What is the event in Step-by-step instruction: “How to organize a big event? Evening entertainment event

  • 29.05.2020

Your own master class, workshop or battle of scientists is only half the battle: it is important that the audience for which it is intended learn about the project in a timely manner. Maria Vul, head of the SMM department at Sterno.Ru, talks about how to attract opinion leaders and use hashtags, what you should never do in your public, and why Odnoklassniki is not as hopeless as it seems. T&P publish videos and the main theses of the master class.

You have decided to hold a lecture, a master class, a seminar or any other educational event - you have prepared a lecture, imagine what audience it is intended for, but no one came to the lecture - simply because they did not know about it. To avoid this kind of fatal mistake, you need to learn how to inform the public about your brilliant ideas. After all, the entire blogosphere with forums and sites, social networks Facebook and Vkontakte and many others is at your disposal.

Before you start the process of promoting your event, you need to imagine the target audience and ask a few simple questions:

Who needs to be attracted?

Where to look for them?

How to talk to them?

What do they need?

How to give it to them?

Explore social networks

It is important to understand that cliches and stereotypes about social networks have nothing to do with reality. The legend that elderly dull aunts sit, for example, in Odnoklassniki is a myth, vigorous people aged 25-35 prevail there. We need to focus not on outdated clichés, but on what is really happening today in social networks. In addition, often when people promote an educational event, they forget about social networks like Instagram, Twitter, Foursquare. They too can greatly help you in promoting your project.

Where to start and where to go?

If you don't have a lot of money and can't afford to go to content promotion companies, there is a set of actions that are quite effective for self-promotion of an event:

Place events on free poster resources;

Contact free city publics and publics on the topic of the event;

Contact the administration of niche sites;

Invite influencers who are REALLY interested in your event;

The same goes for your friends list.

In all places where you will post an announcement about your event, you need to leave a home link by which the user can come to you. Then, using the Yandex Metrica service, you can find out where people came from, what worked more efficiently. On social networks, you should always use the "I'll go" or "maybe" button to roughly represent how many people will come to you.

You can immediately leave messages about your events on the Lookatme.ru, Exchang.es services, but it makes sense to agree with the Afisha, Mail.Ru or Yandex.ru services in advance.

Suppose your lecture is about unicorns. Find forums and publics of unicorn lovers, find all the places where these people sit, do not forget about links to those places where you want to accumulate your audience. Find out where your target audience is.

Opinion leaders receive many invitations every day - you need to interest the people you need with your master class, prove to them that you are unique. Even if the person does not come, he can recommend your event, and it will already be excellent advertising. Remember: You don't need to spam your entire friend feed with an event message 15 times a day, and you don't need to do the same with yours. target audience otherwise she will start to hate you quietly.

Report the event in advance, but within reasonable aisles - about a week in advance. If you need to buy tickets, then you need to inform a little earlier. If you have information about events that you have already organized on this topic, post a report and photos.

When reporting your future event, always be original and varied:

Show people what awaits them at the event;

Come up with hashtags and always use them!

Always include links in your posts so people know where to go if the picture gets shared. Use hashtags everywhere - on social networks, on the splash screen, and on the banner. If you have your own groups, blogs, etc., use them to announce your event.

Collect and accumulate your audience. When we, for example, promote the lecture hall of the Higher School of Economics, for each lecture we create an event and an email notification for people who previously said “I will go” to our previous lectures on Facebook.

When talking about the place where the lecture will take place, make a map - make life easier for people who come to you.

No need to write a hundred times a day “we have a very cool lecture, please come”, etc., no need to get people. You can remind about the event once a day or every two days using different pictures, a list of references for the lecture, links to films on the topic, you can draw a picture, give a quote.

Importance of intonation

It is impossible to speak the same language in different networks. You can make a poll, picture, discussion for Vkontakte or Facebook. If you are planning to give a serious science lecture, you will scare people away by posting funny pictures on social media about quantum physics. You need to understand who you want to hook on and how they are used to communicating with them.

If you have money, you can promote your post on social networks - Facebook is very convenient in this sense, it will guide you through all the steps of creating an advertising post. Both Facebook and Vkontakte have clear tools that will help you understand how your ad works and change the picture or text of your ad if you are not happy with the effect. On Vkontakte, the text-graphic block does not always work effectively - you can order an announcement or contact the editors of the Vkontakte public if the main audience of this public matches the interests of your lecture.


When the lecture is over, do not forget about social networks - after all, you need a loyal audience in the future. Do not relax: say a big thank you to people for coming to the lecture, offer to ask questions if they have any left, post a photo and presentation.

Ask people to leave comments, reply to them, don't leave them hanging alone. You can do a little research: in Yandex, drive in a hashtag, your last name, the title of the lecture and see what people write about you. Remind people of the hashtag so they use it when they write or post something.

