Interstate standards are accepted. Development rules based on international and regional standards. The procedure for the development, adoption and registration of interstate standards

  • 26.04.2020

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Interstate standard (GOST)- a regional standard adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independent States. On the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, interstate standards are applied voluntarily.

In 1992, the CIS members entered into an agreement by which they recognized the current GOST standards of the USSR as interstate standards, while retaining the abbreviation GOST for the newly introduced interstate standards.

Technical regulation

For each technical regulation, the Eurasian Economic Commission approves two lists of standards. One is necessary to meet the requirements of the technical regulations, and the second contains the rules and methods for testing products. Application on a voluntary basis of the standards included in the first list is a sufficient condition for compliance with the technical regulations of the Union. By July 2016, lists of standards for 33 technical regulations of the EAEU were approved. They include more than 11600 standards, of which about 3100 are developed on the basis of international standards ISO, IEC and UNECE (26.4%) and 865 - on the basis of European counterparts (7.4%).

Application in Russia as part of standardization

The federal executive body in the field of standardization enacts interstate standards, cancels interstate state standards and suspend action interstate standards on Russian territory. Application for the purposes of technical regulation is established in accordance with the Law "On Technical Regulation".


Approved in 1931 as the recommended all-Union standard OST 1042 “Tolerances and landings. Hole system. 2nd class of accuracy. Hot landing" is still in effect. OST 1043, OST 1044, OST 1069, OST 1142, OST 1143, OST 1214 and OST 1216 have a similar status.

In 1984, administrative responsibility was established for the release or supply (sale) of products that do not meet the requirements of the standards.

The USSR Law of 1991 "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" referred to state standards: the state standard of the USSR, the republican standard, building codes and regulations, the state pharmacopoeia and temporary pharmacopoeial articles on medicines.


International standards can be adopted as interstate standards. The relationship of interstate standards with the corresponding international standards is indicated using the following symbols for the degree of their compliance:

  • IDT - for identical interstate standards;
  • MOD - for modified interstate standards;
  • NEQ - for non-equivalent interstate standards.

On the title page under the name of the interstate standard, the designation and name of the applied international standard are given on English language and a symbol for the degree of their compliance.

The abbreviation "OST" meant:

  • since 1925 - "all-Union standard";
  • since 1968, the "industry standard".

The abbreviation "GOST" meant:

  • since 1940 - "state all-Union standard";
  • since 1968 - "state standard of the USSR";
  • since 1992 - "interstate standard".

Classification of standards

It is not allowed to release meat products using names that are similar to the names of meat products established by interstate (regional) standards, with the exception of meat products manufactured according to these standards (for example, "Doctor", "Amateur", "Moscow", "Grainy" , "Dairy").

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Interstate Standard (GOST)

“Yes,” Vera answered, “I don’t want that at all. We must live for society.
“That’s exactly what Princess Yusupova wore,” said Berg, with a happy and kind smile, pointing to the cape.
At this time, the arrival of Count Bezukhy was reported. Both spouses looked at each other with a self-satisfied smile, each attributing the honor of this visit to himself.
"That's what it means to be able to make acquaintances, thought Berg, that's what it means to be able to behave!"
“Just please, when I am entertaining guests,” Vera said, “you don’t interrupt me, because I know what to do with everyone, and in what society what to say.
Berg smiled too.
“It’s impossible: sometimes a man’s conversation should be with men,” he said.
Pierre was received in a brand new living room, in which it was impossible to sit down anywhere without violating symmetry, cleanliness and order, and therefore it was very understandable and not strange that Berg generously offered to destroy the symmetry of an armchair or sofa for a dear guest, and apparently being himself in in this regard, in painful indecision, offered a solution to this issue to the choice of the guest. Pierre upset the symmetry by pulling out a chair for himself, and immediately Berg and Vera began the evening, interrupting one another and entertaining the guest.
Vera, deciding in her mind that Pierre should be occupied with a conversation about the French embassy, ​​immediately began this conversation. Berg, deciding that a man's conversation was also necessary, interrupted his wife's speech, touching on the question of the war with Austria and involuntarily jumped from the general conversation to personal considerations about the proposals that were made to him to participate in the Austrian campaign, and about the reasons why he did not accept them. Despite the fact that the conversation was very awkward, and that Vera was angry at the interference of the male element, both spouses felt with pleasure that, despite the fact that there was only one guest, the evening had started very well, and that the evening was like two drops of water are like any other evening with conversations, tea and candles lit.
Boris, Berg's old comrade, soon arrived. He treated Berg and Vera with a certain tinge of superiority and patronage. A lady came for Boris with a colonel, then the general himself, then the Rostovs, and the evening was completely, undoubtedly, similar to all evenings. Berg and Vera could not help smiling at the sight of this movement around the living room, at the sound of this incoherent conversation, the rustling of dresses and bows. Everything was, like everyone else, especially the general, who praised the apartment, patted Berg on the shoulder, and with fatherly arbitrariness ordered the setting up of the Boston table. The general sat down with Count Ilya Andreich, as if he were the most distinguished guest after himself. Old men with old men, young with young, the hostess at the tea table, on which were exactly the same cookies in a silver basket that the Panins had at the evening, everything was exactly the same as the others.

Pierre, as one of the most honored guests, was to sit in Boston with Ilya Andreevich, a general and a colonel. Pierre had to sit opposite Natasha at the Boston table, and the strange change that had taken place in her since the day of the ball struck him. Natasha was silent, and not only was she not as good as she was at the ball, but she would be bad if she did not have such a meek and indifferent look to everything.
"What with her?" thought Pierre, looking at her. She was sitting next to her sister at the tea table and reluctantly, without looking at him, answered something to Boris, who had sat down next to her. Departing the whole suit and taking five bribes to the pleasure of his partner, Pierre, who heard the greetings and the sound of someone's steps entering the room during the collection of bribes, looked at her again.
"What happened to her?" even more surprised he said to himself.
Prince Andrei, with a thrifty tender expression, stood before her and said something to her. She, raising her head, blushing and apparently trying to hold her breath, looked at him. And bright light some kind of inner, previously extinguished fire, again burned in her. She has completely changed. From the bad girl she again became the same as she was at the ball.
Prince Andrei went up to Pierre and Pierre noticed a new, youthful expression in the face of his friend.
Pierre changed seats several times during the game, now with his back, then facing Natasha, and for the entire duration of 6 roberts he made observations of her and his friend.
“Something very important is happening between them,” thought Pierre, and a joyful and at the same time bitter feeling made him worry and forget about the game.
After 6 robers, the general got up, saying that it was impossible to play like that, and Pierre got his freedom. Natasha was talking to Sonya and Boris in one direction, Vera was talking about something with a thin smile with Prince Andrei. Pierre went up to his friend and, asking if what was being said was a secret, sat down beside them. Vera, noticing Prince Andrei's attention to Natasha, found that at the evening, at a real evening, it was necessary that there be subtle hints of feelings, and seizing the time when Prince Andrei was alone, she began a conversation with him about feelings in general and about her sister . With such an intelligent (as she considered Prince Andrei) guest, she needed to apply her diplomatic skills to the matter.
When Pierre approached them, he noticed that Vera was in the self-satisfied enthusiasm of the conversation, Prince Andrei (which rarely happened to him) seemed embarrassed.
- What do you think? Vera said with a thin smile. - You, prince, are so insightful and understand the character of people at once. What do you think of Natalie, can she be constant in her affections, can she, like other women (Vera understood herself), love a person once and remain faithful to him forever? This is what I believe real love. What do you think, prince?
“I know your sister too little,” answered Prince Andrei with a mocking smile, under which he wanted to hide his embarrassment, “to solve such a delicate question; and then I noticed that the less a woman likes, the more constant she is, ”he added and looked at Pierre, who had approached them at that time.
- Yes, it's true, prince; in our time, - continued Vera (referring to our time, as limited people generally like to mention, believing that they have found and appreciated the features of our time and that the properties of people change with time), in our time the girl has so much freedom that le plaisir d "etre courtisee [the pleasure of having fans] often drowns out the true feeling in her. Et Nathalie, il faut l" avouer, y est tres sensible. [And Natalya, it must be confessed, is very sensitive to this.] The return to Natalya again made Prince Andrei frown unpleasantly; he wanted to get up, but Vera continued with an even more refined smile.
“I don’t think anyone was as courtisee [object of courtship] as she was,” Vera said; - but never, until very recently, did she seriously like anyone. You know, count, - she turned to Pierre, - even our dear cousin Boris, who was, entre nous [between us], very, very dans le pays du tendre ... [in the land of tenderness ...]
Prince Andrei frowned silently.
Are you friends with Boris? Vera told him.
- Yes, I know him…
- Did he tell you right about his childhood love for Natasha?
Was there childhood love? - suddenly suddenly blushing, asked Prince Andrei.
- Yes. Vous savez entre cousin et cousine cette intimate mene quelquefois a l "amour: le cousinage est un dangereux voisinage, N" est ce pas? [You know, between cousin and sister, this closeness sometimes leads to love. Such kinship is a dangerous neighborhood. Is not it?]
“Oh, without a doubt,” said Prince Andrei, and suddenly, unnaturally animated, he began to joke with Pierre about how careful he should be in his treatment of his 50-year-old Moscow cousins, and in the middle of a joking conversation, he got up and, taking under the arm of Pierre, took him aside.
- Well? - said Pierre, looking with surprise at the strange animation of his friend and noticing the look that he threw at Natasha getting up.
“I need, I need to talk to you,” said Prince Andrei. - You know our women's gloves (he talked about those Masonic gloves that were given to the newly elected brother to present to his beloved woman). - I ... But no, I'll talk to you later ... - And with a strange gleam in his eyes and restlessness in his movements, Prince Andrei went up to Natasha and sat down beside her. Pierre saw how Prince Andrei asked her something, and she, flushing, answered him.
But at this time, Berg approached Pierre, urging him to take part in a dispute between the general and the colonel about Spanish affairs.
Berg was pleased and happy. The smile of joy never left his face. The evening was very good and exactly like the other evenings he had seen. Everything was similar. And ladylike, subtle conversations, and cards, and behind the cards a general raising his voice, and a samovar, and cookies; but one thing was still missing, that which he always saw at parties, which he wished to imitate.
There was a lack of loud conversation between men and an argument about something important and clever. The general started this conversation and Berg brought Pierre to it.

The next day, Prince Andrei went to the Rostovs for dinner, as Count Ilya Andreich called him, and spent the whole day with them.
Everyone in the house felt for whom Prince Andrei went, and he, without hiding, tried all day to be with Natasha. Not only in the soul of Natasha, frightened, but happy and enthusiastic, but in the whole house, fear was felt before something important that had to happen. The countess looked at Prince Andrei with sad and seriously stern eyes when he spoke with Natasha, and timidly and feigningly began some kind of insignificant conversation, as soon as he looked back at her. Sonya was afraid to leave Natasha and was afraid to be a hindrance when she was with them. Natasha turned pale with fear of anticipation when she remained face to face with him for minutes. Prince Andrei struck her with his timidity. She felt that he needed to tell her something, but that he could not bring himself to do so.
When Prince Andrei left in the evening, the countess went up to Natasha and said in a whisper:
- Well?
- Mom, for God's sake don't ask me anything now. You can’t say that,” Natasha said.
But despite the fact that that evening Natasha, now agitated, now frightened, with stopping eyes, lay for a long time in her mother's bed. Now she told her how he praised her, then how he said that he would go abroad, then how he asked where they would live this summer, then how he asked her about Boris.
“But this, this… has never happened to me!” she said. “Only I’m scared around him, I’m always scared around him, what does that mean?” So it's real, right? Mom, are you sleeping?
“No, my soul, I myself am afraid,” answered the mother. - Go.
“I won’t sleep anyway. What's wrong with sleeping? Mommy, mommy, this has never happened to me! she said with astonishment and fear before the feeling that she was aware of in herself. - And could we think! ...
It seemed to Natasha that even when she first saw Prince Andrei in Otradnoye, she fell in love with him. She seemed to be frightened by this strange, unexpected happiness that the one whom she had chosen back then (she was firmly convinced of this), that the same one had now met her again, and, as it seems, was not indifferent to her. “And it was necessary for him, now that we are here, to come to Petersburg on purpose. And we should have met at this ball. All this is fate. It is clear that this is fate, that all this was led to this. Even then, as soon as I saw him, I felt something special.
What else did he tell you? What verses are these? Read it ... - thoughtfully said the mother, asking about the poems that Prince Andrei wrote in Natasha's album.
- Mom, is it not a shame that he is a widower?
- That's it, Natasha. Pray to God. Les Marieiages se font dans les cieux. [Marriages are made in heaven.]
“Darling, mother, how I love you, how good it is for me!” Natasha shouted, crying tears of happiness and excitement and hugging her mother.
At the same time, Prince Andrei was sitting with Pierre and telling him about his love for Natasha and about his firm intention to marry her.

On that day, Countess Elena Vasilievna had a reception, there was a French envoy, there was a prince, who had recently become a frequent visitor to the countess's house, and many brilliant ladies and men. Pierre was downstairs, walked through the halls, and struck all the guests with his concentrated, absent-minded and gloomy look.
From the time of the ball, Pierre felt the approach of fits of hypochondria in himself and with a desperate effort tried to fight against them. From the time of the prince’s rapprochement with his wife, Pierre was unexpectedly granted a chamberlain, and from that time on he began to feel heaviness and shame in a large society, and more often the same gloomy thoughts about the futility of everything human began to come to him. At the same time, the feeling he noticed between Natasha, who was patronized by him, and Prince Andrei, his opposition between his position and the position of his friend, further strengthened this gloomy mood. He equally tried to avoid thoughts about his wife and about Natasha and Prince Andrei. Again everything seemed to him insignificant in comparison with eternity, again the question presented itself: “what for?”. And he forced himself day and night to work on the Masonic works, hoping to drive away the approach of the evil spirit. Pierre at 12 o'clock, having left the Countess's chambers, was sitting upstairs in a smoky, low room, in a worn dressing gown in front of the table and copying genuine Scottish acts, when someone entered his room. It was Prince Andrew.
“Ah, it’s you,” said Pierre with an absent-minded and displeased look. “But I’m working,” he said, pointing to a notebook with that kind of salvation from the hardships of life with which unhappy people look at their work.
Prince Andrei, with a radiant, enthusiastic face renewed to life, stopped in front of Pierre and, not noticing his sad face, smiled at him with egoism of happiness.
“Well, my soul,” he said, “yesterday I wanted to tell you and today I came to you for this. Never experienced anything like it. I'm in love my friend.
Pierre suddenly sighed heavily and sank down with his heavy body on the sofa, next to Prince Andrei.
- To Natasha Rostov, right? - he said.
- Yes, yes, in whom? I would never believe it, but this feeling is stronger than me. Yesterday I suffered, suffered, but I will not give up this torment for anything in the world. I haven't lived before. Now only I live, but I can't live without her. But can she love me?... I'm old for her... What don't you say?...
- I? I? What did I tell you, - Pierre suddenly said, getting up and starting to walk around the room. “I always thought that… This girl is such a treasure, such… This is a rare girl… Dear friend, I beg you, don’t think, don’t hesitate, get married, get married and get married… And I’m sure that no one will be happier than you.
- But she!
- She loves you.
“Don’t talk nonsense ...” said Prince Andrei, smiling and looking into Pierre’s eyes.
“He loves, I know,” Pierre shouted angrily.
“No, listen,” said Prince Andrei, stopping him by the hand. Do you know what position I'm in? I need to tell everything to someone.
“Well, well, say, I’m very glad,” Pierre said, and indeed his face changed, the wrinkle smoothed out, and he joyfully listened to Prince Andrei. Prince Andrei seemed and was a completely different, new person. Where was his anguish, his contempt for life, his disappointment? Pierre was the only person before whom he dared to speak out; but on the other hand, he told him everything that was in his soul. Either he easily and boldly made plans for a long future, talked about how he could not sacrifice his happiness for the whim of his father, how he would force his father to agree to this marriage and love her or do without his consent, then he was surprised how on something strange, alien, independent of him, against the feeling that possessed him.
“I would not believe someone who would tell me that I can love like that,” said Prince Andrei. “It's not the same feeling I had before. The whole world is divided for me into two halves: one is she and there is all the happiness of hope, light; the other half - everything where it is not there, there is all despondency and darkness ...
“Darkness and gloom,” Pierre repeated, “yes, yes, I understand that.
“I can't help but love the light, it's not my fault. And I am very happy. You understand me? I know that you are happy for me.


