Competitive program by March 8 FGOS. Competition and entertainment program "Miss Spring", dedicated to International Women's Day (March 8). Dramatization: A guest from a distant land

  • 13.11.2019

Goals: development of creative abilities; expanding horizons; fostering a sense of mutual assistance, respect, understanding.

Attention! Attention! Get in the holiday spirit! Soon all the weak, but the best half of humanity will celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th. Only for women and girls on this day will sound affectionate, warm words.

Let it be white outside the window,
But this day is March 8
Brings warmth to all women.
Smiles, joy, congratulations
Today they come to every house,
Let mothers, grandmothers today
It will be even warmer in it.
We give you the arrival of spring,
Good luck, happiness for the whole year,
We give you a ray of sunshine
And the sky is clear of clouds.
May this day be a spring ray
Because of the sky
The key to happiness will bring you
Gives joy and health.
May the sun always shine on you
And let your life last 100 years,
And black trouble is at your door
May you never knock!
We wish you the sun, light,
More joy, less tears:
Happy life and bright stars!
And let this beautiful day
Sorrow will go away and sad shadow!
We wish peace and love
We wish you eternal youth!
May the joys be long
And grief is fleeting.
Let everything be like in a good fairy tale:
Good luck, thousands of flowers
Health, laughter, smiles, happiness,
Deeds worthy of poetry!

Dear friends! Today we have gathered to see the talents of our girls in housekeeping, to appreciate their attractiveness and charm, humor and resourcefulness.

We will show a holiday-competition,
Well, there is no competition without judges.
I will introduce you to today's jury,
Their eyes burn with hot fire.

Here _____________________________________________________________

Competitions will be evaluated without flaw.
Applaud the jury.

So, we begin our competitive program.

How much good girls,
How many affectionate names
A quiz will help you
Find out who is strong in the competition.

1 contest "Let's meet!"

Team introduction, greeting. (The highest score is 5 points).

And now we will make a collective image of the modern "Super Schoolgirl". Let's define a list of parameters that a modern schoolgirl must meet. (A questionnaire is distributed. Appendix No. 1).

2 competition "Warm-up" (Chamomile).

To understand all the tricks of housekeeping, you need to know some tricks. (A camomile is made of paper, questions are written on the petals, the participants tear off the petal and answer the question. For each correct answer - 1 point)

How do you know if a cake is baked? (Poke with a wooden stick or match: if the dough does not stick to the stick, then the cake is ready)

How to peel an onion so that tears do not flow? (Hold the knife under running cold water)

What needs to be done so that the egg does not burst during cooking? (add salt to water)

What to do so that the beets do not lose their color during cooking? (Add some vinegar to the water)

What needs to be done without adding water to make the oversalted soup normal? (A few raw potatoes or rice wrapped in gauze for a while dip into the soup)

What can be done to make potatoes cook faster? (When it boils, put a tablespoon of butter or margarine into the pan)

What are meatballs? (Food in the form of a ball of minced meat or fish - fried)

What are meatballs? (Food in the form of a ball of minced meat or fish, cooked in broth)

3rd competition "Culinary".

Everyone knows that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Your task is to show off your culinary skills and, perhaps, win the hearts of the jury members. (Homework - baking), 5 points.

4 competition "Hostess".

Oh, I remember the tantalizing smell
That came from the food you cooked.
This table, bursting with gourmet dishes,
And my eyes caressed and shone with pride.
Everything was arguing in your hands, beautiful Diana:
You swept chalk from the kitchen to the sofa.
Show us your skill
I hope for your indulgence.
Let my request not anger you in any way,
Here is a broom more luxurious than a vacuum cleaner from "Raven" you.

One girl from each team takes part in the competition. It is required to hold a balloon with a broom between the pins: who is faster. (5 points)

5 competition "Motalshchitsy".

One girl from each team is invited. It is proposed to rewind the threads from one ball to another and guess the riddle written on a piece of paper inserted into the ball. The length of the threads in all balls is the same. The threads are rewound on command. Whoever rewinds the thread first raises his hand. An additional point is received by the participant if she guesses the riddle. (4 points + 1 point)

6 contest "Chatterboxes".

One girl from each team is invited, who can speak quickly, a lot and loudly.

For one minute you need to talk without interruption. (You can fantasize about millet) The highest score is 5 points. If the participant stops, then she will be deducted points. The content of the story, expressiveness, humor, regulations are also taken into account.