You can share pictures, questions, lecture topics, and discussion topics that require a response. Always say "thank you so much for your constructive criticism" and respond to questions asked. Use additional useful content in your event. Create content that you yourself want to repost.

You don't have to do that!

Invite the entire friend feed to the event indiscriminately;

Tag people in photos without their permission;

Update the event endlessly;

Announce an event in ten publics at the same time;

Forget about questionnaires, the physical presence of the hashtag at the event;

Ignore negative reviews, delete comments.

During the event, you can conduct a twitter broadcast, you can combine the lecture into a short video so that a person who was not present at it understands everything in three minutes. All the time while we are holding the event, and after that we monitor reviews by hashtags, by last name, by keywords.

Use Instagram even if you have nothing to photograph. You can always pull something out of the field of expertise. Look at General Electric's Instagram - few people are interested in looking at photos about motors, but they simply magically lead their Instagram.

Competitions, festivals, concerts, flash mobs, conferences, tourist rallies, parades and processions contain a certain content component and, at the same time, these are mass events, during which certain requirements must be adhered to.

What is a mass event

A mass event is a gathering of a significant number of people in order to participate in any event that is in the nature of a patriotic appeal, holiday, advertising, spectacle, business meeting or leisure pastime.
The venues for mass events are different:

  • squares and parks;
  • squares and city streets;
  • public buildings;
  • theater halls;
  • concert venues;
  • Sport halls.

The organization of cultural events contributes to the realization of the needs of residents of a political, cultural, economic and religious nature.

Forms of mass events

There are various groups and forms of public events:

  • State and political: meetings of shareholders, scientific and practical conferences, congresses, parades, processions.
  • Cultural events: a citywide evening for graduates, theatrical performances, folk holidays, fairs and exhibitions, carnival processions, festival performances, concert programs, show programs.
  • Sports and entertainment: sports matches, sports days, auto racing and rallies, track and field crosses, Olympic Games.
  • Events of a religious nature: holidays, ceremonial processions.
  • Private: banquets, weddings, anniversaries.

All events can take place at the municipal, regional, national or international level. The method of occurrence of such actions is divided into two large groups:

  • Spontaneous.
  • Organized.

They can be held one-time or periodically, ensuring the participation of a limited number of people or public access.

How to hold a mass event

A number of structures are engaged in the preparation and holding of events:

  • Local self-government bodies.
  • Institutions belonging to various departments and forms of ownership.
  • Heads of institutions in whose territory it is carried out.

A mass event is a strict observance of the main conditions, procedures and requirements for its holding, maintaining the personal safety of each person present.
The holding of cultural events provides for the undeniable role of health care, motor transport and trade enterprises, consumer service establishments, information and Internet resources.

If large-scale events are being prepared, the municipal administration can form coordinating councils and headquarters that coordinate and control all participants. Such committees are responsible for developing appropriate plans, maintaining law and order, urgent evacuation of spectators and participants if there is a threat to their life and health.

What to Consider

When discussing the procedure for holding a mass event, you need to take into account the conditions for its holding:

  • Schedule of public municipal transport (all those present must be able to use public transport at the end).
  • Weather and climatic conditions.
  • Parking lots for vehicles.
  • Convenience of approach to the main place, taking into account the restriction of access to vehicles.
  • Availability of storage rooms.
  • Ability to provide primary health care.
  • The work of food outlets and the sale of soft drinks (in hot weather - refreshing, in cold weather - warming).
  • Availability of bathrooms.

Instructions for organizing and conducting

  • The councils of voluntary sports organizations and the sports committee are obliged to coordinate the necessary examinations with the administration of the municipality, engineering structures, sanitary epidemiological station, law enforcement agencies, civil defense and emergency departments. The result of the surveys should be the relevant acts.
  • The organizers ensure the process of holding the event (compliance with the rules of the fire department and the appointment of responsible persons), duly notify the administration of the municipality about where, when and at what time the event will be held, indicate the name, format, data on the number of participants, contact details.
  • The leaders in whose department the buildings and structures are located are obliged to ensure the reliability of the stands and other structures used, the possibility of general evacuation if there is a danger to the life and health of others.

Characteristic features of a mass event

The format of a public event determines its characteristic features. Conventionally, any public mass event can be attributed to one of the main types at the venue:

  • Closed. In this case, a narrow circle of specific invitees gather in a separate room, access to guests is limited by invitation cards, the social level and interests of the audience are approximately the same.
  • Open. This format provides anyone with the opportunity to take part in the planned events. This significantly increases the risk of creating dangerous situations.

Most clearly, the heterogeneity of the composition of those present is manifested during sports and entertainment events:

  • Fans belong to rival sports clubs, their contingent is clearly marked.
  • Bright, fanatical addictions to their club or team are manifested in cries, slogans, chanting certain phrases.
  • The age and social composition, the level of education and culture, the value orientations of those present can vary greatly, this can lead to conflict situations.

