OKVED codes for tourism. OKVED codes have changed for travel agencies. What is the OKVED of tourism activities

  • 25.04.2020

Tourism is constantly developing not only in our country, but also in the countries of the world. It is not surprising that entrepreneurship in this area is gaining momentum very quickly, and the number of services offered is growing rapidly. The organization of an entrepreneurial object, the direction of which is tourism, is a profitable occupation, the demand for which is growing every year. OKVED also considers tourism activities by assigning certain codes to its directions, which are indicated during registration.

As you know, when registering a business, it is possible not only to indicate those codes for which activities will be directly carried out, but also those for which work is at the planning stage and, possibly, will be carried out in the future. Therefore, a novice entrepreneur needs to decide what services he is ready to provide, even before registration, in order to provide them with special codes in registration documents.

In principle, every entrepreneur who first dealt with some services, and then decided to change their direction, can freely do this legally if he notifies the regulatory authorities of this fact within three days after the start of the provision of new services. Such a notification is accompanied by changes in the records of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP, and for this it will be necessary to pay a state fee for each change. That is, it is in the interests of the entrepreneur himself to foresee the possible development of events and indicate all the codes initially, so as not to pay additional contributions to the state budget later.

If the entrepreneur starts to carry out activities in a new way, and the notification of the relevant authorities does not follow, then a fine will be imposed on him, which he will have to pay, and then the state duty.

What can be included in tourism activities

In order to determine the directions of the All-Russian classifier, it is worth first considering what entrepreneurship in relation to tourism can consist of, what services these can be. Firstly, this is the work of travel agencies and agents, since it is these persons who are engaged in the implementation and organization of tourism events. The services provided by these agencies may relate directly to the laying of tourist routes, planning the use of the infrastructure of the area in which the route passes, as well as booking and registration. Also, these agencies can help their clients with the registration and processing of all required documents required for this route.

Tourist events concern not only trips abroad, they can take place within the country, and even within the same city. At the same time, it is necessary not only to create an interesting recreational route, but also to consider the use of vehicles, as well as the provision of food or visiting entertainment places.

Travel agencies, in addition to organizing and implementing direct travel, can also provide consulting services, as well as provide guides for tourist groups or individuals if they so desire. Such measures are also considered as entrepreneurial activities, for which there is a separate place in OKVED.

Which codes to apply

OKVED in 2016 provided for a whole class for tourism activities, in which this activity is described in detail, indicating the codes used. Which of them to indicate for registration is determined by the entrepreneur himself, but since tourism services are quite diverse, and are also usually provided in a complex form, it is worth considering the proposed codes.

  • - the code that will be used by the travel agency when selling itineraries and tours to both individuals and commercial customers, on a retail or wholesale basis;
  • 12 - code used by tour operators. Their competence includes the direct organization of a comfortable promotion of a tourist along a tourist route, including entertainment places, food outlets, as well as the resettlement of tourists.
  • 90 - code for the services provided in the field of booking and registration. These services can be based both on check-in at hotels and on the booking of tickets for vehicles, entertainment and cultural places, etc.

Selection rules

For an entrepreneur who has decided to place his activity in the tourism sector, it is very important to decide what services he is ready to provide to his clients. After all, some of them cannot exist without additional ones.

So, if an entrepreneur decides to act only as an intermediary between the organizer of tours and the consumer, then he needs a travel agent code, and if this activity involves both independent development and organization of travel, then a tour operator. In the event that the development is carried out by the entrepreneur himself, and the sale is carried out by another, then he needs only the code of the tour operator. By the way, the work of such an enterprise cannot be carried out without a booking code, because it is in the competence of the operator to develop a tourist route in which everything is thought out and planned. After all, people who want to go on a trip through a travel agency usually do not want to worry about transportation, accommodation and food.

So, when organizing an entrepreneurial object with a specialization in tourism, an integrated approach to the issue of its organization is necessary.

