Certificate form for electrical safety of the new sample. Electrical safety certificate. Electrical Safety Certificate

  • 05.04.2020

Personnel who are hired to perform work on electrical installations must necessarily have professional training in accordance with the nature of the work. For this, employees of the organization who do not have professional training are trained in specialized training centers.

Employees who have successfully passed the certification after training receive a form of electrical safety certificate of the established form. This document certifies the right of the bearer to work independently in the specified position.

A certificate confirming the bearer's knowledge of the rules for working with electrical equipment has an individual number. It specifies the organization structural subdivision, date of receipt, photo (3x4) and signature of the employee, seal.

A document that does not contain attestation results is considered invalid. The electrical safety certificate must be carried by the personnel at all times.

When increasing the tolerance group, changing legal entity, installation of new equipment, transfer to another position or a break in work for more than six months, it is necessary to change the document. It is also replaceable if lost.

The validity of electrical safety certificates is 1 year for personnel performing:

  • any electrical work;
  • repair and commissioning of equipment;
  • prevention of electrical installations;
  • issuance of work permits and orders;
  • operational negotiations.

The validity of the document for labor protection engineers with the right to inspect and administrative and technical personnel who do not belong to the above groups is 3 years.


The electrical safety certificate of the new sample contains sections showing the results of the knowledge test:

1. Regulatory acts (fill in the date, the reason for the check, put down the group and overall score, chairman's signature attestation commission and the date of the next certification).

2. Regulations on technical operation and the device (fill in the date, the reason for the check, the date of the next check, the signature of the chairman and the score).

3. Normative acts on labor protection (the columns are filled in: date and reason for the inspection, admission group, deadline for the next inspection, the assessment and signature of the chairman are affixed).

4. Fire safety regulations (fill in the date, the reason for the inspection, the deadline for the next certification, put down the assessment and signature of the chairman).

5. Regulatory acts and special rules in the field of industrial safety (put down the date of certification, the name of the rules, the decision and signature of the chairman of the commission).

It also contains the section “Certificate for the right to conduct special work”, in which the date is filled in, the column “Name of work”, and the signature of the chairman of the commission is affixed.

Buy a new type of electrical safety certificate form 2016-2017 at the Kopi Blank printing house

Getting with our help is much more profitable and faster (remotely, with a minimum interruption of employees from work)

At the end of the cycle, you will receive a certificate certified by a technical supervision inspector, a knowledge check log issued and executed for your organization, an agreement, and accounting documents.

It takes a week to resolve this issue (standard verification of documents by supervisors) + a date according to the schedule in Rostekhnadzor (depending on workload).

We take care of all office work (running around the offices, compiling relevant documentation, solving other issues).

We provide all materials + answers to tickets.

What is an Electrical Safety Certificate?

certificate - (in this case) a document, the presence of which allows certain actions and serves to provide civil servants or other authorities (ref. Yandex).

electrical safety- direction in safety engineering, which serves to prevent accidents and traumatic situations associated with hazardous impact electric current(ref. Yandex).

A permit document that gives the holder the right to perform certain actions with electrical equipment aimed at completing the task.
Always kept by the employee. It is provided to state supervision employees or other authorities on demand ().

How and why is an electrical safety certificate issued?

According to the Rules for the Technical Operation of Electrical Installations of Consumers, work with electrical equipment at the enterprise must be performed by trained personnel (clause 1.4.1 *). Therefore, before performing their immediate duties, the employee must undergo training (clause 1.4.7 *) and pass an exam at the State Energy Supervision Authority (clause 1.4.28*). (In the case when you contact an agent, everything is much faster and easier - author's note).
electrical safety certificate can be obtained in 3 ways:

  • 1. Create a commission at the enterprise.

    Pros: minimal costs, convenes on demand.

    Cons: it makes sense to create a commission when at least 50 people are involved in electrical safety in an organization; initially it is necessary to certify 5 employees from among the engineers for group 4 (if up to 1000v); and at a meeting of the commission to tear off participants from the work process; takes a long time.

  • 2. Contact a specialized educational institution.

    Pros: very a good option for certification of young employees (obtaining knowledge, skills).

    Cons: the worker breaks away from production, the process takes a lot of time (a month), financial costs are higher than in the first option. In the end, it is still necessary to send the employee to supervision to pass the exam.

  • 3. Contact an agent

    Pros: with a minimum separation of employees from production (preparation remotely + answers to tickets), getting rid of running around the authorities, costs are about the same as in the second option,.