Potential Threats

A mass event is the most affordable opportunity to meet the needs of a large group of people. At the same time, it is also a potential threat to the life and health of all participants, fans, spectators. This is due to several factors:

  • A closed space increases the risk of violation of law and order by a group of people, formed spontaneously or in an organized manner.
  • A change in the usual rhythm, the dynamics of events can provoke cases of conflicts between individual citizens or certain groups of them. This is especially facilitated by the specific formats of informal events.
  • With a significant accumulation of people, it becomes possible to commit theft, damage to property.
  • A collective gathering of a certain contingent of people (radical fans, rival parties, rock fans) can accumulate the manifestation of negative emotions.
  • Even a short-term non-standard situation can contribute to the manifestation of panic, leading to a large number of victims.
  • There is a real threat of a terrorist act as a result of the implementation of criminal or antisocial plans.

Security measures by the organizers

The organizer is primarily responsible for the safety of those present. If the security system is not formed properly, then even the brightest, most spectacular, interesting and important event will lose its significance and can lead to sad consequences.

Ensuring the safety of mass events is carried out by equipping points where participants, spectators, security services, as well as fire extinguishing equipment will be accommodated.

In proper condition, it is necessary to maintain a sanitary and hygienic regime throughout the territory. For official vehicles, free access to facilities and sources of water supply should be organized in case of a fire hazard. Evacuation plans and signs of evacuation exits should be placed in central places.

Ensuring security by law enforcement officers

Public events provide for the observance of public safety, which is carried out by law enforcement agencies. What exactly should they pay attention to?

  • Employees of the internal affairs bodies are obliged to prevent citizens in a state of narcotic, toxic or alcoholic intoxication.
  • Particular attention should be paid to persons wishing to carry any type of weapon with them.
  • If the occupancy rate of the premises becomes the maximum permissible, then law enforcement officers must present a demand to the organizers to stop the admission of visitors (spectators, fans) to the territory where the event will be held.
  • If a perceived threat appears, all those present must be evacuated from the auditorium, from the stands.
  • In the process of suppressing violations of law and order, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of panic.

Rules of conduct for those present

The rules of conduct during sports and entertainment and cultural events are determined by standard rules and prohibit:

  1. Bring a weapon with you explosives, drugs, alcoholic drinks, large bags.
  2. Run out onto the field or stage, be in the aisles or on the stairs.
  3. Violate order: drink alcohol, insult and humiliate those present, show signs of extremism.

A mass event is that unique situation when a person can feel himself in a circle of like-minded people, be involved in important state, religious or other events, spend his leisure time with interest and benefit.

We all know what the word "event" means. But sometimes, when we are asked to put into words our knowledge, we do not get very coherent speech. This is due to the fact that we do not have a very clear idea of ​​the subject of the conversation. After all, if a person cannot describe something, it means that he does not understand it. In this article, we will understand the terminology and find out what it is - an event.

Meaning of the word

An event is an action of people who are united by some common goal. This is a general definition that has several nuances. For example, a group of teenagers who have gathered to drink beer at the entrance cannot call their meeting an event. And this happens not because the vocabulary of this stratum of society is sometimes scarce, but because this gathering does not aim at cultural development.

Thus, we can conclude that the event is a meeting of a group of people who have gathered to enlighten themselves culturally, learn something new or tell others their point of view. And also an event is a meeting of people in an amount greater than two persons.

public event

From the last part of the article, we understood what the event is called when a small group of people gathers for the purpose of education or a useful pastime. Now you need to understand when an event can be called public. Most often, such a definition can be found at a demonstration, rally, theater evening, opening of an exhibition, etc.

It can be concluded that a public event is a meeting a large number unfamiliar people who are united by a common goal.

But, for example, a fair, which perfectly fits the definition, can hardly be called a public event. All people have the same goal to buy products, but everyone does it for himself.

Another example is theater. At the performance, people also enjoy, and each for himself. But this is a public event. The thing is that in the second example, the actors play for the whole audience, give their time and give talent so that the audience gets aesthetic pleasure.

Children's event

Mornings, creative evenings or games in the children's park - all this fits our definition. A children's event is an adult activity aimed at entertaining their little spectators. Organized children's holiday will differ from the game of classmates in that in the first case there is a visible leader who sets the rules. The animator dictates the terms and sees to them that they are met.

Of course, it is not necessary for adults to entertain children, they can arrange activities with the help of children themselves. Vivid examples of this: matinees, school concerts and theatrical performances. All this instills in the small members of society a team spirit, responsibility for their actions. Children get rid of complexes, overcome modesty, learn to demonstrate their many talents. In fact, the statement that children's holidays differ from adults only in terms of the age contingent is fundamentally wrong, we have seen this with you from the above theses.

So, as they say, trust but verify. And the next time the topic of event culture comes up in a conversation, you can give a well thought out answer.

