Qualification requirements for a social worker. Qualifications - social worker. Professional requirements for social workers

  • 26.11.2019


Man today needs qualified social assistance and support, which causes an urgent need for professional personnel - specialists social work.

AT modern conditions there are qualitative changes in the person himself, in his needs, requests; they acquire a more individual and personal coloring of a socio-cultural, economic, national-ethnic material and everyday character. This also confirms the urgent need for the development of the institution of social work and the training of professional personnel, specialists in the social sphere. The relevance is due to the fact that it is necessary to put forward clear requirements for employees of institutions social sphere, improve the rights and obligations of social work specialists and social workers, as well as establish various types of responsibility for social service specialists.

Meanwhile, the training of a social work specialist in the context of his professional and personal formation and development has not yet received any systematic coverage in pedagogical science, which gives rise to a contradiction between theory and the objective needs of social practice.

The professional activity of a social worker was studied in the works of Kholostova E.I., Lyashenko A.I., Bocharova V.G. The system of training and requirements for a social worker is described in the works of Bodalev A.A., Derkach A.A., Leontiev A.N. The requirements for a social worker are specified in GOST 52888-2007 "Requirements for personnel social services population".

The purpose of this term paper- explore regulatory requirements to the activities of employees of institutions in social work.

The object is the activity of employees of institutions in social work.

Subject - regulatory requirements for the activities of employees of institutions.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set:

1) consider professional requirements for social workers;

2) describe the system of training social workers;

3) to consider the normative - legal documents regulating the activities of employees.

4) to analyze the requirements for positions and professions of personnel of social service institutions.

Professional activities of social workers

Professional requirements for social workers

The position of social worker and social work specialist in Russian Federation introduced in 1991. AT qualification handbook he is vested with the following official duties: identifies families and individuals at enterprises, in microdistricts, in need of socio-medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical, material and other assistance, protection of moral, physical and mental health; establishes the causes of their difficulties, conflict situations, including at the place of work, study, etc., provides them with assistance in their resolution and social protection; contributes to the integration of the activities of various state and public institutions to provide the necessary socio-economic assistance to the population; assists in family education, imprisonment employment contracts on work at home for women with underage children, the disabled, pensioners; conducts psychological, pedagogical and legal consultations on family and marriage issues, educational work with minor children with associative behavior.

Identifies and assists children and adults in need of guardianship and guardianship, placement in medical and educational institutions, receiving financial, social and other assistance. Organizes public protection of juvenile offenders, if necessary, acts as their public defender in court.

Participates in the work on the creation of centers for social assistance to the family: adoption, guardianship and guardianship; social rehabilitation; shelters; youth, teenage, children's and family centers; clubs and associations, interest groups, etc. Organizes and coordinates work on social adaptation and rehabilitation of persons who have returned from special educational institutions and places of deprivation of liberty.

The required qualities and skills of a social worker include:


Psychological competence;

delicacy and tact;

Humanity and humanity, mercy;

Organizational and communication skills, extroversion;

High spiritual culture and morality;

Social intelligence (i.e. the ability to adequately perceive and analyze social situations and other people);

The ability to be interesting to others and informal in working with a client;

Focus on interests, needs and protection human dignity client;

Teaching to respect the confidentiality of official information and personal secrets of the client;

Striving for continuous improvement of professional knowledge;

Honesty, moral purity in professional affairs, respect for the ethics of relationships with people, etc. .

Social work is a complex process that requires solid knowledge in the field of management theory, economics, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, medicine, jurisprudence, etc. .

A social worker is a specialist who provides assistance in everyday life, as well as moral and legal support to vulnerable segments of the population.

Professional quality social worker are considered as a manifestation of the psychological characteristics of the individual, necessary for the assimilation of special knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as to achieve a substantially acceptable efficiency in professional work.

To describe a social worker, one can choose the language of abilities as a projection of certain personality traits that meet the requirements social activities and determining its success, perhaps the following: the ability to listen to others; understand them; independence and creative way of thinking; quick and accurate orientation, organizational skills, moral qualities, etc. .

The optimal set of personal qualities necessary for a social worker is formulated, such as responsibility, adherence to principles, observation, sociability, correctness (tactfulness), intuition, personal adequacy in self-esteem and evaluation of others, the ability to self-educate, optimism, mobility, flexibility, humanistic orientation of the personality, empathy to the problems of other people, tolerance.