Every year, tourism slowly but surely continues to develop, opening up opportunities to visit any corner of the world at an affordable cost. Of course, this type of activity, like others, has its own OKVED code. So, the code used in this activity is 79. OKVED, decoding means that it includes work carried out by travel agents.

On the one hand, it would seem that starting a travel business requires a huge amount of money. financial investments. Actually no more is required financial resources, and the ability to properly organize the rest of tourists. It is on the cost of travel and the privileges present in it that the demand for a travel agency depends.

Opening is easy, but developing is difficult

Yes, now it does not take much money to open a travel agency. You just need to go through the registration procedure, indicate in tax authority OKVED 79. and purchase in the premises necessary equipment. And that's it, you can start offering your services. But the already existing number of travel agencies and the constant emergence of new similar firms reduces the attempt to develop this type of activity to almost zero. Therefore, now, despite the frequent opening of travel companies, most of them at the initial stage of activity cannot withstand competition and are quickly closed.

But those that nevertheless found an approach to potential customers and managed to show their positive qualities brightly, standing out among similar firms, are developing rapidly. It is worth noting that in tourism business There are two types of companies involved. So, one of them are agencies, others are operators. Agencies, in fact, are intermediaries who find a potential client and receive remuneration from the operator.

What is the secret of success

Before starting to offer travel and tours, the agency signs an agreement with the operator, which indicates the amount of commission if a potential client is identified. In most cases, it is 10% of the tour value. To attract tourists, many agencies deliberately reduce their commissions, which reduce the cost of the tour.

It is this method of attraction that is now actively used by almost all travel agencies. In addition to travel and tours offered by travel agencies, the OKVED code 79 also reflects activities such as transportation and accommodation of individuals. individuals on a wholesale or retail basis.

Tourist services continue to be in demand, but, unfortunately, the demand for them is now significantly less than the supply. Therefore, despite the easy opening of the type of activity reflected by the OKVED code 79., the probability of its successful development is small.

Conducting any activity must be carried out with the formation of special reporting. Moreover, this implies some classification.

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Today all kinds economic activity assigned a classifier. It is the same throughout the Russian Federation.

The abbreviation OKVED is used to designate such a document. Accurate reflection of information allows you to avoid problems with the tax.

A special coding is also assigned to tourism activities. It is not allowed to make mistakes in specifying the code. This can cause serious trouble in the future.

What you need to know

The activities of travel agencies in 2020 should be formalized accordingly.

This area of ​​business is under the close supervision of state regulatory authorities.

It is worth noting that the classifier includes a fairly wide list of different. This is not only travel, but also various related ones.

Companies providing such services on a commercial basis will need to prepare a special list of reporting documentation.

There are many different institutions working in this direction. Separately, it is worth considering the issue of additional services. Reporting should be formed within the framework of special regulatory documents.


All basic standards are reflected in sufficient detail in special legislation. This concerns both the activity of organizing tours, reporting, and related services.

But for a correct interpretation of all the information provided, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the concepts used in the legislation.

Otherwise, it will simply be impossible to use the law. The main terms include:

  • tourism activities;
  • OKVED;
  • Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • EGRIP.

Tourism activity refers to the organization of various kinds of trips. In this case, it means tour operator, as well as travel agency activities.

Moreover, tourism itself includes a fairly extensive list various kinds actions.

This is not only the organization itself, but also the implementation and promotion of this type of service.

In this case, you will need to register activities that are carried out in this way. To do this, you need to use a special classifier. This is designated as OKVED.

This abbreviation stands for quite simply - " all-Russian classifier types of economic activity.

Each type of activity, without any exceptions, is assigned a certain special code.

OKVED allows you to simultaneously solve an extensive list of various tasks at once. For the first time they encounter him when registering.

Today, the conduct of economic activity requires registration individual like opening your own company.

In any of the indicated cases, you will need to carry out the registration process. For registration, special registers are used.

