Family photos are pages of memory. Family photography What do you photograph your family with?

  • 19.12.2020

Standard family photo shoot ideas for photos taken at home or on the street are gradually becoming a thing of the past, creative shots are in trend. You may find some of the tips below helpful.

Benefits of shooting in a studio space

Despite the fact that photosets are very popular in cozy cafes, entertainment venues, winter gardens and parks, studio photography remains the most relevant, as it has a number of advantages:

  • comfortable conditions are created for the participants in the process, you can do professional makeup, carefully prepare for shooting, change outfits an unlimited number of times and implement any ideas for family photo memory, which will provide a variety of shots
  • you will get high-quality, professional photos due to the right light, which is difficult to achieve at home or on the street; this applies to both mass shots and portrait photography
  • it is possible to decorate the space in accordance with your wishes, complementing the background, for example, with seasonal attributes and themed decorations

Options for creating baby photos

Young children can become participants interesting ideas photo sessions. Unexpectedly and cute look dad and son, dressed in the same trousers and shirts, and even better - uniforms. The little son looks funny in overalls corresponding to his father's profession. Such family photos in the studio with children are liked by everyone without exception.

For pictures with children, there are other interesting and original solutions. A baby who is one or two years old can be captured in a colored, for example, red heart-shaped chair or in a symbolic white one.

Poses for a family photo session with a child may be non-standard. For example, a photo where a newly-made parent throws up a happy laughing toddler always causes delight and tenderness. A small child "in flight" is fun! There is simply no better picture for an album of married couples.

During the photoset, mom and dad can play with children, build towers from cubes, and sculpt plasticine figures.

A few more ways to make a photo unusual

Try to create a frame using regular large frames. Poses should be natural, and photos should be alive. It’s good if the photographer captures moments when people look into each other’s eyes and laugh heartily. The main thing in such shots is the smiles and sincere emotions of all family members.

Relatives look unusual in outfits of characters from their favorite cartoons. To implement this photo shoot idea and create an entourage, use:

  • toys
  • funny hats
  • decorations corresponding to the general concept

If you reincarnated as cartoon characters about Mickey Mouse, let the main attribute of the photoset be big plush ears. In your own way of recreating the picture from "Winnie the Pooh", take honey with you and

good big bear. Photos in which each family member is depicted in the costume of Piglet, Eeyore, Tigers and other cartoon characters are unexpected, funny and interesting.

musical dynasty

Using a musical concept is a fresh and yet unhackneyed solution.

Participants of the photo shoot can get used to the role:

  • rockers (choose leather pants and leather jackets, use metal jewelry with spikes)
  • hip-hop artists (for a photoset in this style, it is better to wear wide trousers with pockets, t-shirts, caps, sunglasses, chains)
  • musicians of the classical genre (amateurs this direction in a modern interpretation, they often stop at trousers and simple shirts with elegant ties); you can take pictures with absolutely any musical instruments: violins, synthesizers, guitars, flutes, clarinets

Tip: It is better if everyone is dressed in the same style or at least in the same color scheme.

Use body language

Come up with unusual poses and angles. Take a picture with your child and husband upside down or draw letters with your body, as in this photo:

None of your friends and acquaintances will probably have such a picture.

A simple but interesting solution is to take a picture of the whole family under a light white blanket or winter blanket. The main stream of light should fall on your faces.

Choose an unobtrusive background - choose clothes in light, pastel colors. Main picture:

  • the uniform color of the clothes of the participants in the photography
  • harmonious decor, no bulky details
  • naturalness, lightness and joy; smiles of all relatives - that's what the eye immediately falls on

Think over the shooting scenario yourself or entrust it to a professional.

