Where will the next expo be? World Exhibition. What is expo

  • 29.05.2020

I lived in Astana for more than 1.5 years. Perhaps this period in my life is on a par with such important events as the end of a mathematical gymnasium, a technical university and the first major project completed in professional activity. And not only because of moral satisfaction, but from the point of view of understanding the ongoing processes.

Over the past year and a half, I have been a witness, and sometimes a direct participant in many events that were held in the capital. Winter Asian Games, OSCE summit (post about the summit), Islamic Conference. And if we remember even further, then these are meetings of the heads of world and traditional religions, the SCO in the early 2000s, and so on. etc. From outside - from other regions of the country, from Almaty - everything that is held in Astana seems insignificant, ineffective, and sometimes banal throwing dust in the eye. I understand the skepticism of the absolute majority, because This is exactly the opinion I held to a certain stage. Convincing you otherwise is not part of my plans.

But I want to draw attention to something really large-scale and worthwhile. Astana is now making every effort to be able to host the international specialized exhibition EXPO in 2017.

At the presentation of Astana as a candidate city for Expo 2017, I visited Paris at the session of the General Assembly of the International Exhibitions Bureau.

And traditionally about everything in order.

What is Expo?

For more than 150 years, the world's most developed countries have periodically gathered to show off their own achievements and appreciate the successes of others. This tradition has become known as world exhibitions, or "Expos".

If earlier Expos were marked by outstanding achievements (in Paris in 1878, Thomas Edison presented a megaphone and a phonograph, and in 1889 the Eiffel Tower, built specially for the opening, became the symbol of the exhibition), then in recent decades, world exhibitions have begun to switch from technological issues to problems of ecology and interaction man with nature: "Expo-1998" in Lisbon with the theme "Oceans - the legacy of the future", "Expo-2000" in Hannover - "Man, nature, technology", "Expo-2005" in Nagoya - "Wisdom of nature", " Expo-2008" in Zaragoza - "Water and sustainable development", "Expo-2010" in Shanghai "Better city - better life".

In general, there are 2 types of international exhibitions Expo

Universal exhibitions are distinguished by their scale - sometimes it is an area of ​​​​300-400 hectares (Expo in Montreal in 1967 - 410 hectares, in Osaka in 1970 - 330 hectares, in Seville in 1992 - 215 hectares, in Shanghai in 2010 .- 500 ha). The pavilions participating in the exhibition are also large in size. Sometimes their size reaches 5000-10000 sq.m. in size, several floors in height (Australia pavilion in Shanghai 2010 - 5000 sq. m, UK pavilion - 6000 sq. m, as well as Canada pavilion).

Moreover, due to the fact that Universal Exhibitions are most often held in the key and main centers of world society, the number of visitors per day reaches 200,000 people and more, or from 50 to 70 million visitors over a 6-month period. Thus, Expo Montreal-1967 received 54 million visitors, Expo Osaka-1970 - 64 million visitors, Expo Seville-1992 - 41 million guests. Shanghai Expo was visited by over 73 million guests.

Selection stages

In general, the stages of preparation for the Expo are as follows

In fact, we joined the fight for holding the Expo in February 2010, when an organizing committee was created under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

We sent a letter of application in June of this together with a prepared project for holding a future exhibition.

Now there is an international campaign, and meetings-consultations are being held with the member countries of the BIE (which will vote).

Of the important events - two upcoming presentations next year at the meetings of the BIE General Assembly: summer and autumn. Just in the fall, or rather on November 22, 2012, a decisive vote will take place.

Expo-2017 in Astana may become the first world-scale exhibition to be held in the countries of Central Asia and the CIS.

Impact of Expo 2017

"Why do we need this?" - you ask.

I consider the exchange of knowledge, which will take place within the framework of the Expo, to be the most important. About 100 countries will exhibit their achievements on the declared topic - "Energy of the Future", i.e. technologies for the use of renewable energy sources.


Firstly , infrastructure development: roads, public transport, public utilities, airport and railway station, construction of Expo facilities. As a result, job creation.

Secondly , a new serious impetus to development will receive a small and medium business the capital and adjacent regions, first of all - the public service sector, hotel business and domestic tourism.

Thirdly , the development of domestic tourism and an increase in the influx of foreign tourists to the country. It is expected that the exhibition will be visited by up to 5 million people (50 thousand daily) from 100 countries of the world.

Fourth , in addition to attracting investments in the construction of exhibition facilities, economical effect is as follows: the facilities being built within the framework of the Expo will allow in the future to consider Kazakhstan as a major international, exhibition and information and presentation platform.