Interstate system of standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation



1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization (VNIIstandart) of the State Standard of Russia INTRODUCED by the State Standard of Russia2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes No. 12-97 of November 21, 1997) Voted for adoption:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan Azgosstandart
Republic of Armenia Armstate standard
Republic of Belarus State Standard of Belarus
Georgia Gruzstandard
The Republic of Kazakhstan State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyzstandart
The Republic of Moldova Moldovastandard
Russian Federation Gosstandart of Russia
The Republic of Tajikistan Tajikgossstandart
Turkmenistan Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan
The Republic of Uzbekistan Uzgosstandart
Ukraine State Standard of Ukraine

GOST 1.2-97


Interstate system of standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation

Interstate System for Standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Procedure for development, taking over application. renovation and cancellation

Introduction date 1999-01-01 *

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the procedure for developing, adopting, applying, updating (amending, revising) and canceling documents on interstate standardization (interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization) **. Note - This standard uses the terms according to GOST 1.1. The provisions of this standard are intended for use by national standardization bodies, other government authorities, the Bureau for Standards of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (hereinafter referred to as the Bureau for Standards), interstate technical committees for standardization (MTC), national technical committees for standardization (TC), enterprises, organizations and other entities economic activity, scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public associations (hereinafter - public associations) States Parties to the Agreement on Conducting a Coordinated Policy in the Field of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement). At the national level, additional requirements may be established that specify the procedure for developing interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization, changes to them, the procedure for applying and termination of the application of interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization in the territory of a state party to the Agreement. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards: GOST 1.0-92 Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions of GOST 1.5-2001 Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. General requirements to the construction, presentation, design, content and designation GOST 1.1-2002 Interstate standardization system. Terms and definitions GOST 1.3-2002 Interstate standardization system. Rules and methods for the adoption of international and regional standards as interstate standards (Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, Rev. No. 2).

3 The procedure for the development, adoption and registration of interstate standards

3.1 General

3.1.1 The development of interstate standards (hereinafter referred to as standards) is carried out, as a rule, in the following order: 1st stage - organization of the development of the standard; 2nd stage - development of the first edition of the draft standard and mailing it for review ***; _____________ * The date of introduction of the standard into force in the territory of the states is set by their national standardization bodies. ** The procedure for the development, adoption and application of interstate regulatory documents in construction, as well as the procedure for making changes to them and terminating their application, is established by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction [ 1 ] . *** In the state - the developer of the standard, additional (previous) stages of standard development can be carried out, which this standard does not regulate. 3rd stage - development of the final version of the draft standard and its distribution for consideration and voting; 4th stage - adoption of the standard and its registration. In justified cases, it is allowed to combine the stages of development of a draft standard or introduce additional stages of its development (second and subsequent editions). 3.1.2. The development of standards is carried out in accordance with the program of work on interstate standardization or on an initiative basis. 3.1.3 When developing standards, one should be guided by GOST 1.0. design work; results of patent research; international, regional standards, rules, norms and recommendations for standardization; progressive national standards of the member states of the Agreement and other countries, as well as other information about modern achievements in science, engineering and technology. As a basis for the draft interstate standard, the current or developing (at any stage) national standard of the state-developer, another state can be proposed - a party to the Agreement or another country; current or being developed (at the stage of final revision) international or regional standard (if there are relevant international, regional agreements or with the permission of the relevant organizations), if the requirements of this standard satisfy the goals of interstate standardization in accordance with GOST 1.0 (section 4). When used as a basis for draft interstate standard of an international or regional standard use the rules and methods established by GOST 1.3. GOST 1.3 can also be used when developing an interstate standard in cases where a national standard is used as the basis for its draft, including the national standard of a state party to the Agreement, if the rules established in 3.2.8 are not acceptable for this. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2). 3.1.4 Construction, presentation, execution and designation of standards - in accordance with GOST 1.5, taking into account GOST 1.3 (in the case of using an international or regional standard as the basis for a draft interstate standard). (Changed edition, Change No. 2 ). 3.1.5 It is recommended to send documents in the process of developing, adopting and registering standards using e-mail, following the procedure for exchanging documents in electronic format established by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification [7]. Upon receipt of documents, it is recommended to send an appropriate notification by e-mail to the sender. Requirements establishing the need to send notification of receipt of a draft standard are given in, and Compliance with these requirements is entrusted to the Bureau of Standards. If the recipient of the draft standard does not have e-mail, the notification should be sent by fax, telephone message, telegram or in another way that ensures prompt delivery. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).3.1.3-3.1.5 (Revision, Rev. No. 1).

3.2 Procedure for developing draft standards

3.2.1 The development of a standard in a state party to the Agreement is preceded, as a rule, by the preparation by the national body for standardization of the state party to the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the national body) of a corresponding proposal to the program of work on interstate standardization in accordance with the procedure established by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and certification (hereinafter referred to as the Interstate Council) [ 2]. through the national body of your state, information about the beginning of its development (with a brief annotation) to the national bodies of other states interested in the development of the standard and indicated in the program of work on interstate standardization, for the publication of this information mation or the use of other forms of its distribution in these states. If the draft standard is developed on an initiative basis (without being included in the program of work on interstate standardization), then this information is sent to the national authorities of all states parties to the Agreement. 3.2.3 The procedure for the development and consideration of the first edition of the draft standard in the state - the developer of the standard is established by its national body. 3.2.2-3.2.3 (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1). The developer of the standard prepares the first edition of the draft standard and an explanatory note to it. The explanatory note gives: - the basis for the development of the standard, indicating the topic number for the program of work on interstate standardization or a link to another organizational and administrative document *; - a brief description of the object standardization; _______________ * In the case of developing a standard on an initiative basis, provide an appropriate record. - feasibility study, social or other justification for the development of the standard; and recommendations on interstate standardization and (or) information on methods of application in the development of a draft standard of an international (regional or national) standard (other regulatory document); - proposals for changing, revising or canceling m interstate standards that contradict the proposed draft standard; - information about the patent purity of the draft standard (if necessary); - information about the distribution of the first edition of the draft standard to national authorities for review (indicating the outgoing numbers of cover letters) and a generalized description of the fundamental comments and proposals (for the final edition); - a list of source documents and other sources of information used in the development of the standard, as well as information provided by law, if these documents relate to objects of patent or copyright; - information about the developer of the standard, indicating his postal address, contact phone number and address email (if the developer has one). (Revision, Rev. No. 1). The national body of the state-developer sends the first edition of the draft standard with an explanatory note to the national bodies of the states interested in the development of the standard (specified in the program of work on interstate standardization), as well as to the Standards Bureau. If a draft standard is developed by a state party to the Agreement on its own initiative, then it is sent to the national authorities of all states parties to the Agreement, unless they have sent a notice of disinterest in the development of this standard. When sending the first edition of the draft standard for review to cover letter indicate the deadline for receiving feedback from interested states based on the three-month period that is provided for consideration of the draft standard. In this case, the standard wording is used: "The final date for receiving the review is _______/date." The period provided for consideration of the project may be reduced to 45 days, if this is due to objective reasons. The reason for the reduction of the deadline is indicated in the cover letter. The national body that received the draft standard on the same day sends by e-mail or in another operational way to the national body of the developing state and the Standards Bureau a notification of receipt of the draft standard indicating the date of receipt. (Revision, Rev. No. 1). Consideration of the first edition of the draft standard in the States concerned is carried out within the period provided for this period (taking into account the final date of receipt of the feedback). Feedback on the first edition of the draft standard is sent to the national authority of the developing state or to another address indicated by it (to the secretariat of the national TC or to another developer of the standard), as well as to the Standards Bureau. In the recall, comments and suggestions on the draft standard are recommended to be stated in the following sequence: - on the project as a whole; - by sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, enumerations, applications - in the order of presentation of the draft standard. All proposals for a draft standard must be substantiated, and comments must be specific. (Revision, Rev. No. 1). The national body of the developing state considers the feedback received from interested states, sends them to the developer for the preparation of the final version of the draft standard and, if necessary, reports its opinion on the advisability of implementing the proposals and taking into account the comments. 3.2.4 The procedure for developing, reviewing and agreeing on the final version of the draft standard in the developing state is established by its national body. received from other states. In this case, the feedback summary form specified in Appendix E is used. Note - When developing intermediate (second and subsequent) editions of the draft standard, the development procedure established for the first edition (see 3.2.3) is followed. At the same time, together with the draft standard, a summary of feedback on its previous edition is sent out. body.а- (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1). After the national authority of the state-developer makes a decision on the readiness of the draft standard (final version) for distribution for consideration and voting in other states, it is sent for publishing editing to the FSUE "Standartinform", which acts as a publishing house of interstate standards. (Changed edition, Change No. 2 ). Publishing editing of the draft standard is carried out, as a rule, within a period of not more than five days *. If there are editorial comments on the draft standard, its developer makes the necessary corrections. The national body of the state that develops the standard sends its final version with an explanatory note and a summary of reviews to the national bodies of the states interested in developing the standard, as well as to the Standards Bureau. If the draft standard is developed without being included in the program of work on interstate standardization, then at the stage of preparing the final version of the draft standard, the states from which feedback on the first version of the draft standard has been received are considered interested. At the same time, the standard wording is used: "the date of summing up the voting results is _______ / date." The period provided for consideration of the final version of the draft can be reduced to 45 days, if this is due to objective reasons. The reason for the reduction of the deadline is indicated in the cover letter. The national body that received the draft standard on the same day sends by e-mail or in another operational way to the national body of the developing state and the Standards Bureau a notification of receipt of the draft standard indicating the date of receipt. (Revision, Rev. No. 1). The national bodies of the states concerned organize the consideration of the final version of the draft standard, make a decision on it and send voting ballots to the national body of the state-developer before the date of summing up the voting results, and information about the decision taken (with the rationale for the negative decision) - by e-mail at the Bureau of Standards. In this case, the system of electronic voting on draft interstate regulatory documents can be used. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1, Rev. No. 2). The form of the voting ballot and the rules for filling it out are given in Annexes A and B. The Standards Bureau monitors compliance with the requirements of GOST 1.0 and GOST 1.5, as well as the procedure established by this standard, in terms of the implementation of individual stages of standard development, compliance with them the timing of the program of work on interstate standardization, the objectivity of the content of the summary of reviews and summing up the results of voting on the draft standard. If at the same time there are cases of inconsistency, the Standards Bureau sends its comments to the national body of the state that developed the standard. (Supplemented, Amendment No. 1). 3.2.5 The national body of the state that developed the standard sums up the voting results on the draft standard, taking into account the voting ballots received by the established voting date. votes are not counted. 3.2.5 (Changed edition, Rev. No. 1). The results of voting on the draft standard can be considered positive if at least two-thirds of the national authorities of the states interested in the development of the standard voted for its adoption in the proposed version (excluding national authorities that abstained from voting) and took part in the voting, but not less than three of them. When summing up the voting results, among the national bodies that voted for the adoption of the proposed version of the draft standard, the national body of the state-developer is taken into account. (Revision, Rev. No. 1). If the vote on the draft standard is positive, the national body of the developing state sends the draft standard to the Standards Publishing House (the first copy and the copy with editorial corrections). The publishing house of standards within three days * carries out the final editing of the draft standard, puts on each sheet of the first copy the stamp "IN THE SET" and returns it together with a copy with editorial corrections. The national body of the state-developer sends to the Standards Bureau the documents necessary for registration of the adopted standard in accordance with the procedure established by the Interstate Council [3]. Voting ballots received after the day of summing up the voting results are not taken into account and sent to the Standards Bureau. Comments and proposals on the draft standard received along with such ballots can be taken into account during the next revision of the adopted standard or when making changes to it. (Revision, Rev. No. 1). 3.2.6 In case of negative voting results on the draft standard, it may be revised taking into account the comments and suggestions of national authorities or the development of the draft standard may be terminated. The finalization of the draft standard is carried out within a period not exceeding two months, in the manner established by the national authority of the developing state. When finalizing the draft standard, the developer draws up a summary of comments and proposals based on the results of the initial vote of national authorities. A summary of comments and proposals is compiled similarly to the summary of feedback (Appendix E), but at the same time, information about the national bodies that voted for the adoption of the standard is given only in the explanatory note. (Revision, Rev. No. 1). The national body of the developing State sends the revised draft standard with an explanatory note and a summary of comments and proposals for re-vote to the national bodies that took part in the original vote, as well as to the Standards Bureau. The national body that received the revised draft standard, in on the same day sends the corresponding notification by e-mail or in another operational way to the national authority of the state-designer and the Bureau of Standards, indicating the date of receipt. (Revision, Rev. No. 1). In case of positive results of the repeated voting on the draft standard, work is carried out in accordance with and In case of negative results of the repeated voting on the draft standard final decision on it (further revision, termination of development) is adopted by the Interstate Council at its meeting on the recommendation of the relevant scientific and technical commission (on standardization, metrology, certification, accreditation, supervision and control) of the Interstate Council, if the standard applies to the corresponding standardization object. In case of adoption decisions to terminate the development of a standard, the national authorities of the states concerned can use its draft (in any edition) as the basis for the development or registration of the corresponding national standard. ___________ * In justified cases related to the volume and (or) number of draft documents received, the editing period may be extended. (Revision, Rev. No. 1). 3.2.7 If the development of a draft standard is carried out with the participation of the MTC, the national body may transfer its functions in the development (review) of the draft standard at any stage to its authorized representative * in the MTC and (or) the secretariat of the MTC, whose participation in these works is determined by the regulation about the ITC and (or) the procedure established by the national authority. At the same time, the development of a draft standard can be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Interstate Council [5] **. 3.2.8 As the final version of the draft standard, the current national standard of the state party to the Agreement, an international or regional standard (if there is an agreement allowing such application of the relevant regional standards) can be proposed, if this standard is set out in Russian (or if its authentic translation into Russian) and in the absence of references in it to other national (international, regional) standards and (or) other documents that are not valid at the interstate level. The corresponding proposal for a national standard may come from the national body that has adopted this national standard, or must be in agreement with it. A proposal for an international (regional) standard can come from any national body. The distribution is carried out by the national body that put forward this proposal, which sends this standard (its version in Russian or its translation into Russian, if the standard is written in another language) to all national bodies . If a national (international, regional) standard applies to an object of standardization related to the scope of a certain ITC, then distribution can be carried out by its secretariat and only to the states that are members of this ITC. At the same time, a notification is sent to the national authorities of other states about the distribution of this standard. in accordance with With positive results of voting on the adoption of a national (international, regional) standard as an interstate standard, the national body that has adopted this national standard or put forward a corresponding proposal reissues the title page, preface, first page and bibliographic data of the standard , and, if necessary, also the sections "Terms and definitions" and "Designations and abbreviations", bringing them in accordance with GOST 1. 5 and GOST 1.3, and provides publisher editing in accordance with, and (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2). In case of negative voting results on the adoption of the national (international, regional) standard as an interstate standard, its revision is not carried out. In case of registration of an interstate standard identical to the international (regional) standard, it is allowed to refine it in terms of editorial changes, including changing the name of the standard. At the same time, the requirements of GOST 1.3 are observed. (Changed edition, Change No. 2 ). 3.2.9 If the national (international, regional) standard contains references to other national (international, regional) standards and (or) other documents that are not valid at the interstate level, then the development of an interstate standard based on it is carried out in accordance with 3.2.1- 3.2.6. 3.2.10 If the national body is preparing a draft interstate standard that is identical to the international (regional) standard (see GOST 1.3), then it is allowed to combine the second and third stages of standard development. At the same time, the work provided for in accordance with is not carried out. applicable international (regional) standard in accordance with GOST 1.3. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).3.2.8-3.2.10 (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