In the same way, psychological "contraindications" to social work were revealed. These include: lack of interest in other people (selfishness), irascibility, harshness of judgments, categoricalness, lack of concentration, inability to conduct a dialogue with an opponent, conflict, aggressiveness, inability to perceive someone else's point of view on a subject.

Not everyone is fit for social work; the main determining factor here is the candidate's value system, which ultimately determines his professional suitability and effectiveness of practical activities.

The idea of ​​the absolute value of every human being passes here from the category of a philosophical concept into the category of a basic psychological conviction as the basis of the entire value orientation of the individual.

revealing personal qualities social worker, E.N. Kholostova divides them into three groups:

1) psychological characteristics that are an integral part of the ability to this type of activity;

2) psychological and pedagogical qualities, focused on improving the social worker as a person;

3) psychological and pedagogical qualities aimed at creating the effect of personal charm.

The concretization of the activities of social work specialists follows from its main functions:

Diagnostic - lies in the fact that the social worker studies the characteristics of the family, groups of people, individuals, the degree and direction of influence of the microenvironment on them and puts a "social diagnosis";

Prognostic - predicts the development of events, processes occurring in a family, a group of people, society and develops certain models of social behavior;

Human rights - uses laws and legal acts aimed at providing assistance and support to the population, its protection;

Organizational - promotes the organization of social services at enterprises and at the place of residence, attracts the public to their work and directs their activities to provide various types of assistance and social services population;

Preventive-preventive - activates various mechanisms (legal, psychological, medical, pedagogical, etc.) for preventing and overcoming negative phenomena, organizes the provision of assistance to those in need;

Socio-medical - organizes work on health prevention, helps to master the basics of first aid, helps prepare young people for family life, develops occupational therapy, etc.;

Socio-pedagogical - reveals the interests and needs of people in different types activities: cultural and leisure, sports and recreation, artistic creativity and attracts various institutions, societies, creative unions, etc. to work with them;

Psychological - provides various types of counseling and correction of interpersonal relationships, promotes social adaptation of the individual, provides assistance in social rehabilitation to all those in need;

Social and domestic - contributes to the provision of necessary assistance and support to various categories of the population (disabled people, the elderly, young families, etc.) in improving their life, living conditions;

Communicative - establishes contact with those in need, organizes the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, perception and understanding of another person.

A social worker must possess a considerable arsenal of professional skills, have deep knowledge in the field of human sciences: psychology, acmeology, sociology, pedagogy, law, in order to act as a worthy implementer of the goals of social work. The knowledge and skills of a social worker, combined with relevant personal qualities, are subject to assessment using appropriate methods, which contributes to more effective implementation. professional activity. Social work as a profession requires thorough training and continuous improvement of specialists in this field. Only qualified personnel become the key to success in activities aimed at helping people who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Taking into account the specifics and functions of social work, the State Educational Standard presents enough high requirements to the professional readiness of specialists in social work. In accordance with the qualification requirements, the specialist must know:

main stages and trends in the development of social work as social institution in Russia and abroad;

The essence, content, tools, methods and types of technologies of social work in various spheres of life and with various individuals and groups of the population;

professional and ethical, organizational and managerial and economic fundamentals and problems of social work;

basics of psychology, types and technologies of psychosocial work;

· Fundamentals of pedagogical theory and activity, basic forms and methods of socio-pedagogical work in social institutions and services;

Fundamentals of social medicine;

· bases of legal maintenance of social work.

The specialist must study and know the experience:

· practical work in organizations and services social protection and services to the population in various forms of life and with various individuals and groups of the population;

organization and management in social institutions and services;

receiving and processing information about the system of social work;

· analysis and monitoring of the state and development of objects of social work;

participation in research and analytical work of the appropriate level;

organization and conduct of psychosocial, socio-pedagogical and socio-medical work.

The specialist must be proficient in:

· the main methods of social work with individuals and various groups of the population;

the main methods of rational organization of labor, adoption management decisions in institutions and services of social work;

· methods of coordination of direct contact social work, carrying out consulting and preventive measures with the objects of social work;

· methods of conducting analytical, predictive-expert and monitoring work;

main methods of psychological and pedagogical activity;

methods of educational work in social institutions and services;

basic professional technology in bodies and institutions of social work.

Personal characteristics of a social worker

Researchers (Sh. Ramon, I. Zimnyaya, T. Shevelenkova and others) identify three basic components of the professional activity of an individual in social work:

· personal qualities;

competence, including professional knowledge, skills and qualities;

communication skills and abilities.

