Methods of selling hotel services. Types and means of promoting hotel services

  • 14.04.2020

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Formation of a positive image of the hotel is a parallel formation of the image of its services. This process is called the effect of the acquisition by the organization of a certain market power, the presence of which reduces the sensitivity of the consumer to price, reduces the likelihood of replacing the service with analogues of competitors, i.e. protects the hotel from losing customers and strengthens its position in relation to services of the same category

There are five ways to promote services, including hotel ones:

  • 1. advertising (advertising)
  • 2. personal sales (personal sales)
  • 3. sales promotion
  • 4. public relations

Advertising (from Latin Reclamare - “to approve, shout out, protest”) - information disseminated in a favorite way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of people and aimed at drawing attention to the object of advertising, forming or maintaining interest in it and its promotion in the market.

  • 1. Outdoor advertising(shields, banners, signs, signboards)
  • 2. Internet (banner, text ads, videos)
  • 3. Print media (text ads, classified ads)
  • 4. Television (videos, ticker, sponsorship)
  • * Radio (music, announcer)

Professional PR starts with reliable information. It is based on a detailed presentation of such characteristics of the hotel, such as:

  • 1. list of responsible employees (who is responsible for what);
  • 2. number and type of rooms;
  • 3. opening hours and specialization of the restaurant and bar;
  • 4. name, capacity and specifications banquet and conference rooms;
  • 5. leisure and sports opportunities for clients;
  • 6. description of the location of the hotel, indicating the route from the station and airport;
  • 7. car parks;
  • 8. architectural and (or) artistic solutions, which can be a hotel attraction;
  • 9. characteristics of key leaders;
  • 10. photographs illustrating the possibilities of the hotel in the field of services, etc.

This information is constantly supplemented, corrected and filled with new content, talking about the events taking place in the hotel.

When it comes to the work of PR within the enterprise, first of all it concerns the establishment of PR relations between its employees. PR is a concern for the relationship not only between management and a particular service, but also each of the employees who come into direct contact with customers.

However, this is not talking about another form of advertising: presentation.

The presentation of a product or service is considered the most highly effective way, it gives complete information about the product (service) and each potential client can get an answer to any question right during the presentation.

  • 1. information completeness;
  • 2. responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided;
  • 3. emotionality and persuasiveness;
  • 4. the use of visual means, the visual side dominates;
  • 5. the volume and content of advertising messages is determined by the seasonality factor;
  • 6. the target audience is fragmented, scattered geographically;
  • 7. characterized by a clear separation of business and consumer advertising.

Segmentation by consumers revealed 3 main segments target audience hotels: guests coming to the city on business trips from Russia; companies holding business conferences at specially equipped venues of the complex; foreign guests.

public relations. An authoritative specialist in the field of advertising and PR, former Secretary General of the International Association for Public Relations Sam Black defines public relations (Public relations) as follows: "PR is the art and science of achieving harmony through mutual understanding based on truth and full information." hotel advertising marketing

Public relations outside the enterprise involves the formation of good relations between the enterprise providing services with the public, obtaining favorable publicity and creating a positive image of the hotel, hotel, as well as preventing the spread of negative rumors, stories, opinions about their activities.

The main activities of the public relations department include the formation of friendly relationships and relationships: with the media, with target audiences, with authorities and public administration.

In order to increase sales, increase efficiency and profitability, any enterprise in this area should be engaged in the formation of demand for the services provided and engage in sales promotion, that is, promotion of services (promotion).

Promotion is a variety of tactical and strategic means aimed at directly and indirectly strengthening the position of the enterprise in the market of the products it offers and enhancing the sale of these products.

To attract customers, you need to constantly introduce an innovative solution in advertising.

Innovation is the introduction of innovations that provide a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes or products demanded by the market. It is the end result of human intellectual activity, his imagination, creative process, discoveries, inventions and rationality. An example of innovation is the introduction to the market of products (goods and services) with new consumer properties or a qualitative increase in the efficiency of production systems.

The marketing plan is a document that is the most important part of the annual development plan of the enterprise (along with financial, production and other plans), which establishes the market goals of the enterprise and suggests methods for achieving them.

The annual plan of the enterprise, respectively, establishes the general goals of the enterprise (which includes market, financial, production, innovation and personnel management goals) and determines the ways and means of achieving them. However, since in a highly competitive environment marketing is the main function of the enterprise, and the marketing plan dominates other plans and is developed in the first place, because:

marketing decisions are a priority, as they determine what exactly the company will produce, at what price and where to sell, how to advertise;

marketing is the main function that provides a link between the desires of the consumer and the capabilities of the company, then the formation of a business mission, conducting a SWOT analysis and forming the overall goals and strategy of the enterprise also becomes a marketing task.

Strategic decisions on individual elements of the formed marketing mix are as follows:

for the product - providing a more complete set of product properties that are useful for the target group of consumers;

for the price - the formation of the price perception of the product through the ratio of "quality / price";

by distribution - providing the availability of goods for the target group of consumers;

In the course of work on the second chapter, after analyzing the future development strategy of the hotel, it was proved that the Katerina Park Hotel is most profitable to enter new markets with the same product that it has, since there is no need to develop in the same market and invest in this effort (due to the almost complete absence of competitors). In addition, modifying or changing a product or its position in the market is much cheaper than starting a different business with a different product. Such a strategic plan has clear advantages.

So, the main task of the marketing department is to work on the brand of the company, that is, providing the company with a name. The hotel should be chosen not only large groups from travel companies, and sports groups directed to the hotel from the state, but also individual travelers.

The second area of ​​activity of the department should be the task of promoting new hotel products:

"Wedding Night" in the hotel "Katerina Park";

"Young again, engaged again" at the Katerina Park Hotel - offers for those who want to celebrate their wedding anniversary in a special way;

"Speed ​​dates" in the restaurant of the hotel "Katerina Park";

"Wedding celebrations" in the restaurant of the hotel "Katerina Park".

Description of services is presented in Table 2.6. Of course, to determine the cost of each service, it is necessary to conduct a study of competitors, or average prices in the market, or marketing research among future users. However, the strategic implementation plan for product prices is presented in Table 2.7. It is determined by average prices on the market, with the expectation that there are not many such offers in the city of Moscow. Target Portrait the consumer is presented in Table 2.8, and, as you can see, the target audience is similar, respectively, it is possible to advertise new hotel services in the same communication channel, respectively, this saves financial costs for promotion.

In addition, the restaurant of the Katerina Park Hotel does not have a name. This has a negative effect on the promotion of the hotel, and as a tool to attract new visitors to the restaurant, an evening should be held in which the guests of the evening will help name the restaurant. Table 2.9 describes promotion communication channels and their rationale for the Katerina Park Hotel. The plans are described from an optimistic point of view, that is, most likely, in real life, the costs will be higher, and the time to implement the plan will be longer.

The income and expenditure budget summarizes the results of financial and economic activities for the period and shows the effectiveness of the management decisions made.

The main final indicator characterizing the results of the enterprise's activity is profit. However economic entity Profit refers to complex and debatable problems in modern economic theory.