Connection of generations

The desire to capture the representatives of the older generation is very popular today. Such pictures are often timed to coincide with various holidays, for example:

  • for the anniversary, birthday of an elderly person (in portrait shots, by placing the hero of the occasion in the center, you can capture a beautiful cake - a delicious original or layout, Balloons, the corresponding inscription with letters made of wood)
  • to the Day of the Great Victory (the frame can be military - let the main participant of the photo have his awards and medals visible; such a thematic shot will never lose its relevance)
  • for the gold or diamond wedding of grandparents (the atmosphere of happiness, the holiday should be conveyed in the photo, anniversaries in their favorite outfits, smiling children and grandchildren, sweets and flowers)
  • for winter family celebrations (New Year's Eve, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Epiphany - the days when representatives of all generations gather), spring holidays (March 8, May 1)

Photos with grandparents are touching and remain a memory of the happy time spent together.

Photo with a pet: why not?

The original pictures, which, in addition to people, depict an animal adored by everyone, radiate kindness and love. Take a picture with a cat, make a dog, a rabbit, a parrot, a guinea pig a part of the overall composition. Let the photographer know that you want to shoot with your pet. Going out into nature is not at all necessary, since in photo studios this is most often permissible. Don't forget to bring a pet carrier or basket from home.

Entire collections of clothes are produced for cats, dogs and other pets, so it is not difficult to choose costumes for our smaller brothers. Make your photo even more colorful and funny - dress up your favorite animal! Choose a beautiful look: pants or a dress, put on a ribbon. A photoshoot with a cat, dog, rabbit and any other pet will be remembered for a long time.

Hairstyles, clothes, accessories for photography

When choosing a shooting theme, do not forget to think over the ideas of a family photo shoot in the studio.

When choosing accessories for a photo with a loved one, parents or child, pay attention to:

  • fresh flowers, plants and other elements of nature (if this is a winter shooting, let there be a Christmas tree in the picture; if it is autumn, the photo may have foliage and other appropriate decor)
  • large cubes, words and inscriptions carved from wood (“Love”, “Family”, “Best parents”, “Our happiness”, “ Christmas story" and others)
  • cakes, muffins, cupcakes, macaroons
  • children's drawings and toys
  • personal items that your baby loves, loved ones or yourself

When choosing clothes, try to avoid dark, gloomy tones. Prioritize:

  • raspberry, fuchsia, classic red
  • blue, azure, shade "Tiffany" (these colors are suitable for people with blond hair and skin tone, and swarthy brunettes)
  • yellow, orange, muted green - shades reminiscent of nature, spring

Moms can opt for a romantic summer or fall look with fishnets, flowing chiffon outfits, plain linen items or casual wear, choosing from jeans, T-shirts, simple blouses.

For dads, trousers or jeans in dark or pastel colors, shirts of a simple cut (light or bright) are suitable. A great option for children is floral dresses, overalls, beautiful hats (caps, wreaths, straw hats).

There are really interesting options and there are quite a lot of them. Remember that photographs have a magical property - to "stop" important moments of life. What could be better than revisiting the moments captured in a photo after a few years or decades? This is the best gift of all time, which you will remember looking at the pages of your personal album. And what kind of ideas of a family photo shoot in the studio to bring to life is up to you. After all, a photo process in the circle of loved ones is a real gift for those who appreciate precious minutes of communication with relatives.

A family photo is a treasure that almost everyone wants to have, because it can tell its story for many years. Therefore, it is very important for the photographer to take a family photo of high quality.
Besides history, family photo should also evoke positive emotions, convey warm feelings to the viewer. There are several rules, the observance of which will help the photographer achieve the desired result in this responsible business. Especially if he is included in the category of beginners.

And so, if your goal is to create a family portrait, then the first thing to start with is an idea. It is worthwhile to create a plan in advance in which style the photo will be created. Will it be a family for a walk, or in a photo studio, i.e. indoors, it doesn’t matter, in any case, it’s worth deciding exactly on this issue. It is also worth noting that the clothes that the characters will wear is also of great importance. It should not be colorful or pockmarked clothing, in this case it is better to stick to one style and shade.


The next step is to prepare the camera. Make sure all options and settings are correct. Check the battery charge and memory card to avoid anything unexpected while shooting.