The most important characteristic of a specialist's personality is his humanistic potential - orientation towards a person as a supreme value as "the measure of all things".

The second important feature of a person should be considered a positive self-attitude, a high positive self-esteem (a high degree of self-acceptance), as well as a positive expected attitude from a partner in personal interaction.

The third required personality trait is high degree adaptability. Adaptability in this case manifests itself as openness in communication, the ability to accept and share the norms, values ​​and lifestyle of another person, the ability to control one's behavior (emotional, verbal, etc.) in various life situations and situations of communication, the ability to defend one's beliefs, not to follow the lead of communication partners, a low degree of suggestibility, conformity, the ability to create and maintain emotional comfort in situations of interpersonal communication.

The specificity of professional activity in the field of social work is such that this activity should be based on the need to help people, make their life easier, maintain a person’s self-esteem and develop his personal and social responsibility.

The problematic field of social work is huge and includes all the diversity life situations and collisions of people different ages and social position. The problematic field of a social worker of a particular institution is formed on the basis of a real social order, the specifics of the contingent of the institution, its departmental subordination, type and type, as well as the professional background of a specialist.

In his practice, a social work specialist performs various social roles. First of all, he is an intermediary in the context: "man - family - society", a link between the citizen and the state-social strata called upon to take care of the citizen.

At the same time, a social worker is a defender of the interests of a person, a defender of his rights and the rights of every family.

Also, the social worker must be a participant joint activities, the lead organizer of this activity. He is a kind of spiritual mentor who, as it were, leads a person and his family, provides psychological support for a long time, takes care of the formation of social values ​​in society.

Taking into account the necessary personal qualities of a specialist, the requirements for knowledge and skills of a social worker's professional activity, the importance of the process of self-education and self-education can be traced. Since a number of measures are being taken in the social policy of the state aimed at social protection and support for the weakly protected segments of the population. In these events, consideration and adoption of new bills, new forms and methods of work are carried out. That allows us to talk about the need to improve the professional skills of a specialist in social work.

2. Qualification characteristics of a social work specialist

4. The status and prestige of a social worker in modern society and the possibilities for their improvement



This result confirmed the validity of the model proposed by the Working Group. Table 2 Restriction of work activity due to illness or accident in the week before the interview. The information available in this data source does not allow for the development of Wright's classification and therefore it is not possible to counter this hypothesis with the model proposed by this author. In any case, the relevance of the approach of the hypothesis of a linear relationship between social class and health status using the Wright model is debatable.


Social work is an activity that requires not only managerial professionalism, pedagogical, legal and psychological knowledge, the study of social philosophy and ethics, but the most important thing that a social worker should have is high moral principles that will not allow him to succumb to the temptation to manipulate people for profit.

In any case, it should be considered that the confirmation of any hypothesis with these classification models does not demonstrate the validity of the theoretical construct, but only supports the assumption that the classification used is well designed for what is to be measured.

These social class classifications are operationalizations of theories that attempt to explain social structure, i.e. their development is an end in itself and is not intended to explain variables of other dependent variables. Therefore, when an association between social class and a dependent variable is found in empirical analysis, it is difficult to determine which aspect of the theoretical conceptualization is primarily responsible for this association.

Social work in no country brings large capitals, it is very difficult, because it consists in constant communication with people who are in grief, who are suffering. And, nevertheless, even sometimes, without claiming a salary, in their free time from their main work, representatives of different social strata of society receive professional education as social workers, participate in the activities of various organizations involved in social assistance.

This statement can be interpreted as a reductionist approximation of reality; However, it cannot be otherwise because of the limitations that the use of the methods and methods of the natural sciences for the study of man and society entails. This limitation appears especially in those situations in which the influence of social class on a given health problem disappears when the analysis is controlled by various variables that are indicators of intermediate mechanisms of association between social class and a health problem.

The social worker, to some extent, operates at the intersection of moral obligation and moral freedom. The higher the degree of his moral freedom, the higher his duty.

The purpose of the work: to consider questions about the problems of the prestige of the profession

Objectives of the work: to get acquainted with the concept of professional activity, qualification characteristic social work specialist

In cases where the statistical association disappears, it is assumed that the association is due to these variables, but it is not explicitly stated that the main effect is the effect of social class, associated, in particular, with difficulties in determining which specific aspects of the socio-economic status of individuals are determining factors in the emergence of many of these intermediate factors.