A short-term non-formalized set of activities aimed at obtaining the desired results. The event can be considered as a project to which a simplified document flow is applied due to its short duration and low labor intensity. ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

EVENT, events, cf. (book official). An act of doing something to achieve some goal. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

EVENT, I, cf. A set of actions united by one socially significant task. To hold an important m. Cultural and educational events. M. for show (carried out formally, without interest; colloquial neod.). Dictionary … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

An organized action or set of actions aimed at the implementation of some kind of l. goals. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

event- , ia, cf. An organized action or set of actions aimed at achieving certain goals. ◘ For a good ten years now, an event called “Writers to Workers” has been systematically organized in Kaunas. Owls. Lit., 106.… … Explanatory Dictionary of the Language of Soviet Deputies

event- plan an event modality, event planning is held passively, organization schedule an event modality, planning to hold an event organization events are held passively, organization ... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

event- big event... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

Event- a conditional generalized name for any more or less organized interaction between children and teachers, which has a goal, content and a corresponding methodology for implementation. Activities at school are usually called extra-curricular forms of organization ... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher)

event- renginys statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Tam tikrą programą ir vidinę struktūrą turinti ugdymo forma. Organizuojami didaktiniai, auklėjamieji, meninės saviveiklos, sporto ir kt. renginiai. Šis terminas plačiau vartojamas užklasinės veiklos … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas


  • Million dollar event. Quick money on other people's knowledge, Andrey Parabellum, Trainings are becoming more and more popular every day. And this is not surprising. In almost any field, professional or personal, a person has to compete, to be better than others. And more… Publisher: Peter, electronic book
  • Event "Terminal" Potsdam, 1945, V. N. Vysotsky, "Terminal" - the code name for the conference of leaders of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition in 1945 in Potsdam, near Berlin. The author talks about the diplomatic preparations for the meeting of the “big…” Publisher:

Organizing an event is an interesting new experience, and it doesn't matter what exactly awaits you: a party, corporate event, meeting for friends and family, wedding or any formal event. Good organization is an important part of any event and you can be sure that your efforts will not go unnoticed. In this article, you will learn how to organize an event, how to resolve conflicts and find a way out of difficult situations, and how to avoid problems with good planning.


Main goals

    Define your goals and objectives. Before you start planning, it is important to figure out how big the place will be, what the budget will be, what will happen, how many guests and what kind of people they will be, and decide which planning strategy is right for you. How would you like the event to be? What do you want to do?

    • When you decide what the event will be about (celebrating the event, raising money, education, sales, making suggestions), you will need to consider why you are doing it. Understanding the reasons will help you focus and get down to business.
    • You will also need to think about what your goals will be. It is impossible to achieve the goal if you do not know what it is. A goal will keep you motivated until the very end.
  1. Select date and time. This is one of key points planning. If you choose a date and time that will not suit anyone, all your efforts will be in vain. If you choose a day that will not come soon or, on the contrary, too soon, there is a risk that people will either forget about the event or already plan their time differently. It is extremely important to choose a date that will be convenient for the majority.

    • It's best to let guests know about the event two weeks in advance. Most likely, they will not have other plans yet. Then you can be reminded about the event once or twice closer to the selected date. Choose a day before which you will have 2-3 weeks left, but only on the condition that you have time to do everything on time.
  2. Choose a location. Now you know what you will do and when, so you need to decide which place is right for you and find out in several places whether the date you are interested in is available there. What kind of space do you need? How will the space be used? Will guests sit on chairs in a row, on benches, at tables, or on blankets on the grass? Do you need a place to dance, a stage or a podium? Make sure the seat you choose is the right size for you.

    • Visit the site in advance and sketch out a floor plan. You can use this plan to set up tables, organize meals, design barrier-free access for the disabled and exit routes, and arrange equipment. Mark the location of the power supply (if required) as well as the locations of external equipment (refrigerators, ice machines, barbecues, stoves, etc.). Draw on the plan all the outlets and places where the cables will run (they can be hidden by carpet), and any items that require special attention in terms of security.
    • Do you need special permission? Sometimes you need a special permit for the sale of alcohol, as well as for noisy events, organization of transport access, parking, installation of large structures (for example, pavilions).
  3. Decide how many people you will invite. How many people is your budget for? Entrance to the event can only be by tickets or invitations, and this simplifies planning, but there are always late arrivals, as well as additional participants (for example, children, spouses, friends). Remember that the more people, the more staff you will need.

    • Since the number of people can be a major issue, it is important to provide enough space for all guests.
    • Decide what maximum amount people will be able to attend your event.
  4. Set a budget. Team up with a couple of trusted people and decide how much money you need to run the event. Will you be hiring staff? Do you need to rent equipment and pay rent for the premises? How much money do you need for food and drinks? What about small print? Decide how much money you will have at your disposal and plan according to your budget. Do not spend personal money on something that you do not have to spend it on.

