The formation of ca. Analysis and portrait of the target audience. Target audience segmentation with examples

  • 02.12.2019

If you understand the pains of your customers and in the flow of information you can draw their attention and interest them, you can sell everything on the Internet - even houses for several million rubles.

This table crystallizes the advantages and disadvantages of your business compared to your competitors. You clearly see how to build up, what is worth focusing on, and what is better not to mention. This information will help you present your product or service more profitable for the consumer than competitors.

So comparison table it is easier to form several USPs for different campaigns and understand how to write texts. In the West, this is called a SWOT analysis.

SWOT analysis - short for

S : strengths, strengths;

W : weaknesses, weaknesses;

O : opportunities, possibilities and

T : threats, threats.

SWOT helps to analyze external and internal factors business - their own and competitive - and based on the data received, make strategic decisions.

secret agents

Then the fun begins - you turn into secret agents and try on the personalities of the buyer. For example, one of the clients of our fitness club is a stylish girl of 25-30 years old, who dreams of embossed abs and a healthy beautiful body. She goes to the club on an annual subscription - in the morning or in the evening after work. Now you have to become this girl and go under her mask all the way - from calling and buying a card to the first lesson.

Such a "game" will help you to fully immerse yourself in the business. It is not enough to draw detailed portraits of representatives of all segments of the target audience and conduct online surveys, it is necessary to “go out in public” to see how the audience behaves, what language they speak and what they want.

On the spot you can easily notice additional benefits and feed on new ideas - even the most detailed comparative table will not help you with this.

We prescribe brand avatars

Another useful technique for working with the target audience is the creation of brand avatars. An avatar is an average image of the target audience.

For example, for our agency, this is the owner of a medium-sized business from Moscow, let's call him Andrey Sergeevich. 40 years old, owns a chain of high-end restaurants, he has two children and a wife who is in charge of accounting in these restaurants. Andrey Sergeevich loves gadgets, cars, expensive clothes and travel and invests in real estate. Things are going well, but now the businessman is looking for new promotion channels and wants to tidy up the pages of restaurants in social networks.

In fact, the target audience can have many segments, but if you need to focus on one person or give a collective image, the avatar comes in handy. As, for example, in a course on personal advancement Digital Bandito Eva and Pavel presented three characters: copywriter Petya, confectioner Masha and event organizer Vasya. The course is not designed only for representatives of these professions, but it is clearer and easier for students to identify themselves with one of them.

When you come up with brand avatars, you create real people. Specific Sasha, Katya and Nastya who need your product. You think about how these people live, what problems they have, and what solution they will come to you for. You are referring to avatars in advertising texts show how to solve their problems. And this is what distinguishes you from competitors who offer a product or service without being tied to the world of the target audience. You can sell an abstract smartphone, or you can sell belonging to a culture successful people who think differently than Apple does.

Target specific people - this is how you improve your advertising campaigns and increase sales.

Building audience maps

The next step is segmentation and creating an audience map. Let's analyze it again using the example of a fitness club.

The visitor chooses the service, the time of visit and the type of subscription that suits him. For example, many businessmen and office workers can practice only in the evenings; and it is more convenient for young mothers to come in the morning. Different segments of the fitness club audience have different motivations. Let's take women: someone is losing weight, someone is energized, and someone likes to dance and move in rhythm. The same applies to men - each has his own motive to visit a fitness club.

Segmentation will help you accurately calculate the needs of each subgroup of the target audience and select the closest advertising message.

Target audience for context, SMM and SEO

The target audience within one business or project will be the same for contextual advertising, and for SMM, and for SEO. But how you will target the selected segment depends on the specific tool. The right targeting methods will help you understand customer behavior in each medium (social media and search engines) and build advertising campaigns that will make people stand out and pay attention to your product among the digital garbage.

Targeting methods for SEO

The principle of targeting in SEO is the division of target audience segments. Develop a separate landing page for each search query - then the search engine will index your pages well and take the user to the right place.

Targeting methods for contextual advertising

AT contextual advertising we play search engines and networks, and here the user will go to the one whose ad seems more attractive. But seduce a potential client carefully - people do not like obtrusiveness.

Targeting methods for SMM

SEO and PPC specialists work with a hot audience that knows what they want and are actively looking for it. But in the target audience is cold - people "walk" on social networks and are not going to buy anything. Here you have no time for flirting and warming up - the text and picture should hit the target from the first sentence. Your job: to find the pain of each segment of your target audience and give such a cool solution that a person who didn’t know about your product a minute ago becomes interested and clicks on the link, or at least thinks about buying and remembers you.

Working with insiders from negative comments

Love negative reviews - they will give you insights for new visits, help you see and work out the fears and objections of customers and improve the product. How to respond to negativity:

  • Separate trolls and haters from adequate people. Send the first to the ban, take the comments of the second to work.
  • From constructive criticism, highlight objections and work them out in detail. Don't just respond to a negative review correctly, but fix the problem itself. For example, your courier delivered a purchase two hours late. Consider: How can you optimize the process so that this doesn't happen again?
  • Show people what solution you found. Write a post about it so they don't have any doubts.