In any case, it should be noted that, from a pragmatic point of view, information provided by other simple indicators such as income level, earning power, employment status, or degree of control and autonomy at work is likely to be more relevant than that provided by social class in the face of political action aimed at on the transformation of the economic and social situation of people in the worst conditions.

professional properties, functions and sources of influence of a social worker, status and prestige of a social worker

The concept of professional activity

Be able to make decisions in difficult situations;

15 category: chief expert in the presence of 1 - 2 compositions of the highest VTEC, having I qualification category; in the presence of 3 - 4 compositions of the highest VTEC, having the II qualification category;

16 category: chief expert in the presence of 1 - 2 compositions of the highest VTEK, having the highest qualification category; in the presence of 3 - 4 compositions of the highest VTEK, having the I qualification category; in the presence of 5 or more compositions of the highest VTEK, having the II qualification category;

17 category: chief expert in the presence of 3 - 4 compositions of the highest VTEK, having the highest qualification category; in the presence of 5 or more compositions of the highest VTEC, having the I qualification category;

18 category: chief expert in the presence of 5 or more compositions of the highest VTEK, having the highest qualification category.

12 - 16 bits

Job responsibilities. Organizes the work of the commission as a whole, supervises the work of members of the VTEK, middle and junior medical personnel. Takes part in meetings of the VTEC, including field meetings, contacts with health authorities, medical and preventive institutions on issues related to the organization of the VTEC, and disability issues. Informs local executive authorities, trade unions, administration of enterprises and organizations about the state of disability, measures to reduce and prevent it. Represents the service of medical - labor expertise in organizations, institutions, administrative and judicial - investigative bodies. He has theoretical and practical training in his specialty, in the field of related specialties, in matters of organizing medical and labor examinations and determining disability. Applies modern methods diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation, plans and analyzes the work of VTEC.

Shall know: bases of the legislation on protection of health of the population and social security; the structure and basic principles of the organization of the health service and medical - labor expertise; legal rights, responsibility and duties of the chairman of the VTEC; principles of cooperation between VTEK and other specialists and services, including insurance companies, medical associations, trade unions, enterprise administration, etc.; bases of functioning of budgetary - insurance medicine.

higher medical education, special training in medical and labor examination, work experience in a medical position for at least 5 years.

12 category: chairman of the primary VTEK, who does not have a qualification category;

13 category: chairman of the primary VTEK, having the II qualification category; higher VTEK, which does not have a qualification category;

14 category: chairman of the primary VTEK, having the I qualification category; the highest VTEC, having the II qualification category;

15 category: chairman of the primary VTEC, having the highest qualification category; Chairman of the highest VTEK, having the I qualification category;

16 category: Chairman of the highest VTEK, having the highest qualification category.

11 - 15 digits

Job responsibilities. As part of the commission, he takes part in determining the presence of signs of significant difficulties in life, establishing disability, its cause and duration, the need for a disabled person in various types social protection, including rehabilitation measures, checks the correct use of the labor of disabled people in accordance with the recommendations of the VTEK on the nature and conditions of work, applies modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, and practical skills in the specialty. Plans and analyzes his work.

Must know: the basics of legislation on public health and social security; the structure and basic principles of the organization of the health service and medical - labor expertise; legal rights and obligations of a doctor - specialist of VTEC; principles of cooperation between VTEK and other specialists and services, including insurance companies, medical associations, trade unions, enterprise administration, etc.; bases of functioning of budgetary - insurance medicine.

Higher medical education, special training in medical and labor expertise, work experience in medical positions for at least 3 years.

11 category: a doctor - a specialist in primary VTEC, who does not have a qualification category;

12 category: a doctor - a specialist in the primary VTEC, having the II qualification category; a doctor - a specialist of the highest VTEK who does not have a qualification category;

13 category: a doctor - a specialist in the primary VTEK, having the I qualification category; a doctor - a specialist of the highest VTEC, having the II qualification category;

14 category: a doctor - a specialist in primary VTEC, having the highest qualification category; a doctor - a specialist of the highest VTEK, having the I qualification category;

15 category: doctor - specialist of the highest VTEK, having the highest qualification category.