Profit is the excess of income over expenses. The reverse position is called loss, which is negative financial result, which puts the enterprise in a rather difficult financial position not excluding bankruptcy.

For an enterprise, profit is the indicator that creates an incentive to invest in those areas where the greatest increase in value can be achieved. Profit as a category of market relations performs the following functions:

  • - characterizes economical effect obtained as a result of the enterprise's activities;
  • - is the main element of the financial resources of the enterprise;
  • - is a source of formation of budgets of different levels.

The cost plan for promotion channels is presented in Table 3.5. The overall cost plan is presented in Table 3.6.

It should be noted that for the hotel "Katerina Park" the cost of updating the room stock, the restaurant for new services is not significant, so new services should be considered a channel for additional sales, that is, the subject of additional profit.

On average, the cost of one wedding event is 20,000 rubles, and their cost for 30-40 people is from 1,500 rubles per person only on the menu. Accordingly, from 45 thousand rubles. Another 20,000 thousand, on average, wedding organizers leave for toastmasters, entertainment, DJs, etc. The restaurant can serve 3-4 weddings per week, per season, that is 12 weddings per month. The average revenue from events per month is 480,000 rubles.

As for honeymooners, 5 wedding rooms can be serviced every day. The cost of spending one night in a honeymoon room is 12,000 rubles, respectively, taking into account the minimum occupancy of 50%, in fact, the rooms are occupied 3-4 times a week. Receives that the average monthly revenue from the sale of rooms for honeymooners is 144,000 rubles per month.

The cost of hosting a speed dating party is 7,000 rubles. Taking into account the average number of people for parties of 20-30, it will turn out, given that the ticket price is on average from 550 rubles, the total revenue per month will be approximate (it all depends on the specific event, how many people will come in fact, and the cost of the ticket different age groups miscellaneous) RUB 110,000 excluding the sale of food and beverages during events. It should be noted that only the costs of events under the new hotel development strategy are shown here, excluding permanent and variable costs However, as we can see from Table 2.12 and Figure 2.3, there is a clear margin in favor of revenue, which means that even with the company's current, existing costs, the Katerina Park Hotel will have a good revenue from sales of new services. Taking into account the fact that the data are given with the calculation of 50% of the room stock or 50% of the party attendance, and only in the high season of sales, the costs of the new strategy of the Katerina Park Hotel are justified.

Promotion of sales (sales) of a hotel product - this is

a system of measures aimed at increasing consumer demand, accelerating and intensifying the process of its implementation. Before sales promotion, the task has always been to intensify the process of selling services. Poet

Therefore, it is considered as actions, events, actions aimed at creating additional motivation to complete a transaction in the very near future.

The development of a set of measures aimed at stimulating sales includes the following actions:

  • identification of groups of current and potential consumers, as part of market sectors controlled or possible to be covered by the enterprise;
  • ensuring the compliance of hotel products in terms of price, quality, value, availability of innovations with the requirements of consumers of selected market segments;
  • attracting new and retaining individual and corporate permanent customers, using a system of measures to attract and retain them;
  • the optimal choice of distribution and sales channels, taking into account the size of the hotel, its infrastructure and category;
  • usage package offers and especially for those consumer groups that the hotel focuses on;
  • wide use of possible means of promoting hotel products, including advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, as well as the company's website and various non-standard methods.

The marketing plan of the hotel enterprise should be based on the already conducted marketing research to identify groups of current and potential consumers according to geographical criteria, purpose of arrival, solvency and behavioral characteristics. The subsequent refinement of the composition of these groups is carried out according to the analysis of the previous period. Refined groups of consumers make up the sales market, and groups with the same characteristics define its market segments.

Thus, the composition of the market of a hotel enterprise includes a set of market segments that it controls or intends to cover.

If a hotel company has several fundamentally different consumer groups, then each such group should be described separately, indicating their needs and requirements. To compile such a description, you can use the guest card index, which is compiled and maintained by the reservation service, collecting information from all services that had contact with the guest.

The marketing plan should be aimed at bringing together the hotel seller in the face of the hotel enterprise and the buyers in the face of consumers that are in the market sectors controlled and possible for the enterprise to cover. At the same time, it is important that hotel products are provided exactly to those consumers for whom they are designed.

Hotel products must meet the client's expectations and represent a certain value for him, determined by their quality and the proposed innovations in the composition of these products. Since in modern conditions If the client chooses a hotel company in the face of fierce competition, then the hotel product must represent a value proposition for him with its advantages that differ from similar products of competitors.

The quality of hotel products should be evaluated in aggregate modern system indicators, including:

  • hospitality - dignity, respect and courtesy of staff;
  • validity - the provision of all services must be consistent with the purpose of the guest's travel;
  • reliability - the accuracy of the advertising information and the conformity of the actual product with the advertising;
  • efficiency - achieving the greatest efficiency for the tourist while minimizing his costs;
  • clarity - the hotel product must be understandable to both its consumers and manufacturers;
  • ease of operation - the ability to easily detect errors in service technology;
  • flexibility - the hotel product should provide for the possibility of replacing certain services in order to best meet the needs different consumers;
  • integrity;
  • utility.

When choosing hotels, guests prefer the presence of a brand or joining a well-known hotel chain, where high standards of service quality are guaranteed and requirements are met. international standards ISO 9000 quality standards. The noted standards are of decisive importance all over the world, including in Russia. However, they reflect the minimum requirements, which may be lower than the demands of modern consumers.

Therefore, in order for non-chain hotels to compete with chain hotels, they need to have innovations in their products that can provide them with a competitive advantage. These innovations are provided through the use of additional services, the scope of which is not limited.

It is possible to single out certain areas of work of hotel enterprises to ensure the innovative value orientation of their products in relation to competitors, including the following:

  • 1) ensuring the exclusivity of the hotel offer ("chips", "highlights"), which should surprise the guest, is not available from competitors and which must be briefly and beautifully reflected in advertising. For example, a resort boarding house located near an ecologically clean spring well claims that this water can be drunk directly from a water tap, and when visiting a bathhouse, you can plunge into a font with the same water;
  • 2) adding a legend regarding previously provided services to famous guests, finding the hotel in a historical building, etc.;
  • 3) creation of a unique design of the hotel building, interiors, lobby, etc. Successful architectural and design solutions create a special "spirit" of the hotel, a unique aura that surrounds the guest and gives him a sense of inner peace.

Moscow boutique hotel golden apple contains in its rooms a "room with a legend" - "Chekhov Deluxe", in which A.P. Chekhov allegedly lived before the revolution. And in the design of a small lobby bar, a huge apple covered with gold leaf stands out, where you can sit and take pictures.

Hospitality enterprises must not only attract new customers, but also strive to retain and develop relationships with them.

Since personal and corporate sales are significant in volume, the hotel company, represented by the manager of the sales department, should pay serious attention to them.

In personal and telephone communication, hotel staff should pay attention to the client, who in the future may become a regular guest. To retain customers, loyalty programs are being developed, which provide for the development of special promotions for personal sales; availability of discounts on hotel products; Gift certificates; surprises from the administration, etc.

