Extracurricular event "Birds are our friends!". Ecological extracurricular activity. Quiz "Birds are our friends and neighbors" Quiz script birds are our friends

  • 13.11.2019
  • Ecology
  • Preschool education
  • 18.02.2018

Objectives: To consolidate children's knowledge about birds; learn to highlight the relationship in nature; cultivate love for birds and form a caring attitude towards birds; evoke joy and surprise in children from observing the life of birds through photographic materials. Quiz course: Educator (includes a soundtrack with bird voices). Children, what do you think the voices of which birds are heard in the forest? Children. Nightingale, starling, cuckoo. Educator. How did they sing? What other sounds were heard in the forest? What can be concluded? Children. The singing of birds is bursting, cheerful, joyful. There were many other sounds in the forest: knocking, rustling. There are so many sounds in the forest in the spring, when birds arrive from warm lands, begin to make nests, and arrange places for hatching chicks. Educator. Guys, why are some birds called migratory, and others wintering? Children. There are birds. who can adapt to winter conditions- tits, magpies, crows, sparrows - these birds are wintering, and those birds that can live only in the warm season are forced to fly from one place to another where it is warm, such birds are called migratory. Photohunter. (knocks on the door, enters with a gun). Hello children! Did I correctly come from an ad where the guys consider themselves friends of birds? Children. But who are you? Why do you have a gun? Photohunter. This gun is unusual, they do not shoot from it, but observe birds, animals and flora at close range and you can photograph any interesting moment in their life. To get an interesting photograph, it is necessary for a long time, like a hunter, to be observant, careful, walk a lot of forest paths, track down, wait. Children, what do you think my profession is? What is it called? Children. You work in the forest like a hunter, but with a photo gun, so your profession is called a photo hunter. Photohunter. Guys, think and answer me why this profession is needed. Children (talk). A photohunter seeks out interesting moments from the life of plants and animals, and people need to know this. To learn to love them. Protect, preserve the beauty of the world around us, because people will not know the life of nature, then they can destroy it. Photohunter (takes out an envelope). Guys, I specially prepared questions for you and put them in separate envelopes, these questions are about the life of birds, they will help you learn more about them and will open many more interesting things for you. - I will spread these envelopes in a circle, by rotating the disk the arrow will point to one of the envelopes, you will answer that question. For the answer, you will receive a badge, and at the end of the game we will count the number of badges earned and determine which of you knows more about birds. Game: 1st question: Where and from what does the swallow nest? (Under the roof of a house made of clay moistened with saliva). Question 2: Why can't swallows be kept in captivity? (She may die, as she gets food on the fly). 3rd question: What kind of birds do you know and what benefits do they bring? (Starlings - destroy May beetles, slugs; rooks - save trees from caterpillars; sparrows - destroy insects, pests of the park and forest). 4th question: What are the signs associated with birds. (The swallow flies low - before the rain. The swallow flew in - soon thunder will strike. I saw a rook - meet spring). 5th question: What verses about birds do you know? (“Feed the birds in winter…”, “Rooks”, “Swallow”.) 6th question: What kind of care do we take about birds? (We protect nests, help in trouble, hang out feeders, birdhouses). 7th question: Who will explain the meaning of the word "feathered"? (The body of birds is covered with feathers, hence the word for birds - feathered). Game pause: “Find out what kind of bird? » Photohunter. Children, I will tell you how I once managed to see one of the birds. - I went to wander in a birch grove. The sun breaks its rays through the tops of birches. And suddenly I heard a familiar forest voice: ku-ku, ku-ku… I heard her voice many times, but I didn’t have to see it up close. I began to come closer, and she flies away from me to another place. I thought he was playing hide and seek with me. Well, I think you're going to look for me now. I climbed into a hazel bush, also cuckooed once, twice. The cuckoo was silent. And I am silent: suddenly I see: a bird flies like a hawk to a neighboring tree, sat on a twig and ku-ku, ku-ku. Then I took a gun and began to watch her, and then I would cuckoo her from the bushes. With a fright, she almost fell off the tree, sniffed and flew away. That's how we talked to her. Encouragement of children in the form of gratitude, praise. Photohunter. In parting, I want to give you photos of the most interesting moments in the life of birds that I had to observe. Distributes photos to children, says goodbye until the next meeting.

Quiz "Birds are our friends"

Purpose: To activate children's knowledge about birds; develop thinking, the ability to concentrate attention to find an answer; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Event progress:

Leading: we are glad to see you on our quiz "Birds are our friends". Let's greet our members (two teams). We present to you the jury. The jury evaluates each correct answer with one point. We begin!

Competition "All about birds"

    Why is the woodpecker called the "helper" of other birds?(The woodpecker crushes the bark of trees and thus makes it easier for other birds to get food).

