Krasuha 4 electronic warfare complex. American generals complain about Krasukha. The history of the creation of "Krasukh"

  • 14.11.2019

The new vehicle is a formidable weapon against almost any enemy air targets. Only she defeats them with not powerful rockets, rapid-fire guns or anti-aircraft heavy machine guns. "Krasukha" literally makes planes and missiles blind and deaf. Reports about the new unique complex electronic warfare prepared by TV channel "Russia-24".

Just yesterday, this machine could not be talked about not only in the media, but also outside defense plants and specially guarded military units. There was something to hide. "Krasukha-4" is the latest and one of the most high-tech developments of the Russian military-industrial complex.

“The system creates such conditions that it is very difficult for the enemy to get into our aircraft and shoot down this or that aircraft with the Krasukha-4 complex. 99% that this is impossible,” said Nikolai Kolesov, KRET CEO.

Such smart machines are worth their weight in gold. Their task is to act in strategically important areas. Where especially active reconnaissance aircraft and even reconnaissance satellites of the enemy space group. Tactical and technical characteristics Krasuhi-4 is a military secret. However, it is known from open sources that its range exceeds 300 km. When asked about the height, the developers answer with a smile: "enough, it won't seem small."

With the help of unique equipment, "Krasukha-4" can work equally effectively against any air targets. Impossible, but true: neither the speed nor the height of the air adversary affects the combat qualities of the complex.

According to Fyodor Dmitruk, general director of the Bryansk Electromechanical Plant, the tool allows you to detect an aircraft, capture and escort and, if necessary, interfere.


The fourth model of the electronic warfare complex is an improved version. Instead of an analogue - a number, instead of three cars - two. The product "Krasukha-4" is located on two chassis, which is a noticeable advantage. The previous model was located on three cars.

Each such board for "Krasukha" is made at least two weeks. But it replaces several bulky cabinets with equipment and kilometers of wires. Unique machine tools themselves water microcircuits. Employees can only control the process.

New details allow the antennas to rotate not just 360 degrees, but in absolutely any direction. The antenna manufacturing technology is also unusual. The shape of the plate is given to it in a hydraulic press. 400 liters of water and a pressure of 12 atmospheres provide the ideal silhouette of the receiving and transmitting devices.

The first antenna device provides signal reception, the second - transmission. The plate is fastened to the frame and mounted on the wheelbase - a four-axle KAMAZ all-terrain vehicle. So the mobile complex can work both in the Arctic and the Arabian Desert. Reliability is guaranteed at temperatures from minus to plus fifty degrees.

"Krasukha-4" passed state tests. To date, 10 complexes have been issued and given to the troops. This is a serious help for our strategic aviation, fighter aviation," Nikolai Kolesov notes.

Where to serve the most secret machines, no one knows. But the factory workers are sure that the result will be one hundred percent.

Tactical and technical characteristics

Chassis - BAZ-6910-022. The cabin is equipped with means of protection against microwave radiation. Installed Webasto SS4E air conditioner with electric drive and an independent air heater ON-32D-24.
Wheel formula - 8 x 8
Crew - 7 or 3 people + special equipment
The engine is a YaMZ-8492.10-033 turbocharged diesel engine with a power of 500 hp.
Chassis length - 12403 mm
Chassis width - 2750 mm
Chassis height in cab - 2845 mm
Ground clearance - 485 mm
Minimum turning radius - 14.5 m
Curb weight - 18 tons
Gross weight - 40 t
Load capacity - 20 t
Maximum speed on the highway - 80 km / h
Power reserve for control fuel consumption - 1000 km
- moat - 1.5 m
- rise - 30 degrees
- roll - 40 degrees
- ford - 1.4 m

On the Russian market technologies and equipment for the production of hydrocarbons for several years, the trend towards an increase in the share of deliveries from domestic manufacturers in its high-tech segment has become more and more noticeable. The imposed sanctions regime creates for Russian companies additional features to expand their niches in the market within the framework of advanced import substitution.

Until recently, the Russian market of technologies and equipment for hydrocarbon production was dominated by the world's leading suppliers - four American companies, informally referred to as the "big four" by their partners and customers. But for several years now, the trend towards an increase in the share of deliveries from domestic manufacturers in the high-tech segment of this market has become more and more noticeable. And it's not just about sanctions: Russian companies even in cloudless years in this sense, they intensified their efforts in creating competitive developments that correspond to the definition of "advanced import substitution". One of these companies is Gers Technology LLC from Tver, which develops and manufactures equipment for engineering support for the construction of oil and gas wells. Its line of supplies includes downhole equipment, equipment for measurements while drilling - MWD (Measurement While Drilling) and logging while drilling - LWD (Logging While Drilling), and other equipment. The interlocutor of Umpro is the director of Gers Technology Oleg Sergeev.