Eva Katz , managing partner of 5 o'click agency:

“It is always better to listen not to the comments of satisfied customers, but to those who did not buy or for some reason had a negative experience - they give much more insight than laudatory reviews. That's why we always try to get feedback from those people who did not become buyers. Those who didn’t buy help to see doubts and objections in order to further work them out in the content and comments.

From the practice of the agency, I will cite Donskoy as an example. It is new, trees are being planted there, but our photos on social networks were not enough for subscribers to understand that there is a lot of greenery in the village. In the comments they wrote that the streets were bare and there were no trees, so we came to the client and asked to take photos that would show the greenery of the village. After that, they released a series of materials, where they talked about the work on landscaping the village, showed the streets and courtyards of people and got a client to view.

It turned out that the man was very doubtful, but the new posts worked out his doubts. As a result, after viewing, he bought a house. And there are many such examples. We are very careful about the negative experience of the audience, we work with it and derive our benefit.”

Negative customer experience is the fuel for new ideas and content and service improvements at all stages of the sales cycle. Unless, of course, this is adequate criticism with specific and justified claims. Satisfied buyers are much more impressed by the competent handling of objections in the comments and the development of the brand than the removal of constructive comments and bans of “undesirables”.

Interview customers who have not become buyers

People do not become buyers for many reasons: someone can’t afford it, someone is dissatisfied with the service, product or service, someone’s purchase is not included in short term plans. Instead of guessing and throwing resources at improving everything at once, conduct a survey of customers who did not become buyers. People love it when brands ask for their opinion. The answers will give you new insights, reveal negativity and previously unnoticed fears, objections, pains and desires of the target audience. You will be able to improve advertising campaigns and increase conversions.

We generate ideas: brainstorms, live conversations in a cafe and an idea cloud

In American TV series about doctors and policemen, a large white board often appears, where the characters write down diagnoses or, accordingly, unsolved cases. We also have one - we “upload” a cloud of ideas or a cloud of tags to it. It looks rather strange - we sit in a room and throw incoherent words, voicing everything that comes to mind. But then cool ideas emerge from this, which can be developed further.

Arrange team brainstorming sessions. When you switch and step out of the box, new ideas immediately pop up. Sometimes completely delusional, but among them there will certainly be a few worthwhile ones. Creativity dies during hours of intense work on one task - at such moments the eye is blurred, and the brain, tired of monotonous work, does not see new ways.

But ideas don't just come from brainstorms and tag clouds. Sometimes it can be a conversation with an old school friend or a casual evening out with friends. In a relaxed state, you are able to look at the task from a different angle. And a person not from your professional environment can suggest an interesting non-standard solution. Collecting people's stories and impressions of the world around them is a useful practice for a marketer. How can one not remember about storytelling, which captured social networks and the hearts of users.

Testing New Ideas with Heidi Cycles

Heidi cycles help you test new ideas. Determine the objective of the test, the desired results, the time period, and decide how you will interpret the data.

Heidi cycles are an ideal tool for testing hypotheses. What is their essence: almost every action affects one of the metrics. If you formulate certain hypotheses, plan changes and calculate approximate totals, then you can control the process. With the help of heidi cycles, you will understand how actions affect the result, and quickly test all ideas. Discard non-working hypotheses and leave valuable ones.

In each test, follow the algorithm: hypothesis → action → analytics → conclusions. For example, what happens if instead of rational texts in advertising campaigns on social networks, emphasis is placed on emotional and figurative ones?

Hypothesis (hypothesis)

So, our hypothesis is: “emotional texts in a Facebook ad campaign will increase conversions.” Any one can be put here key indicator project to be changed or improved. And put forward a hypothesis according to the principle “if I change this, then I will get such and such a result at the output.”

Action (action)

Data (data collection)

After the completion of the advertising campaign, we collect all the data and count the leads. At this stage, you should have analytical tools that will help you control the process from beginning to end and clearly track the stages of the “action → result” chain.

Insights (conclusions)

Based on the data obtained, we conduct a detailed analysis and draw conclusions about whether our hypothesis worked. Did emotional texts really bring us more leads? How much more compared to the previous advertising campaign? Compared to all ad campaigns running before the experiment? Then we either refute or confirm the hypothesis, and start a new cycle.

Psychological triggers: we put pressure on explicit and implicit motives

Each person has their own motives for buying a product or service. Our task is to play them in advertising campaigns.