Fifth , cultural exchange and public PR, increasing the recognition of the country. According to the requirements of the BIE, cultural events, national days and other events must be held throughout the Expo (3 months). recreational activities. Plus, here we can recall the participation of volunteers in the Winter Asian Games. Those. for students and high school students - this is a good language practice.

Where will the exhibition be located and how much space will it take up?

The total area of ​​the Expo campus occupies 113 hectares. 25 hectares have been allocated for the exhibition center itself. The territory is specially allocated for the Expo-2017 and is located at the intersection of the street. Shamshi Kaldayakova and K-1 ring road.

Presentation of Astana

The meeting itself began with speeches by representatives of the organizing committees of Yeosu (Expo 2012), Venlo (Floriada 2012) and Milan (Expo 2015). The Koreans and the Dutch talked about what had already been done, and the Italians about what was planned to be done.

Then the presentations of the two competing cities of Expo 2017 - Liege (Belgium) and Astana (Kazakhstan) began.

Each side was presented with 30 minutes. The organizing committee of Liege decided to move away from the traditional presentation and made a small interactive. A well-known Belgian journalist invited through her life story and a series of interviews tried to convey the meaning of the proposed theme of Expo 207 "Connecting the world, connecting people".

Making small pauses, the Belgians inserted short image videos.

What did the organizing committee of Liege focus on:

  • The city is located in the heart of Europe, on the border of Germany, Holland and Belgium. More than 100 million people are within a radius of 2000 km
  • Already existing developed transport infrastructure. It will be possible to get to the exhibition by air, railway, auto and river transport. Liège can be reached by high-speed TGV train, and all motorways in Belgium are illuminated at night.
  • Eco-friendly construction of the exhibition center using "green" materials. And after the Expo, the objects will be transformed into residential buildings.
  • People. More than 100 nationalities live in Belgium. Liege - a mixture of different cultures, openness to dialogue.
  • Chocolates Tin-Tin!

I hope the meaning of the shown does not need to be explained? :-) As it turned out later, Kazakhstani specialists were engaged in filming, and one of the European companies did the production.

The baton of speeches was taken over by Zhanar Aitzhanova, Minister for Economic Integration Affairs

After that, the final video clip "3-D model of the exhibition complex" was shown.

As you can see, the presentation had a fairly clear concept (from general to specific), and everyone spoke at their own level.

Since the very first universal exhibition, which was held in London in 1851, Russia has been a regular participant in world exhibitions, which later received their final name - EXPO.

The assertion of the Russian nation, its independence is inextricably linked with Russia's participation in world and international exhibitions. Russian Empire, Soviet Union and Russian Federation were traditional participants of the world universal exhibitions. Strong architectural and exhibition projects of our country helped to create architectural ensembles of exhibitions and often became new pages in the history of architecture.

It was at world exhibitions that for the first time there was a wide acquaintance of the world with original Russian architecture, fine and decorative arts, industrial, agricultural and handicraft items, which significantly contributed to strengthening Russia's prestige abroad. Russia's participation in these exhibitions strengthened trade relations with foreign partners, contributed to the emergence of close cultural ties and joint projects.

The Russian Empire regularly participated in international exhibitions, while pursuing quite traditional goals: to study international experience, present its developments and products, and establish contacts with foreign partners. At the first world exhibitions, Russians erected pavilions stylized as the Moscow Kremlin, treated foreigners to delicious dishes of Russian cuisine and offered to admire Siberian furs and gems.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Russia began to assert itself as an industrial power. Already at the Paris Exhibition of 1900, in addition to the towers and Faberge products, one could see Russian furniture, factory chintz and others. industrial products, as well as an exposition dedicated to the Trans-Siberian railway and the first Russian cars.

With the advent of the USSR, expositions for world exhibitions were filled with a new ideology, but did not lose their grandeur, monumentality and solidity.

The Russian Federation has already presented its expositions at several world exhibitions. The constant development of the economy, technology, and industry allows us to maintain a high image of the country on the world stage from year to year, as well as to demonstrate latest projects and developments in all strategically important and advanced areas.

Some World Exhibitions in which Russia has taken part:

1851 London

1855, Paris

1878, Paris

1900, Paris

1925, Paris

1937, Paris

1939 New York

1958 Brussels

1967 Montreal

1970 Osaka

1975 Okinawa

The tradition of holding international exhibitions arose against the background of the development of French national exhibitions, which culminated in the International Exhibition in 1844.