There are separate for individual entrepreneurs and organizations. In the first case, data with activity codes are entered into the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs.

What is its purpose

The tourist activity of IP according to OKVED is determined quite simply. This classifier is in the public domain, it is possible to independently and easily determine the code.

At the same time, OKVED immediately solves an extensive list of various tasks. First of all, these include:

  • simplifies the process of classifying activities;
  • makes it possible to register the entire range of income and divide them into categories;
  • significantly increases the efficiency of the tax regime.

Moreover, the entrepreneurs themselves will need to familiarize themselves with the functions and purpose of this kind of classifier.

Since the incorrect indication of data on OKVED can later cause serious trouble. There are many information sources on the web.

Thanks to those, it will be possible to indicate a new type of activity in a special declaration. All the subtleties need to be sorted out before registering with the USRIP or.

Regulatory regulation

Today, the format of the document regulating OKVED is determined by a special NPA -

The corresponding document is designated as or NACE. The document itself includes a specific list of sections, each of which defines one of the areas of activity.

For 2020, the current OKVED includes the following sections:

Section "A" Agriculture, as well as forestry, the use of fish resources
Section "B" Conducting mining activities
Section "C" What is manufacturing
Section "D" Provision of various utilities, electricity, steam, other
Section "E" Supply of water, as well as its diversion, collection and subsequent disposal of waste
Section "F" Implementation of construction and other works
Section "G" Trade, and of various kinds (both wholesale and retail are implied)
Section "H" Transportation, storage
Section "I" Management of hotel service
Section "J" Provision of information and communication services
Section "K" Various financial and insurance activities
Section "L" Implementation commercial activities sale, purchase of real estate
Section "M" Activities of a professional nature, as well as scientific

The full list of various activities is quite extensive. It is very important to correctly determine the type of such activity.

The classification also applies to remote booking of hotel rooms and other similar services.

It should be noted that this classifier is the same for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Legislation is updated annually. All edits should be constantly monitored.

Often all sorts of problems with supervisors government bodies arise due to a banal misunderstanding of legislative norms.

And also untimely registration of all changes. It is very important to closely monitor all changes in the legislation.

This is the only way to prevent various problematic situations. Incorrect reflection of information in the declaration can lead to the imposition of a serious fine.

OKVED code tourism activity (decoding)

It is very important to understand how OKVED is selected and deciphered. Since doing business often involves deciphering and analyzing the documentation of other organizations.

Installed as many as 17 different sections. All of them are divided into special subsections. In those presented detailed information for deciphering codes.

The structure of the code itself looks like this:

All digits in the considered code are divided into separate classes by dots. Special sections are taken out in separate sections.

A certain letter is attached to them. The number of positions in the OKVED code is indicated by numbers from 2 to 6.

It often happens that the list of classes is missing, which are provided by a particular individual entrepreneur or organization. In such a case, “provision of other services” should be indicated.

Since 2014, the decryption algorithm for all the codes indicated above has remained standard, it has not undergone any changes.

Video: the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation

But since then it has been added a certain amount of new classes. This point must be taken into account.

Moreover, in the case of registration of the organization, you will need to enter at least 4 digits of the classification code in the application. Otherwise, the documents will simply not be accepted for registration.