    Cons: NO cons! All procedures are followed, everything is legal, the employee is minimally interrupted from production.

    Based on the results of the check, the examined employee is assigned tolerance group(clause 1.4.38*) and issued electrical safety certificate(clause 1.4.39*). The certification results are also recorded in the electrical safety journal issued to the providing organization (clause 1.4.39*).

To whom is an electrical safety certificate issued?

Depending on the position held and length of service, the employee of the organization is assigned the appropriate personnel (clause 1.4.1 *):

  • operational;

  • repair;

  • operational and repair;

  • administrative and technical.

As well as tolerance group (clause 1.4.38*):

  • 2 group- assigned to novice electricians (electricians) or electrotechnological personnel (with the release of new rules, repair personnel) to work with power tools (hammer drill, grinder, electric mixer, etc.) (clause 1.4.3 *).

  • 3 group- is given to electricians, electricians, employees from among the engineers for independent work on the attached site.

  • 4 group - the same functions and capabilities as in the third, but additionally they have the opportunity to train other employees to work with electrical equipment.

    Engineering staff are assigned 4 tolerance group for appointment with electrical equipment up to 1000v. (clause 1.2.7*)

  • Group 5 - assigned to masters, power engineers and responsible for electrical with electrical equipment over 1000v.
Checking the knowledge of an employee associated with electrical installations is divided into:

  • primary (when applying for a job, clause 1.4.19 *);

  • next (not later than once a year, clause 1.4.20*);

  • extraordinary (transfer to another position, other equipment, at the request of state supervision employees, clause 1.4.23 *).

All these data (admission group, personnel, knowledge test) are recorded in electrical safety certificate, and further activities of the employee are based on these data (clause 1.2.1*, clause 1.4.37*).

For correct and timely execution electrical safety certificates the enterprise is monitored by the person responsible for electrical facilities (clause 1.2.6 *).

Responsible for electrical facilities - an employee from among the engineers, appointed by order of the head to directly fulfill the duties of organizing and operating electrical installations (clause 1.2.3 *).

He also needs to complete electrical safety certificate (clause 1.4.28*).
Usually, either the chief power engineer or another employee with a higher or secondary technical education is appointed to such a position.
The responsible electrical safety group is assigned the 4th (electrical installations up to 1000v) or the 5th (electrical installations over 1000v) (clause 1.2.7 *).

For violation of the electrical safety certificate the person responsible for the electrical facilities is subject to administrative penalties in accordance with the current legislation (clause 1.2.9*).

Afterword: for your convenience, our organization will help you to issue an electrical safety certificate, with a minimum interruption from the production process. We will provide access to training materials (+ answers to tickets). We take care of the entire business process.

I would like to add one more thing on this topic.

Is it possible to buy an electrical safety certificate?

We can't buy electrical safety certificate, with us it can only be issued, moreover, in a legal way with a minimum separation of the employee from his immediate duties.

Why do people search on the Internet where they can buy an electrical safety certificate?

As the saying goes, if there is demand, there will be supply. Similar in a network it is visible-invisible. Selling options range from huge discounts to free issuance. a certain amount(4th crust is free, or bring two and get a discount). They make a "circus" out of a serious paperwork process.

No matter what, but many, so to speak, "sellers" do not even have a clue what they offer, and what such an offer is fraught with for the person himself (I'm not talking about the organization that decided to take this step).

There are still companies that not only promise to sell such "lewdness", but also swear that the process is legal, and the result is provided the very next day.

Electrical safety is a supervised thing, which means that without the signature of an employee of Rostekhnadzor (without checking knowledge) is not valid. Employees of Rostekhnadzor take 5-7 workers for verification, respectively, the time for registration takes at least a week.

It follows that the purchase with the receipt of the next day is illegal.
Of course, the signature can be forged, but due to the development of new technologies, it takes no more than 5 minutes to verify the identity. And after that, you know what happens.

What is fraught with the purchase of an electrical safety certificate

Naturally, they will not be shot for this, and they will not be confiscated, but you still have to suffer. As soon as it turns out that the certificate is "fake", the head of the enterprise (and most likely responsible for the electrical economy too) falls under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for forging documents (it doesn't matter what you didn't do, but just bought it).

At best, you will get off with a fine (not a small one, mind you) and they can close the enterprise, at worst, as "the card will fall."

But you can find problems and more difficult if a fake is revealed in case of injury, accident, or God forbid death.