Now a few words about the construction of the frame, how to place all the characters so that everyone looks good in the photo. If there are many participants in the shooting, then it would be best to place a row of standing and a row of sitting. This kind of arrangement is a classic option, while the photo looks more harmonious. But it is worth remembering that photographing people at right angles is not the best the best option. This can cause distortion of the figures and incorrect proportions, moreover, the dynamics are lost. It is best to arrange people in a half-turn, while the face will be directed towards the camera lens.

If the family consists of only a few people, say three, then you can use the “triangle arrangement” method. For orientation, you can imagine the heads of the participants in the form of triangle vertices. In this case, the position of people can be varied.
Facial expression is also an important point, no one likes to look at gloomy and gloomy faces. A photo with smiling or laughing people evokes much more good emotions. But try to avoid tense and staged smiles. This may make the picture look unnatural. If you capture the moment when the family is in the process of some kind of activity, say, a walk or a game with a baby, then this kind of picture, of course, will be much more interesting.

And the most important rule -good mood, both for the photographer and for the participants in the photo shoot. Shooting should not take place without desire, this can be reflected in the picture itself. Joke and laugh, do repeated takes, so as not to miss a good moment.

Why is its value lost?

Reflections on the role family photography plays in modern world and why until quite recently it was given decisive importance, and now its value is being lost.

It's tradition
Think about the last time you flipped through a family photo album. Remembered? Now answer, how fresh are the pictures there? That's it. By the way, you are still lucky - many modern families do not have such albums at all. It would seem, why are they needed, if the most successful shots can be uploaded to virtual albums in social networks, and those that are simply a pity to delete will be stored on electronic media for years!

Even 20-30 years ago, in order to take a high-quality family photo, people had to go to a photo salon. Mothers did their hair, fathers put on the best jackets, children dressed up in festive clothes. Brothers and sisters were invited, and on the way to the salon they always stopped by for grandparents. Family photography was a ritual that brought relatives together, an occasion to meet those family members with whom in everyday life the connection was almost lost. The shooting process turned into a holiday.

INSERT: As Susan Sontag, one of the foremost theorists of photography, writes: “The tradition of family photographs appeared at the very moment when, in developed countries, a large family actually broke up - as a way to preserve the connection between the small cells of the former community.”

This is a memory
Photography is a tool that makes memory almost material, physically tangible; its main purpose is to preserve and record. Family photography can and must help a child to learn about the world, because he starts learning from the family. If a child grows up in a house where pictures of grandparents are hung, in a house where viewing a family album is a good tradition, from a very early age he feels himself a part of something greater than himself. The child must know who his ancestors were and where his surname came from, to understand that his life is not a blank sheet, but a new page in the thick annalistic book of a whole family.

The craving for roots, the desire to learn more about family history can arise in a person at any time in life. Often this happens in critical, critical situations: when we find ourselves in a dead end in life, we try to better understand ourselves and turn to the past of our family. Home archives, in which documents and letters are stored, provide rich factual material, but only photographs can revive the text, turn fuzzy silhouettes into real people with unique facial features and piercing glances.

It's more important than Instagram
How many photos are stored on your computer's hard drive? And on a smartphone? Do you have Instagram? No matter how dear family albums are to us, we must admit that today technological progress has devalued photography as much as possible. We shoot on gadgets, giving almost no meaning to the resulting shots. the main objective these pictures - to cut down more "likes", after a couple of days we forget about them and rarely review them again. The same thing happens with family photos: hundreds of images of the same type can accumulate in your cloud services, on flash drives and hard drives, but you will never hold them in your hands and are unlikely to look at each frame for a long time in an attempt to see something new there.

In parallel with the depreciation of photography, the authority of the photographer is also falling. It would seem, why hire a person for a lot of money when you yourself have a camera, and you do an excellent job of pressing a button? Understanding that a photo report from an important event that you shot yourself looks like a mess of wrong lines and incompatible colors usually comes too late. Of course, there is no need to talk about any drama or aesthetics in these pictures - as well as about re-gathering guests for the grandfather's anniversary or replaying the daughter's wedding.