The market for equipment for the oil and gas complex is one of those segments where it is extremely difficult for a manufacturer, even an experienced one, to promote their equipment, attracting the attention of customers whose requirements in the Soviet years were satisfied, for the most part, by the developments of the domestic school, which originated at the end of the 19th century. Here it is appropriate to recall that the world's first drilling for oil was carried out precisely in the Russian Empire - in 1846, a well was drilled in the Baku province for oil exploration.

During the implementation of numerous projects of the engineering consulting company "Solver", more than once it was necessary to solve, among other things, the tasks of import substitution. This article will discuss the experience of the company and approaches to their solution in the field of repair services for the mining industry.

The Shell concern is one of the oldest and most famous oil concerns in the world. Around the world, Shell employs approximately 85,000 people. Shell has been operating in Russia for over 125 years, primarily in the oil and gas industry. In 2012, Shell built one of the largest modern lubricant production facilities in the city of Torzhok, Tver Region. Today we will talk about how the production culture developed by Shell for more than a hundred years is being grafted on domestic soil. Our interlocutor is the director of the branch of Shell Oil LLC in the city of Torzhok Maxim Solovyov.

The problems that business, organizations, regions and the country as a whole face today are much more complex and confusing than those that we faced a few decades ago. One of the reasons is the growth of interconnections that unite various actors in the country and around the world into a complex network of systems that influence each other. To solve these new complex problems, it is necessary to shift to a new human-centered value thinking. Value thinking allows us to be human-centered in creating innovative solutions while integrating logic and scientific knowledge. To realize the concept of innovation, we must ensure that we have the right mindset, collective teams of experts and an enabling environment (innovation accelerator tool). When we align our thinking, skills, and environment, we can create innovations that enable us to overcome the challenges we face today and may face in the near future. This will make it possible to create the best environment for ourselves and for the world around us.

In early October, the annual Autodesk University Russia conference was held at the site of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, bringing together Russian and foreign experts in the design of industrial and construction facilities.

The transition to the "digit" in the management of production processes, the use of digital models for the development and subsequent production of new products in last years has become a general trend followed by leading Russian companies. The next step is to master the work with a digital twin, the concept of which provides for the joint use of a real product with its prototype, a virtual model throughout life cycle: at the stage of testing, refinement, operation and disposal. But how to build a truly "live" digital twin, highlighting in a huge array of production processes data those that represent really valuable information? And how can you really use them effectively? Umpro's interlocutor is Carl Osti, who is responsible for the digital manufacturing development strategy of Autodesk GmbH in the EMEA region.

Studies show that in the last two or three years, investment in development digital transformation significantly exceed the average annual growth rate of the traditional IT market (communication services, IT services, equipment, enterprise software, data centers), which in the future will not exceed 3%, while the growth rate of digital transformation technologies (Internet of things, big data, predictive analytics, robotics, 3D printing, cognitive systems, AR/VR, cybersecurity) for the period 2018-2021 are expected to be at the level of 20%.

The transition to serial additive manufacturing is a global vector. The most important place in this segment is occupied by 3D printing with metal powders. However, for this cutting-edge technology to be widely adopted in Russia, it needs to be more widely available, which is markedly hampered by the sanctions regime.

Patriotic Foundry is the basic element of the machine-building complex. The prospects for its development are determined by the need for cast billets, the dynamics of their production, the level of development of foundry technologies and the competitiveness of domestic machine-building enterprises.

The “Industry 4.0” concept implemented by the German industry implies the widespread introduction of digitalization, the transition to practically unmanned production facilities, flexible conveyors, as well as to autonomous in-shop logistics, and today it is logistics that is increasingly becoming one of the main areas for increasing efficiency, especially in large-scale production. Mobile robots are one of the promising tools for improving production logistics.

Today advanced industrial companies in different industries seek to actively apply the drivers of Industry 4.0. Its concept includes, among other things, a radical renewal of the principles of production automation.

), in production and testing prototype the Novgorod plant "Kvant", which is part of KRET, took part. Serial production of electronic warfare machines is carried out by the Bryansk Electromechanical Plant.

Station suppression complex "Krasukha-2"
Purpose Radio cover by jamming
State affiliation Russia
Developer VNII "Gradient"
Start of operation 2012
Status in service, production ongoing
Years of production production continues
Included in EW and air defense


Cover command posts, groupings of troops, air defense systems, important industrial and administrative-political facilities. The complex analyzes the type of signal and affects the enemy radar with interference radiation. Carry out suppression of spy satellites, ground-based radars and AWACS aviation systems.

