Deputy director of the museum job description. Director General of the National Museum, Director of the Museum Job Description. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

  • 25.04.2020



trade union committee

MS(K) OU Boarding school No. 18

Danilina E.V.

"_____" ____________ 2010 _



MS(K)OU Boarding School No. 18

Gavrilenko L.S.

"____" ____________ 2010 _

Job description

head of the school museum

1. General provisions

1.1 . The head of the school museum is appointed and dismissed by the head of the school.

1.2 . The head of the school museum must have a higher professional education.

1.3 . The head of the school museum reports directly to the deputy director for educational work.

1.4 . Its activities are guided by:

- Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

- the Law on the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation;

- the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

- normative documents on upbringing, education and additional education, collection and storage of historical and cultural values;

- the basics of labor legislation, rules and norms of labor protection, life and health of pupils, fire safety,

- The Charter and local legal acts MS (K) OU No. 18 (including the internal labor regulations, orders and orders of the director, this instruction).

- Regulations on the school museum.

2. Functions.

The main activities of the head of the school museum are:

- the implementation by museum means of activities for the education, training, development, socialization of students;

- organization of the work of the school museum on the basis of the Regulations.

3. Job responsibilities:

The head of the school museum performs the following job responsibilities:

3.1. Must know: The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law on the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the School Museum, other legislative and regulations on issues of education, upbringing of students, collection and storage of historical and cultural values; pedagogy; pedagogical psychology; museology; museum pedagogy; fundamentals of sociology, physiology, hygiene; basics of management; labor legislation, rules and norms of labor protection.

3.2. Directly organizes the activities of the school museum.

3.3. Together with the council of the school museum, develops a plan for the work of the school museum, working hours and rules internal regulations school museum and other local acts.

3.4. Organizes fund, search-collecting and research work.

3.5. Determines the management structure of the school museum, solves scientific, methodological and other issues of the school museum.

3.6. Provides: the necessary conditions for the collection, accounting and storage of museum funds, material and technical means, compliance with the rules of the sanitary and hygienic regime, labor protection.

3.7. Forms a contingent of pupils participating in the work of the school museum; organizes training of children's activists in museum professions and consultations of the teaching staff on issues of museum pedagogy.

3.8. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is responsible for the safety of the funds and material assets of the museum; implementation of educational programs; life and health of pupils and employees during the educational process.

3.9. Carries out communication with the public, cultural institutions, state and other museums, local self-government bodies.

3.10. Maintains documentation:

- museum plan,

- analytical reports on the results of the museum's work,

- museum diary (accounting for events held, accounting for excursions, lectures held in the museum)

- review book,

- inventory book,

- accounting book of the scientific auxiliary fund,

- report on the work of the museum for the year.

4. Rights

The head of the school museum has the right, within its competence:

4.1 . Participate:

- in the development of educational policy and strategy in the direction of work in MS (K) OU;

- in the work of the pedagogical council.

4.2 . Make suggestions:

- on encouragement, moral and material incentives for participants in museum work at school;

- for the improvement of museum and pedagogical work.

4.3 . Improve your skills.

5. Responsibility:

5. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without a valid reason of the Charter, internal labor regulations, legal orders of the director and other regulations, official duties established by this instruction, the head of the school museum shall bear disciplinary responsibility in the manner determined labor law.

6. Relationships. Relationships by position.

6.1. Works in a mode approved by the principal of the school.

6.2. Submits to the Deputy Director for educational work a report on his activities, analytical materials based on the results of the events held by the school museum.

6.3. Receives information of a regulatory, legal, organizational and methodological nature from the deputy director for educational work, get acquainted with the relevant documents.

6.4. Systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with teaching staff and deputy. educational director.

Job description

developed in pursuance of order No. __ dated "__" ________ 2010_

on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.



school museum Bondarev O.L.

Single qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and other employees (CEN), 2019
Section "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers of culture, art and cinematography"
The section is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2011 N 251n

Director (general director) of the museum

Job responsibilities. Manages the production and financial and economic activities of the museum, bearing responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, the safety and efficient use of property. Organizes the acquisition and work on the storage, collection, study and public presentation of museum objects and museum collections, as well as work on the preservation, restoration and restoration of immovable historical and cultural monuments that are part of the museum. Organizes work and interaction management personnel, structural divisions and production units, directs their activities towards the development and improvement of the creative and production process in order to create the most favorable conditions for the preservation, study and presentation of the museum collection. Ensures the fulfillment of all obligations to visitors, museum employees, federal, regional and local budgets, state non-budgetary funds, suppliers, customers, as well as contract partners. Takes measures to provide the museum with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, creation of safe and favorable working conditions for life and health, compliance with the requirements of legislation on protection environment. Provides a combination of economic and administrative methods leadership, unity of command and collegiality in discussing and resolving issues, material and moral incentives to improve work efficiency, application of the principle of material interest and responsibility of each museum employee for the work entrusted to him and the results of the work of the entire team. Based on the principles of social partnership, organizes work on the development, conclusion and implementation of a collective agreement. Ensures compliance with labor and production discipline. Entrusts the conduct of certain areas of the museum's activities to others officials- deputy directors, heads of branches, chief specialists, heads of functional divisions. Ensures compliance with the law in the activities of the museum and the implementation of its economic and economic relations, the use of legal means for financial management and functioning in market conditions, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, regulating social and labor relations.