Implicit motives

Imagine an advertisement for an SUV. In the video, the car drives off-road, effectively passing difficult sections, and the voice-over talks about the huge engine power, all-wheel drive, stylish design and the fact that the car is suitable for any type of road. And now a potential client already imagines how he goes on a hike with friends or in the mountains on the weekends, and on weekdays he flaunts in the city. There is not a word about this in advertising, but the human brain thinks everything out on its own, reading the subtext.

Psychological trick: our subconscious mind clearly sees these encrypted messages and perceives them positively, without requiring substantiation and evidence. After all, in fact, we ourselves think everything out, which means we don’t analyze it.

Implicit information is suppliedimplicatures- ambiguous meanings (the author of the theory is the English philosopher and linguist Herbert Paul Grice). You give the target audience subtext, flavored with literal information, and create the illusion of independent decision-making.

Explicit motives

Explicit information is specific and direct - it does not need to be thought out, disclosed and interpreted depending on life experience, character and preferences. It could be a call to action, a promotion, or a free product sample.

Specificity reinforces implicit information. With its help, we deceive the brain - it sees a clear message and thinks that it makes a rational decision.

Mix explicit and implicit motifs in the right proportions

Then the client's brain will do everything for you - it will see the literal message and unconsciously consider it hidden. Put the most important information into this hidden message: put pressure on emotions and pains, add triggers - the subconscious mind will believe in the image you need and will not require proof. A person will “get hooked” on new sensations without buying anything yet, and the brain will begin to produce dopamine from the anticipation of pleasure. Under the influence of this hormone, the client will make a purchase decision. Rational criteria again lost out to emotions.

A good example is Nike's powerful campaigns, which never encourage girls to play sports, but appeal to their desire to be strong, beautiful and independent. Nike woman is confident woman, who knows her worth, does not depend on a man and lives the way she wants. This image resonates with many girls.

The same video “What are our girls made of”, which received a huge response:

Sell ​​not a product or service, but a dream

Knowing the dreams, desires, values ​​and inner motives of your target audience, you influence it with the right images. Indeed, in fact, we do not need a perfume, but a feeling of being beautiful and sexy; not a car, but status, comfort and mobility.

Launching advertising campaign, you are selling customers the fulfillment of their dreams. And how to fulfill a person's dream, not knowing what he wants, how he lives and what kind of lifestyle he strives for? Therefore, a complete analysis of the target audience goes far beyond the heartless “woman, 25-40 years old, married, two children, average income, Moscow.” These are mannequins, and we focus on living people. Don't be afraid to spend a few days creating avatars, custom scenarios and segmentation and try on the role of covert agents. It will pay off, the client will definitely choose you.

And finally: a checklist for launching successful advertising campaigns from 5 o'click

We have combined all the information from the article into a small extract. Use this checklist and launch successful advertising campaigns that will increase your sales!

  1. Collect data about your target audience using surveys and analytical services for websites and social networks.
  2. Turn your data set into real people: create brand avatars and customer personas.
  3. Analyze your competitors and your business and enter all data into a comparison table.
  4. Write user scenarios and follow the path of customers from the first interaction to the purchase.
  5. Divide a wide target audience into narrow segments and make a mental map of the target audience. In the mind map, you should have the motives, pains and desires of potential customers that you will use in advertising creatives.
  6. Determine the behavior of your audience in in social networks and search engines and create several different ads for contextual and targeted advertising.
  7. Brainstorm regularly, generate new ideas and test them with Heidi Cycles.
  8. Work with insights from negative comments and surveys of customers who did not become buyers.
  9. Strengthen your advertising campaigns with triggers, implicit and explicit information.

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From this article you will learn:

  • How to determine the target audience of the company
  • How to determine the target audience of a product or service
  • How to determine the target audience of VKontakte

Often typical mistake novice businessmen is the fact that they believe they are selling their product to "everyone". It can't be! Such an approach to the sale of goods may well adversely affect the success of an advertising campaign, which, as a rule, has high hopes. Therefore, the first step to successful business is the right choice of "your customer". In the article we will try to explain how to determine the target audience.

Why is it so important to identify potential customers in a specific target audience

First, we need to understand what it means concept of "target audience" and define this term.

So, the term "target audience" came to us from of English language: "target audience, target group". This is the name of the community of actually existing and potential consumers of a particular product or service, created as a result of the influence of marketing.

It is quite possible that somewhere you will come across the term "target group" - this is a synonym that can give an additional interpretation of the "target audience" as a group of people targeted by the brand's marketing move.

Wikipedia says that the term "target audience" is used in marketing to name a group whose members are united by a common goal or characteristics. Common features, in this case, imply a wide variety of characteristics, such as working married men in their 30s and 40s who wear glasses.

When marketing activities is defined, then the target audience makes it possible to focus the attention of the seller (manufacturer) on the consumer of a certain group and offer a product that is ideally suited to him. The target group and scope of the target market can be determined by conducting marketing research. The main thing that the owner and director should know about marketing → get on the course In other words, the target audience is a group that is interested and needs your product, who are interested in it. specifications and benefits.