    Who sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by?(Owl, owl).

    What birds live on the high seas for years, even sleep on the waves, swaying like a float?(Albatrosses, frigates)

    What birds were used in ancient Greece to send messages over long distances?(Pigeons. Pigeon mail exists in our time).

    What is the main reason for the flight of birds to warmer climes with the advent of autumn? (Only because of the lack of food. The cold is not the reason for the flight. A hungry bird freezes, a full one never.)

    What birds come to us first in spring?(Rooks)

    Why do rooks “open” spring, and why do swallows arrive later than other birds?(Because of the way they feed. Rooks seek food in the soil, and swallows catch insects in flight. Insects in the air appear later, respectively, and swallows arrive later than other birds.)

    Why are migratory birds in such a hurry in spring, but not in autumn?(Birds do not fly away in autumn as long as there is food.)

    Which birds don't fly at all?(ostriches, penguins)

    Which bird has the male incubating the eggs?(In ostriches)

    What bird's chick does not know its mother?(Cuckoo chick)

    Where do crows sleep in winter and autumn?(On trees in gardens and parks, gathering in small flocks.)

    Who rests sitting on the wires? If it flies low to the ground, it will rain.(Martin)

    What is the name of the meeting of two roosters?(Cockfighting)

    What time does the sparrow wake up?(Last of all birds, but always at the same time at 5-6 o'clock in the morning.)

    What is the name of the large bright bird a detachment of chickens with a long tail, which is partially domesticated?(Pheasant, peacock)

    Who is called the king of birds?(Orla)

    What is the largest bird in the world?(Ostrich)

    What is the smallest bird?(Hummingbird)

    Which bird flies the fastest?(Swift)

    Which bird flies the highest?(Eagle)

    What is the smallest bird in our country?(King)

    What birds have a long tail?(Peacock, magpie)

    Which bird can fly tail first?(Hummingbird)

    What bird of our forests best imitates bird voices?(Starling)

    Which bird is a symbol of beauty, purity and tenderness?(Swan)

    What bird is considered the mistress of the night forest?(Owl)

    What bird lives in a basket nest?(Oriole)

    Which birds catch insects in flight?(Swallow, swift)

    Which birds are faithful to each other all their lives?(Swan geese)

Competition "Birds in Literature"

    Which Domestic bird in Russian folk tale demolished not simple, but golden egg? (Hen Ryaba).

    What bird did Thumbelina save from the winter cold in the fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen? (Swallow).

    What bird did he turn into ugly duck in the fairy tale G.-Kh. Andersen? (into a swan).

    What brave, domestic bird in a Russian folk tale drove the fox out of the hare's hut? (Rooster).

    From which bird in the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin suffered Tsar Dadon? (From the Golden Cockerel).

    What bird was the king in the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors in the fairy tale by V. Gubarev? (Parrot).

    What bird saved the life of the emperor of China in the fairy tale of G.-Kh. Andersen? (Nightingale).

    What birds did the evil stepmother of the Eliza brothers turn into in the fairy tale of G.-Kh. Andersen? (In wild swans).

    Which bird tried to help Gerda find Kai? (Crow).

    What bird is in the fable of I.A. Krylova lost her cheese? (Crow).

    Which bird read the moral in the fable of I.A. Krylov's "Quartet" (Nightingale).

    What birds came to visit the cat in the fairy tale by S.Ya. Marshak "Cat's House" (Rooster and chicken).

    Which bird gave the donkey Eeyore his own tail for his birthday? (Owl).

    What birds helped Aibolit get to Africa? (Eagles).

    Feather of what bird was found by Ershov's hero "Humpbacked Horse"? (Firebirds).

    What bird guarded the death of Koshcheev? (Duck).

    What bird in A. Tolstoy's fairy tale said about Pinocchio: "The patient is more dead than alive"? (Owl)

    What kind of poultry helped Pinocchio to get into the tavern of the "Three minnows" unnoticed by Karabas Barabas? (Rooster).

    With what bird Pinocchio flew away from the robbers? (Swan).

    Which bird brought fried game for Malvina. (Hawk).

    What bird did Vasilisa the Wise turn into and fly away in the Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess"? (Swan).

    Which birds in K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Telephone" complained:

    "We ate too many frogs today

    And our stomachs hurt!”? (Herons).

Competition "Quick answers"

    Bird house. (Nest.)

    Whistle for beckoning birds and animals. (Decoy.)

    Hole in birdhouse and house budgerigars. (Tray.)

    Bird hands. (Wings.)

    Duck legs. (Paws.)

    Forest Doctor. (Woodpecker.)

    Feathered heralds of spring. (Rooks.)

    Child of any birds. (Chick.)

    The mouth and nose of a bird. (Beak.)

    A bird soaring over the ocean. (Albatross.)