Cultural exchange (1939-1987)

Beginning with the New York World's Fair in 1939, the original nature of the exhibitions began to change, and they began to be devoted to more specific cultural themes predicting a brighter future for society. Technological inventions have faded into the background. In 1939 the theme of the exhibition was "To build the world of tomorrow", in 1964 - "Peace through mutual understanding". The exhibitions supported active intercultural communication in order to exchange innovations.

Interestingly, in 1964, in pursuit of profit, New York decided to double the exposure time - from six to 12 months. In response, the Bureau International des Expositions called on members of the organization to cancel their trip to the United States. Many listened to the advice (in particular, the USSR). As a result, the exhibition was held, but from a financial point of view, it turned out to be a failure: only 20 percent of the invested funds returned.

National branding (1988 - present)

Since 1988, countries have been using exhibitions more as a way to improve their national image through their exhibition pavilions. A study by the Tjaco Walvis group around the Hannover exhibition showed that for 73% of countries main goal participation was to improve the image of the state.

At an exhibition in 2000 in Hannover, where the countries themselves developed the architecture, an average investment of about 12 million euros was invested in the pavilion. Considering such size of investments, many countries sometimes doubt the expediency of participation, as they assume that the costs will exceed the benefits. The exact ratio is difficult to establish, but an independent study for the Dutch pavilion at Expo 2000 estimated that the pavilion (worth about €35 million) generated about €350 million in potential profit for the Dutch economy.

After 29 years in Brussels at the World EXPO, a new exhibit appears, which becomes not only a symbol of the country of Belgium, but of the whole of Europe - Atomium. Architect Arne Waterkeyn has designed a model of the iron atom magnified 160 billion times! It was a real symbol of the atomic age! It consists of nine spherical "atoms" interconnected in a crystal lattice. Six of the bottom are available for visits. The height of this structure is 102 meters, therefore, from the upper ball, in which the restaurant and viewpoint, offer beautiful views of the city and surrounding parks. In the remaining five pavilions there are various exhibition halls, in which tourists are taken up by escalators, and in the central tube, rising up, there is an elevator capable of lifting its passengers in just 25 seconds.

Truly the Atomium is a symbol of human progress!

And, finally, the last exhibit in the history of the EXPO World Exhibitions, which has become symbol of Montreal (Canada) in 1967 - Habitat 67. When you look at this building, it evokes the feeling of a heap of children's cubes, but in fact it is a masterpiece of engineering art. Moshe Safdie designed this residential complex, consisting of 354 cubes, uniquely interconnected. It has 147 apartments. It still testifies to the originality of human abilities and capabilities.
Since then, none of the exhibits presented at the World EXPOs has become a symbol and left such a mark on history.

The theme of EXPO-2017 is "Future Energy". The exhibition will run from June 10 to September 10. EXPO-2017 will host about 100 participating countries, the exhibition will demonstrate the achievements and prospects in the field of renewable energy and their benefits. EXPO is visited by millions of tourists. The exhibition EXPO-2017 - "Energy of the Future" - will attract the best world energy saving technologies. interesting architectural project Astana EXPO-2017. The covered city will be built in Astana for EXPO-2017. It is planned to build a covered street along which people can safely walk in winter and summer. Nothing like this has ever happened in Kazakhstan.

What is "Expo"?
"Expo" is the largest international exhibition, which demonstrates the latest scientific and technological achievements,
development prospects, as well as the history, traditions and culture of countries around the world. World exhibitions are held once every five years. The Expo has already been held in such countries as the USA, Spain, Italy, France, Japan, Korea, China and others. In 2011, Kazakhstan entered the fight for the right to host EXPO 2017 on the theme "Energy of the Future". The International Exhibition Bureau has decided that Astana will become the capital of the International Specialized Exhibition "Expo 2017". It should be noted that never before international exhibitions such scales did not take place in the countries of the Central Asian region and the CIS. This event is a big step towards the formation of Kazakhstan as an international exhibition and information and presentation platform. From June 10 to September 10, 2017, EXPO-2017 will host about 100 participating countries, the exhibition will showcase the achievements and prospects in the use of renewable energy sources and their benefits. EXPO is visited by millions of tourists. The exhibition EXPO-2017 - "Energy of the Future" - will attract the best world energy saving technologies. The architectural project “Astana EXPO-2017. The covered city will be built in Astana for EXPO-2017. It is planned to build a covered street along which people can safely walk in winter and summer. There has never been anything like this in Kazakhstan