Smart fields, greenhouses and herds: agriculture is going to go digital. Digital transformation. Benefits and risks of digitalization of agriculture - Agrotechnics and technologies Program for digital transformation of agriculture

  • 09.07.2020

The end of the year is the time of traditional conferences and business meetings for Russian agricultural producers. At the third international agricultural conference, held in Moscow, the digitalization of agribusiness and other issues were discussed. As it turned out, in practice, many trends look different than they are declared.

Features of digitalization of agribusiness in Russia

At the end of November, the Ministry of Agriculture announced a new program "Digital Agriculture". Its goal is to provide a technological breakthrough in the agro-industrial complex through the introduction of digital technologies in agriculture. It is expected that this will double the productivity of labor in agricultural enterprises by 2021. And some steps in this direction have already been taken. As Andrei Kasatsky noted, CEO company AGROVITA, Russian farms have an operational opportunity to receive electronically detailed extracts on land plots from the State Register. Complete information on your land, border, current cost, as well as a reminder of paying taxes, information on benefits and much more can be obtained electronically in the State Register. And it makes the job a lot easier. economic services agricultural companies, allows you to monitor the situation with land plots in their regions. According to the conference participants, this is certainly a positive result of digitalization.

But not everything is so logical and effective in other areas of informatization of agribusiness in Russia. For example, in yield mapping. In theory, it looks simple: tractors, sprayers, combines are equipped with special sensors. Information from sensors enters a single system, is analyzed, then a map of field yields is built, with which the agronomist works. In practice, it turned out that there is one significant problem. Sensors that are installed on combines, tractors and other agricultural equipment usually require calibration and verification. There is no one to perform these technical operations on the farms. And the invitation of a specialist to carry out such work is not available to everyone. As a result, you have to rely on inaccurate information, or significantly pay extra for the accuracy of information. In such a situation, small and medium-sized farms are switching to a more economical scheme, using ready-made satellite images or shooting from drones. Pictures can be obtained throughout the growing season, to evaluate the NDVI index (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) - a normalized relative vegetation index, which can be used to judge the development of plant biomass during the growing season. And the other Additional information to collect independently available means.

As Dmitry Sherer (Kemerovsky Azot) noted, it is interesting and exciting to talk about yield maps, but doing it in Russian conditions is not so easy. But on the field of "decryption" of digital data, you can build a new successful business. Since the demand for such services now significantly exceeds their supply.

Farmer translator

The agronomic consulting market is actively developing in Russia. And the digitalization of agriculture has become an additional incentive for such growth. Thus, the AgroDronGroup company, which dealt with drones, quickly expanded the range of services by creating its own algorithm for translating the received aerial survey data into a language accessible to the agronomist.

The aerial photography market in Russia and other countries is much more capacious than the cartography market. A field map is usually done once every 5-10 years, and plant surveys are carried out from five to twenty times per agricultural season, depending on the depth of technology introduction. The service of translating information from digital media into a language understandable to an agronomist is in demand in many countries. The AgroDronGroup company created, patented and brought to the market an interpretation algorithm that interested farmers from many countries. The algorithm was created after multiple studies in the fields of the Southern and Central regions of Russia. By comparing measurements from the drone, as well as laboratory and field measurements, the company's specialists calculated an algorithm that helps to translate data with high accuracy.

As Dmitry Rubin, General Director of AgroDronGroup, noted, many companies make the so-called vegetative nitrogen index NDVI, which determines the relative content of nitrogen, and how much nitrogen is contained is unknown. The developed algorithm calculates the specific nitrogen content. And this is the agronomic parameter with which the farmer can work.

The company plans to create a cloud service where you can upload your data obtained during a professional flight of fields, and then receive them in the form of understandable information in your personal account.

Consulting as a new trend

Dmitry Sherer, a representative of Kemerovo Azot, spoke at the conference about how a company producing and selling fertilizers came to agronomic consulting.

Obviously, it is necessary to earn money not only on the sale of fertilizers, but also on related services: agro-consulting, the provision of chemical protection products, analysis and sampling, agrochemical analysis of the soil.

The company built the agronomic consulting scheme in a few years. Consultant agronomists are working in six regions, equipped with modern equipment. In addition, the central office has professional agrochemists and agronomists who promptly respond to requests from farms. Consultants commissioned by farms can inspect the fields, determine the level of moisture, soil temperature, and conduct other express analyzes with reference to GPS. Only in the Kemerovo region, the owners of more than 40 thousand hectares have already switched to such a service system. On average, each consultant can serve up to 50,000 hectares.

The practice of applying agronomic consulting is likely to grow. Since in Russia there is now a strong shortage of professional agronomists. And new technical capabilities allow you to quickly and efficiently serve the farm, providing it with all the necessary information.

Variable Fertilization

Almost all documents on the development of agriculture in Russia - doctrines, plans, programs - mention differentiated fertilization. But in this direction, as the discussion at the conference showed, not everything is unambiguous. Everyone agrees with the very idea of ​​applying fertilizers taking into account the characteristics of crops and fields. And every year there are more and more opportunities for mapping soil fertility in Russia. There are more and more laboratories for agrochemical soil research. Experts advise when choosing a laboratory to pay attention to their technical and staffing, strict adherence to GOST methods when conducting research.