If the investigation concludes that the head of the enterprise knew about the purchased document, he will have to pay compensation from his own budget until the victim can fully work, or to the family of the deceased (in case of death).

Before deciding on the above step, it’s better to think eight times that you will be calmer, issue an electrical safety certificate or simply buy. Weigh the pros and cons and make a decision.

If you still decide to apply, then we can help you in this matter.

Sample certificate for electrical safety 2016

electrical safety certificate is issued on the basis of Order 328 (Appendix 2 as amended on October 19, 2016 N 74n).
The photo on the 1st page is pasted at the request of the head (for energy-consuming companies). Energy-consuming - mandatory (Appendix 2, paragraph 10)

Vinyl-coated cardboard, 6 pages.

Size 95x65mm.

Specify the required shade of binding in the comments to the order or discuss with the manager when discussing the details of the order. If there is no specification, the certificate will be made in the base color (as on the sample).


Certificate of verification of knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations, in a professional environment, also called "electrical safety certificate". The electrical safety certificate form is made in accordance with the new order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated February 19, 2016 No. 74n. Electrical safety certificate new edition 2016 has significant differences from the old form. The size of the electrical safety certificate is 95 x 65 mm. Cover: bumvinyl, gold stamping. Insert contains 8 pages. There is space for photography.

The issuance of a certificate of testing knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations is possible only for employees who have successfully passed the test of knowledge used in the case of working with electrical installations. An electrical safety certificate indicates that its holder has knowledge of the safe conduct of work and skills in handling electrical equipment. Such employees have access to independent work in electrical installations.

  1. The certificate of knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations is a document certifying the right of the bearer to work independently in the specified position (profession).
  2. An electrical safety certificate is issued to an employee when applying for a job and is valid only after the relevant records on the results of checking knowledge of the rules and regulations for working in electrical installations.
  3. On the corresponding page, a general assessment of knowledge of the rules for the installation of electrical installations, the technical operation of electrical installations, these Rules and fire safety rules is affixed.
  4. Tables with the results of testing knowledge of safety rules are filled out for personnel who, according to their official duties and character production activities certification according to industrial safety rules and other special rules is required.
  5. The page for personnel allowed to carry out special work (climbing, testing, etc.) is being filled in.
  6. The electrical safety certificate must always be with the employee during the execution of official duties and presented at the request of supervising employees.
  7. The certificate is subject to replacement in the event of a change in position or return upon dismissal of the employee.
  8. The electrical safety certificate consists of a cloth-backed hardcover cover and a block of four pages. The size of the certificate is 90 mm x 60 mm. The preferred binding color is dark cherry.
  9. The front side of the binding cover is embossed with the inscription (in white or yellow): Certificate.

Dear customers, we draw your attention to the format of the goods. We sell a blank electrical safety certificate. Only responsible employees of the organization conducting the certification have the right to enter data about the owner into the forms on legal grounds.

Does your organization need a batch of documents? You can buy an electrical safety certificate in any quantity. Our printing house will print a batch of goods of any volume.

In the City Blank store you can buy high-quality electrical safety certificates (certificates for checking knowledge of the rules for working in electrical installations), taking into account all the rules. We are always ready to give advice on the purchase, delivery or payment of goods.

The Scientific Center PromProfAlliance conducts training in electrical safety according to the new requirements of Rostekhnadzor 2019, based on order 74n. Training is conducted according to the programs developed by the Department of State Energy Supervision of Rostekhnadzor.

The standards for knowledge of the rules of electrical safety, admission and the corresponding certificate of electrical safety in October 2016 were changed. The new rules were approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and acquired the status of law (order 74n). They concerned labor protection when working with electrical installations of various types and have not changed since then.

This year, all employees associated with electrical equipment must pass certification and receive a new type of electrical safety certificate. It is issued after the exam (attestation). A number of questions and tests include testing knowledge of the standards of PUE, PTEEP, the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, which were mainly affected by the 2016 revision.

In the absence of a new electrical safety certificate, the permit for the operation of electrical installations is terminated. Responsibility for the recertification of employees lies with the head or the one who is appointed responsible. Violating enterprises face a fine of 500,000 rubles, stop production and even close.

What is the new electrical safety certificate

Order 74n regulated the new kind"Short" tolerance. The document must contain:

  • Full Name;
  • the position of the employee;
  • Name of the organization;
  • category of personnel;
  • test note;
  • date of recertification.

The admission to work with electrical equipment is confirmed by an electrical safety certificate and a knowledge check log. These documents are provided to any controlling authorities.