    A bird that looks like a swallow. (Swift.)

    For her love of shiny objects, she is called a thief. (Magpie.)

Captains competition

    Who runs faster, a goose or a man?Goose

    The smallest bird? Hummingbird. 57mm. 1.5g

    Which bird can turn its head 360 degrees?Owl

    The most talented bird in dancing?Crane

    How long is an ostrich's stride?4-5 meters

    The fastest bird?Falcon. 250km/h

    The most large bird? Ostrich. 2.4m

    Forest Doctor?Woodpecker

    Who is called a living clock?Rooster

    Who is the king of the bird yard?Rooster

Leading: Well done boys!

Summing up (the jury announces the winners). Congratulation.

Synopsis of the game - quizzes to familiarize children with the natural environment in senior group on the topic: "Our feathered friends."

: Consolidate children's knowledge of birds native land; exercise in the ability to make descriptive riddles about birds; recognize birds by voices, on slides; practice counting within 10.
Develop logical thinking, speed of reaction.
Exercise in the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of the players of their team, to follow the rules of the quiz.
Learn to behave properly in nature, so as not to harm it; to form an ecologically conscious attitude towards nature and its inhabitants, to cultivate interest and caring attitude towards birds - our friends.
Vocabulary work: birds, migratory, wintering, nest, birdhouse, chips, edge, region, slide, screen.
Material: map of the Samara region; tree layout, planar images of birds to it; tape recorder, audio recording with the voices of birds; audio recording of M. Glinka's music "The Lark"; a screen, a projector, a selection of slides on a computer depicting: a magpie, a peacock, a stork, a goldfinch, a pelican, an ostrich, a nightingale, a crossbill, a swift, a penguin; 2 sets of birdhouse paper parts, magnetic board, magnets; medals - gold and silver according to the number of players in the teams; magpie costume; chips; caps of birds (owl, tit, sparrow, swallow).
Preliminary work: bird watching; conversations about the life of birds; excursions to the nesting place of birds; viewing a map of the Samara region; production by parents of pupils of feeders and birdhouses; participation in the campaigns “Feed the birds in winter”, “Meet the starlings”; learning poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings about birds; production of attributes for the quiz; creating slides on the topic of classes; didactic games about birds.

Quiz progress:

Children sit in a semicircle.
Educator: Dear friends! Look, we live in an amazing, wonderful region (shows on the map). What is the name of the region where we live?
Children: Samara Region.
Educator: Well done! Correctly. What do you think our region is rich in?
Children: Forests, wildlife, rivers, lakes.
Educator: Good girls! Yes, we have a very rich flora and fauna. There are many lakes, rivers, forests, meadows, which need to be carefully and carefully treated. There are also many birds in our area. Why do we call birds our friends?
Children: Birds destroy harmful insects and caterpillars, preserving the foliage of trees and shrubs. They delight us with their wonderful singing.
Educator: Why are birds called feathered?
Children: Because their body is covered with feathers.
Educator: Well done! Answered correctly. Today I invite you to take part in the game - the quiz "Our feathered friends" and check how well you know the birds of your native land. Do you agree?
Children: Yes.
Educator: First, let's remember the rules that must be observed during the quiz.
- Listen to the question until the end.
- Raise your hand, do not shout from the spot.
- Do not interrupt your comrades.
- Do not prompt.
- You can add the one who answers.
- Chips are counted at the end of the game.
Educator: Please split into two teams and come up with a name for them. The name should be related to the name of our quiz
"Our Feathered Friends" Don't forget to choose team captains.
Children are divided into teams and sit opposite each other. Then they introduce their teams and captains.
Educator: Look, guys, birds living in the Samara region flew to our tree. Each bird brought a competition task with it. One player from the team names the bird and removes it from the tree, and I read the task. A chip is awarded to the team for winning the competition. The team with the most chips wins. Begin.
Nuthatch bird. Competitive task "Guessers". Each team is invited to guess 3 riddles about birds. The winner is the team that solves all the riddles.
-All migratory birds are blacker,
Cleans the field from worms. (Rook)
-Stands on one leg
The whole swamp screams. (Heron)
-Everything is spinning, fussing,
She doesn't sit still
This is lively ... (Titmouse).
- All day for a bitch,
The whole forest screams cuckoo. (Cuckoo)
-Willing worker,
Forest nosy carpenter. (Woodpecker)
- Sonorous trills arrived in the spring. (Nightingale)

Seagull bird. Competition task "Name proverbs, sayings about birds." Teams take turns calling proverbs, sayings. The team that names the most wins.

- Rook, on the mountain - spring is in the yard.
A forest without birds and birds cannot live without a forest.
-Birds are the decoration of the forest.
-We will protect the birds from destructive encounters.
-Let's be friends with birds and cherish this friendship!

