What services does a social worker provide? What is the responsibility of a social worker to care for a pensioner: rights, number of visits and free care. Do I need to pay for services

  • 03.04.2020

1. General Provisions.

1.1. A person is accepted for the position of a social worker of the 5th category,
having initial professional education without presenting
requirements for work experience or secondary full (general) education and experience
work in the profile for at least 3 years.
1.2. A social worker is accepted and dismissed from work by order
director of the institution.
1.3. The social worker reports directly to the head
a specialized department of social and medical care at
1.4. The social worker does not have employees in his subordination.
1.5. The social worker is guided by:
current legislation of the Russian Federation on health and social
public services; the charter of the institution; this official
1.6. The social worker must possess, along with the appropriate
qualifications and professionalism, high moral character,
sense of responsibility, ability to work with people, tact,
discipline, performance. The social worker must
be sensitive and considerate to the citizens they serve.
1.7. The social worker should know:
- the foundations of social policy, law and government,
labor and family law;
- regulations for the organization of social services
elderly and disabled citizens at home;
- organization and principles of housekeeping;
- sanitary and hygienic requirements for the care of the elderly and
disabled people at home;
- bases of psychology of persons of advanced age;
- basic techniques and methods for providing emergency first aid;
- rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire
1.8. The social worker reports directly
(head of the institution, other official)
1.9. During the absence of a social worker (vacation, illness, etc.)
his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the head
institutions. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears
responsibility for the quality and timely execution of assigned tasks
duties on him.

2. Functions.

2.1. The main function of a social worker is to
a set of measures for social and medical care at home
disabled citizens living in the territory assigned to him

3. Job responsibilities.

3.1. To perform its assigned functions Social worker
- identify lonely, lonely living and disabled citizens,
living on the territory of the service area, in need of social
assistance, their interests and needs, difficulties and problems, and in a timely manner
provide them with social assistance and support;
- provide social and medical care at home to assigned
behind its plot of disabled pensioners and disabled people (at least 3
once a week in accordance with the visiting schedule, and if necessary
frequency and duration of visits increases);
- home delivery of food, hot meals, semi-finished products,
essential industrial goods, charitable and other
types of in-kind assistance;
- provide assistance with cooking at home lonely and lonely
living pensioners and disabled people whose children live in other
settlements (soup, porridge, potatoes, semi-finished products);
- to carry out feeding of the weakened pensioners and invalids;
- maintain living conditions in accordance with hygienic
requirements: regular change of underwear and bed linen (once
in 2 weeks, and also as it gets dirty), if necessary
assist in washing, weekly cleaning of the premises, taking out the garbage
(into a garbage chute located in a residential building, or located near the house
- provide sanitary and hygienic assistance to customers (washing,
wiping, hygienic baths, cutting nails, combing);
- assist in providing serviced citizens on the conclusion of doctors
medicines and medical products;
- assist in obtaining medical care, in hospitalization:
calling a doctor at home, accompanying those in need of treatment and prophylactic
institutions and visiting them in inpatient health care facilities in
for the purpose of providing moral and psychological support;
- assist in the conduct of medical and social examination for
- assist in obtaining vouchers for sanatorium treatment, in
receiving dentoprosthetic and prosthetic and orthopedic care, as well as in
providing technical means of care and rehabilitation;
- hand over things for washing, dry cleaning, repair and deliver them back,
pay for housing and utilities;
- assist in organizing the provision of services by enterprises
trade, public utilities, communications and other
enterprises providing services to the population;
- deliver water, heat the stove, assist in
providing fuel (for those living in residential premises without
central heating and water supply);
- assist in the organization of work on the repair of residential premises,
cultivation of a personal plot, harvesting;
- assist in writing letters, in the preparation of the necessary
documents, assist in obtaining the established valid
legislation of benefits and benefits, to provide assistance on issues
pension provision and provision of other social benefits;
- provide psychological assistance, moral support, promote
providing books, magazines, newspapers;
- assist in organizing funeral services for singles

4. Rights.

4.1. The social worker has the right:
- on all social guarantees provided by the legislation;
- demand the creation of conditions for the performance of official duties;
- get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding
his activities;
- on issues within its competence, to submit for consideration
management of the institution proposals for improving the activities of the institution
and improving working methods; comments on the activities of employees
- offer options for eliminating existing in the activities of the institution
- request personally or on behalf of the management of the institution from
structural divisions and specialists information and documents,
necessary for the performance of their duties;
- involve specialists from all (individual) structural units in
solution of the tasks entrusted to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on
structural divisions, if not - with the permission of the head
- require the management of the institution to assist in the execution
their duties and rights;
- request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from
other structural divisions information and documents necessary for
performance of their official duties;
- Improve your professional skills.