3.3 Procedure for adopting standards

3.3.1 Interstate standards are adopted by the Interstate Council *** by voting by correspondence or directly at a meeting of the Interstate Council. 3.3.2 Voting on the draft standard by correspondence is carried out in the process of considering its final version in the states - parties to the Agreement, carried out in accordance with;, 3.2.5 and (or and The standard is considered adopted by the Interstate Council based on the results of voting by correspondence, if the national authorities of all interested states voted for its adoption, or if the majority of interested national authorities voted for it, and no more than one voted against. The latter case is allowed when the national body that voted against the adoption of this standard did not propose to take the vote to the meeting of the Interstate Council, and the standard is not one of the fundamental standards (see 3.3.2 (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1). 3.3.3 If a standard is not adopted by correspondence vote in accordance with 3.3.2, but at least two-thirds of the number of national bodies interested in applying this standard voted for its adoption (see, then its adoption is at a meeting of the Interstate Council. At a meeting of the Interstate Council, the adoption of the most important fundamental standards affecting the interests of all States Parties to the Agreement, as well as other standards, if such an initiative was made by any interested national body, with positive results of voting by correspondence in accordance with с When voting on a draft standard at a meeting of the Interstate Council, the voting ballots are not filled in, and the voting results are documented in the appropriate protocol (extract from the protocol) transferred to the national body of the state that developed the standard. If the adoption of a standard is submitted to a meeting of the Interstate Council, and a member of the Council representing the state interested in this standard cannot be present at this meeting or send its authorized representative to it, then the relevant national body sends a voting ballot with a decision on the draft standard not later than 20 days before the meeting.______________ * Terms related to the structure and activities of the ITC - in accordance with the rules established by the Interstate Council [ 4]. ** AT Russian Federation- in agreement with the State Standard of Russia. *** Terms related to the activities of the Interstate Council - in accordance with the rules established by the Interstate Council [6]. * 4 The term “consensus” means general agreement, characterized by the absence of objections on significant issues from the majority of interested parties, the desire to take into account the views of all parties and bring together dissenting points of view; while consensus does not imply complete unanimity. 3.3.4 A standard is considered adopted at a meeting of the Interstate Council if at least two-thirds of the members of the Council representing the states interested in the standard and present at this meeting or sending voting ballots in accordance with voted for its adoption. NOTES 1 In the absence of a State's interest in adopting a standard, it is recommended that the member of the Council concerned abstain from voting on the draft standard. 2 When voting on a draft standard, the opinion of the national body, the head (or authorized representative) of which is not present at this meeting and from which the voting ballot on this draft was not received in accordance with, is not taken into account. If the standard is one of the fundamental standards that affect the interests of all member states of the Agreement, then this standard is considered adopted only if it reaches consensus * 4 and positively voted by all members of the Council participating in the meeting, if a ballot was not received from the absent member of the Council voting with a negative decision on this standard. 3.3.4. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1). 3.3.5 A draft standard not adopted in accordance with 3.3.4 may be published as a technical report of the Interstate Council. to the Bureau of Standards voting ballot (Appendix A) with its positive decision. Information about this decision is published in the monthly information index "Interstate Standards". who voted against the adoption of the standard, but is interested in applying it in a different edition, it is recommended to prepare and adopt a national standard harmonized with a similar interstate standard. At the same time, it is recommended to highlight (identify) all the differences between these standards and indicate the reasons that caused these differences. 3.3.7. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1). 3.3.8 Registration and accounting of accepted standards, including registration of a standard file, publication of relevant information in the monthly information index "Interstate standards" and in the annual index "Interstate standards", as well as the preparation of standards for publication (providing them with copies of national authorities) are carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Interstate Council [3].

4 Procedure for the application of interstate standards

4.1 Interstate standards are used as national (state) standards in the states whose national authorities have adopted these standards (joined them), in the manner prescribed by these national authorities. At the same time, the application of interstate standards, as a rule, is carried out directly, without re-registration into national (state) standards. adoption of relevant organizational and administrative documents. At the same time, the national body sets for each standard the date of its entry into force on the territory of its state and timely cancels the national (state) standard (standards) that contradicts (or duplicates) it. For the most important fundamental standards (and amendments thereto) affecting the interests of all States Parties to the Agreement, the Interstate Council establishes a single date for all states to enter into force. standards. When establishing it, the relevant recommendations of the national authority of the state-developer are taken into account. Note - The concept of "contradictory national (state) standard" means a standard that applies to the same object of standardization and has the same scope as the interstate standard, but contains other requirements. If an interstate standard is adopted that is identical to the national standard of the state party to the Agreement, the national authority of the given state may decide to apply this interstate standard only in interstate relations. In this case, the national standard continues to be applied on the territory of the state in internal relations. By decision of the national body that adopted the national standard, this standard can be canceled, and instead an interstate standard is put into effect as a national standard, or the national standard can be recognized as having the same force with an identical interstate standard when the latter is applied on the territory of this state. After the adoption of an interstate standard modified in relation to the national standard, the latter is subject to cancellation (or restriction of the scope) to eliminate contradictions with this interstate standard in the event of their simultaneous action on the territory of the state 4.2. (Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, Rev. No. 2). 4.3 Publication of information on the introduction of an interstate standard into force for use in the state party to the Agreement, its publication and distribution in the country is carried out in the manner prescribed by the national authority of this state. At the same time, the publication of the standard is carried out in Russian or simultaneously in Russian and the state language of the country.

5 Procedure for updating interstate standards

5.1 Procedure for conducting standards checks

5.1.1 Updating standards by amending or revising them is carried out on the basis of their checks or proposals from national authorities, other authorities government controlled, enterprises, organizations, other business entities, public associations and citizens of the states in whose territory these standards are applied. , current and introduced norms of the legislation of the states-participants of the Agreement applying this standard, international, regional standards, rules, norms and recommendations for standardization; to disseminate best practices, improve the quality of products, works and services in accordance with the level of development of science, engineering and technology, the needs of the population, the economy and the defense capability of the States Parties to the Agreement and to more fully achieve the goals of interstate standardization. 5.1.3 Verification of the standard, as a rule , are carried out in the state - the developer of this standard (in the state to which this standard is assigned), in the manner established by the national authority of this state. The MTK, which participated in the development of this standard, can be involved in the verification of the standard. It is advisable to check the standard regularly, five years after the development or revision of the standard, the adoption of the last change or the last review.

5.2 The procedure for the development, adoption and implementation of changes to standards

5.2.1 A change to the standard is developed when replacing, supplementing or eliminating its individual requirements, which do not entail a violation of the interchangeability and (or) compatibility of new products with products manufactured according to the current standard. A change to the standard for control methods is developed if the change introduced does not affect the comparability of the test results (measurements, analysis, determinations) obtained using these methods. Note - If necessary, simultaneously with the development of changes to the standard, work is carried out to develop changes to related standards. A change to the standard of only an editorial and (or) reference nature in the form of an independent document is not developed, but included in the next change due to the replacement (addition, exception) the substantive requirements of the standard. If three changes have already been made to the standard, then the next change is not developed, but the standard is revised in accordance with 5.3. A revision of the standard is also preferable if the amount of the change being made may exceed 40% of the text of the standard, and also if it is necessary to change the name of the standard. The design and presentation of the change is in accordance with GOST 1.5 (section 5). 5.2.1 (Revision, Rev. No. 1). 5.2.2 The work on introducing changes to the standard is carried out by the Ministry of Transportation, which is assigned to this standard, and in its absence, they are carried out under the leadership of the national authority of the state that developed the standard (the state to which this standard is assigned). 5.2.3 Development and adoption of a change to the standard carry out in the manner prescribed by 3.1.1; 3.1.2; 3.1.5; 3.2 and 3.3 for draft standards, with the following additions: - if a change to the standard is developed without being included in the program of work on interstate standardization, then it is allowed not to send its first edition to other states; - the change to the standard is considered adopted by correspondence if it is voted for at least two thirds of the national authorities of the states applying this standard; - national authorities that voted against its adoption in the proposed version (or abstained from voting), decide on the application of the standard on the territory of their states, taking into account the inexpediency of simultaneous application in the states - parties to the Agreement of the standard with the adopted change and without it. 5.2.3 (Revision, Rev. No. 1). 5.2.4 Changes to the most important fundamental standards affecting the interests of all the states-participants of the Agreement, as a rule, are adopted at a meeting of the Interstate Council. At the same time, a change to such a standard is considered adopted only if there is a consensus on it and a positive vote of all members of the Council participating in the meeting. 5.2.5 Registration of the adopted change to the standard, providing it with copies of national authorities, as well as publication of information on the adoption of the change to the standard and its text in the monthly information index "Interstate Standards" - in accordance with the procedure established by the Interstate Council [ 3]. 5.2.6 The change to the standard is put into effect on the territory of the states after its registration with the Bureau for Standards by the adoption by the national authorities of the relevant organizational and administrative documents. registering the change with the Bureau of Standards. 5.2.6 (Revision, Rev. No. 1). 5.2.7 Publication of information on the entry into force of a change to the standard, and, if necessary, also the text of the change, is carried out in the manner prescribed by the national authority of the state in which this standard is applied. The publication of the text of the change to the standard is carried out in the languages ​​in which this standard is published . 5.2.7 (Revision, Rev. No. 1).

5.3 Procedure for revision of standards

5.3.1 The revision of the standard is carried out when new, more progressive requirements are established in it, if they lead to a violation of the interchangeability of products corresponding to them, and products manufactured before the introduction of these requirements or affect the comparability of the test results (measurements, analysis, definitions) carried out according to the revised standard and the previously valid standard. When a standard is revised, a new standard is developed to replace the current one, while the previously valid standard is canceled, and in the updated standard it is indicated to replace which standard it was developed. The updated standard is assigned the designation of the previous standard with the replacement of the digits of the year of adoption. Simultaneously with the revision of the standard, work is carried out to update or cancel the standards related to it. 5.3.1 (Revision, Rev. No. 1). 5.3.2 When revising the standard for specific products(not interchangeable when switching to an updated standard), if it is necessary to manufacture spare parts and repair previously released products that are in operation, the current standard is not canceled, but amended to limit the scope of this standard accordingly. At the same time, its registration number is retained, and a new registration number is assigned to the updated standard. this standard). 5.3.4 The development and adoption of a standard to replace the current one is carried out in the manner prescribed by 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 for newly developed standards with the following additions: - voting results on the draft updated standard can be considered positive if at least two thirds of the national authorities of states voted for its adoption applying the current standard; - the national authorities of the states applying the current standard, which voted against the adoption of the updated standard in the proposed edition (or abstained from voting), decide on the application of the previously valid standard on the territory of their state, taking into account the inappropriateness of simultaneous application in the member states Agreements of the updated and previous standards (except as specified in 5.3.2). 5.3.4 (Revision, Rev. No. 1). 5.3.5 A standard adopted to replace an existing standard shall be brought into use and applied in accordance with Section 4.