History of creation

The development of the Krasukha complexes began in the mid-1990s. Simultaneously with the 1RL257 Krasukha-4 complex, the 1L269 Krasukha-2 system was developed. The complexes differ from each other in the composition of the equipment used (“Krasukha-2” is made on analog equipment, “Krasukha-4” on digital equipment), characteristics and the chassis used. The Krasukha-2 complex is mounted on a four-axle chassis BAZ-6910-022, Krasukha-4 - on a four-axle chassis of the KamAZ plant. Information that allows you to compile a detailed list of differences between the complexes is classified.

State tests of the complexes were completed in 2009.

Start of operation

The first Krasukha-2 stations were delivered to the Russian Armed Forces in 2012. The 2014 state defense order for the supply of Krasukha-2 stations was completed by KRET in October 2014. In 2015, it is planned to supply two complexes.

The first contract for the supply of five Krasukha-4 serial products was signed on May 26, 2011. The second state contract for the manufacture of an unspecified number of Krasukha-4 complexes was concluded as a result of a closed auction on April 23, 2012, already with the Radioelectronic Technologies Concern. According to a similar scheme, on March 27, 2013, a third state contract was concluded with KRET for the supply of Krasukha-4 complexes in the amount of 18 units. In total, 10 Krasukha-4 complexes were produced in 2012-2013

Technical information

Technical details about the complex are classified. It is argued that the capabilities of the active jamming station make it possible to effectively deal with all modern radar stations. According to some reports, the Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system is capable of "jamming" not only the signal radar stations enemy, but also radio control channels for unmanned aerial vehicles. According to CEO Bryansk Electromechanical Plant Fyodor Dmitruk, the Krasukha-2 complex includes three machines with special equipment, and the Krasukha-4 complex includes two.

Tactical and technical characteristics

The range of the Krasukha-4 complex is estimated at 150-300 kilometers.

Export version


see also


  1. KRET fulfilled the state order ahead of schedule for the supply of Krasukha-2 electronic warfare to the army (indefinite) . Retrieved 16/6/2015.

In 2016 alone, more than 200 types of weapons were tested in real combat conditions in Syria. This made it possible to adjust plans for the development and modernization military equipment, which should help increase combat readiness through the use of the most effective weapons. This was announced to TASS by the chairman of the Military Scientific Committee of the Armed Forces of Russia, Lieutenant General Igor Makushev.

“In order to improve the efficiency of the work carried out in this direction military scientists,” Makushev said, “it is necessary to organize on an ongoing basis the collection and analysis of the results of testing in combat conditions, as well as their implementation in the practice of training troops with the involvement of specialized institutes and academies.”

Special attention was given the latest samples, which are either at the testing stage before being put into service, or have not yet taken part in hostilities before the Syrian campaign.

Here is a short list of the latest Russian weapons, which premiered in real combat conditions in Syria.

4++ generation multirole supermaneuverable fighter Su-35S. It falls short of the fifth-generation aircraft in only two of the 14 parameters that the “five-men” must satisfy - in stealth and in the use of radar with an active phased antenna array.

And in some respects, it surpasses the two fifth-generation American fighters currently in operation - the F-22 and F-35. For example, in terms of maneuverability, he is the absolute world champion. True, there is also the MiG-35, which could compete, but it has not yet been put into service.

US Air Force F-22 fighter (Photo: Zuma / TASS)

The undoubted advantage of the Su-35S is its excellent balance when working with both ground and air targets. Invincible in close combat, he is able to stand up for himself at long distances, firing at the enemy with R-37 missiles with a range of 300 km. Moreover, it also works well against "invisibles", since the Su-35S in conjunction with the AWACS aircraft has an excellent detection and targeting range. The range of air-to-air missiles of the F-22 is 180 km.

The fighter works equally effectively against ground targets, i.e. acts as a bomber. And he brilliantly proved this by destroying ISIS* fortified firing positions and caravans with illegal oil. The X-59 missile, which has an effective homing head (GOS) and has the ability to resist electronic warfare, flies 285 km away. Due to this, the aircraft does not need to approach the air defense zone. And, for example, it is very limited for the American Patriot air defense system, it does not exceed 80 km in a radius. There is no need to talk about similar means of terrorists.

The X-101 ultra-long-range air-to-surface missile and the latest modification of the 500-kilogram bomb, the KAB-500S, demonstrated their capabilities in Syria.