Select a rubric 1. Business law (239) 1.1. Instructions for starting a business (26) 1.2. Opening IP (29) 1.3. Changes in the USRIP (4) 1.4. Closing IP (5) 1.5. OOO (39) 1.5.1. Opening LLC (27) 1.5.2. Changes in LLC (6) 1.5.3. Liquidation of LLC (5) 1.6. OKVED (31) 1.7. Licensing entrepreneurial activity (13) 1.8. Cash discipline and accounting (69) 1.8.1. Payroll (3) 1.8.2. Maternity payments (7) 1.8.3. Temporary disability allowance (11) 1.8.4. General issues accounting (8) 1.8.5. Inventory (13) 1.8.6. Cash discipline (13) 1.9. Business checks (19) 10. Online cash desks (15) 2. Entrepreneurship and taxes (448) 2.1. General issues of taxation (29) 2.10. Tax on professional income (26) 2.2. USN (49) 2.3. UTII (47) 2.3.1. Coefficient K2 (2) 2.4. BASIC (37) 2.4.1. VAT (18) 2.4.2. personal income tax (8) 2.5. Patent system (25) 2.6. Trading fees (8) 2.7. Insurance premiums(69) 2.7.1. Off-budget funds (9) 2.8. Reporting (87) 2.9. Tax incentives (71) 3. Useful programs and services (40) 3.1. Taxpayer legal entity (9) 3.2. Services Tax Ru (12) 3.3. Pension reporting services (4) 3.4. Business Pack (1) 3.5. Online calculators (3) 3.6. Online inspection (1) 4. State support for small businesses (6) 5. STAFF (105) 5.1. Leave (7) 5.10 Remuneration (6) 5.2. Maternity benefits (2) 5.3. Sick leave(7) 5.4. Dismissal (11) 5.5. General (23) 5.6. Local acts and personnel documents (8) 5.7. Labor protection (9) 5.8. Employment (3) 5.9. Foreign personnel (1) 6. Contractual relations (34) 6.1. Bank of agreements (15) 6.2. Conclusion of an agreement (9) 6.3. Additional agreements to the contract (2) 6.4. Termination of the contract (5) 6.5. Claims (3) 7. The legislative framework(37) 7.1. Clarifications of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia (15) 7.1.1. Types of activities on UTII (1) 7.2. Laws and regulations (12) 7.3. GOSTs and technical regulations (10) 8. Forms of documents (82) 8.1. Primary documents (35) 8.2. Declarations (25) 8.3. Powers of attorney (5) 8.4. Application Forms (12) 8.5. Decisions and protocols (2) 8.6. Charters of LLC (3) 9. Miscellaneous (26) 9.1. NEWS (5) 9.2. CRIMEA (5) 9.3. Lending (2) 9.4. Legal Disputes (5)

Below is a convenient module "OKVED codes for 2020 with decryption" for your attention. The classifier contains a search for codes for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. Just drive in keyword of your activity in the field below and get a selection of the necessary codes.

ATTENTION! Example: if you are doing for example, clothing (sales, manufacturing, etc.), enter in the "CLOTHES" field, and the script will display ALL OKVED codes that are associated with clothing. That is, the mention of clothing in all cases. Try it, it's convenient!

My codes ( 0 )

There are no saved codes. To add a code to your list, click on the "star" next to it.

Collections of OKVED codes for popular types of business

All codes listed on the site correspond to new edition OKVED 2

What is OKVED

Before sending a package of documents to the specialists of the territorial tax service for registration, future individual entrepreneurs and founders of an LLC must have a clear idea of ​​what types of commercial activities they are going to engage in. This is important because, when entering information about a newly created enterprise into state registers OKVED codes are of decisive importance for tax authorities.

If you decipher this abbreviation, it will sound like this:

All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity.

Already from the name it is quite clear what the essence of this document is: each type of commercial work or service in Russia has its own digital code. To enter classifying codes into the entitlement package, it is not necessary to create any special documents, it is enough to list them in or in the Company with limited liability, which is filled in a strictly prescribed form.

Download OKVED codes

(DOCX, 655 kb)

The structure of OKVED

The code consists of 6 characters - numbers separated by dots and has the following form XX.XX.XX. Visually, what number means what is shown in the figure below:

Who is obliged to work on OKVED

OKVED is equally applicable to all enterprises and organizations, regardless of their legal form.

That is, CJSC, IP, LLC reflect the same digital codes in title documents.

The procedure for choosing classifying ciphers is mandatory for all commercial companies and has no exceptions.