6 The procedure for the abolition of interstate standards and the termination of their application in the states-participants of the Agreement

6.1 The standard is canceled in the following cases: - in connection with the termination of production or work (rendering of services) carried out according to this standard in all states that applied this standard; - when developing another interstate standard (standards) to replace this standard; - upon termination the application of this standard (in the cases specified in 6.2) in all States that have applied it; - in other justified cases. 6.2 The national authority of the state applying the standard has the right to terminate its application on the territory of its state unilaterally in the following cases: - in case of contradictions between the requirements established in this standard and the provisions of the legislative acts of this state; - if the requirements established in this standard do not correspond to the needs of the national economy and security; - in case of disagreement with the content of the change made to this standard, or the content of the standard adopted to replace the current standard, in the cases specified in 5.2.4 and 5.3.4; - in other justified cases. governing bodies, national TCs, enterprises, organizations, other business entities, public associations and citizens of the state applying this standard are sent to the national body of their state. 6.4 The national body in accordance with the procedure established by it The om organizes the consideration of proposals received to terminate the application of the standard and determines the expediency of implementing these proposals unilaterally (only in the territory of their country) or by preparing a proposal to cancel this standard by the Interstate Council. 6.5 If a decision is made to terminate the application of the standard in the territory of a state unilaterally, the national authority of this state sends a corresponding notification (with an indication of the reason) to the Bureau of Standards and the national authorities of other states applying this standard no later than nine months before the date of termination application. Information on the termination of the application of the standard in the territory of any state is unilaterally published in the monthly information index "Interstate Standards". 6.6 The national authority of the state applying this standard sends a proposal to cancel the standard to the Ministry of Transportation, which is assigned this standard, or to the Standards Bureau. 6.7 The Secretariat of the ITC (Bureau for Standards) analyzes proposals to abolish the standard, summarizes them, evaluates the feasibility of implementing these proposals and, if necessary, sends a proposal to abolish this standard to the national authorities of the states applying this standard, with a request to consider this proposal and vote on it .6.8 The national authority of the state applying the standard arranges for consideration of the proposal to cancel it in accordance with the procedure established by the national authority, and votes by sending a ballot to the secretariat of the ITC (Bureau of Standards) no later than three months from the date of receipt of the proposal. In this case, the system of electronic voting on draft interstate regulatory documents can be used. The form of the voting ballot on the abolition of the interstate standard is given in Appendix B. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2). 6.9 The ITC summarizes the results of voting on the abolition of the standard and sends voting ballots to the Bureau of Standards. to vote). 6.11 Closing the case of the canceled standard, publishing the relevant information in the monthly information index "Interstate Standards" and sending official information about the cancellation of the standard to the national authorities of the states that applied this standard, as well as transferring a copy of the standard case in case of unilateral termination of its application in the state in which kept this case, carry out in the manner prescribed by the Interstate Council [3]. In this case, the Standards Bureau determines the state in which the standard file will be stored in the future. administrative document with the publication of official information about this decision in the manner prescribed by this national authority. (for a period of up to one year) to suspend the operation of this standard in the territory of their state. Simultaneously with the adoption of this decision, the national authority sends the relevant information to the national authorities of other states applying this standard, and the Standards Bureau for publication of the relevant information in the monthly information index "Interstate standards". A subsequent decision on this standard (on the resumption or termination of its application on territory of the state) is brought by the national body of this state to the Bureau of Standards and the national bodies of other states applying the standard. the procedure for exchanging documents in electronic format, established by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification [7]. 6.14 (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1). (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

7 The procedure for the development, adoption, registration, application, updating and cancellation of the rules and recommendations for interstate standardization

7.1 The rules for interstate standardization (hereinafter referred to as the rules) are developed, if necessary, to specify (detail) certain provisions of the relevant fundamental organizational, technical and general technical interstate standards, as well as if it is inappropriate to develop such standards, if the established provisions determine the order of interaction in standardization, metrology and certification only at the level of national bodies and the Bureau of Standards. 7.2 Recommendations on interstate standardization (hereinafter referred to as recommendations) are developed, if it is advisable to pre-test in practice the unstable, not yet standard, organizational and methodological provisions and procedures in the field of standardization, metrology and certification, those. before the adoption of the relevant standards or rules. 7.3 Rules and recommendations should not duplicate the provisions of interstate standards or contradict them. 7.4 Construction, presentation, design and designation of rules and recommendations - according to GOST 1.5. 7.4 (Revision, Rev. No. 1). 7.5 The development of rules and recommendations is carried out, mainly without inclusion in the program of work on interstate standardization, by decision of the Interstate Council on the basis of proposals from the Bureau for Standards or national bodies of the states parties to the Agreement. 7.6 The development of rules (recommendations) is carried out by the Standards Bureau or organizations specialized in the field of standardization (metrology, certification). On the recommendation of the relevant scientific and technical commission (on standardization, metrology, certification, accreditation, supervision and control) of the Interstate Council for the development of draft rules (recommendations), a working group may be formed from representatives of national authorities or other organizations. Documents in the process of developing, updating, canceling rules and recommendations are sent by e-mail. 7.6 (Revision, Rev. No. 1). 7.7 The development of rules is carried out in the manner prescribed by 3.1.1, 3.2 and 3.3 for draft standards. If the rules are developed without preparing the first edition, then they combine the second and third stages of development without carrying out the work specified in On the recommendation of the relevant scientific and technical commission (for standardization, metrology, certification, accreditation, supervision and control of the Interstate Council, the development of draft rules is carried out with or without the preparation of the first edition.The draft rules are considered and adopted at a meeting of the Interstate Council.At the same time, the rules are considered adopted only if there is consensus on them and a positive vote of all national bodies.Before the meeting of the Interstate Council, it is recommended to consider the draft rules at a meeting of the relevant scientific and technical commission (on standardization, metrology, certification, accreditation, supervision and control). 7.7 (Revision, Rev. No. 1).7.7.1-7.7.7 Deleted, Mod. No. 1). 7.8 The development of recommendations is carried out mainly without the development of the first edition. The draft recommendations are sent for consideration to the national authorities of the States Parties to the Agreement, if necessary, finalized, sent for publishing editing according to -, considered at a meeting of the relevant scientific and technical commission (for standardization, metrology, certification, accreditation, supervision and control) and then considered and adopted at a meeting of the Interstate Council with a positive vote of the majority (at least two-thirds) of the members of the Council participating in the meeting. 7.8 (Revision, Rev. No. 1). 7.9 Registration of adopted rules and recommendations, publication of relevant information, publication of rules and recommendations, provision of them to national authorities is carried out in the manner established by the Interstate Council [ 3 ]. 7.9 (Amended and Rev. No. 1). 7.10 Rules and recommendations are published, distributed and applied in the member states of the Agreement in the manner prescribed by their national authorities. At the same time, their publication can be carried out simultaneously in Russian and the state language of the country. 7.11 The rules and recommendations are updated by revising or amending them. The development, adoption and application of the rules (recommendations) in the event of their revision or amendment is carried out in the procedure established in 7.6 - Cancellation of the rules and recommendations is carried out in accordance with 6.6 - 6.11. In this case, the voting is submitted to a meeting of the Interstate Council. The rules (recommendations) are canceled if the majority (more than half) of the members of the Council participating in the meeting voted for it. established in them and in the legislative acts of this state. In this case, the procedures specified in 6.5 are carried out.




According to the draft interstate standard (changes No. __________ GOST ___________) ___________________________________________________________________

name of the standard

Developed to replace GOST __________________. _________________________________________________________________________

votes for the adoption of the standard (changes) in the proposed edition votes against the adoption of the standard (change) in the proposed edition; justification decision stated in the letter ________________________________________________________________

outgoing number and date of sending the letter

abstains due to lack of interest in applying the said standard



job title

full name

________* The voting ballot is filled out in accordance with the rules given in Appendix B.



1 The number of the change and the designation of the standard to which this change is made are indicated only in the voting ballot for the draft change.2 Designation current standard, to replace which the draft standard has been developed, is indicated only on the ballot when revising the current standard.3 The decision made on the draft standard (changes) is indicated on the ballot by crossing out one of the squares 1, 2, 3 in accordance with the following example:

4 Completion of box 3 in the ballot when the current standard is revised or amended is an official notification from the state that submitted this ballot of the intention to stop using this standard on the territory of this state.5 The signature of the person who signed the ballot is confirmed by the official seal of the national the authority that submitted the ballot.





official name of the state

On the cancellation of GOST _____________________________________________________________

designation and name of the standard.

votes to abolish the standard votes against the abolition of the standard



job title

full name

Rules for filling out a voting ballot - according to GOST 1.2-97
________* The voting ballot on the abolition of the standard is filled out in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 5 of the rules for filling out the voting ballot for the draft standard (Appendix B).


(Deleted, Rev. No. 2).


(Deleted, Rev. No. 2).



Form of summary of feedback on the draft interstate standard received from interested states, and an example of filling out

E.1 Form of summary of reviews Development manager ____________ * If a summary of reviews is compiled based on the results of consideration of the second edition of the draft standard, then indicate the name of this edition. Based on the results of consideration of the final version of the draft standard, instead of a summary of comments, a summary of comments and proposals (if any) is received along with the voting ballots or set out in them. E.2 An example of filling out a summary of feedback (fragment)

for the first edition of the draft interstate standard "Rules for carrying out work on interstate standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design, content and designation", developed to replace GOST 1.5-93

Structural element of the standard

Abbreviated name of the national authority (letter number, date)


Developer Conclusion

For the project as a whole Azgosstandart (ref. No. 14-12/692 dated 11/25/99) Without comments.
Gosstandart of the Republic of Belarus (ref. No. 02-09/5927 dated 08.11.99) On the title page, in the "Foreword", in paragraph 3.3.2 and in Annexes A and B, give identical full names of EASC both in Russian and in English, and in the text of the standard, instead of the abbreviation "EASC", use a similar abbreviation in Russian .
Clause 3.3.4 Moldovastandard (ref. No. 16-39-32/822 dated 12/21/99) Change the name of the heading of the first column of the table "Country name according to GOST 7.67" to "State name according to ISO 3166" (because not only the CIS state can be a member of EASC). Rejected. GOST 7.67-94 is identical to ISO 3166:1988, and in interstate standards it is advisable to refer to other interstate standards, and not to identical international standards.
State Standard of Ukraine (ref. No. 18/6-928 dated 03/28/2000) Delete the column of country codes from the table Noted. It is proposed to discuss at the STCC
From the phrase "introduced for the first time as an interstate standard", delete the words "as an interstate standard" Accepted in part (this phrase is stated in a different wording).


[ 1 ] MSN 1.01-01-96 The system of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Key points
[ 2 ] RMG 22-97 Rules for program planning for the development of interstate standards
[ 3 ] PMG 03-99 The procedure for registration and publication of interstate regulatory documents on standardization
[ 4 ] PMG 02-93 Standard provision on the interstate technical committee for standardization
[ 5 ] RMG 24-97 Recommendations for the development of standards by interstate technical committees for standardization
[ 6 ] Rules of Procedure of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification
[ 7 ] Rules for interstate standardization SMG 48-2002 The procedure for the exchange of documents in electronic format
(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).Annex E (Amended and Rev. No. 1.) Key words: documents on interstate standardization, interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization, procedure for development, consideration, adoption, application, updating, cancellation and termination of application





Official edition

Stand rtinform 2016


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Fundamentals” and this standard

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering" (VNIINMASH)

2 INTRODUCED by the Interstate Technical Committee for StandardizationMTK 536 "Methodology of Interstate Standardization"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of December 10, 2015 No. 48)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Code of the country

according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standards body

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan









Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 11, 2015 No. 2157-st, the interstate standard GOST 1.2-2015 entered into force as the national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2016.

5 83AMEN GOST 1.2-2009

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards". and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted on the public information system - the unofficial website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet ()

© Standartinform.2016

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced. replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

Annex A (mandatory) Form of summary of feedback on the draft interstate standard.


Interstate standardization system

Rules for developing, accepting, updating and canceling

interstate system for standardization, interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules for development, taking over, renovation and cancellation

Introduction date - 2016-07-01*

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This standard establishes the rules for the development, adoption, updating (revision, amendments and amendments) and cancellation of interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization.

Note - This standard uses the terms according to GOST 1.1.

1.2 This standard does not apply to the procedure for the development, adoption, updating and cancellation of interstate standards for defense products and other products, information about which is a state secret or which is used to protect this information.

1.3 In relation to this standard, at the national level in the member states of the Agreement on the implementation of a coordinated policy in the field of standardization, metrology and certification (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) **, additional and / or specifying rules may be established that apply to the procedures for developing interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization, as well as changes to them.

2 Normative references

8 of this standard, normative references to the following interstate standards are used:

GOST 1.0-2015 Interstate standardization system. Key points

GOST 1.1-2002 Interstate standardization system. Terms and Definitions

GOST 1.3-2014 Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards. Development rules based on international and regional standards

GOST 1.4-2015 Interstate standardization system. Interstate technical committees for standardization. Rules of creation and activity

GOST 1.5-2001 Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. General requirements for construction. presentation, design, content and designation

NOTE When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the referenced standards in information system general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the referenced document

* This date is common to all states mentioned in the preface.

*’ This agreement was concluded by the governments of the Commonwealth of Independent States on March 13, 1992 in Moscow (with additions and amendments of November 22, 2007, adopted in Ashgabat).

Official edition

ment is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is withdrawn without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Rules for the development of interstate standards

3.1 General provisions

3.1.1 The development of interstate standards is carried out to achieve the goals of interstate standardization, in compliance with its basic principles, which are defined by GOST 1.0 (sections 3 and 4) and taking into account the priority areas of work on interstate standardization adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (hereinafter - IGU ).

Interstate standards are developed for standardization objects and taking into account the main areas of work on interstate standardization, which are defined by GOST 1.0 (sections 7 and 5).

3.1.2 In the presence of an interstate technical committee for standardization, which is assigned to the relevant field of activity or the object of standardization (hereinafter referred to as the ITC). the development of an interstate standard is carried out in compliance with the rules established in GOST 1.4 (section and 7).

3.1.3 The development of an interstate standard is carried out on the basis of a program of work on interstate standardization or by decision of the IGU. The basis for the development of an interstate standard may also be an interstate standardization program for a particular line of business or product group.

Note - The program of work on interstate standardization, minutes of meetings of the IGU. interstate standardization programs for areas of activity and product groups are posted on the official website of the IGU.

3.1.4 The development of the interstate standard is carried out in the following order:

The first stage is the organization of the development of an interstate standard:

The second stage is the development of the first edition of the draft interstate standard and its consideration in the member states of the Agreement:

The third stage is the development of the final version of the draft interstate standard, its consideration in the state-developer:

The fourth stage is the consideration of the final version of the draft interstate standard in the states - participants of the Agreement, the adoption of the interstate standard and its registration.

In justified cases, it is allowed to combine the stages of development of a draft interstate standard (for example, in the cases specified in 4.7) or the introduction of additional stages of its development (second and subsequent editions).

3.1.5 The provisions established in the interstate standard should be based on modern achievements in science, engineering, technology in relation to this object and / or aspect of standardization, and take into account the conditions for the use of products, performance of work and provision of services. The developed interstate standard should not include the norms that should be contained in the regulatory legal acts, regulating, for example, the relationship of the parties, including the supply relationship between manufacturers, suppliers, consumers. customers, etc., which are governed by national laws and contractual obligations. The developed interstate standard should not establish the responsibility of organizations, officials and individual workers for violating his requirements.

3.1.6 The development of an interstate standard based on the application of an international or regional standard or on the basis of the application of an international document that is not an international standard is carried out in cases of non-compliance with the rules established in GOST 1.3. The national standard of the developing state, another state party to the Agreement or another country can also be proposed as the basis for the draft interstate standard. When using a national standard as a basis for a draft interstate standard, the following conditions must be met:

The existence of an agreement allowing such application of the national standard, or with the permission of the competent authority.

3.1.7 When developing an interstate standard, it is necessary to ensure that its provisions are aligned with the provisions of previously adopted interstate standards. If these provisions are outdated and contradict the provisions established in the standard being developed, then simultaneously with its development it is advisable to carry out work to update (revise or change) these standards in accordance with Section 5 or cancel them in accordance with Section 6.