The development of such programs is aimed at retaining customers and is based on the rational use of funds and the avoidance of losses for the hotel. In the interests of the hotel to create databases regular customers, including the number of visits, contacts, tastes, their preferences, additional information, which allows you to maintain relationships with them, offer new products.

In turn, corporate clients for hotels are organizations interested in the accommodation and recreation of their employees and with which the hotel enters into an agreement, according to which the company receives a discount on the accommodation of its employees. These organizations provide a predictable load of the number of rooms; use a wide range of additional services; hold conferences and seminars with their partners; contribute to the creation of a positive image of the hotel in the market.

Clients of hotel enterprises of categories 5* and 4* are representatives of large and medium-sized businesses from construction, pharmaceutical, automotive companies, /G-technologies, etc. Working with representatives of medium and small businesses requires special flexibility and thoughtfulness in the formation commercial offers from hotels, but the results can be significant. In some hotels, only businessmen can provide up to 60% of the total income.

Experts note that the following are the universal criteria for selecting hotels by corporants: location (accommodation, position) and remoteness from the office; tariff (the issue of price and compliance with corporate limits is of key importance), maintaining the corporate tariff at any load level.

Hospitality businesses should be aware that a flexible pricing system can generate more revenue than 100% occupancy. Therefore, the process of segmentation of the consumer market should go in parallel with the process of tariffing, i.e. drawing up for selected groups of consumers special price conditions or special prices, where the special price is a discounted price that is lower than the full fare. So, for individual regular customers who independently book rooms, a discount of 5 to 10% of the room price can be provided, and for corporate clients - several price levels depending on the number of reservations per year. A special price is applied subject to a number of mandatory conditions that prevent the mixing of tariff plans.

Depending on the size of the hotel, its infrastructure and category, there are two main directions for the distribution and sale of hotel products: through intermediaries and without their participation (see also paragraphs 7.2 and 7.3). Direct distribution and sales channels (hereinafter only sales) are carried out through the reservation department; hotel website; corporate organizations. In turn, external sales channels include agency sales; (705 (global reservation systems), etc.

Non-chain hotels prefer to sell their services through intermediaries, and especially when they want to attract corporate clients, which are attracted using advertising companies and P/?-shares are too expensive for them. The involvement of intermediaries becomes a more profitable option and effective in a highly competitive environment.

For the optimal choice of intermediaries, these hotel enterprises should take into account factors including the packaging of hotel products, their quality characteristics, characteristics of consumers, the nature of the market, the possible volumes of sales of products and the cost of implementing the channel. Working with intermediary travel agencies is associated with the payment of commissions of 20% or more for large corporate orders, including meals, transfers, conference services, etc. Therefore, hospitality enterprises and agencies are more profitable those corporate intermediaries that contribute to the expansion of the base of regular customers. The complexity of working with corporate clients is that they are associated with shrinking budget funding and count on significant discounts, reaching up to 30% for a large number and duration of occupancy, which must be covered by a large volume of sales with additional services.

There is also the possibility of cooperation with large national tour operators and consortiums (including hundreds of travel companies) that arrange tenders not to attract corporate clients, but for participation in them hotel enterprises and agencies

must contribute a significant amount (from 800 to 1500 euros), not always counting on success.

It should be noted that chain hotel enterprises in corporate sales can do without intermediaries, since the network structure provides for special marketing programs to attract customers.

Each hotel enterprise has the ability to connect to GDS (global booking systems), which make it available for booking to thousands of agencies around the world. According to statistics, 60% of all orders GDS- corporate customers. Pay Per Use GDS consists of connection fee, transaction fee, accommodation fee.

The organization of the distribution system is carried out by hotel enterprises as part of the marketing strategy or marketing plan being developed.

As T. Panchoshnaya, development director of the Ukrainian health complex "Solnechny Provence" notes, there are three possible systems for working with sales channels:

  • combined , which is optimal for hotels with a large number of rooms;
  • centralized , used by hotels, in which 80% of clients are provided with the supply of tour operators;
  • decentralized when the hotel provides loading on its own.

In conditions of saturation of the market with travel agents, the hotel can choose its intermediaries on a competitive basis. But it is necessary to use modern facilities communication with intermediaries and corporate clients, since the use of telephone and fax leads to significant costs for the booking service. In turn, when using online communication channels, direct sales become important ways to sell hotel services.

To improve the efficiency of a hotel company using direct sales, the development of package offers is of particular importance, especially for those customer groups that the hotel focuses on. Such package offers can be offered to pensioners, students, newlyweds, corporate clients; at a group meeting of holidays, weekends, etc.

Tourist package information center"Uglich" consists of accommodation, breakfast and a guest card, which includes visits to 16 sites, 8 excursions, as well as discounts on additional offers. In turn, the Moscow Hotel (Uglich) prepared for corporate clients special offer"All inclusive", which includes a standard room, three meals a day, a visit to the health complex, billiards, table tennis, board games, special prices for other services.

When developing package offers, the hotel company must:

  • clearly state all the services included in the package price;
  • justify the advantage this proposal;
  • beautifully draw up an offer for increased interest in it.

To increase sales of hotel products, the company must

widely use the system of their promotion, including advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations. All these elements of the promotion system are based on their own methods and means, but must be linked to the tasks to be solved as part of the marketing complex of the enterprise, aimed at the appropriate choice of the composition of products, setting prices for them, and rationalizing the marketing system. By integrating the elements of the promotion system with the overall marketing mix, the hotel enterprise helps to increase the efficiency of its marketing activities.

Depending on the available funds, the hotel company chooses ways to distribute advertising, including television, radio, newspapers, magazines, information stands in public places. Be sure to develop a package of printed products with corporate logo, name, requisites, including leaflets, brochures, catalogs, certificates, made in an appropriate design and attracting attention. These promotional products are distributed in places where potential customers congregate, which helps to increase the occupancy and profit of the hotel.

PR-activities are close to advertising, but the purpose of PP-activities is, first of all, to promote the image of the enterprise. A specifically targeted PP policy improves customer relationships and helps the business profile its offering. Yes, chain hotels Malaya organize free cocktails for guests, which are attended by almost the entire management of the hotels. The information collected in this way serves as the basis for the development of measures to improve customer satisfaction, which contributes to greater efficiency in the operation of hotels and the activation of their sales network.

Sales promotion is aimed at a quick, temporary increase in sales and complements the promotion methods noted above. Sales promotion methods are applied simultaneously with advertising campaigns and RI- shares.

Sales promotion can be carried out in three main areas:

  • 1) intra-company incentives;
  • 2) stimulation of the intermediary network;
  • 3) stimulation of consumers.

The main task of the management of the hotel enterprise is to create such a system of material and non-material incentives so that sales staff would be profitable, interesting and productive to work even in the off-season. The main direction of changing the system of remuneration of their work and bonuses should be the connection of this system with an increase in sales.

Therefore, the total remuneration of a sales employee should include:

  • basic payments, taking into account the salary for hours worked and qualifications;
  • variable payments for individual achievements in attracting consumers and increasing sales above the established plan;
  • variable payments for achievement in the work of the sales department of the hotel as a whole;
  • variable allowances and bonuses for special working conditions and achievements of the employee.

