency constantly receives large orders for the most interesting special projects. That is why the key rating agencies have been giving the status of the leader in web development, advertising and design to the CreativePeople digital agency for the past five years in a row!
  • AIC+QSOFT. At the heart of this first Russian agency service design, created back in 1998, lie modern approaches to engineering, design and analytics. At the moment, the portfolio of the AIC + QSOFT digital agency includes over two hundred successfully implemented projects and more than sixty honorary awards both in the main Russian competitions and in international nominations. Here they are not afraid of complex technological solutions and always take into account the preferences and wishes of customers.

Agencies specializing in the sale of advertising on social networks

Agencies for developing effective business strategies

  • Isobar Russia. The company's specialists will definitely help to create effective and fundamental business strategies that contribute to the achievement of the best business results, while they assume responsibility for the entire chain of this process, from the inception of an idea to the very moment of production or media coverage. Analytical activities are not alien to the company either - fairly solid databases are constantly processed here. In addition, Isobar Russia digital agency develops websites and helps clients integrate their brand into cartoons using a wide variety of digital tools!
  • RTA. For the construction and subsequent implementation of full-scale business strategies, the RTA agency successfully uses the entire set of currently existing advertising tools. Launching new products, constantly growing brand metrics, competitive analysis, creating seamless advertising campaigns and increasing sales - with RTA, all this becomes more than an achievable goal. This agency is trusted by more than a hundred largest companies, and this is a serious indicator of the effectiveness of its work. Currently, the RTA agency positions itself as a full-service digital agency, in which performance marketing is organically combined with creativity.
  • Artics Internet Solutions. Here they are engaged in the development and implementation of integrated business and marketing strategies that can significantly increase any measurable and objective business indicators. Strategic planning advertising campaigns, search engine marketing and continuous analytics make it possible to build the most optimal business models and achieve the best results when promoting client products. And to achieve such results, to a large extent, Artics Internet Solutions' own development, a unique AdTrack system, helps to manage the progress of advertising campaigns, as well as optimize them and evaluate their effectiveness.

Respondents who are selected from among the specialists of marketing departments were asked to complete an online questionnaire.

The questionnaire consists of a presentation block, general issues on the use of digital tools, finding out the level of knowledge (with a hint) / cooperation and qualitative assessment of specific contractors in 12 segments.

FIRST BLOCK provides for obtaining the necessary and sufficient identification information, as well as clarifying the level and profile of the specialist, social characteristics and education received:

  • Last name, first name
  • Company name
  • Field of activity
  • Age
  • Position
  • Education

On the SECOND STAGE follow questions on the use of digital tools in the marketing budget in the dynamics of 2016-2017.

In order for the respondents to act within the framework of a single conceptual field, wordings are given of what is meant by one or another type of service.


Planning and purchasing banner placement. Includes display advertising (media), text and graphic blocks and media contextual banners.

Website promotion services in search engines

· Creativity and strategies

Development of the idea of ​​an online campaign, as well as proposals for its implementation

· Web Production & Support

Design, design and development of Internet projects and services, including corporate and promo sites, e-commerce, landing pages. Services for support and development of Internet projects: operational support, functional improvements, content marketing.

· Mobile Marketing

· Mobile Production

Design, design and development of projects in a mobile environment, mobile applications, services, etc.

· Digital PR / SMM

Services for working with groups, applications in in social networks, creating and sowing viral content, working with bloggers and opinion leaders on the network.

· Lead generation

Services for organizing direct contact with potential buyers or providing information about consumers (demographic, contact, behavioral). Companies in the rating are divided into agencies and specialized services (technologies).

· Programmatic Buying

Automated media placement technologies that use big data of users, mathematical algorithms for buying an audience, predictions for predicting conversions and the auction principle of forming bids for advertising impressions (RTB). Companies in the rating are divided into agencies and specialized services (technologies).

· Direct Marketing / CRM

Development, design and support of customer relationship management systems, including specialized solutions in the field of email marketing.: E-mail Sending Platform, Marketing Platform and Telecom / SMS Platform.

On the THIRD STAGE knowledge (guided) of agency brands in all examined examinations, as well as experience and share of cooperation (market share) is found out.

Knowledge with hint(induced) was found out on the basis of previously compiled lists. The pool of participants was based on the results of the 2015 study. Respondents have the right to include in the ranking up to five companies outside the proposed list.

Cooperation experience over the past two or three years, in addition to the formation of the corresponding rating, is Starting point to build a further scenario for a qualitative survey.

The Golden Hundred of Russian Digital rating is the top of all segments of the digital agency industry: web development, SEO, contextual advertising, PR, SMM, mobile development, complex digital services. The rating was headed by Grape agency.

The CPU publishes the top ten of the list and the main industry trends noted by the project representatives. The full list of 100 agencies is on the project website.

Grape moved up one position - last year iConText took the first place, which lost five positions at once this year.

The agencies that dropped out of the top ten were Red Keds (from fourth place in 2014 to 16th place in 2015), iMedia (from fifth place to 12th), Digital BBDO / Proximity (from sixth place to 12th), Ashmanov and Partners (from eighth place at 19).

Artics Internet Solutions showed the biggest rise among the agencies included in the top 10 list - last year it occupied the 48th line, and this year it immediately rose to the seventh position.