    • You may be able to attract sponsors or voluntary donations, but this is not always the case. If additional funds are not expected, it is important not to put extra money into the budget. If catering services cost big money invite everyone to bring their own food and drinks. You won't need staff, but you will need to find a table, benmari and refrigerators. In order not to spend money on a photographer, take pictures of each other yourself. Get creative!
  5. Gather a team. Distribute tasks among team members. If you're hosting an informal event, team members can include friends, family, and others. The organization of the event implies the distribution of areas of responsibility between people. Make sure everyone knows what needs to be done.

    • Distribute responsibilities simultaneously with hiring staff and preparing invitations. Assign responsibility as early as possible and offer them a choice of tasks if possible. You should also have a few people in reserve, because the possibility of overlaps is not excluded.
  6. Consider the sequence of events. It is impossible to make plans without knowing the order of actions at the event. When will the speakers give speeches? Will there be games, presentations, entertainment at the event? How long will it take for guests to eat? think over detailed plan, which takes into account all events.

    • Leave a little time in reserve, as deviations from the schedule are possible. People may be late, speeches may be longer than planned, and the line for food may be long. Of course, it is worth considering a schedule, but it is important to understand that not everything always goes according to plan.

Start of preparation

  1. Send out invitations. Without an invitation, no one will know about your event. Your invitation is the face of the event, so the design must be taken responsibly. The first impression of the event will be formed precisely thanks to the invitation. Try to do everything at a decent level.

    • Consider classic options: postcards, flyers and other small print. Remember that invitations can also be sent out digitally: e-mail, in the form of an electronic mailing list, through social networks or sites created for designing invitations. In addition, you can simply mark the event on the calendar.
      • If you want as many people as possible to attend your event, send invitations through social media. If the event will be only for the elite, refuse social networks.
  2. Register all people who have confirmed their participation. You will need to know exactly how many people will come. Most likely, the number of guests at the event will still be different from the number of people who confirmed participation, but you should at least have an idea of ​​​​what to expect. There are dedicated sites that allow you to keep records, but you can use social networking tools (like Facebook) or record people in Excel.

    Consider all people. Will you need to find and hire photographers, builders, designers, decorators, speakers, sponsors, hosts, musicians, clergymen, dancers, other artists, or delegate their duties to someone else? Consider all these people when planning so that everyone has enough space and food, if this is provided for by the agreements.

    • Will there be food and drinks at the event? If there are, know who will be responsible for cooking, serving and cleaning. What food will be served? Will there be guests with allergies, vegetarians or vegans, diabetics, people with food restrictions for religious reasons, and so on? Will there be infants, children, elderly or disabled people who cannot eat solid food?
    • Think about whether there will be entertainment at the event and what you need to organize it. You may need to order musical equipment, pavilions or tents, decorations, lights, microphone, amplifiers, power supplies, projectors or slideshow screens, smoke machines, stage mirrors, streamers, company name posters and so on.
      • If you're hiring an entertainment company, find out if they can provide their own equipment, and what kind of equipment the location will have. Agree on a schedule. This way you will know what help is needed from you.
    • Catering companies, florists, presenters and other professionals value their time, so you should negotiate with them as early as possible (the later you do this, the more expensive their services can be). If you do this in advance, you will have time to find a replacement if they refuse.
  3. Find a leader. A facilitator is needed to ensure that the event goes according to schedule. The leader makes speeches, invites to the table, announces the beginning of dances or other entertainment and introduces guests of honor. Agree with the leader about the date and the plan. If the host is intelligent, he will greatly help you in holding the event.

    • You may have to be the leader. This will be more difficult as you will need to control the process until the very end. It is important to designate responsible persons in each of the helper groups so that you can delegate responsibilities to them.
  4. Prepare the equipment. When hiring a team, make sure they bring everything they need with them. Perhaps people will bring all the equipment with them, but there is a chance that you will have to look for it separately. Equipment can be rented, bought or borrowed. Go through the entire list, from napkins to extension cords.

    • Decorations are an important part of any event. Tablecloths, flowers, gifts, candles, balloons, posters, streamers, photo zones, red carpets and everything else should be looked for in advance.
  5. Think about how the space suits your needs. Inexperienced organizers often overlook the quantity and quality of things like latrines, parking, wheelchair ramps, wardrobes, storage areas, kitchens, trash cans, ice buckets, electrical outlets, and so on. Think over all the nuances in advance.