It is necessary to determine the target audience, given that, like any segment of the market, it has its own characteristics and characteristics. What to look for when choosing which determining factors to be guided by - the decision is yours, dear entrepreneurs. You can be guided by the following indicators:

  • geographic (orientation on a territorial basis, for example, residents of Central Asia);
  • socio-demographic (choose by gender and age, for example, men from 25 to 35 years old who work in the office);
  • psychological (the desires and aspirations of a person or group are taken into account, for example, the desire to find a way of self-expression);
  • behavioral (targeting people who buy the product once).

When you decide how to define the target audience, you should pay attention to fluctuations in the number (increasing or decreasing), which is defined in thousand / people. This will allow you to give a correct assessment of the prospects for business development. Please note, as in any other group, there is also a “backbone” here - people who are the most active consumers of the product.

On the present stage development of marketing identified two types of target groups: primary and secondary.

1. Main target audience

The main (primary - primary target audience) - the leading group. This target audience is the most active and is decisive when buying, because it usually includes people who directly make a decision to purchase products.

2. Indirect target audience

Indirect (secondary - secondary target audience) - passive group. Even when purchasing a product, it is still not the initiator of the purchase specific products or services. This group is less priority for brand distribution.

The example of the children's toy market will more clearly demonstrate how to define the target audience, which can be divided into two types: parents (buyers) and children (users). In this group, users are not buyers, although quite often they are the initiators, since they ask to buy it. Consequently, it is children who are the primary, and parents are the secondary target audience in the market of toys for children.

How to determine the target audience of a company that sells "for everyone", wasting the advertising budget

Step 1. Determine the goals for which the target audience is selected

  • Target audience for an existing product

In this case, everything is elementary: you offer a specific product (service or product) that is not subject to change and does not require them, because it is already in demand. For example, you are a seller of toys in the territory entertainment center for kids. In this case, the target audience will tell you what kind of advertising is needed and where, what marketing move to take.

  • Product for a "profitable" target audience

This case is more interesting, although more complicated. You are at the very beginning of your business journey or are planning to expand / change the scope / direction of activity. Consider how you can determine the target audience of a business. Let's say a salesperson needs to serve a business customer who is a wholesaler and retailer of coffee. He set himself the task of increasing the level of sales, but did not know which way to go. This entrepreneur has not yet decided which option suits him best: retail or wholesale, perhaps the best solution is to rent coffee machines. How to determine the target audience in business? Experts used the method "from selected". To do this, they identified all possible target groups for all options, and then we worked with them, selecting the most “profitable” ones according to the following indicators:

  • the size of the check;
  • the time required to complete the transaction;
  • frequency of transactions;
  • the cost of a lead is much lower than the amount reflected in the receipt.

You may have already guessed that the option was selected wholesale trade in the HoReCa segment.

Step 2. Determine which market segment we belong to

  • b2b segment(business to business - businessforbusiness)

If the area of ​​your activity is the b2b segment, then you can consider that there is already a certain amount of luck in this, since this area is the most stable. b2b is the niche that is least affected by any changes in demand, apart from, of course, crisis situations.

  • b2c segment (business to customer - consumer business)

If you prefer to work in the b2c segment, then you need to constantly "keep your finger on the pulse" and control all the changes taking place in the market. The demand of the consumer, as well as his behavior, depends on many aspects:

  • state of the economy;
  • political situation;
  • new products;
  • seasonal fluctuations in demand;
  • influence of trends, fashion, etc.

Therefore, working in this segment, the question of how to determine the target audience requires an unambiguous answer, because such errors as targeting a very wide target group and a one-time definition are possible.

Step 3. Determine which of the tasks you want to solve

  • WHERE to sell.

If you have a number of questions: “Where is my target audience?”, “Where is it better to place your ad?”. So, your goal is to define advertising channels.

  • WHAT to sell.

You have already figured out how to determine the target audience, and did it. The question of what they want to buy, what to offer them remained unresolved. Therefore, your goal is to choose the “right” message to hook your audience.

Step 4. Determine who your customer is

This stage involves the distribution of clients into groups. Moreover, this must be done in a very simple and understandable language. For example, "Plumber Vasya", "Exquisite nymph", "Fifa rich husband." Your task is not to ridicule a person, but an eloquent and capacious description of his features, which can be supplemented with small remarks so as not to forget what is meant.

Step 5. Determine where your client lives

When the target audience is determined, you can begin to work with the stage of determining its location. This is easiest to do if one of the following points is detailed:

  • Or a few days of the life of your potential target audience.

It could be detailed description business, weekend or, if necessary, a holiday.

If you offer products of impulse demand (for example, gifts for loved ones, tickets to a concert), then it is better to place your ads in places where members of your target audience can have a couple of minutes of free time. During this time, they will be able to see the ad and purchase the product offered without deviating from their usual schedule or plan.