7th competition "Merry shopping".

On the cards - verbs and nouns. The team draws two cards. If they match in value - 1 point.

(Appendix No. 2)

8 competition "Musical". (Homework)

9 contest "Fashionista".

(questionnaires are being read)

The French have a saying: "A woman can make three things out of nothing: a salad, a hat and a scandal." We have already seen the salad, we will try to avoid a scandal, but about the hat: Imagine this situation: in a few minutes the disco will start, but you are not ready yet. So, in 10 minutes of what you have, you must prepare an outfit in which you will go to a disco.

Summing up (The word is given to the jury).

This is the end of our competition program.

May the month of March, triumphantly advancing,
Meets you with a cheerful trill of birds,
We heartily congratulate you on Women's Day,
Health to you and happiness without borders.
We dedicate the disco to you,
Beautiful and young creatures
And the song that is now
Will warm you with male attention.

Competitive game program, dedicated to the International Women's Day on March 8 in parallel with the 4th grade "Spring laughter"

Target: creating a joyful, festive mood.
- to form in children the need to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for life;
- develop thinking, memory, imagination, dexterity, self-confidence;
- to cultivate purposefulness, the ability to work in a team.
- Congratulate the girls on the holiday of March 8.
Equipment: prefabricated pictures of princesses (puzzles), prefabricated proverbs (cards), fabulous crossword grids, two clotheslines, 6 clothespins, 6 cut-out pictures of dresses, culinary riddles, musical accompaniment, pens.
Location: school office.
Members: 4th grade students.

Holiday progress:
Today is a spring day
On the street drops
Meets the holiday with a ringing -
Happy mother's day.
We are from the heart of all women
Congratulations today
And beautiful girls
We invite you to the competition.
We will give you today:
Fun, jokes, laughter,
Don't hide, don't be sad
Great success awaits you.
Hurry - let's start
Fanfares let them roar.
We invite you to the stage
Worthy guys.
(Bagrova E.V.)
Literary and musical congratulations on the International Women's Day on March 8 from the guys of 4 "A" class

1. A beauty walks on the Planet - spring,
It brings dawn and awakening to the earth.
Lily of the valley and lilacs bloom in spring,
Girls bloom on Women's Day in spring.
2. We are on March 8
Spring - we meet red,
And all the girls in the class
Congratulations today!
3. In our class, all the boys
We tried very hard
To the girls today
Just smiled!
4. So that with a spring smile
You were able to make friends
And in a good mood
Spent the day today.
5. The sun is beautiful in the sky,
The birds are singing merrily.
They wish you joy
And hello spring send!
6. Today we are all smart,
Cheeks are on fire.
Congratulate you on Women's Day
Gathered for a parade!
7. All shirts are ironed,
All pants are ironed.
We walked around the puddles today
And they didn't fight.
8. We did not go upside down,
Didn't roll on the floor
We did not sit on each other
And do not get dirty in chalk.
9. We congratulate the girls
Happy brightest day in the world.
With the first flower under the snow
With the first joyful stream!
10. Let illness and adversity
You are bypassed
Let in any bad weather
Birds sing like spring.
11. May the sun shine on you
Let the lilac bloom in your soul!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
On the brightest day in the world.
12. Happy day of smiles and fun!
With a clear, warm spring day!
Happy holiday to you
Happy International Women's Day!
13. We congratulate you on Women's Day!
We wish you happiness, success, health!
We give flowers and sing songs.
Chorus: Happy International Women's Day!
Sounds "Merry Song" by Alexander Yermolov

The sun came out
Because of the gray clouds
golden seed
Jumped the first beam.

He sings a cheerful song to us.
Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,

And from this song
The silence melts
And with streams fun
Spring is jumping.
Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,
He sings a cheerful song to us.
Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,
He sings a cheerful song to us.

Woke up a song
warm rays,
And on the branches it's fun
The rooks are jumping.

They sing a cheerful song to us.
Jumping through the fields, with the sky in half,
They sing a cheerful song to us.

Into a fervent song
Just in love
Huge jumping
Children's country.
Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,
He sings a cheerful song to us.
Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,
He sings a cheerful song to us.

Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,
He sings a cheerful song to us.
La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la.
And under this song the earth is spinning.