3.1.6 The draft interstate standard and other documents used in the process of its development are drawn up in electronic digital form suitable for the exchange of documents in accordance with the procedure established by the IGU.

4.3 The national authorities of the States Parties to the Agreement make a decision on the draft interstate standard and vote in the AIS IGU during the period provided for this. When voting against the adoption of the draft interstate standard in this edition, as well as in the case when the national body abstained from voting, place a file with the rationale for this decision in the formats (*.OOS) or (*.PDF).


2 If a national body abstains from voting, then it is considered that the country concerned is not interested in the application of this interstate standard, the opinion of this country is not taken into account in the calculation of votes,

4.4 The Interstate Standard is considered adopted based on the results of voting in the AIS IGU. if at least three-quarters of the national bodies of the states that are full members of the ITC voted for its adoption in the final version. within which the project was developed (including the national authority of the state-designer), but not less than four.

If the development of an interstate standard is carried out outside the framework of the ITC. then this standard is considered adopted based on the results of voting in the AIS IGU. if at least three-fourths of the national authorities that took part in the vote (including the national authority of the state-designer), but not less than four, voted to accept the final version.


1 The above rules apply when the interstate standard is not the underlying standard (see 4.6.S). as well as in the absence of a proposal to submit the consideration of the voting results to a meeting of the IGU (see 4.6).

2 For states that are full members of the ITC. voting on accepted interstate standards. relating to the field of activity of this ITC. is mandatory.

3 National authorities of states not interested in applying this interstate standard should abstain in voting on its adoption.

4.4.1 In case of positive voting results in the IGU AIS for an interstate standard, the ITC secretariat or the national body of the developing state sends to the IGU Standards Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Standards Bureau) the documents necessary for registration of the adopted standard, in accordance with the procedure established by the IGU.

4.4.2 The Bureau of Standards performs in accordance with the rules adopted by the IGU. registration of the accepted standard.

4.4.3 Accepted standard put into effect on the territory of the states interested in its application, in accordance with the rules established in GOST 1.0 (subclauses 8.3.2-8.3.6).

4.5 In case of negative results of voting on the draft interstate standard, the national body of the state-developer may decide to stop its development or finalize this project, taking into account the comments and suggestions of other members of the ITC and (or) national bodies.

4.5.1 The finalization of the draft interstate standard is carried out within a period not exceeding two months, in the manner established by the national authority of the state-developer.

4.5.2 When finalizing the draft interstate standard, the developer draws up a summary of comments and suggestions based on the results of the initial vote of the ITC members and national bodies, which is drawn up similarly to the summary of reviews on the first edition of the draft interstate standard. At the same time, information about the members of the ITC and (or) national bodies that voted for the adoption of this standard is given in an explanatory note.

4.5.3 Consideration of the finalized draft of the interstate standard and voting on it is carried out in accordance with 3.4.5-

With positive results of the repeated voting on the draft interstate standard, work is carried out in accordance with 4.4.1-4.4.3.

4.5.4 In case of negative results of the repeated voting on the draft interstate standard, the final decision on it (further revision, termination of development) is made at a meeting of the ITC or the relevant scientific and technical commission.

In the event that a decision is made to terminate the development of an interstate standard, the national authorities of the states interested in its application may use the draft of this standard (in any edition) as the basis for the development or execution of a similar national standard.

4.6 The adoption of the interstate standard is submitted to the meeting of the IGU at the proposal of the national authority interested in its application, but not according to the results of voting on its draft. The adoption of fundamental standards on the methodology of interstate standardization, affecting the interests of all states parties to the Agreement, is also submitted to the meeting of the IGU.

4.6.1 If the draft interstate standard is supposed to be submitted to the IGU meeting. then before this meeting, the ITC secretariat organizes the following events aimed at resolving disagreements:

Bilateral exchange of proposals for the removal of disagreements, conducted between the developer of this standard and his opponent by e-mail or through personal meetings;

Discussion of these proposals at a bilateral or multilateral meeting of representatives of national authorities:

Reconsideration of the draft of this standard at a meeting of the ITC;

Consideration of this project at a meeting of the relevant scientific and technical commission.

4.6.2 When considering a draft interstate standard at a meeting of the IGU, the results of the consideration are reflected in the minutes of the meeting. At the same time, information about the standard adopted at the meeting is included in the corresponding list, which is an integral part of this protocol.

4.6.3 If the adoption of the interstate standard is submitted to the meeting of the IGU. and a member of the council representing the state interested in this standard cannot be present at this meeting or send his authorized representative to it, then the relevant national body sends a ballot with a decision on the draft of this standard at least 10 days before the meeting.

4.6.4 The Interstate Standard is considered adopted at the meeting of the IGU. if at least 2/3 of the council members who attended this meeting or sent voting ballots in accordance with С4.6.3 voted for its adoption.

4.6.5 If the interstate standard is one of the fundamental standards for the methodology of interstate standardization affecting the interests of all states participating in the Agreement, then this standard is considered adopted only with a positive vote of all members of the IGU. participating in the meeting, if a voting ballot with a negative decision on this standard has not been received from the absent member of the council.

4.6.6 If an interstate standard is adopted at a meeting of the IGU, work is carried out in accordance with 4.4.1 -4.4.3.

4.7 As the final version of the draft interstate standard, the current national standard of the state party to the Agreement can be proposed if this standard is published in Russian (in two or more languages, one of which is Russian) and is identical to the international or regional standard.

4.7.1 The proposal to adopt the national standard of the state party to the Agreement as an interstate standard may come from the national authority of this state. If this proposal comes from a national authority of another state. Bureau for Standards or the secretariat of the ITC, then the possibility of implementing this proposal is preliminarily agreed with the national body that adopted (approved) this standard.

4.7.2 The party that proposed to adopt the national standard as an interstate standard places this AIS IGU standard at the “Final Edition” stage, along with an explanatory note that sets out this offer with appropriate justification.

4.7.3 Consideration of a national standard proposed for adoption as an interstate standard and voting on it is carried out in accordance with -4.4.

At the “Acceptance” stage in the AIS IGU, a national standard should be placed, reissued into an interstate standard and corresponding to GOST 1.3 (section 6).

4.7.4 In case of negative voting results on the adoption of the national standard of the state - party to the Agreement as an interstate standard, its revision is not carried out. except for the case when the proposal for this standard came from the national body that adopted (approved) the corresponding national standard. In this case, on the basis of this national standard, a draft interstate standard can be prepared in compliance with the rules established in GOST 1.3 (section 6). and taking into account the comments and proposals of interested countries, and further work (including consideration and voting therefore on the project) is carried out in accordance with 4.5.2-4.5.4.

4.8 National bodies that voted against the adoption of an interstate standard or abstained (did not take part in the vote) may subsequently join the CRO voted by sending a voting ballot with their positive decision to the Bureau of Standards. Information about this decision is published on the website of the IGU and in the information indexes of national standards published monthly in the member states of the Agreement, and the attack is also drawn up in the form of an amendment to the interstate standard in accordance with 5.4.

4.9 The adoption of an interstate standard does not impose any obligations on national bodies that did not take part in the voting, abstained from voting or voted against the adoption of the standard in this edition.

5 Rules for updating interstate standards

5.1 Organization of work to update the interstate standard

5.1.1 The Interstate Standard is subject to update in the following cases:

If its content interferes with the observance of a newly concluded interstate agreement;

If it is necessary to ensure harmonization with a newly developed or updated international or European standard (an international document that is not an international standard);

In the latter case, when organizing the updating of the interstate standard, it is necessary to strive to ensure the complexity of work on the standardization of interrelated objects in terms of the development of standards that apply to them.

The interstate standard can also be updated at the suggestion of national authorities. other government bodies, enterprises, organizations, other business entities, public associations and citizens of the states in whose territory this standard is applied.

5.1.2 Updating the interstate standard can be carried out by revising it. development of a change to the standard, and in the presence of typographical errors, errors or other editorial inaccuracies - by amending the standard.

5.1.3 If it is necessary to update the interstate standard, national bodies, other government bodies, enterprises, organizations, other business entities, public associations and citizens of the states in whose territory this standard is applied, send appropriate proposals (with reasoned justification) to the secretariat of the ITC. to which this standard is assigned, and in its absence - to the national authority of its state or directly to the national authority of the state - the developer of this standard (the state to which this standard is assigned). Along with the proposal, documents may be submitted confirming its validity or containing guarantee obligations for full or partial financing of the work, as well as the text of the change that it is advisable to make to this standard. Copies of the proposal and these documents are also sent to the national authority of their state.

5.1.4 The Secretariat of the ITC (and in its absence, the national body and / or the secretariat of the national TC) considers, analyzes and summarizes the received proposals for updating the interstate standard, assesses their relevance, determines the method of updating the standard (in the form of a change or revision).

5.1.5 If within five years after the adoption of the interstate standard, the secretariat of the ITC (secretariat of the national TC) did not receive proposals to update it, then this secretariat sends members of the ITC (members of the national TC) a request for proposals to update this standard or cancel it. or independently conducts an assessment of the scientific and technical level and / or verification of the content of this standard.

5.1.6 When carrying out the work specified in 5.1.4 and 5.1.5. evaluate the need for simultaneous updating of other interstate standards interconnected with the updated interstate standard (including standards in which normative references to this standard are given). If the analysis revealed the need to update the interrelated interstate standard. assigned to another MOTC or national body, then the corresponding proposal is sent to the secretariat of this MOTC (national body). The MOTC Secretariat (national body) that received the proposal analyzes it. determines the method of updating the interstate standard assigned to it (in the form of a change or revision) and communicates its opinion to the national body of the state entrusted with the conduct of this secretariat. The national body considers a proposal to update the interstate standard and determines the possibility of financing this work.

5.1.7 Subsequent work on organizing the development of changes to the interstate standard or its revision is carried out in the manner prescribed in 3.2.

5.2 Rules for the development and adoption of changes to the interstate standard

5.2.1 A change to the interstate standard for products is developed if it is necessary to replace (modify) or exclude its individual provisions or their fragments, if this does not entail a violation of the interchangeability of products manufactured according to the amended standard with products manufactured according to the interstate standard of adding to it changes, and also does not lead to a violation of compatibility with other products with which products manufactured to the standard were compatible before the change was made.

A change to the interstate standard for a control method is developed if the introduced change does not affect the reproducibility of the test results (measurements, analysis, determinations) obtained using this method.

For other types of interstate standards, a change to the standard is developed if its volume does not exceed 20% of the volume of the standard.

Note - If necessary, simultaneously with the development of changes to the interstate standard, work is carried out to develop changes to the interstate standards interconnected with it.

5.2.2 A change to an interstate standard of only an editorial (linguistic) and / or reference nature in the form of an independent document, as a rule, is not developed, but included in the change, the need for which is due to the replacement and / or exclusion of certain provisions of the standard, or drawn up in the form corrections (see 5.4).

An exception is the case when an interstate standard gives a normative reference to another interstate standard that has been canceled without replacement. In this case, a change is made to the first standard in order to exclude from it the provision in which this reference is given, or to modify it by including the missing requirement (rule).

5.2.3 If three changes have already been made to the interstate standard, then the next change is not developed, but the revision of this standard is carried out in accordance with 5.3. A revision of the interstate standard is also preferable if the amount of the change being made may exceed 20% of the volume of this standard, or if necessary significant change the name or scope of the standard.

5.2.4 Registration and presentation of the change - in accordance with GOST 1.5 (section 5). Each change made to the interstate standard is assigned the next serial number.

5.2.5 Work on making changes to the interstate standard is organized by the secretariat of the MTK. to which this object of standardization is assigned, or (in the absence of the corresponding MTK - the national body of the state - the developer of this standard). At the same time, as a developer of changes to the interstate standard, as a rule, legal or individual, which is the developer of this standard.

5.2.6 The development and adoption of changes to the interstate standard is carried out in compliance with the rules established in sections 3 and 4 for draft standards, with the following additions:

In the explanatory note to the change project, instead of characterizing the object and aspect of standardization, they give a description of the change being made, as well as a feasibility study, social or other justification for the feasibility of introducing this change and a description of the expected effectiveness from its implementation, but do not include information about international and European standards, unless the change being made is due to the need to harmonize this interstate standard at the international or regional level:

The explanatory note provides information on in which states - parties to the Agreement apply the variable interstate standard, and also reflects the content of the proposals of these states to update this standard;

Two months are provided for consideration of the first draft of the draft amendments and preparation of comments;

In justified cases (for example, when the introduction of a change is due to the need to replace any provision with a normative reference to an adopted interstate standard), it is allowed to place its first edition in the AIS IGU as the final edition;

The change to the interstate standard is considered adopted in the AIS IGU. if at least three-quarters of the national authorities of the states voted for the adoption of this change.

The national authorities that voted against the adoption of the amendment to the interstate standard in the proposed edition decide on the application of this standard on the territory of their states, taking into account the inexpediency of the simultaneous application in the state party to the Agreement of the standard with and without the adopted amendment, and also taking into account the need to apply the amended standard upon delivery products to States whose national authorities have voted to accept the change to this standard.

5.2.7 Changes to the most important fundamental interstate standards on the methodology of interstate standardization, affecting the interests of all states - parties to the Agreement, as a rule, are adopted at a meeting of the IGU. At the same time, a change to such a standard is considered adopted only with a positive vote of all members of the council participating in the meeting.

5.2.8 Registration and accounting of the adopted change to the interstate standard, including registration of the change file, updating the electronic catalog "Interstate standards" published on the IGU website. as well as placing the text of this change in the AIS IGU at the "Edition" stage is carried out by the Standards Bureau in accordance with the rules adopted by the IGU.

In 8 justified cases, instead of publishing the text of the change, a new publication of the interstate standard is carried out, including this and all previous changes and / or amendments to this standard.

5.2.9 The change to the interstate standard is put into effect on the territory of the states applying this standard, in accordance with the rules established in GOST 1.0 (subclause 8.4).

5.3 Rules for carrying out work on the revision of the interstate standard

5.3.1 Revision of the interstate standard is carried out if it is necessary to significantly change its content (more than 20% of the volume), structure and / or name of this standard. as well as when establishing new and / or more progressive requirements in it, if this leads to the following consequences:

Violation of interchangeability with products manufactured before the introduction of these requirements;

Incompatibility with other products with which products manufactured according to this standard were compatible before the introduction of new requirements:

Impact on the reproducibility of test results (measurements, analysis, determinations) carried out according to the revised standard and the previous standard.

Note - If necessary, simultaneously with the revision of this standard, work is carried out to develop changes to related standards or work to revise them.

5.3.2 The revision of the interstate standard is organized by the secretariat of the ITC, to which this standardization object is assigned, or (in the absence of the corresponding ITC) the national body of the state to which this standard is assigned. At the same time, as a developer of a new version of this standard, as a rule, a legal or natural person is involved, which is the developer of this standard.

