Sample order for bonuses for the holiday date. What does a sample order for an award look like. Sample order for employee bonuses

  • 07.05.2020

As a good motivation for an employee in order to achieve increased efficiency labor and discipline the employer can use the promotion. In this material, we set out how to correctly draw up an order to encourage an employee. A completed sample must also be provided.

What are employee incentives?

To improve labor discipline and performance indicators in various organizations, complex incentives for work and punishment for hack work are often practiced. If you rely on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in particular - Article 191, on the part of the employer, the encouragement of employees can be expressed in the following:

  • appointment of the award;
  • formal gratitude;
  • donation of a valuable thing;
  • selection of an employee as the best in the team;
  • issuance of a certificate.

Award Rules

Most often, the employer uses a bonus system to reward employees. In order to create such conditions in his organization, the leader should:

  • calculate the amount of remuneration;
  • plan the conditions for issuing bonuses;
  • think over the order of their calculation;
  • select the necessary indicators and criteria.

The amount of the bonus is prescribed in the order to encourage the employee. It can be expressed:

  • as a fixed value;
  • as a percentage of salary.

Another calculation option is using the introduced surcharge factor.

The mentioned incentive order can be issued as a reward for increased labor productivity and for various achievements.

Such a bonus should be organized on the basis of calculated performance indicators. If this information is correctly defined and communicated to staff, employees will see clearly defined goals, and not a blurry concept of hard work that must be strived for in order to receive a bonus.

So, for example, for a call center operator, this may be a certain number of effective calls.

Once again, we recall that it is imperative to prescribe the incentive motive in the order. An example is an increased number of sales or manufactured products in a given period of time.

Encouragement order

The type of remuneration in question is issued in the form of an order to encourage an employee on the T-11 form (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1).

The reasons for issuing this document are:

  • legal business paper;
  • employee performance reports.

Another criterion may be a memo to encourage the employee, a sample of which is prepared in free form. Usually these documents come from the immediate supervisor assigned to this employee.

Order on bonuses to employees - a sample of such a document is necessary for any employer who provides financial incentives labor collective. Our article will introduce you to the nuances of issuing an order and its content.

Watch our video on why such an order is needed and how to draw it up correctly.

Find out on the forum how your colleagues draw up documents for awards. For example, you can read on how and when an order for bonuses to employees is created /

When is an order for bonuses issued to employees

The order on bonuses to employees is usually issued based on the results of work for a certain time period: month, quarter, year. Additionally, other types of premiums can be paid with varying regularity and one-time.

In order for the bonus to have a legal form, the possibility of its payment is provided for in the internal local act - the provision on bonuses or wages.

Read about how the wage regulation is drawn up.

The algorithm for issuing an order for bonuses to employees includes several stages:

  • formation of initial lists for bonuses by divisions;
  • verification of compliance with the conditions of bonuses;
  • adjustment of the list of employees worthy of material remuneration, related to the presence of grounds for deprivation of bonuses for some of them;
  • coordination and clarification of the final amount of the bonus payment personally for each employee from the list with the heads of departments;
  • submission of the final version of the order for approval to the head.

Varieties of "premium" orders

The types of award orders are as follows:

1. By the amount of information:

  • mass - are compiled in case of bonuses for a group of workers or the majority of members of the labor collective;
  • single - issued with the encouragement individual worker for certain achievements or merit.

2. According to the regularity of registration:

  • planned - are published with established internal local acts periodicity (orders for monthly, quarterly or annual bonuses);
  • unscheduled - issued if necessary by decision of the management.

3. Based on the remuneration:

  • production - for the achievement of production indicators, rationalization developments, etc.;
  • organizational - for active participation in the public life of the team, sporting achievements, etc.;
  • holiday - to professional holiday, anniversary and in connection with other similar dates.

All these varieties of "premium" orders, despite the different wording of their grounds and different periodicity of publication, have a common structure.

Good job award template

The bonus order can be issued both on a unified form (T-11, T-11a), and have free form(subject to mandatory details).

The structure of the award order:

  • heading (name of the employer, number and date of the order, its subject);
  • the main section (the wording of the head's order on bonuses to employees);
  • the final part (signature of the head, signatures of employees, indicating familiarization).