It's a way to strengthen a family
Despite the total devaluation of the digital frame, photography can and does have a powerful positive influence on a person's life. Properly organized shooting process and high-quality professional images have a serious therapeutic effect. Tired of everyday problems and unloved work, a woman in front of the lens will again feel desirable and attractive, and spouses on the verge of divorce will see how harmoniously they look in the photo, and decide to save the relationship.

A professional photographer is always good psychologist. He is able to look at the family from the outside, analyze existing relationships, feel the emotions of people in front of the camera, and establish contact with them. All this helps to competently take photographs and get photos that will be good not only technically, but also emotionally - the very pictures from the family album that you want to review again and again, and then you will not be ashamed to show children and grandchildren.

Experienced photographers advise holding a family photo session at least once a year - for example, on the occasion of big holidays or anniversaries of older relatives.

It is important not only to know the history of past generations, but also to keep a modern chronicle of your family with the help of photography. Family photography is one of the most effective tools to support and strengthen the institution of the family.

What emotions do you experience when reviewing family photo albums? Pleasant nostalgia, notes of quivering sadness and a warm smile on your face... Photos keep the memory of the most important moments and significant events.

Family photography is one of the most reverent and sensual genres. In the circle of relatives, you don’t have to portray joy and “draw” a smile on your face. Next to loved ones, we experience the most sincere and warmest emotions, which means that the pictures are magical, it remains only to give them a light entourage.

How to prepare for a family photo session?

The success of the photo shoot is the joint work of the photographer and models. This process begins long before the shooting itself. First, you should think about places, ideas, clothes for a photo shoot. In preparation for a joyful and a little exciting day, advise the participants in the photo shoot to follow these simple recommendations:

  • You need to get enough sleep, rest and eat properly. This is especially true if the family has small children. The child must be fed. It is best to choose morning or evening time - during these hours, when shooting outdoors, the most favorable illumination. will be full of energy after a night or lunchtime sleep. Even if you plan to organize a picnic with food during the shooting, you definitely need to have a snack before the photo shoot.

  • Schedule your time right. Often, mothers are so busy getting the whole family together, preparing clothes and props, that there is no time left for their own hair and makeup. At the last moment, unforeseen cases, additional chores and issues that require an emergency solution may arise. Make sure that mom leaves a margin of time for herself - it should be enough to put herself in perfect order. Internal confidence in the impeccability of their appearance allows you to look good in the pictures.
  • Prepare the head of the family. As a rule, the initiative to organize a family photo shoot belongs to the wife and mother, while men are wary and even somewhat reluctant to agree to such "adventure". Convince your spouse and father that for a full-fledged photo shoot, his presence, a kind look and a slight smile are simply necessary.

  • Don't use that dreadful command for the "cheeeeeee" action. Not all kids like to pose for the camera, but that doesn't mean you have to make them smile with loud and harsh sounds.
  • The photographer is a friend of the family, communicate with your models so that they do not hesitate to behave in front of you in the same way as in everyday life.
  • Focus on family traditions. Each has its own foundations, rules, games, leisure options. If your wards love to eat ice cream on Sundays, why not take some pictures right next to the kiosk with colorful ice cream balls? Playing board games? It is worth taking them with you for a photo shoot.

  • requires contact with each other - glances, hugs, touches. Ask family members not to follow the lens, but to try to behave in a natural way. Be warned that when you need to look at the camera, you will say so.

Wardrobe Tips

Clothing is a very important part of a successful photo shoot. Advise you to think over the wardrobe in such a way that the colors of the clothes of all family members are in harmony with each other. You should not dress too strictly and formally, let it be comfortable everyday things in which people will feel confident and at ease.

If the photo shoot takes place at home or, it is worth considering the features of the interior, the colors of the scenery, the style and idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shooting. It is very important that the colors of the clothes harmonize, but do not merge with the background. You can take several sets of things with you. So you will add some variety and make the photos even more interesting.