"School suffering" from boys 4 "B" class

1. We will ask you now
A little bit of attention
We will perform about girls
school suffering.
2. We are remote guys,
We all go to the fourth grade,
And business girls study with us.
3. The girls have a mind chamber,
Everyone grabs on the fly
And we are poor guys -
We are unable to teach.
4. Girls have pigtails -
What a temptation!
If you pull out of habit -
You ask for an apology!
5. Girls have curiosity -
It's just mania
You can't hide anything from them.
What a punishment!
6. Jokes are very bad with them -
Tongue too long:
You just have to grab them
Get hooked!
7. All girls are cute,
All like roses bloom.
It's worth just looking
They laugh instantly!
8. All homework
The girls are always on the "five",
And we have one concern -
Like kicking a ball.
9. We suffer from girls,
Why not get hurt?
But we can always
Write something down from them!
10. A secret to the whole world
Let's say goodbye:
There is no life without girls!
That's all suffering!
Competitive game program for students
(the audience is divided into two teams - by class, the main characters are girls, boys take part in competitions for fans)
1. Contest "Collect the princess"
Each team is given a cut picture with the image of a fairy-tale princess, it is necessary to put the princess out of the puzzle pieces and name her. The team that completes the task faster and more correctly wins. Maximum amount points - 2.

2. Competition "Collect a proverb"

Each team is given parts of proverbs (beginning and end), it is necessary to restore the proverb, find the correct beginning and end. The team that completes the task correctly wins. The maximum number of points is 5 (one proverb - one point).

3. Competition "Journey to a fairy tale"
Each team is given a crossword puzzle, it is necessary to solve the crossword puzzle, remembering the heroes of literary works. The task is given for a while, the team that answers the most questions correctly in the allotted time wins. The maximum number of points is 7 (according to the number of questions).

1. The name of the prince, beloved by Odette,
From Swan Lake.
2. From the bottle our hero,
An old man with a magical beard.
3. He is a cheerful little man,
Raised in Italy
Where oranges ripen
Both lemons and olives
Figs and so on.
4. Girl is cute
The consolation of the old was
Yes melted
In the hot flame of a fire.
5. A very simple question -
Ellie girls favorite dog.
6. This girl is so small
What could hide in a bowl of a flower.
7. Goose is a traveler and a good friend,
Taking the boy Nils with him.
Vertically: name of an extraordinary girl,
dropping a crystal slipper.
Answers: 1. Siegfried. 2. Hottabych. 3. Cipollino.
4. Snow Maiden. 5. Totoshka. 6. Thumbelina. 7. Martin.
4. Musical pause
All attendees participate. It is necessary to “prepare for participation in the International Music Festival” and perform a song in an unfamiliar language to the motive of a well-known song, replacing all the vowels in the words with the same one:

Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese -
One is grey, the other is white
Two cheerful geese.
let's sing on the letter - E -
Jele e babyse
Two veseleh gese -
Eden sray, dragey beley -
Two veseleh gese.
let's sing on the letter - U-
Zhulu at bubusu
Two vusulukh gusu -
Udun surui, another bool -
Two vusulukh goose.
let's sing on the letter - A -
It's a pity and a woman
Two vasalakh gas -
Adan shed, drag balai -
Two vasalakh gasas.

5. Competition "Cheerful culinary specialist"
A culinary riddle is read to each team in turn, the team that correctly solves all the riddles wins. The maximum number of points is 12.