5.3.3 When revising the interstate standard, a new standard is developed to replace the current one. At the same time, the development and adoption of an interstate standard is carried out in compliance with the rules established in sections 3 and 4. with the following additions;

The new version of the interstate standard is considered adopted based on the results of voting in the AIS IGU. if at least three-quarters of the national authorities of the states that took part in the vote voted for its adoption (including the national authority of the state-developer). but not less than four;

The national authorities of the states applying the interstate standard, which voted against the adoption of the new version of this standard in the proposed edition, decide on the continuation of the application of the previous version of this standard as a national standard, taking into account the need to use the new version of this interstate standard when supplying products to states whose national authorities voted in favor of this new version.

5.3.4 In the explanatory note to the draft of the developed interstate standard, a feasibility study, social or other justification for the expediency of revising this standard is given and brief description revision, as well as a description of the expected effectiveness of the application of the new version of the standard instead of its previous version. At the same time, it is allowed not to provide information about international and regional standards in the explanatory note, if the revision of the current standard is not due to the need to harmonize this interstate standard at the international or regional level.

5.3.5 When revising the previously existing interstate standard, it is canceled, and in the new version of this standard (in the preface) it is indicated, instead of which standard it has been developed. When assigning the designation of a new version of the interstate standard, its registration number is retained, after which four digits are given (separating the dash) indicating the year of adoption and / or registration of the new version of the standard.

5.3.6 The interstate standard adopted to replace the existing standard is put into effect in accordance with GOST 1.0 (clauses 8.3.1-8.3.4).

5.4 Rules for amending the interstate standard

5.4.1 If, when applying an interstate standard, it is necessary to make corrections to its official edition to eliminate typos, errors or editorial inaccuracies made in the preparation of the standard for this edition, then any user of this standard can send a proposal to make an appropriate amendment to the standard to the national authority of his state.

It should be borne in mind that the volume of the amendment should not exceed one page. In terms of content, the amendment should not have the character of a change to the standard. In particular, it is not allowed to introduce new paragraphs, subparagraphs, tables, graphics, formulas or applications by amendments.

5.4.2 By amending the interstate standard, information can be entered on the accession of the state to this standard, as well as information on the termination of the application of this standard in the state party to the Agreement unilaterally.

5.4.3 An amendment to an interstate standard is sent to in electronic format in the Bureau of Standards for placement on the AIS IGU information board.

5.4.4 Notification of the placement of the amendment on the AIS IGU information board is sent by e-mail to the national authorities of the States Parties to the Agreement.

6 Rules for carrying out work on the abolition of interstate standards

6.1 The Interstate Standard is canceled in the following cases:

When developing a replacement standard for another interstate standard (standards);

In connection with the termination of production (provision of services or other processes),

carried out under this standard in all states that have applied this standard:

Upon termination of the application of this standard unilaterally in all states that applied it:

In other cases, when the standard has lost its relevance due to a change in the direction of work on interstate standardization in this area

6.2 State bodies management, national TCs. enterprises, organizations, other business entities, public associations and citizens of the state in which the interstate standard is applied, send proposals for the abolition of this standard to the national body of their state.

6.3 The national body, in accordance with the procedure established by it, organizes the consideration of proposals received to cancel the interstate standard and determines the feasibility of implementing these proposals, and if it agrees with them, sends a proposal to cancel this standard to the MTC secretariat. to which this standard is assigned, or in its absence - to the national authority of the state to which this standard is assigned.

6.4 The secretariat of the ITC (the national body of the state), which is assigned to the interstate standard, analyzes the proposal to cancel this standard, evaluates the feasibility of implementing this proposal and, in agreement with it, places an explanatory note in the AIS IGU justifying the expediency of canceling the standard. However, to consider this proposal. usually given a three-month period.

6.5 Authorized representatives of the states - members of the ITC (and in the absence of the ITC - the national authorities of the states in which the interstate standard is applied) organize the consideration of the proposal to cancel this standard in their states within the period provided for this.

Based on the results of consideration in the states in which the interstate standard is used. proposals to abolish this standard, the national authorities of these states vote on this proposal.

6.6 An interstate standard is considered canceled if all voting national bodies of the states in which this standard is applied (regardless of membership in the ITC) voted for its cancellation in the AIS IGU. At the same time, the national authorities of states in which the standard is not applied must abstain when voting on a proposal to abolish this standard.

6.7 Closing the case of the canceled interstate standard, updating the electronic catalog "Interstate standards" published on the IGU website. and sending official information about the abolition of the standard to the national authorities of the states that applied this standard is carried out in the manner established by the IGU.

7 Rules for developing, adopting, updating and canceling rules

7.1 The rules for interstate standardization (hereinafter referred to as the rules) are developed, if it is necessary to specify (detail) certain provisions of the fundamental interstate standards on the methodology of interstate standardization, as well as if it is inappropriate to develop such standards, if the established provisions determine the procedure for interaction between national bodies and the Standards Bureau in work in the field of interstate standardization and in other areas of activity of the IGU.

7.2 Recommendations on interstate standardization (hereinafter referred to as recommendations) are developed, if it is expedient to preliminary check in practice, organizational and methodological provisions that have not yet become established, have not yet become standard, in the field of methodology of interstate standardization and other types of activities of the IGU. that is, until the relevant standards or regulations are adopted.

7.3 The development of rules and recommendations is carried out by decision of the IGU or recommendations of the relevant scientific and technical commission of the IGU based on proposals from national bodies or the Bureau for Standards based on the program of work on interstate standardization. At the same time, all states-participants of the Agreement are considered to be interested in the rules (recommendations).

7.4 Construction, presentation, design and designation of rules and recommendations - according to GOST 1.5.

7.6 The development of rules and recommendations is carried out by organizations specializing in the field of methodology of interstate standardization and other types of activities of the IGU. or directly by the Bureau of Standards (in accordance with the functions assigned to it).

7.8 The development of rules and recommendations is carried out in the manner prescribed by 3.1.8. 3.1.9. 3.2-3.4 for draft interstate standards. At the same time, the draft rules (recommendations) are placed in the AIS IGU for consideration, if necessary, finalized, sent for publishing editing, discussed at a meeting of the relevant scientific and technical commission, and then considered and adopted at a meeting of the IGU. Adoption of recommendations by voting in the AIS IGU is allowed.

7.9 The Rules are considered adopted if all the national bodies of the states-participants of the Agreement that participate in the meeting of the IGU or sent voting ballots in accordance with 4.6.3 voted for the adoption in the AIS IGU.

7.10 Recommendations are considered accepted if at least three-quarters of the national bodies of the states-participants of the Agreement, which were present at the meeting of the IGU, voted for the adoption in the AIS IGU. or sent ballot papers in accordance with C4.6.3. or voted in the AIS IGU.

7.11 The Standards Bureau registers the adopted rules (recommendations) in accordance with the procedure established by the IGU SGP 48-2002 Procedure for the exchange of documents in electronic format

(2] SGP 22-2004 Rules for the development of a program of work on interstate standardization

(3] Rules of Procedure of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

(4] SGP 03-2011 Procedure for registration, publication and provision of interstate regulatory documents

tami for standardization

UDC 006.05:006.354 MKS 01.120

Key words: interstate standards; rules and recommendations on interstate standardization; rules for the development, consideration, adoption, updating, change, revision, cancellation

Editor A.A. Milrchzko*

Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Proofreader M.v. beech computer-aided layout A N. Zolo/pareeoi

Handed over to the set 01/13/201B. Signed for publication on February 11, 2016. Format 60. Headset Arial. Uel. oven l. 2.32. Uch.-guide. 1.80. Circulation 175 eq. Eac. 402.

position and name of the developer organization

Developer of the standard and/or

summary writer feedback _

job title

personal signature initials, surname

Information about international documents that are not international standards is given in GOST 1.3 (Appendix B).

Except in the case of initiative development at the expense of own funds and strength.

National body or organization authorized by it to work in AIS IGU. Standards Bureau or ITC secretariat.

National authorities of states that do not apply this standard should abstain in voting on the adoption of a change to it.

If this standard does not contain instructions for the repair or maintenance of this product.

If a summary of reviews is compiled based on the results of consideration of the second edition of the draft standard, then the name of this edition is indicated. Based on the results of consideration of the final version of the draft standard, instead of a summary of reviews, a summary of comments and proposals (if any) is posted in the AIS IGU along with ballots when voting against the adoption of this standard in this edition.

Published and printed by FSUE kSTANDARTINFORM. 123905 Moscow, Granatny per., 4. www.90stinfo.1u

”, in connection with which all GOSTs should lose their mandatory character and be applied voluntarily. But during the transitional period (until the relevant technical regulations are adopted), the law provides for mandatory compliance with the requirements of the standards insofar as they correspond to the goals of protecting the life or health of citizens, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property; protection of the environment, life or health of animals and plants; prevention of actions that mislead purchasers. Since after the transition to technical regulations, certificates of conformity, on which certification bodies earn money, will be canceled, the reform of technical regulation has been successfully hampered since 2002 by Rostekhregulirovanie. It can be expected that the mandatory use of GOSTs will remain in force for a long time to come.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 594 of September 25, 2003, which approved the "Regulations on the publication of national standards and all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information", as well as in accordance with the decision of the court of the city of St. Petersburg of February 20, the obligation to publish on its official website all the texts of state standards and all-Russian classifiers is assigned to the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of Russia (Rostekhregulirovaniye), however, this body does not fulfill its obligations and continues to distribute official texts of standards on a paid basis.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 No. 966 amended Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2003 No. 500, approved new edition"Regulations on the federal information fund of technical regulations and standards" and a unified information system for technical regulation.

The official website of Rostekhregulirovanie provides free access to GOSTs and changes to GOSTs, newly adopted for the period from January of the year to the present (does not contain all texts), the documents are presented in a low-resolution graphic copy, with “watermarks” and copy protection.

The standard is valid (unless superseded by a national standard) in the following countries:

National Standards

Designation country national standards body
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan State Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Patents
AST Armenia Department of Standardization, Metrology and Certification under the Government of the Republic of Armenia (ArmState Standard)
STB Belarus Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus
Georgia State Department of Standardization, Metrology and Certification of Georgia (Gruzstandart)
ST RK Kazakhstan Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Ministry of Economy and Trade (Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
KMS Kyrgyzstan State Inspectorate for Standardization and Metrology under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstandart)
SM Moldova Department of Standardization and Metrology (Moldovastandart)
GOST R (GOST RF) Russia Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rostechregulation of the Russian Federation)
Tajikistan Agency for Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Trade Inspection under the Ministry of Economy and Trade (Tajikstandart)
TDZ Turkmenistan home public service Turkmenistan "Turkmenstandartlary" (Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary")
TSTU Uzbekistan Uzbek state center standardization, metrology and certification under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzgostandart)
DSTU Ukraine State Committee of Ukraine on Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy (Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine)

Classification of GOSTs

Since October 1, 2000, the KGS has been replaced All-Russian classifier standards OK 001-2000. This classifier is built on the basis of the GOST International Classifier of Standards, while for GOSTs accepted only in Russia, the name GOST R is used. The GOST code itself consists of the number and year of approval of the standard, separated by a hyphen. The number is mainly determined by the sequence of acceptance and only occasionally carries a semantic load. For example, GOST with a number containing the prefix " 2. ”, refers to the Unified System design documentation (

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Interstate standardization system INTERSTATE STANDARDS

Development rules based on international and regional standards

(ISO/IEC Guide 21-1:2005, NEQ)

(ISO/IEC Guide 21-2:2005, NEQ)

Official edition



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-2009 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation "

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering" (VNIINMASH) on the basis of the official translation into Russian of the English versions of the international documents specified in paragraph 4, which was carried out by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Scientific and Technical Information Center on standardization, metrology and conformity assessment” (FSUE “Standartinform”)

2 INTRODUCED by the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTK 536 "Methodology of Interstate Standardization"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of December 5, 2014 No. 46)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standards body



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan









Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine

4 This standard takes into account the main regulatory provisions of the following international documents:

ISO/IEC Guide 21-1:2005 “Adoption of international standards and other international documents at the regional or national level. Part 1. Adoption of International Standards” (“Regional or national adoption of International Standards and other International Deliverables - Part 1: Adoption of International Standards”, NEQ);

ISO/IEC Guide 21-2:2005 “Adoption of international standards and other international documents at the regional or national level. Part 2. Adoption of international documents other than international standards” (“Regional or national adoption of International Standards and other International Deliverables - Part 2: Adoption of International Deliverables other than International Standards”, NEQ)

6 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 5, 2014 No. 1947-st, the interstate standard GOST 1.3-2014 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2015.

6 Rules for the design and designation of interstate standards identical to international standards

6.1 Registration of an interstate standard identical to the international standard (hereinafter referred to as the identical standard) is carried out by using the Russian version of this international standard or its translation into Russian without changing the structure and technical content.

6.2 Registration of an interstate standard identical to the international standard - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 1.5 and this standard. In an identical standard, the title page, preface, first page, sections "Terms and definitions" and "Designations and abbreviations", bibliographic data are subject to mandatory re-registration with respect to the applicable international standard to bring them into line with the rules established in GOST 1.5. When drawing up a draft of an identical standard and preparing for the publication of an adopted interstate standard, the relevant requirements established by GOST 1.5 (section 6) are applied. In this case, the designation of an identical standard is formed in accordance with 6.13. When drafting this standard, on its title page and in the footer on each subsequent page indicate the GOST index, the designations of the applicable international standard without indicating the year of its adoption, and information about the project in accordance with GOST 1.5 (clause 6.2.3).

6.2.1 When drawing up an identical standard, it is allowed to change the style of presentation of individual formulations (without changing the technical content and meaning) in relation to the translation into Russian (Russian version) of the applicable international standard and make the following editorial changes:

Change the name of the standard in order to comply with the rules established in GOST 1.5 (subsection 3.6), and / or link with the names adopted in the existing complex (system or group) of interstate standards;

Delete the word "international" in the phrase "this international standard";

Change individual phrases and / or replace terms with their synonyms in order to comply with the norms of the Russian language and the terminology accepted at the interstate level;

Turn on additional elements reference or advisory nature, which do not affect the technical content of the standard and do not change its structure (in the form of notes and / or footnotes);

Correct any typographical errors and omissions (including spelling errors);

Replace dot with comma in decimal fractions;

Change page numbering;

Delete the text in French and/or English from the multilingual version of the International Standard, leaving the text in Russian only;

Include recalculated values ​​of units of quantities if they differ in the international standard from those established in interstate standards;

Change the wording of headings and/or subheadings of columns (columns) and/or rows in tables (if this does not lead to a technical deviation);

Exclude from the element "Contents" the enumeration of graphic materials and / or tables.

6.2.2 When drawing up an identical standard, it is allowed to change the typeface and font size, remove line spacing, introduce paragraph indents and make other changes to the layout of the standard, if necessary to comply with the requirements established by GOST 1.5 (section 6), Russian language norms or editorial rules .