If the first and final parts of the order are familiar and do not require additional explanations, then it is necessary to dwell on the content of the main section in more detail. The following important nuances should be clear from the text:

  • who is subject to bonuses (full name, position, personnel number);
  • for what achievements and merits;
  • what is the amount of remuneration;
  • for what period the premium is paid.

In this case, it is better to avoid vague wording. For example, the phrase "for Good work” should be replaced with a more accurate one, for example, “in connection with the fulfillment of the planned task on time”.

A sample award letter might look like this:

Society with limited liability"Atmosphere"


On performance bonuses for the 1st quarter of 2019

In accordance with paragraph 3.4 of the regulation on bonuses to Atmosfera LLC in connection with the achievement of the planned performance indicators of the machine assembly shop following the results of the 1st quarter of 2019, I order:

  1. Pay a cash bonus to the following employees of the machine assembly shop:


Personnel Number

Job title

Amount, rub.

Kulyabin V.N.


32 000,00

Vershinin G. A.


32 000,00

Nazarov P.L.


31 500,00

R. N. Kondratiev


32 500,00

  1. To assign control over the execution of the order to the chief accountant Voronina A.G.

Director of Atmosfera LLC Doroshin / Doroshin R. E. /

Familiarized with the order:

Voronina / Voronina A. G. / 23.04.2019

Kulyabin / Kulyabin V. N. / 23.04.2019

Vershinin / Vershinin G. A. / 04/23/2019

Nazarov / Nazarov P. L. / 23.04.2019

Kondratiev / R. N. Kondratiev / 04/23/2019


The order for the award, a sample of which is considered in our article, can be drawn up both in an arbitrary form and using unified form T-11. The main thing is that it contains all the necessary details: the name of the employer, the number and subject of the order, the date it was drawn up, the main section (containing an indication of the reason for the bonus, the data of the bonus workers and the amount of the bonus due to them), as well as the signatures of the manager and those familiar with the order workers.

Employees who do quality work large volume, as well as those who have repeatedly proved loyalty to the company, can count not only on compiling positive characteristic from the place of work (sample -), but also to receive bonuses. The issuance of bonuses is carried out either at certain time intervals, or in special cases. To implement this procedure, a special order must be issued, filled out on the basis of the requirements Labor Code RF.

Also, for the same purpose, a document such as a memo can be used. This category includes various papers drawn up by both the employee and the employer in different situations. You can find out how to write a memo correctly in the article on.

Grounds for bonuses to employees under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Of course, cash bonuses at work are not given without a reason. The employee must earn the right to receive them. General order and the reasons for initiating the procedure are described in .

Grounds for bonuses to employees, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • quality work performance:
  • work without violations;
  • fulfillment or overfulfillment of the work plan;
  • lack of time off, sick leave;
  • in connection with corporate holidays;
  • employee's birthday
  • for other reasons specified in the charter of the organization.

Bonuses are used as one of the main incentive measures, and are an additional motivation for company employees, both those who received the bonus and those who are waiting for it (of course, for bonuses, the management must have stable access to it, which allows them to transfer funds within minutes).

Types of premiums

When considering the issue of employee bonuses, it is necessary to deal with existing species incentive payments and related orders.

Types of premium payments:

  • By the number of award subjects:
    • Mass- carried out for a certain number of departments of the organization, or for the entire team as a whole;
    • Single- to an individual employee for special merits;
  • Award frequency:
    • Planned- carried out every month, quarter or year, for example, with the regular implementation of the plan;
    • One-time- issued to employees in exceptional cases, in order to stimulate the work process;
  • Award method:
    • In a fixed amount, which does not change from position and wages employee
    • As a percentage of the monthly salary of a particular employee;
  • For the purpose of the award:
    • General- for conscientious performance of official duties;
    • For the result- when performing a specific task;
  • By type of legal act:
    • According to the system of payment for labor activity;
    • At the request of the employer.

The employer has the right to develop additional options and conditions for bonuses at his enterprise, if they do not contradict labor law RF and do not violate the rights of employees.

The latest version of Article No. 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Prize amount

Each company has a system of remuneration, which must comply with the requirements of labor legislation. However, the employer can make its own amendments and features, in particular, by regulating the procedure for issuing and the amount of bonus amounts.

The latter is especially important for employees - what monetary bonuses can they expect for conscientious work? As a rule, the calculation of bonuses is done by the two above options - either as a fixed amount, or as a percentage of the employee's salary.