11 - 14 digits

Job responsibilities. Carries out general management of the work of the department, selection and training of employees; provides proper working conditions and control over their activities. Responsible for record keeping, accounting and reporting of the department. Organizes the safety of material values, takes measures to comply with the department of sanitary-epidemiological and fire-fighting regimes. Organizes the identification and registration of citizens living in the territory of the branch and in need of social services. Determines the number of citizens served by the employees of the department, the amount of their work, taking into account the nature of the services provided and the specifics of the service area. Carries out specific activities to provide social assistance to needy citizens. Conducts regular monitoring of the quality of social services and their compliance with the needs of the citizens served, analyzes and forecasts the work of the department. Introduces new types of assistance, forms and methods of its provision. Submits proposals to higher organizations to improve the forms and methods of service. Facilitates the attraction of extrabudgetary financial resources to provide assistance to citizens in need of social support. Organizes their food, rest, visits to cultural - mass institutions. Carries out interaction in matters of servicing citizens with territorial bodies and institutions of healthcare, culture, education, charitable, religious associations. Carries out activities to attract the forces and means of enterprises, organizations, public associations and individuals to provide social support to citizens served, coordinates their activities. Organizes through health, education, trade, public catering, public utilities, consumer services, etc. providing the necessary types and forms of assistance to those served. Organizes the reception, preservation and distribution of humanitarian aid among those served, providing them with in-kind types of assistance. Considers applications and proposals of citizens on issues of social services and takes measures to implement them.

Must know: theory and methodology of social work; laws and regulations at the federal, regional and local levels, other normative legal acts regulating the provision of various types of social services, the main directions in the ongoing policy of social protection of the population; domestic and overseas experience on issues of social services; theory and practice of personnel management.

11 - 12 categories: higher professional education and work experience in the profile of at least 3 years or secondary vocational education and work experience in the profile of at least 5 years;

13 - 14 categories: higher professional education and work experience as the head of the department (social service) for at least 5 years.

8 - 13 digits

Job responsibilities. Identifies and takes into account families and individuals in the service area, including minor children in need of various types and forms of social support, and provides patronage. Establishes the causes of difficulties that arise for citizens, including at the place of residence, work and study. Determines the nature and amount of social assistance they need. Helps to activate the potential of one's own capabilities of an individual, family or social group. Helps improve relationships between individuals and their environment. Provides necessary advice on various issues of social protection. Helps in the preparation of documents for the adoption of those in need for permanent or temporary social services, for guardianship and guardianship. Assists in the placement of those in need in stationary institutions of health care. Submits materials and documents to the relevant authorities and institutions for filing a claim for deprivation of parental rights, registration of adoption, etc. Organizes public protection of juvenile offenders, if necessary, acts as their public defender in court. Coordinates the activities of various state and non-state organizations and institutions to provide assistance to citizens in need of social support. Participates in the work on the formation of social policy, the development of a network of social service institutions for the population of the territory. He improves his qualifications and professional skills.

Must know: features of the psychology of the individual and certain categories of the population; national and regional features of life and family education, folk traditions ; theory and practice of social work; the main directions in the ongoing policy of social protection of the population; laws, regulations at the federal, regional and local levels, other normative legal acts in the field of social protection of the population; the work of bodies and institutions of social service; domestic and foreign experience of practical social work.

8th category: higher professional (by profile) education without presenting requirements for work experience or higher professional education and individual training and work experience as a social worker for at least 2 years, or secondary vocational (by profile) education and work experience as a social worker at least 3 years;

Category 9: higher professional (by profile) education and work experience as a social work specialist for at least 1 year or higher professional education and work experience as a social work specialist for at least 2 years, or secondary vocational (by profile) education and At least 3 years of experience as a social worker;

10 category: higher professional (by profile) education and work experience as a social work specialist for at least 2 years or higher professional education and work experience as a social work specialist for at least 4 years, or secondary vocational (by profile) education and At least 5 years of experience as a social worker;

11 category: higher professional (by profile) education and work experience as a social work specialist for at least 3 years or higher professional education and work experience as a social work specialist for at least 5 years;

12 category: higher professional (by profile) education and work experience as a social work specialist for at least 5 years or higher professional education and work experience as a social work specialist for at least 7 years;

13 category: higher professional (by profile) education, work experience as a specialist in social work for at least 5 years and the availability of scientific and methodological developments in the profile of work.