1. What is poured into the pan,
do they bend it four times?
2. Small, rich,
The wheel is edible.
I won't eat you alone
I will share with all the guys.
3. Uncle laughs
His fur coat is shaking.
4. The lady is sitting in a spoon,
Dangling legs.
5.Very fond of children
Cold pack.
Cold, cold
Let me lick you once!
(Ice cream)
6. White as snow, in honor of all.
In the mouth got - there and disappeared.
7. Will be born in water,
and afraid of water.
8. This food is for everyone
Mom will cook for dinner.
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into bowls...
9. I bubble and puff,
I don't want to live in a bowl
I'm tired of kneading
Put me in the oven.
10. Grew up first in the wild in the field.
In the summer it bloomed and spiked,
And when they threshed
He suddenly turned into grain.
From grain to flour and dough,
Took a seat in the store.
11. May break
Maybe boil!
And he wants - in a bird
Can turn.
12. Soft piece of bread,
Top with sausage and garlic.
He himself asks for us in the mouth,
13. The bees worked hard in the summer,
So that we can eat in the winter.
Open your mouth wide
Eat fragrant, sweet...
14. They boiled it from cereals,
Salted, sweetened.
Hey, where's our spoon?!
So delicious for breakfast...
15. Onions, cabbage and potatoes,
A few different vegetables.
You look for them in a saucepan.
This soup is called...
16. Prepare a place
Let's roll out the dough.
Here is jam, here is cottage cheese.
We want to bake...
17. Sugar shirt,
Above - a bright piece of paper.
Sweet tooths love it.
What's a delicacy?
18. It is made of milk,
But his sides are firm.
It has so many different holes.
Guessed? It...
19. Not okroshka and not soup.
Beets in it, carrots, cucumber.
Served us for lunch
With vegetable oil...
(the vinaigrette)
20. What are the white grains?
Not grain and not snowflakes.
Sour milk - and on time
We received...
(cottage cheese)
21. Guess who she is?
White, thick.
The cream was whipped early in the morning,
For us to have...
(sour cream)
22. Grandma will cook from berries
Something delicious for the year.
Oh what a meal
23. What kind of white water
Rushing from the farm to us in cans?
We found the answer easily -
It's simple...
24. Wrapped this tile
Into a silver sheet.
Everyone is happy to eat tiles.
What is this?
6. Competition "Big wash"

Two fans from each team pull on a clothesline, three fans hold a clothespin, dresses (pictures) are laid out on the tables. Team members must run to the table, take a dress, run to the fan, take a clothespin. Return to the rope and hang the dress on it. The team that finishes the laundry the fastest wins. The maximum number of points is 3.

Summing up the results of competitions.
Presentation of gifts.

All the guys are great
They rejoiced heartily.
Showed the mind, dexterity,
They acted boldly, deftly,
Friendship brought us together
Because unity is our strength.
Goodbye, don't be sad
Wait for a new meeting with us!

Leading: Why spring comes in March?

The snow is melting, hearts are beating harder?

Why is it hot in winter clothes?

And the icicles are crying at the porch?

Very simple - female smiles

They warm everything with their warmth

Became International Women's Day.

Good afternoon dear friends! I greet all of you sitting in this hall. We meet with you on the eve of a wonderful holiday-8 Martha. This is the first spring holiday. There is still snow on the streets, winter is still not giving up its positions, but the sun is shining differently, sparrows are chirping differently. And the first breath of spring is already felt in the air.

Look how many cute faces are in the hall and they are all different - blondes, brunettes, blue-eyed and black-eyed. But, by all means, beauties! And the first applause goes to everyone girls and the women gathered in this hall.

In honor of this holiday, we are competition in which our wonderful girls where they will show their feminine qualities. I ask you to greet them with thunderous applause. This is Julia, Vika and Dasha. ( girls draw numbers who will perform in what order)

But what competition without a jury? And I present our charming members of the jury!

(jury presentation)

Each competition will be evaluated on a 5-point system.

Today, our participants will go through 10 steps to their victory. And we must get to know our contestants.

So the first competition"Business card"

AT competition is evaluated: correctness of speech



(The jury evaluates the performances)

Leading: As you know, the love of the stronger sex awakens through stomach: the tastier in the plate, the deeper the heartfelt feeling! So, I bring to your attention exclusively female entertainment! A woman is, first of all, a mistress, a keeper of the hearth.

And I announce the next competition"Hostess"

In front of the participants are plates of potatoes. Your task is to peel the potatoes quickly and efficiently. (jury evaluation)

Next competition will be edible and it is called "Eat me"

Each girl must put on gloves, take a candy and unwrap it as quickly as possible and eat it. (Jury evaluation)

Next the contest is called"Young craftswoman"

Each I give the girl a piece of cloth, button, needle and thread and scissors. Their task, on my command, is to insert a thread into a needle and sew on a button. Speed ​​and quality are valued.

Competition"Baby Dress".

Each the girl is the expectant mother, and now we will check how our participants know how to dress children. (three small children come out). You need to wear a hat, jacket, scarf, mittens, boots. Jury score.

Next competition"Rewind the ball"

Each participant is given a ball of thread, their task is to rewind the ball, at the end of the ball there is a note, there is a riddle in it, you need to guess it. The winner is the one who rewinds the ball faster and guesses the riddles.

Competition"The most charming and attractive". Everyone wants to be beautiful and kind. And those who consider themselves the most charming and attractive live happily. Now our girls in turn, they must go out to pick up a mirror and look into it without laughing to tell: "I am the most charming and attractive."