Non-material incentives for sales employees should meet the principles of fairness, clarity and consistency and include, taking into account the experience of Moscow hotels, congratulations to the employee in writing or verbally from management; manifestation of friendly attention from top management; stimulation of professional growth; increase in official status; taking into account the individual preferences of the marked employee in the choice of forms of moral encouragement.

Stimulation of the intermediary network should contribute to its more intensive activities in the sale of hotel products, an increase in the volume of orders carried out on a regular basis. So, for example, hotels can offer travel agencies a flexible system of discounts.

A travel agency can count on receiving preferential rates when placing tourists in the following cases:

  • 1) the hotel guarantees the travel agency for a block of seats lower by about 10-15% if the travel agency provides the hotel with advertising through its catalog or other promotional products;
  • 2) the hotel provides discounts to the travel agency depending on the profit received from the sale of rooms (for example, from 20,000 US dollars - 2% of the base price, from 40,000 US dollars - 4%, etc.);
  • 3) the hotel provides the company with a discount depending on the size of the arriving group (for example, from 12 people - 4% of the base price, from 24 people - 6%, from 48 people - 8%);
  • 4) the hotel provides a travel agency with a discount for accommodating transit tourist groups for short-term holidays (for example, from 00 to 12 and from 12 to 24 hours the discount can be 50%).

Stimulation of consumers is aimed at attracting group consumers of hotel products; growth in the number of permanent group and individual consumers; reduction of seasonal fluctuations in consumption. So, for example, the group rate set in hotels is calculated from a group of 7-10 people for tourist class hotels or from the number of rooms (for example, 10 rooms) for business class hotels. The difference between the price rack rates (at the counter) and group rates averages 20%. Upon arrival of a large group of tourists, hotels practice charter prices, which are 8-10% lower than the group rate.

To stimulate individual clients, a variety of tools are used that can be combined into several groups:

  • 1) price discounts including: discounts from advertised prices in case of pre-booking within the established time frame; seasonal sales discounts; discounts for certain categories of clients (children, newlyweds, etc.); bonus discounts provided to regular customers;
  • 2) coupons , which are a kind of certificates that give the owner the right to a discount when purchasing tourist services;
  • 3) contests for the game , lotteries and quizzes are a fairly effective way to encourage the consumption of tourism services and attract new customers, especially among young people and older people. They suggest the presence of certain prizes, both for the winners and for all other participants;
  • 4) package offers. By purchasing accommodation for several days at once, the guest receives as a gift the possibility of early check-in or late check-out, or a free dinner in a restaurant, etc.

Hotel business operating in the world information technologies, should have its own website on the Internet, since a lot of consumers are looking for the information they are interested in there. Therefore, the site is designed to ensure the promotion of the hotel company and its products on hotel market(see also paragraph 8.1). A desirable addition to the site would be the availability of online booking, as well as sections "question - answer", "review book", "survey". Serious attention must be paid to search distribution as an effective way of advertising on the Internet, but for this it is necessary that the hotel resource get into the TOP list.

There is also the possibility of using non-standard methods of promotion using electronic marketing and ecommerce, including, for example, promotion in social networks, blogs, placement of information about the hotel in electronic maps with CP5 navigation, requiring little cost.

Moscow city branch

Moscow state university service

Methods for promoting products and services in the field of hotel service

3rd year students

Faculty: socio-cultural service and tourism

Artyukh Christina

Scientific adviser: Zubkova N.A.

Moscow 2007


Chapter 1. Methods for promoting products and services in SCS and tourism..5

1.1 Sales promotion in RAS and tourism…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

1.2 Public relations ………………………………………8

Chapter 2. Promotion of hotel services…………………………..12

2.2 Public relations, sponsorship……………………………………..20

Chapter 3. Other means of marketing……………………………………….23

3.1 Individual sale………………………………………..23

3.2 Telemarketing…………………………………………………….24

3.3. Benefit programs and hotel chain……………………..24




Promotion was of limited value in a scarce economy where everything was in short supply, including hotel services. The use of means leading to the intensification of sales of products that are in short supply is meaningless, and at the same time, the lack of promotion makes even the best product unclaimed.

Hotel services in Poland are now becoming more accessible.

There are several reasons for this state of affairs, the most important of which are:

Growing number of hotel businesses;

Decline in the well-being of the predominant part of society;

More economical management carried out by enterprises;

More frequent trips abroad by the more affluent part of society.

Regardless of the reasons, nowadays more and more hotels are looking for a client, and not a client looking for a room, which has significantly increased the role of service promotion in recent years.

Renting apartments in our country is more profitable for customers than booking a hotel room, savings can reach 40-50% in the case of expensive apartments and much more - with cheap ones. In addition, there is a shortage of rooms in 3, and sometimes 4-, and five-star hotels. Therefore, it is necessary to develop hotel service in our country.

The rapid development of the service sector and tourism in Russia in the last decade has contributed to the formation of a system for promoting service and tourism services and, in particular, the creation advertising market. In market conditions, service enterprises must qualitatively satisfy the needs of the population in services and at the same time make a profit. This is possible only with the right marketing and advertising policy, which is implemented by the service and tourism enterprise, so the relevance of the topic is much greater.

The purpose of the work: To determine the methods of influencing the consumer of hotel services to increase sales.

Determine methods for promoting products throughout the SCS and T

Delve into the methods of promoting services and products in the hotel industry

Determine the pros and cons of these methods

Chapter 1:

Methods for promoting products and services in SCS and tourism

When the monopoly of Intourist, TSTE (Central Council for Tourism and Excursions) and Sputnik existed in the tourism market, the advertising campaign in the tourism sector was carried out centrally and was completely under the control of these organizations. In addition, in conditions of shortage, there were no special problems with the implementation of tourist services. At present, the situation has changed radically. With the arrival of newly created domestic and well-known foreign firms on the tourism market, competition has increased immeasurably and the problem of promoting goods and services on the market has become one of the main tasks of tourism companies.

In order to increase sales, increase efficiency and profitability, any enterprise in the service and tourism sector should be engaged in the formation of demand for its products or services and sales promotion, that is, product promotion (promotion).

For these purposes, a marketing communications system is used, which

includes the following components: sales promotion, public relations (pubIic relations), personal selling, advertising.

Along with traditional marketing communications, such a channel as a workshop is used to promote tourism products.

1.1 Sales promotion

Represents short-term incentives and incentives that are aimed at encouraging the sale of goods and services.

According to experts, foreign tour operators spend about half of their advertising budget on sales promotion programs.

Sales promotion activities in the field of tourism can be targeted at various groups: clients of travel agencies (tourists, end users), managers of travel companies, the agency network as a whole.

The first own discount system in tourism was implemented by the BegemOT company.

Children's discounts are actively used; for example, Zeus Travel ran a promotion under the slogan "Children fly free."