It is worth considering the point on the taxation of premiums. The award is made either from net profit firm, or from its salary fund (taxes different situations calculated differently).

An employee's maximum bonus may even exceed his monthly salary if he exceeded the plan or solved a serious problem for the company. This amount is not limited by law and remains at the discretion of the employer.

There are no mandatory bonuses in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, however, the lack of motivation for conscientious employees can lead to a decrease in their work efficiency or even dismissal. Therefore, most employers practice bonuses to employees on an ongoing basis.

How to apply?

As a rule, bonuses are included in the salary of an employee. That is, the salary is divided into two components - basic and bonus. The first is paid to all employees, the second - to those who have fulfilled and / or exceeded the plan, developed new technology production, etc.

This approach allows you to motivate both conscientious employees (they will strive to receive a bonus again) and others who have not yet received bonuses (they will strive for bonuses).

The tax inspectorate also takes into account bonus payments in its calculations and audits. First of all - the ratio of expenses for salaries with bonuses to expenses that reduce taxes on the profits of this organization.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, bonuses to employees are the right of employers, but not their obligation. However, if the relevant moment is fixed internal documents organizations, then bonuses become mandatory, and their non-issuance gives employees the right to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate or with statement of claim to the World Court.

First of all, the need for bonuses is fixed in the regulation on remuneration, when considering the issue of hiring new employees for jobs. The second document where this is entered is an employment contract concluded with job seekers in the organization. It can be both a collective and an individual agreement.

Order on bonuses for employees

In the work of any enterprise, there were situations when it was necessary to write an award letter- a form, a sample of filling should be for everyone personnel worker. It has a certain structure. In addition, the content of the documents must reflect certain provisions, have certain information

According to the standard, the bonus order form has the following provisions:
the size of the bonus;
the procedure for issuing the award;
facts on the basis of which the premium is reduced.

The first section fixes the goals that the employer is guided by when writing out bonuses to employees in the award order. This can be an increase in the productivity or quality of work performed, services, goods, a reduction in production costs, the modernization of facilities and various equipment that is used in the enterprise.

Bonus indicators are understood as rates, sizes, the technique of their calculation, as well as the framework in which the calculation of performed and overfulfilled work in the organization is made. Also, the bonus order in this section should contain information about the departments and professions to which the bonus is awarded. It also indicates by what methods and on the basis of what principles and amounts remuneration is accrued.

Let's say large enterprises give here all the indicators for all departments that operate in the organization. Small ones indicate no more than three. However, if award order this section will contain indications of several indicators, this will not be a violation. All indicators are formed on the basis of a special application that regulates the procedure for bonuses to employees at the enterprise.

The amount of bonus payments is fixed in the section on the procedure for bonuses for the performance of a certain amount of work, as well as for its overfulfillment. In the same section award order contains information on the procedure for issuing remuneration, and also establishes the department and person responsible for issuing it.

All violations, on the basis of which the amount of the premium may be reduced, are indicated in the relevant section - the list of violations, as a result of which the amount of the premium is reduced.

The legislation also provides for an additional section of the order on bonuses, which fixes the procedure for calculating remuneration for separate view work included in the main duties of the employee. This remuneration may be accrued when the work was performed on the basis of a separate order of the head or at the personal request of the employees, based on the current situation at the enterprise. This category includes various awards for significant dates or based on the results of the company's work. This section of the bonus order also reflects the principles and conditions for calculating this type of bonus.

Sample letter of award

In the header, the order for bonuses must have the completed columns "Agreed" or "I approve". They indicate the name of the enterprise and its head, as well as the date of compilation and registration number.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation on bonus payments to employees of JSC Galatea (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) is drawn up on the basis of the Labor Code and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, other regulatory acts, and regulates the conditions and procedure for bonus payment to employees of JSC Galatea (hereinafter referred to as the Enterprise).
1.2. This Regulation applies to full-time employees, including those who work part-time.
1.3. Under the bonus, the Regulations understand the financial remuneration of employees in the amount of their wages, fixed in staffing, namely the salary and allowances fixed in the company.
1.4. Bonuses are accrued in order to materially interest the employees of JSC "Galateya" in increasing labor productivity.
1.5. The issuance of an award by an enterprise is its right. Its size depends on the quality and volume of work performed and a number of other factors.