  • Or how the client acts, if necessary.

If you offer an “as needed” product (such as furniture, tires, websites, etc.), then advertising is appropriate at the time of such a need.

  • Or where a person is / what he does some time before the need arises (pro level).

If you know exactly when there will be a need to purchase your product and start acting (promoting the product) in advance. Let's say you are selling suspended or stretch ceilings and you know that they are usually purchased at the end repair work. You need to start offering your product both at the first stages of repair and at the stage of its completion.

Why "either"? Yes, because after you understand how to determine the target audience of a product, you will notice that each product needs a “personal approach”. This means that it must be offered at different times, in different places and on different advertising platforms.

You already know who your customer is and where he is at the time of purchase of the goods, then it's time to take the next step. It is often done to create a landing page, advertising message or any other information carrier, and quite often the previous stages of work are skipped.

To draw up a portrait, you need to determine:

  1. Need. For what, why and why the client may need your product? You must know the "sore spots" of a potential buyer. It is this knowledge that will contribute to the creation of a good USP.
  2. client fear. If a person is afraid of something, then he has objections, and you need to work with them.
  3. Selection rules. You, as a seller, need to understand what the client pays attention to first of all, and what after (second) when choosing a company or offer that suits him.
  4. The emotional impact of the product. Here it is important to understand what state your product or service causes in the client. For example, after purchasing a product, the buyer feels more confident in the future, he improves his social status, etc.
  5. Reasons for buying. Why does a client buy a product from your company or, conversely, why didn’t they buy from you, but went to competitors.

How to identify your target audience by asking yourself just 5 questions

To determine your target audience, you need to select a market area. Clustering (segmentation) is the definition of the needs of group members and the organization of proposals, on the basis of which client groups are formed.

To segment the target audience, you can use the "5W" method offered by Mark Sherrington. This method is one of the most popular and acceptable not only to determine the target audience, but also makes it possible to draw up its psychological characteristics.

5 questions of market segmentation:

  • What - what to sell (type of product);
  • Who - who is the buyer (type of consumer);
  • Why - why they buy (motivation to purchase);
  • When - when they purchase (time and situation of making a purchase);
  • Where - where they buy (the place where the purchase was made).

The table below can help you identify your target audience.

Based on the results, you can identify the target market segment. The consumers who enter it are your target audience. The table can be made wider to be able to analyze the work of competitors.

Changes can be as follows: horizontal - "5W", and vertical - ways to segment competitors. Such a table will provide an opportunity not only to identify competitive advantages, but also contribute to the organization of an effective advertising campaign. The main advantage of the method is the presentation of products focused on the needs of the target audience, its lifestyle and psychology.

How to determine the image of the target audience (portrait)

For an accurate description of the target audience (TA), it is desirable to clearly characterize it. You can start by drawing up a portrait corresponding to a simple scheme:

  1. Age category, gender and marital status, social characteristic(status, profession, average income).
  2. How he spends his leisure time (hobbies, preferences, visited forums, social networks, etc.).
  3. What customer problem will your product solve?
  4. What is the emotional state of the client after the acquisition. Perhaps he feels moral satisfaction or his self-esteem rises.
  5. Why should he buy this product from you, or for what reason did he not do this, but went to competitors.

Now you have a portrait of a potential client. It does not hurt to make a photo collage or a portrait of your buyer in order to visualize the target audience.

Now your products and services should be designed for a specific target audience. Often during an advertising campaign major agencies reinforce the research with a photographic image of the brightest representative of Central Asia.

Consider an example. Your product is men's wrist watch premium.

The very first thing that comes to mind is that they should belong to a wealthy guy or a man under 45 years old.

More correctly and in more detail, it could look like this:

How to determine the target audience of a product or service in stages

If you offer products whose characteristics are practically unchanged, then it is more expedient to choose the target audience, focusing on a specific product. The scheme proposed below will tell you how to determine the target audience in this case.

Stage 1. Product analysis.

Analyze the competitiveness of your products. To do this, compare your product with an analogue of competitors and determine its advantages and disadvantages (preferably 2-3 on “+” and “-”). It is necessary to take into account all the components, starting with the packaging design and ending with the place of sale.

Stage 2. Analysis of existing buyers.

Conduct a survey among real customers. Ask them to answer questions about the product: why they buy your product, what problems they solve by purchasing your product, etc. This will help you understand what your product is valued for, the reasons for the purchase, and distinctive features products. Then the results of the analysis of buyers can be attached to the results of the first stage (analysis of the product).

Stage 3. Brief SWOT analysis.

Prepare a SWOT analysis of the products. It does not have to be detailed, it is enough brief information to define the leading properties of the product. In addition, you will become more aware of shortcomings that are difficult or almost impossible to change, given your capabilities. It is this document that will help to understand how to determine the target audience, becoming decisive in solving this problem.