    • Also consider how people will get to the venue. Will foreign guests need accommodation and transportation? Will you need to book a transfer for them?
  6. Know who you will be working with. If the idea of ​​the event is not yours, it is important to know how you will act in any situation. In order for the client to trust you, you should find out:

    • Who are the main guests? Usually this is understandable - for example, the bride and groom. The client is not always the main guest. He may or may not be present at the event.
    • Who initiates the event. Usually these people sit at their table and help guests get to know each other and communicate. As a rule, these people know how to create the right atmosphere and give new topics of conversation, invite everyone to dance, and introduce guests to each other. You can usually rely on such people, as they will tell you all the important information, they can take the floor themselves or act as facilitators. As a rule, thanks to these people, events run smoothly.
    • Who will help to restore order in case of problems. Know who can help you solve problems if needed. Most often, this role is played by the heads of the family, guardians, managers or security guards.
    • Who makes decisions. In most situations, the decision will be made by you as a manager, but there may be situations where you will need to explain something to guests, and this will not be very convenient. Find out who you can talk to in case of an emergency. Most likely, you will need to communicate with the person who pays for the event or your services and whom you consider your client.

Preparation before the event

  1. Check out the venue for the event. Before the event, visit the venue and think about how everything will be organized. You may need additional equipment - extension cords, lights, and so on. If you can't find them right away, it will be even harder for your guests to find them. Consider this.

    • If possible, decide where and what will stand. If there is no room for everything, something will have to be abandoned. Talk to the facility manager about whether they can help you and ask if there are any special circumstances or requirements you need to consider.
  2. Prepare gift sets for your team members. Everyone will have to work hard. To thank people for their work and express your appreciation, prepare gifts. The set can include water bottles, granola bars, chocolates, small souvenirs and whatever else you see fit. This will strengthen the team spirit.

    • Prepare badges or small souvenirs that will remain as a keepsake of the event. Make sure everyone can eat and drink on time. Try to see in your employees a resource that you can use in the future.
  3. Contact all team members ahead of the event. It is important to make sure that everyone knows what needs to be done and is ready to work. Give everyone clear instructions on arrival times and give everyone your contact details. If no one has any questions, you can proceed.

    • Check if everyone is ready to go. Not everyone will be able to tell the truth, so try to draw your own conclusions. Do people appear confident and ready to work? If not, reassure them, re-state all their responsibilities and ask a couple of questions. If you doubt that someone will cope with their tasks, pair them with a more experienced employee.
  4. Prepare a list of contacts and other papers if necessary. Your self-organization is also important. If you are prepared, you can save any situation, but if not, things will get out of control. Here are some ways to get ready:

    • Make a list of all the phone numbers and addresses you need. Did the pastry chef think you'd pick up the cake yourself? It doesn't matter - call Masha, who lives nearby, and ask her to pick up the cake on the way to the event.
    • Make a list of everything. Go through the lists and check what things, equipment and people are missing.
    • Prepare all invoices and contracts. The better you prepare, the less problems you will have later.
  5. Try not to change anything at the last moment. Do you think that the client will try to make amendments until the very last moment? When organizing weddings, clients often ask to change something in the design at the last moment. Set a deadline for amendments. Usually, maximum term is a week before the event. Before this date, changes can still be made without significant damage to the budget or organization.

    • If the changes are minor and do not imply additional costs, do not refuse to make these amendments. Try to treat the client with understanding, as he is waiting for a very important event for him.

Activities during the event

  1. Prepare everything. Arrive at the venue early. Make sure everyone arrives on time and call those who are late. Help people who need help and give directions where needed. Do not interfere if your presence is not needed somewhere. Make sure no one is injured.

    • You will be more relaxed if you make a to-do list and go through it. Give out a list to each team: those you have hired; those in charge of decorating and arranging furniture; those in charge of the equipment. Make sure everything is in place.
  2. Delegate work. Don't be afraid to delegate responsibilities. It is impossible to do everything, so you need to distribute responsibilities. If someone is not doing their job well, give them another one. Your task is to correctly distribute the work. You don't command or violate personal boundaries - you've been hired to do just that.

    • Be polite, but speak firmly and confidently. For example, like this: "Maxim, I need your help with catering. Thank you." Your team must work together. To make it easier for everyone, take on the role of the leader that you are supposed to be.
  3. Don't hesitate to adapt. Try to keep within the schedule and find a way out if you can’t meet the schedule, but most importantly - don't worry about it. If you start to get nervous, you will lose control of yourself, and nothing good will come of it. If a speech drags on for 10 minutes and the speaker ignores your signs, relax. You just serve drinks a little later and no one will notice. Nothing bad happened.

    • Any overlays are possible. It is impossible to foresee everything, and the sooner you learn to accept it, the better. A calm event manager can solve any problem, but a stressed one cannot. So don't be nervous and let things take their course. The event will end soon!
  4. Keep everyone up to date. On the day of the event, check the number of guests and all other nuances. If you need to change something, inform the responsible people as soon as possible. You should be the first one to notice any problems.

