International action "Day of S. Marshak's poetry in children's libraries". International action "V Day of S. Ya. Marshak's poetry in children's libraries" Outline of the literary hour "And then we will surely read Marshak ... Marshak's Poetry Day in children's libraries

  • 02.05.2020

Closing the Week of Children's and Youth Books, Murmansk librarians decided to dedicate International Children's Book Day to the work of their favorite children's writer, Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, who in 2017 turns 130 years old.

The regional action "Amazing Marshak" started on April 2 at 12 o'clock. In all children's libraries, libraries serving children, it was festive, poems and music sounded.

Colorful book and illustration exhibitions told about creative way hero of the day " good books– Good Way” (Central House of Children’s Hospital, Revda), “Sunny Poet of Childhood” (Murmashi), “Children in a Cage”, “Poet, Playwright, Translator”, “Unknown Marshak” (Kovdor), “Amazing Marshak” (Afrikanda), interactive exhibition“We know, we love Marshak” (MODYUB).

Readers took part in the events:
- Literary holiday "Our Marshak" (GDYUB Apatity), poetry holiday, book trip "Wonderful Marshak" (CBD Kovdor).
- literary games and competitions: decipher the telegram, rhythmic game based on verses (Revda); An absent-minded man played the game “Tell me a word” (Murmashi), “Zoo. " (Polar dawns),
- meeting "Amazing Marshak" of the "Firefly" family club at the Polyarnye Zori Central Children's House - a journey through the author's works, contests and games, a physical education session based on the magic book "Poodle". The parents did not stand aside either, they took part in the dramatization of the poem "The Wolf and the Fox".
- watching the cartoon "Cat's House", then building a new house for the cat and reading by heart in the GDYUB of Apatity. They were worried, sometimes they forgot the lines of the poem, and then both children and adults came to the rescue. The ball game of the father-football player with the reading of the poem of the same name "The Ball", the mini-performance of the puppet theater "Bibliosha" was remembered by all the children. And for each performance, Kitty rewarded the kids with a sweet caramel!
- The hour of poetry "The house that Marshak built" for some little Kirov residents was theatrical. Together with the dolls, Masha and Misha made a literary and poetic journey. Another group of Kirov residents participated with pleasure in moving rhythmic games based on the poems “The Old Woman and the Poodle”, “The Ball”, answered the questions of the “Zoo” quiz, The competition of translators was fascinating.

"Spring Poetry Banquet" - a place in the central children's library, where elegant first-graders of the Olenegorsk school No. together with their parents held a bright costume reading of poetry, together guessed the questions of the quiz, played.
Pupils of the Kandalaksha Central Library School gathered Sunday school, read poems, fairy tales and riddles created by a wonderful children's poet. Of particular interest to the children were "Children in a Cage" who accurately guessed the animals according to the author's poetic description.

The Murmashin Children's Library invited its readers to the holiday of reading pleasures "Amazing Marshak". On this day, the most active readers were awarded. At the end of the event, an encore was held puppet show"Teremok" performed by librarians.

The children's libraries of the North Sea Central Library for second-graders held a literary "Journey through the country of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak", the children took an active part in the quiz "Our Marshak".

Literary holiday “In the country of magical poems by S.Ya. Marshak”, was held at the Central Children's Library (Polyarny). At the same time, in the "Family" department, other young polar residents participated in a kaleidoscope of plots "The House That Marshak Built". The children guessed works from fragments, made sketches of heroes, and found out their owners by objects from a magic chest.

Snezhnogorsk librarians carried out the campaign on a larger scale and visited Kindergarten No. 8 Yakorek. Three groups - more than 60 kids - listened with great interest about the wonderful writer, whose poems are known to almost every child, solved riddles, got acquainted with the alphabet in poems and pictures "About everything in the world." At the end of the event, the teachers were presented with booklets about the writer and methodical material specially issued for the action by the Murmansk Regional Children's and Youth Library, which will help in conducting classes on the works of the children's writer.