Some ideas for a family photo shoot

Even though great ideas are often born spontaneously, family photography requires preparation. This is especially true if you have to work with small children. As a rule, they get tired quickly and do not like to pose for a long time, which means that the photographer has very little time to create high-quality pictures.

Therefore, it is always necessary to have in stock “established schemes” and “working templates”. This may be the one hundred and fifty composition for you, and in the family album of your models there is not even close to anything like that.

So! Among the most popular artistic ideas:

  • photo session in nature. This is one of the most common family photography options. The family can just walk in the park, like a hundred times before, and the photographer captures one day from the daily life of people in the pictures.

  • Shooting in the metropolis. Sometimes there is no need to look for picturesque parks and cozy cafes. You can take some vivid shots in a documentary format against the background of a familiar urban environment. You should have a nice urban corner in stock, in which, for example, an ordinary portrait will look good.

  • Team shooting. If someone in the family is fond of sports, you can prepare a photo session in the style of a team game - all family members can change into the same uniform, take a ball or other sports equipment and go straight to the stadium, football field, tennis court.

  • Use of signs with bright inscriptions. This is a creative idea that is limited only by your imagination. The inscriptions can be very different: names, words of love, funny phrases ... They can be handwritten, painted with felt-tip pens, printed ... You can collect a word from individual letters, handing one to each of the family members. It's fun, original and interesting.

To make family shots warm and reverent, you don’t have to make a titanic effort. Just try to give vent to the love that fills the hearts of your models, convey an idyll through photos, and the result will meet the highest expectations.

Launching among the best family photographers of ours, from the very beginning we planned a series of publications about how important this genre is and why. In today's first article, we tried to find answers to the following questions: why and for whom do we need children's and family photography? What does it mean for the child and parents? What is its place among other genres of photography? Leading photographers of the country, members of the Russian Photo club share their thoughts.

“Our great-grandchildren need a family photo. Very needed. Just as we cherish those crumbs inherited from the great-grandfather of the pre-war period. We need it as a biography. It is needed, like a time machine, transferring to bygone times. It is necessary as a connection of times - past, present and future.


“A family photo is not just a photo for memory, it is a mood, feelings, atmosphere, carefully preserved for yourself and your children. A family photo album is a family history that must be preserved; it is a wonderful tradition that helps to strengthen the family. Looking at the photographs of grandparents, faded from time to time, we are surprised to find common features with them, we guess the heavy character of the great-grandfather by the look, and by the style of the dress we notice that the great-grandmother was a fashionista. Family photography is our family tree, which can be studied not only by the family tree.”


“A family photo is needed because it gives a sense of the wholeness of one's family. Understanding that grandparents are not characters in fairy tales, but real people who in childhood gave their grandchildren and great-grandchildren their love. Such knowledge of one's own roots is very important for a child who is beginning to grow up, for the formation of his character, personality and values.


“First of all, a child’s photograph is not needed why and for what, a for whom! It is necessary for the children themselves, and this is obvious. Do any of you remember yourself at 3 years old, at 8 years old, at 12? That's it yourself? For example, I don't. I remember how I treated myself at a certain age, but how I looked was very vague... I only remember myself and my parents from the frames they took, and what a pity I am that there are very few of these pictures! But then the whole photography was on a completely different level. Now everything has changed, it has become more accessible than ever. And you should not miss this opportunity to let your children look at themselves from the outside. Today or decades from now, a photograph of yourself as a child will evoke a flurry of emotions and memories of a time, a place, an event. And then I, an adult, will not regret that there is very little photo memory of childhood left. Take pictures of your kids! They need it!”


“I think that this is the only way, apart from paintings, to stop time... A happy time in the life of a child in a family, funny moments of childhood, tenderness between parents. Years go by, and everything changes, relationships within the family can, God forbid, become difficult. And perhaps, by picking up photographs of past years and remembering the old days filled with love, people will be able to reflect and try again to change their feelings, revive hopes and aspirations...