Estimated: emotionality, artistry. Jury score.

Competition"I'm an actress"

This the competition gives girls the opportunity demonstrate and demonstrate their acting skills. Participants - your task is to show yourself in the proposed situation with the help of gestures, facial expressions, movements.

walk like

ballerina on stage

The girl whose shoes are tight

Woman with heavy bags

Jury score.

Competition"Morning Star". Girls was given homework prepare and sing your favorite song. And we are happy to listen to them.

Last competition"Fairy"

Now we will find out if our girls know fairy tales. For each correct answer 1 point.

1. Fairy Fool (Ivanushka)

2. The one who walks on the sea and drives the boat (wind)

3. Winnie the Pooh's friend who was left with a ponytail (donkey Eeyore)

4. The woman who first went into space (Baba Yaga)

5. Reward for a feat, which is given in addition (half the kingdom)

6. The vehicle of the bridegroom of Princess Nesmeyana (bake)

7. Who was Freken Bok by position (housekeeper)

8. Cheerful man onion (Chippolino)

9. The rat of the old woman Shapoklyak (Lariska)

10. Which of the literary heroes was deceived in the country of fools (Pinocchio)

11. Favorite expression of the cat Leopold (Guys let's be friends)

12. Who got into the looking glass (Alice)

Last competition completed and while the jury is summing up, I want to give the floor to our boys.

Happy spring holiday!

With the first flowers in this bright hour!

Congratulations to our lovely women girls!

We wish you all happiness, joy, good luck.

Tolya Let this day warm you

Warm hearted wishes,

And let it accompany everywhere

Only wish fulfillment

Andrey May the sun shine brightly on you

Let the birds chirp outside the window

Every day was considered your day.

The jury announces the results competition. Gifts and flowers are given.

The program is designed for students in grades 9-11. If you time it to coincide with the holiday of March 8, it will be fun and relaxed, without unnecessary officialdom. Competitive tasks are aimed at the manifestation of any of the six senses (smell, touch, taste, sight, hearing, intuition).

The host welcomes the guests, congratulates the girls present on the upcoming holiday, invites them to take part in competitions and explains the rules of the game.

Competitions are best held between two or three teams of girls (the number of participants does not matter). One of the representatives of the team takes part in each next task. The winners of the game and the holder of the title of "Lady Perfection" will be those who win the most competitions in the program.

Mysterious scents

Participants are offered numbered jars filled with some fragrant spices. The task is for the girls to smell the contents of each jar. The participants write down their findings on sheets of paper and pass them on to the jury, which determines who did the best job. The jury records its conclusions in a summary table.

Jar content options:

  • coffee;
  • allspice - peas;
  • mint;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation.

Jewelry fingers

A large box is brought onto the stage containing 5 sets of hats, scarves and gloves. Things are mixed up. The girls are blindfolded, they are offered to touch a set of accessories from the box and put them on. In this case, it is necessary to observe the condition: a scarf, a hat and gloves must be from one set. Those girls who most accurately complete the tasks receive a point for their team.

Perfect Pitch

Participants of the competition are invited to perform a verse of a famous song with the help of rhythmic beats. The girls take turns doing the task. Points in favor of their teams are received by those whose songs the jury members managed to understand.

Song options:

  • "In the grass Grasshopper sat";
  • "Oh, frost, frost!";
  • "Smile";
  • "Blue carriage";
  • "Let run clumsily".

They argue about tastes!

Participants are offered juice boxes. Each box is numbered, but other information is sealed on it. The jury knows under which number this or that drink is recorded. The host hands the tubes to the contestants and offers to drink juice at speed. The girl who completes the task the fastest gets a point in the piggy bank of her team.

At the end of the first stage of the task, the girls are invited to name the ingredients of the juice that was in their bottle for additional points.

Juice options:

  • "Pumpkin - apple";
  • "Carrot - banana";
  • "Carrot - orange";
  • "Plum - apple";
  • "Carrot - raspberry."

Hold me straw, hold me!

The contestants are invited to choose a young man from among their classmates to participate in the competition. Couples are given newspaper sheets. They must, standing on the newspaper, perform a slow dance. At the same time, every 30 seconds the music stops and the newspaper folds in half. Those couples that keep the balance the longest will win a point for their team.

Seems like something like this

A bag of kegs from the Lotto game is brought onto the stage. The participants must guess the barrel with what number the presenter will take out of the bag. Those girls who are the most accurate in their guesses earn points.