5. Responsibility.

5.1. The social worker is responsible for:
- for failure to perform or improper performance of their duties
responsibilities under this job description
within the limits set by the current labor law RF;
- for causing material damage- within the limits
current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for offenses committed in the course of exercising their
activities, - within the limits determined by the current administrative,
criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Help everyone

The right to help a social worker is now available to those who have circumstances that worsen or may worsen their living conditions. These are people who have completely or partially lost the ability to serve themselves, to move around. And it doesn't matter why it happened - due to injuries, diseases or age.

Families where there are people with disabilities of any age who need constant care, including children with disabilities or children experiencing difficulties in social adaptation. As well as families where there are conflicts, violence, dependent family members - drug addicts, alcoholics, gamers. Families with mentally ill people will also fall under social care.

People without a fixed place of residence also received the right to help a social worker. This also applies to children under the age of 23 who have left orphanages and boarding schools and have no work and no means of subsistence. There may be other circumstances that worsen the life of Russians. Which ones, will establish the regions. Whether you fall into the number of those who are entitled to a social worker, you can check with the social security authorities in your hometown.

Free choice

Social services will come to the aid only to those who themselves ask them about it, write a corresponding application to the social security authorities. Social services will be provided on the basis of an agreement that will be concluded between the person and the organization that will provide them. And another extremely important point - no one will impose this or that institution on a person any more. He himself will be able to choose the organization that will serve him.

And a lawyer, and a cook, and an agent

For the first time, social workers will not just go to those in need to sweep their floors or buy groceries. Now the social worker will literally accompany his client. For each, an individual program will be drawn up, which will clearly describe what services a person needs, their volume, frequency, conditions, terms. And help will be provided according to the plan.

If the situation in the family is bad, there are dependent people and parents or children need the help of a psychologist, narcologist or other specialist, the social worker will assist in organizing such a service.

In addition, the social worker will now help in matters of employment, employment, retraining, in resolving legal issues, medical, with the execution of any documents, including benefits, with the purchase technical means rehabilitation, including wheelchairs. And even with the installation of handrails in the apartment, if they are necessary for the tenant. Naturally, one person is not capable of being a specialist of such a wide profile. Therefore, the role of a social worker is to be a link between the ward and the organization whose help he needs.

Non-state aid

For the first time, the law provides for the possibility of providing social services by non-governmental organizations - public structures, individual entrepreneurs representatives of small and medium businesses. Registers of providers and recipients of social services are currently being formed in the regions. This means that on the Internet, on the website of the authorities responsible for social work in the territory, there will be lists of organizations that can be contacted for the provision of social services.

It should be noted that this is a very common worldwide practice. In Europe, many social services are provided by private companies. And the government pays for their work. And this is considered correct. Indeed, in order to receive a tranche from the budget, an organization must prove by deed that it is better than others able to take care of socially unprotected people. In the end, everyone is happy. And those to whom these services are provided, and the people who do it. In Russia, a similar practice will now be introduced - for the first time this year from federal budget 160 million rubles will be allocated to subsidize business projects for the construction of nursing homes. Also, for organizations working in the field of social services, a zero income tax rate is set.

Provides for a law on social services and the development of the practice of charitable activities, the spread of volunteering. Volunteers are people who help others selflessly.

What do we pay for

They will help minor children, those who have suffered as a result of emergencies or armed ethnic conflicts completely free of charge. And also to all other needy, if their income is below 1.5 of the subsistence level in the region. That is, if the subsistence minimum in the subject is set at 8 thousand rubles a month, and the income of the ward of social services, say, 11.5 thousand, he has the right to receive social services for free. But if he receives a thousand more, for example, 12.5 thousand rubles, then he will have to pay extra for some services.