Stage 4. Market segmentation.

Now, knowing the main properties of products, carry out market segmentation. You need to define the following: real buyers, potential buyers and those who will never become your buyer. Make a description of the segments on the questions proposed above, and you will have a ready-made portrait of your target audience.

Stage 5. Plan of work with the target market.

Plan your marketing activities so you don't lose existing customers and attract new ones. This plan should include the prospects for working with products: improving quality and assortment, pricing strategy and steps to promote the product.

How to determine the target audience of the site

Internet users to whom the content of the site is directed and who are interested in it are called the target audience or target visitors to the site. This group of people is usually interested in the information or products offered by the blog.

This term can also be used in relation to your blog (site), on which you post information or through which you make sales. In this case, you need to understand how to determine the target audience of the service and find your reader. After that, you will need to focus your attention on his interests and needs.

Where to begin? How to find out what is interesting and what the visitor expects from you? The answer to this question is quite simple: start with sites that compete with you. Do a little research and you will get some information about the readers and visitors of competing sites. Let's say you run a blog about vegetarian food. So your first step is to compile a list of sites that post information on this topic. If you are just getting started in this niche, then start with search engines.

1) Use "Google" or "Yandex".

Imagine that you personally need information about vegetarianism, what would you write? Probably, you will write “vegetarianism” or “website about vegetarianism” in the Yandex search bar. It is better, of course, to act through both search engines, writing the main words in them.

There are actually a lot of options, but they are all similar to each other. The first, most likely, will be online stores offering products for vegetarians or healthy food. To check, you can simply go and see the information on the site.

Consider the information of the site This resource is good in every way. It offers a large selection of recipes for vegetarian cuisine, written "life stories", which are also interesting to readers.

Now let's pay attention to who visits it. Here, of course, there is no unequivocal answer on how to determine the target audience. Therefore, you need to use all the resources available to you. So let's get started...

2) Use "Alexa" to research competitors. is a resource that can help you and provide some pretty detailed information about "competing firms". But even he is not omnipotent if the site or blog of the subject you are interested in is not sufficiently advanced on the Internet.

However, let's continue our research and try to "get acquainted" with the visitors of

To do this, we enter the website (main page), go down below and find the search bar, into which we enter the address of the site we are interested in and click "Search".

The information received indicates the growing popularity of the site. This means that its owner understands how to determine the target audience, has chosen the right tactics and is working in the right direction. Probably, the number of people who want to eat right and think about vegetarianism is growing day by day.

If you continue browsing the page and go down, you will see which half of humanity is more interested in this topic (let's say right away, as a rule, these are women). In addition, you can more or less accurately determine their type of activity.

Next, you are presented with invaluable information for marketing: the countries that this audience represents, and with the help of what words they find this site. Subsequently, this information can be used when placing paid advertisements, for example, in social networks or a blog.

If you continue to work in this direction, then the information received will help you when writing materials for your articles when you select keywords.

If the information of the site is not interesting to you or for some reason did not fit, then move on.

3) Use "SimilarWeb" to research competitors' website visitors.

SimilarWeb. This resource can be very helpful. With it, you can see through which social networks visitors get to a competitor's website. So, you can decide how to define the target audience in social networks.

The resource offers paid and free version, but even without paying for the use, you can get a lot of valuable information and draw conclusions about the target audience. To do this, you will need to perform a number of simple manipulations: enter the site (main page), find the search bar, enter the address of a competitor site.

You will see a detailed report about the site you are interested in or the leader site in this area. In the same way as on the previous resource, you will find out countries whose residents are interested in information about vegetarianism, their behavior on this resource (website), their interests, the amount of time spent, the number of refusals and other equally valuable information.

Unlike the previous resource, this one will tell you which social networks your target audience is on, which means that it is on them that you should direct your attention and strength and develop in the first place. Of course, the registration process is not complicated, so you can register everywhere, but ... Not all networks are useful for business, and an advertising campaign requires certain material and moral costs. For example, visitors to the website are mainly Facebook and VKontakte users. Pay attention to how many visitors are on Facebook and VKontakte. See also that more than 4% of the traffic is from YuoTube users. Now pay attention to the total number of visits during the month (» 100 thousand) and you will understand that 4% is a decent figure.

By continuing to work on how to define the target audience, you can pay attention to the interests of the potential client. From the data obtained, we can conclude that one part of the visitors wants to choose vegetarianism in order to prepare healthy food and drinks, and the other part wants to improve their health. Of course, this information not one hundred percent and requires additional verification.

In addition, you, again, will be able to see the queries that bring visitors to the site and from which sites they “come”. A report on what other sites are interesting to readers of will also be useful.

The report ends with a list of 10 names of similar sites (again, these are also your competitors, which means you should pay attention to them too). In a word, this resource will help in finding the answer to the question of how to determine the target audience.

4) Use the Russian-language service "Serpstat".