The range of discounts and free services offered by travel companies is quite wide and varied, for example:

Club cards with the right to discounts for regular customers are offered by Intourist;

Discounts for children are offered by Neva, Traveler, Eventa Tour, ISS-Tour, Paradise Service and others;

Discounts for groups, free services for children are provided by "Geo Tougism", "Biblioglobus"

Family discounts - "Club Med", "Global Style";

Discounts for pre-booking a tour are guaranteed by many companies,

including "Zeus Travel", "Balkan Express", "Wind Rose", "Swiss House" and others;

Discounts on certain days of the week are offered by Gates of the World, Skyter;

Discounts for visitors to the company's website - "De Visu", "Matter";

Discounts for those born in April - Arril Plus;

Free delivery of tickets - "Spassky Gate-Tour";

Individual tours at a group price - "Dan", "Literature Travel";

regular customers, etc. - "Harp", "Master".

Sales promotion can also be implemented in the form of a premium (gift) for the purchase of a service. Such prizes can be branded items (branded T-shirts, calculators, etc.), sometimes bottles of wine, pagers or Cell Phones. Coupon discounts are actively used, for which the bearer has the right to receive a discount (usually 5-10%).

The company "Europe 2000" before the summer season of 1999 held a campaign for publication in the magazines "Tourbusiness" and " Hotline» coupons for an additional agency discount. The action turned out to be quite effective and effective in terms of attracting new agents who came through this advertisement from June to August. As a result of this advertising campaign, the firm acquired several dozen new partners.

As an incentive, various free Additional services, for example, excursions, as in the company "Inaleks", or a day of free accommodation in a hotel (firm "Detur").

Sales promotion programs can be organized in the form of joint actions of various firms.

3evs Travel Company held joint advertising campaigns with such well-known companies as "Stimorol" (raffle of vouchers for the sale of products), "Lukoil" (delivery of prize packages to customers of gas stations), "Ramstore" (advertising New Year's tours in this chain of stores).

The company "VKO Travel" with sales of 20 tours increases the commission by 1%, with 40 - by 2%. The Inna Tour company pays 11% commission after 51 sold tours, 12% - after 101.13% - after 151.

The system of cumulative bonuses is very popular. Its essence is that if the specified conditions are met by the tour operator, the travel agency receives a certain amount.

The PAS Group company pays remuneration to agencies for fulfilling the sales volume: for 10 thousand dollars of tours sold, the agency receives 100 dollars, for 20 thousand - 250 dollars, for 40 thousand - 600 dollars.

Since January 2002, the Best Eastern Hotels hotel chain with the participation of the VEN chain operator and the Academservice DMS company has introduced a new bonus program for travel agents. The program involves 47 chain hotels in 11 CIS and Baltic countries. Travel agencies booking bonus hotels are rewarded at the rate of 1 bonus dollar per 100 dollars of purchased services. Then the accumulated bonuses can be exchanged for a voucher that guarantees free accommodation in one of the hotels of the chain that participate in bonus program. Large tour operators offer their know-how in the field of stimulating the travel agency network. Sales promotions lead to short-term increases in sales and often supplement advertising and personal selling. Sales promotion attracts potential buyers because it contains a clearly expressed attractive concession and is a clear incentive to immediately make a purchase, that is, it has a specific target orientation. In the field of tourism and hospitality, this is especially important, since services cannot be stored and an unsold service leads to a loss of profit. In addition, long-term discounts can negatively affect the profits generated, as they certainly divert significant cash and require significant costs. Obviously, sales promotion is quite expensive for a service company.

1.2 Public relations (public re l ati on s)

It involves the formation of good relations between the service enterprise and the public, obtaining favorable publicity and creating a positive image of the company, as well as preventing the spread of negative rumors, stories, opinions about the company's activities. Propaganda (publicity) is the use of editorial, not paid, in contrast to advertising, time and place in all media available for reading, viewing or listening to potential customers.

The main activities of public relations enterprises include the formation of benevolent relationships and relationships: with the media, with target audiences, with authorities and public administration.

Tour operators attach particular importance to familiarization tours (jamiliarizatioп trip, abbreviated as fam-trip), which are organized for both travel agents and journalists. Advertising tours increase the prestige of the tour operator in the market of travel services, contribute to the expansion and formation of the agency network, and the articles of journalists about the perfect trip are the best advertising both the company itself and its tourist product. As practice shows, potential customers are more confident in the information they received from third parties, in particular, from the articles of journalists who have been on a particular trip, than to information received from advertising messages of the travel agencies themselves.

The main goal of forming and maintaining relationships with the target audience is to establish mutual understanding between the target audience and the firm. The target audience can be employees of a travel agency, hotels, regular and potential consumers, marketing intermediaries (travel agencies, tour agencies), manufacturers of transport services, catering companies. Establishing a positive relationship with your target audience can be accomplished in a variety of ways. This can be participation in charity events, public life of the city and district, participation of company representatives and the work of seminars, conferences, speeches at schools, enterprises, organization of days of the company and days of tourism, events of an event nature (anniversary of the company, launch of a new product on the market, the beginning of the season, honoring the anniversary client).

Public relations events are of great importance for the promotion of Russia and its individual regions on the world market.

The Republic of Karelia was the first of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to receive the status of the European Region of 2003 by taking part in a special international competition. This competition has been held since 2000 in order to identify the most promising regions to promote their image at the international level.

Unfortunately, propaganda activities have a number of shortcomings. In particular, sometimes the press, relying on information received from press releases and other sources, may incorrectly place emphasis, that is, draw the attention of potential consumers to secondary, non-essential characteristics of tourism products and services. Moreover, the company often does not have any guarantees that a positive attitude towards it and the services it offers will be formed.

Assume the oral presentation of tourist services in the process of a personal conversation between a travel agency manager and a potential buyer in order to sell them. The means of personal selling can be personal communication with customers and telephone conversations. It is typical for the Russian travel industry that the majority of clients, before choosing a travel agency and coming to it in person, call them on the phone, and the preliminary selection of travel agencies is carried out based on advertising. Ceteris paribus, a potential client applies to the firm where he was more attentively, more politely and more interested in talking. In this regard, preliminary telephone calls from clients cannot be underestimated, because the formation of a favorable impression is carried out in the first seconds of the conversation, and already by the first telephone conversation with the manager of the travel agency, the client's image is formed. In personal selling, there is a direct impact on a potential buyer and an incentive to take certain actions. Modern stage The development of the tourism market is characterized by the fact that the traditional types of competition associated with the difference in the range of tourist products or services offered, prices, and the like, have already exhausted themselves. The main direction of competition is to ensure the quality of the services offered, the quality of service. In this regard, the degree of trust of the client and, as a result, the sales volume of the company and its income ultimately depend on the professionalism and skill of the manager.

The personal nature of personal sales allows you to significantly reduce the useless audience, concentrate on clearly defined segments of the tourism market, establish long-term relationships between the travel agency manager and the buyer, form and retain a permanent clientele, which is very important in an increasingly competitive environment. In the system of marketing communications, personal selling is the only way to promote a product and service that ends directly with its sale.