When I was little, my favorite pastime was looking at yellowed photographs of my then-young grandparents. It's great that they have so many pictures! I was surprised to find a little chubby girl in their arms. Turns out it was my mom! But if there weren’t these photos, I wouldn’t be able to touch the past of my family, I wouldn’t be able to convey to my children the love story of my grandparents, mom and dad. Family photography is a link between generations.”


“Our life is fleeting, and what seems to us eternal and unshakable today, tomorrow becomes only a memory. In the family archive, we keep a storehouse of the best memories and the happiest moments in life: the birth of a child, discharge from the hospital, the first photo session of the baby, the first shooting of the whole family ... Family photography becomes more and more valuable over the years, because only with its help we can mentally return to the past.


“Family photography helps preserve family history visually. This is especially important for children. Remember, each of us has cute and such native images from our childhood, which fade over the years, are erased from our memory. Photography documents these images, which means it helps to keep in touch with our past, with our roots, with the house where we grew up, with previous generations. Family album shots will take our children back to a time when they were undeniably happy and give them the strength to move on. For parents, a family photo will become a saga about the love and beauty of happy loved ones, about the growing up of children, about bright moments spent together. Family pictures will warm the hearts of matured children when they begin an independent life. And it is very important to print photos, preferably in the format of photo albums, which will then be folded into a real one. family archive. The pages of these albums will remember the warmth of the hands that leafed through them, and they will generously share them.


Family photography is also in everyday life, capturing ordinary, but very personal events that make up the history of the family with one's own eyes. These are not pictures of how we looked and what we were wearing, these are pictures of the real us. Surely many people have such shots, and we value them not only because we, our children or relatives are on them. They are dear to us, because they contain our life experience, they are our connection with time, cities and countries, events, people. At the level of sensations, we remember the smallest details, characters, actions, feelings of the captured moment.

I would not like to talk about sad things, but this is important: unfortunately, we are all not eternal. This is where family photography is important. If you want, this is the very trace that we leave behind. We remember and honor our departed loved ones, tell children about them, show them what they were like. It seems to me that this is an important moment in every family - to preserve and increase family memory. After all, knowing our past, we live in the present and build our future. Each photo is a piece of family wealth. Family albums filled with life, traditions, unique moments are a unique legacy for future generations.”

Natalya Andersen:

“Happy is the one who is happy in the family! And so that this happiness can be seen, touched and experienced again, in my opinion, a family photo was invented. These are such rays of warmth and light, the connection of generations on paper. Leafing through a family album, looking at touching children's faces, at young grandparents - and you immediately remember something long forgotten, but so tender and dear, and you understand that you are not alone. At such moments, you believe and know that everything will be fine, because love lives here. Let there be more of it both in life and in photographs.

Olga Lebedeva :

“In fact, a family photo is not needed ... It is necessary! This is a kind of spiral with many turns, each of which is a generation. One turn fell out - and there is no spiral ... This is a memory, this is an opportunity to go back. This is the key to a conscious future. We must know who our forefathers were, how they lived, how they lived! What they put on, how they laughed, how they played, cried, felt sad... This is our life. Family photography has its continuation in the family album. Each individual picture is a whole world, a whole life! It is necessary to preserve and increase this knowledge. It is necessary to develop in our environment the value and significance of family photography. Why is she needed? In fact, the answer to this question is very simple: for our peaceful future. We just know the most important thing: we have a family. And the family photo album is the main confirmation of this!


“It seems to me that despite the fact that family photo archives have somewhat lost their popularity recently, family photography is of great importance in our lives. A good family album is a treasure. It not only allows you to recall some event, the history of the family, but also reflects the emotions and inner world of people and even their attitude to their past. If you make such an album with love, interesting and of high quality both in content and design, it will really become a real family value and, it seems to me, will even strengthen family relationships.”