5 - 8 digits

Job responsibilities. Identifies elderly and disabled citizens living in the service area who need social assistance; provides serviced citizens with food, hot meals, industrial essential goods, medicines according to doctor's prescriptions. Provides assistance in cleaning residential premises, heats stoves. Leases things for washing, repairs, etc. Pays utilities and other services. Organizes housing repairs, fuel supply, work on a personal plot, verification of the correctness of the provision of benefits and benefits, compensation payments, accrual of pensions and benefits, assists in maintaining contacts with relatives, friends, writing letters and applications, familiarization with printed publications. Helps to maintain personal hygiene in the serviced, has constant contacts with the attending physician of the served. Provides primary medical care: measuring body temperature, applying mustard plasters, compresses; provides primary psychotherapy. Calls the doctor to the house. Accompanies those served to medical institutions, visits them when they are admitted to the hospital. Organizes the provision of funeral services.

Must know: normative documents on the organization of social and consumer services for the elderly and disabled at home; organization of housekeeping; sanitary and hygienic requirements for the care of the elderly and disabled at home; fundamentals of psychology of older people; emergency procedures first aid; Fundamentals of legislation in the field of social protection of the elderly and disabled.

(as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 31.05.2001 N 45)

5th category: primary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary full (general) education and work experience in the profile for at least 3 years;

5 - 6 categories: secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the profile for at least 3 years;

6 - 7 categories: higher professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and at least 3 years of work experience in the profile;

Grade 8: higher professional education and at least 5 years of work experience in the profile.

15 - 18 digits

Job responsibilities. Manages the work of a social service institution (with a hospital) in accordance with the Regulations on the institution. Carries out organizational work on identifying and differentiated accounting of persons in need of social support, providing them with various social, household and other types of services by the structural divisions of the institution. Organizes the work of the medical, pedagogical, administrative and economic personnel of the institution for social, medical, cultural services, educational work with the citizens served. Conducts rehabilitation activities, including medical, social, psychological and labor rehabilitation. Carries out the introduction of new forms and methods of work on servicing citizens by a social service institution (with a hospital). Provides economic activity and purposeful spending of appropriations for the maintenance of the institution. Organizes outreach activities to improve services for residents. Supervises the activities of medical - industrial (labor) workshops, subsidiary farms. Provides: deputy directors, heads of departments of the institution. Acts on behalf of the institution, represents its interests in institutions and organizations, disposes of the property and funds of the institution in accordance with the procedure established by law, concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney, including with the right of substitution, opens current accounts of the institution in the State Bank. Issues orders on the institution in accordance with labor legislation, hires and dismisses employees, applies incentive measures and imposes penalties on employees of the institution.

Must know: theory and methodology of social work; laws and regulations at the federal, regional and local levels; other regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of a social service institution (with a hospital); profile and features of the institution; organization of services for persons living in it; basics labor law, organization of financial and economic activities of the institution; rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection; theory and practice of personnel management.

Higher professional education and at least 5 years of work experience in the profile:

15th digit: when performing official duties director of a social service institution with a hospital, assigned to group IV in terms of remuneration of managers;

16 category: in the performance of official duties of the director of a social service institution with a hospital, referred to group III in terms of remuneration of managers;

17 category: in the performance of official duties of the director of a social service institution with a hospital, referred to group II in terms of remuneration of managers;

18 category: in the performance of official duties of the director of a social service institution with a hospital, referred to group I in terms of remuneration of managers.

14 - 17 digits

Job responsibilities. Manages the work of a social service institution (without a hospital) in accordance with the Regulations on the institution. Implements organizational work on the identification and differentiated accounting of persons in need of social support, the provision of various social, domestic and other types of services by the structural divisions of the institution. Provides economic activity and purposeful spending of appropriations for the maintenance of the institution. Organizes activities to attract extrabudgetary funds to strengthen the material and technical base, improve service to citizens and working conditions for employees of the institution. Takes measures to provide the institution with qualified personnel. Organizes work to improve the skills of personnel, the growth of their professional level. Responsible for compliance with labor laws, labor protection and safety regulations, fire safety and sanitary and hygienic standards. Carries out work to strengthen labor and production discipline. Organizes the work of the institution and bears full responsibility for its condition and activities. Manages the activities of medical and industrial (labor) workshops, subsidiary farm. Resolves issues within the limits of the rights granted to him and entrusts the performance of certain production and economic functions to others officials: deputy directors, heads of structural divisions. Without a power of attorney, acts on behalf of the institution, represents its interests in institutions and organizations, disposes of the property and funds of the institution in accordance with the procedure established by law, concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney, including with the right of substitution, opens current accounts of the institution in the State Bank. Within its competence, issues orders for the institution, in accordance with labor legislation, hires and dismisses employees, applies incentives and imposes penalties on employees of the institution.