Despite the undeniable advantages, personal selling has a number of disadvantages. These include high costs per potential consumer. It should be noted the lack of effectiveness of personal sales in terms of coverage of potential buyers, since the company's staff can only have direct contact with a limited number of them. Direct selling is effectively used in conjunction with other means of selling a product.

Each of the means has its own distinctive features and is used to achieve different advertising goals. Has its own audience coverage and exposure time, can also be used as additional element, for example, sales promotion is used as an additional element of promoting goods and services on the market at a time when it is necessary to sharply increase sales or implement, for example, last-minute tours.

Distinctive features of public relations are a wide coverage of the target audience, a variety of forms used, a long-term orientation, and a relatively low cost.

Personal selling is crucial in shaping a potential buyer's preference for a particular product or service and motivating them to purchase it.

Chapter 2

Promotion of hotel services

Promotion is a variety of tactical and strategic means aimed at directly and indirectly strengthening the position of an enterprise in the market of the products it offers and enhancing the sale of these products.

This broad definition covers all means that, both in the short term and in the long term, can lead to an increase in demand for our products. Other authors and translators define promotion in a sense close to the above definition as the activation of sales, a system marketing communication or as a trading communication system. The reason for the differences in relation to the presented definition is to give the noun "promotion" a narrower set of meanings.

Promotion in accordance with the accepted definition is certain types activities in the field of: advertising, public relations, sponsorship,

individual sales, other activities related to promotion.

At the same time, it is not enough to create (purchase, deliver) a product in order to sell it. It is also necessary to inform the potential buyer about the existence of the product, convince him of the expediency of the purchase, and sometimes even inspire him with the existence of his need, which he did not even suspect. This is what promotional activities are for.

Informing - This function is of particular importance in the case of a new product launch on the market, as well as on the eve of the completion of construction or in the first days of the operation of a new hotel enterprise. Carrying out activities that make the product more attractive, without first informing customers about it, is simply pointless. Information events should be systematically updated so that previous promotions can be noticed by people who have only recently become interested in hotel services.

Placing information about the hotel in domestic and foreign

printed and virtual hotel directories, relevant information in telephone directories, own website with current information, publication and distribution of information booklets about hotel services, prices for these services and the advantages of the immediate surroundings, notification through the press and radio about the upcoming opening of the hotel.

Declension - This feature is very important when we have direct competitors. Information can be limited to where there is one hotel within a radius of many tens of kilometers. If there are a large number of hotels in a small area, then events that incline the client to choose our establishment become important. This may be a demonstration of certain features of our services, directions, simplification of booking, and the like. Letters to potential customers - travel agencies, businesses, making contacts at tourist fairs, organized visits of representatives of travel agencies in order to get acquainted with the hotel and the region, offering preferential price conditions to individual companies, temporary road signs to the hotel, the possibility of booking via the Internet, installation in airport telephone providing direct communication with the administration,

organizing the delivery of guests from the railway station or airport to the hotel

Reminder - this function is a reminder to the client about the existence of our hotel and, above all, our hotel chain, even at a time and in a place where there is no need to use them, so that he turns to us when such a need arises:

Roadside billboards advertising the logo of the chain of hotels, publication of the name, logo and image of the hotel in various media, placement of the name, logo, phone number in various advertising publications, participation of hotel employees in various culinary competitions, sponsorship of cultural and sports events, solemn celebrating anniversaries of the hotel with the participation of the media and public figures, sending out holiday greetings, distributing calendars

Clients using services related to overnight stay,

usually too dispersed to be influenced by press advertising at a reasonable cost; the exceptions are hotels that focus on residents and companies of the region or located near a big city, arriving on vacation, organizing conferences, and the like.

The digestibility of television advertising is very high, as evidenced by the wide popularity of some advertising texts. The range of its distribution ensures its successful delivery to all interested potential customers living in the country. However, the prices for advertising in nationwide television programs are high, the best advertising time is the first program around 20.00, between the news and the weather.4. Road shields. Road billboards are a popular means of advertising, which is easy to see when driving up to any major city. First, the inscriptions on the shields are always readable at a relatively large distance. The distance from which an inscription can be read depends on the size and shape of the letters. Second, an appropriate contrast between the background and the content of the board is essential, such as blue, black or red letters on a white background. Inscriptions that shock with a combination of colors, and especially those made of foil that changes color depending on the angle of view, are unacceptable. Thirdly, too many shields on a short stretch of road reduces the possibility of reading any of them, including ours. Obviously the owner land plot next to a busy highway is willing to accept rewards from several shield bearers, but it is better to find one that will ensure that the shield is placed at a distance from which it can be read, even if it costs more. Fourth, the reader has limited time. Fifth, the above factors make it necessary to limit the text to the inevitable minimum, since each extra word takes up space on the shield, makes it difficult to assimilate the most important, and lengthens the reading time of the text. Obviously, it is easier to notice a large shield. In practice, when approaching a large city, we often encounter a forest of small shields oversaturated with unreadable text. Given the different situations on the highway, it is important to repeat the shields, as it may happen that the driver cannot see one or even two tables, taking into account road conditions. In view of the content, two main functions of road shields should be distinguished. The first of them serves to inform and remind about the existence of our hotel. Depending on the legibility of the shield available, it may also include, for example, the logo of a hotel chain or one of its distinguishing or competitive advantages, the number of stars and the distance.

The second function is to induce the client to use our hotel, simplifying the search and informing those clients who previously decided to use our services about its exact location (for example, they booked a place there in advance or familiarized themselves with previous billboards). 5. Road signs. It is worth taking advantage of the opportunities that give road signs set in accordance with the rules traffic. They are installed in a roadside lane next to a highway or street. They do not need to pay the owner of the land. If we build a hotel in a small area where there is nothing attractive except for this hotel and related facilities, then we have a chance that the name of the area will eventually become synonymous with the hotel. In such a situation, each road sign of the area becomes a road sign to the hotel, and we should not post about it additional information. Therefore, you should install:

are there road signs with the name of the area;

is it possible to additionally install road signs with the same name, and if not, then, for example, pay for the replacement of road signs we are interested in;

is it possible to obtain permission to install (at the expense of the hotel) road signs with the name of this area.

Road signs "hotel". Their effectiveness will be greatly enhanced by the placement of an additional sign (except for the distance and the arrow indicating the direction, with the name of the hotel), if we obtain the consent of the local authorities.6. Specialized Editions

Specialized hotel guides are published in the country and abroad, their users are enterprises and institutions for which hotel booking is a daily activity, and above all travel agencies, hotels and other organizations involved in tourism. Buyers of directories are also firms whose employees frequently travel throughout the country, and individual clients. The main advantage of the hotel directory is its completeness; users are most likely to look into the directory, which lists the most hotels.

Not all directories are professionally published, as some publishers are more interested in hotel fees than in the completeness of the directory. 7. Internet. In the case of hotel services, it is now impossible to do without the Internet. It is becoming an increasingly popular means of communication, and more and more people are searching the Internet for various information, including about hotels. There are several options informing potential customers about our hotel and its advantages via the Internet. An indispensable solution at present is first of all that the hotel has and uses in all publications an Internet address, which has become as important as a postal address, telephone number, fax number. But from the point of view of advertising needs, the most important thing is the ability to reach a client who is interested in a hotel service. The easiest way to search is where the client will find the largest number of hotels located in the city or region of interest to him. Such a place are hotel Internet directories. The widest possibilities are provided by your own web page. In addition, there is the possibility of placing so-called banners as one of the possible forms of your advertising on other people's Internet pages, which are visited by the most users.