Owl bird. Competition task "Guess the bird by its voice." Each team is invited to guess three birds by listening to an audio recording of their voices. The team that correctly names all the birds wins.
Cuckoo bird. Poetic intermission. Children from each team read 2-3 poems about birds.
Arrived nightingale
Every hour more fun
Trills flow endlessly ...
A little bit embarrassing
What a winged singer
Not visible in the bushes.
V. Musatov.
I love birds.
Guys, I love birds.
I never catch them.
No traps, no nets
I don't keep them in a cage.
Never touch the nest
Neither magpie nor crow
No starling, no sparrow
I have not offended in my life.
A. Ladonshchikov
You are with a fashionista with this one,
Of course familiar:
On site
Doesn't sit at all
Everything boasts
With your blue frock coat
And a blue hat
The tit is proud.
E. Ilyina.
He does not suffer from colds,
Not afraid of evil blizzards
And the winter does not fly away
To the far, sultry south.
Let piles of snow cover
And hillock
And the wasteland
Glad beauties red-breasted
A resident of the north is a bullfinch.
E. Ilyina.
starling bird. Competition of captains "Make a birdhouse". On a magnetic board made of ready-made paper parts, the captains lay out birdhouses. The winner is the one who quickly and accurately completes the task.
Bullfinch bird. Competitive task "Do not make a mistake." Each team is invited to the screen using a projector images of 5 birds. We must choose from them, the birds of the Samara region. The team that correctly names the birds of the Samara region wins.
Approximate list of birds:
- magpie, peacock, stork, bullfinch, pelican;
-ostrich, nightingale, crossbill, swift, penguin.
Fizminutka. The game "One, two, three, show the bird." To the music of M. Glinka "The Lark", the children "fly" in all directions. The music stops, the children freeze, depicting the birds of our region. The facilitator asks what kind of bird the children are depicting. The game is repeated three times.
Raven bird. Competition task "Name the signs associated with birds." The teams take it in turns to name the signs. The team that names the most wins.
-Crows sit on the snow - to the thaw.
-Crows sit on the tops of trees - to frost.
- Swallows fly low in the rain.
-Crows and jackdaws sit on low branches - towards the wind.
-I saw a rook - meet spring.
Swallow bird. Competition task "How a person takes care of birds." The players of each team list the actions of people that indicate their concern for the birds. The team with the most actions wins. (They protect nests, prepare food for the winter, feed birds in winter, make and hang out feeders, birdhouses).
Jackdaw bird. Competitive task "Explainers". Two players from each team go behind the screen, put on bird caps (owl, sparrow, tit, swallow) and make descriptive riddles about these birds to the players of the other team. After the team has given an answer, the child comes out from behind the screen. The team that solves the riddle wins.
Cuckoo bird. Competitive task "Answer quickly." Each team is asked to quickly answer 5 questions. The team that gives the correct answers wins.
Questions for the first team:
What is the bird driving? (Tail);
What bird brings spring? (Rook);
What is the name of the baby bird? (Chick);
What is the name of the starling's house? (birdhouse);
What are the names of the birds that stay over the winter in our area? (Wintering).
Questions for the second team:
What are the birds that fly to warmer climes in autumn called? (Migration);
What bird is called a forest doctor? (Woodpecker);
What is the name of the swallow's house? (Nest);
What bird lays its eggs in other people's nests? (Cuckoo);
What is the bird's body covered with? (with feathers).
caregiver: Look, guys, all the birds flew away from our tree. Our quiz has come to an end. You did an excellent job with all the tasks, well done! You know a lot about the birds of our region. Let's count how many chips each team got. Children count the chips, at this moment a magpie (prepared child) flies in.
Magpie: I flew by here
I saw you guys.
I'm very happy for you
You know a lot about us.
I want to give you advice
Take care of nature from an early age!
Where we nest, do not make noise,
Protect our nests!
Protect birds and animals
And always help them!
Guys, please remember the rules.
Do not come close to bird nests, do not touch them, do not ruin them. Don't catch or take home the chicks, they are taken care of by birds in nature.
Educator: Thank you, magpie - white-sided for helpful tips. Who is our winner? The captain of each team announces the number of chips. The winner of the quiz is called.
Magpie: I congratulate the winning team and present them with gold medals. And the other team - silver, they also shine.
caregiver: Let's be friends with birds and cherish this friendship!

Literary game - quiz "In the world of feathered friends"

Game - quiz about birds with answers for grades 5-6

Author:Pukhanova Natalia Vladimirovna, teacher additional education, Regional Public Institution "Zheleznogorsk Center for Social Assistance", Zheleznogorsk, Kursk Region.
Material Description:
Extraordinarily wonderful world nature is the feathered world. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing, various plumage. Without bird chirping, the world would be boring.
The literary game - a quiz "In the world of feathered friends" can be used by a teacher in the world around, a class teacher, a teacher-organizer, a teacher of additional education, for students in grades 5-6.

develop children's interest and love for nature; expand knowledge about features appearance, habits of birds.