I sit high, I look far

A fairy tale is played out on the stage (the plot is at the choice of schoolchildren and the teacher). Roles in it can be played by those who wish from the audience. Teams are invited to carefully watch the tale. At the end, the host asks questions regarding the clothes of the characters. Those teams that give more correct answers will earn a point in their piggy bank.

Love does not love

Each of the participants is offered some famous phrase about love ( Application). Their task is to portray this phrase with the help of pantomime. Those girls who are the most understandable and expressive get points for their team.

At the end of the jury sums up the entire program. While the jury is working, the song from the movie "Mary Poppins, goodbye!" sounds. The host invites the teams to take a group photo. The winning team is awarded a sweet prize, and all its participants are awarded the title of “Lady Perfection”.


Phrase options:

  • “I am writing to you - what more?
    What more can I say?"
  • “I remember a wonderful moment:
    You appeared before me...
  • "Love for all ages;
    But to young, virgin hearts
    Her impulses are beneficial ... "
  • "I love you, love still, perhaps
    In my soul, it has not completely died out ... "
  • "I love you, - even though I'm mad,
    Although it is labor and shame in vain ... "

Elena Andreeva,
MBOU secondary school No. 5, Udomlya, Tver region

March 2017

Tasks: To develop the desire to spend joint holidays. Bring up
cohesion of children and adults. Create a good joyful
1 leader. Hello ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, seniors and
2 leader. Hello! Today we celebrate a magnificent holiday,
holiday of the sun and spring, International Women's Day March 8!
3 leading. The official name of this holiday is:
International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.
4 leading. The history of the origin of the holiday goes into the distant past: 8
March 1857 in New York, workers gathered for a demonstration
sewing and shoe factories. They demanded a 10-hour day, bright
and dry work areas, equal to men wages. Then
women worked 16 hours and received meager wages for this.
5 leading. In Russia, the holiday was first celebrated in St. Petersburg in 1913.
And it was declared a non-working day only in 1965.
6 leading. Our dear mothers, we welcome you to our cozy class
and we want you to have a little rest from everyday affairs, to play with
us. And we will help you in this: your dearest, most beloved,
most adorable kids.
Today I want to laugh, joke, play and dance!
Let the guests smile and celebrate the holiday together.
There are many good words in the world, but one is kinder and more tender than all:
Of the two syllables, the simple word "mama", and there are no words dearer than it!
Only mom understands, even if you're wrong
Only mom hugs, becoming all relatives in the world!
Let songs about our beloved mothers ring everywhere.
We are for everything, for everything, relatives, we say thank you!
Mommy will smile and lighter around,
Because mommy's best friend!

My mother understands everything, it’s not even a problem with her.
And if, sometimes, he scolds me, it’s always for business!
Our dear mothers! We ourselves admit
Of course, we don't always behave well.
We often upset you that sometimes we do not notice.
We love you very, very much, we will grow good!
And we will always try to be good!
Mom, you are not dearer; Mom can do everything
Congratulations to moms today, we wish moms happiness
Our mother is not better, there is no kinder, gentler,
Let us become obedient forever, and congratulate mothers!
If it hurts me, mom with a good hand,
Soothes pain and brings peace!
We wish them only happiness, so that peace of mind,
So that misfortunes leave the soul, get younger and prettier!
Song "Mother's Day"
1. Winter the old woman hides in snowdrifts and in the forest
I don’t want to let her red spring into our land again
She will let in the cold with a burning breeze
And we will sing our spring song to her.

Kapkapkap, icicles ring merrily
Kapkapkap, spring is coming
Kapkapkap, celebrate the holiday with songs

2. Small birds sang at the house outside the window
Spring is coming, spring is coming, we sing her praise
The days are getting longer, the haze and the night are getting shorter,
Brother and dad are preparing to help mom and me

3. Stronger and brighter the sun shines on the earth to us
Rather, melt the snow and ice with your warmth
So that the spring streams rang here and there

And they sang a song for grandmothers and mothers with us.
Kapkapkapkapkap, mother's day is coming.
Teacher: And now it starts competitive program. Girls should
to be able to do a lot, mothers and grandmothers will confirm: sew, knit, cook,
sing and dance. Today we will check what our girls are capable of. But
there must be an assistant in the house - a man, so the boys
will also show their skills. And, of course, they will help their children
mothers and grandmothers.
To start the competition, we will split into two teams.