    • Ask clients how they feel. They may be nervous, worried, bored, happy, or worried about something, and talking to you can help calm them down and motivate them to do something. Cheer on guests and members of your team, if necessary.
  5. Mind your own business. Consider that each team member is able to cope with his task: if you entrusted them with something, then they will cope. Offer help if needed, but all members of your team should be experienced enough to not need this help. Keep the following in mind:

    • Meet all guests at the entrance. When the event starts, let the host keep the guests entertained. Your task will be to solve problems and control all the processes that guests do not see (cooking and other tasks).
    • Observe the guests and talk to the host from time to time in case any plans change.
    • Keep your distance from the main guests of the evening. This is their holiday. But be prepared to check with them at the right time whether they are happy with everything and whether they have any requests or wishes.
  6. If the event is for promotional purposes, prepare souvenirs. Guests should remember this evening, but most likely you need to not only this. Perhaps you want guests to visit the site, make a donation, or tell others about the company. To make the event memorable, prepare souvenirs. It can be a picture, a flyer, a pen - something that will remind guests of you and your event.

  7. Congratulate yourself after the event. It seems that the event takes place by itself and no one sees the preparation. Praise yourself - you deserve it! But it is too early to relax - the work is not yet completed.

    • After the event, take the time to meet with the client and thank them. Give the client a small gift to mark the occasion - little things like that always make meetings more enjoyable. In addition, this way the client will be more likely to recommend you. Give flowers or some framed photo of this evening (for example, the moment of cutting the ribbon, the most bright moment speeches, awards ceremony, kissing the bride and groom, blowing out the candles on the cake) or any other gift that would be appropriate in these conditions.
  8. Clean up and go home. Try to leave the place in the same form as it was before you. Tell your team it's time to clean up and don't leave until the cleaning is done. Remember that you have to take part too.

    • This is not only polite, but will also allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses. In many places cleaning after the event is included in the bill. Try to avoid hidden costs.
  9. Arrange for the return and payment of all equipment and thank everyone you have worked with. You may have to do this later. Ask the client if they enjoyed the event. Even if you get paid later, thank the client for the opportunity to work with them and ask for their business card.

    • Thank your team members. Make sure everyone gets paid. Collect checks and take care of everyone. You must be the last one to leave the room.

Solution of problems

  1. Know what to do if guests are late and how to deal with other issues. People are often late and you should be prepared for this. As a rule, delays are difficult to avoid (for example, due to the unpredictability of traffic jams), but guests who arrive on time are calm about them. To avoid unnecessary difficulties:

    • Make sure the invitation clearly states the time. If you ask guests to confirm attendance, ask them to confirm the time as well. Contact the host, guests (often the most important ones), artists and kitchen staff if you become aware of a problem that is difficult to resolve quickly. If the main guests are late (for example, the bride and groom), you can do the following:
    • Contact latecomers yourself and ask for an approximate time of arrival. Notify the kitchen of the new time so staff can slow down or speed up the work.
    • Do not inform all guests that the start is delayed due to late guests (everyone will understand this themselves). Tell the chief guests that you know about it. Explain what you intend to do, but let people decide for themselves as they know each other best and can make decisions that work for everyone.
    • Keep track of the time as everyone should have time to deliver their speeches. If the main guests are late, offer people snacks or drinks - this will not let them get bored.
    • If guests are very late and you cannot wait for them (for example, because some dishes cannot be served later), start the event on time, and when late guests arrive, serve them the food that is served to everyone, even if it is dessert.
    • Invite everyone else to dance, play, give a speech, or arrange any other entertainment, especially if it involves music. Ask photographers to work with guests until latecomers arrive. Come up with a backup plan the day before the event.
    • If guests specifically want to come in later, treat it as a guest choice, not a failure. Your task is to deal with those guests who have already arrived. Act like there is no problem.
    • Know how to solve food problems. These problems rarely happen if everything was thought out in advance, but sometimes surprises are possible: a child may spill food or some kind of overlay may happen in the kitchen. Find out in advance which guests will be at the event so you can think about the layout of the food tables and guest seats.

      • If liquid has been spilled somewhere, it must be cleaned up as soon as possible for safety reasons, even if you have to move the carpet, any decorative elements or furniture. If the stain cannot be disguised (for example, if it is an antique item), it is better to remove the object with the stain. If you have spare furniture, use it. If not, arrange the rest of the furniture so that the absence of one item is not conspicuous.
      • The food area can be fenced off with a rope fence, curtain or screen. This is useful if the appetizer plates barely fit on the buffet table or if you plan to show what will be served later. Some guests may decide that food is served in unlimited quantities and you can take it yourself, but this is not always the case.
      • Change the menu. If some part of the dish cannot be served (for example, the side dish is burnt), exclude it, replace it with another one, or reduce the portion so that the remaining side dish is enough for everyone. In this case, you need to increase portions of other products. Report the decision to those responsible.
      • Unexpected vegans, teetotalers, and allergic guests should be avoided if you plan ahead, but it's not uncommon for people to bring relatives or close friends with them without warning, especially if the event doesn't have a strict number of invitations. As a rule, solving such problems is easy. Meet guests at the entrance and ask them if they have any food preferences. Communicate any kitchen preferences as soon as you learn about them.
      • If there are more guests than you expected, have more food prepared or buy more food if needed. As a rule, the kitchen has a stock of food, taking into account possible spoilage, and more often than not, there is more food than needed, not less. You can reduce the portions and serve more bread, salad, or vegetables, i.e. products that can be quickly bought at the supermarket.
    • Know how to solve problems with children. Do not make the mistake of many managers - remember that children have the same needs as adults: they want to have a good time and not be bored. Parents are often offended if the event does not provide entertainment for children. It's best to ask any guests who plan to bring children with them to notify you by replying to your invitation.