2. Sources and types of bonuses:

2.1. This Regulation provides for one-time and current bonuses.
2.2. The current ones are accrued in accordance with the results of the work done on a monthly basis for special achievements:
2.2.1. Increasing sales volumes by employees of the commercial department.
2.2.2. Timely submission of reports by employees of the financial department.
2.2.3. The safety of commodity and material bases in the organization, the absence of equipment downtime for production workers.
2.3. One-time charges:
2.3.1. In case of overfulfillment of the main work plan.
2.3.2. In case of high annual rates.
2.3.3. In the case of quality and timely delivery of work.
2.3.4. In case of cost reduction.
2.3.5. In the case of anniversaries: with continuous work in the organization up to 5 years - 10% of wages, 10 years - 25%, 15 years - 50%, more than 15 years - 75%.
2.3.6. In case of retirement - in the amount of the salary.

3. Amounts of rewards

3.1. Remuneration is paid out of free finances, if the enterprise does not incur losses.
3.2. The amount of the bonus can be up to 100% of the employee's monthly salary, excluding additional charges.
3.3. A one-time bonus is accrued individually or as a percentage of salary, or in a fixed amount.
3.4. The amount of bonuses depends only on the financial situation of the organization.

4. The procedure for accrual and payment of bonuses.

4.1. The amount of remuneration is established annually by the relevant regulation.
4.2. One-time rewards are issued based on the results of each separately completed task and depend on the contribution of the employee.
4.3. Current bonuses depend on hours worked during the last month.
4.4. Newly arrived employees current remuneration accrued at the request of the management of the organization.
4.5. No bonus is awarded for poor quality work.
4.6. Non-accrual is reflected in a separate order indicating the relevant reasons.
4.7. Bonuses are paid together with the basic salary.
4.8. One-time bonuses are accrued on the basis of a memorandum from the head of the department or the management of the organization itself.

5. Conclusion

5.1. Control over the implementation of this Order shall be entrusted to the head of the personnel department of this organization.

Signature and seal.

These are the main provisions in accordance with which an order for bonuses is formed - a form, it is desirable to have a sample of filling in each personnel department.

Labor evaluation criteria are the key parameters on which the performance of employees (individually or collectively) is based. The evaluation criteria are responsible for determining how the functional responsibilities to match necessary requirements businesses and customer bases.

The criteria are divided into groups:

  • Organization-wide criteria - applicable to all personnel working in the company, performing their duties in a timely and complete manner. These criteria are specialized and must correspond to your workplace, type of activity.
  • Quantitative criteria - are evaluated on the basis of the results already achieved in the work (determination of the quantity of products released individually by each employee in excess of the norm), while assessing the quality of the product and labor productivity.
  • Objective criteria are when standards, required labor productivity, standards are set by the manager for almost all types of work. In fact, all work performed is evaluated.
  • Subjective criteria - are evaluated based on the opinion of experts.
  • Integral criteria - based on a combination of the evaluation process and several indicators at the same time. It could be rules internal regulations company, the quality of the work performed, the services provided, the time spent on their implementation or provision.
  • simple criteria. An assessment is made of certain aspects of the employee's work, and the HR inspector selects a specific indicator by which he reveals all the necessary data.

Any independent enterprise, on the basis of the order of the management, has the right to adjust, develop additional criteria independently. They must correspond to the type of organization and reflect the quality of the employees' activities and must not go beyond the current Legislation.

General award procedure

  1. At the end of the period worked, based on financial position company, the head of the division, determines the criteria for the payment of bonuses.
  2. A memo or other document is issued, which justifies the need to pay a bonus. A list of employees with the amount to be paid is indicated.
  3. This amount must be agreed with the finance department.
  4. The data is transferred to the manager for the final decision on payments.
  5. Created under the signature of the management.
  6. The accounting department makes the payment.

Regulatory documents for payment

The most conflicting in relations between employees and the employer are issues related to wages.

According to labor legislation, the amount and procedure for paying wages (salary) is fixed (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The payment of bonuses in the legislation does not indicate certain norms, and there is no procedure for the implementation of bonuses to the personnel of organizations.

In this regard, there is a need to regulate the conditions and indicators of bonuses at the level of the organization itself.

To do this, an enterprise of any form of ownership must have an internal collective agreement, which is developed by management, based on legal regulations(Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The collective agreement must contain all the criteria by which the bonuses to personnel are carried out.