In the City Children's Library of Gadzhiyevo, a verse "My favorite children's verse" was held. The famous poems of the writer were printed on paper and attached with clothespins to a rope. Children removed sheets, read poetry or performed special tasks, for example, guessed the name of the work by the lines. Remembering the rhyme “Where did you have lunch, sparrow?”, We played the game “Rhyme”. With pleasure, they solved a crossword puzzle consisting of riddles invented by the writer himself.

Municipal rural libraries took an active part. A fun literary journey "Which stop is this?" based on the works of S.Ya. Marshak" took place in the Belomorsk rural library. The Niva Library joined the campaign by holding a literary meeting "Visiting Marshak" for preschoolers. A literary lesson for preschoolers and an hour of poetry "The Good Wizard Marshak" for schoolchildren were held in the Tuloma Model Rural Library. Literary hour "Poet of the Country of Childhood" was held in the children's library No. 3 of Kandalaksha for children of the railway microdistrict.

In the village library n.p. Afrikanda held loud readings, 11 students of the 2nd grade of secondary school No. 1 took part in them.

A marathon of cartoons "Marshak the storyteller" became a gift for all participants. (Polar dawns). Watching the cartoons "Grishkin's Books" (Revda), Baggage (Nivskaya Selskaya), "That's how absent-minded" (Kandalaksha), "Mustachioed - Striped" (Polar), "Where the sparrow dined" (Kirovsk).

The Regional Children's and Youth Library held several events on its territory at once: the family literary and game festival "The Wizard of the Poetic Country", the literary quest "The Lady Checked in Luggage", the cartoon festival based on the fairy tales of S. Marshak.

Volunteers of the Central Children's Library of Olenegorsk have a difficult idea: to take to the streets of the city and hold a chance-quiz "Recognize me, please, recognize me!". The children armed themselves with portraits of writers: classics of children's literature - Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, Hans Christian Andersen and their countryman Alexander Sergeevich Ryzhov, a poet, writer, author of fascinating fantasy novels. Volunteers interviewed 66 people on the streets of the city, 15 children and 51 adult residents of Olenegorsk answered the questions.

Among the children, the most recognizable in the portraits was S. Ya. Marshak - 5 people (33%), then K.I. Chukovsky - 4 people (26%), G. Kh. Andersen was identified - 3 people (20%). AS Ryzhov, unfortunately, the children did not recognize. But they promised to look into the library for his book "Three in the Dungeon."

In adults, the leaders are S.Ya. Marshak - 19 people (37%), the name of G.Kh. Andersen was named by 17 people (33%), K.I. Chukovsky was recognized by 10 people (19%), A.S. Ryzhov - saw 11 people (21%). Unfortunately, 15 people (23%) of the respondents could not recognize a single writer! Sad!

The year of Marshak has started! Let's read his amazing poems and fairy tales! To all book lovers, scribes, we give an amazing conviction from readers from Olenegorsk “Adults and children know: Marshak is the best poet in the world !!! For 12 MONTHS we have been reading his fairy tales, exclaiming in astonishment, THIS IS A DIFFERENT, checking in the Luggage of the wonderful MUSTACHED STRIPED, KIDS IN A CAGE joyfully meet us in all zoos, and HUMPTY Dumpty amuses boring evenings.

1721 people took part in the action.

We invite creative readers of the Polar region to take part in the Competition of young poets "Letter in verse", dedicated to the work of S.Ya. Marshak. Regulations on the competition on the website of the Russian State Children's Library at the link

The event "Day of S.Ya. Marshak's Poetry in Children's Libraries" is held annually on the eve of the poet's birthday (November 3).
Promotion Organizer - Voronezh Regional Children's Library
The campaign was first held in 2012.

The purpose of the Action is to popularize the poetic creativity of S.Ya. Marshak and attracting public attention to the activities of children's libraries.

Libraries of Pskov regularly participate in the action "Day of S.Ya. Marshak's Poetry in Children's Libraries".

Promotion in 2019

In the Family Reading Library, pupils of MDOU No. 28 "Iskorka" and students of grade 1 "a" of the Secondary School No. 3 made an exciting journey to the amazing country of "Poetry", becoming participants in the International Action "VI Day of Poetry S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries.

From October 23 to 26, as part of the action, the library staff prepared and held a literary hour “Through the pages of goodness” for the children.

