Rental prices for musical equipment. Audio equipment rental business Audio equipment rental business

  • 13.01.2021

Holidays and various parties are an integral part of the life of our compatriots. We celebrate weddings, birthdays and anniversaries. Agree that without an entertainment program and music it is impossible to imagine a single celebration? This is especially true for music. There is a way out of this situation - it is to rent musical equipment. To date, in large cities of Russia (St. Petersburg, Moscow, etc.) there are many companies that rent out musical equipment. At the same time, this type of service is in demand. Therefore, I suggest you pay attention to such an interesting idea.

Who is this type of service for? Your clients may be up-and-coming rock, pop and rap bands who do not have the funds to purchase their own expensive musical equipment. Also, your equipment will be in demand among companies that specialize in corporate parties. Quite often, musical equipment is taken by the anniversaries themselves, newlyweds, and so on. As you can see, this type of service is designed for a wide range of potential customers. To expand the circle of customers, you must purchase not only expensive equipment, but also cheap equipment. After all, your customers will be people with a variety of income levels. If you decide to go into this business, then you will need impressive financial investments. For example, to purchase a set of equipment consisting of two modern passive speakers, one powerful amplifier, an advanced speaker system, you will need an amount of 300,000 rubles.

How to set the most optimal prices for equipment rental? To do this, analyze the market. Approximate prices are as follows: rental of a set of acoustics with a capacity of 1 kW. costs about 4000 rubles, equipment with a capacity of 7 kW. costs about 16 thousand rubles. In general, the rental price depends on the capacity of the equipment. Agree, the current picture looks very attractive? You can really earn decent money by renting musical equipment. In large cities, such companies pay off in 4-5 months.

Before opening a music equipment rental business, it is imperative to conduct a demand analysis - “will such services be in demand in your region or city where you are going to open a music equipment rental business?”. Please note that in some cities the demand for such services is high, while in others, on the contrary, it is low. I can say one thing that the presented business has great prospects for development.

The prices for our services are formed on the basis of several components.

  • Number of equipment

  • Equipment class

  • Event date

  • Fare

  • Event duration

  • Technical staff work

How to calculate the amount of musical equipment

The amount of equipment is calculated based on factors such as the number of people, the program of the event and the area of ​​​​the space. For example, for a small conference of up to 100 people in an ordinary assembly hall, a set of equipment from two speakers on stands and a pair of microphones, as well as a projector with a screen, will be enough. If we are talking about a concert of a musical group, then such a set will obviously not be enough.

Which class of audio equipment to choose

The class of equipment also affects the price. Each manufacturer of musical equipment is counting on a certain segment of users. For example, a summer cafe on the beach or a wedding DJ is unlikely to buy an expensive line array for their daily work. And for concert hall or the street scene on City Day and similar events, where performances by famous artists are held and several hundred or thousand people gather, two budget columns will obviously not be enough.

Date of event and price for technical support

Like most activities, our work has seasonal ups and downs. There are several peaks in the demand for our services in a year, and they all fall during the holidays. AT holidays music equipment rental prices are becoming more expensive than usual. Please be understanding about this. Any holiday is very good, but we work, and you rest.

Transportation of concert equipment

Our equipment is located in Moscow, Sochi and Krasnodar, but we often work in other cities as well. For the transportation of equipment, we use freight transport, which we hire together with a driver. If the event allows you to bring equipment and immediately release the car, then this will minimize transportation costs. If the equipment needs to be transported over a longer distance, or we are talking about a series of concerts in several cities, then as a rule we hire a truck with a driver for the entire time of our work. We also include these costs in the cost of our services. If you want to reduce their cost, then in some cases this can be done at the expense of transportation. If you have such an opportunity, you can take over the transportation of equipment to and from the event.

The complexity of the event and its cost

Despite the general similarity of scenarios and technical equipment, each event is unique in its own way. Everywhere there are nuances that we are accustomed to take into account. For example, when only one musical group performs at an event, which comes with its own sound engineer and lighting designer, then from our side there is no need for this work. It is enough for us to prepare the site for their requirements and just make sure that someone else does not accidentally pull out any cord from the outlet. Or when started big program, and the bands are constantly changing on the stage and the equipment is being re-switched to the requirements of each artist, then the amount of our work increases noticeably. All these points must be taken into account when forming the terms of reference and, accordingly, the price of our services. That is, if you say "There's nothing complicated, you just need to put the speakers on, turn on the music and that's it." So we just put the speakers on, turn on the music and that's it)) We will come to other options less prepared. In order for us to understand exactly what is required of us, tell us about your event in more detail.