      • For young children (under 10 years old), it is best to offer food or snacks early, as most often dinner does not start until 8 pm, which is much later than children usually eat. Food should be interesting for children and healthy, but also as well thought out as food for adults - parents will appreciate it. A complete meal for kids will make it easier for parents to have a relaxing evening.
      • Children over 10 years of age can generally be served adult meals and portions the same size as adults, although children most often do not eat the entire serving. With parental consent, offer kids a children's menu if they don't like adult food. Teenagers often choose the same food as children because it is simpler. For this reason, some establishments are renaming children's menus as alternative menus. Discuss in advance with the main guests the menu for children and entertainment options for children and seniors.
      • Designate a private area for women with infants to feed and change, and a place for small children to sleep if they get tired.
    • Know how to deal with rowdy and drunken guests, as well as people who try to get into an event without an invitation. Ideally, this can be avoided, but not always - problems are possible at corporate and family events. Often, nuances that you did not know and could not know about come up, so be prepared for anything.

      • Ask the client and main guests about possible scenarios of behavior in such cases. If it's inappropriate to discuss it with them, talk to the other people in charge to avoid seating issues. Assign responsible persons for these situations, monitor the situation and be ready to intervene if necessary. Strictly speaking, your responsibility is to run the event, but you are not responsible for the guests' private matters. For this reason, you should find out who you should contact if an unpleasant situation arises.
      • Since it can be difficult to refuse alcohol to a guest who has already had too much to drink, just like interacting with a guest who is behaving aggressively, it is best to allow one of the guests to resolve the conflict. Call the police only if the main guests approve. Even small events often have a lot of alcohol, so it's important to always be on the lookout.
      • Situations with people who try to get into an event without an invitation are always quite difficult. In this case, it is best to calmly ask them to leave the event, but first check with the main guests if these people are really not on the invite list. If people behave aggressively, it is your duty to protect guests to the extent possible. Call the police or security if the intruders do not leave despite your requests.
      • Guests often skip the seating chart and sit where they want or next to whoever they want to sit with. Ask the main guests if this is acceptable. It is best to discuss everything with clients in advance. If it is mandatory for people to be seated according to the seating arrangement, do not let anyone into the dining room before dinner starts. Often before dinner, guests are in the lobby, in the lobby or in the bar. If some people should not be crossed because of family disagreements, you can divide people into groups and lead them to the appropriate tables separately.
    • Know what to do if the weather gets in the way. Sudden rain or snow is possible in some regions, as is extreme heat or cold. As a rule, the weather doesn't matter much if the event is held indoors, but in the case of outdoor events, everything is more complicated. If bad weather is expected, move the event to another location. If this is not possible, rent a large pavilion or tent (although this option can be expensive if booked at the last minute). Keep an eye on the weather as you prepare for the event. In the case of bad weather, it is extremely difficult to correct the situation, so do everything in your power to prevent problems.

      • Some countries have insurance in case of bad weather and other problems. If the weather in your area is unpredictable, consider a plan for dealing with bad weather. Find out the cost of insurance and moving the event to another location, as this will help you prepare the client for possible additional costs.
  • Keep essentials in one convenient place: tissues, fire extinguisher, first aid kit and other things. If everything goes well, you won't need them, but for large events it's best to have them on hand just in case.
  • If any of the guests or speakers are tired or have to get used to jet lag, check with them or their assistants if they need a spa session, a massage, or anything else to make them feel better. If they haven't eaten for a long time, you can send them lunch, and if they feel unwell, pills (for example, in case of a headache due to stress or stomach pain due to a flight). Tired guests or speakers are ways to ruin any event, no matter how hard you try.
  • Make sure everyone can see the stage and hear the music or performances.
  • Remember that organizing someone else's event is a great honor, even if the process itself turns out to be very nerve-wracking. Your work can make many people happy and give them an unforgettable experience. This experience will also be useful for you, as you will acquire many new skills.
  • You can give a speech yourself or even dance with someone if it makes the event more interesting. It is important to be able to delegate your responsibilities in case you need to participate in a dance or give a speech. It is important that there is no silence at any table.

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