“The only thing of value in life is love. And our path is relationships with people. Time erases the visual range, and only flashes of light remain in the soul from highlights life. Photography gives you the opportunity to relive the happy and unique moments of your life. Everything is said in the famous song: “For everything to be repeated from the beginning, look in the family album. To remember what we were, save the family album. For me, in my old age, the family album will be of the greatest value, of course, from material values. The family album is such a time machine, and where it takes you back depends on the photos that make up your family album.”


“From childhood, I remember the photographs of my grandfathers and grandmothers, cracked, torn in places ... I remember how I carefully sorted them out in boxes, and then, together with my mother, inserted them into albums with and without corners, with windows, with thick cardboard pages. This is where family history is preserved! Awareness of the significance and value of photography appeared in me back then and is growing every year. My family history is also “written” in a similar book, and the visual chronicle is permanent. I shoot everywhere, all our holidays, walks and trips; I can't even imagine that some event will not be captured... And family values ​​are everything in this life!

Becoming a wife and mother, I realized what peace is in my soul! Family is a world where it is easy and simple to be together, sometimes to be silent and hear each other; these are caring hands covering you with a blanket on winter evenings; these are joint discoveries and travels; these are books read aloud; it is tenderness and understanding; it's looking in one direction. When shooting family photo stories, I try to convey all this in my works, to catch a clear and at the same time invisible thread, the energy that unites loving and beloved people. And I am happy that I capture this connection forever, these emotions for my heroes in photographs, and over time, the frames become priceless. Many years later, they themselves, their children and grandchildren will look at and sort through photographs, remember, be sad and rejoice ... All this is very simple, and this is love, family, life!


“For me, photography is a small story, a moment of life preserved as a keepsake. Our life is fleeting, days fly by after days, and sometimes just looking at old pictures, we remember different moments and our emotions ... Happy, magical, or maybe a little sad, but still touching and loved. A family photographer is a person who will preserve the history of your family. He, like a chronicler, will be there, collecting grains of your emotions and smiles, weekdays and holidays. Your meetings, walks, the first steps of children, their pranks and games. And I wish everyone that this person becomes a professional photographer, so that your pictures are really high-quality and harmonious.


“Every moment of life is unique and, alas, fleeting. And sometimes, in order to remember the joyful moments spent with your family and friends, you just need to look into the family album. It is he who keeps the first steps of your baby, the touching love for your soulmate, the secret sacraments of the wedding or baptism of the child. As a children's and family photographer, I see my goal in the most accurate reflection of such fleeting moments. My work is based on absolute naturalness. The more alive the photo and sincere emotions on it, the brighter your memories will be, the more interesting it will be for you to share them with others, to pass the album from generation to generation.”


“A family album is like a first and last name: it contains the history of a family, clan and entire generations. It is like orders or medals of grandparents; like diplomas or school certificates of parents; like an old great-grandmother's wedding dress; like the tune that played at the first school party; like a strand of hair or a child's first tooth that falls out. All these particles form the character and values ​​of your family and your clan.


“In this age of public digital technology and millions of digital files, family photography is needed more than ever. One. Big. Printed on paper or canvas, beautifully framed and hanging on the wall in the most prominent place. And it must change along with the ongoing changes in the family. It is even better if it is a “laughing” photo of all family members, which will not leave anyone indifferent. Such a photo is very energizing for the positive of everyone around. Look around, do you have family photos at home?


Why is a family photo needed? To hide in a family album the first smile, the first step, warm hugs and the smell of summer. And then open it and plunge into the memories, relive and feel them again and again.


“A family photo is a documentary evidence of family history. Why is it needed? First, it is curious: what was before you? What were you like 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago? What were your father, grandfather, great-grandfather like? Anyone who has ever watched a family album knows that it is incredibly exciting. Secondly, we are all inextricably linked with our past, the loss or oblivion of which can lead to a crisis, for example, an existential one. And thirdly, photography is the only time machine known to us now. Isn't it great to give your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren the opportunity to make exciting journeys into the past?

Family photos are pieces of the puzzle, parts of the picture of our world, our family and, as a result, ourselves.”