Event technical staff

As mentioned above, each event has its own characteristics in conducting and servicing. These features are formed, among other things, from the technical rider of the event. With some terms of reference one or two people can easily cope, but somewhere you will need a whole team.

Everything will depend on such basic factors as:

To develop your own business, there are a huge number of business ideas. One of them is the opening of a recording studio. This case is rather unusual. For its success, it is necessary not only to "get sick" with this, but also to be well versed in this area.

First steps

Only a person connected with music can open his own recording studio and develop this business. That is why there is practically no competition in this area.

Where to begin? First of all, you should draw up a business plan for a recording studio. The development of this document is the initial step for any enterprise. A recording studio business plan will systematize all the main points that need to be considered and will allow you to determine the prospects for the future. A pre-compiled document will give a concrete visibility of what will happen after the implementation of this project, what will be the amount of profit, according to which scheme it is best to act.

Is this business profitable?

Does it currently make sense to open a recording studio from scratch? It is worth considering the fact that today the one who makes sound recordings at home receives the most profit. Studios equipped with expensive equipment and having large areas, for the most part, stand idle and suffer losses. The majority of musicians do not require good sound, therefore, they are not going to overpay for quality, especially since most of the compositions and songs are posted directly on the Internet.

There are music groups that are willing to pay for CDs. However, at the same time, they want to record only during their rehearsals in their home studio. In addition, most consumers download music online. Selling discs brings only a loss, and therefore few people care about high quality sound.

Room selection

Rent music studio, which is equipped with expensive professional equipment and is located on vast areas, is currently impractical. It is enough to open such a business at home. If there is no own apartment for this, then suitable premises should be found.

The business plan of the recording studio should provide for rent. Such a room does not have to be located in the city center. An apartment for your own studio can also be rented in a residential area. In addition, it will cost much less.

The size of the apartment may be small. Enough twenty to thirty square meters. However, it is worth taking care of good sound insulation so as not to disturb the residents of the house.

List of required equipment

Opening your own recording studio in an apartment today has become possible thanks to the development digital technologies. This will require the purchase of special equipment. The recording studio business plan should include a detailed list of all the necessary equipment. This list includes the following:

A computer with good power and a decent sound card;
- studio monitors;
- midi keyboard;
- microphone stands with microphones;
- Closed-back headphones

The business plan of the music studio should also consider the further preparation of the project. On the computer, you will need to install a special software. It must be licensed. This is important for bringing the performer to a serious competitive level.

It should be borne in mind that the purchase of paid programs will require additional funding. This will pay off with the trust of even the most demanding client.

In addition, the licensed programs have a lot of functionality. This will allow you to record sound of better quality and at a high level.

Those entrepreneurs who do not want to invest in licensed software can find certain programs on the net that are legal and at the same time free.

Just don't write pirated versions.

Start-up capital

The cost of the necessary equipment for sound recording will cost approximately one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. For an hour of studio work, a fee of 500 to 1000 rubles is charged. With a sufficient number of customers, the income is small, but stable.

When selecting staff, the arranger and composer may well be replaced by a talented sound engineer. This will reduce payroll costs.

Additional services

A recording studio, whose business plan should provide for all possible development prospects, can specialize in a particular area. Either live or electronic music is recorded here. Appropriate equipment must be purchased for the chosen direction. The design of the music studio should also be carefully considered. This will allow renting the premises for rehearsals, because musicians, as a rule, do not have enough such areas.

It is worth bearing in mind that the studio recording business is not an independent project. This is part of show business.

Currently, the number of musical groups is increasing. Some of them eventually reach a decent professional level. In this regard, musical groups need to rent sound equipment. They need equipment not only to record works, but also to organize their concerts.

Young performers are usually limited in funds. That is why they rent equipment. A recording studio business plan should take this into account. Concert equipment can be purchased separately. This will allow you to earn some income.

Those people who want to record congratulations for relatives and friends can pay attention to the recording studio. Parents will enjoy listening to songs performed by their children. There are also amateur musical groups that will need to record individual songs or entire albums.