Must know: laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation regulating the production and financial and economic activities of museums; methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of museums; features of the structure of museum organizations; prospects for the development of the cultural sector and museums; fundamentals of museology; the procedure for accounting and storage of museum funds; methods of conducting research, educational, exposition and exhibition, methodological, restoration and publishing work of museums; work experience of domestic and foreign museums; market methods business and management; the procedure for concluding and executing contracts; the procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and the regulation of social and labor relations; theory and practice of management; management psychology; sociology, biology; fundamentals of labor and civil legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education (economic, legal, culture and arts, pedagogical, technical), work experience for leadership positions in museums or cultural institutions for at least 5 years.

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Preface to job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Document approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Head of the branch of the museum" belongs to the category "Leaders".

1.2. Qualifications- complete higher education relevant area of ​​training (master, specialist). Postgraduate education in management. Experience in museum work in the professions of lower-level managers: for a master - at least 2 years, for a specialist - at least 3 years.

1.3. Knows and applies:
- current legislation in the field of culture;
- regulatory and guidance materials on the work of museums;
- normative acts regulating and determining the development of Ukrainian culture and science;
- Fundamentals of museology;
- the main directions of the fund, exposition, propaganda, research, methodological work of the museum;
- innovate experience works of domestic and foreign museums;
- rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection;
- internal labor regulations.

1.4. The head of the museum branch is appointed and dismissed by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The head of the museum branch reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The head of the museum branch directs the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The head of the museum branch during his absence is replaced by a duly appointed person who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Organizes scientific exposition, educational, methodological and other activities of the museum branch, acquisition and study of the museum fund.

2.2. Provides storage and strict observance of the instructions for accounting and storage of attractions that are in the collections of the museum branch.

2.3. Develops annual and long-term plans work of the branch, coordinates and approves them in the prescribed manner.

2.4. In agreement with the director, he selects personnel, ensures their rational placement and expedient use.

2.5. Supervises compliance by employees of the branch with museum instructions for accounting and storage of museum items, rules and regulations for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection, and internal labor regulations.

2.6. Knows, understands and applies existing regulations relating to his activities.

2.7. Knows and fulfills the requirements of regulatory acts on labor and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The head of the branch of the museum has the right to take actions to prevent and eliminate the cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The head of the museum branch has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The head of the museum branch has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties and the exercise of his rights.

3.4. The head of the museum branch has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The head of the museum branch has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to its activities.

3.6. The head of the museum branch has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his duties and instructions of the management.

3.7. The head of the museum branch has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The head of the museum branch has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of its activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The head of the museum branch has the right to get acquainted with the documents that define the rights and obligations of the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The head of the museum branch is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the rights granted.

4.2. The head of the museum branch is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The head of the museum branch is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise/institution) that is a commercial secret.

4.4. The head of the museum branch is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of the internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and the legal orders of the management.

4.5. The head of the museum branch is responsible for offenses committed in the course of its activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The head of the museum branch is responsible for causing material damage organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The head of the museum branch is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

EKSD 2018. Edition dated April 9, 2018
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use reference book of professional standards