Serpstat is a website research service aimed at a Russian-speaking user. It is similar to the foreign ones presented above, but it also has its advantages. When you enter home page, you will be asked to enter the url of the site under investigation. Enter and start your research.

This service is aimed at answering the question of how to correctly identify the target audience and understand it. You will see such data about the site as the pages visited by users, a list of competing sites.

You will have the opportunity to analyze the backlinks of a competitor, its position in the list - the search result, etc. All the information received is very useful for marketers, and it will help you in writing interesting and useful SEO articles for the reader.

5) Explore "Facebook" (groups and pages).

The study of Facebook groups and public pages is necessary in order to know what the potential target audience is interested in, what they ask about, how they comment. Thus, you will have additional useful information that reveals the interests of users that are not advertised. At the same time, pay attention to which articles are most interesting to people.

However, views and analysis are good, but communication is better. And you will have the opportunity to communicate with people who are interested in vegetarianism, who doubt the correctness of the choice, in other words, with your target audience. In addition, you can personally participate in the discussion of any issue by answering a group member.

So, go to your Facebook page and enter the word "vegetarian" in the search bar (in the upper left corner). As a result of the search, you will be offered various groups and pages on this topic. Go to any, for example, to the one with the largest number of participants. We went to VegetarianUA. Now you can read the comments left in the public, and join the conversation, answering questions from users.

But there is a more interesting way to determine the target audience. Once on the page of the group, type the words by which they find competitors, for example, "how to switch to vegetarianism." We entered and look at the result: articles and comments appeared on them. And you have information about what people are interested in, what problems they are pursuing, what they need. Find out their most "sore" places.

The next step may be to contact a moderator for permission to conduct a poll in the group. You can explain that you are working on how to define your target audience because you want to start a new blog. It is possible that the results of the survey will be of interest to the moderator.

6) Summarize.

After conducting the research, you already have the opportunity to more or less accurately draw up a portrait of your target audience and determine your ideal reader. For example, let's call her Tatyana. So, “she was called Tatyana”, she is from 25 to 40 years old, she has a family that she loves very much and cares about the proper nutrition of her husband and child. At this stage, she is thinking about switching to a vegetarian diet, but still doubts. Therefore, he is interested in information about this on the pages of Facebook and VKontakte, watches programs about healthy and vegetarian nutrition on TV.

Katerina is also a visitor to sites about vegetarianism ( and others). However, her goal is to learn how to cook vegetarian meals, and she does not want this to negatively affect the health of her family members.

Why is it necessary to draw up a portrait of the target audience when preparing an advertising campaign? To promote a product or service, it is extremely important to know your potential buyer as accurately as possible, otherwise the advertising budget will fly into the pipe without any return.

Without creating an imaginary image (avatar) of the target audience, it is impossible to determine a promotion strategy, make a clickable ad, a landing page with a good conversion, it is not clear how to target an advertising campaign, and advertising “to everyone” means “to no one”.

What is a portrait of a potential buyer.

With today's competition in the field of online sales, it is not enough just to present an offer beautifully, it is necessary to show the user how the external, and, most importantly, the internal world of the buyer will change after purchasing and using the product. That is, not a product is sold, but a result.

People buy any product based on 4 needs, which should be emphasized when compiling promotional materials:

1. Basic.
2. Social.
3. To improve the status.
4. Spiritual needs.

Accordingly, what should we know about our potential client?

Gender, age, income level, marital status, profession - i.e. socio-demographic data and psycho-graphic characteristics, where free time Your target audience (in which social networks it is registered, what forums it reads, etc.), i.e. her interests.

It is believed that approximately every seven years a person's life priorities, needs and pains change:

  • 1-7 years, 7-14 years - not considered due to insolvency.
  • 14-21 years old - friends, discos, finding and getting to know a partner, starting a family, looking for a job, ...
  • 21-28 years old - family, children, career, still looking for a soul mate, unsuccessful marriage, better living conditions, ...

Knowing the age, you can understand what worries and pains a person has at this stage of life, and how your product can help him solve them.

An important indicator is the level of income, the bar for making a decision to buy a product depends on it, so you are unlikely to sell, for example, the latest iPhone model to a student or a non-working housewife.

How and where to analyze the target audience.

There are many options for searching and researching the desired target audience, everyone who does this uses their own. I will describe what I do myself.

First, I do what is described above. Then I use it to supplement and summarize information. I would like to note that this generalized target audience is also heterogeneous, it has different segments both in terms of demography and other features. Therefore, it must be divided into different groups and for each make a portrait of a potential buyer.

And so, let's start.

The algorithm consists in searching, extracting and viewing the resources that your target audience visits and where hangs out, determining its demographic data, analyzing the key queries it enters to find solutions to problems that your offer can potentially solve and other important indicators.