However, the regions can set their own bar and make social services free for those who have a higher income. These can be war veterans, honored figures or honorary citizens. If they previously received services for free, then new law will not worsen their position: all previous benefits will remain.

Prices on social services regions will set themselves. But they should not be high, if only because they have a low cost. In addition, some categories will pay less depending on their income. For example, a single mother will pay no more than 50% of the difference between her income and 1.5 times the cost of living. If the income exceeds at least ten times, then for this person there may be a full payment for the service. If it slightly exceeds the cost of living, then the payment will be small.

helps to orient the employee of the social protection service in what duties he should perform and what rights he can use in this case. In our material, we will tell you what sections such an instruction consists of and what information they should contain.

About the positions of social worker and social work specialist

The position of a social worker is in the staff of the social protection service, which refers to budget organizations. This, in turn, implies the uniformity of job titles and the unification of job responsibilities in all territorial branches of this service. Thus, when determining the qualification requirements for this position and the duties of a social worker, one should use the appropriate professional standard, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of November 18, 2013 No. 677n.

In short, the main purpose of a social worker is to provide comprehensive assistance to the elderly and disabled. First of all, honesty is required from the candidate for this job, since he deals with the money of his wards, buys food and pays utilities. At the same time, he must also be physically enduring, since he often has to carry weights (and caring for the infirm often requires considerable strength). You should also not forget about elementary responsiveness, since you need to listen to your wards.

According to the professional standard, to fill the position of a social worker, four conditions must be met simultaneously:

  • no medical contraindications to work;
  • secondary vocational education or secondary general education subject to an internship at the workplace;
  • taking first aid courses;
  • no convictions for crimes against the person and sexual inviolability.

There is also a position in the social protection service with a similar name - a specialist in social work. The fundamental difference between these two positions lies in the wards: the social worker deals with the elderly and the disabled, and the social work specialist cooperates with all groups of the population in need of social protection.

In addition, a social work specialist occupies a higher level in the structure of the social protection service and performs work that requires higher qualifications. In accordance with the professional standard "Specialist in social work", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of October 22, 2013 No. 571n, this position can be applied for by:

Don't know your rights?

  • a person with higher professional education;
  • a social worker with a secondary vocational education who has worked in the specialty for at least 3 years.

The billing of these positions also differs: for the position of a social worker, 3-8 categories are allocated, for the position of a specialist - 8-13.

Approximate structure of the job description of a social worker

When compiling a job description for a social worker, you can follow the structure below, which includes several sections.

General provisions

This section usually includes general information about the position:

  1. Title (social worker).
  2. Discharge.
  3. Subordination order (indicating to whom you need to report, who makes the decision on hiring and dismissal).
  4. Qualification requirements, which may include education and work experience requirements, as well as a description of the skills and moral qualities that the employee must possess. For example, for grade 3, a complete secondary education is sufficient (work experience is not important), for a social worker of grade 8, higher professional education with at least 5 years of experience in this area is required.
  5. A list of regulations, instructions and rules that an employee should know and by which he should be guided in his activities.


The social worker, carrying out his labor function, can use a certain amount of rights. Most often, this employee is given the following rights:

  • require management to create conditions for the performance of labor functions;
  • send suggestions to management to improve the work process;
  • require the head to assist in the performance of their duties;
  • involve specialists from all structural divisions in solving specific problems;
  • within its competence to involve specialists from various medical organizations to provide assistance to the beneficiaries;
  • make information requests to collect data necessary for work.

Job Responsibilities

In this section, the social worker is assigned the duties that he performs on a daily basis. For example:

  1. Identify persons in need of social protection in the assigned territory.
  2. Deliver groceries to the home, help the wards in cooking.
  3. Provide sanitary and hygienic assistance to the beneficiaries.
  4. Clean the room, change linen, do laundry.
  5. Assist in the provision of medical care and hospitalization.
  6. Deliver medications home and make sure they are taken correctly.
  7. Assist in writing letters, statements and other documents, as well as sending them to recipients.
  8. Help pay bills.