Assessment of the market situation

Based on his market research, analytics and surveys of major agency executives, Ruward has identified several trends impacting the industry in 2015:

  • Sharp fluctuations in the currency and stock markets, foreign economic and foreign policy risks form a high level of uncertainty in the digital communications market. The percentage of "refusal" of clients from work on current and new, just signed contracts is increasing, budgets are flowing from one client industry to another, often the agencies themselves escalate the situation on an emotional level.
  • Most agencies demonstrate stagnation or slight growth in turnover, although they are quite optimistic about the prospects for the development of their business (at the same time, a number of agencies have already faced really serious financial problems). Almost all representatives of agencies noted the rapid growth accounts receivable for work already completed.
  • The key trend is "measurability". Measurability of metrics by channels, ROI and other KPIs, of the entire process of interaction between the agency and the client.
  • The development of the Performance Based Marketing ideology has become noticeable. The attention of large agencies to CRM / eCRM tools has also increased and the building of competencies in this area, as well as the active development of RTB tools and the Programmatic Buying ideology.
  • The active process of mergers and acquisitions, which actively manifested itself last year, continues. The crisis contributes to the merger of complementary agencies (due to the possible reduction in costs), and the multidirectional vectors for growth and decline in various agencies only fuel the attractiveness of mergers and acquisitions by large players of smaller agencies.
  • Like last year, SaaS-services are increasing the process of pressure on the segment of small agencies operating in the low price range.
  • For several years in a row, due to the constant rotation of personnel from agencies to clients, the level of competence of the end customer has been growing.

The list of the most acute problems of the agency market, according to the creators of the top, remains almost unchanged: a low threshold for entering the market, a large rotation of “one-day agencies”, a finely dispersed distribution of players (more than 10 thousand active agencies in Russia), a low average level of customer service and support, weak level of strategic expertise, frequent lack of competencies in the agencies' own marketing aspect. Personnel shortage and the general level of overheated salaries are gradually declining.

The rating was compiled on the basis of 56 different local tops published during 2014 by various market analytical structures. The calculation of points is based on two parameters - the agency's place in the ratings for all market segments and the assessment of these ratings by the Ruward project team (its representativeness, popularity, independence). Detail methodology

The Golden Hundred of Russian Digital rating is the top of all segments of the digital agency industry: web development, SEO, contextual advertising, PR, SMM, mobile development, complex digital services. The rating was headed by Grape agency.

The CPU publishes the top ten of the list and the main industry trends noted by the project representatives. The full list of 100 agencies is on the project website.

Grape moved up one position - last year iConText took the first place, which lost five positions at once this year.

The agencies that dropped out of the top ten were Red Keds (from fourth place in 2014 to 16th place in 2015), iMedia (from fifth place to 12th), Digital BBDO / Proximity (from sixth place to 12th), Ashmanov and Partners (from eighth place at 19).

Artics Internet Solutions showed the biggest rise among the agencies included in the top 10 list - last year it occupied the 48th line, and this year it immediately rose to the seventh position.

Assessment of the market situation

Based on his market research, analytics and surveys of major agency executives, Ruward has identified several trends impacting the industry in 2015:

  • Sharp fluctuations in the currency and stock markets, foreign economic and foreign policy risks form a high level of uncertainty in the digital communications market. The percentage of "refusal" of clients from work on current and new, just signed contracts is increasing, budgets are flowing from one client industry to another, often the agencies themselves escalate the situation on an emotional level.
  • Most agencies demonstrate stagnation or slight growth in turnover, although they are quite optimistic about the prospects for the development of their business (at the same time, a number of agencies have already faced really serious financial problems). Almost all representatives of the agencies noted the rapid growth of receivables for work already completed.
  • The key trend is "measurability". Measurability of metrics by channels, ROI and other KPIs, of the entire process of interaction between the agency and the client.
  • The development of the Performance Based Marketing ideology has become noticeable. The attention of large agencies to CRM / eCRM tools has also increased and the building of competencies in this area, as well as the active development of RTB tools and the Programmatic Buying ideology.
  • The active process of mergers and acquisitions, which actively manifested itself last year, continues. The crisis contributes to the merger of complementary agencies (due to the possible reduction in costs), and the multidirectional vectors for growth and decline in various agencies only fuel the attractiveness of mergers and acquisitions by large players of smaller agencies.
  • Like last year, SaaS-services are increasing the process of pressure on the segment of small agencies operating in the low price range.
  • For several years in a row, due to the constant rotation of personnel from agencies to clients, the level of competence of the end customer has been growing.

The list of the most acute problems of the agency market, according to the creators of the top, remains almost unchanged: a low threshold for entering the market, a large rotation of “one-day agencies”, a finely dispersed distribution of players (more than 10 thousand active agencies in Russia), a low average level of customer service and support, weak level of strategic expertise, frequent lack of competencies in the agencies' own marketing aspect. Personnel shortage and the general level of overheated salaries are gradually declining.

The rating was compiled on the basis of 56 different local tops published during 2014 by various market analytical structures. The calculation of points is based on two parameters - the agency's place in the ratings for all market segments and the assessment of these ratings by the Ruward project team (its representativeness, popularity, independence). Detail methodology