- to generalize and consolidate the knowledge of children about birds;
- develop interest, observation, broaden the horizons of children, cause
interest in the natural world;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards feathered friends;
- activate attention and memory.

Quiz progress

Good afternoon dear friends!
Today we are holding a literary game - a quiz. Listen carefully to the riddle and guessing it, you will find out what our quiz will be about.
Dreaming of a spider at night
Miracle - Yudo on a bitch:
Long beak and 2 wings
Arrives - bad things!
And who is the spider afraid of?
Guessed? It… (bird)

Today we will talk about birds. People have always admired birds. Birds are a source of inspiration for many writers and poets, artists and musicians. Do you know that monuments are erected not only to poets and heroes, but also to the most common birds for us?
Who will say which bird was erected a monument? (children's answers)
There is a statue of a goose in Rome. They say: "The geese saved Rome." They woke up the defenders of the fortress when the fortress was attacked by enemies. The geese began to cackle loudly and the defenders woke up. These ordinary birds, like geese, are also capable of performing heroic deeds.

Our game - a quiz is called "In the world of feathered friends." An unusually amazing world of nature is the world of birds. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing, various plumage. Without birdsong and chirping, the world would be boring.
So, we begin our game - a quiz.

1. Competition "Warm-up"
The Russian people have always noticed signs of certain phenomena, objects of animate and inanimate nature, and accurately reflected them in riddles. The Russian people have many riddles about birds. What birds are mentioned in these riddles?
1. With the letter "c" I live in a pond,
All anglers know me.
With the letter "f" for beauty
I'm hot - they call me a bird.
(carp - pheasant)

2. A simple letter I, so what?
If you repeat me forty times.
So immediately I will become a bird,
All of you know, friends.
(forty - A)

3. Grey-backed, red-breasted,
Lives in winter groves
Arrives with the first snow.

4. You will see me only in the museum,
The peasants always plowed the land with me.
But change one letter as soon as possible -
I am very useful bird then.
(plow - owl)

5. My motto is to treat people
And hurry to help them.
I suddenly become a black bird.
(doctor - rook)

6. Tell me
What an eccentric and in the afternoon
And wears a tailcoat at night?

7. She is black. She is noisy, It is worth - noisy,
Flies - roars: "Gall - gal - gal"
Who guessed?

8. Who is born twice, dies once?

In the 1950s, the Chinese began to destroy sparrows due to the fact that they pecked a lot of grains of rice. What did it lead to? (Answers guys)
(To the mass reproduction of pests that sparrows used to destroy. As a result, harmful insects caused damage many times more than sparrows).
2. Competition "Riddles"
(illustration display)
- The brothers got up on stilts,
Looking for food along the way.
On the run, on stilts
They can’t get off their stilts….. (crane)

Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples fluttered
After all, this is….. (bullfinches)

He is dressed for work
Convenient, simple, clever.
He wears a crimson beret
And a motley overall ... .. (woodpecker)

Sleeps during the day, flies at night
Passers-by are scared ... .. (owl)

Spinning, chirping,
Busy all day….. (magpie)

By above the field. Above the swamp
I start singing early
And I love helicopter
Hanging in the blue air.... (lark)

He is faithful to the sea, like a sailor,
Harbinger of the Storm….. (albatross)

On the pole is a palace,
There is a singer in the palace.
And his name is….. (starling)

Who is without notes and without flute
Best of all displays trills,
louder, softer
Who is this…. (nightingale)

What an eccentric day and night
Wearing a tailcoat? (penguin)

3. Game "Add a bird"

Salo, grains, crusty bread - treats birds in winter ... (feeder)
The bird will never forget the first .... (nests)
Mound her grains soon - ka, she asks to eat ... (canary)
Do not pity sonorous songs for us in the spring ... (nightingale)
Terrible sea storms are a harbinger, above the waves ... (petrel)
A big bird is a big coward: he hides his head in the sand ... (ostrich)

4. Competition "Recognize the bird by voice"
The phonogram of the voices of birds sounds.
Children guess what kind of bird it is.
- cuckoo
- woodpecker
- titmouse
- starling
- nightingale
- albatross
- owl
- bullfinch

5. The game "Poets"

Task: choose a rhyme so that the name of the bird sounds.
Tops - ... (cuckoos)
A drop - … (heron)
Paris - ... (siskin, swift)
Bird - … (tit)
Doctor - … (rook)
Crown - … (crow)
Goal - ... (goldfinch)
Stick - … (daw)