6.2.3 In an identical standard, it is not allowed:

Change the structure of the applicable International Standard, including changing paragraph breaks and concatenating listings;

Replace the letters of the Latin alphabet in the designations of applications and enumerations with the letters of the Russian alphabet;

Change the numbering and structure of tables, as well as the numbering and content of graphic material, with the exception of using additional explanatory data and recording headings and subheadings of columns (columns) and lines (if this does not lead to a technical deviation);

GOST 1.3-2014

Eliminate italic, underlined, or otherwise emphasizing if such emphasis is specifically provided for in the applicable International Standard.

6.2.4 If, after the adoption of the applicable international standard, the relevant international standardization organization separately published changes and / or technical amendments to this standard, then these changes (amendments) are included directly in the text of the identical standard, highlighting them with a double vertical line located in the margins, respectively, on the left (even pages) and right ( odd pages) from the corresponding text. Explanatory information about this is given in the preface of this identical standard, together with other information about the applicable standard (see 6.4.2), as well as in the text of the main part of the standard or annex (in brackets after the relevant text or in a note to this text).

6.2.5 If there is a significant amount of change, it is allowed not to highlight it in the text with a double vertical line, but instead give detailed information on the accounting of this change in the text of the standard in the form of an additional reference application.

6.3 On the title page of an identical standard, after its name, the designation of the applicable international standard (in English) and the symbol for the degree of compliance with it - “(YuT)” are given in brackets.

If the name of an interstate standard differs from the name of an international standard as a result of applying the rule specified in 6.6, then after the designation of this international standard, its name in English is given.

6.4 The preface of an identical standard is set out in accordance with the requirements given in GOST 1.5 (subsection 3.3). At the same time, in paragraph 1, instead of information about the developer of the standard, information is given (after the word "PREPARED", used instead of the word "DEVELOPED"), information about the organization that issued this identical standard, and information about the translation into Russian of the applicable international standard.

6.4.1 Information about the organization that carried out the translation is given after the words: “based on the official translation into Russian of the English (French) version of the standard specified in paragraph 4, which was completed ...” or by using the words: “based on our own translation into Russian of the English (French) version of the standard specified in paragraph 4.

The specified translation information is not given if the Russian version of the international standard is used to draw up an identical standard. In this case, after information about the developer of an identical standard, the words are given: “based on the Russian version of the standard specified in paragraph 4”.

6.4.2 Paragraph 4 of the preface of the identical standard states:

Information about the applicable international standard, indicating the degree of compliance with it;

Information about the technical committee of the international organization for standardization or about another developer of this international standard;

Information on the nature of the applications (if this information is given in the preface of the international standard).

In this case, the standard wording given in B.1 (Annex B) is used.

If an identical standard takes into account changes and/or technical amendments to an applicable International Standard, then the relevant information, in the case specified in 6.2.4, is given in the preface of this identical standard, using the model wording given in B.2 (Annex B), and in the case specified in 6.2.5, in the supplementary reference appendix.

Where this or another supplementary reference or recommended annex is included in an identical standard, a reference to that annex is given in the preface to that standard.

6.4.3 In the preface of an identical standard, transfer from the preface or introduction of the applicable international standard a statement of patent rights or a warning from the international standardization organization that part of the content of this standard may be the subject of patent rights. This information is given as a separate additional paragraph, which is placed last in the preface.

6.5 If the applicable International Standard has an “Introduction” element, then in an identical standard the content of this element may be supplemented by an explanation of the reasons for making editorial changes in relation to the applicable International Standard (if it is not possible to place this information in the preface *), and at the discretion of the developer identical standard - also other information that facilitates the use of this standard by users, for example, information about the relationship of an identical standard with other interstate standards.

If the applied International Standard contains in the "Introduction" element justifications of the reasons for the development of this standard, then it is allowed to place here information about the technical committee of the international organization for standardization or about another developer of this international standard.

Information about the relationship of the European standard with the directives of the European Union (EU) and the presence in the standard of the reference application ZA (ZB, ZC) is transferred to the introduction.

6.6 If the structure of the name of the applicable international standard differs from the structure that is formed in accordance with the rules given in GOST 1.5 (subsection 3.6), then the name of the identical standard is stated taking into account these rules. In this case, the reason for changing the name is indicated in the preface of an identical standard after information about its compliance with the international standard, using the standard wording given in B.3 (Appendix B).

Examples of changing the name of an identical standard are given in D. 1-D.3 (Appendix D).

Examples of the design of the title page of an identical interstate standard are shown in Figures D.4.1 and D.4.2 (Appendix D).

6.7 2 In the "Normative references" section of an identical standard, the list of reference standards is given in the form and in the same sequence in which these standards are indicated in the original of the applied international standard, but after the name of each of the reference standards in brackets or on the next line, their names are given in Russian.

In the case when the original language of the applicable International Standard is not English, in parentheses or on the next line after the name of each of the referenced standards, their names are also given in English.

6.7.1 In the list of reference standards, the dated or undated form of recording the designations of the reference international standards (with or without the year of adoption) is retained in the form in which it is used in the original of the applicable international standard. In an identical standard, the parenthesized information about all parts of the referenced International Standard is also retained. Information about a series of international standards is given in brackets after the name of this series.

1 ISO 5922:2005, Malleable cast iron

2 IEC 60605 (all parts), Equipment reliability testing

Equipment reliability testing (all parts of IEC 60605)

3 ISO 9000 series, Quality Management Systems

Quality management systems (ISO 9000 series of standards)

4 ISO/CE117000, Evaluation de la conformite - Vocabulaire et principes generaux

(ISO/IEC 17000, Conformity assessment — Vocabulary and general principles,

ISO/IEC 17000, Conformity assessment- Vocabulary and general principles)

6.7.2 When forming a list of reference standards, the validity of reference international standards is checked, information about which is given in the "Normative references" section.

6.7.3 If a referenced standard has been withdrawn without replacement, the corresponding information is given in a footnote to the designation of this standard, given in the Normative references section.

6.7.4 If the referenced standard, to which a dated reference is given, has been replaced by another International Standard, then in a footnote to the designation of this standard indicated in the Normative references section, give the relevant information, accompanying it with the comment: “However, in order to unambiguously comply with the requirements of this of the standard expressed in the dated reference, it is recommended that only the edition cited in that reference be used.

This rule also applies to a referenced standard to which an undated reference is given when that standard has been superseded by another International Standard having a different registration number, or if its name has been changed while retaining the registration number.

NOTE - Since according to 6.7.1 in an identical standard in the "Normative references" section, the undated form of recording the references of the designations of the referenced international standards is retained (without specifying

GOST 1.3-2014

year of adoption), then in case of replacement of any referenced standard by an international standard having the same registration number, information about this is not required.

6.8 In the "Terms and definitions" section of an identical standard, after each term in Russian, its equivalent in English is placed in brackets, and, if necessary (for example, if a version in French or in another language of the original standard used is used for translation), also the equivalent of the term in French or in another original language, indicating in the footnote the symbol of this language.

1 environment(environment): External environment in which the organization operates, including air, water, land, Natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interaction.

2 requirement (requirement 3 ; exigence 4): The provision of a normative document containing the criteria that must be met.

Note - Due to the expediency of showing an example of the design of a terminological article, this example does not use bold italics and a reduced font size, which, in accordance with GOST 1.5, examples are distinguished in interstate standards.

6.9 If in an identical standard it is advisable to use symbols and abbreviations that differ from those adopted in the applicable international standard, then in the section "Notations and abbreviations" of the identical standard, equivalent symbols and abbreviations of both standards are given, and the symbols and abbreviations adopted in the international standard are indicated in brackets . At the same time, the list of symbols and/or abbreviations is compiled in the alphabetical order of their placement in Russian or in the order of their first mention in the text of the standard, based on the convenience of searching for symbols and/or abbreviations in this list.

If part of the designations and/or abbreviations used in the international standard in the original language is retained in an identical standard, then these designations and abbreviations are first given (in alphabetical order of their placement), and then that part of the designations and abbreviations that is established in Russian.

6.10 3 In an identical standard, references to international standards are retained if there are interstate standards that are identical to or modified with respect to these reference international standards. At the same time, information on the compliance of reference international standards with interstate standards is given in an additional reference appendix, which is drawn up in accordance with the rules given in Appendix D, and in the preface of an identical standard, the standard wording given in B.4 (Appendix C) is used.

NOTE The replacement of references to international standards by references to any interstate standards is a technical deviation, which is not allowed in an identical standard.

In the absence of such interstate standards, the execution of an identical standard is allowed if the state that develops this standard has official translations into Russian (Russian versions) of reference international standards, and in justified cases, if there are original official versions of reference international standards in English.

In the absence in the state - the developer of the interstate standard of official translations into Russian (Russian versions) of reference international standards, the developing organization may submit its own translations of these standards for official registration to the national standardization body of this state or contact it with a proposal to complete these translations by the date implementation of the developed identical standard.

6.10.1 In an identical standard, retain the dated or undated form of recording references to international standards (with or without the year of adoption) in the form in which it is used in the applicable international standard, but when indicating the index in the designation of the referenced international standard, use English regardless of the original language

pa of the applicable international standard, and when indicating the index in the designation of the European standard - the abbreviation "EN".

An example is "...the ISO 5983 series of standards".

6.11 When additional recommended or reference annexes (see 6.2.1 and 6.2.5) are included in an identical standard, they are placed after all annexes given in the applicable international standard and are indicated in capital letters of the Russian alphabet with the addition of the letter D.

Example - Appendix YES, Appendix DB, Appendix DV, etc.

6.12 In an identical standard, the "Bibliography" structural element is not re-arranged (it is retained in the form in which it is presented in the applicable international standard).

Note - In the international standard, in the "Bibliography" element, in contrast to the interstate standard, information is provided on any documents (including other international standards) to which reference references are given in the text. The "Bibliography" element of an International Standard may also contain a list of documents that were used as reference or bibliographic material in the development of this International Standard. In the latter case, references to these documents in the text of the standard may not be given or the references used in the text may not be numbered. At the same time, the list of referenced documents in the "Bibliography" can be drawn up without numbering given in square brackets.

6.12.1 If the inclusion in the element "Bibliography" of information about reference reference documents in the original language contributes to the search for these documents, then it is allowed not to translate this information into Russian.

6.12.2 If it is known that there is an official translation of the referenced document, then in the "Bibliography" element, after information about this document in the original language, the translation of this information into Russian is given in brackets, and the official translation of the document is reported in a footnote.

1 SCHODERD. Physical characteristics of six new thermocyclers. Clin. Chem., 49.6.2003, pp. 960-963.

2 In JR, Suppl.17.

3 Harris C.M. Handbook of acoustical measurements and noise control. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991.

4 VDI2711 Schallschutz durch Kapselung, 1978.

5 ISO 704, Terminology work-principles and methods. (Work e area of ​​terminology. Principles and methods)*

* The official translation of this standard is in the Federal Information Fund of Technical Regulations and Standards of the Russian Federation.

6.13 The designation of an identical standard is formed from the “GOST” index, separated from it by the interval of designation of the applied international standard (without indicating the year of its adoption) and separated from it by a dash of the year of adoption of the interstate standard. At the same time, when indicating the index in the designation of the applied international standard, English is used, regardless of the original language of this standard, and when indicating the index in the designation of the European standard, the abbreviation "EN" is used.

1 Interstate standard, identical to the international standard ISO 1234:1999, denotes: GOST ISO 1234 -2014.

2 Interstate standard, identical to the European standard EN 982:2009, denote: GOST EN 982-2014.

3 An interstate standard identical to the international document ISO Guide 73:2009 is designated: GOST ISO Guide 73-2014.

GOST 1.3-2014

6.13.1 If an identical standard is included in a complex of interstate standards, but not all parts of a similar complex of 5 international standards are applied in this complex or not all of its parts are applied as identical standards 6, then the full designation of this identical standard is formed from its designation as an interstate standard in accordance with GOST 1.5 (clause 8.3 or 8.4) and the designation of the applied part of the set of international standards separated from it by a slash. At the same time, when indicating the index in the designation of the applied international standard, English is used, regardless of the original language of this standard, and when indicating the index in the designation of the European standard, the abbreviation "ЕЫ" is used.

and / or inappropriate to apply for any reason. An appropriate explanation is given in the preface to the modified standard, using the model wording given in B.8 (Annex B). In this case, the text of non-included paragraphs, subparagraphs, paragraphs, terminological articles is taken out in a separate reference appendix, which is indicated by the capital letter of the Russian alphabet with the addition of the letter D.

7.6 If, in order to take into account the features of the object and / or aspect of standardization that are characteristic of interstate standardization, it is advisable to state in the modified standard certain provisions with changes in relation to the text of the applicable international standard, then the text of the modified structural elements (sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, paragraphs, terminological articles, annexes) are highlighted with a single vertical bold line located in the margins, respectively, to the left (even pages) and to the right (odd pages) of this text, and the replaced text is taken out in an additional reference annex, as shown in the example given in E.4 (appendix E). However, in the preface of the modified standard, a reference is made to this annex, using the model wording given in B.9 (Annex B).

An additional annex is placed after all annexes given in the applicable International Standard.

7.6.1 In the event of a small number of technical deviations from the applied international standard and in the absence of the need to provide a replaced text (since technical deviations affect only individual words, phrases or values ​​of indicators), as well as in the presence of editorial changes, information about these deviations, indicating the reasons explaining them , are given in the preface to the modified standard, using the model wording given in B. 10 (Annex B), and, if necessary, further specification of these reasons, in footnotes to the changed words, phrases or indicator values. In this case, these words, phrases, values ​​of indicators are highlighted in the text of the modified standard in italics, as shown in the example given in E.5 (Appendix E). If italics are already used in the International Standard, italics with underlining by a solid horizontal line shall be used.

If necessary, a list of all technical deviations presented as changes in the text of the standard, with an explanation of the reasons for their introduction, is given in an additional appendix. An example of the design of this application is given in E.6 (Appendix E).

7.6.2 If the modified standard includes an introduction that explains the reasons for issuing a modified (rather than identical) standard, then information about technical deviations and an explanation of the reasons for their introduction are indicated in the introduction. In this case, reference is made to the introduction in the preface of the modified standard, using the model wording given in B.11 (Annex B).

7.6.3 If the text of the applied international standard contains normative references to other international standards that have already been adopted as identical or modified interstate standards, then when preparing a draft modified standard, instead of references to international standards, references to interstate standards harmonized with them are used.

In justified cases, in the text of the modified standard, instead of a reference to an international standard, it is allowed to provide a reference to an interstate standard that applies to the same object and aspect of standardization, but is not harmonized with the reference international standard.

In the text of a modified standard, undated references are always used, including when a dated reference is used in the text of the applicable International Standard.

EXAMPLE In the text of an interstate standard modified in relation to IEC 61010-1:2016, the reference to ISO 9614-1:2015 is replaced by a reference to GOST 30457 modified in relation to it.