Must know: theory and methodology of social work; laws and regulations at the federal, regional and local levels; other regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of a social service institution (without a hospital); profile and features of the institution; organization of services for the elderly and disabled; fundamentals of labor legislation, organization of financial - economic activity institutions; rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection; theory and practice of personnel management.

Higher professional education (according to the profile) and at least 5 years of work experience in the profile:

14 category: in the performance of official duties of the director of a social service institution (without a hospital), assigned to group IV in terms of remuneration of managers;

15 category: in the performance of official duties of the director of a social service institution (without a hospital), assigned to group III in terms of remuneration of managers;

16 category: in the performance of official duties of the director of a social service institution (without a hospital), assigned to group II for the remuneration of managers;

17 category: when performing official duties of the director of a social service institution (without a hospital), assigned to group I in terms of remuneration of managers.

15 - 18 digits

Job responsibilities. Manages, in accordance with the Regulations on boarding schools, an institution of social protection of the population. Organizes the work of medical, pedagogical, administrative and economic personnel of the institution for social, medical, cultural services, educational work with residents; conducts rehabilitation activities, including medical, social, psychological and labor rehabilitation. Carries out the introduction of new forms and methods of work on servicing residents of the institution. Provides economic activity and purposeful spending of appropriations for the maintenance of the institution. Organizes activities to attract extra-budgetary funds to improve the service to the people living in it. Manages the activities of medical - production (labor) workshops, subsidiary farms. Provides technical equipment for the institution modern means rehabilitation and care of residents. Takes measures to provide the institution with qualified personnel, make the best use of the knowledge and experience of employees, create safe and favorable conditions for their work, and comply with labor laws. Carries out work to strengthen labor and production discipline. Bears full responsibility for the state and activities of the institution. Resolves issues within the rights granted to him and entrusts the performance of certain production and economic functions to other officials: deputy directors, heads of departments, institutions. Acts on behalf of the institution, represents its interests in institutions and organizations, disposes of the property and funds of the institution in accordance with the procedure established by law, concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney, including with the right of substitution, opens current accounts of the institution in the State Bank. Issues orders on the institution in accordance with labor legislation, hires and dismisses employees, applies incentive measures and imposes penalties on employees of the institution.

Must know: laws and regulations at the federal, regional and local levels, other normative - legal acts regulating the activities of the institution; profile and features of the institution; organization of services for persons living in it; fundamentals of labor legislation, organization of financial and economic activities of the institution; rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection; theory and practice of personnel management.

Higher vocational or secondary vocational education and at least 5 years of work experience in the profile:

15 category: in the performance of official duties of the director of the house - boarding school, referred to the IV group for the remuneration of managers;

16 category: in the performance of official duties of the director of the house - a boarding school, referred to the III group for the remuneration of managers;

17 category: in the performance of official duties of the director of the house - a boarding school, referred to the II group for the remuneration of managers;

18 category: in the performance of official duties of the director of the house - boarding school, referred to group I in terms of remuneration of managers.

For the implementation of social activities, specialists are required who have a set of necessary knowledge, skills and abilities corresponding to qualification requirements professions, i.e. having a certain professional competence. A specialist of an organization performing the functions of social development must be trained to participate in professional organizational and managerial, economic, scientific and technical, planning, design and economic, analytical and research activities in the personnel management service; possess sufficient skills to carry out the following activities:




    accounting and documentation;

    educational and pedagogical;

    social and household;

    psychological and sociological.

To successfully carry out such an activity, the specialist must know:

    legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of an enterprise, institution, organization for personnel management;

    labor legislation;

    fundamentals of economics, entrepreneurship and business; conjuncture of the labor market and educational services;

    the procedure for pricing and taxation;

    basics of marketing;

    modern concepts of personnel management;

    basics of labor motivation and personnel assessment system;

    forms and methods of training and advanced training of personnel;

    procedure for the development of labor agreements (contracts);

    methods and organization of management; basics of production technology;

    management structure;

    fundamentals of general and social psychology, sociology of labor psychology;

    ethics of business communication;

    basics of office work organization;

    methods of information processing using modern technical means, communications and communications;

    labor protection rules and regulations.

Supervisor, responsible for the social development of the organization must have the necessary minimum of humanitarian and ethical knowledge, the ability and skills to choose the manner of behavior appropriate to the circumstances with appropriate diplomatic and psychological tact, focus on collegiality and agreement with stakeholders when choosing a solution.