Rocket X-101, adopted in 2013, is the main weapon of the Tu-95 and Tu-160 long-range strategic bombers. It has a range of 5500 km. In this case, the circular probable deviation from the target is only 5 meters. Such high accuracy is achieved through the use of a combined flight control system. There is a traditional inertial system. Optoelectronic correction is used, implemented by the television seeker, as well as other mechanisms that are classified. The missile works equally on both fixed and moving targets. In the latter case, the KVO increases to 10 meters. But even this is quite enough with a warhead mass of 400 kg. There is a modification of the Kh-102 with a 450 kt nuclear warhead.

Adjustable aviation bombs KAB-500S able to plan up to 15 km. In this case, the deviation from the target does not exceed 7 meters. The bomb is aimed at the target using the GLANASS system with correction due to the television seeker. They are used in Syria on Su-24M and Su-34 front-line bombers. Demonstrated high efficiency in suppressing the forces of terrorists. So, due to precision bombing in October 2015, about two hundred ISIS fighters were destroyed with one bomb.

Usage cruise missiles "Caliber" became a worldwide sensation. A small missile ship located in the waters of the Caspian Sea fired at the positions of Syrian militants. The missiles flew 1,500 kilometers and accurately hit their intended targets. The West did not believe in the reality of the existence of such weapons. Since the maximum range of export-made Caliber missiles sold by the Indian Navy is limited to 300 kilometers. At the same time, the missile, which is in service with the Russian Navy, can fly up to 2600 km. So 1500 km is so, an easy warm-up.

Launch of the Caliber cruise missile from a small rocket ship(Photo: Snapshot from the video / press service and information department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation / TASS)

"Caliber" is not one rocket, but a whole family. There are missiles for shelling coastal targets, there are for hitting surface ships. The Caliber-PL missiles are mounted on submarines and launched through standard 533 mm torpedo tubes. They are capable of striking the coast, ships, and enemy submarines, using a mini-torpedo as a detachable warhead.

Unique properties overcoming missile defense is possessed by a missile of the Caliber E3M-54 family. It is capable of flying throughout the route at a height of 20 meters above the sea with a wave of 7 points. At the same time, the flight is subsonic. When approaching the target, falling into the enemy's missile defense coverage area, it drops to 10 meters and flies, maneuvering, at a speed of 2.9 M. Stealth technology is used to create these missiles.

Heavy flamethrower system TOS-1A "Sun" on a caterpillar platform attracted attention in Syria not only to military scientists studying the effectiveness of the use of military equipment, but also to Western experts. In one of the specialized magazines, such a description was given, more emotional than scientifically sober: “A full salvo of a flamethrower system is capable of incinerating eight city blocks, creating hell for everyone who finds themselves in the affected area. It is difficult to find anything more intimidating among ground-based weapons systems.

Heavy flamethrower system TOS-1A "Sun" (left) (Photo: Sergey Savostyanov / TASS)

The system is reactive, largely coinciding in the method of firing with multiple launch rocket systems. The difference lies in the "stuffing" of the projectiles fired. It is a self-igniting mixture with a high combustion temperature and a large area of ​​damage. There are thermobaric charges that operate on the principle of a vacuum bomb, destroying especially strong enemy engineering structures, including underground bunkers.

Electronic warfare complex "Krasukha-4" within a radius of 300 kilometers suppresses spy satellites, ground-based radars and aviation systems AWACS, communication and control channels, making Russian weapons absolutely invisible, blinding the enemy's reconnaissance assets. It is also capable of inflicting radar damage on enemy EW and communications assets. In particular, the complex blocks the control channels of unmanned aircraft.

The US military repeatedly “complained” about the Krasukha-4, since their surveillance and communications equipment invariably lost working capacity, being a couple of hundred kilometers from Latakia.

High-precision guided missile "Krasnopol" caliber 152 mm was developed in the Tula Instrument Design Bureau. It has unparalleled range and accuracy. The probability of hitting a target located at a distance of 25 km is 97%. The maximum range is 70 km.

The accuracy of shooting is achieved due to the laser illumination of the target, which is captured by the HOS of the projectile. The projectile is equipped with 4 stabilizers and nose aerodynamic rudders that open after firing. Almost the entire flight path of the projectile is aimed at the target inertially using an internal gyroscope. 2.5 km before the target, the GOS captures the backlight, and flight correction begins to accurately hit the target. Moreover, Krasnopol is capable of hitting even targets moving at speeds up to 36 km / h, that is, tracked vehicles.

*Islamic State Movement by decision Supreme Court The Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 was recognized as a terrorist organization, its activities on the territory of Russia are prohibited.