6. Quiz "All about birds"
1. What bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird)
2. Which bird has the longest tongue? (A woodpecker has 15 cm.)
3. Which birds have wings covered with scales? (At the penguin)
4. A bird that exterminates rodents? (Owl)
5. A bird with completely black plumage? (Crow)
6. What bird can't fly? (Ostrich)
7. How many species of birds are there on earth? (8500)
8. Is the bird an angler? (Cormorant, gull, loon, pelican, heron, kingfisher, murre, sea eagle)
9. Which birds do not incubate eggs? (Cuckoo)
10. What bird screams it's time to sleep? (Quail)
11. Crawling birds? (Nuthatch)
12. Name five songbirds? (Nightingale, chaffinch, lark, titmouse, thrush)
13. Name the bird that is used to hunt foxes, hares, wolves? (Golden eagle)
14. What birds are the most in the world? (Kur)
15. Birds-singers of the dawn? (Roosters)
16. Which bird has the ability to sleep in flight? (Stork)
17. What is the largest detachment of birds? (Sparrows - 63%)
18. Which bird lays the largest eggs? (Ostrich length 15-17 cm.)
19. What is the largest bird in our country? (Pelican)
20. What is the temperature of most birds? (About 41 grams)
21. What is the favorite treat of storks? (frogs)
22. Which bird sings with its tail? (Snipe)
23. Which birds have males red and females green? (At the crossbills)
24. What bird will appreciate the voices of many birds? (Starling)
25. The arrival of which birds means the arrival of spring? (Rooks)
26. What bird will rise in price of human speech? (Parrot)
The winner among the participants of the quiz is determined.

(illustration display)

7. Proverbs and sayings about birds

Well done boys! There are many proverbs and sayings about birds. Let's remember them. I will name the first part of the proverb, and you will finish.

On the other side - (happy with my funnel)
- Better a tit in hand - (than a pie in the sky)
- Each bird has its own - (song)
- Chickens in autumn - (consider)
- The word is not a sparrow - (you won't catch it when you fly out)
- An old sparrow on the chaff - (you won't pass)
- Every sandpiper has its own swamp - (praises)

8. Competition of captains
Captains are invited to pronounce a tongue twister (a card is given with the inscription tongue twisters “Three waxwings barely whistled on the spruce”).

9. Cognitive game "The most, most, most!"

(illustration display)
- What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich. Its weight is 150 kg.)

The smallest bird in the world? (Hummingbird. Size - bumblebee, weight 1.5 grams)

The largest bird in our country? (Bustard)

The smallest bird in our country? (Korolek. Length from beak to tail 9 cm.)

Who has the highest speed? (Strizhi-189 km/h)

Most big scope wings. Who? (Albatross 320 cm.)

The hardiest bird? (A tern. It can fly 20,000 km without rest.)

The longest living bird? (Raven 118 years old)

... Everything is shorter than a winter day -
You won't have time to eat
The sun will set behind the fence.
Not a mosquito
Not a fly.
Everywhere only snow and snow.
What do we feed
Made by a kind person. (Yu. Sinitsyn)

10. The game "the birds are confused"

These hausno-arranged letters hide the names of birds. Guess them.
-Ybeorvo (sparrow)
-Oleysov (nightingale)
-Ukshuakk (cuckoo)
-Onkjwoaro (lark)
- Akgla (daw)
- Ainsci (tit)
- Argaag (loon)
- Evterte (grouse)
- Watocrpak (partridge)
- Tslbaro (albotros)
- Akchia (gull)
- Early (crow)
- Yngvipn (pigvin)
- Yaldeth (woodpecker)

11. Game "Bird Concert"

To the motive of the song “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”, a group of children is given the name of a bird and each “bird” (child) sings this song with its chirp.
- sparrows (chirp-chirp)
- Tits (tin-tin)
- Crow (kar-kar)
- Woodpecker (trrr-trrr)
- bullfinch (du-du)
- Klest (tsok-tsok)
- Svirel (tur-tur-tur)

(illustration display)

We had a great concert guys!

Guys, what do you think, if people understood the language of birds and animals, would they be able to offend them? (children's answers).
Many birds are listed in the Red Book, which means there are few of them left and they are on the verge of extinction.

12. Literary competition "Birds - characters"

Our next literary competition is "Birds - Characters". How many works of art have been written about birds.
Your task is to name the books of those authors where the literary heroes are birds.

Galchonok- E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor cat and dog"
Owl- Milne A. "Winnie the Pooh and All - All - All"
Sparrow- K. Chudovsky "Cockroach"
parrot st - G. Oster "Exercise for the tail"
Crow- G. x. Andersen "The Snow Queen"
Nightingale- G. H. Andersen "The Nightingale"
Duckling- G. H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"
Cockerel- A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"
Nightingale- I. A. Krylova "Donkey and Nightingale".