A responsibility

This section lists the responsibilities that may apply to a social worker. For example, an employee may be attracted to:

  • to disciplinary liability for failure to perform or improper performance of their labor duties;
  • to administrative or criminal liability for the commission of relevant misconduct;
  • to material liability for the damage caused (within the limits established by civil and labor legislation).

particular difference in official duties there are no employees of different categories, therefore, when compiling job descriptions in this case, only qualification requirements. The latter means that with an increase in the rank, the employee must sign a new job description.

The elderly and sick need special care. There comes a time when parents who have raised their children need the help of their sons and daughters. Age and acquired diseases take their toll. It becomes difficult for older people to take care of themselves, cook food, go to the store, do the cleaning, and sometimes they don’t even have the strength to get dressed.

Relatives and relatives, as a rule, take care of all the care for the elderly at first, but when this continues for months and even years, it would be wiser to turn to specialists.

Caring for an elderly person is not an easy task, it requires a lot of time and dedication. And if working relatives take care of an elderly person, then they simply do not have time for rest and personal life. In this case, the social service for the care of the elderly will come to the rescue.

What is old people?

Such a service exists in any city, even in provincial towns with very small populations. Social workers carry out It is as follows:

  • hygienic care;
  • help in making medicines and control of the frequency of their reception;
  • conducting medical procedures or accompanying the ward to the place of their conduct;
  • purchase of necessary food and medicines, this is done at the expense of the client;
  • cooking for the elderly;
  • assistance in eating (feeding);
  • hygienic cleaning and ventilation of the room where the elderly person is located;
  • washing and ironing clothes and bed linen of the ward;
  • walking accompaniment.

This can be done at various levels. You can ask for help for just a few hours to change bedding or bathe an elderly person. But sometimes a 24-hour presence of a social worker is required, and this is also possible. In this case, the residence of a social worker in the territory of the ward is assumed. Often social care for an elderly person is carried out by workers with medical education.

Where is the social service for the care of the elderly?

How can I find a service that takes care of the elderly? It's very simple - you need to contact the local municipality. You must come in person or call and let them know that you need help caring for an elderly person. You will be advised on what needs to be done.

You will most likely have to answer some questions and fill out the necessary paperwork in order to be able to help you. If a person in need of help turns to the social service, and he is not able to go to the municipality on his own, then the employees of this service will visit him at home and help him fill out all the necessary documents.

If necessary, social workers will advise relatives on how to behave with the elderly. Sometimes the morbid condition of older people greatly spoils their character. They become capricious and intractable. The main thing here is patience and self-control.

Basic rules of communication with the elderly

In order for the psychological atmosphere in the family where the elderly relative is located not to be disturbed, a few simple rules must be observed.

  1. Avoid criticism, conflict situations and disputes in communication with an elderly person.
  2. If an elderly relative is dissatisfied with something and rebels, take it calmly. It must be understood that this is a sign that he is ill. Find out the cause of the discomfort.
  3. Help your old man talk about the fears that are bothering him, and he will feel better.
  4. Always listen to the elderly person to the end, do not deny him communication. But to impose your presence, if an elderly relative is tired and wants to rest, is not worth it.
  5. If he is not in a mood or a state of resentment, you should not continue the conversation. Gently stop him and promise to return to the desired topic later.
  6. Slowly, clearly and loudly pronounce the words when talking with an elderly person, often they do not hear well. Treat him with respect.
  7. Remember to be affectionate - when talking with an elderly person, sit next to him, take his hand. If he does not see and hear well, then he needs it in the same way as small children.
  8. Sometimes old people need to have their own little secrets- it can be a secret place for storing money or sweets, memorabilia. Don't forbid them.
  9. No need to forbid your elderly relatives to communicate with friends, talk to them on the phone.
  10. Accompany the elderly on a walk.

Why turn to specialists?

Competent care for the elderly will help improve his quality of life. Contacting a social service for the care of the elderly will help maintain psychological balance in the family. There is such a job - caring for the elderly. These are experts in their field who clearly carry out competent care for the elderly. This service has medical workers and psychologists, whose professional help is sometimes very necessary.