Director (general director) of the museum

Job responsibilities. Manages the production and financial and economic activities of the museum, bearing responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, the safety and efficient use of property. Organizes the acquisition and work on the storage, collection, study and public presentation of museum objects and museum collections, as well as work on the preservation, restoration and restoration of immovable historical and cultural monuments that are part of the museum. Organizes the work and interaction of management personnel, structural divisions and production units, directs their activities to the development and improvement of the creative and production process in order to create the most favorable conditions for the preservation, study and presentation of the museum collection. Ensures the fulfillment of all obligations to visitors, museum employees, federal, regional and local budgets, state non-budgetary funds, suppliers, customers, as well as contract partners. Takes measures to provide the museum with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, creation of safe and favorable working conditions for life and health, compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. Provides a combination of economic and administrative methods of leadership, unity of command and collegiality in discussing and resolving issues, material and moral incentives improving work efficiency, applying the principle of material interest and responsibility of each museum employee for the work entrusted to him and the results of the work of the entire team. Based on the principles of social partnership, organizes work on the development, conclusion and implementation of a collective agreement. Ensures compliance with labor and production discipline. Entrusts the conduct of certain areas of the museum's activities to other officials - deputy directors, heads of branches, chief specialists, heads of functional divisions. Ensures compliance with the law in the activities of the museum and the implementation of its economic and economic relations, the use of legal means for financial management and functioning in market conditions, strengthening the contractual and financial discipline, regulation of social and labor relations.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the production and financial and economic activities of museums, methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of museums, features of the structure of museum organizations, prospects for the development of the cultural sector and museums, the basics of museology, the procedure for accounting and storage of museum funds, methods conducting research, educational, exposition and exhibition, methodological, restoration and publishing work of museums, experience of domestic and foreign museums, market methods of management and management, the procedure for concluding and executing contracts, the procedure for developing and concluding sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and regulation social and labor relations, theory and practice of management, psychology of management, sociology, biology, fundamentals of labor and civil legislation, internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety rules .

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education (economic, legal, culture and arts, pedagogical, technical), work experience in managerial positions in museums or cultural institutions for at least 5 years.

Jobs for the position Director (general director) of the museum according to the all-Russian database of vacancies


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Museum directors

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and official duties, rights and responsibilities of the museum director [Name of the organization in the genitive] (hereinafter referred to as the Organization).

1.2. The director of the museum belongs to the category of managers, is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Organization.

1.3. The director of the museum reports directly to the [title of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Organization.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional education (economics, law, culture and arts, pedagogical, technical) and at least 5 years of experience in managerial positions in museums or cultural institutions is appointed to the position of museum director.

1.5. The museum director must know:

  • laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the production and financial and economic activities of museums;
  • methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of museums;
  • features of the structure of museum organizations;
  • prospects for the development of the cultural sector and museums;
  • fundamentals of museology;
  • the procedure for accounting and storage of museum funds;
  • methods of conducting research, educational, exposition and exhibition, methodological, restoration and publishing work of museums;
  • work experience of domestic and foreign museums;
  • market methods of managing and managing;
  • the procedure for concluding and executing contracts;
  • the procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and the regulation of social and labor relations;
  • theory and practice of management;
  • management psychology;
  • sociology, biology;
  • fundamentals of labor and civil legislation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules on labor protection and fire safety.

1.6. During the temporary absence of the director of the museum, his duties are assigned to [deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

The Museum Director has the following responsibilities:

2.1. Manages the production and financial and economic activities of the museum, bearing responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, the safety and efficient use of property.

2.2. Organizes the acquisition and work on the storage, collection, study and public presentation of museum objects and museum collections, as well as work on the preservation, restoration and restoration of immovable historical and cultural monuments that are part of the museum.

2.3. Organizes the work and interaction of management personnel, structural divisions and production units, directs their activities to the development and improvement of the creative and production process in order to create the most favorable conditions for the preservation, study and presentation of the museum collection.

2.4. Ensures the fulfillment of all obligations to visitors, museum employees, federal, regional and local budgets, state non-budgetary funds, suppliers, customers, as well as contract partners.

2.5. Takes measures to provide the museum with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, creation of safe and favorable working conditions for life and health, compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation.

2.6. It provides a combination of economic and administrative methods of leadership, unity of command and collegiality in discussing and resolving issues, material and moral incentives to improve work efficiency, the application of the principle of material interest and responsibility of each museum employee for the work assigned to him and the results of the work of the entire team.

2.7. Based on the principles of social partnership, organizes work on the development, conclusion and implementation of a collective agreement.

2.8. Ensures compliance with labor and production discipline.

2.9. Entrusts the conduct of certain areas of the museum's activities to other officials - deputy directors, heads of branches, chief specialists, heads of functional divisions.

2.10. Ensures compliance with the law in the activities of the museum and the implementation of its economic and economic relations, the use of legal means for financial management and functioning in market conditions, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, regulating social and labor relations.

In case of official necessity, the director of the museum may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

The director of the museum has the right:

3.1. Provide leadership to subordinates.

3.2. To provide him with a job stipulated by an employment contract.

3.3. On the workplace corresponding to the state regulatory requirements labor protection and conditions stipulated by the collective agreement.

3.4. Receive full and reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements at the workplace.

3.5. To carry out vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the manner prescribed by Labor Code Russian Federation, other federal laws.

3.6. Receive materials and documents related to the issues of their activities.

3.7. Interact with all departments of the Organization to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The director of the museum bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of the museum director is carried out:

4.2.1. The immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the museum director is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of work of the museum director is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the organization.

5.2. In connection with production necessity the director of the museum is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

Familiarized with the instruction ___________ / ____________ / "____" _______ 20__