What you need to know and how to accurately choose OKVED codes

When studying and entering OKVED digital ciphers into an application for registration, many aspiring entrepreneurs unknowingly make a number of mistakes. In order to help avoid them, we will talk in detail about what to rely on and in what order to act when choosing codes from the all-Russian classifier.

  1. Not all codes are equivalent when they are included in the constituent documents of an enterprise or individual entrepreneur. The first selected code is considered the main one, since it must correspond to the type of activity that is put at the forefront in the enterprise. All other codes play an additional role and are of secondary importance. Each organization must have at least one code from OKVED; without it, state registration is simply impossible;
  2. All actually and formally possible types of economic activity carried out on the territory of Russia have their own special characteristics. digital designation, which is listed in OKVED. In turn, OKVED consists of sections and subsections, groups and subgroups. When choosing digital ciphers, you should go from large to small. That is, you need to start by defining the scope of activity, and gradually, through sections and groups, reach any specific type of activity. At the same time, it is necessary to try to select codes in such a way that they correspond as much as possible and reflect the essence of the actual work performed and the services provided;
  3. A digital code from OKVED allowed for registration must consist of at least 3 characters. 3 numbers mean a subclass of the section and, as a rule, they are chosen by those entrepreneurs who do not want to somehow limit their actions within this section. However, it is still preferable to indicate four-digit ciphers that are narrower in terms of practical application;
  4. If suddenly a newly created organization plans to engage in those works or services that, under Russian law, are subject to compulsory licensing or require special permission, it is best not to act at random, but to consult with specialists. They will help to more accurately designate the name of a particular type of activity and choose the correct digital code, which in the future will protect against all sorts of troubles.

Attention! If there are problems in the selection of OKVED codes, it is enough to study Appendix "A" to the classifier. It is an excellent assistant and contains a fairly detailed explanation of all activities.

The subtleties of choosing ciphers from OKVED

We talked about the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing codes from OKVED. Now about some of the nuances of choosing activities for digital ciphers from the classifier.

  • When choosing OKVED codes, future businessmen, in particular the founders of an LLC, should remember that there must be a 100% match between the types of activities prescribed in the application and those indicated in the charter, otherwise tax employees can easily refuse to register. But even if the initial stage of registration with the tax service is completed successfully, problems may well arise when opening a bank account, since bank employees check documents no less carefully;
  • The law does not in any way limit the number of OKVED codes entered into an application for registration of an enterprise. Therefore, often businessmen enter not only those specific types activities that they actually plan to engage in, but also those that are assumed by them only in theory. The heap of codes from the classifier included in the title documents entails a number of dangers. Let us give just one fairly common example: some types of activities may be subject to a special UTII tax regime, and in such cases, the tax authorities may require the entrepreneur or organization to submit separate reports on them. Thus, experts advise to restrain themselves and not to include more than two dozen OKVED codes in the constituent documents and, when choosing them, carefully study the features of each type of activity, including from the point of view of tax legislation;
  • It is extremely important to correctly understand and interpret the name of the types of activities listed in OKVED. Otherwise, an incident may occur in which the most necessary and relevant type of activity will not be entered in the state register for this organization or individual entrepreneur. The consequences of such an incident are unpleasant. Firstly, if necessary, it will be impossible to obtain a license, and secondly, it will be impossible to switch to UTII, which operates according to strictly defined types of activity at the local and municipal level.

Important! Entering the correct codes from OKVED into registration documents at the stage of state registration of an enterprise is of great importance. If tax specialists find an error, they will certainly issue an automatic refusal to register. At the same time, the inaccuracy can be corrected, but this will entail new financial and time costs.

How to change OKVED codes in the course of the organization's work

Sometimes, at various stages of an enterprise's activity, due to the expansion of business interests, it becomes necessary to change or introduce new OKVED codes into the constituent package. To do this is not so difficult. It is enough just to submit to the territorial tax service. It is necessary to indicate new codes in it and within a few days, tax inspectorate specialists will make these amendments to the organization's title documents and state registers of individuals and legal entities.

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