Having received the result qualitative analysis soil, an agronomist can create a map-plan for differentiated fertilization. But to implement such a plan is difficult, and often simply impossible. It's all about technology. There are fundamental technical solutions for differentiated application of fertilizers on the market, and Russian experts know about them. But the price of such technology is quite high. If you apply fertilizer with standard spreaders, which are available on many farms, then you should not expect a good result. When leveling fertility with a seeder, the results are better, but they are also still far from expected.

Russian specialists dealing with the problem of differential fertilizer application believe that it will be necessary to combine precision application sensors, which are produced for machines from other industries, and install them on agricultural machines. Negotiations are underway with several sensor manufacturers to test them in the coming agricultural season.

The third international agricultural conference "Exchange of experience in the field of crop production and plant nutrition", organized by the Iglus company, showed that Russian agribusiness will have to solve many more different tasks on the way to its digitalization and increase in profitability. Perhaps the solution of these problems will be facilitated by the creation of the first in Russia industry electronic educational system"Land of knowledge", which will start working next year. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in 2019-2021, 55,000 specialists of domestic agricultural enterprises will be trained in the competencies of the digital economy.

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The concept of the digital economy

Remark 1

For modern society digital economy is a relatively new phenomenon. In a general sense, it is understood to mean economic activity based on digital technologies.

At the government level, the digital economy is defined as economic activity, in which digital data is a key factor in production. It is based on the processing of large volumes of digitized data, the results of the analysis of which make it possible to increase the efficiency of production activities, improve technological solutions and equipment, develop storage systems, sales, delivery finished products end users.

The digital economy has many benefits. At the same time, it is subject to a large number of risks. The main advantages and disadvantages of the digital economy are presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Benefits and risks of the digital economy. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

Be that as it may, it is the development of the digital economy that is the future. The opportunities that it opens outweigh all possible risks. Today, the digital economy penetrates into all spheres of society and all sectors of the economy. Agriculture is no exception.

Agriculture and its composition

Agriculture is a whole set of industries National economy providing the state and its population with food. The sectoral composition of agriculture is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Branches of agriculture. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

Despite the fact that the agricultural sector of the economy includes many industries, the main ones are crop production and animal husbandry. Crop production is based on the cultivation of land and the cultivation of agricultural crops (cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc.). The basis of animal husbandry is the breeding of farm animals, it is usually divided into two types - meat and meat and dairy animal husbandry.

Agriculture plays a huge role in the country's economy. It not only provides the state and its population with food, but also forms agricultural raw materials for manufacturing industries, primarily light and food industries. The level of its development predetermines the economic security of the country.

Agriculture is currently facing many challenges. The main ones are:

  • the problem of depletion of land resources;
  • high dependence on natural and climatic factors;
  • seasonality of production;
  • decline in overproduction of food, etc.

Remark 2

Given the role that agriculture plays in the national economy, its development is one of the priority tasks of the state. The country's government actively supports the agrarian sector of the economy.

Informatization of branches of agriculture

The current stage of social development is characterized by high-speed technological progress. Over the past 30 years, computers, and with them information technology, have firmly entered the life of society, including production and non-production sectors of the economy. Agriculture was no exception.

Today, the acceleration of informatization is the basis for ensuring the sustainability of future development. Innovation is at the heart of progressive economic growth.

As mentioned earlier, agriculture, as one of the fundamental sectors of the national economy of many states, faces many difficulties and problems. To solve them, you need:

  • reducing the pressure of the technogenic environment on the agricultural sector;
  • improvement of used technologies;
  • human capital growth
  • increasing the security of feed products in the process of their production.

It is digital agriculture that makes it possible to increase the efficiency of agriculture. Modern information technologies are firmly woven into the agricultural culture, ranging from crop planning, irrigation automation and digital crop modeling to the calculation of feed for feeding cattle.

Example 1

Italian vineyards are actively using a remote monitoring system for organic vineyards, created worldwide famous company Ericsson. Through the use of wireless sensors, farmers have been able to significantly reduce the amount of pesticides they use.

Thanks to the development and implementation of modern information technologies In agriculture, not only its productivity increases, but also costs, both financial and labor, are reduced. As a result, product quality increases and profits increase.

"Smart" agriculture

In order to cope with existing and future threats to biological and food security, society needs a new type of agrarian economy based on the use of modern information technologies, consistent with the principles of sustainable development and the model of a waste-free (circular) economy.

The modernization of the agricultural sector is based on the transition to “smart” agriculture.

"Smart" agriculture is agriculture based on integrated automation and robotization of production, use automated systems decision making, modern technologies modeling and designing ecosystems.

The intellectualization of the agricultural sector allows, on the one hand, to reduce the amount of excessive use of external resources (agrochemicals, inorganic fertilizers, fuel, etc.), and on the other hand, to maximize the use of production factors local nature (organic fertilizer, biofuels, renewable energy sources, etc.).

The use of modern technologies of "intellectualization" of agriculture allows:

  • preservation and restoration of useful properties of groundwater and soils;
  • provide environmentally sound and effective pest control;
  • remotely monitor compliance with the certification requirements of organic agriculture.

As a result, the capabilities of the agricultural sector, including production, are expanding, and the efficiency of using the resources of agricultural sectors is increasing.