Article 191. Incentives for work

The employer encourages employees who conscientiously perform labor obligations(announces gratitude, gives out an award, rewards with a valuable gift, diploma, represents the title of the best in the profession).

Other types of incentives for employees for work are determined by a collective agreement or internal labor regulations, as well as charters and regulations on discipline. For special labor services to society and the state, employees can be nominated for state awards.

It is also necessary to prescribe a list of situations in which premiums are not paid.

If this document does not provide for all bonus procedures, then it is necessary to develop and approve based on the company's activities (read how to draw up an order to approve the bonus provision).

At the conclusion employment contract should not refer to the guaranteed employee benefit. If a bonus is indicated in a certain amount, then it will be possible to make changes in the payment only on the basis of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, or with the agreement of both parties (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Article 72

Changing the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, including transfer to another job, is allowed only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, with the exception of cases provided for by this Code. An agreement to change the terms of an employment contract determined by the parties is concluded in writing.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to indicate that all bonus payments are made on the basis of a collective agreement, or the "Bonus Regulations".

When the employee fulfills all the bonus conditions, the employer does not have the right to refuse to pay the bonus, even upon dismissal, since this action is wage discrimination (part 2 of article 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Article 132. Payment according to work

The salary of each employee depends on his qualifications, the complexity of the work performed, the quantity and quality of the labor expended, and is not limited to the maximum amount, except for the cases provided for by this Code.

Any kind of discrimination is prohibited when establishing and changing the conditions of remuneration.

Regardless of the criterion by which the payment of the bonus is due, it must have a legal basis and be accompanied by the necessary document.

The main reason for this is the head, where all the necessary information should be indicated.

Key information in the document includes:

  • the name of the institution, without abbreviations, as prescribed in the Charter.
  • Information about the employer and employee, indicating the full name, address of actual residence, position, name of the unit in which labor activity is carried out.
  • A regulatory document that specifies the basis for receiving a bonus (the bonus procedure in force at the enterprise, or the collective agreement, etc.).
  • The exact amount of the bonus and the basis for its payment (success in work, overfulfillment of the norm, high quality of work, etc.).
  • Other Additional Information, which is of no small importance in a certain situation.

You can find out how a sample order for an award for a professional holiday looks like, and in we talked about the procedure for accruing an incentive for an anniversary.

The order is endorsed by the head of the enterprise. After that, it is necessary to familiarize the employee who personally signs in the register, presented to him by an employee of the personnel department.

The picture shows the completed document:

How to correctly write a justification in an order?

The most important thing is to use understandable, specific and non-vague wording (read about what are the grounds for remunerating an employee and how to formulate them correctly, and from here you will learn how to make a competent wording of bonuses for full-time trade union workers).


  1. For years of service in the company, that is, for many years of conscientious and continuous work.
  2. For the performance of an additional workload, for the performance, in addition to the main, secondary duties.
  3. For the introduction and holding of various events and activities that have a beneficial effect on the working environment.
  4. For high performance. For example, a worker, instead of 20 units of goods, sold as many as 35.

Show premium in accounting

All types of bonus payments in accounting are reflected in different ways.

The choice remains with the management of the enterprise, or another authorized person.

Each method has its own differences.

All bonus payments relate to the income of working personnel and are fully subject to taxation, and require strict accounting (we talked about the features of taxation of funds allocated for bonuses to employees).

Production payments

Let us assume that the worker exceeded the plan, and therefore he was awarded a certain percentage of his salary. Since this type of incentive is of a production type, the payment is included in the salary.

Accrual of other remuneration

The boss considered it necessary to reward one of the employees with a one-time bonus. These finances are taken into account by other expenses, since they are non-productive and are not included in wages, and are paid, respectively, from the main cash desk (we talked about how to arrange and record the payment of one-time bonuses in).

How is it reflected in the accounting:


In conclusion, I would like to note that the bonus is a great incentive for any employee. With its help, you can achieve the highest possible level of work of the enterprise. Thanks to the encouragement for good work, the quality of work and productivity increase.

Trade turnover is increasing at trade enterprises. Each employee seeks to improve their performance in order to receive additional remuneration. But the most important thing is the responsible approach of the head to this payment.

It is necessary to correctly and competently draw up the necessary documents, including financial statements.