8. Phone books. For most people who travel, the source of information about hotels is the telephone directory of the area they are going to. Those who want to book a table in a restaurant are also guided by the city phone book, it is also an important source of information. Not all hotel businesses know how to use it, and the situation is worsened by the fact that in most areas at least two different telephone directories are published.

The most common mistake is that the information posted in the phone book does not mention other activities carried out by the hotel.

In the telephone book of the regional center O, published in 2000, gastronomic enterprises of the three hotels of the highest category were not named under the heading "Restaurants".

The telephone book of the regional center W mentioned three hotels belonging to the same enterprise. They were difficult to find because the name of each of them was printed in type different sizes and in another combination of words, for example: Grand Hotel, Hotel Grand, XXX Sp. z 0.0. - Branch Hotel Grand.

Placing the phone number of a restaurant under the heading "Hotels" does not exhaust the topic. Not every phone book user will search for gastronomic services under the heading "Hotels". It is necessary to determine what should be done so that our hotel, placed under the headings "Restaurants", "Cafes", has the same address and the same phone number. 9. Other publications. The relatively easy possibility of selling space for advertisements in various publications has led to the fact that all new firms begin to publish and distribute various advertisement newspapers, general or sectoral, city plans, lists of residents. It is impossible to unequivocally assess the suitability of these publications for the promotion of hotel services, since these publications have a very limited distribution. There are also cases when the intention to systematically publish an advertisement newspaper disappears after the publication of the first issue.

Another kind of publications are local directories, published, for example, once a year, supported by local governments, which take most of the circulation for the promotion of their region. These guides are funded by advertisements from businesses that fill out most of the guide. Advertising is relatively expensive due to the high quality of paper and printing. You need to make your own assessment of these publications and their usefulness as a means of advertising.

10. Gifts and printed editions

Materials in the hotel room. Usually they contain a logo, sometimes - the name and other information about the hotel. Such materials also include various kinds of printed publications, such as booklets, business cards, calendars. Experience teaches that in this case there are many different misunderstandings.

But on the basis of the observations made, certain broader conclusions suggest themselves, which should be kept in mind when editing even short texts:

A client using the services of a hotel is usually not interested in the organizational structure of the enterprise, and he will need the address of the directorate only if he wants to file a complaint;

The address of the hotel, placed on business cards, calendars and other publications, is intended for use within the country; it must be understandable to Polish postal workers and a Polish taxi driver;

An indication of the official position (for example, director) in a language that the recipient of the business card does not know disorients the interlocutors.

For contacts with foreign partners, especially from countries that do not use the Latin alphabet, you can print double-sided business cards - on one side in Polish, on the other in Russian or Japanese. The use of a business card, on which the company name and address are indicated only on foreign language, gives rise to the danger that the letter from the counterparty will not be delivered to us. It may also happen that at a banquet you will be seated between people who know only the language that is on the business card.

There are no such problems in the case of branded gifts. Only the name or logo of the hotel is placed on the most expensive gifts, Given on various occasions to important counterparties or other individuals visiting the hotel or placed in rooms intended for special guests, the so-called VIP persons (Eng. Very Important Person - a very important person). 11. Other advertising media

Example: During a visit to Poland in 2002, the President of Russia delivered a speech from a podium where the name and logo of the hotel where the conference was held were visible. This event was shown on nationwide television programs.

Indeed, television is reluctant to show the names of firms outside advertising programs, but the possession of such a podium gives the hotel a chance to appear in the media (as well as in pictures in the press). From this point of view, it is worth taking care of decorating the hall rented for a conference or exhibition with the sign of our hotel, this is a signal for potential customers that we can cater for such an event. But it is necessary to reckon with the fact that the customer may not want this. An important means of advertising is the recommendation from other hotels. It is a mistake to consider them solely as competitors, since hotel customers or residents of our city often apply for information about hotels in other cities. When opening a hotel, it is worth notifying the surrounding hoteliers about this.

Table. Different segments of the market are addressed to different advertising media.

Hotel selection Hotel selection

with prior without prior

Dispersed Clients

Phone books road billboards

Internet traffic signs

Information at gas stations and

Local clients

Local press menu at the entrance

Local radio stations radio, press

Posters, flyers, posters

Institutional clients and travel agencies

Phone books

Hotel Informants

Tourism fairs

2.2 Public relations, sponsorship

The journalist now has too little time to create information. He simply selects it from hundreds of informational messages that he has. Studies show that 70-80% of the information in the mass media is information that arises in connection with public relations.

An alternative source of information is often places where there is always something interesting going on, in keeping with the journalistic rule that "good news is no news." It is easy to guess what information about our hotel can be found in the local press and on the radio.

"Regional newspaper", news from the last page:

The police officer on duty reports that two people have been injured in the disco at Hotel X. The perpetrator has been arrested.

After some time, we may provide certain information to local newspapers, radio stations and TV channels. This may be information such as: the anniversary of the opening of the hotel; arrival at our hotel of the 10,000th guest; achievement by our employees of success in culinary and other hotel competitions; introduction of a new, attractive service, dish; about the mass replacement of equipment; start and end of repair; visit of a group of hoteliers, visit of the Commission of the Polish Association of Hotels.

It is also important to maintain a positive image in the hotel community by providing the hotel for relevant events, such as training for hoteliers, annual conferences for hotel schools organized by the Polish Association of Hotels, meetings of the problem committees of the Association, culinary competitions, production practices.

Sponsoring charity events, culture, education, sports.

Usually occurs in the form of a transfer of part of the profit as a gift to the account of the selected institution for organizing a specific event or providing other activities. non-profit institution or organizations performing certain public functions.

Entry into the role of a sponsor must be preceded by the signing of an agreement.

The contract may provide, for example: the number, area, place of advertisements (tablets, flags, banners) that the sponsor can place in the hall; a ban on the participation of other sponsors representing the same industry; placement of the name or logo of the sponsor on posters, tickets; the size and location of the advertisement; mention of the sponsor in press and radio reports about the event; participation of a representative of the sponsor in the opening of the event and the presentation of awards

The sponsorship of institutions also has a favorable effect on the image of the hotel, due to which we will not achieve an advertising effect ( educational institutions, orphanages).

Chapter 3 Other means of marketing

3.1 Individual sale

It is a form of personal contact of the enterprise with the market. In certain cases, it is cheaper and more successful than the advertising method of searching for a consumer of the services of a given enterprise.

Due to the significant dispersal of potential hotel customers (especially overnight services), individual selling can be used where there is a possibility of selling a larger volume of hotel services, namely:

with tour operators and travel agencies cooperating with them, primarily serving groups of tourists;

at enterprises conducting educational activities;

in public relations agencies that organize promotional events (symposiums, exhibitions) on request;

in large enterprises, in higher educational institutions where many people come in need of lodging for the night.