From social service specialists required:

    observance of social norms - rules, techniques, patterns of behavior established by society, the state, a separate organization, operating principles corresponding to generally accepted values ​​and moral ideals;

    support for minimum social standards;

    implementation of labor laws.

The main task and functions of managing social development

the main task conditioned by the mission of managing social development - the development and implementation of measures that ensure social partnership - mutually interested cooperation of managers (in general, the administration of the organization), owners, employees, state and municipal authorities, civil communities in solving social problems.

Partners are represented by entrepreneurs and their associations, labor collectives and trade union organizations. Such cooperation, as the experience of many countries shows, is carried out constantly, mainly in the form of collective bargaining at the level of individual enterprises and sectors of the economy, the conclusion of collective agreements and agreements.

It is equally important for the social service to achieve interaction and coordination of its activities with sectoral and regional structures for managing the social sphere, which are represented by the bodies state power and local government. Under certain conditions, especially when social tensions in a country or region are aggravated, they join the permanent participants in social partnership in order to combine efforts at the level of multilateral cooperation in settling disagreements on issues of wages, incomes, social minimum, protection of the rights and freedoms of working citizens, to prevent through mutual understanding in the negotiations, the emergence of social and labor conflicts and bringing them to the extreme point - strikes.

Obviously, social partnership as an effective mechanism for regulating relations at all levels will be further developed. It should be based on the principles of voluntariness, equality and mutual responsibility of the parties, and serve as the most important tool for maintaining cooperation and improving its forms.

The main task predetermines the main functions for the implementation of social activities:

    social forecasting and planning - essential tool management of social development.

Social forecasting and planning involves a deep and versatile analysis of the state of the social conditions of the organization; meaningful diagnostics, clarification and explanation of the relationships that develop between its individual parts; foresight of which option for solving an urgent social problem will be the most effective. This requires reliable sources of information, which, in particular, include statistical data characterizing the material base and other components social environment organizations; data from the study of social and sanitary and hygienic conditions of work and rest, compliance with safety regulations for work, as well as public opinion and prevailing moods in the team; determination with the help of sociometric methods and sociograms of a more or less complete picture of the existing social ties and relationships of workers, their expectations and preferences in comparison with real ones. opportunities and organization.

Only on the basis of accurate knowledge of the specific circumstances and the general situation both in the organization itself and in the region, industry and country as a whole, it is possible to assess the state of affairs in the social environment, see the prospect of changes in it, and choose adequate methods for achieving change. The forecast must be subjected to practical confirmation before becoming a guideline in the development of targeted programs, planning, design and other management decisions proposed by the social service.

Planning, being a kind of rational-constructive activity, means both setting goals and choosing means and ways to achieve them. It makes it possible to act on social processes in the organization with greater expediency and efficiency;

    organizational, administrative and coordinating functions.

These functions include financial, staffing the implementation of target programs and plans for the social development of the organization, the use of appropriate social technologies, as well as interaction with related management structures, trade unions and other public associations, state authorities and local governments involved in the social sphere. It is necessary to prepare draft decisions, orders, regulations, instructions, recommendations and other documents on social issues that certainly meet the requirements and regulations, federal and regional standards;


The function of motivation is based on the development of comprehensive measures that encourage employees to self-actualize in their professional activities. The implementation of these measures involves their involvement in active work to implement social programs and plans, ensuring high efficiency of the solidarity efforts of employees, encouraging those who take the initiative and creating conditions for the labor activity of non-initiative employees. The system of labor motivation is an indispensable part of a set of conditions that ensure the effective operation of all personnel and the development of each individual;

    control over the implementation of planned activities.

Control is carried out on the basis of analysis and generalization of information about the social activities of the organization, the changes that occur in it, their correlation with the implementation of the approved plan and targeted social programs. The social service must have a coordinate system for the life of the enterprise, equipped with indicators; its social development, "social passport". Control is based on an examination of the working and living conditions of employees, their compliance with the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, social standards and state minimum standards. And this, in turn, involves turning to monitoring (observation, evaluation, forecasting) of social processes, which allows you to identify and prevent negative trends, as well as to social audit - a specific form of revision of the conditions of the social environment of a given organization in order to identify social risk factors and developing proposals to reduce their negative impact;


"Internal PR" is a specific concept that has developed recently. It characterizes the activity of the organization in the formation of its favorable image in the minds of employees (their families and relatives, as well as former employees). In this case, "internal PR" is aimed at creating an image of an organization that meets the social needs of the staff.