At the beginning of the event, our young friends collected puzzle pictures depicting the characters of Marshak's most famous poems and fairy tales: a ball, a cat, a mouse and a sparrow. Then, together with the librarian, they remembered the works in which these characters meet.

The cycle of poems "Colorful book" was chosen for reading. In the course of loud reading on the screen, the children were presented with multi-colored pages: green, blue, yellow, white, red, and numerous characters who "settled" on colored pages.

At the end of the reading, the young participants of the action took part in the game "Teremok". The librarians chose the name of the game not by chance, because S. Ya. Marshak has the same fairy tale play. Each "inhabitant" of the tower had to take his place in the house. The participant who did not have enough space in the tower was eliminated from the game.

The event ended with a viewing of the cartoon "Where the sparrow dined", based on a poem by S. Marshak.

In the leisure hall, the library staff designed the book exhibition "Marshak's Colored Books", composed of the works of the famous children's poet.

Promotion in 2017

On October 26, the staff of the Family Reading Library invited students of the 2nd grade of school No. 3 in Pskov to take part in the literary game “Journey through the country of S.Ya. Marshak.

Schoolchildren were invited to go along the magical paths of S.Ya. Marshak.
The journey began with a "mysterious" path, where the children guessed riddles composed by the poet, and also visited the "zoo" based on the work "Children in a Cage".

The "Fairytale" path introduced the children to some of the writer's fairy tales, moving along it, the children were asked to assemble a puzzle with the name of Marshak's fairy tale work, so they got acquainted with the fairy tales "Cat's House", The Tale of the Silly Mouse, "Mail", "Luggage" , "That's how absent-minded", "Mustache-striped."

In the hall of leisure and reading, a book exhibition was prepared, where schoolchildren could get acquainted with the collections and individual publications of S.Ya. Marshak.

At the end of the event, the audience was read the wish of S.Ya. Marshak to young readers:
I wish you to bloom, grow, save, improve your health.
It is the most important condition for a long journey.
May every day and every hour bring you something new.
Let your mind be good, and your heart be smart.
I sincerely wish you, friends, all the best!

On October 27, the Children's Library "LiK" together with MDOU No. 33 took part in the international action "V Day of Poetry S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries.

The children were introduced to the life and work of one of the most widely read children's poets, the author of numerous translations from English, Irish, Italian, French, Lithuanian and other languages.
There was a loud reading of the fairy tale “The Tale of the Smart Mouse”, the children really liked the mouse hero, who was able to escape and outwit everyone. Together they read aloud the alphabet in verse "About everything in the world", and then watched the cartoon "That's how absent-minded."

At the end of the meeting, the guys participated in the physical education session "About animals".





International action

« V Day of S. Ya. Marshak's Poetry in Children's Libraries"

Outline of the literary hour

“And then we’ll probably read Marshak ...”

Librarian of the 1st category of the Children's Department of the MBUK KSR

Venue of the event: MBUK KSR MCB Children's Department

Red Sulin


See eternity in one moment

The vast world is in a grain of sand,

In a single handful - infinity

And the sky is in a cup of a flower.

(W. Blake, translation by S. Ya. Marshak)

Purpose of the event: acquaintance with the life and work of S. Ya. Marshak.


- acquaintancewith the main works of the writer;

- identifying the features of his work;

- awareness of the contribution of S. Ya. Marshak to the development of domestic children's and translated literature.


- visuals: presentation "On the life and work of S. Ya. Marshak";

- equipment: computer, projector.

Methods and techniques: verbal (conversation, story), visual (illustration method, demonstration method), practical (game method).

Event plan:

Event progress

1. Organizational moment

Greeting children, checking their readiness for conversation.

Knowledge update

Guys, today you and I are participants in the International Action "V Day of S. Ya. Marshak's Poetry in Children's Libraries." So let's have a little literary hour. And it will be called - "And then we will surely read Marshak ...". Why is that? Yes, because after it you will probably want to re-read the poems of your favorite children's poet.

Let's remember who Marshak is and maybe someone will remember the poems of this wonderful poet.


slide 1:

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slide 3 : Parents of the future poet

Slide 4:

Slide 5: It all started when Marshak was only 4 years old, even then he tried to compose poetic lines. At the age of 12, Samuil Yakovlevich wrote entire poems.