Individual sales should be used primarily at a time when the hotel has the capacity to provide services to many people (conferences) or if in this region few businesses and institutions that might be interested in this service. Not only will this make a good impression, but it will also make it more successful for a hotel director or marketing person to approach several businesses with an offer to visit the hotel in order to familiarize themselves with its facilities.

For customers who have already established contact with our hotel or arrived at it, all employees carry out individual sales, since the guest may not know all the possibilities of the hotel, and also may not be aware that some (known to him) features of the hotel may would need:

reservation service - invites the guest to come, offering various hotel services;

administration - helps in choosing a room, recommends other, separately paid services (guarded parking, gastronomic services, sauna, coding of a television program);

bartender - prepares drinks in accordance with the revealed tastes of the guest.

Individual sales can be carried out by hotel employees, but - as in the case of other companies - they can be contractually entrusted to travel agencies or other persons.

3.2 Telemarketing

In the case of hotel services, the use of telemarketing is limited to persons having a decisive influence on the choice of a hotel business for a significant number of persons using hotel services. In addition to companies covered by individual sales, which previously did not want to use our services, telemarketing campaigns can be addressed to a larger number of enterprises in the city and within a radius of several tens of kilometers, to which partners, contractors, service and transport service workers come.

Telemarketing promotions must be renewed after a certain period of time (eg once every few months), especially for companies that did not contact us during the previous promotion. It is advisable, referring to the conversation held and the price list sent, to ask about the reason for refusing our offer.

3.3. Benefit programs and chain of hotels.

The most effective and most common method for attracting and stimulating the consumer, as well as for expanding the agency network in tourism, is to provide price discounts.

In the tourism and hotel business, discounts on service during the off-season period have become widespread; holding tourist exchanges, workshops, where tours are sold on preferential terms; providing special discounts that stimulate the sale of new tourist products or last-minute tours; bonus discounts provided to regular customers; discount systems; organization of promotional trips. AT foreign countries, and recently in Russia, there are widespread programs to encourage demand for the services of airlines, hotels, and travel agencies. In Russia, bonus discounts are the most famous, giving the right to receive a free or reduced ticket for regular customers. Among the most well-known sales promotion systems is the Sheraton Club Intemational (SCI) system, which is implemented in Sheraton hotels in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The essence of this program is that for regular customers a system of discounts is applied, implemented with the help of points, which are called ClubMiles. The number of clubmiles accrued to the client depends on how much he spent on accommodation, meals, phone calls, washing and ironing clothes, that is, a set of services that are provided in the hotel itself, after a certain amount, a set number of clubmile points is accrued for each dollar spent. The accumulated club miles can be used by the client to receive a "free night" in any Sheraton system hotel or to receive bonuses for air travel by those airlines with which the hotel chain has concluded an agreement (sixteen airlines). At present, there are 2.5 million SCI members in Europe, and in Russia in 1998, 1,400 guests became members of the club in St. Petersburg alone.

The purpose of most of the measures described in the previous subsections is to find new customers or influence the decision of those customers who are still hesitant and there is no certainty that they will not use the services of this hotel next time. Of great importance are promotions aimed at regular customers in order to maintain their loyalty to the company by giving them priority in booking rooms, using preferential prices. These measures matter when large enterprises- hotel chains than in individual hotels.

The most common way is preferential and other cards. These cards are sold to customers who use the hotel's services relatively often, or are given as gifts. There is the possibility of belonging to an elite club. For this, the color of the cards is also used - silver, gold, platinum.

Therefore, some cards have a prestige value for their owners. Here are some examples of maps that were accessible and accepted in Poland in 2002.

1. Accord Favorite Guest Card - This card is sold throughout Europe. It entitles you to discounts at Sofitel, Novotel, Mercer, Ibis and Suitehotels worldwide. Cardholders receive a 10-15% discount on weekdays and a 25% discount on weekends and holidays. It gives certain advantages when booking rooms and guarantees a special meeting upon arrival. In addition, cardholders are summed up points for all costs at the hotel, the accumulation of a certain number of points provides additional privileges.

2. Orbis Gold Club - two cards are offered under this program. The Silver Card entitles you to discounts in all restaurants of the Ogov hotels. In addition to discounts in restaurants, the Gold Card provides a 10% discount when renting a room and discounts when renting a car at Nepz. The cost of a card valid for 12 months after purchase is PLN 560.

3. Qualiflyer Card - this program is addressed to passengers using the services of airlines that are part of the Qualiflycr Group (including PLL LOT). Cardholders who cover a certain distance on the Group's aircraft are rewarded, in addition, a certain number of miles are credited for each stay at the Orbis Hotel (regardless of the number of nights). A simpler solution is used in the Polish hotel chain Prestige Hotels. A stay card in a hotel belonging to this chain allows the person to whom it is issued to receive a 20 percent discount on the price of an overnight stay at the next Prestige Hotels. This discount cannot be used for repeated stays in the same hotel.

chain of hotels. Entering some hotel chains requires a decision to be made before designing a hotel business and even before choosing a location. But these are chains of hotels that do not provide for the unification of architectural solutions, decor interior spaces, the list of services, limited importance is also given to the category and other qualitative indicators. The main, and sometimes the only common element is the system of sale of services.

The benefit of joining this kind of chain of hotels is to be included in the sales network, which entails the presence of the hotel in the directories of this system and the possibility of purchasing our services in many cities, and sometimes in many countries. In return, the owners of the chain of hotels - the enterprise that organizes the sales network, receive remuneration in the form of a fee for entering the system, annual fees and other benefits. There is an opinion that organizing a hotel chain does not require money, just an idea.


The purpose of most of the measures described in the previous subsections is to find new customers or influence the decision of those customers who are still hesitant and there is no certainty that they will not use the services of this hotel next time.

As examples have shown, even promotion methods can have a negative impact on the hotel. For example, sales promotion cannot be used all the time, as discounts continuously offered by the enterprise can have quite the opposite effect. In particular, customers may doubt the quality of services if their prices remain below industry standards for a long time. This area requires careful preparation and preliminary study of the characteristics of the market and its services. It is worth creating a product taking into account the needs of the client.

The system for the promotion and sale of services is thought out from the moment the client enters the hotel (the effect of the first impression), until the last day of his stay.

Experience has shown that saving on the system of promotion measures is inappropriate. It is necessary to look for more and more new ways so that your institution stands out favorably among the mass of others, so that it is known from different sources.

At the same time, it is not enough to create (purchase, deliver) a product in order to sell it.

It is also necessary to inform the potential buyer about the existence of the product, convince him of the expediency of the purchase, and sometimes even inspire him with the existence of his need, which he did not even suspect. This is what promotional activities are for.

2. - Marketing in the hospitality industry E.A. Janzhugazova

4. - Marketing of hotel services: Textbook - method. Allowance, 2006. Marek

5. Turkovsky

6. - J. Dietl, Marketing, PWB, Warszawa 1985

7. - The Secret of the Firm magazine, 2005

8. - Magazine "Business", June-July 2005