How to get a group 2, 3, 4, 5 electrical safety certificate

Enterprises can independently train their employees of groups 2 and 3 by creating a commission of 5 specialists from groups 4 and 5 on electrical safety. To do this, they need to make learning programs, test questions, obtain permission for this from the regulatory authorities, order crusts. The attestation commission should also include representatives of Rostekhnadzor. All this is quite expensive and is not always implemented in practice.

It is much easier to apply to a specialized training center, where on-the-job employees who need recertification can easily complete the required program, pass an exam and receive a new certificate in 3-7 days.

Electrical safety certification is accepted by the Rostekhnadzor Commission (Order No. 343)

In accordance with the Order of Rostekhnadzor, commissions were created to take the exam in the state instance. Approvals from other organizations are not valid. .

Electrical safety training in 3-5 days

In our training center various programs are offered for the assimilation of regulatory knowledge for each tolerance group. To make it easier to get training, we offer several of its forms: full-time, part-time and remote. Distance learning of electrical safety is very popular today, because you do not have to break away from duties, interrupt work, go to Moscow to study.

Thanks to the online mode, students master the material remotely. A course of lectures is offered educational material, seminars, personal communication with the teacher in the form of a question-answer. This makes it possible to master the requirements, the rules of work as deeply and quickly as possible, to the extent required for each group.

You can get a ready-made certificate by mail, through courier service or with the courier of our center.

Electrical safety training programs, prices and terms

Courses are taught by professors the highest category. We invite legal and individuals on a one-time basis and on an ongoing basis.

To sign up for electrical safety training and get a new type of certificate, you need to use the order button. Do you have any questions? Chat with our managers or call the contact numbers.

To obtain an electrical safety certificate of groups 2, 3, 4, 5, you need:

The following documents will be required for registration:

  • application for training (Attention! When filling out the application, indicate the details of the organization, signatures of employees, certify the application with the seal of the organization MANDATORY!)
  • organization details
  • electrical safety journal (if available)

The form of payment is cash and non-cash (we work both under the simplified tax system and under the general taxation system with VAT), check with the manager.

Issued documents:

For organizations - consumers of electricity:

Certificate of the established form for a period of 1 year signed by a representative of Rostekhnadzor

Journal of accounting and testing knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations with signatures of commission members

For power industry organizations:

Certificate of the established form for a period of 1 year with the signatures of members of the commission of Rostekhnadzor

Journal of accounting and testing knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations with the signatures of members of the commission of Rostekhnadzor

Protocol for testing knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations with the signatures of members of the Rostechnadzor commission



First page: Second page:

Third page:


Check date

Reason for checking

Electrical Safety Group

Overall score

Date of the next check

Signature of the chairman of the commission

Fourth page:


Check date

Reason for checking

Date of the next check

Signature of the chairman of the commission

Fifth page:


Check date

Reason for checking

Electrical Safety Group

Date of the next check

Signature of the chairman of the commission

Sixth page:


Check date

Reason for checking

Date of the next check

Signature of the chairman of the commission

Seventh page:


Check date

Name of the Rules

Commission decision

Signature of the chairman of the commission

Eighth page:


1. A certificate of knowledge of the rules for working in electrical installations (hereinafter referred to as the certificate) is a document certifying the right of the bearer to work independently in the specified position.

2. The certificate is issued to the employee when applying for a job and is valid only after the relevant records on the results of checking knowledge of the rules for working in electrical installations, assigning an electrical safety group.

3. Second page of the certificate:

in the column "Admitted as" the category of personnel is indicated: administrative and technical (managers and specialists), dispatching, operational, operational and repair, maintenance personnel, etc.;

the column "to work in electrical installations with voltage" is filled in after checking the knowledge for workers admitted in accordance with the ORD of the organization or separate subdivision, to perform work or organize the safe performance of work in electrical installations indicating the voltage class (up to 1000 V, up to and above 1000 V).

7. The eighth page is filled out for workers allowed to carry out special work (work performed at a height of more than 5 m from the ground, ceiling or working floor, on which work is carried out directly from structures or equipment during their installation or repair with the obligatory use of protective equipment from falling from a height, testing, etc.).

8. The certificate must always be with the employee during the performance of his official duties and presented at the request of supervisory employees.

9. The certificate is subject to replacement in case of a change in position.

10. The certificate consists of a hard cover and a block of pages. In the certificate for consumers of electrical energy, the presence of the fourth,