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The first viewed cartoon, based on the poem by S. Ya. Marshak - "Baggage"

The next cartoon I watched was The House That Jack Built.

Reading by roles (line by line) "The house that Jack built." I invited the guys to discuss how this poem is built - (appears new character), new lines are added to the previous lines using the wordwhich the . My next sentence- taking this poem as a model, try to compose your own verse “Here is the school” or “Here is the class”, adding both characters and objects. It turned out interesting. The children enjoyed reading their works.

Then the children were shown the beech trailer for "Twelve Months":

Then a cartoon based on the verse by S. Ya. Marshak "About boys and girls." After that, readers were invited to tell about themselves, their hobbies, interests, and hobbies in the same interesting way.

Toward the end of our meeting - watching the cartoon "Heather Honey":

Readers met and learned the meanings of the words: Scotland, Picts, heather, honey. After reading the poem, we tried to figure out with the children why in 1942, i.e. during the Second World War, Marshak translated this poem, to speculate why the old Pict committed such a terrible act, what heroism is.

And at the end of the event - traditional photographs for memory at the exhibition with the books of your favorite poet.


    Galanov, B. E. S. Ya. Marshak. Life and work / B. Galanov. - M .: Children's literature, 1965, - 311 p.

    Marshak, S. Ya. Lyrical epigrams / S. Marshak. - M.,: Soviet writer, 1970. - 96 p.

    Marshack, S. I. Selected translations / S. Marshak. - Detgiz, 1959. - 512 p.

    Marshak, S. Ya. False fiction: Stories in verse / S. Marshak. - M .: Children's literature, 1983. - 159 p., ill. - (School library).

    - photo by S. Ya. Marshak

    - photo by S. Ya. Marshak

    - wife of S. Ya. Marshak S. M. Marshak

    - photo archive of the family of S. Ya. Marshak

    Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language: 70,000 words / Ed. N. Yu. Shvedova. - 22nd ed., ster. - M., Rus. lang., 1990

Actions “IV Day of Poetry S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries"

Libraries of the Shatura region took part in the international action “IV Day of S.Ya. Marshak in Children's Libraries”, organized by the Voronezh Regional Children's Library with the support of the Department of Culture of the Voronezh Region. The date of the international action - October 27, 2016 - is dedicated to the birthday of S.Ya. Marshak (November 3).

The main idea of ​​the action is the reading of poetic works of the poet by representatives of several generations of lovers of his work. The main goals of the action are to popularize the creative heritage of S.Ya. Marshak, a native of the Voronezh Territory, the expansion of international and interregional cooperation, as well as social partnership.
On October 27 at 10.00, young readers of the Shatura inter-settlement district library, pupils of MBDOU No. 25. The children were presented with an electronic presentation "Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak", which includes children's and family photos poet, pictures of his meetings with children and speeches in front of a children's audience. Library staff using electronic presentation, introduced the children to the biography of the writer, his books. The staging game based on the poem "The Wolf and the Fox" performed by educators aroused great interest. Putting on costumes, they reincarnated as the heroes of the work. Children recited by heart poems from the cycles "Merry Count", "Merry ABC", "Children in a Cage", took part in guessing riddles based on the book by S. Ya. Marshak "Rainbow - Arc". The host of the holiday informed the children that S.Ya. Marshak was not only a children's writer, but also a talented translator. He translated into Russian, knowing perfectly foreign languages, and the works of R. Burns, and W. Shakespeare, and children's books by D. Rodari, and L. Carroll, and R. Kipling, and for the smallest he translated funny rhymes from folk English poetry. The children listened to some of them with great pleasure. The colorful book exhibition "The Sunny Poet of Childhood" introduced young library visitors to other works by S. Ya. Marshak. Many children, interested in bright covers, approached the exhibition, looked at books and recited poems by heart. At the end of the event, an animated film based on Marshak's fairy tale "Teremok" was shown. And the most pleasant moment of the meeting was the presentation of coloring sets based on the works of Marshak “Colour a fairy tale”, which the library staff made with their own hands, to the little readers.
Radovitskaya library for pupils of kindergarten No. 27 held loud readings of a poetic work by S.Ya. Marshak "Rocked Hen and Ten Ducklings".
In the Tugoless school, children from grade 4 got acquainted with the biography and work of the famous poet and playwright in the form of a presentation. The children read their favorite poems aloud, English songs translated by Samuil Yakovlevich, and even staged the poem “That’s how absent-minded”, together with the class teacher they showed Marshak’s jokes, and also watched cartoons based on the poet’s wonderful poems “Where did the sparrow dine?” and Grishkin's Books. The main objective of the event was to instill in children a love of reading. fiction, to develop memory, attention, a culture of communication, to cultivate a good attitude towards people. The best readers received prizes.