13. Competition "Come on, read!"

It is necessary to read the name of the birds.
To read them, cross out the same letters in each row. Who quickly.

F, M, K, Y, E, I, S, M, K, R, E, A, I, B, C, L, L (crane)
P, B, D, A, K, M, K, C, L, O, M, D, I, O, B, N (peacock)
K, L, T, U, C, B, R, S, C, I, B, C, S, T, A, L (chicken)
R, Z, T, I, S, T, Yu, B, D, L, Yu, S, I, D, R, K (finch)
D, C, B, D, M, U, C, Z, T, E, M, C, B, C, L, G, U (woodpecker)
(illustration display)

14. Quiz “What do you know about wintering birds?”

Each correct answer is worth one token.
1. What kind of birds collect supplies for the winter? (Very few: owls collect killed mice in their hollows, jay (ronzha) - acorns, nuts).
2. Which of our birds can move along a vertical trunk and up and down its head? (Nuthatch).
3. What birds move along a vertical trunk only upside down? (Woodpecker, pika).
4. What is worse for birds than hunger or cold in winter? (hunger).
5. What birds migrate for the winter to human habitation? (Great tit, magpie, crow, jackdaw).
6. For which bird is burdock seeds a favorite food in winter? (For the goldfinch).
7. What benefit does a tit bring to a person in winter, when all insects are sleeping? (In winter, tits are looking for insects, eggs, larvae in cracks and holes and eat them).
8. What bird dramatically changes the color of its plumage? (Partridge: it is gray in summer and white in winter).
9. What birds breed chicks in severe frost? (crossbills, kingfishers).
10. How many different tits live in our area? (Six: large, chickadee, moskovka, corydalis, blue tit, long-tailed).
11. How can you explain that swallows, swifts, flycatchers fly south for the winter, while tits, woodpeckers and nuthatches remain? (Flycatchers, swifts and swallows catch insects in the air, and in autumn the insects climb into shelters, that is, they become inaccessible to these birds).
Tits, woodpeckers and nuthatches adapt to getting insects, their larvae, pupae and eggs from winter shelters).
12. Which order of birds includes the largest number of species? (Sparrows).