1 competition is called "Izoduel". It is necessary to draw beautiful on whatman paper
girl. Each draws one element. Appreciate the speed and quality
2 competition "Pantomime"
Girls love to imitate their mothers. They especially want to have the same
handbag, like my mother. And it seems to me that they already know very well what is there.
should lie. Items from your handbag are written on the leaves.
Depict with gestures what you forgot to take and ask to bring. BUT
the boys have to guess.
3 competition "Festive table"
You must set the festive table. Your task is to put 5 dishes on the table,
which must begin with the same letter. Think! You have 2 minutes.
(Example: vinaigrette, cheesecakes, jam, ham, vobla)
Teacher: March 8th. On this day, you congratulate your mothers, grandmothers, sisters.
Give them gifts and wishes. Our boys also prepared for
girls surprise.
There are skinny girls.
Some girls are fat.
There are also short ones
There are also chicks
Sometimes with short hair
With red hemp

Some girls are whiny
And the usual assholes
But more often - all the same beautiful
And just really cute.
Such girls study with us - in 4 "B"!
Congratulations from the boys.
1. On this day of our girls,
There is nothing more beautiful and beautiful!
You wear clothes -
Accept congratulations!
2. This holiday is a whole year
All the people are waiting.
Flowers in the classroom that day
Unprecedented beauty.
3. We will wipe the board for you,
Let's sweep the class better.
Write on the blackboard with chalk
That girls are queens!
4. We will try all day
You smile today
We will give up the place
If necessary, answer.
5. We love you, respect you
And we don't hate it at all.
It takes a lot of effort
We have to be patient.
5. Tails, pigtails, skirts,
Bows and ribbons...
Happy March 8
Congratulations, girls.
6. Congratulations on March 8,
We wish our girls
To be princesses, like in a fairy tale,
And smile more!
7. Always obey your mother,
And study with "Hurrah"

After all, spring beauty has come
And she brought gifts!
8. Let everything always work out,
Let the dream smile at you
Spring brings joy
And sweet sweetness!
9. Yes, what words to throw into the wind,
It just doesn't suit us.
From all the men in the world
Love to you, glory and honor.
The song "Today is a holiday for the girls" (boys sing)
1.Today is a holiday for girls
Messengers have been coming all day.
And the girls' cheeks are on fire
In the morning they burn with a blush.
The girls came
Things aside
Flowers in the hands of teasing.
Because today girls
Compliments come from the guys.
2. And the guys are full of generosity
Attentive, kind.
The girls are all from the side
Like first brides.
Boys give gifts to girls.
And we continue our competitions.
4 competition "Defile".

What is a fashion show? (show)
What girl does not dream of walking down the catwalk, showing off her beautiful
clothes. Do you know how monikers develop a beautiful posture?
Your task is to carry the book on your head without dropping it.
5 contest "I am the most charming and attractive"
To say, looking in the mirror, "I am the most charming and attractive" and not
6 competition "Hostess".
Who will bring more products for their dish faster and more: vinaigrette or
cabbage soup (products are written on leaflets and mixed)
7th competition "Photomodel 2017".
Who loves to be photographed? Now you will participate in
photo shoots (1 team member). Preparation 2 minutes. Can be used
improvised material for creating an image.
View photos.
8 competition "Gentlemen"
While the girls are getting ready for the photo shoot, the task for the boys is to write what
words affectionately can be called a girl or a girl.
And we once again want to congratulate everyone on March 8, wish you health and success
in work, study and sports, mutual respect and understanding, as well as
patient attitude towards boys and men.
March 8 is the brightest day.
And let everything be smooth for our mothers,
Never overshadow sadness shadow
Their faces, and life will be all right.
Do not cry, our mothers, never!
Patience to you, energy, health.
Let the children always rejoice

Let them surround their mothers with love!
Comic song "Lublyuka"
1. The baby often cries,
Tears are pouring down,
Crying me
You don't need to call.

I won't cry mom
Just call me
"Kislovak, snuggler,
And you are my love."

2. I walk again, I'm sad,
There is no mood
I won't forgive my friend Sasha
He took the candy.

3.Pours out of the eyes
An ocean of tears.
And sometimes we don't see
Mom's wrinkles.
Teacher: We invite everyone to festive table for a tea party. Enjoy
appetite! Thank you all for your attention. See you again.