“Who is knocking on my door with a thick shoulder bag…” - who does not know these verses! But in the Pyshlitsky library, it was not the postman who was visiting, but the beloved children's writer Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. Girls and boys from the Pyshlitsky school came to the library that day. The children learned that Marshak began to write poetry at an early age. But he wrote not only poetry, but also composed plays, that is, he was an excellent children's playwright. Based on his plays, both cartoons and feature films were shot. The participants of the event read an excerpt from the play "Twelve Months" by roles. Then they solved the riddles that S.Ya. invented for them. Marshak. At the end of our meeting, everyone got acquainted with the books presented at the book exhibition “Love Marshak, learn from him!”.
In the library of the village CUS "Mir" the youngest visitors - pupils of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 20" had a literary acquaintance "S.Ya. Marshak. Familiar poems from childhood." The children had to get acquainted with the works of Marshak, which were new to them, and remember the ones they already knew. The children took the reading of the poem "That's how absent-minded" very emotionally, and they showed the poem "Kittens" very vividly in their faces. At the "halt" everyone was happy to guess the author's riddles "What is in front of us" and "Question - Answer". Students of the 1st grade also joined the action. The children got acquainted with the books by S. Ya. Marshak "Twelve Months", "Cat's House", "Mail", on which cartoons were created.
For younger children school age The Korobovskaya Library hosted a literary hour “We are reading the good-natured Samuil Marshak”. The children got acquainted with the work of the poet, remembered the heroes of his works. They helped the Lady find the missing dog, and the Distracted Man played the game “Tell me a word” with them. Librarian Puchkova V.D. riddles for the children. In conclusion, the children had to recognize the characters of the “Tale of the Stupid Mouse” from the picture and answer the questions: “Who sang scary?”, “Who sang sweetly?”, “What happened to the mouse?” etc. The children showed excellent knowledge of the writer's works.
On October 27, MBUK "Cherusta Library" invited the youngest readers to literary game program"Visiting S. Marshak." A book exhibition-hint “S. Y. Marshak to Children”, where you could find an answer or a hint for each competition: “Name the fairy tale”, “Find the word”, “Continue the poem”, “Find the extra”, etc., also the guys solved puzzles, riddles, and they were assisted in this by a scattered man from Basseinaya Street. At the end of the event, everyone received sweet prizes.
The library service sector of MBUK "Baksheevsky SKDC" also took an active part in the action. The Baksheev library invited the children to the literary journey "Wonderful Marshak". The children got acquainted with Marshak the poet, storyteller, playwright, and translator. They were helped in this by his works, which were presented at a book exhibition. The children willingly read poems from the book "Children in a Cage", listened attentively to the tale of a stupid little mouse, after which they answered the questions of the quiz "Whose words are these"; took part in a dramatization of the meeting of the Fox and the Wolf from the fairy tale "Teremok". The Misheron library in the Misheron school for students in grades 1-2 held an event "Visiting S.Ya. Marshak." The children, together with the librarian Irina Stetsenko, went on a journey through the works of the writer. Children guessed riddles, guessed works from a passage, participated in competitions. The event ended with watching the cartoon "Grishkin's Books".
Clever and kind books by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak meet us in early childhood and accompany us to kindergarten and school, helping to understand the world around us, to grow good people, and then, already becoming parents, to make the world of their children bright and exciting. Marshak's poems and fairy tales are well remembered because they are simple, but with meaning, serious, but filled with humor.