Information about which reference international standards have been replaced by reference interstate standards and the degree of their compliance is placed in an additional reference appendix, an example of which is given in Appendix G.

Information on the replacement of referenced standards is also given in the preface of the modified standard (see B.10, Appendix B).

In the section "Normative references" of the modified standard, the list of reference standards is given in the form, in the same sequence and with the same note, as required by GOST 1.5 (paragraphs 3.8.2-3.8.6). At the same time, this list always gives the full designations of the reference interstate standards, including the numbers of the year of adoption of these standards and the

in brackets according to 7.9 (after the slash according to 6.13.1 or 6.13.2) information about their compliance with international standards, including in the case when in the section "Normative references" of the applied international standard the designation of the referenced international standard is given without its year acceptance.

EXAMPLE In the "Normative references" section of the interstate standard modified with respect to IEC 61010-1:2016, instead of information about IEC 60529, information is given about GOST 14254-2015 (IEC 60529:2015).

7.6.4 If there are no interstate standards that can replace the reference international standards in the form of normative references, then instead of each reference, a provision is given that can adequately replace the corresponding content of the reference standard (its section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, application). This provision is distinguished by a single bold vertical line located in the margins, respectively, to the left (even pages) and to the right (odd pages) of its text. Information that this provision replaces the reference to an International Standard is given as a note enclosed in thin line boxes and placed after this provision.

If instead of a reference to an international standard, it is necessary to provide a significant amount of textual, tabular and / or graphic material, then it is placed in the form of an additional application. In this case, the reference to the international standard is replaced by a reference to this application, and under the title of this application, information is given in brackets that this application replaces the reference to an international standard that is not accepted as an interstate, and, if necessary, also information about which part of the reference standard, the specified replacement has been made.

7.6.5 If all the cases of replacing a normative reference to an international standard specified in 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 are not acceptable due to objective reasons, then in the modified standard this reference is excluded along with the provision (its part) in which it is given (see .7.5). Relevant information is given in the preface of the modified standard (see B.8, annex B) or in the introduction, or in a separate reference appendix, which provides information on other technical deviations.

7.6.6 If an International Standard provides reference references to documents whose information is given in the Bibliography element, then, as a rule, these references are not included in the modified standard, with the exception of reference references to International Standards and international documents that are not international standards. At the same time, information about these reference standards (documents) is stored in the "Bibliography" element, excluding from it information about other reference documents, as well as information about documents, links to which were not used in the presentation of the modified standard.

If these international standards (documents) are accepted as identical or modified interstate standards, then the relevant information is given in the "Bibliography" element in the form of notes placed after the designation and name of the referenced international standards (documents). These notes also provide recommendations for use in these interstate standards in place of the referenced international standards (documents).

7.6.7 In justified cases, all technical deviations introduced into the content of the interstate standard, which are associated with the inclusion of additional provisions, phrases, words, indicators and / or their meanings, can be highlighted in the modified standard in bold italics or underlined with a solid horizontal line, or in another font ( method) other than the fonts (methods) used in the applicable International Standard. This font (method) of selection can be applied in the modified standard also in relation to the text of structural elements (sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, paragraphs, terminological articles, applications), the content of which has been changed in relation to the applicable international standard. At the same time, the justification for the need to use this method highlighting technical deviations is given in the explanatory note to the draft standard. In such cases or in other justified cases, a complete list of technical deviations (including in connection with the addition, change and / or exception in relation to the applicable international standard) with an explanation of the reasons for their introduction is given in an additional reference appendix, the form of which and an example of its completion are given in Appendix I.

When an additional annex is used, reference is made to that annex in the preface of the modified standard using the model wording given in B.12 (Annex B).

GOST 1.3-2014

7.6.8 If an interstate standard is modified from an international standard by a combination of various kinds technical deviations, then paragraph 4 of the preface applies the wording that includes information from the model wordings given in B.5-B. 10 (Appendix B), or provide a link to the introduction (in accordance with B.11, Appendix B) or to an additional reference appendix, formatted in accordance with 7.6.7. In the latter case, the wording given in B.12 (Appendix B) applies.

7.7 The modified standard can be stated with a change in structure in relation to the applied international standard, if this structure does not comply with the rules established in GOST 1.5 (subsections 4.2 and 4.3), or this structure may cause difficulties for users of the interstate standard to perceive its content 8.

Note - It is advisable to take into account that a change in the structure in the modified standard in relation to the applicable international standard may make it difficult to compare these standards when referring to them in international trade.

7.7.1 When the structure is changed from an international standard, an additional reference appendix is ​​included in the modified standard, in which a comparison of the structure of these standards is given in tabular form, as well as an explanation of the reasons for their difference. This annex is placed last in the standard.

Examples of changing the structure are given in Appendix K.

7.7.2 When changing the structure from an International Standard, the preface of the modified standard uses the model wording given in B.13 (Annex B).

7.8 In justified cases, two or more related international standards may be applied in one interstate standard. At the same time, in the preface of such an interstate standard, it is indicated in which of its structural elements (and applications) identical or modified basic regulatory provisions (and applications) of international standards are used. In the introduction or in an additional reference appendix, a comparison of their structure and numbering of structural elements (application designations), an explanation of the reason for combining two or more international standards in one interstate standard, and, if necessary, also information on introduced technical deviations are given.

EXAMPLE In one interstate standard, the following international standards are applied:

ISO 2328:2013 Forklifts. Mounted fork grips and cargo plates. Mounting dimensions";

ISO 2330:2012 Forklifts. Fork grips. Specifications tests";

ISO 2331:1974 (T) Forklifts. Fork grips. Terminology".

As a reason for combining standards when they are applied in the interstate standard, the small volume of each of them and the convenience of using the combined standard are indicated.

In justified cases, in one interstate standard, along with international standards, the main regulatory provisions of one or more European regional standards may be applied.

In the preface of an interstate standard, which includes identical (modified) main regulatory provisions (and annexes) of two or more international (and European) standards, one of the model formulations given in B.14 and B.15 (Appendix B) is used.

7.9 The modified standard, which is drawn up using the methods specified in 7.4-7.7, or by combining them, is assigned the designation of the interstate standard in accordance with GOST 1.5 (section 8), and to the right of it in parentheses the designation of the applied international standard is given. At the same time, when indicating the index in the designation of the applied international standard, English is used, regardless of the original language of this standard, and when indicating the index in the designation of the European standard, the abbreviation "EN" is used. The year of adoption of the international (European) standard is separated from its registration number by a colon.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet (

© Standartinform, 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization

8.3 If the interstate standard is developed on the basis of the application of a smaller part (if this part is a separate section or sections) of the translation (Russian version) of the main regulatory provisions of the international standard, then in the preface of this interstate standard, the corresponding model wording given in B. 19 (appendix AT).

The unused part of the text of the translation (Russian version) of the international standard is given as an appendix to the explanatory note to the draft interstate standard.

8.4 If the content of the work on changing the technical content and presentation form of the applicable international standard in an interstate standard that is not equivalent to it needs to be stated in more detail than is possible in the preface of this interstate standard, then the relevant information is given in the "Introduction" element or in an additional specially designed for this reference application, which is recommended to be drawn up in the form of a table of correspondence between this interstate standard and the applied international standard, the form of which is given in Appendix I. At the same time, in the preface of the standard

1 Scope ...............................................................1

3 Terms and definitions...............................................2

4 General provisions...............................................2

5 Rules for determining the degree of compliance with international standards during development

on their basis of interstate standards ............................... 4

6 Rules for the design and designation of interstate standards that are identical

international standards..............................................6

7 Rules for the design and designation of interstate standards modified

in relation to international standards...............................................11

8 Rules for the design and designation of interstate standards that are not equivalent

international standards..............................................16

Annex A (informative) Information on methods for adopting international standards

and international documents that are not international standards, as regional and national standards and recommendations for choosing the method of adoption .................................................. .........eighteen

Annex B (informative) Information on international documents that are not

international standards...............................21

Annex B (mandatory) Model wording of information on the application of international

standard, given in the preface of the interstate standard ...... 22

to the international standard in the design of the interstate standard and examples of the design of the title page of the interstate standard ..... 26

Appendix E (mandatory) Rules for issuing an application of an identical interstate standard for information on compliance with reference standards and an example of registration of this application................................................................. 32

modified from the international standard.........33

Annex G (mandatory) Rules for issuing a modified application

interstate standard for information on compliance with reference standards and an example of the design of this appendix .................................36

modified from the international standard..........38


1.2 This standard does not apply to interstate standards that were accepted or recognized in this capacity before its entry into force. In justified cases, the rules established in this standard may be taken into account when developing changes to previously adopted interstate standards, if the need to make these changes is due to other reasons.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

4.7 If there are normative references in the adopted international standard to other international standards that are not accepted as interstate standards, it is recommended to carry out a set of works for their simultaneous adoption.

4.7.1 When an international standard is adopted as an identical interstate standard, all referenced international standards are also recommended to be accepted as identical interstate standards. If this is not possible at this stage, then the adoption of an identical interstate standard is allowed if the state that develops this standard has official versions of reference international standards in Russian or official translations into Russian (including those based on own translations made by the developer of an identical interstate standard). In justified cases, it is allowed to adopt an identical interstate standard if the state that develops this standard has the original official versions of the referenced international standards in English. Otherwise, it is recommended that the International Standard be adopted as a modified International Standard, replacing the normative references in accordance with 7.6.3 or 7.6.4.

4.7.2 When carrying out a set of measures for the simultaneous adoption of reference international standards, it is recommended to take into account their significance, first of all, accepting reference international standards that are closely related to the adopted international standard and ensure the fulfillment of its requirements. For example, when adopting an international standard containing product safety requirements, it is first necessary to ensure the adoption of reference international standards regarding the safety requirements of components and components, methods for monitoring compliance with product safety requirements and its components and components.

4.8 Information about international standards adopted as interstate standards is published in the index (catalog) "Interstate standards", as well as in the indexes (catalogues) of standards published and distributed by the States Parties to the Agreement in an official manner. At the same time, the relationship of interstate standards with the corresponding international standards is indicated using the following symbols for the degree of their compliance:

UT - for identical interstate standards;

MOD - for modified interstate standards;

NEQ - for non-equivalent interstate standards.

Note - These symbols of the degree of conformity of the standards can be used in other cases when it is necessary to inform about it.

Rotary polishing cutters used in dentistry

Wood fiber boards. Specifications

(EN 622-1:2014, NEQ)

(EN 622-2:2014, NEQ)


1 In the above examples (due to the expediency of showing the design of the designation, name and degree of compliance with interstate standards), bold italics and reduced font size, which, in accordance with GOST 1.5, distinguish examples in interstate standards, are not used.

5 Rules for determining the degree of compliance with international standards in the development of interstate standards on their basis

5.1 When applying an International Standard, one of three degrees of conformance may be used as the basis for an Interstate Standard:




5.1.1 The degree of compliance of the interstate standard with the international standard used in its development is determined by the need to:

Introduction of technical deviations;

Structure changes;

Identification of technical deviations and structure changes in the interstate standard.

5.1.2 An international standard is considered accepted as an interstate standard if the interstate standard is identical or modified with respect to the international standard.

5.1.3 It is preferable to adopt an interstate standard identical to the international standard.

5.2 The development of an interstate standard based on the application of an international standard begins with a general assessment of the appropriateness of its use and the choice of the degree of their compliance. This choice is made at the stage of organizing the development of an interstate standard when preparing proposals for the program of work on interstate standardization in accordance with GOST 1.2 (clause 3.2.1). At the same time, the expediency of maintaining the technical content and structure of the applied international standard in the interstate standard is considered, based on the fact that the interstate standard is considered harmonized with the international standard, if the interstate standard is identical or modified with respect to this international standard.

The choice of the degree of conformity of standards is carried out taking into account 5.2.1-5.2.3, as well as taking into account the information given in table 1.

Table 1

Name of degree of conformity

Compliance degree characteristic




An interstate standard is identical to an international standard if it is identical in technical content, structure and presentation, or identical in technical content and structure, but may include minor editorial changes as specified in 6.2.1.

"Principle feedback» done


The Interstate Standard is modified from the International Standard if the technical deviations that are permissible are clearly identified and their reasons explained. The Interstate Standard reproduces the structure of the International Standard, however, changes in the structure are allowed provided that the changed structure provides an easy comparison of the content of the two standards. A modification of a standard may also include changes that are allowed under identical conformity.

"Feedback principle" failed


The Interstate Standard is not equivalent to the International Standard in technical content and structure, and any changes have not been clearly identified. It is obvious that there is no clear correspondence between the interstate standard and the international standard.

This degree of compliance does not provide for acceptance

5.2.1 If the technical content of the applicable international standard corresponds to the goals of interstate standardization specified in GOST 1.0 (section 4), interstate interests and the needs of the national economies of the majority of the States Parties to the Agreement, and the structure of the international standard does not hinder the use of the interstate standard, then it is drawn up in the form standard identical to this International Standard, in accordance with Clause 6.

5.2.2 If it is necessary to take into account the interstate interests of the States Parties to the Agreement and the needs of the national economies of these States (including with the aim of raising the scientific and technical level of the standard), the features of the object and the aspect of standardization that are typical for these States due to climatic and / or geographical factors, legal, technical and/or technological differences, as well as in other justified cases, the technical content of the interstate standard may be changed in relation to the technical content of the applied international standard. In this case, an interstate standard is drawn up, which is modified in relation to this international standard. Modification may also be due to the need to adapt the form of presentation of the international standard, if its structure and design may cause difficulties for users of the interstate standard to perceive its content.

In justified cases (for example, for ease of use), two or more interrelated international standards may be applied in one interstate standard. Such an interstate standard is considered modified.

The reasons for the need to modify the draft interstate standard in relation to the international standard (s) are indicated in the explanatory note to the draft interstate standard.

The modified interstate standard is drawn up in accordance with section 7.

5.2.3 If there is no need to ensure harmonization of the developed interstate standard with the applied international standard, and also in the case when, in order to take into account the national interests of the states - parties to the Agreement, it is necessary to introduce such significant technical deviations that are impossible or inappropriate to identify, develop an interstate standard that is not equivalent this International Standard, in accordance with Clause 8.

The provisions of this paragraph and its subparagraphs also apply to references to draft international and regional standards, international classifiers, international documents that are not international standards, European and other standards, if normative references to these documents are given in the applicable international standard.

Extending to the same objects of standardization.

These parts may be used as modified or non-equivalent standards.

* 4 If two (or more) international standards are used in the modified standard, then on the title page of the modified standard the designations of these international standards are given, and in brackets the symbols for the degree of compliance with them - “(MOD)”.

These difficulties, as a rule, are exacerbated when it is necessary to prepare a change to the interstate standard. In this case, it is difficult to unambiguously give the names of the variable structural elements of the standard, as provided for by the requirements established in GOST 1.5 (section 6).