And, of course, brainstorming is necessary, since it is impossible to find out complete information about buyers, and testing will show the accuracy of the compiled portrait of the target audience (avatar).

Write down all the data on the audience that you find during the research process, using the materials from this and the following articles, on a sheet, then, after comparison and analysis, summarize and write a description of the portrait of the ideal buyer for this product (if the offer is in trend and they are generally worth it) study).

The time spent on this will significantly save your advertising budget by increasing conversions.

Portrait of CA.

I give all the examples in the article on the offer, which sells Nokia mobile devices, but I do not draw conclusions, but only demonstrate the algorithm of actions and the necessary services.

So, let's say I will sell a Nokia Lumia phone through an affiliate link.

Let's enter “Nokia Lumia” into the address bar of the browser and write down the addresses of a dozen sites from the search results on the sheet. These are sites with similar topics and in the future we will try to find out the demographics of their visitors.

I took the domain of one of the sites from the issuance

and attributed to it " demographics ", and again pasted into the address bar. extradition

Website unfortunately, does not provide information on sites with insufficient, in his opinion, attendance, about work in Alexa and similar web I wrote in the articles (link above).

This is demographic data on the target audience, below there is more interesting information on keywords and geography of requests

Information is entered into the sheet, other sites from the issuance are analyzed in the same way.

This is one of the ways to search and determine data, also use audience data, and record all new parameters on a sheet.

When there is enough data, you can make a description of your client (example: a man 20-25 years old, from Russia or Kazakhstan, no children, so he can spend money on himself, works as a lower-level manager, income 18-25 tr., is interested in music and games ......) and, on this basis, draw up an advertising campaign strategy.

If you take this rather routine work seriously and, based on the analysis, segment your target audience as accurately as possible, identify the problems that the offer solves for it, come up with and build an advertising campaign for it from ads to landing - big profits are guaranteed.

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."


The correct definition is one of important aspects successful marketing of any site. Therefore, before starting work on the site, I advise you to carefully study the tastes of those for whom it is intended. And only then proceed to create the resource of their dreams.

The target audience is a certain group of people who are interested and in need of a particular product (service).

Why study the target audience?

As a rule, the sites offer a certain product or service, which, unfortunately, is not needed by everyone, but only by a specific group of people. It is these visitors that are of interest to us, as they may become our customers in the future. Knowing the end users of our product or service, their needs, social status, interests, etc., you can build an effective interaction with them using the content on the site. To do this, you need to create a portrait of the target audience.

How to create a portrait of the target audience?

To do this, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

What age and gender are my potential clients?

Who do they work, what positions do they hold?

How much do they earn?

What education do they have?

What is their marital status?

What are they interested in?

Where do they live (geographical location)?

How often do they use the Internet?

What fears are they experiencing?

How do they make purchases: deliberately or spontaneously?

And most importantly, how can my product/service help them meet their needs.

Let's create a portrait of the target audience for a rock school website that offers guitar lessons in groups.

Age from 15 to 25, schoolchildren or students, no permanent income, want to learn the guitar (mainly electric or bass), play in a band and perform on stage.We can offer this audience inexpensive group classes at a convenient time, the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people and regularly rehearse on the school grounds.

Or, for example, let's determine together the audience of the site of an elite cottage village in the Moscow region.

Age from 25 to 45 years old, have a constant high income, occupy high positions, are interested in purchasing luxury suburban housing with a plot away from the bustle of the city, perhaps they want to emphasize their status. Live in Moscow or the Moscow region.

Thus, you can get an idea about the target audience of the site and identify some of its main characteristics. Now we know who we are dealing with and can take this into account, for example, when designing a website. If we have a website of a serious company, then you should not make it in pink colors with flowers.

This information is also useful when communicating with the audience. For example, for teenagers it would be advisable to use youth slang, for a female audience it is permissible to use excessive emotionality, but it is preferable for a male audience to provide specific facts.

For a more detailed study of the audience, you can use the following methods

  • Small polls. Insert small surveys on the site regarding the age of visitors, gender, interests, etc. You can do surveys in email newsletters if you have your own subscriber base.
  • The study of user behavior in social networks. To do this, you need to find groups on the desired topics and analyze the behavior of their members. Look at which posts have the most comments, for which they put likes more often. Try to understand why these particular topics interested users the most.
  • Analysis of the target audience of the site in Yandex Metrica. Lots of useful information about site visitors can be found in the Reports>Standard reports>Visitors tab. Here you can see various data about your site visitors: geography, age, gender, activity and much more.

For example, these screenshots show that women aged 25 to 34 who live in Russia are most interested in this site.

At what stage should the target audience be defined?

Ideally, you need to carefully study your future audience even before developing an Internet project. This will help to set the right course for the development of the site and attract interested visitors from the very beginning. Of course, in the future you will have to constantly devote some time to this issue, since people's preferences change over time, the nature of your goods and services may change, so audience analysis is a regular work on the site.