Quiz "Our friends are birds"
The quiz is dedicated to birds. And this is no coincidence. With the advent of spring, everything in nature comes to life and awakens. Birds are the harbingers of spring. With their arrival comes the heat. And we enjoy their singing and wait for the summer.
Warm up.
■ Bird house. (Nest.)
■ Mass settlement of birds. (Market.)
■ Whistle for beckoning birds and animals. (Decoy.)
■ Bird hands. (Wings.)
■ Duck legs. (Paws.)
■ Forest doctor. (Woodpecker.)
■ Feathered heralds of spring. (Rooks.)
■ A bird soaring over the ocean. (Albatross.)
■ Large-eared nocturnal bird of the order of owls. (Owl.)
■ Northern waterfowl. (Loon.)
■ Forest chicken (Teterev.)
■ For her love of shiny objects, she is called a thief. (Magpie.)
■ Which birds have special nurseries? (At the penguins.)
■ What is the name of the meeting of two roosters? (Cockfighting.)
Question 1 Smart bird
You know this bird well. Large, with a strong beak, strong paws. This is one of the most smart birds. She knows how to distinguish people from a distance. For example, a man, from whom she saw a lot of evil, flies around, and a woman can come close. She distinguishes a man with a gun from a man with a stick, and is more trusting of the latter. Gradually, she ceased to be afraid of people in cities, where, naturally, no one shoots at her. It is interesting that, having obtained a stale crust of bread, she flies with it to the nearest puddle and soaks it.
Whether a person forgets a fish in a boat, or leaves a bowl of porridge for a dog or a bucket of feed for cattle on the porch, this bird will have time in a few minutes not only to discover what has been forgotten, but also to profit at someone else's expense. What is the name of this smart bird?
Answer: Crow
Question 2 Where are you, there she is
There is no other bird that would follow people so relentlessly: where there are people, there it is. People left, people left, moved to new places, and almost immediately these nosy birds also move to a new place of residence.
Answer: Sparrow
Question 3 Who is first?
"Wonder Birds"
■ Who is called the king of birds? (Eagle.)
■ What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich.)
■ What is the smallest bird? (Hummingbird.)
■ Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift.)
■ What bird has a long tail? (Peacock, magpie.)
■ Which bird in our forests is the best imitator of bird voices? (Starling.)
■ What bird is a symbol of beauty, purity and tenderness? (Swan.)
■ What bird is considered the mistress of the night forest? (Owl.)
■ What bird lives in a basket nest? (Oriole.)
■ Which birds hatch twice a summer? (Tits, pigeons.)
■ Where does the warbler build its nest? (In the grass, her nest looks like a hut.)
■ Which bird's beak is a real bag? (Pelican.)
■ In which birds does the male incubate the eggs? (At ostriches.)
Question 4 Two eyes
These birds cannot be confused with others - they are painfully unusual. Loose plumage makes them large, plump. They have large heads and the neck is not visible at all. And their heads are unusual - flat in front, as if they, like a person, have a face. And on this “face” there are large round eyes directly looking at you. Another time you will meet this bird and remember only its head and eyes, as if it had no wings, no tail, no paws.
The wings of all these birds are rounded and wide, the tail is short, which ensures maneuverable silent flight.
Answer: Owls
Question 5 Diver
This bird is a child of fast water. Unlike other passerine birds, she feels herself on the river in her native element. She can swim, dive, run busily... along the bottom! Here, at the bottom, she is looking for food - aquatic insects. Her behavior does not change even in winter: she will find a wormwood, an unfrozen rapid - and jump into the water right from the edge of the ice, stay there for some time and, as if nothing had happened, jump out like a cork, holding a caddisfly in her beak. And in between dives, he will perform an amazingly clean silver trill.
Answer: Olya
Question 6 Justification
Why did scientists justify the cuckoo, despite the fact that foundling cuckoos throw other chicks out of the nest?
Answer: The cuckoo is the only bird that eats furry (poisonous and the most voracious, destroying the forest by hectares) caterpillars. No other bird touches these caterpillars.
Question 7
Why migratory birds so in a hurry in the spring, but in the fall they are not in a hurry?
Answer: Birds do not fly away in autumn as long as there is food.
Question 8 The smallest
The smallest of all our birds. The body is slightly larger than a thimble, but a warm winter coat saves the brave man from the most severe frosts. On the head is a golden cap, bordered by a black ribbon-stripe. And besides, he knows how to raise his golden cap like a small crown. For which they call him the little forest king.
Answer: Kinglet
Question 9 Simulator
This bird is the most numerous representative of corvids in our forests. When the bird flies away from you, its white rump is striking, contrasting sharply with the black flight and tail feathers.
Possesses fantastic imitative abilities. It is subject not only to all the sounds of wildlife, but also to an infinite variety of mechanical ones. She can “knock”, as if hitting a tree with her beak, “creak”, like an unlubricated cartwheel. The bird is equally herbivorous, insectivorous and carnivorous. In our forests, it is also the main settler of oak. The fact is that in autumn these birds show a desire to store food. Having stuffed the esophagus with acorns, they hide them somewhere in the forest floor and return for a new portion, which is stored elsewhere. Whether they use their reserves later is unknown. Some of them are taken away by squirrels and mice, but some germinate. It is thanks to these birds that oaks grow among birch and spruce forests. What is the name of this bird?
Answer: Jay
Question 10 Solemn bird
You will immediately distinguish these birds from all our other wintering birds. Firstly, they are relatively large - more than a titmouse, a nuthatch, a bullfinch. Secondly, they are very beautiful. It will help to recognize her flirty handkerchief on her head, with which the bird looks very solemn. These birds are very fond of eating wild apples, juniper berries, mountain ash.
Answer: Whistler
Question 11 Strange song
Nowhere else in our area will you hear another such strange song. And you can’t call it a song - a real bird song should be melodic, beautiful, pleasant to the ear. But their song cannot be called melodic: for the most part it is creaking and whistling sounds. These birds are magnificent imitators: they will hear the creak of the door and they can insert this far from musical sound into their song. Some successfully imitate the croaking of frogs, the barking of dogs, the clucking of chickens. They can also learn some of our words.
These birds, along with pheasants and guinea fowls, can be considered deliverers from the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle. They eat this pest in large numbers.
Answer: Starling
Question 12 With ice drift
Everyone knows this bird. It arrives in the spring, when the first thawed patches appear, and can be found in cities, towns, on roads, along river banks. Its coloration is conspicuous, the main background is light gray, with white and black markings, it is difficult to confuse it with another bird. Especially when she minces in front of you along the road without hiding, and constantly swings her tail like a balance beam.
Its arrival usually coincides with the beginning of the ice drift, with the beginning of spring on the water. It is not for nothing that they say that "this bird flew in to break the ice."
Answer: Wagtail
Question 13 The king is a bird
This bird is the pride of our forests. Its dimensions are impressive - no less than a turkey. It is especially beautiful close up: a powerful, almost eagle beak; bright red eyebrows above brown eyes; the ash-gray neck seems to be decorated with the finest jet pattern; the chest and goiter are cast in dense greenery, the back is brown; on an almost black belly, white streaks are scattered in disorder; black fan-shaped tail. In a word - the king-bird.
black grouse
Answer: Capercaillie